The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of Box Butte County. Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. VOLUME XI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1904, NUMBER 34 V k Bogue's Saturcl'y Sale tfoes on just thu same although he is in Xew York. He isn't nec essary to the business .Saturday afternoon we will have a Sunflower Luncheon Every purchaser of goods amounting' to 25c or over, will be treated It's up to you early to come oeoaoeoooeeaoaeaooeouoaao e ri. it.ii.tvaiici-e, In Alliance 16-30 of every month. Office over The Famous , . . 'Phone 391. aoooaooaoeaoeooeeceeooeav Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The Herald's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Old papers for sale at this office. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs Norton block. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. For Sale Carriage cash or on time. J. C. and phaeton, for WILSON it lino. "Irish Mail"! Do ou know what it is5 Your boy does aud he wants one. Geo. Darling. 32-tf For Sale Folding beds, good values; nothing wrong; we need the room and money. Geo. Darling. 32-tf. Harold 13. Miller, M. I)., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Strayed. July 27, from my place in east Alliance, one red cow with white spots on face, branded F U on left side aud right hip knocked down. S5 reward for return of same. Jacoh Sciikeinkr. for Stile. Forty head of young pigs. E. A. Feather. Itanch For Lease. Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land, four miles east of Bridgeport. For par ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or John Hagerty, Bridgeport. Strayed. Strayed from Alliance one cow branded IX on right hip, Keystone brand on side, white face. Please leave information with M. A. Standen, Alliance. 29-tf Contest Notices. All persons contesting lands have the right to publish notices in any newspaper they desire provided such paper is pub lished in the county in which the land is located. . Taken Up. Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn, about two years, Hereford stock, branded VT (connected) on left Mde. Owner can have steer by paying all expenses. Sec. 3I-2S-5I. LOUIS Ho.MRIOHOUSKN. Second Call. As 1 desire tc buy another roll of Sum mer California Oak Harness leather which proves most satisfactory, those in debted to me are requested to call and settle. Geo A. Uills. Notice. Persons desiring to enter homesteads or make final proof in other land districts can do so without going to land office. Address or call on T. .1. O'Keefe, U. S. Commis sioner for the district of Nebraska, Alliance. Notice. Owing to the fact that the services of a United States Land Commissioner have been greatly in demand since the passage pf the new homestead bill, I have decided to again attend to all kinds of business before the United States land office Having had several years' experience in the work, all matters will receive proper and prompt attention. Homestead filings, final proofs, contests, etc., can be made before me at any place in the land dis tricts in which the lands desired are located. I will also visit points between Broken Bow and Crawford upon request. Any violation of the land laws or irregu larities of governmental acts will receive the proper attention when reported to me. T. J. O'Keefe. United States Commissioner for the District of Nebraska. LOCAL HAPPENINGS General nnd Personal News of Alli ance tincl Vicinity. Miss Barbara Mclntyfe is home from a visit at Omaha and Chicago. . II. Mulcahy of Pine Ridge transuded business in Alliancu Tuesday. The Social Hour club will meet net Friday with Mrs. L. II. Highland. Captain Corbin is in Denver, whur lie is inspecting a new automobile he recently purchased B. F. Gilman returned today from hi euended trip to old Mexico and the World's fair. A marriage license was issued this week to Emmet J. Vance and Rertrice A, Hall both of this county. Jamas Devlin left last Sunday night for Table Rock, Neb., where he will visit his brother, an engineer on the (,. Robert Graham returned today from Lincoln, where he went as a delegate to the democratic state convention. The ladies of the United Presbyterian church will serve ice cream, cake and a cold lunch Monday August 22. Mrs. W. H. Dartz entortained the Nor mal teachers one evening last week when a most pleasant time was spout by all present. Mrs. C. II . C'ounett returned from St. Joseph, Mo., Monday, where her father died recently. She was accompanied by her mother and sister. The many friends of Mrs. J. S. Mokiney will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly improving and expects to be able to return home in a couple of weeks. Passenger train No. 42 was 'way late last Wednesday, arriving here at 3.30 in the afternoon. The trouble for the delay rest ed with the Northern Pacific. Mrs. Konkright of Forsyth, Mont., is visiting her brother A. D. Uodgers. She arrived last Monday and will make an ox tended visit of several weeks. Cheney Newberry, the man who manu factures watering tanks for the country near and far, left Monday nrght for York and Omaha in the interests of the busi ness. County Superintendent T. S. Smith of Dawes county is in the city today in the 1 interest of the county normal in which there will be a number to attend from that section. Mrs. O. 12. Frlewine, who went to Peters burg, this state, some time ago on account of her health, is reported in a serious con dition. Mr. Erlwine left for that place Monday evening. Agnes Lackey left Tuesday for Alliance where she will attend the Junior Normal for a short time, after which she will visit the fair at St. Louis before returning. Scottsblulf Republican. Clayton Reed returned from Iowa last Saturday having recovered "from the injnry sustained by the fall of his horse while rid ing. Clayton has assumed a clerical posi tion at the land office. George Fendrich and John Kinsella of Hemingford drove to the county hub to attend to business matters before the land office. They have both added materially to their land holdings. Jos. Launsbury of Aurora, was in the city Tuesday on his way home from a visit at Bridgeport. Mr. L. is the father of Joe Launsbury, who recently lived here aud later moved to Cheyenne. Dr. Bowman's brother and sister, Will and Miss Fannie, of Hay Springs, arrived here last Suuday for a few (lays' visit. Miss Hazel Bowman accompanied them on their return home Monday. A little son of Chas. Porter came near ending his life Tuesday while handling a loaded rifle. The firepiece was discharged and the ball grazed the top of his head, making a flesh wound. It was a close call. Rev. Father Harry made another visit to the Hot Springs this week and the outing was to his liking. He is a great admirer of scenery and the gateway to the Black Hills afforded ample opportunity to satisfy this desire. Tho normal institute will open next Mon day morning in this city. The indications point to a large attendance from the sur rounding country. The morning sessions will be given to class work and the after noons to examinations. It is expected that an entertainment and sociable will be held next Monday for the pleasure of those attending the Junior Normal and a pleasant time is in store for all who have had their minds on book and figures the past six weeks or more. Miss Minnie Boyle of Denver, an old friend and classmate of Miss Mary O'Keefe, arrived in the city from Gordon, where she had been visiting a sister for the past ten days. After a day's pleasant visit here she returned to her home on yesterday morning. Miss Boyle is a member of the clerical force of the consol idated mining works in Denver, a position she has held for several years. Stanley Ray of the Pioneer Grip has had the pleasure ol a visit with his mother and sister, Mrs. Ray of Chadron, and Mrs. Spink of Neleigh. They arrived last Thursday and returned to their homes Monday of this week. The ladies of the Catholic church are arranging to give a sociable on the church grounds the night of the 18th inst. This will, no doubt, be a pleasant affair and thu beautiful grounds will be attractively arranged for this social occasion. The Lotus club entertainment at the opera house last Saturday evening under the auspices of the Junior normal was an interesting affair and the elocutionary numbers by Miss Minnie Marshall Smith received many complimentary expressions. Several intimate frieudr of the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cogs well, were at the depot 1 uesday to greet the young folks on their return from their wedding trip. They will reside in a pleasant little cottage in the northwestern part of tho city A letter received by the Newberry fami ly from Father Galvin recently states that he had arrived at the eternal city and had read mass at the memorable shrine of St. Peter and would have the honor of an audience with his holiness, Pope Pious, before he left Rome. II. W. Axtell of Lincoln arrived in the city this week to call on old acquaintances aud also on his way on a business trip down the Guernsey. Mr. Axtell will be remembered as a pioneer Allianceitc and it was with great pleasure that his many friends shocks with him. Mrs T. M. Lawler, who has been at a hospital at Omaha for some time uodergo ing treatment, returned home last Sunday somewhat benefited but yet far from be ing restored to good health. It is thought a season of quiet and rest will bo of con siderable benefit to her condition. Charles Tash was injured on the Wag ner ranch south of tho city one day last week by having a horse fall with him while riding. He was brought home, and a surgeon dressed the injured limb. Fortunately no bones were broken and he will recover the use of the member in a short time. Mrs1. John O'Keefe and children, ac companied by Grandpa O'Keefe, drove to Point of Rocks ranch last Monday to keep company with John who puts in a great deal of his time looking after the af- fairs ou the ranch. The family will remain there for some time and the little ones will have a good outing before school com mences for the fall term. An order for ?2,ooo was delivered to Mrs. Alice Freeland, wife of the late Engineer Freeland, last evening by Louis Bnechsenstein and T. Lunn, master and recorder of the A. O. U. W., of which de ceased was a member. The promptness with which the order acted in this matter is conclusive evidence that it is conducted on good business priuciples. The Misses Fay Young and Laura Mil iken gave a lawn and house party to their young friends at the residence of the lat ter Wednesday evening and the large crowd in attendance had a splendid time. Flinch was played and the delightful evening atmosphere made the out door gathering on the beautiful lawn all that could lis desired. The refreshments served were dainty and delicious. Mrs. Minnie Williams of Norfolk has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Baumgard ner of Box Butte for some time and at present is the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. E. Spencer of this city. Mrs. Wil liams is also a sister of J. W. Baumgard ner who is at present in the Philippine islands and who has an interesting com munication in this issue of life and events in that far off slice of Uncls Sam's domain. Wagon loads of as fine cabbage as ever grew on stem are brought to this market almost daily from the sand hill district and potatoes likewise. The latter are large and mealy. It is said while the spud crop in this district will not be as large as that of last year the quality will make up for the shortage and the demand for Box Butters will be greater than heretofore, if that is possible. Hence the price will no doubt overcome nature's neglect in pro viding a full crop. A letter received by Mrs. Fernald from her husband who is in the state of Wash ington says that he is in the employ of the Mt. Baker and Shuksan mining com pany in the Mt. Baker district, which is located in the northern part of the state. This mine.accordingto Mr. Fernald's state ment, is a valuable piece of gold mining property which bids fair to equal the fam ous Homestake mine. The machinery is now being put iq aud the work of crushing the ore will soon begin. FROM THE PHILIPPINES A Letter Received by The Herald from J. W. Httumtjnrdner. Ex-County Superintendent Baumgardner of this county, who with his bride loft here some six months ago to carry on education in the Philippine islands, favors the publisher of this paper with art inter esting communication and which we take the lilierty to publish, knowing full well that John's many friuuds in Box Butte will be pleased to read the same The letter was written June 25, and was re ceived August H, being dafd at 0tor, Mactan island. Prov. Cebu, and rends as follows Friend Tom I have often thought of writing to you but as t quickly contracted the Filipino habit, of putting off until to morrow, 1 have been slow to s.rite. I am much pleased to receive The Her ald for each week, though I may get three at one tune and theu none lor two or throe weeks, howcer it contains home news and so is welcome even if it is old news in Alliance when I read it here. Your "Special" was received two weeks ago and 1 am delighted with it; for it brings many familiar scenes and faces to mind. You have "hustled" during the eleven years of the Herai.u'.s life and this edition shows that you nre still with the front ranks in enterpris-e. It will certainly prove a great "ad" for you and to Alliance and all western Nebraska. I cannot say that it will induce immigration from the Philippines but sorne who are now here Aill surely return to Alliance, wo never intended this as our permanent nbode. It is six months since wo left Alliance; time is fleeting and before we arc aware our two years' service will be ended and we will be returning home. While we are enjoying good health and have plenty of work theio is little danger from homesick ness. We have settled to the routine of work and while it is somewhat exciting at times, we do not feel that there is any danger connected with it as we did on first coming here. Half of each day is spent in instructing native teachers and advanced classes, the other half is given to supervis ing the work ot natio teachers in the vil lages. I visit one each day until I make rounds of seven or eight, thus getting to each one about three times a month. Re side tiiis, I must see to employing teachers and renting buildings lor school houses; also "work" the council to appropriate funds for school purposes. This last is thu hardest task of all, especially as in my town, where moit of the "officials" wish advantages of English for themselves but not in favor of .schools for all the children.' f We are the only white people in this municipality or more than 20,000 people but are only a short distance from Cebu, where we go each s eel; for our mail and supplies. Cebu is a city of 60,000, the provincial capital, (no street cars or electric lights, bur some wealthy citizenshave automobiles) including some 600. soldiers. In tho barrios I can see tho Filipino as he is, in dire povetty, though not wild as they are in the mountain districts, but so extremely poor that they can scarcely se cure food to keep them from starving Drought, locust, cattle disease and cholera during two years previous to our arrival did much to make their condition worse thun formerly. We do not like being so far from home and friends but enjoy the work quite as well as wo expected and am glad to study ths people and know their couditious, as I could not learn them from reading. I hope to write to a large number of my Box Buttu county friends while here but cannot write to many at one time as 1 am kept busy. I hope to hear from you and receive a weekly reminder of home in Tub Hr.KALU. As ever your friend, J. W. Baumoardner. "The blind leading the blind" has been no unusual sight in Alliance the past few months, and the old saying, that both will fall into the ditch, did not prove true. They were wandering minstrels and street music was their means fur gathering in the stray coppers and nickels that floated their way through the charitable channels of human kindness. Another pilgrim, who is making his journey through life in dark ness, was disposing of highly colored paper fans, the work of his own hands. The question ot a new location for the postollice was again revived yesterday, when the inspectors arrived in town aud went over the held with the view of mak ing a decision. It is generally understood that the Miller block on Box Buttu avenue, within close reach of the depot and business interests, was looked upon as the most favorable location. The room is by all odds the finest in the town and is larger than any other now vacant. Yet, it is for the representatives of the postal depart ment to decide and we have no doubt they will do the best in their judgment for the city at large. Eugene Ehingor and daughter Prue of J St. Louis arrived iu the city Wednesday for a visit with C. R. Clapp and children and will perhaps decide on making the west his home. Mr. Ehingor is a tele grapher operator for the "()" in the World's fair city and has bfeen in the company's employ for a number of years. No doubt Mr. Ehingor will find life altogether dif ferent to that of the old town down in Missouri and it will take some time to get used to western ways and the free and easy mode of living, but when this is ac complished, the fascination for the old home disappears and one is loath to go back to the mud aed suffocating heat ot the east. Alliance is certainly getting its share of shows this season. The next to exhibit J will be Walter L. Main's circus on Mon- day, August 22. The advauce agent of this concern, is a smooth article and knows his part of the circus business to a fine point. He is an unusually intelligent man and his wide acquaintance and eprience affords him nn opportunity to speak most interestingly on ninny subjects. However, we must differ from Mr Carey in regard to newspaper advertising and the benefits to he derived thurefrom and hold that tins newspapers will always lie considered a source of profitable investment by show people for time to coma. It U niuiorwl that Ringling 3ros. will also show in Al liance some time in the first of September, perhaps the 15th. Happy time IN STORK FOR THU CMILDRBN. Iii the dinlectof James Whitcomb Riley, "who is he who does not enjoy seeing lit tle children made happy?" What could more delight the heart of any child than a visit to tha circus? Walter L. Main, believing this truth is insolvable has expended considerable of a fortune in his big show's organization wit'i a view of being able to ploa&e and enter tain his youthful patrons as no tuntud ammsement has ever befora delighted them. So it cannot be wondered why thu Main exhibition is so popular with Young America. This circus is the first of the larger shows to inaugurate a juvenile me nagerie in connection with its immense zoological display. In this department are to be found the cutest midget ponies imaginable, baby camels, infant elephants, tiny monkeys and numbers of ditnmunitive beasts confined in yearn if til miniature cages, sure to delight the child. One of a herd of extra irwiH Shetland ponies actually rides upon the bucks of two large gray horses, while another mite member of the Shetland family prettily waltzes to music with the easy grace ot a lerpsicho rean miss. There are so many enlivening numbers in this big circus program pre sented distinctly for youthful enjoy meat as to insure the jounger generation the hnppiest time any tented entertnin- meat ever afforded them. All of the Main canvas coverings nre both water and sun-proof, thprefor there is nn dan ger of the little folks getting over heated should the sun shine hot or wet if the weathor man gives us bad weather circus day. Ushers see to the welfare of all children visiting the show and everything pobsible is done to add to juvuuile happi ness. Parents, remember your first visit to tho circus of the long ago, and the joy it brought to your hearts, and dont deny your little ones a pleasure the recollection of which will remain with them through out life. The Main show will lie here Monday, August 22. Ba.t.'f read only tho Bible imd bent enjoyed thu prophesies of Isaiah utul tlio Psalms. Wordswoitli was fond of the poetry of Burns, nut naltl the luttur ww too rough mul uncouth. lioolslovor. Kfiou 1m!k' (iiillinl. Friend-linn your won learned much during his college vourscV Tho OIu Man-I'm nfntld not. but I've learned n whole lot. Puck. Unit .Mint ltcruxeil film. "He looks awfully blue. What's the inntter with I1I111V" "Heart trouble." replied the girl, some what vouKoiously.CIiieago Post. Jhiuiiii'xc Myllii-. believe lh more mythical creatures than nny other people on thu globe, virilized or suvuge. Atiionjr these nre serpents SOO feet long mid law enough to swallow nn el-phant, foxes with eight legs, monkeys with four earn and Italics with ten heads attached to one body. They also belloro In tho existence of u crano which, after It haa lired for uu-j years, has no need of any sustenance except water. Tnllo'riiiid'a Sharp Tongue. When Mine, do Stael published her celebrated novel, "Dclphlnc," Bho wis supposed to have painted herself In the person of tho heroine, nnd M. Talley rand In that of an elderly lady, who n one of the principal characters. "They toll me," said he. tho first time hu met hor, "that we are both of us In your novel In the disguise of women.' TIjo DlrUTCiiee. Little Rodney- Pupa, what Is the difference between vlliniUe and weath er? Mr. Wuyout (of LMsmulhurst-on-thc-IllluL) Climate, my sou, Is what a locality has when you are buying a home there, and weather Is what it has ufter ward. Puck. Debt ot Honor. Johnny Pa. what Is a debt of honor? Pa It is a debt that Is incurred In a dishonorable way, Johnny. Boston Transcript. Xnturully. Van X. Why are you going Into the soap business? De Q. To clean up some money, of course. Detroit Free Tress. The man who is miserable and makes a bluff at happiness Is a benefactor for keeping his sorrows to himself. Balti more American. THE JUNIOR NORMAL Notes of Interest from Room. the School Rev. Ray led chapel Monday and gave an interesting talk, The enrollment has now raclid one hundred and eighty-seven. Mr. Snodgrns has promised to talk on rending circle work institute weak. Examinations begin Friday morning and will continue Saturday and the afternoons of next week. Judge Berry gave an interesting talk and explained surveying by a chart ot his own construction Thursday morning. Superintendent McBrinn was expected to be here Wednesday to speak in chapel but failed to appear but will be here Mon day. Those enrolled this week are Di May fiuld and Laura Norman, Dawos county, Alice Ridge and Maud Loace, Cheyenne county; Thomas Griffith, Maud Griffith, William Fitzgerald, of Sioux county, The Lotus Glee club of New York city, gave a concert Saturday evening in the opera house which was greatly enjoyed by all wlio attended. They also gavo a mati nee Saturday afternoon in the school build ing for tho Normal students. M. C. Church Notes. Prayer meeting will bo held in tho base ment of the church Thursday evening. The ladies aid society will meol with Mrs. Hanson next Wednesday afternoon at 2'oclock. Sunday school teachers' meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Roup next Wed nesday evening. The Epworth League prayer meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. O. N Thostansen nu.xt Friday evening, August tg, at 8 o'clock in Simouson's addition. The usual services will be held at tho church next Sunday. The subject for morniug service will be "God Works Re gardless of Number." Subject for even ing sorvire "Reasons for Your Hope of Henven." SuiKlay school at 10 a. m. Preaching at n a, m. and 8 p. m. lip worth League meeting at 7 p, m. All are cordially invited to attend. Teachers ore Elected. At a meeting of the school board held recently the following corps of teachers wore elected for the ensuing year and ar rangements will now progress for the opening of the fall term, which begins tho first of September. CKNTRAL SCHOOL. Superintendent W. H. Barts. Principal - V. W. Hays. As"t principal high school C. A. Wood, First primary Susie Fraiur. Seconed primary Grace Klwood. Third primary Nan Alexnnder. Fourth primary Kathcrin Duffield. Second Grade Lizzie Wadum. Third Grade Delia Reed. Fourth Grade Mayme Griffith. Fifth Grade Mayme Larave. Sixth Grade Elizabeth Thomas. Eight Grade H. R. Carson. The seventh grade at the central school was left vacant until a later meeting of the board. ( KMI5RS0S SCHOOL. Lower east room Gertruda Warren, principal 1st and 2d primary. Lowei west room Inice McCorkle, principal 3d and 4th primary. Lpper east room Fay VanBoskirk, grade 2 and 3. Upper west room Libbie Cornu, grade 4. A disastrous railroud accident occur red last Siitulav night on the Denver & Rio Grrude road, at Diy Creek, be tween Pueblo and Denver. The train consisted of heavily loaded passenger coaches. A cloud burst had weakened the wood trestle work over the creek and when the engine aud three first cuts were on the budge it cave war precipitating the locomotive, bnggege and two chair cars into the roaring tor- rent which oinntios into tho Arkansaw tiver a short distance below. The loss of life is number at 1211. It was the most disastrous railway wreck that has ever happunod in the wost. Most of the victims weie residents of Pueblo and iu some instances neatly whole families were wipped out. The wooden budge should be condemned as it has been the cause of many similar acci dents. For Rent A three roomed house, furn ished or unfurnished. Apply at Barry house. Buy at wholesale, "Crex" matting now 35 cents per yard, others sell it at 50 cents per yard. Geo. Darling. Strayed. From my place, sixteen miles north of Alliance, about the middle of April, one yearling steer branded C. W. either on left hip, shoulder or side. Clayton Worley, Alliance, Neb.