-til The Official PublU cutio'ii of Box Butte County, Largest Circu iation of any Al liance Paper. JL JL Jl xtl jl Jb JnL JL AJJ VOLUME XI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1904, NUMBER 32 PIP N m I . k s Circus Money. J Of course cvorybody wants to go the circus. Tho question will arise, "Can I spare the money ? I hayo go to lmvd a wrapper and tho children have got to havu now dresses or aprons, and if I go to tho circus I'll have to -take my liusbunii along so that he can keep tho boys straight, nnd thiit'tnemiB at least one dollar. That is, if the boys get in free, which of course they will do if thoy are boys." Hero's how I can help yuu to your Circus Money. All day Saturday I will ncll ioc percnle for 8c and 7cjcalico for 5c. This moans that on a wrapper for yourself and a dress apiece for the girls you will save enough to go to the circus. That's all. HORACE BOGUE. 0Q000000S0CaiS8060CaQCkQ3!ie 0 e o 9 e In Alliance 10-300! every month. Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391. uoooctBooc)'jisoeoooeeeo Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will 'be chnrged at the rate of 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The HbrauVs circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. or hay stacki:i) with tin-: hay- .MAK'ini'S riilKXl) STACKI.lt. Dou't buy a stacker until you see this stacker, at Acheson & Joders'. ' -This is the easiest li.fting utacker pn the market., ' " . ..,-. It is the shortest pull of any stacker. We will bo glad to put it' in the field with any stacker. 29-4W A. F Snvdkr A Son, Inventors. Notice. Owing to the fact that the services of a United States Land Commissioner have been greatly in demand since the passage i of the new homestead bill, I have decided to again attend to all kinds of business befoie the United States land office. Having had several years' experience in the work, all matters will receive proper and prompt attention. Homestead filings, final proofs, contests, etc., can be made . before me at any place in the land dis tricts in which the lands desired are located. I will also visit points between Broken Bow and (.'raw ford upon request. Any violation of the land laws or irregu larities of governmental acts will receive the proper a'.ten:ion when reported to me. T. J. O'Kkcfk, United States Commissioner for the District of Nebraska. Second Call. As 1 desire tc buy another roll of Sum mer California Oak Harness leather which proves most satisfactory, those in debted to me are requested to call and settle. Geo. A. Hills. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Old papers for sale at this office. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs Norton block. See Humphrey for picture framing; up holstering and furniture repairing. For Sale Carriage and phaeton, for cash or on time. J, C. WIlson & lino. Harold B. Miller, M. P., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb, Taken Up. Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn, about two years, Hereford stock, branded VT (connected) on left side. Owner can have steer by paying all expenses. Sec. 31-28-1. LOOIS HOMKIGIIOUSKN. Free Trip to St. Louis World's fair. Trade at Norton's and get a free ride and 3 day's admittance to the Big fair. We give a ticket with each Si. 00 cash or paid on acct. We guarantee to sell goods as cheap and in most things cheaper than any other firm in the county. Notice. Persons desiring to enter homesteads or make final proof in other land districts can do so without going to land office. Address or call on T. .1. O'ICeefe, U. S. Commis sioner for the district of Nebraska, Alliance. Forest Lumber Co, make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Strayed. Strayed from Alliance one cow branded IX on right hip, Keystone brand on side, white face. Please leave information with M. A. Standen, Alliance. 2o-tf Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C, Humphry. 7-10-tf LOCAL HAPPENINGS General nnd Personal News of Alli ance and Vicinity. W. M . Fotiket was down from "Spud ville" Tuesday. The little "son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Head is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Higgiusof Lakeside were in the chy Tuesday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Her man Itehder Just Sunday. Grandma ISImore has Iieen under tile doctor's care the past week. , Karl Fostrom and August Drew wure down from Hemingford Monday. Dr. and Mrs. liiknar were Atliance vis itors yesterday, returning on 41. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Banks of Box Butte were Alliance visitors Wednesday. Henry Armstrong was down from Shpri dnn this weel: returning yesterday. A marriage license was granted Wed nesday to Geo. W. Kulper and Iiva Kim ball. Li., Miss Mary Wavadn returned to Ilem ingford Mouduy after a few days visit at the home of Will Reed. T. M. Lawler went to Grand Island Sunday morning to see his wife who was taken there to a hospital. Mrs. S. Alhro will leave Sunday night for a visit with relatives and frieuds in Omaha and Council Bluffs. . Passenger No. 42 came in yesterday with tivo locomotives, the long train of cars be ing too much for the regular engine. Miss B. Man gun lett, Monday moruiug, for St. Louis and St. Joe. She will pur- chase a stock of fall millinoty while away Rev. Father Barry, accompanied by Rev. Father Lecker of Crawford, went to Hot Springs last Monday for a few days' outing. Mrs. A. L. Shipley and two'little daugh ters returned Sunday from the Platte river country where they had been visiting rela tives and friends. Robert Graham has buen busy this week out on his ranch delivering a consignment of cows and calves he sold recently to the Spade Cattle company. Col. Wisner of the Bayard Transcrip was in the city Wednesday, The colonel wants a printer and has a steady job for some one willing to work. Mrs. W. S. Ridgell went to Crawford last Mo'nday to visit her husband who is engaged on a painting contract for the government at Ft. Hioinson. The Misses Mary, Mid and Alicia Kegan returned yesterday from the World's fair and also from a pleasant visit with rela tives at Omaha and Council Bluffs. Mrs. Will Acheson and daughters went to Fort Morgan, Colo., this morning to visit the family of G. W. Duucan and at tend the Duncan-Cogswell nuptials. J. B. Miller has been appointed general agent of the Old Line Bankers Life In surance company of Lincoln, Nebraska, a fit recognition of past service for the com pany. Miss Frna of Ked Cloud arrived in the city Tuesday and will visit at the Hagerty home for a few days. Miss lima will visit Colorado Springs before returning to Ked Cloud. Henry Brus, John Maravek, Louis Barta and W. A; Randall were some of the stock men from the west part of the county who transacted business at the 'county seat this week. Horace Bogue will lease the first of the week for the east to purchase a stock of fall and' winter goods. Mr. Bogue will visit New York and other sea board cities while on his trip. ' There is a scarcity of help for the hay fields and the enormous crop in this section is keeping the ranchmen busy from early morning till dark. "Hay Men Wanted," is a familiar sign about town. R, F. Bellamy, specialty man for Don ald & Porter, Grand Island, arrived in the city Sunday from the south and left with J. B. Gray the same day for a trip to Sheridan, Buffalo and other points, 1 The little daughter of Fireman Itehder got hold of an antiseptic tablet Sunday and it came near ending the little one's life. Prompt attention overcame the poisonous dose and she is out of danger. In the first day's drawing for lands at the Rosebud agency yesterday, of the 100 lucky numbers, 20 were residents of Ne braska. The first number drawn was held by William MacComack of Lancaster, Pa. Rev. C. II. Burleigh came down from Hemingford Monday afternoon to meet his brother-in-law with whom be had land business. Mr. Burleigh also had other matters to look after. He brought down the telephone receiver of G. L. Taylor, living northwest of Hemingford to have it doctored up if such a thing was possible. The instrument was burned out during an electrical storm and rendered useless. Mr. Burleigh also took nu electrician with him from here to fix the switch board at the Hemingford exchange, which has been" out of order tecently. ltd Wildy returned . from New Athens, Illinois, on 42 last Sunday niter nn absence of several months in that locality, ltd is pleased to get back to wbsteru Nebraska, sway from the humid heat and mud of the middle west.. J. B. Burke, publisher of the Harrison' Press-Journal, is in the city today. Mr. Burke says that James Connolly was taken to tliu penitentiary by the sheriff of Sioux county last night to serve a term of eight years for manslaughter. A. D. New returned today from mis worth where he has been for several days making improvements on his homestead which he recently filed on. Mr; Now lifts diiposed of his express business hers and yvill move to Kllsworth soon. Miss Itiioe MeCurkle is home from a plunsiiu visit at Sheridan, where she has been for several weeks, Miss McCorkle will leave, Sunday, for Ft. Morgan to be present At the forthcoming nuptial of Miss Lulu Duncan and Mr. Percy Cogswell. T. J.,0'leefe, U. S. Commissioner, wljl go to Bridgeport next Tuesday to .-execute homostead papers for a number of persons who desire to enter land in the"Sidnoy district. Those who have business to transact are requested to come in the forenoon, " , Among those here to attend tho Worfey Thompsou trial, which wets to have taken place Inst Tuesday, wore Attorney and M rs.' Fanning of'Crawford, Mrs. .Fanning is a daughter of Mrs. Worley's.. ' Owing to the postponement of the trial fur thirty da;) t))u). ralllrnedxto ,nt5tr ll0me, A children's service, will be held at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. .111. Exercises by the Sunday school with a a short sermon to the chil dren by the pastor. An offering will be taken for Silnday" school missions. Sunday j school at 10 a. in No u wiling services. New 'potatoes are finding their way to the ninrket. Tho crop is already assured and indications point to a productive yield. The,' grocrers are payiug from Co to 75 in trade. New corn is alio beginning to tempt the cityitesand Sunday's dinner will Jind the toothsome vcgatable on many tables.' . The family of L. S. Mastrude, who moved to the state of Washington some time last spring, expect to return to Box Butte in the near future and again make this county his home. Since going to the. coast state their health has not been gooa and hence theirjreturu to the invigorating atmosphere of western Nebraska. In the list of committeemen elected at a meeting of the Parker nud Davis club 'of Box Butte county leceutly organized, the name of P. II. Zobel of Box Butte precinct was omitted. This was entirely uninten tional. A democratic club in this county without Mr. Xobel's name would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. Sheriff Rued loft for Perry, Iowa, Tues day evening with a car of horses which he will dispose of. He will also visit with relatives at Boone and other places. Clay ton Reed wjll return to this city with his lather in a few days, He has been attend ing Boyle's college in Omaha the past six months and went to Iowa recently for a visit. ! Congressman Kinkaid passed through Alliance Wednesday on bis way south, taking the Guernsey branch the same day. The good looking representative of the sixth district is taking care of his political fences in this neighborhood and is losing no opportunity to. cast "de-light-fully" coquettish smiles on every voter he meets. The meat question is not ouly confined to the big cities and packing centers, but the situation has to lie met iu the smaller towns as wull. In Alliance the agitation is being taken up by the hotels and restau rant keepers who are also affected by the soaring of prices as a result of the indus trial trouble. This is an instance where an ill windsH doing no body cood. While out on a drive one day last Week, Robert Graham and James Devlin had a lively encounter with a badger. Devlin chased the plucky little animal for a mile or less, and it was not until Robert came to his assistance that the victim was dis patched .ith the butt of a buggy whip. Devlin's description of the advunture is interesting and exciting, but he gives Gra ham all the credit for bravery in the fierce encounter. Three strangers whose behavior was not up to the standard requited by the city or dinance for the Sabbath found themselves in the county qaay that day. Monday Marshal Boon took them before Judge Berry who after hearing the evidence con sidered a fine of $15 each sufficient to cover the cost of the preceding day's in dulgence. The prisoners were about town Saturday disposing of the time-honored solid gold ring and n few other trinkets. Of course the amount 'of the flues exceeded the deposits in the treasury of the trio nnd as a result they are compelled to satisfy justice by "grafting" on the streets for several days. Charles Hlliott, who has lieen in the employ of the Burlington at this place as a machinist for several years, secured a like position in the shops at Cliadron and has been employed there for about a month. Mrs, Klliott nnd the children de parted for that place Tuesday. We reflret exceedingly the change winch takes this family from our midst. . A very religious man ran a store. He always told his clerks lo do nothing that was not warranted by the Bible One day he learned that n clerk- had clmrgod a cus tomer f3 00 for u $1.30 article and look him to task. "Can you think of a Bible quotation" he asked, "tlmt will warrant such conduct?" The clerk said he could and quoted this, "Behold he was n stranger and I took him in." Mrs Dan O'Keefe arrived in the city from Hemingford Sunday afternoon to visit with her mother, Mrs. Grandma 111 more who has not lteeu in (ho bust of health of lAiu. These hot summer days weigh heavily on one the ego of Grandma, but there is one favorable feature about it, they are of short duration and we will soon be enjoying the cool atmosphere of the fall snon.in which western Nebraska beats oilier parts of the world. The son of Dairyman Etl Young, who lost his eye recently and of which mention was made the day it happened in this paper, underwent an operation last Satur day for the removal of the injuted opfic by Oculist Cook of Lincoln. I'he sliver of steel that destroyed the boy's sight was found in the eye ball. The other eye began to show signs of defect and the occulist was summoned at once to overcome the danger of greater complications. Mrs. Abel Hill has decided Upon one of the finest pastimes for the summer months, when humanity is anxious tcseek cool places and enjoy the pleasure of the open air. The lady left last Sunday lor Sheri dan, where she was' to meet a'compnny of relatives and frionda bound for the Big Horn basin, 011 a fishing trip. It is said dint section of the country abounds in excellent trout fishing and no doubt Mrs. Hill, in company with those wno make up the party, will have a grand time. The Lakeside ball team has announced its intention of meeting the Alliance club next Sunday on the grounds in this city, and they will be hsre rain or shine. Our neighbors have Wan playing some great ball this summer and scores of 3 and 4 and 4 and 5 are. a common thing with" them. Well, it's a good thing the Lakeside boys are accustomed to such, high-grade work for it will stand them in hnud vhun they meet the local team next Sunday. Tomorrow will be circus day lor Alli ance and no doubt there will ba a gather ing of humanity from near and far and perhaps it will not come amiss for the newspapers of the town to warn thouc who wiU mingle with the crowds to keep their hands on their pocketbooks and also to bo sure they know where their watches are. This is no reflection on Golmar Bros', show, but we all know of the 'element that constantly follows such nggrugatious to ply their nefarious games. Look out lor them; aud another thing, dou't bet you can tell under which shell the little rubber ball is hidden. In the spur of the mo ment you may feel confidant you can pick it out, but take a fool's advice, (lout try it. Geo. Darling makes a special announce ment in this issue of 'ins 1Jiik,li of the addition to his excellent furniture stock of other household goods such as ranges, cook stoves, hunting stoves, tinware, enameled ware, lamps, dishes, glassware, wooden ware, and all other necessary goods to fur nislua house completely. This new stock will be here in a few days and will be the best that can be secured nnd at prices that will make competitors hustle to pan old stocks off at. Intending purchasers will do well to bear this in mind and wait for Mr. Darling's large stock to arrive, which will be with in short time. Just read his an nouncement on the last page and you will learn what he has to say. For Sale Folding beds, good values; nothing wrong; we used the room and money. Geo, Darling. 32-tf. The Sterling Democrat comments as follows on the recant gams of ball played at that place between the home team and Alliance Juvenilies. Of cocr- the editor of that paper favors his home cum but nevertheless he is generous enough to give a little praise to the visitors: '"I he 'kid' nine of Alliance, Nebraska, came to Sterl ing Tuesday and tackled thu Sterling kid nine. The visitors woro for the most part several years older than our lads and yet they went down to defeat to thu tune of 5 to 4, ten innings being played. The features of the game were the pitching of Floyd Ernst, the work of Louis Camplan at short, he accepting the nine chances with an error, and the base running and work of Sterling's first baseman, Chnrlle IVttll. The Alliance lenm made some sensational plays in the seventh inning, the second baseman and catcher each winning sbewurs of applause from the small audienco of fans." Old Settler's Snrious Illness. 11. N. Clifford, the well known bnltur of this city, in laying at dentil's door with an attack of blood iwieoiiing. Ho Imd Imsun troubled. with a uorn rind whilu trentltig it the blood diorder ap pealed, A 'physician was called and it wna thought advisable to send tho sick man to thu lionRit! at Grand Island last night, lint he disconraged this proposition in ths hope of his recovery nt home. Mr. Clifford has been a rosi detil of jlox Butte county and Allianre for many years and is a quiet, pleasant man whom all tognrd. His wife died here suvernl years since, nnd he has one sou living; in thia county who is at his Ittdslde. A married daughter, iu siding iu Marshall county, Iowa, has been notified of her father's condition but u reply received to the labgrRm scut states that she loo is ill aud un able to make the trip. Suspension or Sentence. Woid has been recved tlmfn suspen sion of sentence, pending the appeal of the case lo the supreme court, hasbeei) fcfanled by Judge Sedgwick to James Connelly of Sioux county. Connolly was sentenced to eight years in the penitentiary for man slaughter, having killed Jlwry'ilUlr last March iu a dispute bvar'ft str, The condemned man's attorneys deoiat 'that the sentence is excessive aud the evidence given does not justify it. Subject to L'nlry. The local land office was in receipt of tho following letter from the general land office nt Washington this week, which authorises thu oponing of additional tracts in this district to. homestead. The lands in question have Ittth&rtO been withheld, but uow that the matter ha been settled ilie same are subject lo qutry fifty arc spsdflcd as follows. - ; WAuitHi'roR,,D. C. July 21, J904. Subject; Partial revocation of suspension of oirtries Jn Tjsj. ai. 2. aj Und 14 of N. Tt. 47 W., Nebraska Sirs; Referring to telegram "E" dated July 0, 1903, directing you to allow no en tries in Tps. 21, 22, and 23 N. R. 47 W Oth P. M, pending settlement of quostions regarding school sections, I huve to state 1 1 Kit thu question of relieving said town ships from susfieubioii having been pre sented to tills olhce, I have upon consider ation concluded that those sections in said township which will not be affocted by a projHJsed resurvey of the school sections may be relieved from suspension. The suspension ot sections 10 .and 30 nnd the sections immediately adjacent thereto willed continued,.bUt.th order of July 0, 1903, is hereby revoked as to' sec tions 3. 4, 5, (I, 7, 11, is, tj, m, i8j 19, 23, 24. J7, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 3j, and 34, in Tps. 21 and 22 N., R. 47 ., and sec tions i. z, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, u, ia, 13, 14, 18, 9. 5. 24,7. 28, 29, 30, 31, 82, 33 and 34 m 1. 23 is., U. 47 W leaving still sus pended iuTps. 21, and 22 N., R 47 W., sections 1, 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 10, 17, ao, 21, 2, 25, 20, 35, and 36 nrul in T. 23 N., R. 47 W., sections 8. q, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 20. 35 anU 36. You will make proper annotations upon the records of your office, referring to this letterby initial and date at your authority. Northeast Alliance. Wiuuie Spncht is on the sick list, Chas. Murphy is entertaining a nephew that he has not seen for some time. Mrs. Moses Wright and children have gone to Brokou Bow to join her husband. Bertie Gregg is staying with her sister Mrs. Briukinau aud attending tne Normal. Mrs, I. B. U fiord aud daughter have gone to Iowa to visit Mrs. Ufford's mother and sisters. The Roach family are making prepera tions to go out on the Hampton ranch. They may be gone a year or probably longer. Conductor Granger has bought the Cramer property east of the school house and expects to build a fine residence in the near future. M. E. Church Notes. The services will' Iws held at the church ia the morning as usual beiog conducted by Rev. Dr. A. P. George. Sunday school at 10 .1. in. Song service at 7 p. in. "Next Sunday's Lessou" by Cspt. W. R. Alters at 7:30 p. 111, Address by Rev. A. P. George D. D. at 8 p. M. All are cordially invited to attend these services. I'rajer meetiug will be held in the base insut of the church Thursday evening at 8 p. in. Ladies, Aid society will meet with Mrs. C. IS. Wills next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Sunday school teachors' meeting will be held nt the home of Miss Delia Reed next Wednesday evening at H. o'clock. "Irish Mail"l Do you know what it is? Your boy does and he wants one. Geo. Darling. 32-tU Russian Minister Assassinated. M . von Plnlive tho RiiMiiin minister of tbt interior was assitiatetl yestmhw. A bomb was thrown under his car ringo coniDlotolY shattering it and mangling tho minister terribly. Tho assasin 1ms been arrested. The Great Strike Continues. All hopes of an nmiclaul settlement of tho packing honso strike ha dissap penred nnd since last week' issue of Thk Hbhai.k it has only grown worse-, The strike hns spn-ad throughout nearly every department of the pirk ing plants and thousands of other laborers have joined the unginal mini her who quit work over r week ago. It soeina to be a lmtlle to n fiuhdi and whut tho outcome will bo is indeed problonmticnl, So far there has been little rioting or trouble. Iu one uieuo in Chiongo ;t strike breaker was killed and several other injured. The nu n are out iu nil the packing centers, ami with tho uxcuptiou of small Wees who ato doing a little work, tho pnektm hoitsea are compurtiv6ly idle. . Contest Notices. All persons contesting lands have tin rjght to publish notices in auy newspaper they desire provided sich paper is pub lished in the county in which the land is located. Uig Show Cominrj. Gollmnr Bros. Big Railroad Show 1 in the city today, and the city has presented an unusually lively appearance. Large crowds gathered Along the streets to wit iioss the big street parade ot 10 o'clock tit forenoon, nnd none were dissapoitited. The performance this afternoon was first class, and was greeted by a crowd winch taxed thu seating capacity to the ring suir. livery part of the program was excellent and tnflny now and wonderful feats i r. introduced which won npplause from all the audience. The big menagerie wa ut as advertised by the Gollmar Bros , and thu numerous specimens of wild animals attracted much attention, including th blood ouidiug hippopotamus. Tonight they give another performance, and with out doubt will again fill their big tent It s a big Show nnd n good show and well deserves the liberal patronage accorded it. Vindicator, Khinelador, Wis. Will ex hibit nt Alliance, Saturday, July 30. Stroycd. I'rom my place, sixteen miles uurth ul Alliance, about the middle ot April, one yearling steer branded C. W. either on left hip, shoulder or side. CLAYTON Vorlk, Alliance, Neb. Mere s a fine jio?ne Do Yo:s Want li' S-C& I The beautiful residence built b j. P. Lynch and now .occupied by bun; located three blocks west of the court house iu Allinucc, is for sale or trade for cuttle or horses. This uropertv is modurn: has electric lights, telephone, pluto glass windows, honso ncntlv and finely finished throughout, good bain aud coal house, city water, two lull lots. Those interested will please ccr teKnd .with J. II. Kdmistln, Jnly-4W, Lincoln, N'eb Strayed or Stolen. l-'roni my premises 12 miles north aud r mile west of Alliance Friday, juue .14 lui head of two-year-old colts, described as follows; 1 sorrel gelding white face .1 nt white hind feet; black gelding; bav ..'! ing, wire cut on breast; blaek mare. ImO feet white; bay mare with smnll -:ar it forehead, Liberal reward for information leading to recovery of same- Thos. Collins. Alliance, Nro. HH--1(HH(M- -- V- I Comfort and Ease nnd wouldn't be without one IS WHAT HVKRYONK SAS ABOUT THBSB Reclining1, Swing, Iron Frame Lawn I Chairs I At Lockwoods' f v Also Porch Seats and Lawn Goods B.F.LockwoodCo. From Kitchen to Parlor Undertaking a Specialty. K"A jKt9K)CjCjC)((jCja't .