i l (T m, I M& wnap Lingerie Hats. Tho llngorlo hats .of cxqulslto ba llato or mull or flno Swiss embroider ies and Vnlenclonncn luco aro lovelier than "over this season, and Innumer able changOB aro rung upon comblna , tlons of Inco and flowers. Nets plain or dotted with largo chonlllo wafers arc Rhlrrcd and plaited Into nlry. broadrltumcd shapes and trimmed with flowers and soft silk scarfs. "Blinded straws and straws of count loss new weaves are shown. Linen hats Inset with laco and picturesque In shnpo aro among tho now offerings as well as more scvero linen models for outing nnd mourning wear. Oardon bunches and flowor wreaths divide tho honors and Micro aro many (lowers and bud fringes which aro used profusely. Cockades, choux, ro settes, mercury wings, cupId wings and quills aro called lnlo scrvlco for the sailor hats. (Kitchen Making starch with soapy wnter Is tho best way to produce a gloss and provont tho Iron from sticking. . Tho best way to mash potatoes Is to rub thorn through a wlro slovo; you con then bo sure thero aro no lumps left. Never put table linen Into soap 8iid3 until the stains havo been ro moved by pouring boiling wnter through tho linen. When making a pudding don't for got to make a plait In tho cloth at the top of your basin, so as to allow the pudding room to swell. When boiling green vegetables, add a piece of sugar to tho water; It Is quite harmless, and preserves tho color as well as soda would. Beforo using a lamp wick soak It In strong vinegar, then '.dry It thor oughly, it lid It wilt burn brightly and without any unpleasant smoko or smell. Ink spilled on tho carpot may bo -taken kip without leaving a stain If dry tnlt bo applied Immediately. As the salt becomes discolored brush It off and apply moro. Wot slightly. Continuo till tho ink has disappeared. Tucked Sailor Blouse. Tho sailor blotiso is over In demand. It may vary In dotall, but essentially Is always tho comfortablo favorlto that Is so IndUpnsablo. This one is novel, Inasmuch as It includes fronts box platted and tucked for their entiro length and sleeves that aro tucked' abovo tho elbows whllo thoy form full puffs below, and Is mndo of palo bluo llnon with collar of whlto and shield and trimming of embroidery, but is quite as well suited to a long list of fabrics. For nchtlng and simi lar sports It Is admirable made of light weight sergri or mohair whllo all tho mnny llnon and cotton fabrics aro much to bo desired for tho cotton gowns. Tho waist Is made with fronts and back and Is finished al tho neck with a big sailor collar. Tho back Is plain, but tho fronts nro laid In a box plait nteach odgo with threo tucks at each -side and beneath tho box plaits the closing Is made. Tho sleeves are In ono pleco each, tucked nt their up. per - portions and gathered Into Btralght, cuffs. Tho shield and stock "collar aro separato and arranged un- dor tho waist, bolng buttoned Into placo benoath tho sailor collar. Tho quantity ot material required for tho medium size Is 4 j .rds 21 Inchos wide, 3 yards 27 Inchos wldo or 2V4 yards 44 inches wldo, with yards of all over embroidery and 2 yards of appllquo to make as Illus trated. Strawberry Baskets. Cream Vi cup butter, add gradually cup sugar, 1 egg slightly beaten. 2 ounces Hour and teaspoonful vanilla. Bake, shapo and fill with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, and with strawberries. Serve at once. When tho Ingredients nro mixed, roll out very thin and cut with a round cutter about four Inches In diameter. As soon as taken from tho oven and while yet warm, roll two sides up so as to form a sort of boat. WSEflffl jyfcjy-wJflFjii3lr i M It Jli 'J-i Srrf mm fir I jJ) .t... Tucked Sailor Blouse an Indispens able Adjunct to the Wardrobe Smart Box Eton Adapted for Girl ish Figures Some Approved Recipes. and Hot them closo together In a dish, to hold them in that shape until they aro cool and hardonedftthen proparo tho filling by cutting the strawberries, sweeten with powdered sugar and mix with thick whipped cream. Fill tho baskets, and place a wholo straw berry on olthcr end. Do not All the baskets until time to serve, as tho cream softens tho pastry, If allowed to stand, and tho baskets Ioso their shape. The Millinery of Summer. Tho largo and tho small hat aro In equal favor this season. For semi dress occasions the small or medium sized turban or sailor Is perhaps In bettor tasto, but tho vogue of tho wldo drooping shoulders In costumes nnd wraps will undoubtedly mnko the picture hat moro popular than over. Tho blending of delicate pink and bluo is a feature of many lints, and In tho association not only of small flowers but of ribbons as well is this discernible. Green also Is a favored color, and for the hat to complete a green toilette or to bo worn with a black or dark blue or a natural-colored pongco or Shantung gown, It is a most nttractlvo shade. Green trim mings plumes, aigrettes, breasts and ribbon velvet provide this smart tcuch when tho hat is black, bluo, ecru or white. Brown and green Is another popular combination. No form of headgear Is moro charm ing than tho dainty llngorlo hnt made In Blmple "baby" shape out of tho finest laco or embroidery, with a largo bow of ribbon as Its only trim ming. Theso hats havo a girlish ef fcqt, and to bo successful they should bo worn only by tho youthful and with, dnlnty. frocks. From Tho Do llnontor for July. iMLriyxJ Told in Her Boudoir' Fancy stocks aro much simpler than lastyear. Turnovers of finest llnon aro de cidedly dainty. , Bons of any sort are not very much In evidence. A now heavy pongco has an almost shaggy surface. A favorite braid for voile gowns Is the bright-surfaced horcules. Wreaths of daintiest small flowers done In velvet, especially delicately palo bluo forget-me-nots, trim hats. Tho latest development of tho slcovo frill Is tho employment of flno laco dyod to match tho shade of tho gown. Chiffon is also largely used for sleeve frills. Tho fashionable decollctago lino Is somewhat higher thjs season, for, al though tho corsngo Is cut lowor, it is finished with a dainty tucker of tnous sollno do solo, chiffon or net. Pelerlno collars slightly draped In front and finishing to a point, leav ing tho throat free, will be much worn this summer. Another offectlv;o collar yoko Is a yoke and bertha In one, fitting closely on tho shoulders and then falling with n full flare. Separate Yoke and Collar. Tho now plan of tho yoko and col lar being separato from tho rest ot tho gown Is nn excellent one, ns It permits of their being easily laun- A HANDSOME BLOUSE. i " -, Handsome blouses are ever In, de mand both for the odd waist and tho gown. Hero Js ono that suits both purposes and allows many variations, but is shown In palo greon messallne satin, with the yoko of tuckod chiffon, vest and trimming of Chinese em broidery, on white edged with silk dored without tho enttro waist hav Ing to bo ripped apart, as Is generally tho enso. In tho simpler styles ot gown this Is most desirable, but It Is also carried out In tho more elab orate ones, nnd for the same reason that tho laundering of any laco or embroidery Is a difficult task unless tho entiro waist Is cleaned at tho samo time. In many such respects fashion becomes moro and moro practical as tlmo goes on; ono rea son, however, bolng that absolute cleanliness nnd perfection of detail aro required in any garment that Is to bo considered at all smart. Smartest Facing for Hats. Dy all odds tho smartest facing for hats tc be worn with tailored dresses Is that built from narrow llngorlo frills. A facing of net Is cut to fit tho hat, then covered with innumerable ruffles ot narrow laco, either gathered or accordion-pleated. Valenciennes lace lends Itself best to this sort of facing, and If a vest, collnr and half sleeves of laco edged flouncing nro worn with tho linen suit, tho har monious effect with tho hat Is very good. - Mrsses' Box Eton. Box Etons are essentially smart and suit girlish flguros to perfection. This ono Is adapted allko to tho suit and tho general wrap and to a variety of materials but, as shown, Is made of nntural colored pongeo banded with stitched B(lk and matches tho skirt. Tho wldo sleovos aro graceful In tho extremo and allow of wearing over back and is fitted by monns of shoul der and under-nrm seams. Tho wldo sleeves are cut In ono pleco ench and aro laid In box plaits that nro extend ed to cover tho shoulder seams. A shaped band finishes tho neck and the full ones ot tho season's waists without danger of rumpling, whllo tho extended box plaits glvo tho drooping lino bo essential to present styles. The Eton Is mado with fronts and front edges and both the lower edge and thoso of tho sleeves aro faced to correspond. Tho quantity ot material required for tho medium slzo Is 2 yards 21 Inches wide, 2 yards 27 Inches wldo or l',6 yards 44 Inches wldo, with 1 yard of silk to trim ns illustrated. card, tho deep fall below the vect and those In tho sleeves being of cream Llorre laco. To make the blouso for a woman of medium size will bo re quired -Hi yards of material 21, 4 yards 27 or 2U yards 44 Inches wide with -H yards of tucking for yoke, yards of all-ovor lace for cuffs nnd 3 yards of leco for frills. h - and W lNM5rsm2JNL Machine That "Magnifies" Time. Although the stroboscope Is not a new device, It has been applied re cently to some Interesting Investiga tions Into tho naturo of certain rapid motions. Briefly, the device mechan ically reproduces at moderate speed successlvo views of an object moving so rapidly that It cannot be seen by tho unaided "vision. In a rapidly re volving wheel, for instance, tho spokes aro apparent as a mere blur, or else are quite invlslblo to tho eye. By tho stroboscope, a movoment which takes place In a hundredth pnrt of a second may be seen drawn out to a quarter of a second, or even more; the tlmo of Us movement, Is, as It were, magnified almost any number of times. Like many wonderful results, thl3 Is achieved simply enough. By means of electric sparks fired at rapidly re curring Intervals, or a revolving disk with silts passed In front of a lan tern, tho moving object Is Illuminated In a succession of flashes. If tho flashes aro repeated precisely as rap Idly as the machine moves, thoy will show It always In ono position, and It will seem to be at rest. But, If thoy movo less rapidly, tho machine under observation will seem to movo slowly, because at each rovolutlon It will bo seen at a slightly later stage. Thus tho formation of a stitch In a sowing machine may be watched, or any other of tho thousands of ma chine movements where It may bo Important to sco what Is completed at almost lightning sneed. This new ubo of the stroboscope Is Important because It permits tho microscopic study of a machine work ing at Its highest spccil. and tho noting of strains and vibrations at all points, tho Imperfections and tho pos sibilities of Improvement In Its ar rangement of parts and their relation to one another. Automatic Coupling. Thero is probably no other occupa tion for men which shows such a largo list of accidents and deaths In com parison with tho number of employes as railroading and If thero Is one branch of this business which Is moro dangerous than nnother It Is tho coupling of cars In tho yards at the terminals and freight sidings. Of course, the Introduction of tho auto matic couplers has reduced greatly tho number of accidents from this source, but It Is still necessary for an employe to station himself at each Junction of the cars, to manipulato tho coupler head by means of tho lever on either car and In this there. Is chance of a mishap unless ho lb cautious. Perhaps tho largest number of couplings Is made between the switch ing engine nnd cars It Is to draw and for this work there has Just been In troduced an automatic arrangement which enables the engineer to connect or disconnect tho englno and cars without leaving his cab. Within easy reach of his hand, as shown hero, Operated from the Cab. there ore levers which connect direct ly with tho couplers nt tho front and rear of the engine and as tho englno approaches or recedes from a car n movement of tho proper lever will set the coupler to engage or release tho corresponding coupler on tho car. Tho Inventor is Augustus C. Hono of Louisville, Ky. Kitchen Utensil Handle. Thero aro Innumerable disadvan tages In having to handle pans of va rious kinds which aro provided with permanently attached handles. Burnt fingers frequently result and when cloths aro used to lift the pans the acme of cleanliness Is not always per missible. Then, too, thero nro flivnb which are not, In tho nature of things, provided with handles, and tho house wife Is left to her own devices to And means of lifting these from the stove. A Pennsylvania man, inspired prob ably by tho admonitions of his wife, has devised a detachable handle that will meet tho requirements of tho situation.' It can be used in lifting any pan, can bo attached In an Instant and will hold tho pan as securely as It it was soldered directly to the cldo of the utensil. It Is removable as easily as It is attached 'and ono of theso .handles will serve for as many of tho cooking utensils as tho stove will hold. ' Utility ot Sun Spots. Sir Norman Lockyer, tho British as tronomer, has advanced n remarkable new theory concerning the utility of sun spots. Sir Norman contends that the discovery and understanding of theso phenomena will provo one of tho most beneficial additions to tho world In genenil. He believes that such knowledgo may enable astrono mers to convert tho sun Into an agent to enable the nations to cope with droughts and famines. The spol.i on tho sun may render it possible tc pre dict with practical certainty the com ing of famlno and the exact part of the world whero It will take le.ee. In for a Long Rest. Tho maid Of the men of your ac quaintance 'who havo married "which 1o you think are the happiest? TY bachelor The dead. jsy CHEAP GATE FOR FARM. Easy to Make and Satisfactory In Every Way. I send you a drawing of a cheap faisn gato I find to be easily made an-J satisfactory In overy way. I havo several such gates on my farm and ha?o used ono for eight years. Tho frame Is mado of 2 by 4 Inch scant Hags, morticed together. Tho braco Is of the samo material. My gates aro BttUng with barbed wire, but woven wlro could bo used equally well. I inako my own gates. Tho usual length Is 14 feet. A gato of this length costs $1.50, Including tho hinges, besides tho making. Gato posts will not heave or tip If set four feet In tho ground "v; ' M JI S1' f -V sprr- : . A Farm Gate, and a pleco ot plank Is spiked on each sldo as shown In tho drawing. I always set gato posts and end fence posts In this way. J. H. Ox-Eye Daisy. F. C. I havo a pasture Infested with Ox-Eye Daisy, and I am now mowing them all down beforo they ripen. Do you think this will eradi cate tho pest? Tho Ox-Eyo Daisy Is not a native here, but has come, I nm Informed, from manure from cat tle fed upon Imported haj. Mowing tho Ox-Eye Daisy beforo tho seeds aro ripened will prevent tho crop of seedlings for that year, but tho plnnt is a perennial and tho roots will produco new plants and now flowers another year. However, it dops not root deeply. The best plan for clearing Infested land Is to break It up and seed down to clover. In this way the old plants aro de stroyed and any young plants from seed which should flower tho second year, will be cut with both tho first and Bccond crops of clover beforo tho seeds are ripe. Then, when tho clo ver sod Is plowed down, tho Ox-Eye Daisy plants will bo killed and the laud be clean. Ants In a House. M. It. A. would like to know what Is good to prevent ants staying around the place. When ants appear In a house, the first effort should bo made to dis cover where their nest is generally inside a wall or beneath a floor or some object close outside the build ing. If the nest can bo 'found, it should bo drenched with boiling wa ter ; out of doors blsulphido of carbon has been usedi with success, a spoon ful being thrown Into the hole which is then plugged with a little clod ot earth. If tho nest cannot bo located, as many Insects as posslblo should be destroyed. For this, small pieces ol sponge are moistened with watei containing some sugar and a little vinegar or borax and placed in the spots frequented by the nnts. The ants will collect on tho sponges, which should bo collected several times a day and dropped Into scalding water. v Coal Ashes for Grass Land. J. V. B. Are hard or soft coal ashes a proper fertilizer for grasa lands? Wood ashes aro frequently used by farmcis, but no coal ashes are used. Ashes from either hard or soft coal aro of llttlo or no value to grass land. Unleached wood ashes are highly useful on grass, land and may be applied at tho rate of from forty to eighty bushels per acre. Leached ashes contain very llttlo fertilizing In gredients. Thunder and Incubation. It. E. S. I had a poor hatch from my Incubator, getting only a 40 per cent, hatch. A great many chicks died in the shell after tho eggs were chipped. Wo had a severe thunder storm on tho twentieth day. Was that tho cause? Unless lightning struck very near the eggs tho thunder storm was not likely to causo tho trouble. Galls on Plum Leaves. A Sufferer Tho long red objects on your pluni leaves are galls made by a very small kind of mite ot tho same genus. Phytoptus, as tho Insect which causes the Pear-leaf Bllstergnll. Tho occurrence of this mlto In largo numbers naturally does a considerable amount ot harm, and it Is most prob able that the falluro of the fruit on your plum tree to develop promptly is Indirectly due to It. I am afraid It Is too lato now for you to make any application which will Bave your fruit this season, but next winter and just at the tlmo when the buds aro burst ing in spring, if the treas are sprayed thoroughly with tho lime and sulphur mixture they will be free of these in sects next year. A simple formula for making this wash In small quanti ties Is ono pound of lime and half a pound of sulphur, boiled for two hours in ono and a half gallons of water. When all tho sulphur is dissolved the liquid will bo of a bright amber color, and the quantity above mentioned must be filled up to three gallons with hot water at tho time of using. This will leave a deposit on the trees, which can be plainly seen and which will desiroy many kinds of Insects. 5 Moisture In Tobacco. The presence of molsturo in tobacco I?, tho Lancet believes, of somo Im portance to public health, since tho combustion of tobacco containing a large proportion of molsturo Is Im peded, wbllo as tho generation of va per Is Increased, so aro tho chances of tho poisonous principle- being carried into tho mouth. A Syllogism That Proves Much. Tho famous syllogism of Themisto cles was that his Infant son ruled tho wholo world, proved thus: ( My infant son rules his mother. His mother rules me. I rule tho Athenians. Tho Athenians rule tho Greeks. And the Greeks rulo tho world. United States Fts-h Catch. According to the National Geo graphic Magazine, tho total catch of food fishes in tho United States and Alaska, as shown by tho last canvass, was 1,733,314,324 pounds, valued at 45.631.1G5. Tho number of men em ployed was 214,056, and the capital In vested was $72,261,046. Of Wide Interest. Breed, Wis., July 18 Special Charles Y. Peterson, Jnstico of tho Peace for Oconto Co., has delivered a Judgment that Is of Interest to tho whole United States. Put briefly, that Judgment is, "Dodd's Kidney Pills aro tho best Kidney medicine on tho mar ket to-day." And Mr. Peterson gives his reason for this Judgment. Ho says: "Last winter I bad an aching pain In my back which troubled mo very much. I the morning I could hardly straight en my back. I did not know what it was but an advertisement led mo to try Dodd'j Kidney Pills. After taking ono box I can only say they havo done moro for mo than expected as I feel as well now as over I did before." Pain in the back is ono of tho first Bymptoms of Kidney disease. If not cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills it may develop Into Brlght'3 Disease, Dia betes, Rheumatism or somo of tho other deadly forms of Kidney Disease. Ban on American Dentists. The Supremo Court of Germany has rendered an opinion that tho title of doctor conferred by American dental colleges Is not to bo recognized In Germany, constituting a violation of tho German law against unfair compe tition and is therefore prohibited to bo used. Three hundred and twenty den tlsts In Germany, who heretofore held the JItle of doctor from American col leges, are affected by this decision. Youth a Relative Quality. Youth has nothing to do with years tho real youth that accepts life and learns from it the lessons which exalt and purify. But it is given to few to carry with them Into old ago tho splendor of tho dawn, to retain tho old "unconquerable hope" to tho end. Those few, however, aro tho salt of tho earth, whether thoy write, or dig, or sweep crossings. Learning Russian at Home. Swallow a whlto seldlitz powder, following it with a bluo ono. Then simultaneously swallow a big drink of water and Inhale somo finely pow dered cayenne pepper. Havo a phono graph handy when tho trouble starts, and you will havo on record tho city directory of St. Petersburg. Baltl. more American. Keep Most of Products at Home. In tho city of Smyrna there aro factories that mako thread yard, cal ico prints for head wear, boxes, etc.; there aro flour mills, machine shops, carriago and cart factories, and a clgaretto factory. None of tho manu factured articles, with tho exception of carpets, Is exported. Is It Not Worth While If you travel, on business or pleasure, to get tho bost service for tho lowest rates? Ask the Erie Railroad Com pany, 535 Railway Exchange. Chicago for full Information. Booklets free de scribing Summer Tours and tho Beau tlful Chautauqua Lake Region: also Cambridge Springs. New Value of Aluminum. A German experimenter, Herr Bernhard. noting the structure of aluminum, decided to try It for putting an edge on fine-cutting instruments, such ns surgical knives, raaors, etc. He found that it acted exactly like a razor-hone of the finest quality. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re eults than possible with any othei brand and one-third more for soma money. Oldest Woman In World. Madrid claims to havo tho oldest woman In the world Maria Nleto, who has lived In threo centuries, hav ing been born in 1781. She was twlco married and had nineteen children, all of whom sho siirvlves. Occasionally a man marries because ho imagines a divorce suit Is less ex pensive than a breach of promise suit Cornu Medals. An influential committee has been formed in Paris for tho purpose ot striking a medal in honor of tha mem ory of tho late Prof. Cornu. The com mlttoe Includes many members, for eign associates and correspondents of tne Instltuto of France, as well as oth er leaders in the scientific world. The medal wilt bo in bronze, silver bronzo and silver, and the price will be 15 francs, 20 francs and 50 franca re spectively. Difficulties only Increasa determination.