The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1904, Image 1

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    S'-'tr. Hi8
The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County,
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
k -.
fNfirf' ft
ff ff
CKing is a boon to
MoTherS and a
snaP for Santa
and be it farther
RESolved that
WE will send to
For them.
7T)E .
-? &"
13 K. T R.TQA.M: JCXt,
XDZEUfcrarxsi1 t
In Alliance 16-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phono 391.
Genuine Hair Mattresses
v $10.00
, $12.00 '
B. F. Lockwood Co.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this Column will be
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that Tits
Herald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
See Humphrey for picture framing-, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
English Shire stallion, weighing 1950
pounds for sale. Pedigree furnished.
Enquire of Erwin Kleenam, Hough, Neb.
Ranch Tor Lease. ,
Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land,
four miles east of Bridgeport. For par
ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or
John Hdgerty, Bridgeport.
The New Homestead Law
provides: (a) That the homestead rights
shall embrace 640 acres of land; (b) that
those who had taken a homestead may
take another to complete said area; (c)
that those now holding and residing upon a
homestead have first right to their share of
vacant land joining.
We are prepared to assist in finding de
sirable locations and, also to furnish re
liable information as to how to secure the
land you want. See J. P. Hazard, surveyor
and land attorney. Office on second floor
of'court house. 21-tf.
Free Trip to St. Louis World's Fair.
Trade at Norton's and get a free ride
and 3 day's admittance to the Big fair.
We give a ticket with each $1.00 cash
or paid on acct.
We guarantee to tell goods as cheap and
in most things cheaper than any other firm
in the county.
Attention! ,
All persons indebted to me are requested
to call and settle as I wish to buy another
roll of California oak leather which is used
in all the harness I manufacture.
Gbo. A. Hills.
Fourth of July Rates.
Hound trip tickets,at very low rates on
sale July 2, 3, nd 4. Return limit July 5,
Minimum rate 25 cents. Ask the agent.
The Ferris Wheel stacker is on exhibi
tion at the Forest Lumber company yards.
Manufactured by John Hague, Alliance,
Nebraska.' ,rwwwwwwwwwi,
House For Rent.
Three roows, next to Barry House,
Inquire at Barry House.
General and Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
Mrs. Ben Price and little sou of Heming
ford are the guesM of Mrs. Nichols this
week. v
Claud Cook and wife of Gillette, Wyo.,
are visiting with Mrs. Lemon, Mr.
Cook's mother.
In their closing out sale the Lockwood
Furniture company is making some very
low prices on genuine hair mattresses.
Dr. and Mrs. Bowmen have been enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Gilmoro and Mrs.
Bowman and daughter of Hay Springs the
past few days.
John Lenzen of Chicago was one of the
lucky aspirants to make a filing for land in
the rush Tuesday. He expects to move
on his cdw possessions some time this fall.
Judge Berry returned on 4: today from
Omaha, where he has been attending to
business matters. The Judge was ac
companied bv Mrs. Berry who will visit in
Iowa for a vhtle.
Geo. Darling makes use of a familiar
poetical selection which contains more
truth than fiction and its application to
his way of doing business is doubtless the
secret of his success,
Reuben P. Porter, of Rushville, and
Miss llattie Tubbs, of Hay Springs, were
married al Grant Holds' on Wyoming ave,
at 3 p. m. Thursday. They will live on
a ranch near Rushlille.
Miss Mary O'Keefe returned last Wed
nesday from the World's fair, having
enjoyed a pleasant week's visit not only at
the fair but she also visited many other
places of interest in St. Louis.
The Rumer department store Is making
another big cut on dry goods for one week
and invite the trade to inspect their new
advertisement on the fifth page of today's
Hr.RAi.D. Rumer has them all going.
Lost A check book on First National
bank, in which was contained three $10
bills, some where in this city. Kinder
will be,suitably rewarded by returning the
lost property to this office.
W. F. Patterson.
The musical program, given by the
Young People of the United Presbyterian
church, Friday evening, June 24th, was
well rendered and much enjoyed -by the
audience. The Young People were assist
ed by out side talent.
A hay-rack party was given by the Miss
es Anna Reck and Babe Hill, at the home
of the Hills, Tuesday night and the young
people had 'a great time. It was an ideal
moonlight night for a rural outing and the
spirits of the lads and lasses were at their
A Mr. Kennedy of Sheridan was in the
city last week in the interest of coal inter
ests he represents. Mr K. has recently
opened a fine coal mine of this kind of
fuel in that neighborhood and has a part
of the B. & M. coal supply to fill during
the coming winter.
The new city hall is about under room
and it certainly gives Alliance a metropoli
tan appearance. The work is progressing
without interruption and it will not be
long until the city officials and fire depart
ment will be at home to their friends in
the new municipal quarters.
Horace Bogue has the people in terested
in the ticket business and as a result the,
store has been a veritable bee hive since
he inaugurated the scheme, which is a
boon to those who deal at the City Cash
Store. Read his advertisement on the last
page and consider the advantage in buying
at the prices he offers. ,
Rev. Father Barry left for Omaha the
first of the week to attend the annual
retreat of the priests of this diocese.
Father Barry has not been feeling well
since he came to Alliance and it may be
that he will not return to this parish. He
is a most zealous and genial man and his"
short stay among us has already created a
warm friendship which we are loath to
While out driving last Sunday, Mrs.
Geo. Gilespie and her three little children
had a narrow escape from a serious acci-
; dent. The horse took fright and ran away.
Mrs. Gilespie and the two oldest children
were thrown out of the buggy and escaped
injury but the little baby, of four months,
fell to the bottom of the buggy bed and
was carried along in the runaway, After
a wild ride of several blocks the vehicle
was overturned near the railway track in
the east part of town and the little one
tossed out. Strange as it may seem, the
babe escaped with but a few scratches.
Word was received along the line Wed
nesday afternoon from Burlington, Iowa,
to the effect that the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Burrows, who are well known
in this part of the country, fell between a
pile of baled hay and before he could be
reached was smothered to death. The
family were at one time residents of
Sheridan, Mr. B. having extensive busi
ness interests along the Burlington, Nu
merous messages of condolence were for
warded to the bereaved parents from this
Arrangements have been made with the
railway company to attach a passenger
coach to train No. 45, on the, morning of
the Fourth for the convenience of Alliance
people who desire to spend the day at our
neighboring town of Crawford. The train
.ill leave here about 5 a. m., thus giviug
the greater part of the day to those who
luave here. The celebration at Crawford
is going to be a big affair and the attend
ance from this city will be large. We do
not forget the liberal patronage tendered
Alliance last Fourth by the Crawford peo-
Ele and now that we have a chance to get
ack at them we hope to reciprocate in a
like manner. '
The remains of Tlios. McLaughlin, who
was killed in this city by lightning last
Friday afternoon, were taken to Decatur
City, Iowa, Saturday night, accompanied
by his family, where the funeral was held.
The deceased was born in that city in the
year 1876. Besides his wife, Mr. Mc
Laughlin leaves two small children. A
fortunate instance surrounds the cutting
off of this young and good life, which will
prove of material benefit to the little flock
he leaves behind. Scarcely two motfths
ago H. II. Lewis, who is local secretary
for the Modern Brotherhood of America,
a fraternal institution, induced Mr. Mc
Laughlin to take out a life Insurance pol
icy for $2,oco; there was some hesitancy
on his part for a while, but he finally con
cluded to take Mr. Lewis' advice and of
course his untiirely taking away and the
protection afforded his family in n material
way tells its own story. While this is
small recompense to the widow who is cast
down in sorrow, yet it is consoling to learn
that life's path is not made doubly painful
to a mother with two little ones who re
quire her protection and assistance single
handed and alone. This is the third pol
icy within a year that this company has
been called upon to pay in this locality.
The other two were Ernest Lembku and
Wnlter Tice, for $2,000 and $200.
Rev. Burleigh of Hetningford was in th
city last night having made a trip through
the sand hills. He intended to proceed
home that night but Sheriff Reed served
notice that he had gone far enough for one
day and he was compelled to take that offi
cer's advice. The old friends enjoyed
their visit immensely.
The hotels and restaurants havo'been
doing a big busitiess during the past week.
For a few days and several nights lodging
rooms were a scarce article. Many
found shelter in privato residences and
while some of the land applicants had to
hustlo quite lively for quarters, no one
was disappointed iu this respect.
The Social Hour club with visiting
friends met at the homo of Mrs. Jnme
Bellwood last Friday afternoon and a very
pleasant time was had. The ladies first
met at the home of Mrs. M. . Johnson
where Mr. Jerry Rowan called with his
automobile and took them to the Bellwood
home. During the summer mouths the
club will meet the first' and third Friday
of each month. '1 he next meeting will be
with Mrs. L. A. Sichawver next Friday
J, C. McCorkle returned Wednesday
from nn extended trip through the southern
part of the state iu the interest of the
Triangle Lever Lift Hay Stacker, Mr.
McCorkle's trip was very sucegssful and
the sales for this stacker have been so
large that they have experienced dilfic .lty
in beings able to supply the demand. The
Triangle Lever Lift company haue an an
nouncement in this issue which will in
terest you.
This Ts certainly a world of human
divergence, and the sayjng that "one-half
of the world don't know how the other
half exists" is true. For instance: While
the greater population of Alliance were
falling over each other in the mad rush for
land Tuesday afternoon, a poor woman
with five little children the oldest per
haps 8. j ears and the youngest a mere
babe sat in the wa ting room of the
depot penniless and hungry. She was
here awaiting a letter and assistance from
her husband, but through some cause the
same did not materialize. After waiting
till almost evening, the woman mustered
up courage to go to Operator Kennedy
and ask him to locate her husband by wire.
It was thought he was at Hemingford but
later he was found at Crawford and her
condition made known to him. Mr. Ken
nedy saw to it that the destitute were pro
vided with food and bed for the night and
the next morning a telegram from the
husband brought an order far a ticket and
a small amount of money.
License to wed was issued yesterday
to Robson P. Carter and Hattic Tubbs.
Williard Beemnn and Sarah Barker
were married Monday by County Judge!
Miss Clara Harding arrived Monday
from Sheridan to visit Miss Minnie
Louis Buechsenstein aad daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sheehau went
to Hot Springs Saturday, returning
Tuesday meriting.
The board of county commissioners
adjourned last night. A complote re
port of equalization matters as well a
regularbusiness will appear iu our ne.xt
Editor Ellis returned Weduesduy
from his trip east having attended the
republican national convention at Chi
cago an J vifitcd the St. Louis Exposi
T. J. O'Keefe will leave tomorrow
for St. Louis to attend the democratic
national convention as a delegate from
the sixth congressional district.
Henry F. Merritt, a stockmau of
Table Grove, III., has been here a few
days visiting his niece, Mrs. E. P..
Sweeney and Mr. J. A. Heist. Mr.
Merritt bought two cars of choice
steers, which he will ship next week.
P. G. Cooper, Will Forbes and C. J,
Hornsby comprised a delegation of
Crawford citizens who were in Alliance
yesterday and this forenoon trying to
arrange for special train service for
those of our citizens who will go to
Crawford to celobrate the Fourth. The
best that could be secured were extra
cars on Mo. 45, which leaves here on
the morning of the Fourth at 5 o'clock.
We are assured that tho Crawford
people will do their utmost to entertain
her visitors.
Old Fashioned 4 th of July Celebration
At Hagaman's grove, 12 miles south
west of Alliance.
An old-time celebration will be held at
this well kuown palace and the progiam
will consist of the sports in which young
and old will be interested. The public
is invited to attend and every one will be
made to feel that the day has been well
spent. There will be a refreshment stand
on the ground, where all can be accom
modated with the delicacies and food
required to satisfy the inner man on such
an auspicious occasion.
Opening- Day for
tion the Scene of
$lnuy Cntnp All Night In the Streets in
Order to be nt the Head of the Proces
sion Tuesday Morning The l.nnd Of
. lee us llltsy iib 11 I tec Hive.
Tuesday was a grent day for Alliauce
and the scenos of bygone days were reen-
actcd with all the lively events surround
ing the opening of a new country. The
old pioneers who still remember the excit
ing events of tho early eighties and the
wild rush of emigrants front all parts of
the east looked on the throngs of humanity
crowding the thoroughfares of the city and
their minds reverted to tho days when
thuy themselves came here on the mission,
that of securing a slice of Uncle Sam's
domain. Whijo there was no diiorder or
rush thu aspirants woro early on the ground
and eager to gat into lino for registration,
which began at 9:00 oclock in the morning
Quite a number of over anxious camped
all night in the rear of the opera house
whero the line was to be arranged. At 7
o'clock Tuesday morning there were about
325 people in lino including men and
women aUd among them a good sprinkling
of the colored race. Marshal Boon had
charge of the organization of tho line and
with the assistance of Sheriff Reed and a
number bf deputies there was perfect or
der. It is only just to compliment the offi
cers and deputies on tho mannor in which
they handled the jostling crowd of hu
manity. Press dispatches tell of a differ
ent state of affairs at other places in thu
district where land offices are located
and especially was there disorder and
violence reported at Broken Bow, where
for a time it was thought that tho militia
would have to bo called out. Alliance
takes the banner for law and order and
we have reason to feef proud of the fact.
Of the several thousand strangers in the
city Tuesday and Wednesday, there were
but Iqw from out of tho state and the re
port that the Burlington would run a
special Tuesday morning loaded with laud
seekers from Pennsylvania proved errone
ous. The greatest body of applicants from
out of tho state came from Chicago and
they were among the first to reach the
land office, having been close to the head
of the procession. The ambitions of life
were fully illustrated by the appearance of
two, women in the line who were far past
the two-score-and-ten age. And a number
of men past 50 years were not a few.
Humanity with all its divergencies of disposition-was
interesting to observe. There
was the sullen, eager expression only
thinking of the chances to secure a section
of land, and the over anxious man who
some times had to be reminded that he
was overstepping his place in the line, and
the funny man who kept the whole crowd
in a constant roar of laughter by his wi
and comic songs. He took special delight
in telling the boys how much he thought
of his mother-in-law and the only thing
that kept him in line all night and the next
morning waa the fact that he intended to
spend five years on his claim and then
give Jt to his wife's mother as a Christmas
gift. Another wit wanted to know what a
good land office was without a land lady
for he said he was hungry having been
deprived of his breakfast in his night vigil.
And so the time passed to tho crowd in
line. .
The first day's registration numbered
about eighty-five. In the aftenoon the
officers took compassion on the people who
were growing fatigued over the long wait
and the heat of the sun and issued numbers
with duplicates in .the laud office to those
in line and they were thus at liberty to
break ranks. In less "time than it takes to
tell it, the street to the east of the land
office was deserted and only those who
held the numbers likely to be called soon
Wednesday morning was consumed by
the land office force in filing the applica
tions of those sent in by mail the night
previous. Almost one tlousand applica
tions were received in manner. A
great many came from LakMide, Uemingr
ford and vicinity. A special train carry
ing a crowd of land seekers was hurried
east Tuesday to Lakeside to make the
necessary filings that could catch the first
mail to Alliance. Thursday another large
batch was turned in in the same manner.
Wednesday afternoon the local land
office resumed the work of accepting filings
from those who had not reached the office
the previous day. The work of making
out the entire documents was dispensed
with and only the essencial parts and
signatures occupied the clerical time. By
this method the work was greatly facili
teated, About thirteen hundred instru
ments were filed at the Alliance land office.
Felix Lester of this city had the honor
of being the first applicant in the line to
register at tho lund office Tuesday morn
ing. A great many landowners did remain to
file on additional land when they became
aware of the fact that according to the
Kinl'aid bill they had a 'preferential right
over all others for thirty days in which to
make filings on land adjoining their land.
This relieved the tension pf the moment
and was the cause of many leaving for
hotnd till a later date, when the crowd
was gone.
In Kindly
Mrs. Laura 13.
thank her friend
McLaughlin, desires to
s anu uuignuors who
kindly volunteered thoir assistance in her
depp trials, when her husband was so
suddenly taken away from 'her and the
children in the recent storm in' which lie
lost his life" by lightning, and from the
bottom of her heart the widow prays that
such kindness nod Christian spirit will in
return receive the reward it deserves.
M. E. Church Notes.
The Ladies' Aid society will mstet with"
Mrs. J. F. Ringler noxt Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Sunday school teacher's mooting will bo
held at the home of Mr. E. C. Hill next
Wednesday evening.
Sorvicos will be hatd nt the church next
Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 10
a. tn. Preachiug nt Ji a. m. and 8 p. m.
Junior I.emguu at 2:30 p. m. PlpworUi
League at 7 p. m. l'ruvor meeting flidri
day evening S p. m. All nre cordially in
vited to attend.
Strayed or Stolen.
From my premises 12 mile north nnd 1
mile west.of Alliance Friday, June 24, five
head of two-yoar-old colts, described as
follows; 1 sorrel gelding whtto face and
white hind feet; black guiding; bay guid
ing, wire cut on breast; black mare, hind
feet white; bay maro with small star in
forehead. Liberal reward for information
leading to recovery of same.
Titos, Collins,
Alliance, Nob.
xue inost'eiclnwteTrvnfnKo women."
among the ancients, apart from Uie
fabled nuinzons, wore tho Helvetian
ladles. Caesar praises highly their
military achievements. In more than
one Instance the legions of Rome turn
ed thclr'bucks on tho fair ones of Swit
zerland. During the eruaudea women
often performed the most -romantic nnd
chivalrous deeds, dylnjf cheerfully by
the sides of their lovers and husbands.
, Cnrcnironulrte.
Tho Old Man Humph! When I wbb
your age I didn't weur Uld gloves nnd
a enne! Algy (In an Injured tone)
Well, father, I should think you'd ex
pect to find some improvements In tho
family since that time.
The Lottery of Mnrrlnwc.
The Deacon Do you believe mar
riage Is a lottery? Tho Parson I do.
Why, I really can't tell whether I'm
going to get ?10 ortOO cents out of one.
Yonkera Stntesman.
Snmo Tlilnsr.
Mlsa Carrye Moore She calls him
her Intended. Aro they engaged? Miss
Cutting Illntz No, but alio Intends to
marry him. St. Paul Pioneer Tress.
I can furnish you with the best stacker
on the market. My machine has the most
improvements, surest in its working, sim
plest but superior in construction, and
will give you the best satisfaction
1 New Principles
New Features
Now Ideas
The quickest acting
I lie strongest built ,
The shortest rope
The only rebounding fork head
The only stacker with but one pulley
. It is pronounced the best hay stacker
made by all who witnessed it in operation
on the Hague ranch in the fall of 1903,
where the test machine handled about 900
tons of hay without a break, and since that
time some valuable improvements have
been added.
I ask you to come and judge for yourself
the merits of my machine as compared
with others Call at Forest Lumber Co.'s
yards and examine stacker.
I wish to put my machine in the field
against any other stacker made.
Send for circular. John Haguk,
Alliance, Net-.
Apptlcutlon for Drucclst'A I'crmh.
Notice Is lmroby nlven that 11 II, Funk hu
(Hud Ills putitloa with the Ixcuil of village
truntctiH of the vIIIuku. of Uuiuiiufforil, .V
lirttsKa, for ;t portult to sell mult plmiuu
and vliiuus liquors foi nimllctiKil imrMt on
lotS, lilock 10. in the I1I.ik u( ltw.ilntfonl,
Nub., for the wisutnK year
fpJulyl 11, I.FiK. ApuJIiiint.
Notice of Dissolution.
Nutlet' is huroliy Klvttu thai thu tlrui.of
Snyder .t Hurtv.n, coiuporml of .1. V, Siiydur
and J, F. HiiiUjuii, U this day 1Ikso1imI liy
mutual coiiMiut, J. A. Snyder rutirlni;. J.l'.
llurto)i assumos all UoliUowniK ami nil tir
counts uru imyuhle to him.
Dated JUUO-JU, 1W. .!. K. IIakmdk.
J. A. SnvoSii.
Notice to Creditors.
In county Court, within and for Ho.v ltutto
county, Nohniikii. July 1, UWJ, lit the
matter of thi est a to of John S. Ilutrhud
deceased. To thu creditors of said catalo:
You 111 o hereby notified, that 1 will sit ut
thu County Court llooin Iu Alltanro In &nld
county, on tho luth da of Lecembor, ru
cetvu Itnd exiiintiio all claims hkhIiisl suld
estate, with a view Ui their udjustmeut uud
allowance Thu tlmo llmltrd for thu pres
entation of claims Hiralnst said ustatu Is six
months, from tho lltli day of June, A. D, Jiwt.
und thutlmu lludted for payment of debts is
one year from said 11th iluy of June, lftOl.
Witness my hand and tho seal ot said
county court, this 1 st day of July, loot.
Kp July l-lw. O. K. Sfacut, County Judge,
Notes of
Interest from
the School
.Mr. rfnlinrcnnf
s Lecture.
Supt. Borky of Sioux county will remain
in Alliance and be present at the normal
tho greater part of tho summer, 'Airs.
Know, Supt. of Cheyenne county, spent
one week with her toachors in tho tcliool.
Deputy State Supt. McUricn was a
welcome visitor last week. Ho is always
welcomed as a warm friend by tho school
people to whom his talks stem to bo an
inspiration. Wo hope to see him again
before school closes,
The ministers of tho city have been very
kind in giving their services during the
chapel period. Thoso who have been
with us are Rev. Bogue, Itov Ray and
Rev. Jcffers. Their talks aro much
enjoyed ana appreciated.
Mr. Philpott gavo several experiments
in electricity in tho assembly room last
Monday that wore a novelty to many of
the students and caused much excitement.
Tho last experiment "shocked" several
but tho effect was not serious.
Tuesday the students had tho pleasure
of listening to talks by Miss Merrick, the
well known Deaconess of tho Methodist
church who is giving her life to' good
works, and to Rev. Brown of Reno. .Miss
Herriclc again addressed the students in
the evening,
Mrs. Brindley, who will have charge of
the Model School luriug the normal
arrived Saturday and began work Monday
morning. Mrs. Brindley Is' an experi
enced teacher and thoso taking work in
her classes will have the benefit of the
knowledge gained by years of work
The lecture given in the opera hbitso
was all that wa? expected in excellence.
Mr. Roberson having spent many years in
travel and being a fino opener .could carry
his hirers with him as gteae after flefc no
wa'S iprpsenjed showing thu- N'otthlrfud5. in
all'lts beauty and strangeness The pict
ures aro very fine, being the best that arc
known. Many, from otlf lot town, cam$ to
attuud and wero woll paid. , 1
the attendance at thu Alliance Normal
nw numbar?'i44, niLincreaBedf rOoVer
that of last year at tliolourth week. New
students are daily arriving and soon fall
in with the work which is thoroughly
organized. Unusual interest is being "mani
fested, student doing all the jclass.-wprk
possiblo and absence from recitation being
rare. There is promise of a brilliant suc
cess for the normal of this year, and wo
hope for the school to become a perma
nent thing ,
Lost Belt buckle. 1x2 inchps.hcavy gold
plate, harness buckle style, between
Newberry's store and my residence. $2,00
for return of same. A.Tfiplott.
For Sale Carriage and phaeton, for
cash or on time. J. C. WIlhon & Bap.
Simon Spry has secured the agency for
the celebrated Val Blatz bottled beer in
cases and is -prepared to fill all' orders
promptly. This brand of beer has a
world-wide reputation and is rccqmmcnded
as the best tonic for thoso 'requiring a
stimulant that is wholesome and pure.. It
is used in families the country over and
shows the largest sales in this way of any
beer brewed. The Val Blatz family brew
is put up in piutand quart bottles, securely
sealed, and will lo delivered in cases
promptly to any part ot the city-.oa re
quest. . 4W
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humpiirv. 7io-t
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats,
Don't fnll to" upend tho Fourth at
llemlngfohl, A big time guaranteed.
Persons dpiirillf (n nntur )mmrli-i,tc n.
"make final proof in other land districts can
do so without going to land office. Address
or call on T. .1. O'Keefe, U. . Commis
sioner for the district of Nebraska, Alliance,
Ferris Wheel stackers can't be beat,
them before buying elsewhere.
i.onaK.iiini:nytiv. -IS.
nv It. T.-UardstniRRlo I.oJgtf. No. 042
Meets .every Sunday afternoon at 2,,
Eagle hall. Visiting brothers welcome
J. A. Dunning, W. M.
M. Hargravks, Sec'y;
ltOTAb Ill(Mil.AM)Kiis-.VIIlaniMi Castle No.
43 meets very kocoik! and fourth Thursday
ovenlng In W. O. W. Hull. VMHiik Ctnnsrncn
cordlallv Invited.. v
E. 1 Wooiw, O. W. Leiwv,
St' ti. IV,
L. U. T. SI. Mt'otsi evury (IrstunU third p,rr
dny nt ICuglo Hall. Vlhltlni; Macra'ieut coi
dliilly Invited. Miw. K. J. Hetzomj. Ij.
JUta. AstctlR Voirsrr, It. IC.
The Spring Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special
on provisions
of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying1.
Lee Achesoa
'Phone No. 4.