$M&&&g&gfa&fe&B&&&&&&i6 && life ii&fegfc Jk g&s . Sfe fe?ir;i6feMr- -8fc M&-. .fcvjSKg; 5&. iSfe gfe 3& :& &&(& if m. W v. h h I 4 REMEMBER THE FOURTH OF JULY! m 7 S M J -4 li ; ' 1 $ ! ! I ' 1 l ' 1 ' 1 I C i i 1 W' ' "' 'Mr'" H3SHH ixaara it iter's AND EVERY HAN, WOMAN AND CHILD TllLST HAVE SOMETHING FOR THE DAY m Depart ent S tore Yov will find anything you want to help make the day a pleasure and for one week will make ONE BIG CUT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. An Man Ciiflfc that sold for $10 to $12, ITien S !?UlLb will sell them tor jfojL - Onlv one week of this special sale. ALL OF OUR HIGH-GRADE SHIRTS made from the best Madras and Percale, and Fast Colors, For one 50 week only Ladies' Shirt Waists Lot 1. Shirt Waists in Percale, Fast Colors, )C Shirt Waists in Percale. " onlv "t Only $1 Each T. WASH GOODS ! WASH GOODS! bToJ-t in this department. Lawns and Dimities, Fast Colors, worth 10 and 12c per yd., Only 7 U2c per yd. M Hi:.Mi:.MI!kK, Only 10 Yards to I'.nch Customer. HATS! HATS! HATS! Almost Given Away Hats that are sold everywhere q No. I f&l for $2.50 to $3.00, all go in , , ., ' ro two lots LUL 3. I. yOL M-MMnMwaanaMn.a ffi SHOES ! SHOES ! SPECIAL PRICES in LADIES', MEN'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES. For one week BEGINNING JUNE 25 BEGINNING JUNE 25 Remember the place and the store Rumer's Department Store and this Special Sale will onlv last for ONE WEEK. W. D.RUMER. Alliance, Nelb, illPlPww S. K. Warrick. Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. Ciias. E. Ford, President A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: Chas. E. Ford1, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. vv 1 JWU M EE 1 w? ysC For that small repairing- we have the fixings, Boafds for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv Dierks' Lumber Coal Co. j& Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 HIDES HIDES HIDES BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE -0 4 WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP GEO. A. HILLS l'HOM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of BulldlnQ Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. .JLJLILSJLJMJMJMXSJUL 1 HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! 3 LAWN HOWERS. GASOLINE 2 STOVES and REFRIGERATORS Good Line to Select From Prices Right n We can attend to your Plumbing wants promptly and satisfactorily. Yours for your money's worth. Acheson & Joder YvrrrrrrcTSTimiTi irryryrrrTrrt'1ST-r7rrrrrTa'STjr'i''3 Public Notice, in tlm illNtrlct court ot Ilox Hut to county, Nuliruiku, Jomu Willis, J'liiliitlll. vs. lumen Willis, Ilffpiiilntit. To Junius WIius. iiini-iuilik'lit (U'fcndant : you nrc lierehy iiolllled that on tlio 1(11 ti day of J lino 1WI. .loslo Wlms, plaintiff, tiled it h"tf tloii ucnltiM jon In tln illitrict court of Itox lluttu con ti IV. Ni'liiiicltn. tliu object and ira)ur of which nro to obtain iiillvorcii from you ou Hid ground tlmt you liavo wilfully abundant d the iliilutlll without cixid online for tho term of two j earn liiht past, forcruulty anil for Krossly. wantonly and cruelly rcfus i 1 1 vr . neglect Intf unit full I in; to sunixirt nod niittutaVn tlie plalntllV. Vim arc required to answer said petHUm on or before Mnmlny the 2,-th da of .luly lw)i. .Iomk W'i.ms. Plaintiff, lly William Mltcliull. her Attorney. .Iimo 1T-4 Sheriff Sale. No. I4K1. lly virtuu of nn order rfsnle Instifd by thu clerk of tlm district com t of Ilox lluttc county, Ni-brasUa, upon a decreo rendered by n.ild court In fnvurnf Hubert Anderson, I'lalntlff. and against Tliu American l.n.in and Trust company. Tin? .moiican invusiiiiuiii company of jlui'oln, Nebraska. U. K. UroIor and .loliu Uou. dufondants. 1 will, m the lllth ilay of July A. 1) , 1WI. nt lfl o'clock a. m. uu said day. at the wot front door of the court Ikuud In Alliance, In miUI county. sell tlio following ilescrlbed real t-stale. to-wlt: Tlio norlbcasi iii.irter of Nation 3.". In township', north of r.iiiuSl, west of-'i.xtli principal meridlau. In Hox lluttu coiinty, Ne iiraKka.at public auclloii t-i Hu liljrlifft bid tier fur cash, lo Mitisfj fuid onlirnf Nile, In Biim of sTO.tW mill interest, cost unit ii'-crului; costs r uliJiH-t to all unp.ilil tae 1HA in.rii.&lii'llirof Nilil t Hunty. II. K. (lllimiu. Attorney for I'laiuillt Juno 17 Sheriff's Snle. 11 vlitufitf un onlcrof salo ls-ned by t lie ciei-Kor tnc district court ot iiox iiiiii"Couuiy. Nebraska, uihjii a decree rendered by nald com t In favor of T. M. Lawlcr, iilnliitllT. and apiinsi lit rbeit M. Alulei'Min, Alviuo Ander son, wif of ilef. udaut. Herbert -M. Audutson, and Ihiuiel iticliey. defendants 1 vill,ou tlio Uttli day of July, iwit at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at the we t front dixir of the court liouso in Alil.incu. in said county, Mill tliu ful lowliitfdescrilied real estate, to-wlt: oulliwcstijuarterof siH-tlou I, township north raiiKU -IS west nib p. in. In llo lluttu I'ounty. .Nebraska, at public auction to tlio hiuhest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale. In tlio sum of 8TtU0 ami Interest, costs and accruliiR costs subloctto all unpaid taxes. Ira Hkeii, s-horllT of Bald County. Vl'51. MtTClIKI.t.. Attorney for PlalutllT. fp Juun 10 Contest Notice U. S. Land Ofllco. Alliance, Neb., Mny 23, 1001 A sulllclent contest allidavlt lmlnK been filed In this ollicu by John K'lnsvlla, contestant, against lloiiiesteiulcutr) No. :MI-. mado July Jo, HUM, for tliu northeast u.unrter section n, township UK, raiiKU 40 west, by Jamcn Howard, conlestce, In which it Is allcKi'd that Bald James Howard has abandoned said homestead for moru than six months last past and that said allcKcd ubtniico f mm the said laud wiih not due to lilsuniplymeut In thu army, navy or marine, corps of the United States as a privato boldler, ollieur, seaman or marlliu duiluuthu war with Kpaiu or duriuK any other war In Which the United Htales may be ciiKau'cd, said parties are hereby notltled to appear, respond and offer evidence touehlm: saht allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on August 11. 11I, befuro the HeBlster and Hecelter at tlio rnlted Stales Land Ofllco i'i Alliance, Nebraska That said contestant haiiliK. in n proiier allidavlt, tiled May 24, 1WI. sHt forth facts which show that after duo diligence pcrwinal Hcrvlco of this notice cannot Irj made, it in ordered and directed that such notico bo Klveu by due and proper publication, f p May 27 llltuct: WlliCOX. ltelster. Appointment of Administrator. Stale of Nebraska, i : tuny court lunu 31, A. D. Hex lluttu County At a CHiiuty cmirt. held at tho room, in and fur eaid count). I1V4. Present, 1). IC. Siacht. county Judue, In the mutter of thu estate of Mlclieul L Jucoby, deceased. On ruadiUKaud HlliiK the petition of Samuol V. Jacoby, prayliiK that administration of said estate niuv bu granted to Ulin us admin istrator. Ordered that July 0th, A. D. 1004, at 0 o'clock a. ni., is assigned fur hearing said pe tition, when all persons Interested, lit said matter may appear at a county courtto bo held in and for said county, and show cuueu why tho praye; of petitioner should not Iw Kruiited; and that notico of the pendency of wild petition and tliu bearing thereof, ImKlven to all persons Interested in said matter by piihllsbltiK a copy of this ordpr In Tub Ai.li ni'b iib'RAt.n.u weekly uuwspapur iiriuUd In mud county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of bearlin;. I) K. .si-ACllT. o unty Judge. (A true copy.) Lheai, fp June 31. For Safe Cheap Refrigerator, good as new. Phone 388. Older Tor llcnilii Tor Settlement Of Account, STATi: OP NKIIKASKA I . . 11(1X ItCTTIJ CJl-NT V, (" At a county court, held lit the county court room. In and for wild county, Juno 0, A.' 1)., 1ID14. Present, I). K.fpacht, County .IiuIbo lu tho matter of estate of Delia Doe, deceased. OuieadliiK and tiling the limit account of 15.1. .""weeuuv, priiylnu final KCttlement mid allowance of Ids account, llled on tlio Mil day of June, HUH, nntl for thoorder declaring the! lielrsldpof nrop'-rty lioth real and personal, and for Ills iilscuarKO. Ordered, tbat.lumi 3Jlh. A. D. 1901, at one o'clock p. iu Is assigned for heiirlui; wild petition, when all pernios- Interested lu said matteriniiy appeiirut n county court to be held lu and for said county, mid show cause, why the prayer of petitioner should not lie (trained! and that notice of thu pending ot said petition, and tho bearlin; thereof, bu lllvcn 10 all persons iiiteri'Hted lu Mild inatler liy puIiIIhIiIiik ii copy of Hum order lu The Am.ianck Hkiiai.d 11 weekly nowspaper print ed lu said county, for threu successive weeks, prloi to said day of heariim. (A truo cony) I). K. Spacht. leal 3w-fp-JuuoI0 County J mice. Guy Lockwood . . GitADL'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL or r.MII.VI..MING Funeral Director and Hmbalmer Phones Office 214. Hes 2051 Expert I.ndy Attendant.. AlllQnce, Neb, Contest Notice. V. S. Lund Olllce, Alliance, Neb., Muy3,1, 1004. A suuicieui contesi amilavit liaving neeii llled III this ollicu by John IvIiiKella, coutestaul, ajjalnst llonicsteiiii entry No, IBM. mado Juno I',. W for tliu southwest quarter section 14, township 2s north, raiico 40 west, by Krlck II. Sullen colltestee. In wblcb It Is allcued that said I'.rlcl: H.Selleli liasabaudoiuslsaldhouie stead for moru than six mniitlis last past and that xiilil allcKi'd ubsonco from thu said laud was nut due lo bis employment In the army, navy or murine corps' of 1I10 Culled Stalcsas a privato soldier, olllcer seiunun or muilne dunlin the war with Snulli or during any other war lu which tho United Mutes may bo en kiikmiI, said parties aru heieby untitled lo ap pear, respond and olfcr evidence touching said alleKiitioii at 10 o'cIik'Ic a m. on August 11 1001, before the Register und ltis'elverat the United Mates l.aud OtUcu in Alliance, Nebraska. Tliu said contestant having. In a proper af fidavit, Hied ilay 24, lM4, set forth facts which show that afteruuiidilllKencu personal service of this notico can not be made, It is hereby ordered and directed that such not Ire be given by duo ami proper publication. fpMuyj; lllll'CB W'jl.Cux, Heglster. , Contest Notice. U. . Laud Olllce. Alliance. Neb., May I5, 1104. A sulllclent contest allidavlt having been llled In thlsoilicoby CSeorgu A. I'eudrlch, con testant, ugalliHt Hmuestead entry No 3774, liiiulo SPptember 27. 1000. for thu southeast quarter section II, towushl)2S north, range 4ti west, by Unink Wathlng con testis.-, in which It Is alleged that said Frank Wat liiug has not done any work or made any lmpiovemcnls 011 said laud lis required by law and bus aban doned said laiidfor over six months Just past and that said alleged absence from tliu said laud was nut duo to Ids employment in thu army, navy or marine corps of thu United States us a privato soldier, olllcer seaman or marine during thu war with Spain or during any other war lu which thu United States may lie engaged, said parties lire hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer uvldunro touching said allegation ut 10 o'clock 11. in. on August II, 1004. before tlm lteglster and Hecelver lit tho United States Land Olllce lu Alliance, Nebraska, Thu said contestant having, lu a proper 11 f (Uluvlt. Hied May 24, 1(01, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal servleo of thu notice can not bu made, it Ik hereby or dered and directed that .such notice Iw given by duo and proper publication. fpMuy27 Ilitucir.Wll.Cox. lteglster. Notice. Notice Is hereby given to thu memliers of the Alliance Cemetery association of Alliance, Itox llutte county, Nebraska, that there will bo a meeting of saU Cemetery Association, on thu 1st day of July, 1001, at 4 o'clock p. m.. ut thu ollicu of William Mitchell, In Alliance, Ilox liutte county, Nebraska, for thu uurpotio of electing trustee of said Cemetery Association and one clerk und for the transaction of such other business 11a may legally come buforu said meeting. fpjuno lU-.'iw ItnilKUT Ha.xtkii, Notice to Defendant. To I, C. Karncst, first uamo unknown defendant. You will tako notice that 011 tho 14th day of May 1X)I. Thu Fidelity Kent Estate, ami Ioau Co. commenced un action in thu county court of Hox lluttu county, Nebraska, against you to recover 011 one promUury note, that un order of uttachuieut was issued iiguiiist you In said action under which money in the po.scsslon of 'tho Chicago llurllugtou and Quiucy Railroad Co. was attacbod by garnishment. That said causu has been continued to July 11, 1001. at which time you are required to appear and defend said action. Juuel7-3 Fidelity Heal Kstate anil Loan Co. Public Notice. In tho district court of llo liutte county. Nebraska. Maud Haney, Plaintiff vs. Edward Itaney, Defendant. To Kdward Kaney. non-resident defendant: you are hereby notified thut ou thu ltSth day ot .lunu. Maud Haney 1101, plaintiff, tiled a petition against you In thu district court of Hox lluttu county, Nubrasku, the object und prujerof which uro to obtain a divorce from you ou thu ground that you buvo wilfully almudoucd thu plaintiff, without good cause, fort tin term of two yours last p.ist. You aru required to answer said petition on or buforu Monday, tho 25th day of July 1004. Maud ICANEV, Plaintiff, lly William Mitchell, her Attorney, Juno 17-4 J)iamonds, Watches, M Gold Jewelry, . . Souvenirs . Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. - " .attended to.- Ae O. Bajrnes Jeweler and Optician. j, A LJ J-"fl vuiiuii W a0Jmm i T i DEALERS IN" V w .J, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK, Drugs, Perfumes! and Toilet Articles.! Paints, Oils and Wall Paper :!; "FtbsctvjiVvotvs CaTtAvi Comirjvvrtj,tjr, Alliance, Nebraska, j- :: :: ;KH'XHwHX' HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most liptu-liiiie llrnir Storch iu Nebraska . A-.tXJt.JT - hrot.K OF Prescriptions Carefully . OonnDoiinclecl a "- Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing , . . a Specialty. . it k vt Alliance, Nebraska. r. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. -HH-WI The placing of a few dollars monthly in the 5 ... ALLIANCE.... I National Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. V. M. ICmoiit, President .... W. IT. OoitniN. V. President O. II. CoNNETT.Cushler. f?i X--'r'-;--' 1 Ei Ei 'lii nm "' 'SSSSm y Jwi J t& Palace Livery Bam S. II. jDICSCH, 1?i-i. om: Iii.ock vi:st of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: nkw .iiindkn . , an(i courteous treatment to all has won for us the mn.niNG. 'Phone 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Dray and Transfer Line. .V&v. MfC WHEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then ah in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship ' them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. Phone 139. S. A. Miller.