! i 11 viMfY m Ciias. E. I-'ord, President S. K. Warrick. Cashier. A. S. Krkd, H. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. HIDES BOUGHT AT HILLS' HARNESS SHOP AND WILL PAY TOP PRICE WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OI; HARNESS and SADDLES HIDES HIDES HIDES ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ANDERSON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP Forest Lumber Compan T3 iamonds, Watches, v$ Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. attended to. Jeweler and Optician. I. M. HOLLIBAUGH, Propi ietor. fKmKmm:iXmiSBSnSV33iSS!S3J ISSSXZSOMSSIISBSXjSSSS o o w EVERYTHING MARSLAND, HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully x-. a select Compounded e stock or Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. T. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Dray and Transfer Line. A w The only spring Phone 139. Coal Company. Prices are pretty firmly fixed and we cannot always sell our black diamonds at the figures we would like to. But we do always see you get 2000 lbs. for a ton. r L HIDES HIDES - , .. ,..,. c GEO. A. HILLS I'KOM TO Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure yqu the best of every thing in the line of Uulldlng Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 P. L. WILSON, Manager. CLI-v 43 0 o dSR t JL NEBRASKA. Up-to-Date Drup Alliance, Nebraska. vv TA HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them: store then M; in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbif "W ihcm wherever desired. f!har?e!i reasonable. dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Guy Lockwood . . QUADl'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OK KMIIAL.MING - - Funeral Director and Embalmor Phones Office 214. Res 205 Kxpcrt l.nUy AitcnUnut .. AlHnnr.n. Nph. ""V"l "" ATT9UNKVU. VWLLIAn MITCHELL attorney at l;w, ALLIANCi:. - NEBRASKA. OfriCB I'HONB ISO. ItllSIDKNCR PIIONK203. rTcTncm ATTORNEY AT LAW. Honmi 1.2 and 3. l'lrxt National hank lmlld Inn, Alliance, Nob. Xutnry In olllce. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. E. H. Boyd, ,. A.t.toiii;y Jit Liv .. ALLIANCE, NKHRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH 1 TCTTI.K. I It A E. TA8II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEB. J. E. MOORE, M. D. i-'i.irrcur.it iu.ock, allianci:, ni:ii. Calls answered from office, day or night. Telephone No. ft.'. DRTGrCoiLXlNS HOMEOPATH Thirty joars o.jorienci. DUcuscs of women anil children and non-surglcnl re moval of gall stonos and care of npendlcl Us, siM-elilth's. Ofllce first door west of O'Connor's bakery. Thone day or night, 111'. H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ilolstcn nulldliig, - ALLIA7 JE, NKH L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllce In rirbt National Hank block. Mil unco Nebraska. JULIA V. FREY, osteopathic PHYSICIAN. Ofllce two blocks north of Times building, I'hono 138. Hours, 8 to 12 11. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. DR. L. W. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oflleooior IWolllc-e. ALLIANCE. NKH. X kJvAAAA For a Full Line of... : Staple AND Fancy Groceries F ; f Superior floors That Can't be Boat In Town.... Queens ware, Tinware ana Enameled ware call on. A. D. RODGERS. I . ... r ... aiaiiion ror oaie I have for sale one grade stal lion, color gray, one-half 13clgian, one-cinarter Shite and one-quar ter Norman, weight 1475 poundSi seven coming eight years old, Will soil cheap or will trade for good horses or cattle. Addiess, Hans P, Larson, Antloch, Neb. TASSON1 I also have the imported Perch reon Stallion Tassont, No, 33172, weight i,8id, color black, which I will stand on my place near Reno, Neb., during the season cf 1904. Cherges $10.00 to in sure foal. Hans P. Larson, Antloch, Neb MARSLAND. Mr. mul Mrs. Art Hollibaugh of Crawford cnino down Sunday returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moote were in from the rnnch n few days last week. Mrs. Moore underwent n liard attack of Utiiiizv. , Mrs. 1. V. Cramer and children of Alliance were visitors at L. Snow's Sat urday and Sunday. S. 1'. Tuttlu of Alliance was up to nttcud tho funeral of John Hughes and acted as one of the pall hearers. The infant child of Mr. and Mm. Mike Shimek died Thursday last and was huiied Friday in the Lawn ceme tery. Thomas Ilughos of Denver was hero to attend the funeral of his brother John whom he had not seen for fifteen years. Miss. Fannie Wilson of Alliance came up Saturday and lemainod over Sunday visiting her sister Miss Luetic Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Enycart of South Table and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lots pcich of Alliance, weie in attendance nt church services at this place Sunday morning. " Rev. Clark of Chndron preached at the M. E, church to n very small audi ence Sunday morning. However, there was a good attendance in the evening. The Reverend gentleman came to hold quaiterly meeting but the people bad forgotten it, and in consequence there was no communion service nor quarter ly conference. John S. Hughes, one of the first set tlers of this valley died Friday evening of heart failure. He bad been ailing for some time but was not known to be any worse than usual. Ho was born in Tyno, Wales, about 58 years ago and leaves a wife and three small children. Rev. Shull of Crawford Congregational church preached the funeral discourse nnd Mr. Cleland also of Crawford took charge of the funeral. Thomas Hughes of Denver and Mrs. Robert Thomas of near Mitchell, the only brother and sister residing in America was here to attend the funeral. Mrs. Hughes and her children have the sympathy of the entiic community. Sylvester Muldoon, who lived near this place for fifteen years but who sold out here and bought land on North Table near Hough and moved there about a year ago, shot himself through the head last Thursday and was dead when found. A coroners jury was em pannelled and the verdict was that ho came to his death by a gun shot wound accidciitly inflicted by his own hand. Mr. Muldoon was a very early riser and bad been in the habit of taking his gun out to the barn with him to shoot at hawks and coyotes which were nutner ous at b;s place, He was found silting against the side ot tne Darn, gun in hand, and from appearances it is sup posed that he sat down waiting the ap proach of some rhicken devouring ani mal and while in this posture fell asleep and while so the gun was discharged He leaves a wife and several children who have the spmpatby of a large cir cle of friends. Much sickness and death has fallen to the lot of Mrs. Mul iloon and this smddcu and unexpected death ot he husband seems to fall with crushing foice upon her and is almost more than her frail being can endure. Big Horn Busin. Your spare time will be well spent if you will use it in making a trip to this new irri gated country. The United States will not be long now in getting under irrigation all the land that is subject to this cltss of farming, as it is becoming the most popular way to farm for su se results. This country is yet in its infancy, and homeseekors should avail themselves of this opportunity to get a farm in the Dig Horn Hasin. Just now you can get the choice of this land at a very low price, and you will be surprised what a delay of a few days will do for you in the price of tlu'6 land. Post yourself on this country by writing for booklet descriptive of the Uig Horn Hasin and any other information you may desire. We will make very low round trip rates to this country the first and third Tuesdays in May. J, Francis, General Passenger Agent, Hurlington Route, Omaha, Neb., For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -cam., ox- I. D. NICHOLS At K. Madmen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory, How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style CHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. CUItHAN I1UOS.. Cuutou, Moux county, Nob. (Cross II Cross) onleftbltto. Also ill on loft thiKli. Under slopo on left ear. Horses branded suuio iiBCattl3 011 loft Jaw nnd u on left eliouldi-r. jmf l Illiwiny "In The feood Old Summer Time" People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries nt Graham's grocery store. Now winter ts here and they buy them just the same and so they will the whole year through because he carries the best selected stock in the west. Prompt attentibu and courteous treatment is what customers like and what thdv always get GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 50 .::::; ...........-...... ,.'..:.:.:.:.: ::j': - & F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN' I Paints, Oils and Wall Paper "PYCSCTVpVumtj e,aYxWv4 Cowpowtvtad. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK, SAMAAjMA!AJLJLAA HOSE ! HOSE ! HOSE ! LAWN HOWERS. GASOLINE STOVES and REFRIGERATORS Good Line to Select From Prices Right We can attend to your Plumbing wants promptly and satisfactorily. Yours for your money's worth. Acheson TSTrSYTro'3?v1ra-rirrrrsrBvrrrrre i he placing ot a lew dollars .monthlv in the S ... ALLIANCE ... s National Bank will soon enable you to I buy a comfortable home. J P. M. Knuiht, President w. 11. (inuiKN, v, I'rouiieni . , . , . O. II. OONNKTT.CllHlller eoooooeooo - - - FIRE INSURANT & REPHC8ENTS THt iX-L' ..i A INSURANCE COIii.-'... . Hartford l'lro liisurimeo Ciiiiiui). North Ainorlcun of 1'JiUiiilct plila. I'liounU of lllooklyn, Now York. Coiillnuiitul if Now York Olty. MtiKaiii l'lro lit.Miriim'o Ciiniariy. Now York Uutlorwrltor-i, Now York. Coinmorclal Union A.iMirunco Co., London Office Up-Stolrs, I'lctchcr niock. Palace Liv exy Bam S. II. DISSCII, Prop. oni: iu.ock U'kst op Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: JfPAV ZIUNOI'.N . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the Jifll.MNO. 'Phono 72 excellent patronage wo enjoy. Try us. Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. at . ' Cor bin Building $: - - : - s - : - K - 'i - : - $ - : - 4: - ' - : - $ - : - s - : - j - : - s: - T T Drugs, Perfumes "" Toilet Articles. Alliance, Nebraska. 4, SJMAA & Joder I - - ' - - )oeoooseaeoce9( r 1 K , nr!iutn is itf'.lfw fir "'" ." , 'i 1 tu. t 4 M 'ft. trf a iiVH- . - i ( tll..ill i ''tvT4.( ' V Jjhv VlullMrli,'.! i I 1 u mil ", 'A' I'KlWIAt (-.p. ,.. HHltt.l. - ,., Af.iance, NeL it&i- l and Leather. Co Always Reliable. City. Nebraska. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED- WUOLBSAI.B AND JIETAIIj w Pill f 1UKDLKS THE Celebrated Ravenna Flour At IMlklngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71.