The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 13, 1904, Image 3

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Heed Nature's
venting! Pain
tills or lurking ills
oaso. Backache la
kidney lmln a
warning of kidney
ills Urinary trou
bles, too, I'omo to
tell you the kidneys
kare sick. Constant
weariness, head
aches, dizzy spelN,
days of jmin, nights
of unrest arc dan
ger signals warn
ing you to cure the
kidneys. UsoDonn's
Kidney Pills, which have made thou
sands of permanent cures.
Frank D. Ovcrbaugh, cattlc-buycr
nnd farmer, Catskill, N. T., says:
"Doctors' told me ten years ago that
I had Brlght's Disease, and said they
could do nothing to save me. My
back ached fo I could not stand It to
even drive about, and passages of the
kidney secretions were so frequont as
to annoy mo greatly. I was growing
worse all the time, but Doan's Kid
ney Pills cured me, and I have been
well ever since."
A FHEE TKIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Ovcrbaugh
will be mailed on application to any
part of tho United States. Address
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For
salo by all dealers; price 50 cents per
Think of your own faults and jou
will talk less about the faults of oth
WlQfllC'Stlck LAUNDRY iitun
Won't spill, break, frcozo nor spot clothe.
Costs 10 cents and equals 'JO cents worth of
any other bluing. If your grocer docs not
keen it send lOcforsaninlo to Tho Lauudrv
Ulue Co., 14 Mlililgan Street, Chlcuco.
Try Onc'Package.
If "Defiance Starch" docs no!
please you, return it to your dealer.
If It does you get one-third moro for
tho same money. It will give you
satisfaction, and will not stick to the
The shopherd'8 crook needs no
crookedness in tho shepherd.
If you don't get tho biggest and
oest It's your own fault. Defiance
Starch is for sale everywhere and
there is positively nothing to equal
It In quality or quantity.
There Is no place like home when
there is no other place to go.
How to Clean Laces.
To clean dclicato laces, tako a largo plans
Jar, cover with old cotton and sprcaif tha
Iaco carefully on it. Set the bottlo in warn:
Ivory Soup suds and leave for an hour. If
stains aro dlfllcult to rcmovo plaeo in tho
Bun and they will disappear. Itinso by
dipping tho bottlo In clear water.
Tho bookmaker wouldn't succeed If
everyone knew him like a book.
Defiance Starch is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded. 1C
ounces, 10 cents. Try it now.
You never hear any one complain
nbout "Defiance Starch." There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tlty, 10 ounces, 10 cents. Try It now
and save your money.
It is no use being better than others
unless wo aro better than our old
ancntly cured. No (Its or ncrrcnimf m arte
ur. Kline's ureal nerve iiroxor
J.OO trial bottle ana trt-aute.
Arch Street, i'MUUelpUM't
They say that when a happy child's
laughters is heard on earth the choirs
of paradise aro told to hush, because
tho child makes sweeter music.
Try me Just once ana I nm sure
to como again. Defiance Starch.
Whnt a man sews he doesn't always
also rip, if ho Is a tailor.
r w
vta .
There fa ho satisfaction keener
Jthan being dry and comfortable
" tvhen out in The hardest atprroj
l ar -.-,, I
iBP "'
.'WBVJW . yl
Minn luntirx on VrlloW
ionts (AAPiAt id.unintuotcniouH.
a .. vniiD nn ai ivd.
"-TI 77. . . -" -
iven Away
Write ui or alc au
Alahustlno dealer for
particular! and free saniple card of
VTio Sanitary Waif Coatlnir
netruysdleaeKermssndtnnln Never
rubs or scales Yoa can apply It uiu wltb
cold water. lleautlful t'(tcct In white and
delicate tlnti. Not adUee-breedloi;,i)Ut
uf-date hot-water glue preparation, lluj
Alahastlne In 5lb. nackaefi. nronerlv la
belled, of paint, hardware and drug dealers.
'Illnta on Decoratlne," and our Arttits'
Idcaafrce. 4Un8TI!UCU.,lrtsillUidi,B'ltk.,
tr ioj nirbi., a. i.
Ttlnant Tabulet ate the brit dr
epla medicine eer made. A
tundred of them Sist
I been sold In the United States lo
a (Ingle year. Constipation, heart
burn, alclc headache, dlzzlne!, bad
breath, tore throat, and every 111
neu arllii2 frui a disordered
itomach are relieved or cured by It I pant Tabulea.
Ono will cenerally Ktve relief wlthlu tenty win
tea The tit f enl package Is enough lor ordinary
acculoui. AU drurlts tell them.
straights cigar
Tour Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria, 111.
"f i 'i- jfij
v J
Four saloons will do bualnets in Ra
venna this yaar,
Three cases of scarlet fever aro un
der quarantino nt Columbus.
A meeting of tho directors of tho
fair association wns held at Pawnoo
City and Septcnibor 20, 21, 22 nnd 23
waa set as tho fair dates for thisBoa
son. ,
Tho Law and Order League has
withdrawn its remonstrance against
tho threo saloonkeepers of I'aplllion
nnd at a meeting of the town board
licenses wero granted-
John Cnscbeer, for tho last thirty
years a resident of Blue Springs, was
adjudged Insano by. tho board of In
sanity commissioners nnd ordered
committed to tho asylum.
Madison county commissioners nro
sorlously thinking of putting the wolf
scalp proposition beforo the voters
at tho noxt election. They feel that
tho county is being skinned on the
wolf deal.
A pig with two completo bodies at
tached to one head was born on tho
farm of Matt Smith, a farmer living i
four miles north of Columbus. Each
body had four well formed legs and
feet. Tho monstrosity was born dead.
Tho greatest wonder of the twen
tieth century in Polk county is liio
amount of property that Is being
round in "Little Polk" that has never
been assessed beforo Tho people arc
"coughing up" morq diamonds than
Mrs. Ed Ewlng of Jackson town
ship, Ilnll county, was accidentally
shot by a rlllo bnll, tho weapon being
In the nands of a neighbor, Mark Ly
on. The latter was shooting- to scare
a dog. The ball was extricated and
sho will recover.
Tho Golden Hod Telephone, com
pany that camo to Osceola a couple
of years ago, reducing tho rates a
third from what had always been paid
or phones In tho town and county,
has sold out to a party of gentlemen
from Ida Grove, la.
Ed Wilcox, who was arrested In
Omaha on tho charge of horse steal
ing, was arraigned In police court at
Fremont and waived preliminary ex
amination. In default of ball he was
committed to tho county Jail. Wilcox
belongs In Shelton, Neb.
Jacob Miller, arrested In Ravenna
and now held In custody of Sheriff
Sammons In Kearney on the charge
of burglarizing a waycar, has mado
two desperate efforts to escape and
tho officers aro of tho opinion that ho
'8 wanted someplace else for some
thing more serious.
Frank Kaberda, a Bohemian farmer
who lived a few miles northwest of
Lawrence, was found by a neighbor
dead In his house. Mr, Kaberda was
a bachelor and lived alone. Ho had
been dead several hours when found.
The cause of death Is not known.
George M. Burchart and Harry Ray
mond were arrested and lodged In tho
McCook Jail, charged with burglariz
ing the store of C. L. Degroff & Co.
Goods to the amount of $10 Wero
found on their person. They had sold
some articles and have moro in hid
ing. During tho night both broke out
of Jail.
I. B. Strong of Boatrico received
word that his father, Albert Strong,
an engineer, had been killed in a
wreck on tho Iron Mountain railroad
running out of St. Louis. Mr. Strong
was well known In Beatrice and for
several years had a run on tho Union
Pacific road between that place and
Manhattan, Kas.
An accident happened to John C.
Grlbble, ono of tho pioneer farmer
citizens residing four miles southwest
of Dakota City, that may prove fatal.
He was crossing his barnyard about
dark when a young stallion chased
him down and ran over him, trampling
him down and badly bruising him up
around tho face and breast.
Tho science of cooking will bo
taught In tho summer school at tho
stato university. Tho announcement
has been mado by Miss Rosa Bouton,
head of tho domestic sclcnco depatt
ment. Tho course will consist of lec
tures and actual cooking in tho kitch
en laboratory. The work will bo given
each morning during tho summer ses
sion. Fraternal Insurance companies will
not havo to nay a tax on tho securi
ties deposited by them with tho stato
auditor. This tho stato board of
equalization decided after having lis
tened to arguments from insurance
men on several occasions. Governor
Mickey, AssditoY Weston and Secre
tary of State Marsh voted not to tax
tho securities and Treasurer Morten-
I sen and Land Commissioner Follmen
voted to follow tho opinion handed
down by Attorney Gonoral Prout and
assess tho securities.
The houso of Don Mortos, four miles
north of Tablo Rock, was struck by
lightning during a recont thunder
storm, and G. E. Bedea, three miles
east, had .two valuable horse3 killed by
lightning during the tamo storm.
The Farmers' Grain company of
York, which has boon In business for
tho past slxt""i months, and is ono
of the most yro&porous companies of
that kind in tho state, has contracted
for a now elevator which will bo
strictly up-to-dato in all respects and
will have a capacity of about 40,000
Stats Captures Highest Awards for
Agriculture at World's Fair.
OMAHA "At tho preliminary Judg
ing of exhibits at St. luls, Ncbrnski
received the highest award In ngrlcu!
turo. Tho exposition required n Judg
ing ok. the riposting day on two points
tho material exhibited and tho .ex
cellence nnd completeness of tho In
stallation. In the agricultural build
ing Nebraska received 100 on each of
these points nnd 1st tho horticultural
building 100 on the material and 05 on
tho installation."
Tilts' Is the report mado by G. W.
Wattles of tho Nebraska commission,
who returned frcsn tho St. Louis expo
sition, whore ho, with other members
of the commission, had been to attend
tho oi onlng.
"Tho exotcisos wore held In tho
Plaza do St. Louis," ho said. "Wo
were occllently seated and could hoar
and see everything. Thoro wns n
very lntgo ciowd and it was well hand
led. The program Included speeches
and music. I foar that to contpletu
the exposition In cvory detail six
weeks will bo needed, or in caso of
bad weather, even two months.
"Nebraska Is the fnrthost along of
any In tho agricultural buildings and
Is protty well cosnplote, although
there Is considerable work yet to bo
done In tho placing. We have an ex
colVmt locntlon with a special allot
ment of space for com exhibit direct
ly across from our snaln exhibit. Wc
have there 1,000 bushels of as flno corn
as any state ever produced any year.
We were paid the very highest cotppll
ment by nil the members of tho com
snlssion." '
$50,000 FOR A BIG FARM.
Thomas E. Parmelc Purchases the
Holdrege Ranch.
LOUISVILLE Tho big Holdrcgo
ranch of 800 acres, ono mllo cast of
here, changed hands Saturday, tho
purchaser being Thomas E. Parmelc
of Plattsmonth. The consideration is
said to have been ?50,000. Tho salo
Includes tho old Stout houso, or cas
tle, built years ago by "Bpss" Stout
for housing convict laborers who work
ed in the stone quarries along tho
Platte river.
It is said that Mr. Parmelo will sell
tho house, with about Ave acres of
land, to the National Swedish Mission
association for $10,000, to bo used ns
a training school for clergymen. To
help out the mission In tho purchaso
the town of Loutsvlllo will donate $2,
000 to tho association.
The Holdrege ranch has been Im
proved by Mr. Holdrcgo, general man
ager of the Burlington railroad, tmtll
It is ono of the finest ranches in Ne
braska. Enormous hog and cattle
barns havo been built regardless of
expense and everything that Is requir
ed for an ur-to-dato ranch has been
put on the place. Whether Mr. Par
melo will preserve the big ranch In
tact or sell it Is not now known.
A Splendid Business Chance.
By investing a small sum of money
there Is now offored to any citizen in.
any county of Iowa or Nebraska a
most excellent opportunity to mako
money. A new invention in the shapd
of a folding poultry coop for shipping
poultry, which, when returned by tho
express companies, costs less than
one-half of whnt Is charged now forj
returning the ordinary shipping coop.
Every farmer or shipper of poultry
cannot fall to recognize tho ndvantago
in this respect alone. For an illus
trated circular and full particulars
writo A. W. Clark, room 421, Beo
building, Omaha, Neb., who Is a thor
oughly reliable and responslblo man.
Investing in Nebraska Land.
TERRY, S. D. A number of promi
nent Terry citizens havo recently been
Investing heavily In farm lands in Ne
braska. Most of them aro locating 1st
the vicinity of Basset, where several
thousand acres of land havo been pur
chased during tho last few months by
Terry men. Among the most recent
to ncqulro land In that vicinity are.
Miner Blow, W. A. Pelharn and Wil
liam Trent. These gentlemen havo re
tired from business In Terry 'and will
begin ranching and stock raising on
tho land.
Two Women Take the.Vcll.
FALLS CITY. Miss Kltt of Den
ver, who has been attending the Ur
sullnc convent of this city, nnd Miss
Sulllvnn of this place havo been re
ceived as novices In tho Order of tho
Ursullne Sisters and have assumed
tho habit of tho order. The ceremo
nies were conducted by Rt. Rev. Bish
op Bonacum at Nazareth convent, the
mother houso In York. Miss Kltt has
taken the name of Sister Mary Cece
lia and Miss Sullivan will bo known as
Sistor Mary Teresa.
Arrested for Forgery.
BLAIR George Wyatt,v a young
man about 28 years of age, who has
been working around Washington In
this county for several years, was fo
rested and broiler I from Omaha tho
othor cay uy Sheriff Mencko on a
chargo of passing forged notes in Blair.
Thoro were twonotes of $12 each,
drawn In favor of Howard Crlnk of
Washington and with tho namo of
Hans Hanse, of the same plav'o, signed
to them. They wero passed upon M.
M. Martin and John Peterson, both
hardware mertrttants of Blair.
Rachacl J. Kcmball, M. D., 334
Virginia. St.. Buffalo. N. Y., in n
', graduate of tho University of Buf
falo, class 1881, and has been lit the
practtco of medicino in mat city
', siuco then. Sho writes as follows:
"My conviction, supported by ex
perience, is that Pcruna is a valuable
! preparation for all catarrhal affco
tions. I have taken one bottle of
Pcruna myself and lust feci fine. I
' shall continue to take it." Rachacl
J. Kcmball, M. D.
Pcruna has cured thousands of catcs
of female weakness. As a rule, how
ever, beforo Pcruna Is resorted to sev
eral other remedies havo been tried 1st
vain. A great many of tho patients
havo taken local treatment, subtnittcd
themselves to Mirglcnl operations, and"
taken all sorts of doctor's btutT, with
out any result.
Tho reason of so many failures Is tho
fnct that discuses peculiar to the fetnalo
bcx nro not com
snonly recognized
ns being caused by
catarrh. Tltcso or-
Femnlo Troublo
Not ItocoRnlzud
as Cntnrrli.
gans aro lined by mucous membranes.
Any mucous membrane is subject to
Catarrh of ono organ is exactly tho
same as catarrh of any other organ.
What will euro catarrh of the head will
also euro catarrh of the pelvic organs.
Pcruna cures these cases slttiply hecaubo
it cures the catarrh.
Mobt of the women afflicted with pel
Most of the Ailments Peculiar to the Nfe . " W$W(
Female Sex are Due to Catarrh oi r , vFmh j 111 1 1 1
the Pelvic Organs. WM
I-iraV I lainfir I nnr'hnArir' There la nolh!nirnrnintlnir and .nil..
j ,7 , ,, . .7 . 'Tin? Llbbjr'a Luncheon meat.
There are many delicious way Llbby'a Pcctlesi Dried Heel, 1'otted and Deviled Ham
SKC&$ loriVncho-n.! Lfoby'S (Natural Flavor) F00(J PrOdllCtS
Send for our boot, "How to Make Oood Thlncs to Eat."
Libby's Alias of tho World sent postpaid for five 2C stamps.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A.
A public library looks well in any
town, but a bank robbery makes moro
Mr. YT tnslow'R Boothliifr Syrnp.
For children teethlnK, aof tens tha (ruraa, rriluces fr
Cammatloa, allajrs pain, cures wkul collu. SSc a UnUe.
A truo hero is a man who fights for
his country and refuses to Bcrap with
his, wife.
Should lo in ovory homo. Ask your grocer
for it. Lntgo ii oz. package only 5 cents.
Men llko to feel that advico to a
woman is an evidence of truo friend
ship. Plso's Cure cannot bo too highly spoVcn of ns
acougU euro. J. W. O'Duien, 323 Third At,
H Minneapolis, Minn., Jon. C, 1900.
Tho recording angel docs not credit
a man with what his tombstono says
in his favor.
Sprains and Bruises
mado by
St. Jacobs
i iimni i in
vic diseases havo no idea that their
troublo is duo to catarrh. Tho majority
of tho people think that catarrh is u
disease confined to tho head alone.
This is not true. Catarrh is liable to
attack any organ of tho body; throat,
bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, kid
neys and especially thu pelvic organs.
Many a womatt has mado this discov
ery after a long siege of useless treat
ment. Sho has made tho discovery, that
her disease is catarrh, and that l'crmia
can bo relied upon to euro catarrh
wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory rcbitlts from tho use of Peruna,
writo at onco to Dr. liartmnn, giving
a full statement of your case, and ho
will bo pleased to give you his vnluablo
advice gratis.
Address Dr. llartman, President of
The Hattman Sanitarium, Columbus.
New Train. Service
On nnd nfter Sunday, April 24th. 1901.
Word h Fair Trains will leave Omaha
I'nlon Station for KuiIhuh City and St.
I.ouIh nt
10:45 n. rr. 5:30 p. m. 11:45 p. m.
Special rates on Halo commencing
April ifith. Kor tickets. bertliH and In
formation, cull or mldrcHH Axcnt I'nlon
Station or TU03 P. OODPHEY.
I'atiH. nnd Tlckot Agent
S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets,
Send 5 cents for Homesteaders' Guide
containing 48 p.igos of information. Official
map and full Instructions how to got a
claim on tho Rosebud reservation. Forbes
Locating Agcucy, Donosteol, S. D.
never ending cures of
Stamp it the
perfect remedy
wv a
Of the Skin and Scalp
Speedily Cured by
Baths with
To cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle, gentle ap
plications of CUTICURA
Ointment to instantly allay
itching, irritation, and inflam
mation, and soothe and heal,
and mild doses of CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood.
A single SET, costing but One Dollar,
is often sufficient to cure the most
torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, nnd
blood humors, eczemas, rashes, itch
ings, nnd irritations, with loss of hair,
from infancy to age, when all else foils
Fold throughout tht world. Cutlrura oip. Me., Olat
mml. .. lttolol, Mr. (JB '"'n Caoeolalt Ooataa
Hill. He. prr vial o tO). Wfpolii Soadon, V CsarUf
houM Kq 1 1'irli, I Itu At la Tali Doiioo, 137 ColaubB
a. l'otttr Drug Chun Corp. Snli Frserletori.
mr Send lor " Tin Urrat Humor Cur,"
A Boston physician's dii
covcrv which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane vherever'located.
In local treatment of female ills Fax
tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it
is a revelation in cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Tliousantlsof letters from wonton
rirove that it Is tho greatest euro for
oticorrhujft over discovered.
l'axtino never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and sore eyes, because these
diseases are all caused by inflammation
of the mucous membrane.
For cleansing, whitening nnd pre
serving tho teeth wo challenge tho
world to proilnco Its equal.
Physicians and specialists everywhere Paxtlne, and thou
sandsoftcstimoniallcttersproveits value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A largo trial paclcngound book of
Instructions absolutely freo. "Writo
The B. Paxton Co., Dept. 5 Boston, Mass.
11 Western
They are settled and tettline on tha Grain and
Crazing Lands, and aro prosperous uid satisfied.
Sir Wilfred Laurler recently said A new star
lias risen on ttie horizon, and it Is towaid it lliat
eery immigrant who leaves the land of Ms ances
tors to como and seek a home for himself 119W
turns his eaze" Canada. There is
Room for Millions.
4.UV.U II nm est cutis Rlen array". Schools,
Churches, Hallways, Markets. Clluutte,
everything .0 ho desired.
For a descriptive Atlas and other Information,
apply to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa. Casf
ada. or authorized Canadian Government Agent
W. V Dennett. SOI New Yoric Ufa Buildmc,
Omaha. Neb.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. ZO 1904
ijj, jrM
S$sNaSigfe MARK.