The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 06, 1904, Image 1

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    Stflto Htttorl-nt Sodety
The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Clrcu
latlon of any Ah
Uance Paper.
T .
W ..-"
(rH i
j. -k
Have you tried
(7p To Date
Best in town at price.
Call an see us. We want
your trade. A full and
complete line of
always on hand.
Alliance Grocery Co.
In Alliance 1G-30 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phone 391.
For Sale Cheap Refrigerator, good as
new. Phone 388.
For Rent The Pearson house, across
street from high school. Apply at this office.
Parties Wishing young ladies to work for
board while attending the normal, which
opens -June 13th, continuing ten weeks,
may make arrangements with the princi
pal by phone or in person.
Drink Coors Golden Beer for nourish
ment and health. Wm. King, agent.
Matting and linoleum at 1). F. Lock
wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
Our spring line of carpets and rugs are
here. Call and see them. 13. F. Lock-
wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
Specialties in lace curtains, portieres and
couch covers at B. F. Lockwood Co's.
"Kitchen to parlor."
For Sale Pure blood Hereford bull.
Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec.
For Sale Cheap National cash reg
ister No. 47 with tape; used one year.
Apply at this office.
A large assortment of automobile go-carts
and baby carriages at B. F. Lockwood
Co's. "Kitchen to parlor."
Kesldcncc for Sale.
Brand new 5-room house, bath room,
pantry and cellar. Two porches. Fin
ished throughout in hardwood. Price
Si, Coo.
R. B. Hamilton.
Furnitu'e and all house furnishings
from "kitchen to parlor" sold on easy pay
ments. B. F. Lockwood Co. ''Kitchen
to parlor."
Ranch Tor Lease.
Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land,
four miles east of Bridgeport. For par
ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or
John Hagerty, Bridgeport.
For Sale Cheap One of the most desir
able corner residence lots in this city, In
quire at this office.
Carpet Weaving.
I am prepared to do all kimds of carpet
weaving. Leave orders at residence three
blocks east of Alliance National Bank, or
Star Restaurant. J. W. Johnson.
For Sale Black English Shire stal
lion, four years old next June; weight
1425. He is a splendid animal, An
dre" Tschacher, Lawn, Neb., resi
dence 7 miles south of Lawn.
I Forty-four
is a winner.
So is our
New styles just received
Will you let us show
them to you ?
The quality and price
will do the rest.
Saturday Is RIBBON Day.
2 kHH
New City Officials Assume Control.
At the meeting of the city council Mon
day evening Louis Buechsenstein turned
over the reins of the city government to
Dr. L. V. Bow-nan, the new mayor, and
M. O. Joder and S. A. Franklin were duly
installed as councilman.
Report of city treasurer for March and
April was approved.
Report of water commissioner was read
showing $776-17 collected during the fiscal
year. Report was approved.
Report of police judge for April showing
S105.40 fines and $35.70 marshal fees col
lected, was approved.
Saloon licenses wete granted to Wm,
King, F. J. Betzold, V. N Corneal, E. J.
Barry and Simon Spry.
The following committees were ap
pointed; Finance Mollring and Franklin.
Ordianaeces Snow and Kranklin.
Firo and water Mollring and Joder.
The petition of Geo. W. Clark and 105
others for the appointment of S. C. Boon
as city marshal ws read.
The petition of L. A. Berry and 41
others for the appointment of A. F. Ureu
nan as water commUsionur was read,
The following appointments were made:
Marshal and street commissioner A. M.
Night policeman Al Wiker.
Attorney--B F. Gilman.
Water commissioner Abel Hill.
Health officer Dr. H. H. Bellwood.
Rev. Father Galvin
visitor this week.
was a Sidney
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Roland are the hap
py parents of a izirl. born Saturday.
Elmer E. Soder of Bayard was in the
city this week renewing old acquaintances.
, A. baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Richards Tuesday night.
Dr. Allen, the dentist, had some artistic
lettering done on the windows of his office
this week.
Four, eleven, forty-four is a winner at
Bogue's store this week. See the ad .and
grow wise.
The Loyal Temperance Legion will meet
next Wednesday night in the .basement of
the M. E. church.
The Social Hour club met today with
Mrs. Gaddis and will meet next Friday at
the home of Mrs. Rowan.
C. E. Calder returned Tuesday from
Omaha. He expects to take a trip to
Chicago and St. Louis soon.
Mrs. Hillier entertained the Cheese and
Cracker club Thursday afternoon. Miss
Gray was the guest of honor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Funk of Heming
ford visited Mr. and Mrs. W, II. Snyder a
couple of days, returning today.
Miss Kate Fisher, who has been a guest
of the Misses Morris for several days, re
turned to her home in Lincoln last Tues
day. Carpenters are busily engaged complet
ing the interior of. the new Presbyterian
church on Box Butte avenue and It will be
in condition for services at an early date.
Jas Milliken and sons of Fremont were
in Alliance Friday, having drove in from
Sheridan county where Mr. Milliken has 1
valuable ranch. The gentlemen accom
panied by Mr. Ross made The Hekalu a
Sheriff Reed returned from Lincoln
Tuesday where he took J. M. Bertron to
serve his seven years term in the peniten
tiary. Mr. Reed says that Bertron was in
good spirits until reaching the prison when
he broke down and cried like a child.
The rescinding of the order that recently
went into effect refusing cattle shippers re
turn passes on stock shipments in western
railways will le cause for gratification to
all concerned. This proposition was an
extreme imposition on cattle raisers of the
wast who are at present beset with many
discouraging obstacles.
Ablcy & Wilson decided not to take out a
safoon license for another year and made
no application before the council Tuesday
night. Their fixtures were purchased by
E. J. Barry who has moved them to the
Beall building, next door to Ridgell's,
where he will conduct a saloon this year.
Neither was there a license taken out for
the Red Light saloon wjjich leaves only
five saloons for the ensuing year two less
than last year.
County Attorney Wm. Mitchell was ad
vised by telegrnm last week of the danger
ous illness of his mother at Newport, Pa.,
and left for that place Saturdny night, but
when he arrived at Chicago another tele
gram awaited him stating that she had
died. Mr. Mltcholl was tlieroforo de
prived of the desire of seeing his mother
alive for the last time. He will arrive in
time to attend the funeral and his stay at
the old home will be for several days.
11... erlinnl lnnrrl linlft n mlitinrt Tnn
, f 1 1 o 1 . .1
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retary, being inducted into office. Thd 1
board decided to employ the following
named teachers for another year providing
salaries could be agreed upon. The board i
will meet again tonight and pass upon othor I
amplications: H. R. Carson. 'Lena
French, Cora Combs, Mame Laravea,
Mame Griffith, Fay VanUoskirk, Inico
McCorkle, Gertrude Warren, Susie
Frazier, Kathrvn Duffield.
Rev. Father Galvin has made most com
plete arrangements for the success of the
mission, which will commence at the Holy
Rosary church on Sunday, May 15. Not
only members of the church but all others
will find these meetings and religious feat
ures of great interest. It is natural for
humanity to interest itself in matters that
pertain to the spiritual nature and the
forthcoming mission will be a good oppor
tunity to satisfy that inclination. It should j
be borne in mind that all are invited to nt-'
tend the religious doings. Father Galvin
will make known publicly the regulations
and time of services noxt week.
Fn.,-r tl rhaTm
,,wn" " yarc
Invitations have been received by
several Alliance people to be present at
the dedication of St. Patrick, s church,
McCook, May 17. Mrs. Hillier expects to
attend the dedication and visit Mrs.
Phelan a few days.
Mrs. M. II. Patmore desires to extend
most gratefully her thanks to Alliance
Lodge, No 183, Masons and all other
friends who so gratefully endeavored to
lighten the toil and grief during the last
sickness and interment of her husband.
Mrs. J. A. Wells and Miss Stratton were ;
down from Berea yesterday. The ladies
called at this office and expressed them
selves concerning the road along the rail- '
road track over which there has been much
contention. They believe that the busi
ness men of Alliance should interest them
selves and see that the road along the rail
road is kept open.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Arm
strong was the scene of a pleasant surprise
party given by the younger generation in
behalf of her daughter Blanche last Friday
evening. The little folks had a "swell"
time of it and their light hearts resounded
with joy and merriment on this pleasant
occasion. The poet has truthfully said,
"Backward, turn backward, O time in thy
flight; make me a child again, just for to
night." It is such occasions as these that
the mind turns to the bygone days, when
we all enjoyed the incomparable sweets of
childish joy and simplicity
L JOi,. .ZX
oro I-1 Ml DTD
JJgPf fJ(a'rz ppl I
Ill M.'.HTEgMaSgSSASVj.'.IJ MM'JtT ,
What a glorious rain fell the past few
days! It moans untold value to the people
of this part of the state, and with renewed
entrgy every ranchman and farmer will go
to work, feeling confident that full crops
next fall will be the result of their summer
labors It is true that for n while things
looked mighty blue for this season of the
year, when mother earth's life Is quickened
by the precipitation of moisture that came
not untill last week. So let us bo thank
ful for the beneficial change and with light
hearts go to work growing in abundance
tho many valuablo crops western Ne
braska is celebrated for. Let us stand up
?s ViilivniiUii frt ttta It t It ft nAla!ttA
. . ' '
Tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs Jules Zbinden
was made doubly happy last week by tho
arrival of Mr. ?..'i brothers and their
families. Fred came in from Kent, Wash.,
I Saturday and tho other brother, Herman
irom &weetwater, tins state, on his way
with his folks to tho northwest country for
season of recreation. Fred nnd family will
visit at Sweetwater and other Nebraska
points and it is also their intention to see
the sights at the World's fair before they
return home.
While at Omaha Monday the writer b.iw
Everett Moore formerly of this city. He
had just been released from the emergency
hospital where he had undergone n siege
of smallpox. Although it wsa evident that
Mr. Moore's case was a severe one, he did
not believe that his face would bo badly
pitted. Ho likes his new position but
would appreciate n little Box Butte .sun
shine tifcensionally. N
I , ,.h r ' - '
Under Course of Erection.
Dr. F. D. Reynolds returned from his
trip Sunday and expects to open his dental
office in the rooms over the postolfice soon,
James Mracek went to Omaha Sunday
night to consult Dr. Gifford, James has
been suffering with an abscess for the past
year and a half but he believos that a cure
is nearly effected.
The Royal Highlanders' next regular
meeting will be May 12th, when a full
attendance is desired as there will be work
to do. Let all members turn out and let
us have a full house.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, A. L.
Davis, who reside four miles north of
town, on May 4th, but the parents were
parted from their little one in a few hours,
"I take these little lambs" said He
"And fold them to my breast.
They'll never know no sorrow here
For there in peace they rest."
1 Bayard Transcript. J. W. Wehn of Al
I liance was a Bayard visitor this week.
1 A. W. Wilson was home from Alliance
several daps during the week on account of
t the illness of Mrs. Wilson. She is much
. improved.
Burlington ticket agents are now sending
! in their old B
& M. and "Q." tickets.
They will be used no more. Tickets local
to any point of the Burlington system have
been substituted. "It will not be long,"
it fs said, "until the name B. & M. may
almost entirely disappear from Burlington
route stationery." Lincoln Journal.
, .
Judge Kicker Expresses Himself.
Chndron Times: Itmav he n .little
late to say anything about it, hut wo
always have so many things in our cold
storage for our readers that wo nre
much vexed at times for space and so
are never quite caught up. But Tom
O'Kcefe ol Tint At.UA.Nun
lies accomplished such n feat in illus
trated journalism that wo huvo brought
everything to a standstill in thin office
while we take off our hat, make our
lowest how and "write him up" as tho
gamiest little publisher in the north
west. This edition speaks well for
Tom's enterprise a,nd courage. Wc
shall not try todcsniiheil can't do it
but if you want to sco the choice book
paper on which it is printed, and the
beautiful half tones and the number
nndvatiely of them, as well as the
modest, tasteful and slobbcrlcss
sketches of places nnd persons it con
tains, send Tom a quarter and got a
single copy cheap at twice the price.
It is n judicious advertisement for Box
Butte county and incidentally speaks
praise of all northwest Nebraska. Mrs,
K. II. Hlnnchard of this city is showu
in 11 cortect picture as the first teacher
in Box Butto county. I lor two boiis
nre shown in another illustration, 0110
appearing aB "Tho First Dentist in tho
County" and the other the victim of tho
dentist who stands with forceps in hand
grasping tho grinder. One of tho most
unique illustrations is "Two crops that
Never Fail 111 Box Butto," consisting of
little Sarah O'Keofo Glou Miller nnd
Agnes Newberry, an overturned basket
of potatoes and each child holding a
tuber. Our sister county has always
been loeoguized as a potato producer,
and since Teddy swept over it sowing
tho seed of his' cheerful propaganda it
has been surging to tho front with the
pickaninnies also. May Box Butte's
prosperity and O'Keefe's avoirdupois
never grow less.
Norbert Fronnpfel received a 'phone
message 'oday stating that his brother
Leo's oldest son, nged 13 years, was very
low at the ranch north of Hemingford.
Norbert went up on No. 41.
Judge Spacht Issued a marriage license
today to Jos. W. Rusher and Olive M.
Adnms of Scottsbtuff county. Evidently
the couple anticipated a rush or increased
fees for a marriuge license as they do not
expect to marry till next week.
Geo. W. Duncan resigned as county
commissioner yesterday and expects to
leave today for Ft. Morgan, Colo., his
future home. The family will follow soon,
with the exception of Miss Lulu who will
finish her term in the city schools, The
many friends of this estimable fnmily will
regret their departure.
It is amusing to hear a number of the
supporters of thejiroscnt city administra
tion hollering themselves hoarse over one
of the recent.appointments because the ap
pointee happens to hail from Lin
coln. They term it an "outrage' etc.
These fellows have nothing to kick about.
In fact they ought to be thankful that the
entire new force'was not imported from
Omaha people desiring copies of Tin:
Hkrald'h Illustrated Industrial edition
nay secure them at McGeath's stationery
store, 1312 Farnam. The proprietors of
this establishment, which by the way is the
largost news and stationery store in the
city, were pleasecj to secure tho agency
and have the paper prominently displayed
in the show windows of their store. The
Omaha Bee and World-Herald pronounce
the edition the finest ever issued in the
state, a credit to Nebraska in general and
Alliance in particular.
The Alliance brass band has made ar
rangements to present a play at the Phehn
opera house Wednesday evening, April 11.
under the direction of Wm. H. Mack, who
is said to have quite a reputation along tint
lines of theatrical tutorship. The title of
the cast, according to the artistically ll-
jiajcu iiuiiu-uujs uuvpi using llic piuy, IS,
"A Wise Fool." Thore are plenty of in
teresting features in thin production and
with the ability that go6 to make up the
play no doubt those who atttind will be
greatly interested.
A new hay stacker, known as the Frris
Wheel, and invented and patented by John
Hague-of this county, is attracting consid
erable attention and is considered one of
the bast things of the kind on the market.
The new device Is to be seen at the Forest
lumbor yards, where they are being con
structed. Mr. Hague is actively engaged
in placing his valuable inveution on the
market, and there in no reason to doubt
that the Ferris Wheel stacker will soon be
in active operation in all parrs of the
Buy hand-carved parlor chairs of Geo,
Additional local on fourth psge.
The Spring Season
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call- in and
see us before buying1.
Lee lAcheson
'Phone No. 4.
0. E. S. Organize.
A number of citizens met last Saturday
evening nnd instituted a ladies' auxiliary
to the Masonic lodge, to bo known as
Aloyah chapter O. K. S. Worthy Matron
Minnie E. Crltesand Mrs. G. H. Willis of
Chadron had charge of the work of in
stallation. The new chapter will meet
regularly each second and fourth Tuesday
of the month. The following temporary
officers were elected to serve till the
regular charter shall be issued at tho next
session rf the grand lodge:
Worthy matron Anna J. Davis.
Worthy patron W. II. Uartz.
Associate matron Clara Davidson.
Secretary Ira E. Tash.
Treasurer Lena Mosher.
Sontinol -F. K. Holston.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements In (his column will bo
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first Insertion and 5 coots per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that Tub
Hi'.ralu's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper nnd has tho lar
gest circulation in tho city nnd county.
Wanted Cattle and horses wanted
to summer on the old Will Hall ranch,
ih miles northeast of Alliance. Good
range and plenty of water; 25 cents a
month. Leave word at The Hkhald
office or see Arthur Bomgardner, 12
miles north of Allinncc,
Buy carpets of Geo. Darling. 19-2
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Buy linoleums of Geo, Darling. 19-2
Old papers for sale at this office.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
Buy mattings of Geo. Darling, 19-2
For storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Buy couch covers of Geo. Darling. 19-2
See Humphrey for picture framing', up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Dining, center nnd library tables, in late
designs and fininhes nt Geo. Dailing'a. 19-2
For Sale A quarter section of land,
ten miles northwest of Alliance; good
house, stable, granary, etc. Will sell
stock on the place if desired. Pete
Weinel, Alliance, Neb.
Mrs. Zchrang will do all kinds of sewing
and guarantees satisfaction. Located first
door west of Lockwoods.'
Visitors to tho World's fair can secure
rooms at Epsvorth hotel at $1.00 per day
by applying to C. W. Ray before May 1.
After this date rooms will be $2.00 per
day. jO.
For Sale About 150 tons of good hay
with feeding privilege. Mrs. Florence Mc
Carthy, Alliance, Neb.
For storm windows and doors see Geo.
For Sale Choap 1 H. P. Fairbanks
gasoline engine, in good condition.
Apply at this office.
UjnGH niHwrmiv.
JtorAi. IIiohi.ani)eks Alliance Custlo No.
(I mwite vury siyoud nnd fourth Thursduy
evr.IuK In W. Q. W.-IIiill. Visiting Olniistneu
cordlullv Invited.
K. P. Wooiis, O. V. l.Kiuv.
Sec'y. h. l
L. O. T. M. Meets every Hrt mid third Frr
tluy at Khr'o Hall Visiting Maccabees col
dlully Invited. Mits. K. J. Metold, L. C.
Mas. Annik Yount, It. IC.
H. OF It. T. HnrdstruRBlo Lodge. No, 042
Meets every Sunday afternoon at 2.,
Eagle ball. Visiting brothers welcome
J. A. Dunning, V. M.
M. Hargraves, Sec'y.