The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 29, 1904, Image 3

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Hm3HB lUssaaW kTssaW saaW saaK
m w 58 Htts 'ttiw B W r fTiaaauauauauaum
Women who work,
store, office or factory, very rarely have the
ability to stand the strain. The case of
Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is
interesting to all women, and adds further
proof that woman's great friend in need is
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
" Dkaji Mrs. Pinkham: I Buffered misery for several years. My back
ached and I had bearing down pains, und frequent headaches. I would often
vrako from a restful sleep in such pain and misery that it would bo hours before
I could close my eyes again. 1 dreaded the long nights and weary days. I
could do no work. I consulted different physicians hoping to get relief, but,
finding that their medicines did not euro me, I tried Xijdia E. Pinkhnin'H
Vegetable Compound, as it was highly rccomcndcd to me. I am glad that
1 did so, for I soon found that it was the medicine for my case. Very soon I
was rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health. I feel splendid,
have a fine appetite, and have gained in weight a lot." Miss Fhankik Oiiseh,
14 Warrenton St., lldston, Mass.
Surely you cannot wish to remain xvcak.slek and discouraged,
nnd exhausted with each day's worlc. Some derangement of tho
feminine organs is rcnonsiblo for this exhaustion, following any
kind of work or effort. Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound
will help you just as it has thousands' of other women.
The case of firs. Lennox, which follows, proves this.
I had for years. I gratefully acknowledge its merits.
Mrs. Heut E. leiwox, 120 iiast4tn si.,
FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signature! of
above tuiUinoulals, which will prove their absolute genuineness.
Iordla 12. l'lnkbatn Sled. Co., lomn, Mast.
:: BfflSBr
Veal Loaf, Potted Turkey, Deviled
Ham, Ox Tongvie, &c.
quickly made ready to serve.
Srtid to-day for thellttle booklet, "now to Mafcc Rood Things to Eat," Mint Ideas on quick,
delicious lunch scrvinir. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 two-cent stamps.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago
Mustang Liniment
is a positive cure for Plica.
A reputation extending over
oiAty-iiA yeara ona our
du&r&ntee ore back, of
v every oarmentDeannp me
tN ;ir,N! nF-THP pish
NThere are many imitations.
v 5e sure of the name
TOWER on the buttons.
o. . :..:w -."..m.: : :.,
dsp Br re
K )
whether in the house,
" Dkah Mns. Pinkham: Last winter I
broke down suddenly and had to seek tho
advice of a doctor. I felt sore all over, with
a pounding in my head, and a dizziness which
I had never experienced before. I had a
miserable appetite, nothing tasted good, and
gradually my health broke down completely.
The doctor Kiid I had female weakness, but,
although I took his medicine faithfully, I
found no relief.
" After two months I decided to try what
a change wculd do for me, and as Lyuia E.
Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound waa
strongly recommended to me I decided to
try it. Within three daya I felt better, my
appetite returned, and I could sleep. In
another week I was able to sit up part of
the day, and in ten days more I was well.
My strength had returned, I gained fourteen
pounds, and felt better and stronger than
very sincerely yourB,
Dixon, in.
Put a variety ;nto Summer living it's
not the time of j'ear to live near the
kitchen range. Libby's
Had to Believe His Wife.
Judge Parry of tho English judici
ary tells of a feeble-lookiriB man, who
waa rebuked for supporting a ridicu
lous claim made by his wife. "I tell
ou candidly I don't boliove a word of
your wife's story," said Judge Parry.
"Ver may do as yer like," replied the
man, mournfully, "but I've got to."
Love is a fierce combination of the
world, tho ilesh and tho devil. At
long intervals somotlmes an "X"-ray
of heaven is thrown in.
Defiance Starch
should bo In (very lious-ehold, none so
Rood, besides oz. more fur 10 cents than
any other brand of cold water starch.
No condemnation of wrong Is so ef
fective as tho commendation of right.
Clear whits clothes nro a sign that tba
houbekoepcr urea Ked Cress Ball Dlue.
Large - oz. pnekngo, 5 cent.
Never Judge a woman's courage by
the way Bbe avoids an interview with
a mouse.
A fire at Oxford destroyed proporty
valued at $7,000.
Tho Scrlbner hotel 1ms been sold to
Kansas City parties for $17,000.
All saloons in Columbus will bare
after bo closo.l on Sunday by order of
the mnyor.
A Inrgo party is about to lenvo Al
bion for n western tour, covorlng
many weeks.
Sheriff Daumnn of Dodgo County
has a mare thirty-two years old that
i3 just nursing her first colt.
Ten cars of stock wore contributed
to a special train nt Leigh, all of
them except ono being shipped by
Henry M. Willis of Uliio Springs,
aged forty-seven yonrs, was adjudged
insane and taken to the statu hospital
for insane.
S. L. Wright, county Judge of Thurs
ton county, died of grip nnd pnoumon
la. He was GO years of ago and loaves
a lurgo family.
Plans have been completed to bold
a summer Chautnuqiinn assembly in
Albion under tho management of Dr.
C. M. Lowe of Genoa.
Itev. Father Loecker of tho Holy
Trinity church of Ilartlngton has re
signed as prlest-In-chnrge, the condi
tion of his health demanding rest.
The homo of Georgo StnatB of Saun
ders County, fivo miles southwest of
Fremont, was burned to tho ground.
Tho house was a new one, built two
years ago at a cost of $2,000.
A new depot building for West Point
Is now an assured fact. Deeds to the
property wero turned over to tho rail
road company and tho old buildings
on the lots aro advertised for snip.
At a meeting of the board of county
supervisors of Seward county a court
house proposition was discussed at
somo length. That the county Is badly
in need of a court house is well
Articles of Incorporation and by
laws of tho Tecumseh Building &
Loan Association have been approved
by tho state banking board and the
Incorporation articles filed with tho
secretary of state.
Tho board of directors of the Com
mercial club of Deatrlce extended an
nvltatlon to tho Southeastern Ne
sraska F. A. U. association to hold tho
district reunion In that city during
tho coming summer.
After twenty-five years' servico as
pastor of the, St. John's Lutheran
:hurch nnd teacher of tho German
ichool nt Harper, about four miles
lorth of this place, Rev. A. Bergt
handed in bis resignation.
Rev. W M. Morrow, tho Methodist
Episcopal minister at Table Hock, baa
gone with his family to Washington
sounty, New York, having been
:hoscn to a pastorate in tho New York
conferenco In that county.
Tho new music building in process
of erection for York college will bo
known as the Hulitt conservatory, In
honor of John Hulitt of Hlllsboro. O.
Tho collego authorities decided to
make this building a memorial to Mr.
Hulitt in consideration of his bone
factions, amounting to $5,000.
A special school bond election has
been called In West Point by tho local
board for tho purposo of submitting a
proposition to tho voters for tho is
suance of $8,000 bonds for tho erec
tion of an addition to the mibllc school
building and equipping tho same.
While denfentcd nnd brooding over
business troubles Mrs. Cnrolino Pfiser,'
a widow, living near Butte, attempted
sulcldo by hanging. She tied a rope
Dver tho doorway at her homo and
3tandlng on a trunk tied the other
end of tho ropo nround hor neck and
kicked the trunk from under her feet.
Sho was almost dead wlion rescued.
Farmers of Sarpy county aro mov
ing in tho' matter of building an ele
vator. Several huge cribs of corn belong
ng to tho J. If. Lynds company wore
burned at Dawson, with 3,000 bushels
of corn and a large "quantity of oats.
Tho blazo originated from a spark
blown into the chnff from a traction
engine used In operating a corn shelt
er closo nt baud.
Warren Lloyd of North Platto,
owner and manager of tho opera
house, and ono of the oldest engineers
on tho Union Pacific, died last week
of pneumonia, at tho ago of seventy
four years. Ho commenced railroad
ing in 18S0. and has been an engineer
nlmost constantly ever since in vari
ous Darts of tho country.
While H. W. Burkott. who resides
southeast of Plattsmouth. was look
ing ovor the effects of the Into Rachacl
Kearney ho discovered a $5 county
script drawn on tho York bank of
York, Pa., bearing Interest at tho rate
of 1 per cent per annum, which was
issued in 183S. Correspondence fol
lowed and a reply came from tho bank
that tho face value of tho scrlat would
bo paid upon presentation.
At a mooting of tho Beatrice Driv
ing Association It was decided to open
the season with a matinee, to bo hold
tho first wook in May. The grounds
at the new park aro being Improved,
and many of tho local horsemen are
now engaged In gottlng their horses
m shapo for tho racing soason.
Aaron Steuvers, 20 years old, son
of Montz Steuvers, living nine miles
Bouth of Oakland, was accidentally
shot while examining a shotgun. Tho
discharge mangled tls right hand
and entered his side. Tho accident
will prove fatal.
Body Is L.itcr Found In Creek With
Life Extinct.
llugton moat train, No. 70, which runs
from Oinnhn, through thL, city to
Chicago daily, pulled Into Glenwood,
In., With a double-header nnd stood for
twenty minutes awaiting orders before
the engineer discovered that Ills fire
man was missing. Investigation
showed tlint lie was not In tho yards
and a sonrciing pnrtywas scut bnck
along tho track. At a bridge a mllo
nnd a hnlf from town were found tin
inlHtnkabic evidences that It wns thoro
that tho fireman hnd fallen from tho
engine. His hat was found near tho
odgo of tho creok nnd on tho steel
girders of tho bridge blood was dis
covered. Tho dead body waa brought
tip from tho bottom of the creek. It
is thought ho was dead before ho
struck tho water. Tho victim of tho
accident wns 11. C. Carlson, aged 2L
unmarried, and mndo his homo nt
Croflton, la. Ho was well known by
railroad men nnd nt ono tlmo rosldod
in Plattsmouth.
Two Falln City Boys Killed While
Playing in Elevator.
FALLS CITY- Lester Kormodo,
seven years old and Alfred Boyd, fif
teen years old, while playing in a hop
per containing forty thousand bushels
of corn In Heacock's elevator, lost
their lives.
Tho men In charge of tho elevator
started to load a car from tho hopper,
not knowing tho boya wero above in
tbo grain.
Tito corn went out with Ruch n rush
thnt tho boys wero drawn In and
smothered beforo tho elovntor men
discovered that they wero in danger.
Fred Harris, one of tho men In chnrgo
wns tho stepfather of ono nnd tho
brother-in-law of tho other of tho
Alfred Boyd has worked about tho
elevator and was supposed to know
tho dangers to bo met there. No
blamo Is chnrged up to tho elovntor
The Burlington Is Prosperous.
The Burlington last year mndo Just
$2,150,513.05 moro than it did tho year
previous,4 above all of its expenses, in
cluding taxe3 paid and operating ex
penses. Tho Burlington this year
quotes Its gross earnings nt $15,502,"
000.81 for tho year 19011. and for 1003
It returned tho gross earnings to tho
state board at $12,C74,838.71, an in
creaso In Its gross business for one
year df $2,887,702.10. To get this in
creased business tho Burlington spent
$722,305.53 moro for operating ex
penses last year than it did tho year
beforo, in 1903 Its operating expenses
being $8,290,015.09.
Money Is Pouring In.
LINCOLN Money Is pouring Into
tho permanent school funds in the
state treasurer's office at the rate 01
$1,000 per day. Fifty-nine thousand
dollars In available cash is now await
Ing Investments in state warrants
Over $400,000 of warrants nro in
sight, to bo taken .up during next si
montliB. The call for $50,000 of war
rants, which was issued by Treasurer
Mortonson, tho first of April, will take
offect Tuesday. Another call will be
made In a few days for anotliej
Hlsh Price for Corn.
BEATRICE.- Farmors who bring
their grain to Beatrice rocolvo good
prices. A wagor. load of corn was hoK
on tho tstrcet for 43 conts per busli
ol. Will Plant Potatoes.
Farmors are preparing to plant
largo acreago:i of potatoes In No
braska this year. Potatoes will b
tho principal crop In tho Irrigated dis
trlcts lying along the Platto river In
Western Nebraska. A tract of 30C
acres In Scotts Bluff county has beer
leased by a Knnsas City produce firm
for tho raising of potatoes, and this
Is but ono Instance In many. Secre
tary Dobsnn of tho state board of Ir
rigation says many farmors and ranch
ownora will put largo tracts In tubers
Shear Sheep by Machinery.
SCII TYLER. Fourteen thousand
sheep that are quartered and being
foil nt ilm rh-narnnr. Rtnnlr nml fnoillna
'yards of Folda & Haley are bolna
sheared by machinery. A slx-machin
plant was put In, and the six inon em
ployed shear 700 to 900 animals pej
House Famine In West Point.
WEST POINT Empty houses an
becoming so scarco in West Poln
that vacant storo bulldiugs are bein
used us dwellings.
Prout to File Suits.
Tho Board of Educational Land'
and Funds Instructed Attorney Conor
nl Prout to proceed and file tils sulti
of ojoctmeat against tho settlors it
tho fumoufl Boyd county land cases
The supremo court at its last sitting
gave permission to Mr. Prout to fll
his suits lu that court. It Is said th
tho settlors will ralso the quostlon that
the stato lias no intorest in the mat.
tor Inasmuch as all of tho land, with
tfio oxcepflon of about eighty acres,
has boon leased to other parties, and
thoy are the ones to bring the suits.
1 Know Pe-ru-na is
Worn Out
Hon. Nelson Rico of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of a large number of
grateful patients In Ills county who have been cured by Per una.
Hon. Nelson Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, wrltca:
Tho I'cruna Mcdlclno Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen: "I wish to congratulate you on tbo success of your offorts to
win tho confidence of tho pttbllo In need of a reliable inedicmo. know
Peruna Is a flno tonic tor a wont out system and a specific In cases' of
catarrhal dHtlcultlet. You have a large number ot grateful patients In
this county who have used Peruna and have been cured by It, and who
praise it above all other medicines. Peruna bas my heartiest good
wishes." Nelson Rice.
Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion,
impure Blood, Depressed
TJ10 sun has just crossed tho equator on
its yearly trip north. Tho rcul equator is
shifted toward tho north nearly eighteen
miles ovory day. With tho roturn of tho
sun comes tho bodily Ills pec 11 II 11 r to spring.
With 0110 person tho nerves nro weak: an
other person, digestion poor; with others
tho blood is out of order; nnd still Others
havo depressed spirits and tlrod feeling.
All theso things aro especially trno of
thoso who have been suffering with catarrh
W. L.
$4.00, $3.50, S3.00, $2.50
w.L. Douglas fehocs
aro -worn by moro
men than any other
make. Tho reason
is, thoy hold their
lonirer, nnd havo
ir renter intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
Sold Cvtryu here.
T.u.ik On limit-, mill iti-iri 1,11 liollmii.
UoiikIhm nr i'ormiu Collskln, iililcli Is
evtrv tiTM'oiireU'il lolii'tliHlliiPfit I'utrut
L,t-:ttli'r ,! )iroiluif l. fait Co ot litltl$unl.
Shot lvnmi. :". vnl.i-xiri. Wrilffof t'.UlOH.
IV. I.. JJOUUIAS, JlroiMun, Alms.
020822 N Street. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA
I 1sMsmBU&&ttN$Kar3ua' Wm k " m Us tfH B
I I It is the purest, cleanest starch made.
II It is free of injurious chemicals. B
II It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid
II to use starch of any Kind.
I I That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it B
a Fine Tonic fop 3
in nny form or la grippe. A conrso of Po
ruua is sure to correct all thcsoeoudltiou.
It Is an ideal spring medicine. Peruna
docs not Jrrltato It Invigorates. It docs
not tcnixrnrily stimulate II strongthons.
It equalizes tho circulation of tho blood,
tranqulllacs tho nervous system nnd regu
lates tho bodily functions. Peruna. unllko
bo inniiy spring medicines Is not aituply a
physio or stimulant or nervine. It is a
natural tonic and invlgorntor.
If you do not receive prompt nnd satisfac
tory results from tho use of Peruna,wrlto
nt onco to Dr. Hiirtinun, giving a full
statotnont of your case, and ho will bo
pleased to glvo you h'.s vultiablo advico
Address Dr, Hartman, President of Tho
llartinau Sanitarium. Columbus, Ohio
The FREE Homestead
Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904.
Millions ol aces of inaKrufirent Cirain and Grar
inc land to te 1 ail ui u fieo sift vi y iurc)iaso
from Kailway Comi'uiilt' Luiul I cii'orutlonf.. tic
Good Crops, ilellclitful II mute, itplcmlltl
school system, porfrrt hovIuI oiulllloin,
exceptional ruiln.iy hiIwmiIhj;', ! wealth
ond ulllucnre licqulrvtl i-uilly,
Tho population ot Wt-stein ('anuria Increased
123.(XX by iuimlGrauon limine the past ear, over
0,000 being AinciiiutK.
Yfrite to ncarett aatlmi irf il Canadian Goveiment
Aeriit for Canuclij'ii AtUs nnd oilier information
(or address Sunt of linuiisration.Oitaru.Csnada)
i V, V. liennett, &1 New lork Life buildio;.
(Jmaua, Meb.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.