The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 29, 1904, Image 2

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Some of the Inter
esting Features
Briefly Described
Any effort nt exaggeration, In at
tempting to describe the World's Knlr
nt St Louis woutil more tlmn lllioly
result In fnllure. One's Imagination
would Indeed bo abnormally develop
ed It lio wero lo concolvo more glor
ies, more beauty, more majestic splen
dor, and a moro comprehensive gather
ing of inon and tbo works of men,
than has boon assembled on two
wpiaro miles comprising llio Louisiana
I'urrhaso Exposition.
Moro than a thousand native Filipi
nos nro living In tbo 40-acro Philip
pine) tract at tho World's Fair, Their
homes havo boon reproduced In St.
liouls and they aro counterparts of
Mtoso left behind In the Pacific archl
potsgo. Tho Filipino colony em
braces representatives from mnny
tribos, and Americans anil Europeans
will bo interested In seeing the sub
jects that Undo Sam acquired with
tho Philippine islands, and In learn
ing of their lives and habits.
Besides tho native villages, tho
Philippine commission, which bus ex
pended nearly $1,000,000 on tho oxhl
lilt, has orocted replicas of many of
tbo most famous buildings on the is
lands. Sovoral bits of old Spunlsh
architecture aro suro to delight nil
Putagoulan giants nro oven less
Ituown than Filipinos. And there are
n number of these strange people
domiciled nearby, while a little fur
ther on may bo found another strnngo
race pygiylcs from darkest Africa,
whoso very existence, until recent
yours, was doubted. Tho Alnus, tho
aborigines of northern Japan, are an
other atrango raco that may bo seen
Looking Down on
at tho World's Fair. Theso queer
peoplo nro smalt of stature and their
bodies aro covered with hair.
Thoy aro qulto a different rnco from
tho modern Japanese. Japan, Indeed,
is In the front rank of nations at the
groat World's Fair. The site selected
My Japan for her group of buildings
is ono of the choicest allbted to for
eign nations, and tho enterprising
Japanese have mado the most of their
advantages. On a high hill overlook
ing Machinery Palaco workmen from
tho Mikado's realm havo built a num
ber of quaint and beautiful pagodas
and havo embellished the surround
ings with just such gardens ns have
won tho Japanese tho enviable reputa
tion of developing and perfecting such
flowers and plants as they cultivate.
An Experience.
Ono of Allentown'a young ladles re
turned recently from her first trip to
Now York. On reaching the metrop
olis nho had accepted an lnvltntlon
to a matinee. It wa3 a brilliant pro
duction and left an impression which
was dimmed only by a visit somo
time later to tho opora In the even
ing. She was giving a glowing ac
count of tho first oxperlence to somo
friends tho other day, ono of whom
interpolated onvlously:
"Yob, I havo scon it."
"Hut." continued tho othor, "did you
over attend a matinee in tho even
ing?" Philadelphia Ledger.
Why Co-operative Colonies Fall.
Cooperative colonies fall because
thoy get out of touch with the great
world around thorn," said a lecturer
recontly who had been a member of
tho famous colony of Hoar. "All tho
property and all tho earnings of the
Zoar colonists were divided equally,"
tiald ho. "As a result thero was less
energy and thrift. Petty jealousies
interfered with the colony work nnd
when its leader died It gradually went
to piecos."
Canadian Route Is Shorter.
At a recent meeting of the royal
transportation commission In Halifax,
reports and maps were submitted
Bhowlng that tho Canadian route be
tween Europe and the Fast was C80
miles shorter than those Stem United
States porta.
Russian Ship Canal.
Surveys, which havo Just been com
pleted, for a ship canal across Russia
to connect the Baltic and Black seas,
show that tho distance will be 1.468
miles and the cost $180,000,000.
111! 1 tr I III "" W""TTY tlt ? t
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BBBBBBBBBySpfifrJy''iWWBB v -ysffsPsBMiyjIWrir-rU,.. iWiBIbWBPsIsBMBIBB
Never was tho United States gov
ernment so deeply Interested In an ex
position a3 It Is In this 1004 World's
Fair. Already tho government's In
vestment has reached tho $11,000,000
mark, and (his does not Include tho
Phlllpplno expenditures, which wero
paid out of tho Insular treasury. The
result is the greatest exhibit ever
made by Undo Sam
Ono of tho interesting government
exhibits Is the great map of tho
United States, worked out In growing
crops, each state bolng represented
by crops chiefly grown In that state.
This map covers six acres of ground.
Ono who has not seen tho mnp may
havo nn Idea of its Immcnso size
when ho is told that Illinois' on this,
crop mnp Is 75 feet long. Tho bound
ary lines between the states are
gravel walks and tho World's Fair
visitors stroll at will through tho
states, and receive simultaneously a
lesson in geography and agriculture.
Tho largest tlmcplcco in tho world
Is at tho World's Fair, and mny bo
seen on a slopo on tho north hide of
Agriculture Hill. Tho dial of this
great clock is 112 feet In dlamotcr.
The framo work Is steel, of course,
hut It Is so covered with flowers that
It appears to have boon built entirely
of Mowers, and for that reason it is
popularly known as tho "Moral clock."
Germany's participation In this
World's Fair surpasses anything that
that great nation bus ever dono at any
qther International exposition, Tho
National pavilion, on a high hill over
looking tho Cascades, Is a faithful
reproduction of tho anclont nastlo
Chni'lottenburg, and the gardens sur-
the Government Building from the
rounding It aro gems of tho landscape
architect's art. Germany's Immenso
pavilion, of white nnd gold, In tho
mammoth Palaco of Agriculture, Is
ono of tho features of that Interesting
building, whllo tho Palaco of Varied
Industries contains nnother German
exhibit of unique Interest.
Most Interest naturally centers in
tho races of tho airships. To win
tho grand prize of $100,000 tho suc
cessful neronnut must covor tho 10
mile course at tho speod of 18 miles
nn hour. Santos Dumortt has several
of his wonderful machines on the
ground nnd Is sanguine of success.
Other noted aeronnuts are prepared
to contest vigorously with the famous
llttlo Brazilian.
The historic stago coach In which
Girl's Question That Paralyzed Gun
nery Lieutenant.,
She was a denr llttlo girl, and had
spent most of her life In a country
rectory. It was not surprising, there
fore, that her knowledge of things
maritime and warllko was not ox
tonslve. Tho young gunnery officer of H. M.
S. had been showing her round
the battleship. It was tho very Mist
warship of any kind she had over
visited, and her mind was full of the
wonderful sights presented.
Doing an industrious and a thor
ough young man, tho gunnery lieu
tenant had explained very fully tho
mechanism and the use of tho tor
pedo In warfare.
Sho examined the long, doadly, cigar-shaped
engine of war critically
and fearfully.
Thon sho tapped It with the point
of her parasol and let her glove run
over Its burnished side, and finally
paralyzed tho gunnery officer with
the question:
"How does tho crew 'get Inside?"
London Tlt-Blts.
California's Building.
California Is orectlng a pavilion in
tho agricultural building at the
world's ialr that will attract univer
sal attention. Its exterior Is entirely
covered with dried fruit, four tons of
apricots, peaches and prunes being
Many Varieties of Mosquitoes.
In IxMilslana's world fair exhibit
thero will bo shown ninety-eight vari
eties of mosquitoes. TJtey aro in
cases and are guaranteed not to bito
or sting.
A Visit to the Exposi
tion is Equivalent to a
Tour of the Globe
Hank Monk drovo Horaco Greeley
Into Plncervlllo "on time" Is seen
dally in tho Gulch. Mark Twain and
ArtcmtiB Ward, in tho early days,
mado Hank Monk nnd the old coach
famous by their vivid descriptions of
tho celebrated ride.
Tho landscape of the World's Fair
is n ferUiro of diverslMed beauty. It
ombracea hill and valley, plateau and
lowland. In tho Cascade region alone
moro than -1,000,000 brilliantly colored
Mowering and foliage plants aro used
In tho creation of the Rainbow Gar
dons. Moro than 30,000,000 plants aro
used In beautifying other sections of
tho grounds. All of the main avenues
are delightfully shaded with rbws of
sliver maples, and in several sections
thero aro groat groups of forest
trees that over afford a delightful
Tho lnrgest cnglno In tho world Is
nn exhibit In tho Palaco of Machinery.
This monstor with a power equal to
that of 5,000 horses, occupies a apace
in tho center of tho great structure,
and towors 35 feet In tho air. It Is
as largo as an ordinary three-story
house. Altogether the engines devel
op a power of 50,000 horses. At tho
Chicago exposition ten years ago,
which moro nearly than any other
similar enterprise approaches tho
present In magnitude, tho greatest
power developed was 12,000 horse
The Plku Is a most alluring place.
It Is a broad boulevard moro than a
mllo long, with the shows of all na
tions arranged on either side In tho
most captivating arrav. Tho archi
tecture of Tho Pike Is that of all
Missouri Building.
ages and countries, from the prehis
toric ages to tho present day, and
everything that Is new, strange and in
teresting Is shown In this street of all
nations. After night Tho Pike Is a
blnzo of glory and myriads of electric
lights accentuate the beauties of tho
quaint architecture.
In ono newspaper article but few
of tho places of Interest may be
touched. A large volume would bo
required were oach feature mention
ed In a single line. The visitor who
can find time but for a week's stay
at the Fair will see more glories than
ho ever dreamed of, and were ho to
lengthen his stay to the seven months
of the fair ho could pass every mo
mont In profitable and Interesting
Center of Lamb-Raising Industry.
Greeloy, Colo., Is becoming almost
as noted for Its lamb, ns for its po
tato Industry. Shipments or-young
lambs from Greeley to Eastern nnd
other markets, are now" being made,
at tho rate of from 75 to 100 carloads
a week. Tho experiment of feeding
lambs during the winter months on
a food composed, In largo part of
sugar-beet pulp, from the many "beet
sugar factories In that section of tho
State, has been proved a success In
northern Colorado. Tens of thou
sands of sheep and lambs are now
being fed In that manner at Greeley,
Ft. Collins, Lovoland and elsewhere,
in tho roglon referred to.
Real Case of Broken Heart.
"Died from a broken heart" an
old woman of 74, who married her
fourth husband, aged 72, In Decem
ber last, at West Ham. was deserted
by him a fortnight after tho wedding.
Sho died suddenly on Sunday, her last
words being: "My heart's broken!"
and a coroner's jury, on Wednesday,
found that the cause of death was
valvular disease of tho heart. Phila
delphia Ledger.
Noted Scientist. '
Dr. Maximilian Nitze, who just a
quarter of a century ago, Invented a
luminous apparatus for looking Into
tho stomach nnd other internal or
gans, Is still living in Berlin, where
he Is an Instructor at the university.
Telephone Statistics.
In the United States there aro up
ward of 20,000,000 families and at
loast 5,000.000 places of business, raak
Ing a total of 25,000,000 opportunities
to place telephones. Of these about
one-eighth are now equipped.
mm the wodld1
An American young man does not,
as a rule, look forward to marriage
nor preparo for It by saving any con
siderable portion of his ante-nuptial
income. When he marries It Is usual
ly on short notice, and because bo has
fallen very desperately In love with
someone and cannot And it in his
heart to wait until cold caution de
clares tho venture advisable. Even
when an engagement-Is n long one he
usually squanders so much on gifts
and entertainments for his fiancee
that there Is only a very moderate
amount to begin housekeeping on.
TIiub before his marriage the oung
American of tho middle-class begins
to give evidence of what Is to be his
chief national characteristic as a hus
bandhis unfailing, unselfish and al
most Improvident generosity.
Tho middle-class husband In Amer
lea rarely Interferes with the affairs
of tho household. He hardly knows
tho cost of staple articles of food. As
a rule ho does not, make his wife a
regular allowance either for household,
or personal expenses, but gives her
as much as ho can spare, freely, but
with a lack of system that Is not con.
duclve to tho bestoutlay of their In
come. Tho young American husband Is
also very Indulgent to his wife's fond
ness for fine clothes. Ho would far
rnther have an extravagnnt wife than
a dowdy one, and although ho grum
bles occasionally at a millinery bill,
in reality ho glories in the resplendent
appearance of his wife In her fine
feathers. Tho American husband Is
rare who does not concede his wife's
right to expend a much lafger sum
with her dressmaker than he does
with his tailor. Indeed he often leaves
his tailor altogether and cheerfully re
pairs to the ready-made clothing
house in order that his wife may have
more money for extravagant finery.
London Telegraph.
It Is to the Marquis Ito that Japan
owes In a very great measure the po
sition Bhe now holds In the world.
But for him hhe might bo to-day a sec
ond China; hut for him she would as
suredly not bo'thc rival of Russia, tho
chosen ally of England.
Ho belongs by birth to what wo
should call the lower middle-class, and
has therefore had neither wealth nor
Influential connections to give him a
Ticlplng hand. None tho lessj, nt an
ago when In England he would have
been counted a boy he was already a
minister plenipotentiary arranging
terms of peare with the great powers
of Europe. For ho had the good luck
In very early days It was a pure
piece of luck to attract the attention
of the old Emperor Komel Ycnno, who
was so struck by his extraordinary
ability and all-round cleverness that
ho took his education into his own
hands and set to work to train him for
a political career.
In 18G7 tho old emperor died, hut
his successor, Moutsouhlto, had just
as high an opinion of lto as his father
had had, and ns soon ns he had power
In his hands ho mado him governor of
Htogo. A year later he made him
finance minister, and from that day
to this Ito has practically ruled Ja
pan. London World.
Tho prevailing tendency seems to
be to eulogize this young lady with
a fervor calculated to create Jealousy
among her British sisters. At any
rate, my own feollng Is that tho
American girl deserves all she gets.
I have seen a good deal of her not
only in England, hut on the conti
nent. She varies, like the offspring
or all nationalities, and it may be
said of her, as of the little girl In
the nursery rhyme, that "when sho
Is bad sho Is horrid." But at her
best she seems to me to eclipse the
damsels of all other nations, I don't
quite know how she does It, and, not
being a poet, I could not describe the
process if I did, It is nut that she
Is exceptionally beautiful. But she
has such an irresistible way with
her; she Is such an adept in the art
of looking nice; she Is so witty and
good-humored, and sho enjoys life so
thoroughly. In short, had I to decide,
like Paris, between tho rival charms
of a bevy of modern beauties, I think
an American girl would probably take
the applo. Consequently I rather envy
tho British peers whether or not per
sonally repulsive who are able not
only to find American brides, but
handsome dowries thrqwn In. Henry
Labouchcre In London Truth.
In a dry country tho beavers' hab
itation becomes the center of animal
life, says Country Life In America.
The result of their labors Is to make
the barren places most fortlle again.
Thelf dams at short Intervals make
the water flow slowly, giving it time
to percolate into tho surrounding soil,
as is proved by the splendid vegeta
tion at such lxjlnts; moreover, this
prevents erosions that sink tho bod
so deeply as to catibo great expense
If the power Is to be utilized. If tho
land owners only realized how much
more valuable to them a live beaer
is than a dead one they would speed
ily take step3 for their protection
Tho Russian court Is tho most
brilliant in tho world. Tho court of
Vienna has more of a certain kl.J
of hauteur and pretension, but the
court nt St. Petersburg Is tho most
gorgeous ns well ns tho most gra
cious nnd graceful. It has a finer art
nnd a more generous hospitality. Its
refined air and Its polished perfection
might well be envied and emulated
In capitals of higher civilization.
Though tho emperor gives a reception
on tho Russian Now Year, the season
really opens with tho blessings of
tho Neva, six days later. It Is a
ceremonial of religious significance
and social demonstration. In the im
provised pavilion on the embankment
of the river appear tho emperor nnd
the metropolitan with tho great dig
nitaries of the hierarchy of church
and state, the splendid columns of
helmeted nnd plumed Chevalier
Guards at rest, tens of thousands of
respectful spectators just beyond tho
lines, and all the court looking on
from tho windows of tho winter pal
ace. I have seen tho czar standing
for twenty minutes with bared head
In a temperature of zero while, where
the thick Ice had been cut away for
the purpose, the blessing of tho wat
ers In token of baptism proceeded.
Saturday Evening Post.
One of the most noted of American
surgeons has startled tho fellow mem
bers of his profession by his bold ex
periments in handling the human
heart In cases of cessation of the beat
ing of ' that organ under the influ
ence of anaesthetics. He has been so
daring In desperate cases ns to cut
down to the source and foundation of
tho circulation of tho blood and so
to manipulate the heart as to Mil the
arteries anew from the pulsations
which he has excited. The marvels
of piesent day surgery sometimes
seWi to be almost miracles. But both
surgeons and physicians confess
themsolvcs frequently bafiled in tho
presence of serious cases of pneumo
nia, or cancer, of leprosy and of tho
bubonic plague. New York World.
That odors move with tho air, or
diffuse through It like gases and dq
not pass through it In waves, as
sounds do, or in swiftly-moving par
ticles like, the radium emanations,
seems to lie conclusively shown by
recent experiments on the propaga
tion of scents through small tubes.
In such tubes there can be no general
motion of the air, and the rate of
travel of an odor is extremely slow.
That of ammonia took over two hours
to get through a tubo a' yard and a
half long. The presence of the am
monia could be detected chemically at
about the same time that its smell
was noticed. It seemed to make lit
tle difference In the speed whether tho
tubo was held horizontally or verti
cally or whether the odor moved up
or down. Success.
The New York labor commissioner
has been Investigating tho welfare ol
labor, not confining himself to the
more letter of tho law, but looking
about to find establishments that arr
doing better than tho law.
In Investigations covering 10S cs
tnbllshments, employing 59,291 per
sons, ho was surprised to And manj
establishments that not only fulfilled
the requirements of the laws for the
safety and protection of labor, but had
really distanced the laws In their ar
rangements for the mental, moral and
spiritual welfare of their employes.
To exceed tho requirements of the
factory laws to tho extent of provld
Ing free lectures, evening clnsses. free
circulating libraries, mtnlcal Instruc
tion and manual training, Is a sacri
fice that ought to entitlo such employ
ers to be posted as public benefac
Yet' the labor commissioner found
several firms not only doing this, but
providing wash rooms, free reading
rooms, free lunches and various de
vices for tho elevation of those whom
they consider their charges.
The most gratifying agencies for
the betterment 01 employes, are those
In the direction of beneficiary funds
caring for injured workmen and In
surance. Theso and other agencies are doing
a good of which the general public
are too often kept In Ignorance. Char
Ity and justico aro good helpmates,
If oach will only keep its place. Bos
ton Globe.
I am of opinion that If any million
aire wished to build himself a lasting
monument In the affection and hom
age of tho English people ho could
not find a surer means of gratifying
his ambition than by putting down
200,000 to build and ondow a na
tional thoater. And I think that be
fore many years we shall probably
find that some American millionaire,
with tho cutenoss of his race, will bo
ostabllsh and endow an American the
ater nnd will thereby earn the lasting
gratitude of the American nation.
Henry Arthur Jones, in the Nineteenth
The Center of Attraction.
Tho discovery of antique vases of
romnrkablo merit In excavations bo
neath the surface of tho Roman Forum
has prompted tho king of Italy to
say that this place has become tho
center of attraction and tho meeting
placo of scientists nnd thlnkors. Wero
a system of subways, similar to those
of Paris, London nnd New York to bo
dug beneath tho city of tho Caesars,
what treasures might bo unearthed!
Wore it possible, too, to turn aside tho
current of Father Tiber, and to ex
plore Its bed thoroughly, what discov
eries might be made!
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
wim LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ti thejr cannot If tch
tha lett of the illo-c. Catarrh l blood or conitl
tutlonal dlea.f , aud In order to cure It you must taks
Internal rcmedlca. Hall'a Catarrh Curo U taken In-tern-Mlr.
and actn dlrcctlfon tho blood and mucunt
Mirfacra. Hall'a Catarrh Curft U not a quack medi
cine. Itwa prescribed bjrnoeof thetieH pbytlclana
In ibli country for yearn and It a regular prctcrf ptlon.
It la einnpcweil of the bot tonics known, combined
with the heat blood purlflcm. acting directly on tho
mucmia mirfacoi. riie perfect combination of tba
two Ingredient l what producer mrh wonderful re
mits la outlnii catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHBNr.Y ACO., Props., Toledo,
Hold b nnifrglMs, price 71c.
Tslto Ilall'i Family Pills for constipation.
Tho worst blnsphemy Is that ot
profession without practice.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep De
fiance Starch. This is because thoy have a
stock on hand of other brands containing
only 12 oz. In a packagp, which they won't
bo ablo to soil lirst, becauso Defiance con
tains 10 oz. for the same money.
Do you want 1(1 oz. instead of 12 oz. for
Bamo money I Then buy Defiance Starch.
Requires no cooking.
No man has any spiritual blessing
that ho can keep to himself.
All Up to Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, because
It 1h better, uud 4 oz. more ot It lot same
The kiss of somo women Is like be
ing struck by the sharp corner of tho
Ice trust.
The Best Results In Starching
ran be obtained only by using Defiance
Starch, besides Kettlnjc I oz more for
same money no cooking required.
Tho satisfactions of normal married
llfo do not decline, but mount.
CITC permanently cured. No (It or nonrcmneaa afte
Did llrst day's nte of Dr. Kline's (irratNerre Itestor
cr. Send for FItKIJ 83.00 trial bottls and treatise.
VS. U. U. IUl, Ltd., 31 Ann Strtc-c l'niladslpbU, l"a ,
Don't take things as they como It
they belong to other peoplo.
When You buy Starch
buy Dellancp nnd sot the bent. 1G"
10 cents. Once used. alvas used.
Respectability may be qulto differ
ent from righteousness.
If 60, use Red Cross BnllBluo. It wilt make
them whito us snow. 2 oz. packago 5 cent.
Truth should bo either beautiful in
ithe nude or cleverly masked.
Mr. TTinalnnr'H Moothlnfr 8yrnp.
For children tctblng, softens tbo Riiras, reduces b
fiammatlon, allaja pain, cures wind collu. 2Sc a botUe.
A man always wants to marry hla
ideal woman tho first time, but tho
second time ho isn't so particular.
Free to Twenty-Five Ladles.
The Defiance Starch Co, will give
25 ladles a round 'trip ticket to the
St. Louis Exposition, to fivo ladles
In each ot tho following states: Illi
nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send in tho largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cont, 16-ounco package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home, any
where in the above named states.
These trade marks must bo mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September
1st, 1904. October and November
will bo the best months to visit the
Exposition. Remember that Defiance
is tho only starch put up 16 oz. (a
full pound) to the package. You got
one-third more starch for the same
money than of any other kind, and
Deflancej nover sticks to the iron.
The tickets to the Exposition will bo
fiont by registered mail September
6th. Starch for sale by all dealers.
In tho divine scales a dime often
weighs more than a dollar.
Won't spill, break, freezo nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents and equals "20 cents worth of
uuy other bluing. If your grocer does not
kcop it send 10c for samnln to Tho Laundry
Blue Co., U Michigan Street, Chicago.
Ho who loses no lovo for others
loses all llfo for himself.
riso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Sajjuu,
Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
Love is a double-back action of tho
skyrocket and the match. Goes up
heavenward all right, but tho stick
comes down to earth very earthly.
Washing Machine Only $2.70.
Saye your wlfo's health and daughter's
beauty by using our Kreat Star Waalilne
Machine. Woith It weight in gold.
Price only J2.T0; with wringer U.90.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis.
An old man always wants to give
his experience to every young fellow
whom ho meets. He forgets how
much it cost him.
Christian Endeavor Hotel.
At St. I.ouls, Mo., Ik the place to stop
when vlKltlujr the World's fair. Write
them for terms.
Somo people think themselves so
large and Important that tho conduc
tor ought to ring up two fares.
more goods, brighter colors, with less
work than others.
Selfishness that hides under tho
rloak of religion Is an insult to tho