The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 22, 1904, Image 3

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m rjfrC lit i l if m H
'Young women may avoid
much sickness and pain, says
Miss Alma Pratt, if they will
only have faith in the use of
Lydia E. Pinhham's Vegetable
Juxinr from tho letters the fa
receiving- from so many young1 girls,
Mrs. l'inkham believes that our girls
are often pushed altogether too near
the limit of their endurance now
mlnys in our public schools and semin
aries. Nothing is allowed to interfere with
studies, the girl must bo pushed to tho
front and graduated with honor ; often
physical collapse follows, and it takes
years to recover tho lost vitality,
often it is never recovered. Miss Pratt
"DnAit Mns. Pinkham: I feel It
my duty to tell till young women how
much IiVdia E. Pinklmm'8 won
derful vcgetablo Compound has
done for me.. I was completely run
down, unable to attend school, nnd did
not caro for any kind of society, but
now I feel like a new person, and havo
gained seven pounds of llcsli in thrco
I recommend it to all young
women who suffer from female weak
ness." Miss Alma Pjiatt, Holly,
Mich. 5000 forfeit If original ofabou Ittttf
proving gtnulntntt i cannot bo product.
McClure's for April.
McClure's for April la fairly tstun
ning in its effect. The first of n se
ries of articles on "The Enemies of
the Republic," by Lincoln Steffcns,
which will consider the misgovern
xnent of states, takes up Missouri and
gives the reader a shock he will not
soon forget. It is almost paralyzing
in its relentless array of fact and
logic concerning corruption as a cus
tom, a system, a revolution In gov
ernment. It Is the bribe-giver, not
tho bribe-taker, who is really respon
sible for the bad government, .Ir.
Steffcns points out.
Insist on Getting It.
Somo grocors say they don't keep De
fiance B torch because they have n stock in
hand of 12 ok. brands, whlcb tber know
cannot be sold to a customer who has once
tuod the 10 oz. pkg. Doflanoo Starch for
tamo money.
Old Sofas, Backs of Chairs, etc., can
bo dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS
A man seldom lets himself loose
until bo gets tight.
Why It Is the Best
Is because made by on entirely different
process. Deflonco Starch Is unlike any
other, better and one-third more for 10
Lots of men get religion they
get sick.
WiggIcStick lauxdiiv ntcn
Wcn't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents aud eqtmU J() cents worth of
any other bluing. If your grocer dot's not
keep it send lOo for samiilc to The Laundrv
Blue Co., 14 Michigan Street, Chicago.
Any work is easy enough after you
once get down to it.
, -
Me oil our waterproof
coot, suiti oM tats
for &II hinds cf wet work.
' 73"" it ib often mitatcd but
f0R JALfc dTAU "ciya"- i
RELIABLE PEAICRS. rlMe in DIO.CH or jetiow
vTirH t- tub. and fully Guaranteed by
piQtlOrTnl. n5n. ecj-axrvciut tnrcnoicitTocui
$4.00, $3.50, S3.00, $2.50
V&'gg SHOES Tumftn.
"W.L. Douglas fehoes
aro worn by mora
men than any other
make. Tho reason
is, they hold their
longer, and huve
greater intrinsic
value than any
other shoes.
Sold Evtrywhere.
I.OOK far liniiirt nntl ui lr 1111
uouginH lifcrs loroim I'oltakln, vrhlcli la
everywhere riun(l'il folirtlintlncM I'atrnt
Lrf-al her j t iirml tireil. fast Co or lytlels uttd.
bliots lv iiiiLS i"nt i xlr. H me for ( alnlou.
W. I- JJOIKU Ah, Itrotl.ton, Jims.
f s r. .ss .
w'mw, ?
a ym;yw&:
N r -i I
f Lawn Fence
It on or win1 man) HtjU'i.
forrtaUlemr clinrcli HiMiool.
rrmmeij oii)ir anil lioir
fi nee Idtin Cdirs 'end for
Chlmfltn Iroa trd Mire Horkt
oS'.y.W.fThompson'a Eye Watw
I Labouchere's Numerous Libel Suits.
Henry libouchoro, tho stormy pe
trol of Hrltish journalism, hns just
fought Ills forty-fourth notion for libel
nnd ho lost, bcltiB condemned to pay
$5,000 ilnnmges for Buying that n cer
tain physician was not duly qunllflod
and that he was a quack. This Is
tho heaviest verdict every brought
against tho editor of Truth, but ns ho
Is a ery rich man, It is possible ho
thinks tho run worth tho money. Of
tho forty-four suits ho won nineteen,
lost eight, In two tho Juries failed to
agree, flvo were settled out of court,
nnd ten were withdrawn by plaintiffs
who did not enro to face trial.
Tho April Atlantic.
Following aro nmong contents of
tho Atlantic Monthly for April: Chris
tian Science, Tho Frenchwoman's
Son, An American Primer, Llfo's Tav
ern, Tho Sicilian Highlands, Tho Com
mon Lot, Tho Ethics of Business, In
vocation, Lugging Boat on Sowadne
hunk, Part of a Man's Life, Somo Re
cent Aspects of Darwinism, Notes on
the Scarlet Letter, Tho Now Ameri
can Type, Tho Ago Limit, A" Odd
Sort of Popular Book, When I Prac
ticed Mcdlcino, Books Now nnd Old:
Byways of Llternturo.
More Flexlblo and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out: by using
Deflnnco Stnrch you obtain bettor results
thnn possible with any ether brand and
one-third inoro for tame money.
The Only Parlor Left.
Hero Is a story from tho veldt.
When Joseph Chamberlain traveled to
Do La Roy's country he found that
tho only hall available was verv
small for tho nudlcnco ho wished to
address, aud accepted Do La Hoy's
offer of "his parlor." When ho
reached tho ruins of Do La Ro 's
house, however, he found a platform
built out on to tho open veldt. "But
where is tho parlor?" asked iho
statesman". "That Is tho only parlor
you havo left me," replied tho sol
dier. With a decent supply of good will
nny man can bo honest on a desert
state or Ohio, City or Tolido, I ..
Lui'as CotmTr f "
Fham; .1. CiiXMr makes oath that ho U icntor
partner of the firm of P. J. (Jhkvfv 4. Co,, dulug
builucM In the City of Toledo, County and btate
aforeaald. and that raid Arm nlllpay the nm of
OXB lirSDItKD UOLI.AK8 for each and eiery
rain of Catakrii that cannot he cured l)j Ihs use of
llALL'b Catarrh, Cure.
Rworn to before me and subscribed In jny pret
ence, this Cth day of December, A. I. 1MB.
A. W. Ul.r.ABU.-'.,
Notary 1'vulic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ! taken Internally and acta
directly on the blood and mucoua of the
s) stem, bend for testimonial, free.
Y. J. CHKXEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv all Prupdl.u. Tie.
Take lull's Faintly l'llls for constipation.
Oh, yes, there's any amount of hon
esty on earth. Honesty that hasn't
been used.
It Is the Interest of every member
INSURANCE CO. to help it along.
Tho Company belongs to tho members.
Tho officers aro their servnnts. Each
member is only liable for his sharo of
losses and exponscs, according to tho
amount at insurance ho carries.
Members arc assessed at the end
of two years, after tho insurance was
first written upon all their policies
for tho time insured, and assessment
follows every two years.
Wo havo paid our members over
$00,000 in losses. Cannot you help
somo of your neighbors to Its bene
B. R. STOUFFER, Soc'y.,
South Omaha, Nebr.
It is with tears that wives water'
tho sometimes sickly plants of their
lords' generosity.
In the April Century.
There will bo four color-pictures in
tho April Century: "Tho Easter
Hymn," frontispiece, by Violet Oak
ley; "Tho Easter Bonnet," by Anna
Whclan IJotts; and drawings, by Max
Held Parrlsh, of tho famous Villa
d'Esto at Tivoli and the pool of tho
Villa d'Este. These last two will 11
lustrate, with othor drawings in black
and whlto by Mr. Parrlsh, Edith
Wharton's paper on "Villas Near
Rome." Tho woodcut In Timothy
Cole's Old Spanish Masters series will
be Morales' exquisite "Madonna of
tho Little Bird." Another notable
feature of tho issue will be a double
page drawing, by Jules Gucrln, pt
"Easter In Clreeley Square, New York
City," showing tho flower market in
its Easter array.
A similarity of tastes in jokes is a
great assistant to marital felicity.
The United Mutual Hall Ins. Ass'n
Is the oldest, is the strongest, Is tho
best; has paid 1G9,000.00 moro for
losses than tho combined payments
of all other companies. Paid $53,
5'JG.IO in 1903. Has paid $200,911.80
for losses slnco Us organization.
Wants good representatives in every
precinct. Address Homo Office, 110
South 10th Street. Lincoln, Neb.
It is sometimes better to stay where
you aro than t6 jump at conclusions'
Sir. Wlnalow'a boothlair Syrup.
For children tertblo;, sot tju the gurus, reduces u
CammatloQ, allnjs pain, cure wlad colic. oc a buttle.
The spilled milk of human kindness
Is worth crying over.
Lewis' " Single Binder " straight 5c cigar.
Iso other brand of cigar is po popular with
tho smoker. Ho has learned to rely upon
its uniform high quality. Ixiwls Factory,
Peoria, 111.
Thero Is just as isuch worry over
money as over tho Uclc of it
Have Million nnd Three-Quartero
More Deposits Than November.
Reports of 008 hanks of Nebraska,
compiled by tho State Banking bonid,
show an increnso In deposits of ovor
51,700,000 over tho report of last No
vember; tho number of depositors has
increased ovor 3,000, ntitl tho per cent
of reserve has Increased from 2IM,4 to
:i2 per cent. The loans nnd discounts
in tho present statements arc ?34,
952,194.03, whllo for tho November
call they were $34,530,329.29. The
total deposits nhown by this state
ment nro $38,777,300.98, while tho No-
vember statement shows tho total de
posits to bo $37,073,882.24. Tho num
bor of banks oxer tho labt statement
has increased seven: tho number of
depositors at this tlmo Is 119,075,
and tho November statements show
tho number to ho 110,484. The report
is a stntemont of tho condition of tho
banks ut tho close of business March
17. It follows In detail:
Loans and discounts se
cured by real estate (see
schfdule) 4,23S,150.20
Other loans nnd discounts
(sec schedule) 39.C9,034.77
Totnl $3402.184.03
Overdrafts (see schedule).. S63.334.17
Bonds, stocks, securities,
judgments, claims, etc. m
(see schedule) 01 1,778. 8
Due from national, Unto
and private banks and
bankers (see schedule) .. 9.7C9.320.62
Banking house, furniture
nnd fixtures 1.488.700.41
Other real estate 306,5i6.33
Current expenses and taxes
paid 432.810.04
Premiums on U. S. and
other bonds and securi
ties 3,885.55
Cash Items, not to be In
cluded In estimating re
serve 89,D56.9i
Cash 2,633,730.02
Total $50,D55.293.02
Capital stock paid In $8,123,100.00
Surplus fund l.bV3fia.M
Undivided profits . 1,024,350.01
Dividends unpaid ...i'SiS'SS
Total deposits 38, m, 300.98
Notes and bills discounted. 145.992.C9
Bills payable 353,349.1..
Total $50,555,293.52
Some Suspicion Victim May Have
Been Murdered.
GORDON. Ira C. Diamond, a
ranchman living eighteen miles south
east of Gordon, wns found burned to
a crisp in tho nshes of his burned
barn. Coroner Lewis of Vnlentlne
wns notified nnd an inquest was held,
the verdict being that ho camo to his
death by accidental burning in his
own barn. The deceased wnsn man
about CO years of ago, quiet and
peaceable, and hns resided in this vi
cinity about three years., Ho was a
widower with two grown sons and
lived nlono upon tho ranch.
There is somo suspicion of foul
play, as it was known that Diamond
had fears that his life was in danger,
and It is said that a short tlmo ago he
was in Gordon consulting an attorney
concerning threats that had been
made against him.
Both Hands Shot Off.
AINSWORTH. Sherman Eddy, tho
fifteen-year-old son of Chris Eddy, liv
ing three miles south of here, lost
both hands by tho accidental dis
charge of a- shotgun. Ho was rest
ing botii hands on tho barrel, when It
was discharged.
Find Forger in Canada.
YORK. A message reached Sheriff
Brott that Frank Sheldon, wanted in
this county for forgery, Is under nr
rest at Petersboro, Ontario. Deputy
Sheriff Afterbaugh started for that
place for tho prisoner.
Methodist Scmi-Centcnnial.
Tho Methodist State Historical so
ciety is making arrangements for tho
celebration of tho semicentennial of
Methodism in Nobraska, to bo held in
St. Paul's church here June 8 and 9.
Tho program Includes Dr. C, B. Mitch
ell of Cleveland, who will talk on "Tho
Achievements of the Methodist Circuit
Rider," and It is expected that Bishop
McCabe will bo hero to speak on the
"Debt of tho Church to Her Veteran
Preachers." A portion of tho tlmo
will be devoted to a discussion of tho
experience of tho old-time preachers.
Fortune for Beatrice Woman.
BEATRICE. Mrs. Mary Sisson of
this city, widow of the late Dr. Wil
liam Sisson, received word from Now
York City that she had fallen heir to
12,000,000 in Scotland.
Finds an Old Coin.
COLUMBUS. While counting his
ensh a few evenings ago George J.
Hagol found a sliver dollar of tho
vintage of 1799. It Is well-preserved.
Keeping Within Appropriation.
Tho cash report of tho Hastings In
sane asylum was filed with the secre
tary of state. The report shown that
out of tho appropriation for tho blQii
nlum a contidorablo ovor half of it
still remains unoxpended. Tho super
intendent has spent for salary, board
and clothing to dnte, J151.500.59, and
ho has on hand 51S8.188.-I1. During
March ho spont $10,790.02. Tho ap
propriation for this month was $14,
153.9C. For repairs since tho begin
ning of the blennium thoro has been
spent $9,920, leavlnc $79.89,
Lincoln Jnbhora havo effected nn o?
Tho now Y. M. C. A. building it
C'liadron has boon dodlonted.
The village of Virginia, In Gag
county, Is seeking Incorporation.
Geneva Is taking steps toward n
public park, which Is to bo ono of the
most beautiful in tho state.
Shortnnn Eddy, tho 15-year-old son
of Chris Eddy, living threo miles
south of AlnHworth, lost both hands
by tho accidental dischnrgo of n Bitot
Farmers of York county nro won
dcring if tho recent cold wonther and
storm damaged enrly sown oats. Thero
is n difference of opinion, some con
tending that early oats nro tlamnged.
While Fred Mnrtln, hired man cm
tho William Gnus farm, was coming
to Pnpillion from work tho neckyoke
came down tin owing Martin out of tho
wngon. His collar bono was broken
Daniel Gclsclmnn was probably fat
ally Injured by falling from tho
freight elevator In his hardware store,
An arm was broken, shoulder crushed
and skull fractured. Whllo ho is
conscious his recovery Is doubtful.
A revivnl meeting is being con
ducted nt tho M. B. church In Sow
nrd. Evangelist J. L. Glascock hns
chargo of tho services and they nro
rendered rather novel by tho intro
duction of instrumental and vocal
mtiBic by tho Beck family who travel
with tho evangelist
Word wns received nt Leigh that
Mr. Schultz, a prosperous Bohemian
farmer, living fourteen miles south
east, had committed sulcldo by taking
arsenic. No cause was given for tho
deed. Mr. Schultz has lived on tho
samo fnrm for years and was consid
ered as a conservative and substantial
John Puis, aged 31, was found
drowned In a Bmnll creek that trav
erses his father's farm, two miles
east of Bennington. Ho was subject
to epilepsy, nnd is thought to havo
fallen into the water whllo In n fit.
Tho water whoio ho was found Is not
over two feet deep nnd eight feet
Attorney General Pront has taken n
new tack In tho Boyd county land
case, and as a result tho supremo
court hns granted him permission to
begin ejectment proceedings In tho
supremo court against Alexander
Blair and others, who, it is alleged,
aro unlnwfylly occupying Bchool
Governor Mickey hns issued an ex
tradition warrant for tho return of
Prank Sheldon from Ptterboro, Ont,
to York, Nob. This Is tho Jlrst Inter
nation requisition made by a Ne
braska governor in twenty years.
Sheldon is wanted for passing n forged
check for $021 on William Otto of
Plans for tho now administration
building wero nproved at tho meet
ing of tho board of university regents
and it was decided that tho building
should bo placed near tho southeast
corner of tho university campus. It
was also settled that improvements
amounting to about $20,000 shall bo
put in upon the old chemistry build
ing. At the regular meeting of tho board
of regents of tho state university tho
following changes wero mado in tho
titles of the professors this morning:
G. E. Condra from adjunct professor
to assistant professor of geology; H.
S. Evans from instructor to adjunct
professor of electrical engineering;
Professor F. II. Fryo from assistant
professor to associate professor of En
glish language; M. M. Fogg from as
sistant professor to associato profes
sor of English writing and speaking.
H. D. Nordyke, who slnco 1870 hns
been a resident of Dakota City, was
taken to Lincoln to ho placed in the
state asylum for treatment.
Colonel John Hnliaday, a veteran
showman, and for many years owner
of Halladay's Colored Minstrel com
pany, Is lying ill at tho homo of his
son in Beatrice, suffering from a par
tial stroko of paralysis. Ho was
brought homo from Iroquois, S. D
where ho was stricken several days
Tho reappralscment of school lands,
ns made under tho direction of Lnnd
Commissioner Follmor at tho request
of tho Board of Educational Lands
and Funds, has been completed in
forty-nine counties and tho report filed
with tho hoard. Tho total number of
acres in these counties Is 323,208.95.
The old valuo of these was $G23,735.31
new valuo $1,770,000.45, making an
increase In valuation of $1,150,584.57.
This will increase tho rentals to the
amount of $G9,395.12. Tho rentals In
Knox county wero increased more
than in any other, tho amount being
$C,C59.28, ,
Tho Stnto Board of Equalization
listened to arguments against tho tax
ation of securities doposited with tho
Insurance department by fraternal in
surance companies. Head Consul Tal
bot of tho Modorn Woodmon and
othors spoko. Tho 'joard took tho
matter undor advisement.
Superintendent B. E. McProud of
tho oily schools will not trcmaln In
North Bend for anothor year He
has acenxed an otTor from tho uni
vorslty at Puget Sound, Wash., to
till the chair of Latin. Ho will teach,
that branch exclusively and will havo
charge of a six i ears' course In It
viHKH mgJ
t5aHHLaHHLlLiiiiH$s 'WW
Miss Marjory Hampton, 2010 Third Avonue, New York City, rites
"Peruna Is a flno medicine to take any season of the year.
Taken In the spring It tones up the system and acts as a tonlct
strengthening mo more than a vacation. In tho tall and winter
I have found that It cures colds
Is Invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting as a gentle stimu
lant on the system. In fact, I consider It a whole medicine
i chest. Miss Marjory Hampton.
Blood Impurities of Springtime
Cause, Prevention
and Cure.
Dr. Hartmnn'B medical lectures are
eagerly scanned by many thousand
One of tho most timely and lntorost
ing lectures ho ever delivered was his
recent lecture on tho blood Impurities
of spring.
Tho doctor sntd In Bubstanco that
every spring tho blood is loaded with
tho effcto accumulations of winter, de
ranging tho digestion, producing slug
gishness of tho .liver, overtaxing the
kidneys, interfering with the action of
tho bowels and tho proper circulation
of tho blood.
This condition of things produces
what is popularly known ns spring
fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaus
tion, that tired feeling, blood thicken
ing and many other names.
Sometimes the victim 1b bilious, dys
peptic and constipated; sometimes ho
Is weak, nervous and depressed; and
These brands will guaranloo you a good shoo for men
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes.
See that our name is on the shoes yott- buy.
flier are settled end tettline oa tho Grain and
J ratine Lands, and aro prosperous and aatlshed.
Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said i "A new s tar
lai risen on the horlion. and it is toward it that
tverjr immlcraat who loaves the land of Ills ances
rs to corne and seek a home for himself non
urns his gaze" Canada. There is
Room for Millions.
HEE llonieateutU Klrcn Ht7uy, Hchools,
Churches, ItalltTit), Markets. Vllinuto,
avorjUiliig to bo desired.
For descriptive Atlas and other Information,
irpl; to Superintendent Immii ration. Ottawa. Can
tda, or authorised Canadian Government Afent
,V. V. Dennett. Ml New York. Life llulldiiie.
3maba, Neb.
rA H m b n O I Hirnns. Collars and Saddle
With BB M lit mark art mads from trvs
o'd-faihiorwd tanned California lsathtr.
With car wtU last a lifetime. Ask your
iialtr if thv do not hindls our roods.
Send 2-ccnt stamp for Catalog of our
Harness uni Saddles, which show you a
ay to buy them.
UUCUHTAF1' 111(08., The) Harness Mm,
Ulncoln, Nebrnokn.
Mustang Liniment
GOres Spruins and Struinu.
W. N. U., Omnha.
No. 17--190.I
LIIBtH WHMit Alt tLSt laMIa.
Best Uniiih Bjrup. Taste Rood. Use
in inns, poia or eruviusfc.
and catarrh and also find that It f
again ho may havo eruptions, swell
ings and other blood humors, Which
ever It is, tho cauBo Is tho name of
fete accumulations in the blood.
Nothing is moro certain within tho
wholu range of medical vsclonco than
that a courBO otPeruna In onrly spring
time will perfectly nnd effectually pre
vent or euro this almost universal af
fection. Everybody feels it in some degreo,
A grent mnjorlty nro disturbed con
siderably, while a Inige per rent of tho
human family aro inadn very misera
ble by this condition every spring
Peruna will prevent it if taken in
Peruna will euro it if taken no di
rected. Perunn Is tho ideal spring maliclno
of tho medical profession.
If you do not derive prompt nnd Hnt
Isfactory results from tho use of Po
runa, wrlto nt once to Dr. Hart
man, giving n full statement of your
case, and ho will be plcnBod to glvo
you his valuable mhlco gratis.
Address Dr. Ilnrtmnn, President of
Tho Hnrtmnn Sanitarium, Columbus,
KW bad plnrlc enouph IS ?rar ago to put an aba-
llntalv cure house vainton llietiiarket4HMlito. i
'H.i.nds this wf Kern cllmale. and woliatorluiK
ennuzhtoisnirauteolt. A,kiurdfalerfqt!t,n!
wrlto u for special color design f or jour bouto-"
iree. Lincoln Paint & Color Co., Lincoln, NeDf
Early in the morning, latt at
night, or whenever used, Defiance
Surch will be found always the
same, always the best.
Insist on having it, the most lor
your money.
Satisfaction or money back
guaranteed. It is manufactured
under the latest improved condi
tions. It is up-to date. It b Ihe
best. We give no premiums.
We sell J 6 ounces of the best
starch made for 10 cents. Other
brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents
.with a tin whistle.
Manufactured by
Omaha, Neb.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.