& l-'N eiN NLU The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of the City and County. Largest Circu latlon of any At llance Paper. P FJ VOLUME XI.' ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904, NUMBER 17 ViXN v Ik iff i ! fe ii H Have you tried Up To Date FLO U R? Best in town at price. Call an see us. We want your trade. A full and complete line of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES always on hand. PHONE 56. Alliance Grocery Co. rK. re KiCrVaucic, g SiiDZEiisraris'X o In Alliance 16-30 of every month, g Office ovec The Famous , . . Thone 391. e o Men! !I you want your spring suits to fit, sec Rogue. Tit guaran teed. Call at the Midway. .blcy-A. Wilson bundle the ottty I nlon .Made Hear tn town. rt-tf. Matting and linoleum at B. V. Lock wood Go's. "Kitchen to parlor." Our spring line of carpets and rugs are here. Call and see them. H. F. Lock wood Go-'-s. "Kitchen o parlor," Rowan's for Hour, rye andigraham. Specialties in lacecurtains, portieres and; couch .ocvers at 13. F. Lockwood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." For Sale Pure blood Hereford bulL Jos. Monion, Alliance; resilience, Sec. 1-47-48. Eor.Salc Cheap .Mationad cash reg ister No. 47 with tape: need one year. Applyict.this office: - A large assortment ie automobile go-carts and -baby carriages at B. .E. Lockwood Co's. 'IKitchen to parlor." Hcsidcncc or Sale. Brand new 5-room house, bath room, pantry cad cellar. Two patches. Fiu ished .throughout in hardwood. Price $i,ioo. i-t 82. B. Hamilton. Furniture and all house furnishings from 'Ikitchen to parlor" sold.xa easy pay ments, ill. F. Luekwood Co. "Kitchen to parlor;" Ranch for .Lease. Ffeve hundred acres of.irrigatec hay land, four miles-east of Bridgeport. For par ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, AlFance, or John Hagerty, Bridfliport (.Carpet Weaving. I aon prepared to do all-himds-cf carpet weaviw;. Leave orders nt residence three blocks .east ol Alliance National Bank, or Star Restaurant. J. W. Joiihson. For Sale-Ulack English Since stal lion, four years old next June; aveight 1425. He is &. splendid .auinial, An drew Tfichacher, Lawn, Neb., resi dence 7 miles south of Lawa. For Sale Cheap One of the most' desir able corner zesidec.ee lot3 in this city, In quire at this office iFor sale, an Everett piano. Mrs. W.iS. Ridgell, 620 Niobrarx avenue. 1 A Free Trip TO ST. LOUIS 1 EXPOSITION f will be given to twen- persons returning the highest number of coupons like this 11. i. Effircmnrarorcrc; Tliey come on every pair of ARMOR PLATE HOSERY for mon, woman and children. See them at BOGUE'S LsSal e V UtUJ You'll Have to Hurry I Have you sent n copy of The Herald's illustrated industrinl edition to your friends in the oast? They would appreciate it more than other remembrance which cost six times aa much. You'll have to hurry to get one. They're going fast. Pleasant Gathering Mrs. Win. Mitchell ontortaincd the teachers of the city schools at her home on Lnrntnic nvctuic last Saturday after noon. She was assisted by her daughter Miss Pearl and sister Mrs. Bignoll. The afternoon was delight fully passed socially and at five an elaborate lunch vas served. The guests weic highly pleased with enter tainment given by their pleasant host ess. Those present were Misses. Johnston, French, Lnravea, Van Bos- kirk, Griffeth, Post, McCorklc, Duncan, Warren, Fraitier, and Supt. Kustin. Waived Examination. At the prcliminery hearing of James Connolly, the suspected murderer of Henry Miller, (which crime was committed on the Connolly ranch in Sioux county several weeks since) and which took place at Har rison Last Saturday, the prisoner waived examination and his trial will take place July 12, before Judge Wcstovcr. Those present at the trial from Alliance were the attorneys and witnesses interested in the case namely, Messes. Mitchell, Oilman. Noleman, G V. Jones, John Lcith, Kay, Desch, and Dr. Moore. Nothing of vital importance in the case any more than has been madeymblie came up and thegen oral impression prevails that Conuolly will have a hard roul to travel. He ppre ciatos the unenviable condition he is in, aud the result is telling on his countenance with no .unmistakable expression. An alarm of lire at 10 30 Saturday night brought the department to the Richardson restaurant on Box BuHc avenue, where a lively blaze was under way in the attic The ought wot: was most opportune for a destructive'Canflagrafcon. but die firemen nipped the blaze in the bud. It is said that 'the origin of the fire was'of au incen diary nature, as a cKiir half burnt stood directly under the opening ts the attic on which had dropped -several blazing news papers from above Sunday morning the dopartment was called to 6he Red Light salson, where a fhe also (threatened the same block, but was quelchcd before nr a'ous damage had 'resulted. The Richard son restaurant fire resultetS'in slight loss. The Sheridan Fost says the sheepmen -of Wyoming will be inlerebtetl in the reowit shipment of lambs, made by the Laramie experiment station. Five different -lots were fed on fivelifferent 'kinds of forcge, with the object'tif ascertaining which is the better for fattening purposes, Each riaip- .raent will be followed right through the shipping, selling and slaughtering process es, andthe complete records made public. It will prove of value to the ilockmasters to ltr.rn.lha value of the different kinds -of forage. Rev. Father Galvin returned from Omnlm last Saturday arid while at thnt pb.ee itxperienced the .ncost disagreeable weather of theswinter. The people of this section -of Nebraska have the best of at when nt comes to climate and a firent many other things for that matter la the cast pari of the state the residents are wad ing about in sIueIi and mud, and snow and sleet ar-e the prevailing conditions to make life miserable. .Don't kick on Box ftatte sunshine. Louis Buochssnstcin left Wednesday morning for a itrip alone the Guernsey branch aad will.be gone moct of the week, He has a well established trade along the route and has had many invitations to pav his customers a visit but this has been his first opportunity to get away from home. iow that the wortuy mayor Mas been re lieved of the arduous duty of looking after ihe city s auairs, he will have more time to attend to his business interacts and call oc fr.vnds. Extra freight No 46 was wrecked near Arvada Tuesday night. No one was hurt. A bad car-wheel ditched 11 freight cars, but ceither the engine nor the caboose left the track. A track was built around the wreckage, aud passenger No. 41, due here at 11:40 Tuesday night, did not reach here uutil 2 o'clock Wednesday. Engineer C. A Sandusky and Conductor B. J. Nel son were in charge of the wrecked train. Sheridan Post. Theattantiou of HkkVlu readers is direc ted to the advertisement of the Famous Clothing store, which appears on the last page of this isfcue. There are prices galore on all kinds of spring wearing apparel and a saving of money for all who take advant age of the bargains offered. The radical change in time of the ar rival of mails has necessitated a change of hours of business at the Alliance post office. The general delivery now opens at 7 a. m, and closes at 7 p m. Money roder and registry window opens at 8 a. m, and clokos at 5 p. m. on week days. On Sun days the general delivery window, will Iks open from 3 untill 4 p. m. This will give opportunity for all mails to nrrivc nnd be distributed before opening. Mails will clos'j as follows: Mail for the west do spached on train No .(t, 11.30 a. m. East on train No. 4-i.and south on Denver train at t p. m. Mail for Alliance and Guern sey train close nt 11 30 a. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays. The versatile Edgar Howard says that three good women in Columbus organized a theatrical and restaurant business for the glory of God and the benefit of tho church. Each devoted a week of hard work to the enterprise. The gross proceeds of the show and the eat-fost were thirteen dol lars. The actual cost of the business was thirty-seven dollars. The Lord only knows what his share amounted to, and the hus bands of the three women well, they are still paying bills, all the while trying to look pleasant, hoping against hope that some day their wives will get converted, and quit imitating Governor Mickey in the dangerous occupation of claiming business relations in partnership with the Lord. The Presbyterians of Box Butte meet in this dty Friday evening at 7,30, at tho Baptist church The sermon will prob ably be preached by Rev. Or. Sexton of Lincoln. rThe morning and evening ses sions Saturday will be given to business. In the evening there -will bo nddresses on "Christian Stewardship," "Our Church Boards," and "Sjstematic Benevolence." Sunday the session will be held by invita tion at the United Presbyterian church. Sermon at 11 o'clock by Rev. E. "D. Clark of Valentine. Address in the aftorrioon at 3 o'clook and in the evening at 7:30. 'Hie public is invited to attend all those meet tugs. The following spring contribution has reached this office, and while "there are two reasons why it should be consigned to the waste basket, namely liecanse the cuthor failed to sign his or her name to the pro duction and because jf the tenor of the mental strain, we will nevertheless publish tho snmc to let the peoplo'of Allinnob know that we -are not lacking in the way of a poot of the spring varioiy. Thit is the way it ccads: .In tho jjrlnu; tin; kitUIc Jinxin Wickiup lt vtitiiliieJit'iul Ami things uixi Rtlnlts Ami itluitsauij xhlin.s Enough d riilM'tlii'-denil. Strrcly such a irnecitnlesrtionik worthy of-special notice, -and we .hope the Herald readers wilJ preserve ithic poetic -creation in tiieir scrip bcok, nnd when (troubled with the taiues ur some other disorder, reference to tlris isxertioc will drive dull koares away. Geo Burte entertained a parts' f ,eu vrsth a three-courne dinner aty Steea's cafe iList evening sn honor of his frieufs. Mrs. il. C. Regan and her bister, Miss Black stone, of Letd City. The menu tacluded wild duck, Mack bass, Btrawberries and lice cream. v.liich were .prepared An the the highly palatable manner characteristic to the populir cafe. The party enjoyed ithe evening greatly, and Mr. Burke is to ilte credited as a royal cntoctainor. The result -of the xecent revival .i the Methodist chorch has brought forth good ifruit and tlte conversions .to Christianity fctill continue Last Sunday Rev. Jiay, ithe pastor, baptised .twenty-nine persons, iboth young aud old z.nd forjLy-seven okw .members were added .to the congregation. This is conclusive evidence tkat religious iiavivals are like advertising a pood thing. At the meeting of the .council Saturday night it was decided to place electric lights in ithe residence part of the city, a project which will receire the endorsement of every progressive citizen. We caut have too much light. The occupation tax on salosns for the coming year was also con considered and the came ratio that pre vailed last year will be the order of tilings. The ladies of the Catholic Aid society will nwat with Mrs. N. F. Nolan Wednes day, April 20, in the afternoon. These meetings are a great help to the church and at the hame time affords pleasant pasttime to those who attend the commendable gatherings. VJ"kS J-"VSV -ww-- Robert Garrett & Sons have recently moved the city hose house to the block east and the lot is now clear for the erection of the new city hall. By the way, the cut of the new building as given in our special edition is excellent. Mrs. Margaret Buttery, mother of Mrs. A. E. Thompson of this city, died at Lincoln April:, of paralybis. Mrs. Thompson was with her mother at the time. Deceased leaves three sous alto, all of whom reside in the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Reason are happy par ents of a daughter born to them Friday of last week. rr S. A. MILLER willstorc yourstove and set it up in good shape next fall at a reasonable price. Li SEE MILLER ABOUT IT. J XSWS WNS DEATH OF REV. HOWIE After a Uriel Struggle with Illness the Good Man Gives Up Life's Struggle. Rev. William M. Howie, pastor of tho I'nited Presbyterian church of this city, died at the parsonage of that society Sun day morning at two o'clock. Ho had not been in robust health and recently con tracted a severe cold that developed in lung trouble. The patient declined rapidly and life's dissolution was peaceful, ns to one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant slum ber. The old saying, "As you live so you shall die," was forcibly illustrated in Mr. Howie's life. He was a man of refined character and his kindness of heart drew nil toward him. Possessed ol a Iolty in tellect, with a thorough education, he was a power in the field of labor to which he was called. He labored for the church from coast to coast, and with the rare gifts given to him by the Creator, ho returned talent for talent. In the summer of kjoi Rev. Howie came to this city and as pastor of the U. P. church his little flock pros pored both in a religious and material way. Two sons and a daughter together with his devoted wifu arc left behind, but in the separation they has'c the solace of reflect ing on the departed father nnd husband with serene contentment, or in other words, with that peace of mind which the world does not afford. The remains wore taken to Washington, Iowa, Tuesday night for interment ac companied by relatives nnd friends. In the evening the last riles were observed wherein nil '.he ministers of tho city took part. The dmghter, Ethel Lee, who is attend ing school in Lincoln, nrrived Sunday nooti, out too late to see nur lather auvt J. Ladrue, a son who has recently gradu ated for the ministry in Pennsylvania, and a brother from Edholin, this state, arrived during tho week and woie a hotirce of con solation to other members of the faeiily in the liour of death. Another son, W. Dur- ward, who is a minister at Shedd, Oregon, 1 hurried from his home t Iowa to he pros entat the burial. ?Jr Howie ws about 58 yetrs of ago and a native of Waukekha, Wis., where be wes born Septernbor 1, 1845. From his early days he was. a devoted -student of theology and in faot-made it hisdife study, 'l'tai church, which has so suddenly arid unexpectedly boon. bereft of such n faith ful and capable shepherd, wi!l long re member him. .School Report. "To the Board of JKducation nd patrons al.the Alliance City schools: (Find hereoith .expended a partial list lar the month ending April I, J904, Number t'limllfd.tliWi month Xcmber of lm.- . Xi:in!;rof (,'lri . Tnvul eiinilliW u ilnto , Axerago dully atteixUiu-o ... AsvriiKoliunibfirliolimKlliI! , I'fi coiil.ofilniljr nltmtlnnro ..... .MS. ,vn. .Vtti. ,(KI. iCXS.W) .731 78 . tm.70 Number of tni-dies fi. l'er-cnt. of punctuality i.tQ Nnhlior nliiM-nt jiorU.nly fnrtliu jiumtli..:)-!. XelUicrAhscntiuirlitrdy to date ti, Nuil.tior iire(nt evurj' day 430. XuutWtrnf vl-ltr. ,V. Thu Third Primary si-eun-it the Mux tills iiimul - The following rooiiMt were jierfuot In .pnui: tunlltl". IIIkIi M-ln)L2-vi'iitli, Hltli, I.owi-r I-'ourtbrndt-H. Fourth uinl Third piimiurles. As is usual at this time of year, quite a a number have dropped out of school; this should not be the case, and parents should .strive more to keep pupils in school the remaining two months than at any other time of the year, so that v work in September next can be commenced just where the -uork stopped, for those that drop the work now neither properly fit in the succeeding grade nor in the following grade and thus lose considerable in ad vancement. Very respectfully submitted, V. II. Baktz, Superintendent. Methodist Church Notes. Services will be held at the church next Sunday as usual. Morning Subject: "Power of God in Human Life.,' Eve ning subject: "Prepare to Meet Thy God." Class meeting at 12 o'clock, noon. Junior League 3 p. m. Epworth League 7 p, rn. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. The time for the evening services have been changed as follows: Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Epworth League Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Praaching Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. There will be a bocia'. nieutiti of the Epworth League next Tuesday evening. Place of meeting will be announced "at the church Sunday. All arc cordially invited 10 come. The Ladia' Aid society will meet with Mrs. J. W. Heed next Wednesday after noon at 2 p. m. The meeting last Wed nesday was a spend id one, there being thirty ladies present and all enjoyed a very pleasant time. The Epworth League cottage prayer meeting held at the home of Mrs. Watson last Tuesday evening was well attended. All are cordially invited to attend these meetings, which wilt be hold every other Tuesday, nnd announcement of each meet ing will be made nt the church. Destructive Prairie Tires. 1 iiuiu imvu uuuu noui.il noan uv.li. vj prairie fires lately nnd in somo cases have been duo to the carelessness of a man with an old cob pipe. We have received a letter for publication placing tho blame of tho fire in the woal port of the county last week at tho door of a man whom it is claimed made do effort to ex tinguish the fire after having started it. Such n person is indeed devoid of princi ple and is enough to arouse the feelings of his neighbors who suffer by his devlish hand and if such a character is made an - II... .. I.n,.. I...A.V .M......M.I .1 A. I ... ... . ... example of somo day it will not be sur prising. We areiuformed that the range of Jos, Vaughn, about twelve miles southwest of Alliance, was burned over Wednesday, lire having been started by a cigaretlc fiend. A big fire was raging a few miloa northeast of Alliance last night but the extent of the damage has not bcn learned. We ncknowloge rccuip: ol a card an nouncing the marriage of Gao, W. Austin and Miss Agnus M, Mills at Sheridan on Wednesday of last week. The ceremony was performed in the Catholic church. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, II. B. Austin who resided at Homing ford for many years and his numerous friends in this county extend hearty con gratulations. Commenting on this union the Sheridan Post says "Mr. Austin is one of Sheridan's bright, progressive nnd prosperous young business men. He came to this city about seven yours ago aud has resided here ever since A voar auo last Auuust. in company with his father aud brother, they established the Austin Dry Goods Co., which iH today one of thu largest and bust establishments of the state. He has always been a pupulnr aud upriglu young man, nnd has a wide ac (iininsancc. Mrs. Austin, or "Aggie." as ho is known by everybody, has grown from babyhood to handsome womanhood in this city She came hero with her par cuts when only three weeks old. She hns a sweet, loving nature and is known and loved by all. She haB always been a yery popular member of the younger sut, among whom her pleasing ways and sunny dis position lias made all her menus A double wedding occurred Tuesday eve ning at the rhelan home in this city, tho contracting .parties being Clyde C. Barker and .Miss Edith Phelan; C. E. Marks and Mist Clare Phelan. The ceremony was performed -by Rev. Geo. Bernard Clark of the Episcopal church, Each couple acted as best roan and lady for the other. The home was handsomely decorated for tho occasion nod a large number of guests witnsssedilhe ceremony, Mr. nnd Mrs. Barker left Tuesday morning for Salt Lake City while Mr. and Mrs. Marks will visit Chictijo aud other cities. Each coup'lu ex pect .to 'return in about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. iJarker will make their home at the Pbelan (residence while Mr. and Mrs. Marks .will occupy rooms in the Seal's building, The Hi:ra.m'k Industrial Edition is sued last week is pronounced a work of art by all who hare been it. Many favorable comments, which will appear next weak.and orders for extra copies have been received through the mails. Up till today nearly a ton of this editioa has passed through the Alliance post old ce going to all parts of the globe. It is the greatest advertisement Box Butte county has ever had. Roy and Radcliff Randall pre over from the B.Vfc M service at Alliance to take in and enjoy the dedicatory opening services of the new V. M. C. A. buildinir. Thev are both much pleased with their work and seem in as good spirits as ever. Chadron Journal. Hardy, the crack rifle shot of Hyannis, is having a bushel of fun traveling over the couutry giving exhibition shots and at the same time advertising a certain firearms firm. He was to give an exhibition in this city some few days ago but tho high wind put him out of business. Pete Watson, the genial stockman and wolf hunter of Sioux county was in t'.ej metropolis yesterday. Mr. Watson ex pects to return to Alliance soon, bringing a thoroughbred horse which will interest breeders. - I lie dam on the lilmore rauch tsven five miles west of this city sprung a leak one day recently as a result the lower val ley has received a good drenching, will be a good thing for hay lands. C. W. Jeffers has become interested in the billiard hall with A. 0. Johnson, in the bseineul of the Kbindun block, and wishas it understood that it willl be open to gentlemen as wallas ladies. Geo. Darling has a change in his ad to day telling of the arrival of a lot of new goods that will come handy now that everyone is cleaning house and tiding up for the "good old summer time." Mrs. R. C. Knox returned today from Omaha where she attended th grand lodge of the Maccabees as a delegate. She left here last week, visiting at Denver and Mc Cook for several days. The Spring Season Is here. WWM tmm Ml I till HMMrlWlMWWWW So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. C"" (Justness Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per lino first insertion and 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The Hbrauj'h circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has tho laf4 gest circulation in tho city and county. Dr Allen, dentist, opera house. Old papers for sale at this office. See F. E. Reddish for loans 01) real es tate. . Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs Norton hlock For storm windows and doors seo Forest Lumber Co Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. v Sue Humphrey for picture framinf, up holstering and furniture repairing. Picturo framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humwikv. 7-10-tE Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, ollice ana residence 321 soutn Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb. For Sale A quarter section of land, ten miles northwest of Alliance; good house, stable, granary, etc. Will sell stock on the place -if desired. Pete Vcincl, Alliance, Neb. ' ' Mrs. Zehrang will do all kinds of sewing and guarantees satisfaction. Located first door west of Lockwoods.' Visitors to the World's fair can Becure rooms at Epworth hotel at $1.00 per day by applying to C. W. Ray before May 1. After this date rooms will be $2,00 per day. 16. For Sale About 150 tons ol good hay with feeding privilege, Mrs, Florence Mc Carthy, Alliance, Neb. Stallion for Sale. I will sell at public auction, to the bight est bidder, at the Checkered Front Livery barn, Saturday, April 23, at 1 o'clock p m,, one black English Shire stallion, 3 yeare old. 1 7-3 w." A. ltbMGAKDNER. LOimr ntitr-rni Jtor.w. llioiifcASDKUS-Alllunee Custlo No. 43 iiieulb very second nd fourth Thursday evening In W. (). W. Hull. Vlhltlug Clniibiiien cordlailv Invited. K 1. Woods, u. W. Leiky. Soc'y. L, l I;. O. T. M.-Meuts evury Hist mid third Frr- ! ,1;'' ,lt 1" "" Ibltlifg Maecabois col- dlully Invited. Mils. K. J JtKTzoi.n, L. C Mils. Anmb Vouxt, it. IC. 11. OF It. T.-lluidHtriifiglc Lodge. No. ni? Meets every Sunday afternoon at 1 . Eaglo hall. Vuiting brothers welcome J. A. Dunning, W. M. M, Margraves, Sec'y. ttTfc- ---S T .'. B .LA. -. rfA Day I VII and Night I it S HORT AT ALL ORDERS HOURS. STEEN'S CAFE -3t5-)(H--HK-4 -