The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1904, Image 5

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5 9
Chas. E Ford, President
A. S. Rekd, R. m. Hami-ton, Vico Presidents.
it i First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000
Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton, H G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick.
Colorado Coal.
AVe have a new lot of Canon City Coal thatx
sells like hot cakes because it is
The Best.
Forest Lumber Col
'Phone No. 73.
Dierks' Lumber I Coal Co.
Tiamonds, Watches, ,.
W .Gold Jewelry,
. . Souvenirs
Repairing in all its 1 Hail orders promptly .
Branches. attended to.- -
A, O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician.
Is One of the Most
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Carefully s. a select
Compounded & ST0CK op
Watches and Daimonds.
Fine Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
Dray and Transfer Line.
The only spring dray
Phone 139.
Harry Dunning
). 1.. Gilbert
Dunning & Gilbert
Violin and Guitar Solos, Duets,
Mimics, etc. Music furnished for
Parties, Receptions, and other
social gatherings. Alliance, Neb.
Moying Household Furniture
and Trunks a specialty . .
Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance
Onesmull thre-ear-old black steer, weight
about 500 pounds estrayed from our ranch
ubout the first of last August- He bore tho
brand P"l on right lilp. Anyone locating
this j unlmiu pleape notify rue and n.
'celve rowurd. Dilmno linos.
2t-3 P. O. address, Box Ilutte. Nsb.
S. K. Warrick. Cashier,
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier,
Coal Company.
Prices are pretty firmly fixed
and we cannot always sell our
black diamonds at the figures
we would like to. But we do
always see you get 2000 lbs.
for a ton.
Up-to-Date Drug
Alliance, Nebraska.
HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don.'t worrj
about what to do with your Household Goods.
. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then
in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir
wnerever aesirea. unarees reasonable.
line in the city.
S. A. Mi Her.
For 30 Days Only.
The finely finished property formerly
owned by Jos. P. Lynch, located three
blocks west of the court houbc. It is mod
ern throughout. Eight rooms, electric
lights, heated by furnace, has bath room,
closets, pantry, and a cellar all bricked in
fine shape. Barn for horse, cow and
buggy. Front yard set to oluc grass and
trees. Has brown stone and wood walks.
Gas-pipe fence for enclosure. ,
Two full corner lots, southeast front,
property new.
Will sell this property for cash, or take
part cash, balance in cattle or horses.
For information correspond with
i Lincoln, Neb.
puinc NOTiri;
COtWn CI.KItK s oiticr.
Alliance. Nob . March 30. 1P04.
Public notlco Is hereby given, that a meeting
of county commissioners of Hot llutto county,
Nebraska, t called to meet ut the court house
In Alliance. Neb., on April I), iwi. nt U o'clock
ti. in , for the itirHM of considering claims
against Iho county on Hie In the elerk'a office
nml fort hi purpose of transacting such other
public business mi limy i)ixi'rly bo taken up
lit Mild meeting.
1" 1 April 1. S. M. SMYSKIt, County Clerk.
Notice to Non-Ncsldcut Defendants.
To Henry C. HolTiniiti mid Mrs. HolTmnn. first
reul niuuo unknown, wife of defendant.
Henry r. I Intrniaii.iinn-rosldenl defendants:
Notion Is liclelij-L'hen Hint on tho.'ilh tlu ot
March. llWI.philiitlli tiled Imr petition 111 I lie
district court of llox llutto count), Nebraska,
wherein . II. t.uutiing, trustee, Tlunuiis
F ihIi in. bencllclnrj of V. II. Luiinliig, trustee,
defendant, V. H. Landing, Henry C Mntfmuu
nndMrs. llofTiiiiiu, llrsiienl mime unknown,
rife of tlofeu-'Hiit, llclirj (' llnlTrpin, vr
tuniie defendant)), the object mid prayer of
which Mlid petition Is to foreclose n tax lion
bused iiiKin u cerlifletito of tux Mile dined .luu
uurj 3. Ilia.', for the delliniuent tuxes for the
jer KIT, itfis, 1SW.1U0O, und subsequent taxes
paid b plalutilf for the icars Mil mid iiva,
which ocrtlileuto of ta sale was Issued by tho
trensuterof llox Ilutte comity, Nebraska, uhii
the fallowing Jc-crllH-tl real estate, situated
In tlioeounl. of ltox ttutte. stutoof Nebraska,
to-wlt: Southeast quarter of settle)! 14, In
townships, lutigo 4s.
'I ho amount claimed lij pliilutllT uin said
tux lien Is the sum of :.i:7. of which sum
;(1.77 Is for .tttornoy's fee, with Interest thereon
as pm Idcd li law from thy 1st tin) of March.
11104, the ptujer of said petition Is foru decree
declining tho aforesaid Hiiiounl. together with
Interest tlietcon and costs to Ik a llrst mid
pnrutiinuut lieu upon tho aforesaid real estate
mid Unit sulci real estate may be sold under an
order of tho court to satisfy the same, and t hat
said defendants bo forever buried and fore
closed of nil interest or claim lu mid to said
real estate or any part thereof.
You uro required to answer said petition on
or before tho 1Mb day of April, IIHI4
MAltv K., Plaintiff.
Hy Wni. Mitchell, her Attorney fp Meh. 11
Notice to Non-licsident DctcndnntH.
To John NY. Hock. Mrs. Hook, first real niituo
Unknown, wife of defendant,. lohu V. Hock,
non-resident defendants:
Notice In hcrchv ill veil that on thn.Mli ilnv of
March, 11HU, plaintiff, filed her petition In the
district court or iiox initio county, .Noiinisi.u,
wherein Tim. McKlnU-y-t.nunlni: Loan and
Trust company, W.I! I'nrnahun, receiver of
liiu iUciumoy-i.Hiiiiintf unit Trust cum
paily, .lohn w. Hock, Mrs. Hock, llrst real
iiiiiuo unknown, wifn of defendant, John V.
Hock, were inado defendants, thu object mid
prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose
a tax Hen based upon ucertllicato of tux sale
dated January 3. UKX.', for thodolimiucnt taxes
for the years IW7. lbn, 1M!, 1000, and sulisiv
(liiviit taxes iiald by plalutilf for tlio years hh.)1
and VMi, which cerlltlcatu of tax sale was
Issued bj the liviiHUi-erof llox llutto county.
Nebraska. Upon tho following described real
CHlute, situated in tho county of ltox llutto.
ftuto of Nebraska, lo-w It: outhwest quaiter
of section 5, lu township J7, riinge 47
The amount claimed by plalntlll upon ald
tax lion is tho Mini of :!!, of which Mini,
fcSOO.Is forattoruey'sfeo, wttliiuteivstthereon
us provided by law from the 1st day of March,
IWI, tlioprnjcr of said petition is for n decree
decliirliig tho aforesaid amount, together with
Interest thereon und costs, to bo u llrt mid
paramount Hen upon tho aforesaid rcnl estate
and that Mini real estate mil) be sold under nn
order of tho court to sutisf) tliorame und that
said defendants bo foiever barred and fore
closed ofall Interest or. claim lu and to said
real estate or any pari thereof.
You are icqultcu to answer ald petition on
orbeforothelHtliday of April, IWI.
Maiiv U ltni:i, I'tAiSTlri'.
Hy Wni. Mitchell, her Attorney. fpMch.ll
Notice to Non-Hosldciit DcfcndnittH.
To H. 1). Ilulhird, Mrs. ll.illnnl, llrst name un
known, wife of tho defendant, It. 11. Hal
lard, Harney Mct'alio. Mrs. McOabo. llrst
name unknown, wife of defendant. Harney
McCabe, Thomas Ilollls, iiou-teslileul de
fentliints N'otico is hereby given that on tho fitli day of
.Murch, UKH, Mary K. Heed, plaintiff. Illcd her
petition 111 the district court of Hox llutto
lounty, Nebraska, whircln W. H. I.annlng,
trustee. Tliomaa rrahin. bonttllclnrv of W. II.
Lanuliig. trustee, defendant, V. il.LanuliiK,
It. It. Dullard, Mrs. H.illnrd, llrst name un
known, wife of defendant, H. II. Hallanl,
Harney McCubc, Mrs. McCnbe, llrst nuiiio un
known, wife or defendant. Harney McC'ulie,
I'homtiii IIoIIIh, were made defendants, tho
object and pr.ijer of which said petition Is to
foieclose n tax lieu based upon a certlllcate of
tax sale tinted January X luu-J, for tho rloliu
ffuent taxes for the jours lyJ. tW, 1WX), find
subseiiucnt tax paid by plaintiff for tho jours
IWI and l!liJ. which certificate of tax falo was
issued by the tiiaHUrT of IU Ilutte county.
Nebraska, upon the follonlug ilescrilHsl reul
eKtate, situated In thu countv of Uo Ibittu,
stutuof Nebraska, to-wlt: boiilhuest uinnier
of sect Ion 10, In township j;s. of range 4T
i no amount claimed tiy plalntlll upon snld
tax lien is Urn Mini of (31. iU, uf which bum
lJ771s for attonicj'.s fee, with interest theicon
as plovl(leLli law from the 1st da) of Mmch,
IWI. the nraicr of wild netltlon is for it dis-rui
dei'liirlng the aforesaid amount, together with
interest then on and costs, to Iw a llrst ami
paramount lieu uimu the aforesaid estate
and that taut leaf ost.itoniH) hexohl under an
onluf of thecoutt to satisfy the same, and that
Midi defendants he former barroil and foio-
closedufull luiorci-t or claim lu and to said
real estate or any part theitof.
You are rcoulied to answer said netltton on
or before the lsth day of April. H
muv k. KKKit, rimntui.
Hy in. Mltchnll, her AUorno y fp Mcli. 11
Shcrlff'H Sule.
No. 1501.
Hy virtue of an order of Biilo issued by tlio
clerk of the district court of Hox llutto coun
ty isotirnsicu, upon u decree rendered by said
court In favor of Tho (ilrurd Trust Com
pany, a corporation orunnlzed under tho laws
of the statu of Pennsylvania, nlalntlff. and
against Itosa Jnnduaud tho unknown helisof
Joseph .landu, Ueceusetl. defendants, I will, on
iiiu i. in uuyoi April i. u. iwi,at-iu oc1im:ku.
m. on Bald day, at thu west front door of the
court house lu Alliance, In said county, soil
tho following described real estate, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section 27, lu town
ship 7. north of rango 5'J. west of the sixth
principal meridian. In Hox llutto county, Ne
braska, ut public auction to tho highest, bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of salu In
tho sum of $1,0(13.44 untl interest, costs und
accruing costs sub loot to all unpaid tuxes.
., Sherlft of said County.
W. (I. BlUONSO.V, f
Attorney for l'lalntiff. fp Me n
Shciiff'H Sole.
No. 1531.
Hy vlrto- of unorder of.sile issued by thu
clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rendoied by sulci
court in favor ot T. M. l.awler. plaintiff, and
against A. J. Hultcock, Mrs. Halicock. first
name unknown, wife of defendant. A. .1. Han
cock defendants, I will on the l'.'thdayof April
A. D. 11)04, at 10 o'clock a. in. on sahf day. ut
tlio west front door of tho court hoaso in A11I
unce. In said county, sell thu following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt:
Tho northwest quartur, section 10. In town
ship 25, north of range 4H, west sixth principal
meridian, In Hox Hutto County. Nebraska, ut
public auction to thu highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of
(ttioo nnd interest, costs und accruing costs
subject to nil unpaid tuxes.
Sheriff of suld county.
Attorney for IMalntiff
f p Mcli 12
Sheriff's Hole.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued ly tho
clerk of th district court of Hox, Hutto coun
ty, Nebi iska, UKn u decree rendered by said
court In favor of Charles. I. Hunjamin. plain
tiff, mid ugalnst Marvoll l.eppert, defendant,
I will offer on the 3d day of May, A I), iwi,
at loo'cocku. in on said day, at tho west
front door or tho court house lu Alliance, in
said county, sell tlu following described reul
estate, to wit:
Southwest quarter b0ctl..n 10, township 20.
north range 4s1, wtwt sixth principal meridian,
In Hox Hutto county, NohrnsHu, at public
auction to tlio highest bidder for rash, losut
Isly said order of sale. In the sum of s5 00 mid
interest, costs und accruing costs subject to
all unpaid utxos.
, ,, . .s-lion i suidUouut
W, O tflmor.Min,
Attorney for l'lalntiff. r ! April 1
For Sale Cheap 1 H. P. Fairbanks
gasoline engine, in good v condition.
Apply at this office.
Macaroni wheat for sale.
Marslaud, Neb.
C. H.
Notice to Non-Ucildcttt Dcfctldiutts.
To Thomas A IhtMiKm mid Mrs. lMxIilson.
llrst name unknown, wife ot defendant,
Thomas A Davidson, non-resident defend
ants Notice Is hereby given that on tho totli day
of March, loot. II. V. Shepherd, plaintiff, filed
Jils petition In the district court of llox llutto
county. Nebraska, wherein Thomas A David
son and Mr. Davidson, llrvt name unknown,
wlfeof det-ndmit, Thomas A. Davidson, wero
made defendants, the object and piajer of
which sold petition Is to foreclose two tax liens
b.ised on two oertllloatps of tax sale dated
September 1. iRiKimil IVIininry I.IWI, tospec
tlvel) for the (lelttuitlelll taxes for tho J ears
lk10,likistniaud foraubsisiuent tnxea paid by
plalntilT forthe years isflj, iKUStinri iwin, which
ceitlllcales of tux sale were lusucsl bv the
treasurer of Ho Unite count). Nelnitsku, tip
on the following described leal estate situat
ed In the county of Hox Hutle. stM o' Ne
braska, lo-wlt The northwest quarter of
section 10 lu towiMlilii'Jl of rtilice 4k
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon ahl
tax lien Is the sum of Mi'j, of which sum $(1.71)
Is for attornev's fee with Interest there
on as provided by law from tho 8tliilay of
March 1(104 1liprTi.urof nnld petition Is for
di cm dcclnttnglhc nfoiesald amount, to
g ther with Interest thereon and Costs, to be
a Mist and p.irattiotiut lion upon tho itfoivrahl
risil estate and that sm(( i-eal estate innv bo
sold unilernu oiderot the court JOKiillsfy the
same, and thai said defendants bo foreer
baried mid foreclosed of all Intercut or claim
in and ti. said real estate or liny part thereof.
You are requited to nnnwwr said petition on
or before the iHth dn of April 1WI
II V. Siini'iif.itn. 1'lalntllT.
H) W ii.i.t m MiTciiiii.ii. his Attorney. Meh II
In county court of Hox Htilte county, Ne
braska, I). K. Spiicht, county Judge.
James (Irahatn, plaintiff,;
A. A. l.uthy, defendant. )
A. A. l.uthy. uon-renldent defendant, will
take notice Unit on Ketiriinr) 0, IftU, D. K.
Hpacht, county Judge lu mid for llox Ilutte
county, Nebraska. Issued mi order of attach
ment for the sum of 4s.x, lu an action pond
ing berore him, wheieln James (Iraham Is
plaintiff and A. A. Ijiithy defendant, that
property of thu defendant, consisting of
money in hands of Chicago, Hurllngton &.
Quiuuy Hallway Company, has been attached
under said older. Sntd ciutso was continued
to thoiSth (lav of March, 1W4, ut 1 o'clock p.m.
.Iami.s (luAHAM, I'lalntirr.
Hy his Attorney, Win, Mitchell. f p 3-4
Public Notice.
In Uio district court of Hox llutto couuiy,
Mjrtlo lliiwmiin, Plaintiff.
Clyde llowmun, (iefeiiilatit.
in Clyde How man. noil resident defendant,
jnu are hereby untitled that on tho loth day of
.March 1WI, Myrtlo lluninim, plalntlll. tlletl a
petition against you la the district court of
llox llutto county, Nebraska, the object and
prnjerof which uro to obtain n divorce from
you on the ground that ion have ullfullj
nbandoiii'd the plalnlHT, wllhoul good cause,
for the term of two years last past, mid for
Iho care and custixU of the child of iilalullrf
ami ilefetidatit, Ulancho 11. Hotrman. You are
required to answer slild petition on or before
Monday tho IStli day of April IWI.
Hy William Mitchell, her Attorney, Moll 11
Notice of Election.
Notice Is hereby given, Unit on Tuesday, tho
lirtlulay of April A. U. IW4. mi election will
beheld lu the city of Alliance, In llox Hutte
count), Nebraska, for clt olllccrs us follows:
City Clerk.
City Treasurer.
Cit Kuglneer.
One councilman for I'irst Ward. Alliance.
Onu councilman for Second Ward, Alliance.
Also mi election Tor members of tho School
Hoard of District No. (1 or llox Hutto cuunty
(cmbruclug tho city of Alliance) will bo held
ut tho same tlma ami place for thu election of
three iuoiiiImts of ald board, one to till va
cancy and two for the regular term
Tolling places will be open in tho FlrstWard
In the Woodman hall on Montana street, and
in the Second Vurtl in iho City Council cham
ber on I lux Hutto avenue, and pulls will bn
open from o'clock u. in. until 7 o'clock iy m.
(mountain time.)
Jas. II. II. Hewitt, City Clerk.
Notice to Hcdccin.
To Isaac Holt, the known and unknown holrs
ot Isaac Holt, deceased:
You and each of iou are heieby iiolllled that
on tho 12th day or July, llHW, C. C, .Stevens pur
chased at tax sale the southeast quarter of
section 32, in township 25 of range 52, ill Hoy
Hutte county, Nebraska. -Thtit fluid luiul was
taxed in tho name of Isaac Holt, nnd that
haul putchuscof tax sale of said land was
made for j cars 1H'I7, lsOs, IHWand lwoaud that
subsequent tuxes have been paid on said land
byC. U. Stevens for tho jours 11)01 and llttl.
'Unit the tiun. for redemption of tho aforesaid
land will expire on tho 12th day ot July, IKK.
Dated, Alliaiicu Nebraska, this 15th day of
March, IWI. f p-Mch. is C. 0. BtkvksH.
Notice to Hcdccin
To William 1 Dutcher:
Youiiud each of jouarcli'reby notllled that
on the lithday of July, iw.'.C.C Htm ens pur
chifi d at lax sale, the southeast quarter ot
seciio. i().iutoushlii24, iHiigou2iu Hox Hutto
countv, Nelirasktu That suit) laud wus taxed
Inthonamuo' Wllliumli.Diltcher.mid thai said
purchase of lux sule of said hind wus made for
the vears 1HW and 1U00 mid that subse
quent tuxes have been paid on said 'and bwC.
u. sieveus ior ino years iihji ana nvj. inui
tho tlmu for the redemption of aforesaid laud
will expire on thu 12th day of July, IWI.
Dated Alliance, Nebtuska. th.s IRthilny of
March, iwi, f p-Mch. 1H 0. O. Htkvkns.
To Anton Melchotr, W II. Curiiiihauaud Mc-Kiuley-Laniiiug
lO.m mid Trust company:
You mid each of ou ure hereby notilled thai
on the Uth day of Julynmc', V. L. Jewell pur
fliasei! ut tax sale tho southwest quarter sec
tion II, township 27. range 52, Hox Hutto
county, Nelnaska. Thao said laud wus taxed
lu thenuuiuof Anton Melchoir und that said
purchase at tax sule of said land wus made
for tho j ears I MM, lhliil and 11)00. mill that sub
stsiueut tuxes hnvu been paid on said laud by
sufd W. L. Jewell for the years UW1 and 1D0J.
Ihat said W. I Jewell bus usslguudall bis in
terest in ami to said tax certificate and sultl de
linquent and subsequent taxes paid thereunder
to I'. II. Davison who Is now thu owner und
holder thereof, Tlmt the time for redemp
tion of above dencrllxsl laud will expire on
thu Dth of July 1101.
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, March 18, MM.
Mcli 18 3w K. II. Davihon.
To Vnlon Trust Company und James O.
You und each of you lire hereby uotltied that
on theUthduyof July line, W. L. Jewell pur
chased ut tux sale, tho southeast quarter of
section 10, township 27, range 52. Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska. That saia land wus taxed
in thu iiiiiuo ot James O. Smith and Union
Trust Company and thut suld purchase ut tax
sule of said laud was made for the yeur
11)00, and thut subsequent taxes have been
lald on said land by said W. U, Jewell for tho
sears 1U01 and HUM. Thutthu said W. L. Jewell
bus assigned all his Interests Inand tothu mild
tax certitlcatoanil said delinquoni mid subse
quent taxes paid thereunder to t. II. Duvlson
who is now the ow ner und holder thereof. Thut
the time for redumption of the hIiovo described
laud will expire on theeth of July, lu04.
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, March Isth 1901.
Mcli. lrt-3w F. II. Daviso.n.
Administrator' Notice.
State of Nebraska, I
Hox Hutle County )
At a county court, held ut tho imity court
room, in mid for said cotiut, March IS, A. D.
I'rosont, D. K. p.icht. county Judge,
la the mutter ot the ostate of llenry II.
Miller, deceused.
On rendiiiK and filing the petition of Annie
r.eltli. praying that iiUinlnUtr.itlou of said es
tate may he grunted to her as administratrix.
Orchil od that April lr.tb, A. 1) JSMI, at I
o'clock p. m,, is usklgued fur heating said pe
tition when all persons interetHl lu said
mutter may appear til 11 county court to bo
held in and for said county uud sbowcuuso
why tho priijo. of iwtittoner khould not Iw
granted: and that notice of the pendency of
aid petition and thu bearing thereof, Iwglun
to all persons Interested in said matter by
publishing u copy of this order In '1 he Alli
ance ilKKAt.o, u weekly newspaper priutod lu
said county, for tliieo successive weeks, prior
to said day of hearing
D K. tiPACHT, County Judge.
(A truecop.)
lKAl. fpMch 25.
Ust rayed
Prom tlio Dllllng ranch on or alout tho sec
ond dny of Decern tier lust a bright buy gelding
work horse, white fuce, branded T on Jaw.
Anyone locating aitnlraul und notifying us
will bo promptly rewarded. Keuiikn Vi.iet.
3-ai P. O. uddross, Box Uutte. Neb.
"In The Good Old Summer Time"
People bought their Staple and Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and so they will
the whole year through because he carries the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is-what customers like
and what thdv always get at .
'Phone 5O Corbin Building
I F. J. Brennan & Co.... I
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper X
pToscTVpUowa CaT6vii Com-povxTviVc. X
Farmers and Stockmen
S f Wc are prepared to make you wells of
jj any size or depth and furnis an abund-
S ance of water for hand or wind power.
1 Acheson & Joder
Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer
W. H. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must
be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee iSon the neck
of each bottle. '
Family and Mail Order Trade solicited
Goods delivered on short notice
e09ex -
I The placing of a few
g . dollars monthly in the
5 ... ALLIANCE ...
s National Bank
will soon enable you to
buy a comfortable home.
0 1
0 Y. M. Knioht, President
a IV Tf OnuniN f lpwtrlfnt.
O. 11, boNNKrr.CashlDr.
Hartford l'ire InsuruncoCompuny.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Hlooklyn, New York.
Continental of Now York City.
Niagara Firo Insurance Company.
Now York Underwriters, NewYork.
Commercial Union Assurhncu Co., Iyondon
Office CpStnlrH,
I'Ictchcr lllock.
Palace Livery Bain
S. XI. OIDSCir, X'vop.
oxi: JH.ocii Yl'fr oi' Good turnouts, stiict attention to our liusiness,
HL'II.DINO. 'Phone Ti
Nebraska Hide
Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs,
Cow and Horse Hide Robes, wys
Leatherand baddlery Hardware I Reliable,
L. C. BURNETT, M'gr.
Drugs, Perfumes
a"d Toilet Articles.
Alliance, Nebraska.
to any part of the city. Thone 13G.
- ' ----' ooceco
LlvcrHK)l. Iomlon nnd Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York,
Farmers und Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln.
Columbia I'lro Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Alliance, Nebraska.
and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us
and Leather. Co
City. Nebraska.