The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 11, 1904, Image 6

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Estimated Cost, Exclusive of the Value of the Exhibits, Is from
' Forty to Fifty Million Dollars Miles of Wonderful
, Displays in More Than Twenty Buildings.
It Is now n little more thnn two
uonths beforo tho union will open
jpon the World'n Fair nt St. I .mi In nnd
lie public will bo Invited to see the
reatest exposition thnt has ever been
rrnlcfj. Tfan vastexhlblt palaces aro
omplete nnd many of them have been
Inished for several months. Within
he next two months all of them are
o bo brightened with now conts of
lalnt 0 that, on tho opening day, tho
nagnlflccnl array of palaces will an
jear as fresh as a newly blossomed
No one, no matter how vivid his im-.
initiation, can picture to himself the
ceno that will bo presented when tho
Exposition Is complete. The more one
ecs this great collection of exhibit
minces nnd countless other buildings,
ho moro deeply Impressed ho be
omes with the grandeur of tho under'
nklng. As tho days grow longer and
ho nlr becomes balmy with the
ireezes of spring, tho lCxixsltion will
ako on far greater activity than It
ms seen during the boisterous dnys
,it winter. In spite of tho severo
veather, work has not censed upon the
(instruction of tho World's Fair for
nore than a day or two at a timo and
hero Is every expectation and prom
so thnt It will be qomplcto on the
upenlng day.
The buildings and grounds, mngulll-
View looking east from the Plaza St.
nt though they be, aro but tho set
ng for a far moro Interesting display.
i all tho buildings the best products
at tho world can offer will be arrang
I In tho most attractive order and
ill convey to tho nilnd n better Idea
what the wide world Is doing than
buld years of study and Inquiry.
fty-ono nations of tho world and all
the states of tho American Union
ill be represented In this extensive
rtraynl of the world's present-day
tThoso who aro familiar with the
iluuiblan Exposition nt Chicago liavo
ten naked If the Ixiulslana Pur
mso Exposition would equal In ex
nt at grandeur tho celebrnted Ex
Ultlon of 1893. When told thnt It
mid bo twice as largo In extent of
ounds and CO per cent larger In
'hlblt space In buildings, they huvo
; Is Necessary Now to Cut Through
Ice to Get at the Eel Grass.
The man who does tho marketing
tho Aquarium's sea cow has had to
sonio lively hustling this winter to
ep that big animal supplied with
Tho sea cow Is eight foot long,
Mghs 800 pounds, nnd has a healthy
petite. In tho first eighteen weeks
er Its arrlvnl hero from Florida, on
pt. 3 last, It nte ninety bushels of
I grass, six bushels of fennel-leafed
lid weed and two bushels of ulva,
sea lettuce, making ninety-eight
shels of aquatic plants in nil In
ihteen weeks, or an average of
out flvo and one-half bushels a
ek, which Is about its present rate
The eel grass and other things for
i sea cow's tnblo are gathered In
nvesend Bay or the waters there
'll connected. Baymen say that the
.sent lias been the hardest winter
,-eabouts on tho water In twenty-five
r8. On many days It has been nee
'ary to cut through tho Ice to get
Swiss Industrial Schools.
There are industrial schools for
tk and watch making In Geneva,
le, Chaux-de-Fonds, etc.; there aro
J and industrial working schools In
rich and other cities for women,
1 there are Industrial schools or
j hand trades in most vt the cities
1 towns of the country. The sub-
ts taught In these schools nro draw
', arithmetic, geography, bookkeep
i, German, French and practical In
action In tho trade chosen by the
been loth to bellovo such a statement.
Hut such Is the tact. The exhibit pal
aces of tho Loutslnna Purchnso Ex
position average much larger than
thoso of Chicago and aro greater In
number. About ISO ncres of floor
space are provided in the various pal
nces of tho present World's Fair nnd
moro thnn twenty buildings will bo
used for exhibit purposes. Tho larg
est of these Is the I'ulnce of Agricul
ture, which covers twenty acres. The
next in size Is tho Palace of Transpor
tation, covering fifteen acres nnd con
taining four miles of railway tracks
for tho exhibit of locomotives nnd
cars. At the Chicago Exposition
there were practically no outdoor ex
hibits. At this World's Fair about 100
acres are given up to outdoor displays,
supplementing In a most pleasing
manner the hundreds of thousands of
Indoor exhibits. At tho Chicago Ex
position one building was used for
no less than three Important depart
ments. At. the World's Fair in St.
liOiils four buildings, covering forty
flvo acres, aro glvon up to tho same
four departments.
The total cost of the AVorld's Fair
Is estimated nt from forty to. fifty
million dollars, exclusive of tho valuo
of the exhibits. The Palace of Ma
chinery alono will contain exhibits to
tho valuo of eight million dollars.
Anthony. Palace of Varied Industries
right. Palace of Manufactures In the
To mention the big things of the
World's Fair of 11104 would bo to give
a catalogue of the greatest achieve
ments of man in many lines of en
deavor. For example: We shnll see
the largest locomotive ever built,
weighing ninety-five tons nnd having
twelve driving wheels. Wo shall hear
the largest organ In the world in tho
most beautiful festival hall ever built.
We shall see some of the greatest sen
coast defense guns manufactured for
the United States government. In tho
Government Building, which Is the
largest exhibit building ever erected
by federal authority at an Exposition,
there will be a model of a half of n
battleship for tho Navy display. Tho
United States Government has also
erected a bird cage so large that tall
trees grow within tho iuclosure, In
which will bo held captive during tho
at the eel grass required for the sea
cow's food, sometimes through Ico ten
Inches In thickness and often through
ice of live or six Inches.
Sometimes when the lco had moved
out with a shift of tho wind, leaving
open spaces, access to tho eel grass
would be easy, but frequently tho Ice
would liavo closed In, nnd then It
would bo necessary to cut holes in it
to get at tho eel grass below.
So tho work of supplying tho sea
cow's table has been so far this win
ter attended by more or less dilllculty,
but there has never been a day on
which the sea cow hns had to go hun
gry. New York Sun.
Brain Growth.
Brnln development Is found by Prof.
Scggel of Munich to have two periods
of acceleration from 10 to It and
from 17 to 18 In girls, and from 12 to
13 and 19 to 20 In boys. At the period
of most rapid Increase In height from
12 to 14 years the growth of the
brain Is less than one-hundredth that
of the body, but at 17 to 19 It grows
one-thirtieth as fast, and at 20 reaches
one-seventh of the body growth,
Wholesale Marriage.
No fewer than forty-two couples
were married simultaneously at PIou
gastel (Lower Brittany) ono morning
recently. Work In the village and Irf
nil the surrounding hamlet was en
tirely suspended for the day, for the
excollent reason tbut there was scarce
ly a living soul In the neighborhood
not relutcd to ono or other of the
brides or bridegrooms, for tho good
people of Plougastol novor marry out
side tholr own commune. London
Exposition season, thousands of birds
representing many species and climes.
Tho largest hotel ever built, contain
ing 2,300 rooms. Is within tho World's
Fair grounds. The largest statue ever
cast will stand in tho Palace of Mines
nnd Metallurgy ns the exhibit of the
Iron Industries of Birmingham, Ala.
Twelve ucrcs are devoted to a mining
gulch containing all manner of mining
mnchlnery nnd exhibits. A floral clock,
112 feet In diameter, the hnndB of
which weigh more than a ton each,
will tell tho tlmo of day upon theslopo
north of the Palace of Agriculture. A
map of the United States, six acres In
extent, planted with cereals nnd other
plants common to the various states,
Is an Interesting display by the United
States Bureau of Plant Industry.
Forty acres aro devoted to tho Phil
ippine exhibit and thirty ncres are de
voted to the Indian display. Six acres
are devoted to tho garden of roses.
Twenty acres are set apart for the ac
commodation of airships, which will
participate In the contests for prizes
amounting to $200,000. The Quadren
nial Olympic games will bo held dur
ing the World's Fair upon the athletic
Held of the Exposition Grounds, An
Intra-mural railway, having fourteen
miles of track will convey the. visitors
to any part of the Exposition. Some
forty restaurants will feed the multl-
on the left,
Palace of Electricity on
tude, and an nmusement street a mllo
long, containing tho most novel and
wonderful entertainments, will furnish
diversion to the guests of the Exposi
tion. All St. Louis Is preparing for tho
World's Fair, which will open on April
30 next and continue for seven
months. Hundreds of buildings have
been remodeled Into hotels, and thou
sands of homes have been listed, upon
invitation of the World's Fair manage
ment, to help care for the visitors.
Every preparation has been mado for
a period of unusual festivity, r.nd St.
Louis expects to give her visitors a
delightful season of sight-seeing and
Thlrty-flvo miles of roadway have
been constructed within tho World's
Fair grounds.
Amusing Error of Frenchman That
Cost Him $5.
A French visitor to New York, an
enthusiastic automoblllst. has learned
a lesFon as to how things are dono
In America. On several occasions
whon speeding a machine through
Central park he hc3 seen policemen
hold up u hnnd. Tho result wns an
Increase of speed nnd n wavo of tho
hnnd In return. The police have boon
In tho hopes of catching him, nnd
finally ono of them did so by placing
his horso in the auto's track.. compell
ing it to come to a standstill. In court
tho Frenchman was awaked at the
cause of his arrest. He took the Dig
itals of tho oftlcors as commendations
and congratulations i.nd turned on
more power to show them what ho
could do. The lesson cost him JC.
French Taxes Increase.
Returns of tho revenue from Indi
rect taxes in Franco In 1903 show that
receipts amounted to $508,380,380, an
increaso of $2G.G57.580 ovor the esti
mates, and 520,175,860 over 1902.
How the Starfish Feeds.
A starfish ean neither see nor hoar.
Neither has It the sense of smell. In
spite of those seeming ImjiedlmentJ!,
nevertheless, it seek and devours Its
prey as neatly as an ordinary fish. Tho
starfish lies upon its prey und folds
its "arms" or rays completely about
it. Then it pushes its stomach out
through Its mouth and will wrap even
a largo oyster and t-hell within tho
folds of tho stomfch. The mouth of
the starfish is In tho center of itf
-c4i-t GAJ KT&h wcitv
It's doll firs nnd cents thnt rule the world
Wllh prced hb the nurring bed:
Hut there's a banner that's still un
furled With hearts ns the fountain head
The liunner of love for a fellow man
And hone for n zcnl Intenno
To keep humanity In the van
And discount dollars and cents.
For dollars and rents won't always win
And wield such a potent sway;
There's something ele thnt Is coming In
And lovo will nvnll some day.
Old el ill's are trumps nt the present tlmo
In nil the different marts,
Hut coming sure Ih the world n rhyme,
And the trumps will all be hearts.
For there's nothing else In life, my boy,
That nature's nrt no deft,
Can bring you sunshine, hope, nnd Joy,
Like the throb-beat on your left;
It's ull there Is in the world of strife
With trials nnd griefs Immense
You can take some love nt the close of
Hut you can't take dollars and rents.
Harry S. Chester, In Chicago Inter
Copyrighted, ;.0J. by Tht Aulliort PublUhing Company
Dear Miss Stanley" Inclose please
And check for your story, "The Prlco
of Fame." Wo will gladly consider
anything else thnt you may care to
submit. Yours truly,
Tho Arcadian.
The recipient of this letter could
hardly believe her eyes. It was the
first remuneration she had received
for her work during long years of
struggle. Her successful effort was
tho story of a woman who had sacri
ficed lbvo to win fame In her chosen
profession, in which she succeeded.
She reaped wealth, fame nnd honor,
but her heart was not satisfied. Tho
man whom she had rejectc'., but still
loved, was now bouniFlo another. She
had paid "tho prlco of fame."
The same day on which Agatha
Stanley received payment for her
story, she read In tho society column
of a daily paper the following:
"Mr. Reginald Lorlmer, the newly
appointed editor of the Arcadian, Is
said to bo worshiping at tho shrlno of
Miss Florence Llpplncot, a prominent
society bello of the city in which he
A mingled expression of surprise
nnd pain came into Miss Stanley's
eyes. "I never dreamed that he was
the editor who accepted my story,"
she soliloquized. "Did it merit pub
lication, or did ho act from personal
motives, I wonder? Could he read tho
author's heart between tho lines? If
so, how he must mock it. Am I to
suffer a like fate with my heroine? It
can only be In degree, however, not
In kind; for, Is not mine 'the price of
fame?' "
Reginald lorimer and Agatha Stan
ley had been playmates, schoolmates
and friends. As they grew to man
hood and womanhood their friendship
had developed into love.
When Agntha was nineteen, her
fnther died, leaving u large family in
poor circumstances, nnd it fell to her
to look to the welfare of the family.
Some tlmo after Mr. Stanley's death
Larimer declared his lovo and asked
Agatha to become his wife. Feeling
that her duty was at home, nnd al
though it uenrly broke her heart, she
rejected his offer. She gave nlm no
hope for the future, and so they
Time passed rapidly. Lorimer bad
gone to a distant city and entering
the Meld of journalism lnul made rapid
Miss Stanley had taken up litera
ture as her life work, but her journey
wns long and disheartening. At length,
however, her persistency was reward
ed. One manuscript placed seemed to
clear the way and her subsequent ef
forts were nccepted with requests for
more. Still, with success stnndlng
brightly before her, there was nn
aching void In her heart.
One beautiful morning in early June
Agatha was sitting by au open win
dow, writing. Sho seemed unable to
By an open window.
concentrate her thoughts; from her
work to the grand scene outside, and
then to the feelings of her own heart.
As sho sat dreaming of tho old days,
her attention was attracted to a man
coming up the walk toward tho house.
He rang the bell, and as Agntha
opened tho door an exclamation of
surprise escaped her lips; for there,
before her, stood Reginald Lorimer.
It was the first time they bad met
i in three years.
"Miss Stanley, allow me to congrat
ulate you on your success. It is cer
tainly merited."
"Thnnks; but, Mr. Lorimer, higher
praise is due to you becairo of your
rapid advancement. I sincerely wish
you happiness."
"I nm truly grateful, hot"- for your
praise, which is flattering, and for
your sentiments of friendship; but I
would ask you, can success, alone,
make us happy?"
Miss Stanley colored slightly, and
answered: "It depends on what one Is
successful In. Happiness, Itself, is the
greatest of achievements, but Its ac
quirement is dependent upon success
In various directions."
Mr. Lorimer laughingly replied:
"Possibly I have earned the good will
of some budding genius by sending a
welcome check. Rnther a slim source
"I should think that a certain Miss
Llpplncot ought to have first
of happiness, though, I'm afraid, un
lessit should be you, Miss Stan
ley," "Why me, more than others you
have helped. Mr. Lorimer? 1 should
think that a certain Miss Llpplncot
ought to have first place."
"Miss Llpplncot! I do not know
that I have done anything to merit
her good graces."
"Haven't you? This would seem to
contradict you," she said, handing him
the pnper in which she had read the
item concerning him.
When he had read his mirth was
uncontrollable. Finally regaining com
posure, lie said:
"Well, well! That is news to me.
Whoever wrote that notice must have
been under some strong mental hallu
cination. The idea of associating ray
name with that of Miss Llpplncot.
whom I have met but n few times.
No frivolous crenturo like her for a
staid chap like myself. A sensible
women is what I want. Agatha
Miss Stanley, do you know why I have
come hero today? Simply to tell you
that I have waited patiently for a dif
ferent answer to tho question I once
asked you. The outward obstacles
then in tho way are now removed.
You are on the road to Independence.
Is there uny other barrier? Have I
waited In vain, and must I, too, pay
'the price of fame?' "
The story that sold has also told.
A New Enemy of Whisky.
Tho Shawnee News gives u novel
remedy for the "drink habit" or,
'sworn off" to remain "on the water
cart.;' It consists of Ice water drunk
through a raw potato. Peel the potato
ami cut down one side of It until It
can be easily inserted in the mouth;
dip the potato in water and suck it'
every time a craving for strong drink
conies on. It Is claimed that this
treatment will effect an absolute cure.
The why and wherefore are not stated,
but the process Is such a simple one
that there enn be no harm In trying
It if one is afflicted with a thirst
which he really desires to lose. Kan
sas City Journal.
"Condensed Eggs."
Condensed eggs are being largely ex
ported to South Africa and are meet
ing with a ready sale. Fresh eggs are
from 85 cents to $1.80 a dozen In Jo
hnnnesburg, so that the substitute is
welcomed. It Is prepared by depriv
ing the ordinary fresh egg of Its su
perfluous water and by adding sugar.
The mixture Is then inclosed in tightly
sealed canisters, fifteen eggs to the
pound. When unsealed the compound
with a little added water Is, whisked
rapidly and, according to a British
consular report, cannot be told from
the fresh egg.
It Is 2,600 Miles Long, Draining 750;
000 Square Miles.
The most crooked river in the world
Is the Chinese river Hoangho, or Yel
low river. It is crooked both In habits
and shape and a moro uncertain
stream cannot bo found, for it is sub
ject to sudden changes of depth, vol
ume nnd channel, says the Montreal
Family Herald. Before the great floods
of 1851-3 Its outlet was 300 miles
south of Its present mouth.
Tho Hoangho, in its course of 2,60f
miles, drains nearly 750,000 square
miles of land. Its crookedness can bo
gathered from the following facts:
Flowing from the Kuen Lucn moun
tains, it runs northwest, then north
east, then changes to enst as far its
Hanchow, whence It flows duo north
to Duncliu. Here it takes n coniplclo
curve eastward for some 200 miles,
then abruptly goes direct south. For
some 300 miles It flows on to Tung
chow, then changes to an easterly di
rection to Iloaiking. Avoiding it
former bed, it finally flows to tho
northeast and enters the sea at tho
Gulf of Pechlll.
Other very crooked rivers arc the
Brahmapootra, the Niger, tho Volga,
tho Mississippi and the Jordan, but
these are far behind the Hoangho for
Irregularity of course.
Effect of Life In Far-Off Siberian Set
tlement. Hnrr,v de Wlndt, the explorer, de
scribes in a recent book Srcdni-Ko-lymsk,
a dismal Siberian settlement ii
the arctic regions. While the expedi
tion party was thero tho place had a
population of 300, fourteen being. po
litical offenders, tho remainder offi
cials, criminal colonists and native
of the Yakute, Lamuto or Tunguso
races. This outpost drives ono to In
sanity; thero Is not a single person or
perfect mental balance among the ex
iles the author saw there. "A couplo
of years usually makes them shaky,"
snld the olllclal, "and tho strongest
minded generally becomo cnildish
whon they have been hero for five or
six." "But why is it?" I asked. My
friend walked to tho window and
pointed to I ho mournful street, tins
dismal hovels and frozen river dark
ening iu the dusk. "That," he said,
"and the awful silence. Day after day,
year after year, not a sound. 1 have
stood in that street nt midday and
heard n watch tick in my pocket.
Think of it, Mr. de Windt. I myscir ar
rived here only a few months ago, but
I shall soon have to get away for
n change, or " and ho tapped his
forehead significantly.
His Monumental Bluff.
When Brandcr Matthews went to
his club one evening not long ago, ac
cording to the Bookman, ho went to
tho letter box and looked through (ho
compartment marked "M," and found'
in It a very peremptory dun from n
tailor. Mr. Matthews was puzxlcd, as
he had no dealings with the insistent
tailor, until ho again looked at- the
envelope and found that ho had un
wittingly opened a letter belonging to
another member of the club; so how
put tho bill back into the envelope
nnd returned it to the compartment.
As Mr. Matthews wns turning to jjo
he noticed tho member for whom tho
bill was intended coming toward the
letter box. A minute later ho camo
into tlie reading room, where Mr. Mat
thews was sitting with Beveral others.
Taking fioni its envelop the bill, ho
read It attentively for a few minutes,
sighed, tore it into bits, then with a
wink and the leer of an invincible con
queror commented; "Foor, silly Httlo
girl." His Misery Complete.
When the doctor came to see what
he could do for tho Herllhy family, by
whom he had been hastily summoned,
he found Mrs. Herllhy in bed, her fact
and head adorned with plaster and
bandages, and Mr. Herllhy silting in
solid misery at her bedside.
"Cheer up, Tim " said te doctor,
"she'll pull through all right. I don't
believe there are any bones broken."
"Don't bo troyin' to raise me moind,"
said Mr. Herllhy, darkly, "for it's im
possible, dochter. Here Ol had her in
sured against accident of ivery koinil
only foor days ago, an' paid down mo
$5 ns prompt ns nny mnn cud, an' be
fore the week is gone sho falls down
stairs wid a bucket o' coal, an' now
luko nt her. marred from Ind to IndJ"
Youth's Companion.
Woman Sexton of a Cemetery.
Another Merlden woman has taken n
position unusual for tho fair sex. Mrs.
Annie Gibson has been appointed by
tho Selectmen ns sexton of tho East
cemetery, which is owned by lb,o town.
Her property adjoins the cemetery,
anil for many years she has hnd a
subcontract for caring for tho yard.
Tho position has no salary, but for
every grave that is opened $4 In. paid
to the sexton and out of this amount
sho will have to pay about hnlf to tho
gravedlgger. Many people owning
plots call upon the sexton to keep tho
plots In order and for this- work she
will realize a fair income. Hartford
A rrlmsin. windy sunset,
Through the whimpering, leafless treta
A silent winter evening
Creeping in across the leas.
A snapping, crackling oak-log
In the ancient, blackened grate.
The wraith- of olrt-tlmo facts
That the thin, ml il.inies create.
A pipe of sweet tobacco
And a Meln of ripened brew,
A hnlf of tales and verses,
An easy chair and you.
Slug me no birds and sunshine,
No llehU and xkles of blue,
Nny, Juit a winter evening.
Some books, u grate nnd you.
Frederick Palmer in Rochester J)tui
crat and chronicle.