f f ' i I' Kg S ? r ' if " J$Afh'rtfrj'Jl THE GIRL HALFWAY OF Al THO t Ol- CHAPTER XIX Continued. The left arm of the sheriff dropped. The whole body of Ike Anderson, shot low through tho trunk, ns was the .sheriff's InvarlaUlo custom, melted down and sank Into a sitting posture, leaning against the edge of the stoop. Tho sheriff with a leap sprang behind the fallen man, not firing again. Ike Anderson, with a black film now come upon his eyes, raised his revolver and fired once, twice, three times, four times, five times, tapping tho space in front of him regularly and carefully with his fire. Then he srtnk back wearily into the sheriff's drnis. "All right, mammy!" remarked Iko Anderson, somewhat Irrelevantly. CHAPTER XX. The Body of the Crime. Hour after hour, in tho heat of the day or the cool of the evening, the giant Mexican strode on by the side of the two horsemen, sometimes trot ting like a dog, more often walking with a shambling, wide-reaching step, tireless as any wild animal. Expres sionless, mute, the colossal figure strode along, like some primordial creature in whom a human soul had not yet found home. The Mexicari was running the back trail of the horse of Cal Greathouse, the missing ranchman, and it was very early seen that the horso 'had not returned over the route taken by Greathouse when he started out. He had gone along the valley of the Smoky River, whereas the course of the loose animal had been along the chord of a wide arc made by the val ley of that stream, a course much shorter and easier to traverse, as it evaded a part of that rough country known as the breaks of the Smoky, a series of gullies and "draws" run ning from the tablelund down to the deep little river bed. The atternoon Melted down and sank tif the first day brought the travelers well within view of a timber line, but the ro.igh country along the stream was not yet reached when they were U forced to quititho trail and make their rough bivouac for the night There was, a curious feeling of cer tainty in Franklin's mind, as they again took 6addio for the Journey, that the end of the quest was not far dis tant, and that its nature was prede termined. Neither he nor Curly ex pected to find the ranchman alive, though neither could have given letter and line for this belief. As for Juan, his face was expressionless as ever. "Que camlna onde, amigo?" asked Curly hi cowboy patois. "Which way?" The Mexican pointed up the stream with carelessness and they turned thither. As they resumed the march, now along the level floor of the wind ing little valley, Franklin was revolv ing a certain impression in his mind. In the mud at the bank where they had stopped he had seen the imprint of a naked foot a foot very lttrge and with an upturned toe, widely spread ing apart from Its fellows, and it seemed to htm that this track was not so fresh as the ones he had just seen made before his eyes. Troubled, ho said nothing, but gave n start as Cur ly, without Introduction, remarked, as though reading his thoughts: "Cap, I seen It, too." "His footprint at the bank?" "Yep. He's shore been here afore." Neither man bald more, btit both grew grave, and both looked uncon sciously to their weapons. The Mex ican plunged ahead as confidently as before; and In the tangled going his speed was greater than that of tho horses. "Cuidado!" (careful) "Juan," cried Curly warningly, am the latter turned backed a face inscrutable as over. The turned an angle of the valley, and came out upon a little flat among the trees. Toward this open space the Mexican sprang with horse, ex cited cries. The horses plunged back, snorting. Yet In the little glade all was silence, solltudo. Swiftly Frank lin and Curly dismounted and made fast their horses, and then followed up the Mexican, their weapons now both drawn'. This glade, now empty, had once held a man, or men. Here was a trod den place where a horse had been tied to a tree. Here was the broken eud of a lariat. Here had been a little bivouac, a bed scraped up of tne scanty fallen leaves and buuobes of taller gra-ss. Here were broken bushes I A STORY BY l HOUGH J CotjrtxkttJ, lvJ t M TWt6&&(lw6ii&&nfb6to&&vMM AT THE HOUSE T H E PLAINS TUB STOKY O I- TUB COWBOY Attlttn & L o tt ,t if , A w Ytrk W)WMWvWWMWiWbk broken, how? There was the fire, now sunken Into a heap of ashes, a long, large, white heap, very large for a cowman's camp fire And there And there was It! There was some Thing. There lay the object of their search. In a flash the revolvers cov ered the cowering figure of the giant, who, prone upon his knees, was now raving, gibbering, praying, calling up on long-forgotten Balnts to savo him from this sight. "O Santa Maria! 0 Purlsslma! O Madre de Dlos!""ho moaned, wringing his hands nnd shiv ering as though stricken with an ague. He writhed among tho leaves, his eyes fixed upon that ghastly shape which lay before him. There, in the ashes of the dead fire, as though embalmed, as though alive, as though lingering to accuse and to convict, lay the body of Greathouse, the missing man. Not merely a charred, Incinerated mass, the figure lay In the full appearance of life, a cast of the actual man, molded with .fineness from the white ashes of the fire! Not a feature, not a limb, not a fragment of clothing was left unilc stroyed! yet none the less here, stretch ed across tho bed of the burned-out fire, with face upturned, with one arm doubled beneath the head and the other with clinched hand outfiung, lay the image, the counterpart, nay, the Identity of the man they sought! It was a death mask, wrought by tho pity of tho destroying flames. These winds, this sky, the air, the rain, all had spared and left It here In accusa tion most terrible, in evidence unpar alleled, incredibly yet irresistibly true. Franklin felt his heart stop as ho looked upon this sight, and Curly's face grew pale beneath its tan. They gazed for a moment quickly, then Curly sighed and stepped back. "Keep him covered, Cap," lie said, and, go- into a sitting posture. Ing to his horse, he loosened the long lariat. "Arriba, Juan," he said quietly. "Get up. and the giant obeyed as meekly -asa child. Curly tied his hands bcffijiil his back, took away his .knife, and bound him fast to a tree. Juan offered no resistance whatever, but looked at Curly with wondering dumb protest in his eyes, ns of an animal unjustly punished. Curly turned again to the lire. "It's him. ail right." said he; "that's Cal." Franklin nodded. Curly picked up a bit of stick and began to stir among the ashes, but as he did so both lie and Franklin ut tered nn exclamation of surprise. By accident lie had touched one of the limbs. The stick passed through It, leaving behind but a crumpled, form less heap of ashes. Curly essayed In vestigation upon .the other side of the fire. A touch,' and the whole ghastly figuio was gone! There remained no trace of what had lain there. The shallow, incrustlng shell of the fickle ash broke In and fell, all the thin ex terior covering dropping Into the cav ern which it had inclosed Before them lay not chaired and dismem bered lemalns, but simply a flat table of ashes, midway along it a slightly higher ridge, at which the wind, hith erto not conspiring, now toyed, flick ing away items here and there, car rying them, spreading them, returning them unto the dust. Cal Greathouse had made his charge, and left it with the Frontier to cast the reckoning. CHAPTER XXI. The Trial. "Your honor," said Frankfln to the Court, "I appear to defend this man." The opening sentence or the young advocate might have been uttered in burlesque. To call this a court of justice might have seemed sheer libel. There was not the first suggestion of the dignity and solemnity of the law, Eillsvillo had no hall of Justice, and the court sat at ono place or another, as convenience dictated. This being an Important case, and one In which all the populaco was Interested. Judge Bristol had seclecled the largest avail able assembly loom, which happened to be the central hall of Sam Pres ton's livery barn. The Judge sal bo hind a large upturned box. which sup ported a few battered books. At his right the red-nosed prosecuting attor ney shuffled his papors. Along the sides of the open hallway, through who'se open doors at each ond the wind pabsed freely, sat jury and audi ence indlsrilmlnntch mingled Th prisoner himself, ignorant of tho meaning of nil this, snt on nu up turned tub, unshackled and unguard ed. Hack of these figures appeared the heads cf a double row of horses. Buck of tho seated men othlirs were mnsscfl, staudlng in the doorwnyV Outside the building stood crowd, now and then Increased or lessuncd by those who passed In or out of tho room where the court wns lu session. These interested spectators were for the most part dark, sunburnedincn, weiring wide hats and narfoVbootH with spurs. They all ufu armed. Leaning ngalnst the sides of the man gers, or resting a hand upon tho shoulders of another, they gazucLralm ly at tho bar of Justice. TheSuitudo of Ellisvlllc vas one of sardouWcnlni. As a function, as a show, this trial might go on. "Yo llonnh," said the nttorney for tho stnte, arising nnd striking an at titude learned lu enrller forensic days "yo Ilonah. an' gentlemen, 1 rise to present to jpU. nn to push to the ulti mate penalty of the law, n case of the most serious, tho most hoinyiui crime, committed by the most desperate and dangerous criminal that has thus far ever disturbed the peaceful courso of ouah quiet little community. There ho sets befo' you," ho cried, sudden ly raising his voice nnd pointing a forefinger at the prisoner, who sat smiling amiably. "There he sets, tho burdened and self-confessed crimi nal, guilty of the foulest crime upon the calendar of ouah law. A mur derer, gentlemen, n murderer with red hands an' with the brand of Cain upon his brow! This man, this fiend, killed ouah fcllow-clttzen, Calvin Greathouse he brutally murdered him." Tho orator knew his audience. Ho knew the real Jury. The shuffling and whispers were his confirmation. "Yo' Honah." began the accusing voice again, "I see him now. There sets the man! There In Is befo you! His guilt hns been admitted. Answer me, gentlemen, what is ouah juty In this case? Shall we sot this incarnate fiend free on the Ian' again shall wo let him come clenr o' this charge shall we turn him loose again In ouah midst to murder some other of oualr citizens? Shnll wo set this man free?" His voice had sunk into a whisper as he spoke the last words, leaning for ward and looking Into the faces ot tho jury. Suddenly lie straightened up, his clinched hand shaken high above his head. "No!" he cried. "No! I say to you, ten thousand times no! This man shall not go free! Justice, yo' llonnh, Justice, gentlemen, Is what this community asks. An' justice is what it is a-goin' to have. Yo' Honah, an' gentlemen. I ylel' to the statement o' the defense." Franklin rose and looked calmly about him while the buzzing of com ment and the outspoken exclamations of applause yet greeted the speech of the prosecutor. The sentiment of pity was strong in his heart. He re solved to use all he Know of the cun nlng of the law to save this half-witted savage. He determined to defeat, If possible, the ends of n technical jus tice, in order to secure a higher and n broader justice, the charity of a di vine mercy. He realized fully how much was there to overcome as he gazed upon the sot faces of the real Jury, the crowd of grim spectators. "Your Honor, and gentlemen of fho jury," he began. "In defending this man I stand for the law. The repre sentatlve of the state Invokes thp law. I yield to no man In my desire to see a better day of law and order in this town. We are two years old In time, but a century old In violence. Is it morely your wish that we add one more grave to the long rows on our hillsides? Is that your wish? I)c you want a trial, or do you wish merely an execution? Gentlemen, I tell you this is tho most Important day lu the history of this town, let us here make our stand for the law. Tho old ways will no longer serve. We are at the turning of the road. Let us follow the law. (To be continued.) HISTORY OF COTTON' THREAD Napoleon's Seizure of Hamburg DI rectly Forced Its Use. Ex-Provost Clark of Paisley. Eng land, has been relating the origin of cotton sewing thread, which was first used in that town In the weaving of "licddles" as a substitute for silk, which was stopped by Napoleon In 1803, when he seized Hamburg. Mr, Claik's grandfather and his brothei then bethought them or cotton, which worked so smoothly that Mr. Clark'w father, then a youth, took to reconi mending It to women instead of linen, then mostly used. Originally it was sold In hanks or skeins. These the women had to wind into little balls, as they do a cut of wool at the present day. Wish ing to convenience them, young Clark on selling a skein or thread would sit down at a pirn wheel and wind tho thread on a bobbin, for which lie charged a halfpenny. This halfpenny was refunded when the empty bobbin was returned. Such was tho begin ning of cotton thread. Slur on Montana. Henry H. Rogers, the Copper and Standard Oil magnate, was visited re cently by one of his friends who has bopn under the wuuther for months. Mr. Rogers inquired kindly after tho health of his caller. "I have been staying down at Iake wood, N, J., for six mouths," was tho reply, "and I've been pretty low. in fact 1 never was In so bad a statu be fore." Mr, Rogers smiled and asked quiet ly: "You'vo never been lu Montana, have you?" New York Times. QM-TwmmmNomofflipm!! w. PRONUNCIATIONS OF There is given herewith a list of thoprinclpnl geographical names In the districts involved In the war between Russia and Japan. Some aro Russlntt, soma Chinese, some Korean nnd the others Jnpnnese. Phonetic spelling of the nnmes Is given. Scores of dialects have caused the names to be pro nounced in ninny different ways but tho best English pronunciations aro hero given. Buchatu Buke-n-too. Khabarovkn Kar-ba-rov-ka. Nlkolsko Nl-kol-sko. Vladivostok Vla-dl-vwos-tock. SanBlng Sahn-Bing. Harbin Har-been. Kwang-Clieng-Tsl Kwnng-Chcng-Tsoe. Itung Ee-toong. Manchuria Mail-clioo-re-a. (Ch as in chill.) Duruga Doo-roo-ga. Okho Oko. Purlen Poo-reen. Chlun Clian Chee-oon-Clinhn ('ch ns In chew). Tn-La-Chao Tnh-lah-Cliay-o. KIn-Cliau Keen-Chow. Yang-Po-JIn Yahng-Po-Zheeu. Knlgan Kahl-gahn. Shan-IIal-Kwnn Shnn-Hlc-Kwahn. An-iTung Ahn-Toong. Slu-Ycn Scw-Ynnc. Ynlu (river) Yar-loo. Hueng-Pleng Hwang-Peen. Riong Rcc-ong. Ciilun-Chnn Chewn-Cliahn. Songchln Song-cheen. Kln-Chnu Keen-chow, Llau-Ho Li-uh-oo-Ho (river). Nluchwang Neeoochwang. Llau-Tung Lee-ahoo-Toong. Pekln Pec-kin. l.uang Loo-ahng. Wiju Weo-zhu. ' Chang-Sleng Chahng-See-eng. Ham-Heung Hnhm-Hay-oong. , Tn-Cliwang-Ho Tnh-Chwang-Ho. Luang Loo-ang. Tang-Fang Tang-Fung. Pao-Ting Pali-o-Tlng. Taku Tah-koo. Ham Heung Halim-Hewng. Chang-Sleng Chang-Sceng. Yongamp Yong-ahmp. Chong .lu Cliong-zhew. Ping Yang Peeng-Yaling. An Ju Ahn-Zhew. . Tientsin Teon-tscen. Talienwan Tarl-yane-wahn. Chiiinnmno Shec-nahm-po. Hwang .iii Whang-Zhoo. Chang Yon Cliahng-Yone. iPcchill (gulf) Pee-chee-loe. Chlng Ting Cheeng-Teeng. Ma Phong Khou Mah-Pheng-Kooo, Clieefoo Chee-foo. Teng Chow Teng Chow. KIu-Tchang-Chcng Kew-Cliang-chen. Wutlngo Vwoo-ting-o. Seoul Sool. Chemulpo Shay-mool-poe. Wcl-Hai-Wel Way-Hie-Way. Huang Whnng. Tsl-Nnn See-Nahn. . - Chang-Te Clfang-Teo. " Kiaochau Kec-ow-chow. Hong-Ju Hong-Zhu. Chung-Ju Choong-Zhu. Yong Hal Yong Hie. Ulsan Ool-sahn. Kunsan Koon-sahn. Hoang Ho (Yellow river) Hoang Ho. Clinng-Heiing Cliang-Hay-oong. Fusan Few-sahn. Tsushima Tsoo-sheema. Quelpart (Island) Kwel-part. (Cor ruption of French). Chlng-Klang Generally known as Chlng-Klng. Nanking Nan-king. Su-Chow Soo-Chow. . Wu-Sung Woo-Sung. Shanghai Pronounced In English Shang-Hie. Klu-Klang Kew-Kyang. Lan-Ki Lan-Kye. DEAFNESS GOOD AT TIMES. Senator McEnery's Neat Way of Avoiding Questions. Senator McEnery is afflicted with a certain degree of dearness. He can hear less nt times than at others, It is said. At those times when news paper men seek to draw information from him that he is unwilling to give he Is particularly hard ot heariug. It was during one of his doaf periods that he emerged from a recent execu tive session and was accosted by a correspondent. "Well, Senator, any thing doing on the inside?" asked the newspaper man. "Yes, the weather Is nretty bad outside," answered the senator. "It's pretty hard on us old people." And ho bowed pleasantly and passed on, leaving the newspa per man wondering. Good Roads for New Hampshire. Gov. Bachelder or New Hampshire has appointed an engineer who Is at work mapping out the highways of the state. When this baa been done a comprehensive system of road im provement will bo begun. It Is Intend ed that overy section of Now Hamp shire shall bo provided with a first class grael road and tho cost is ex pected to bo from S00 to $1,500 per mile. Tho stato Is to appropriate $100,000 a your for this purpose, and the governor thinks thut in six years COO miles will have been completed. ft Html tk AB9T Trtr VJ,Mfj. "" III "'"Voir "( fi.c:.W FAR EAST NAMES. Saii-Muu Sahu-Moon. Nhn Chang Nan-Chahong. Wen-Chow Wen-Chow. Klen-NIng Keen-Nlng. Santuao Sun-too-nh-oo-o (last thrco syllables nlmost like one. Yen Ping Yen Pecng. Foo-Choo Koo-C.hu (but generally spoiled nnd called Foo Chow). Amoy A-moy. Swatow SwnMow (to rhymo with cow), Tanoga Shtmn Tarncengarshima. Kagoshlnui Kahgoshcema. AmnkiiBa Ar-mah-koosa. Nagasaki Nah-gah-sah-kl. Fukuoko Foo-koo-oko. Shlmonosekl Sheo-mo-no-say-koe. Hiroshima Hco-ro-sheo-mah. Hamada Hnh-mnh-duh. Minoml Sakl Mee-iio-inee-Sahkee. Shiknnu Shcc-knh-noo. Tnkaoka Tah-knh-oker. , Nanno Nar-nnro. Nlgata Nee-gah-toh. TBiirugaoka Too-roo-gow-kah (gow rhymes with cow). Sakata Sah-kah-tah. Shimon Urn Sliee-monoo-ra. Honjo Honzlio. Kutnedi Koo-muy-dl. Aklta Ah-kee-ta. Noshiro No-sheo-ro. Fu-ku-yama Foo-koo-yah-ma, Hakodate Har-ko-dah-tPe. OkU8hlro 0-kooshee-ree. Barauta Dah-a-oo-tn. Sutsu Soot-soo. Otaru O-tar-oo. Atsutl At-su-tl. Maslitke Mashee-kay. Furobetsu Foo-re-bet-soo. Wakknnal Wa-ka-nnli-ee. Ropunshirl Re-poon-shee-rce. Snrubutsu Snr-oo-boot-soo. TombetBit Tom-bay t-soo. Esashl Ay-sahsh-eo. Mombetsu Mombaytsoo. Yube Yew-bay. Tukoro Too-ko-ro. Yezo Yny-zo. Kuslilro Koo-shee-ro. Peru Pay-roo. Slioja Sho-zhn. Sliamanl Sha-mah-nl. Hachinohe Har-chee-no-hee. Konji Kon-zhce. Morloka Morcc-o-ka. Kamega Sakl Knr-may-gah sar lece. Knratanu Kar-n-tah-noo. Hanamakl Hah-uah-mah-kl. Kcssennuma Kes-say-nu-ma. Midzusana Mco-soo-sah-nah Ishiuomaki Ish-cc-no-mah-kl. vKiiku8hhua Foo-koo-shoe-mah. - Nakamuni Nah-kah-moo-ru. Siikagawn Soo-kah-gow-o. Takihagl Tah-kah-har-gl. - ' f Mlto Meeto. Komlnnta Ko-mcc-na-ta. Kojo Ko-zho. Yokohama Yo-ko-hah-nia. Nagoya Nah-goynh. Otsu Oat-su. Osaka O-sah-kah. Hammatsu Hnh-mnht-soo. Shingu Slieon-goo. Tokushlma To-kooshce-ma. Matsuyama Maht-soo-ce-ahm-a. Take Tah-kay. Uwajlma Oo-wa-zhee-ma. Saga Sah-ga. ' Kumamoto Koo-ma-moto. YatflhuHhlro Yaht-soo-shee-ro. Takanabc Tah-kn-nah-bay. Miyasakl Mee-yah-sah-kco. Kiushiii Kew-shew. Tientsin Tnn-shinn. PUTS BAN ON WIDOWS. New York Magistrate Wants Maidens Given a Show. Magistrate l.uko J, Connoiton of Brooklyn has Just promulgated the opinion from the bench that "Widows Bhould not be admitted to dances to tho exclusion of maidens and they should not try to make a matrimonial agency of a dance hall." Tho edict was promulgated because the munic ipal hall In which the St. Patrick's day ball Is to be held Is too small to accommodute all who have applied for admission. The vote among the man agers or the bull on the question of the admission of widows wbb u tie. and the final decision was left lo Mag' Istrato Connorton, whose decree stands as tho final decision, from which there Is no appeal. Bishop of London "Stumped." The following tile, doubtless apo cryphul. is told of the bishop of Lou don. Having indulged that precious pastime of asking any small boy or girl in the audience to ask him a ques tion. Dr. Ingram was met by the fol lowing: "Please, sir, why did tho ungels walk up and down Jacob's lad der when" they had wings?" It Is sad to record that even the bishop of lon don was drlvon to make tho usual hu miliating and miserable osqapo by ro turning: "What little boy or girl would like to answer this?" NfcSil 1B 11 S1' mm 91 jli. hi II rrrwgg r par r4SB v fc.KF iSss- THE MAN OF BEAUTY NOT DESIRABLE1 AS EITHER HUS. BAND OR BROTHER. Woman Writer Points Out His Num erous Shortcomings At That, He Compares Very Favorably With tho Beauty of Fifty Years Ago. Tho handsome man Is a mistake, according to an nggrlovod person who feels herself qualified to Bpeak out in meeting on this subJecL She has been investigating him In various rolos and declares that as a lover ho Is unsatisfactory, as a huBband a fail ure and bb a brother a nuisance Tho flanceo of a good-looking man has to pay dearly for her capturo of an Adonis. She lives in n state of per petual slego ngalnBt a host cf fair rivals, nnd has to run tho gauntlet of such remarks as: "I wonder what that handsomo Mr. Jones can see In that Enid Smith," and "Isn't it funny now good looking men always marry such plain wives?" Her troubles nro all augmented when sho becomes a young matron. She has to stoically cnditro her hus band's flirtations with other women who will flatter him If she wilt not nnd to sinllo amiably when Mrs. Rob inson praiacB Jack and Muriel; "such protty children; so like their father!" Tist, but not least, sho muat skimp her wardrobe, whllo her attractive husband Bponds on his ties nnd socks what the ugly man would havo con centrated cheerfully on ills wife's fur coat, says tho Philadelphia Inquirer. As a brother tho handsome man Is certainly not an unmixed blessing. From tho first ?nomont ho opens his "beautiful" eyes ho is the idol of an ndorlng mother, who displays to his moral shortcomings n more than boo tie-like ohtusencBB. As he grows older sho palliates his love for pleasure and his disinclination for work by the excuse: "Jack is so good-looking he Is sure to marry an heiress If he goes Into society." The sister of the handsomo man is only iiBkod to parties whero the host ess dnro not ask him without her, and sho Is ordered to be civil to all sorts of people, who detest her, but udmlre "Jack." Then tho handsome brother is gonerally n woman's man, which means that Jack will not bring men friends homo to smoke and play ping pong nnd fall in love with his sister If the modern girl could hnvo her choice In such a matter she would plump unreservedly for a plain, good natured, ordinary brother, who would contentedly accept the back seat allot ed by tho twentieth century women to the "mere man," Troublesome though tho handBome brother undoubtedly is, it Is probable that, in splto ot all her protestations, her royal highness, woman, will con tlnuo to ndmiro and marry 1dm. The handsome man of to-day certainly compares favorably with tho "pnjtty" man of fifty years ago. That popular hero was narrow-chested, puny and plnk-and-whlto, while black whiskers Inevitably "adorned" his thin cheeks. To-day tho hnndsome man Is stal wart, well set up, and muscular, for mere beauty of feature will count for very little. He may not be Industri ous, but he is wiso enough to play football and golf, nnd is, by tho way, almost as conceited of his prowess In these directions ns of his classic nos and chin and "beautiful" eyes. rT PAY OF THE HANGMAN. hejJack Ketch Complained of Hfs Small Salary. The many executions taking place thesb days would give tho lie to the Htory, had it not already been con tradicted, that the hangman suffers poverty. But tho court of aldermen really does possess tho record ot nn appeal for increase of the hangman's salary. Jack Ketch wroto that, as executioner, ho could not get other employment; that ho had to keep an assistant, but that hangings were so rare as to make it Impossible for him to live. Ho must have compared his own lot with that or tho French hang man lu the palmy days of that official beroro the guillotine killed his pro fession. "Tho post is sacred here," wrote a diarist In Paris, "and ap proaches the noblesse In tho right of using a sword, nnd the priesthood in being proscribed entry at all spec tacles but that ot tho profession. It blood unsullied can ennoble, then I know of none so pure, for a French hangman can marry none but a French hangman's daughter." Far different was it with the Ketches ot old time, as tho following record shows: "Executioner's fees, 7s. Cd.; stripping the body, 4s. Cd.; use ot shell, 2s. Cd." St. James Gazette. Quite a Difference. Tho Earl of Antrim whi recently celebrated his fifty-third birthday, is a resident Irish landlord and oue who looks as closely to his affairs as docs Iord Leicester. An aristocratic acquaintance complained to him ono day that he had seen him (Iord Antrim) driving three cows along a road, which he thought was an office derogatory to one of his rank, etc, "You are under a misapprehension," replied the lord ol Glenarm Castle; "It was not three cows you saw me driv ing, but two cows and a bull " Imitation Fame. aiy search for Fame (Hie youth thus wke) Hhs lii-fti In lines eeu-mtlonul Aid yel. whatever couie I take, SiK't'tM lias btwn probatlonal. For Koine do not t all times lie, I'e iouui. In mer publicity; Nor U Fuecw fr nil who try Some form f ocooutricUy. Mv search for Fame (the youth so said) I lax Rhen mo taly. Kor thone who yearqli 1 see misled By foolish Notoriety. Brooklyn Kasls.