The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 11, 1904, Image 2

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T. J. O'Kecfe, Publisher.
News in Brief
Hnlf Lie soidlcrs of the czar are 11
Tho per capita wealth of England li
(210; that of Canada $240.
Of tho public Rcliool tonchors In thi
United Slates 57 per cent nro men.
During tho last ilceailo Amerlean ox
porta to China havo Increased sixfold
Tho sennto hn confirmed tho nom
inntlons of the Isthmian canal com
Seventeen persons In 100 In the
fctato of New York live to bo over 70
years of age.
Exclusive of locomotives, wo man
ufacture, 30,000 ciiglneB of 2,000,000
horse power every year,
The llock Island railroad has been
admitted to mil membership In the
Western tnsscnger association.
Tho Stnndnrd Oil company has re
duced tho wholcsnlo prlco on refined
oils In Ohio ono-half cent per gallon.
A sealed bottlo containing four pints
ot liquid air wnB sent from Uerlln to
Geneva, but on arrival It waB found
that three and a hnlf pints hud ovnp
ortcd. Senator Fairbanks was shown n pub
lished dispntch stating that ho had de
cided to becomo a candldnto for vice
president, lie dccllno to make nny
In 1900, according to tho census,
there were 877 gns plants lu tho Uni
ted States, and tho number wns not
growing. They earned nn income of
John P. Coopqr, former cashier of
tho Clt zens' National bank of Mc
Gregor, Tex., waB convicted of embez
zlement and given llvo yours In tho
federal penitentiary.
An exhibition Is being arranged nt
St. Petersburg of all tho Russian nrt
objects wnich It was intended to ex
hibit nt St. U)ula. Tho proceeds will
be devoted to tho Red Cross society.
The wife of a Methodist preacher,
Rev. J. W. Prlckett of Kenton, Mo., bar
fallen heir to a JCOO.000 cstato throng
tho death of Mrs. Charlotto V. S. MIL
lor, a relative, in tho island of Ja
maica. Dr. Eduard Zcllcr, emeritus profes
sor of philosophy In tho University of
Berlin, has just celebrated his 90th
birthday, and Emperor William pre
sented him with u portrait nud an au
tograph letter.
The governor of Klcff has Instruct
ed tho local pollco not to Interfere with
the families or servants of Jowlsh sur
geons who have gono to tho far east,
although tho law forbids them to ro
main outside tho pale.
Thomas F. Smith, secretary of Tam
many Hall, has just nccn In St. Louis
making arrangements for housing
Tammany at tho democratic nntlonnl
convention. About COO braves and
tholr friends will bo present.
Whether tho "beef trust" Is violat
ing tho Injunction resting against It
is to be mndo tho subject of official
Investigation by tho department of
commerco and. labor, according to n
resolution ordered reported favorably.
It Is believed that Charles F. Kratz,
former member of the houso of dele
gates of St. Louis, who wnB rocently
extradlcted from Mexico to stand trial
on tho charge of bribery whllo a mu
nicipal official, has returned to Mex
ico. Tho board of control of tho naval in
stitute has awarded tho annual prlzo
for tho best prlzo essay to Lieutenant
S. P. Fullonwldor, United States navy.
The subject wag "Tho Fleet and Its
Personnel." Tho prlzo was $200 and
lifo membership In the Institute.
It Is now certain that tho duty on
sugar entering Mexico will bo reduced
from $15 per 200 kilograms to ?2.40
per 100 kilograms. The government
has decided to become a party to tho
Brussels convention, thus securing nn
English market for Mexican sugar.
Suits for damages aggregating ?50,
000 were filed nt St. Joseph, Mo., by
Blanche E. Martin and tho administra
tors of tho cstato of Wlnflold S. Mar
tin and Eliza Martin, Duchanan county
residents, who wero killed in the
wreck of a. Rock Island passenger
train near Wlllard, Kan., the morning
of January C.
Will Schwlnk was almost instantly
killed, and his wife Mary probably fa
tally snot by John White, a eheep
herder at Billings, Mont. White says
nothing regarding his motive for tho
shooting except that "those parties
wore after him." Ho came from Em
mett, Mo., and was considered some
what eccentric.
Upon recommendation of Willis L.
Moore, chief of the United States
weather bureau at Washington, the
Argentine Republic has appointed
Montrose W. Hayes of tho Helena,
Mont., weather office chief of tho
weather department of that govern
ment. Mr, Hayes expects to leavo
soon for Buenos Ayres.
Mcrrltt O. Chanco of Ohio, who has
been secretary to the secretary of war
for sovoral years, has been appointed
chlof of tho division of supplies of
tho postolllce dopartmont, to succeed
MIchaol W. Louis, who was romoved
as tho rosnlt of tho postal investiga
tion. Aunouncomont of a further cut of 4
mills In lake grain rntos, to take effect
March 9, was sont out by tho Pennsyl
vania rUlroad.
Swiizerlana is inaugurating a systom
of itinerant school teachers, who will
visit and spend some time In the iso
lated outlying villages.
Battleships Remain Out of Range of
the Russian Guns and No Damage
Is Done on Either Side Land Move
ment Near at Hand.
VLADIVOSTOKA fleet of five
Japanese battleships and two sulsers
appeared off this place at 1:25 o'clock
Sunday nftcrnoon and bombarded the
town nnd Bhoro batteries for flfty-flvo
Tho fleet npproacned from tho "di
rection of Askold island, nt tho cast
entrnnco of Ussuri bay, and about
thirty-two m'cs south of Vladivostok.
Entering Ussuri bay tho enemy
formed a lino of battle, but did not
approach to n closer range thnn a
mllo nnd one-third. They directed
their fire against the shoro batteries
nnd tho town but no damage resulted
as most of their 200 lyddlto shells
failed to burst.
The Russian batteries, commnnded
by Generals Veronetz and Artamo
noff, did not reply, awaiting a closer
approach of tho enemy. The Jnpa
ncso lire censed at 2:20 p. m. and tho
enemy retired in the direction qf
Askold Island. Simultaneously two
torpedo boat destroyers appeared
near Askold Island and two more
near Capo Maldcl. Tho Japanese
ships wero covered with ice.
Tho attnek resulted in no loss to the
Russians, but cost the enemy 200,000
roubles (1100,000) In ammunition.
Moat of tho projectiles wero six and
twelve-Inch shells.
Tho population of Vladivostok was
warned this morning of tho presence
on tho horizon of a hostile fleet and
tho prospects of attack during the
day but everything remained trail
(lull. St. Petersburg. Advices from
Vladivostok say that tho 2,500 Japa
nese troops who landed nt Plaskln
bay (on tho east coast of Northern
Korea) nro advancing toward Mil
sung (218 miles from Gensnn) with
tho Intontlon of ultimately reaching
iluncnun (on tho left bank of the,
Tumon river, about 100 miles west of
Vladivostok) and threatening the
Russian flnnk.
In order to checkmnto this move
tho Russian outpost, 1,500 strong,
which recently crossed tho Tumon, Is
advancing to occupy Klonwon, on tho
Tunien river, a walled city command
Ing tho trails along which tho Japa
nese must puss.
Irish Nationalists at St. Louis Pass
ST. LOUIS Mo. Tho Irish nation
allsts of St. Louis nt their celebra
tion of tho birth of Robert Emmet
Sundny night adopted resolutions up
holding Russia in her way with Japan
nnd expressing "sympathy with Chris
tian Russia against this pagcu
horde." Tho resolution concluded:
"That tho special thnnks of tho ex
lied children of the 'scattered Gaol'
uo extended to tho Russian govern
ment for her work dono In tlio (ntnr.
ests of humanity by her opposition to
tho designs of England In Persia,
Turkestan, Thibet and othor Asiatic
countries, thereby preventing tho ex
tension of England's jryranny over
helpless people.' '
A copy of tho resolutions will bo,
sent to the Russinn minister nt Wash
ington. Chinese Troops In Field
ST. PETERSBURG A Russian cor
respondent of tho Associated Press at
Shanghai telegraphs that It Is report
ed at Tien Tsln that 4,000 additional
Chinese soldiers havo been posted lu
northern China nnd that tho Chinese
government has recently placed largo
orders for guns nnd ammunition.
Victims Now Number Twenty.
NEW YORK Three moro bodies
wero recovered Sunday from the
wreck of tho Darlington hotel, mak
ing tho total number of fatalities
twenty. They aro bellovcd to bo
bodies of workmen employed on tho
Porto Rico Adopts a Black Flag.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico Tho house
has unanimously passed n bill recom
mended in a messago form Governor
Hunt, tho purposo of which is to pre
vent tho desecration of the United
States flag and tho uso of tho black
Hag In Porto Rico.
Ready for Reciprocity.
MELBOURNE Premier Bekln has
announced in tho Houso of Represen
tatives that the federal government is
prepared to alter tho tanu In favor
of Groat Britain, making sacrifices, If
necessary, to secure reciprocal pref
erences. Somo of the sheep feeders in Dodge
county aro shearing their sheep nnd
sending them to market.
England Gets Tobacco Trade.
RICHMOND, Vn. A deal has boon
consummated whereby the British
American Tobacco company acquiros
tho export business of Aloxandor
Cameron & Co. and William Cameron
& Bro. of Petersburg in the United
Stntos and the Melbourne, Sydney
and Adelaide, Australia, branch
housos. Concerning tho torms of the
dealor Alexander Cameron said that
ho could glvo not details, as his
nophew, George Cameron, Is mow eu
route to San Francisco from Australia
w'th nil particulars.
It Will Be Considered by the Senate
This Week,
WASHINGTON Tho plans of tho
Rcnnto managers contemplate keeping
supply bills to the front to tho ex
clusion of other business. Consider
ation of tho nnval bill will be re
sumed Monday and then tlio army
appropriation bill will be taken up.
It Is expected that by that tlmo tho
army bill shall havo been disposed
of and that tho bill making appro
priation for fortifications or that pro
viding funds for tho District of Co
lumbia will bo ready.
An effort will be made to secure
consideration of the nomination of
Brigadier General Leonard Wood to
bo a major general during the week,
and If timo is found for executive ses
sions this matter will bo given prece
dence Senator Fornker will have chargo
of tho contest In lavor of confirma
tion, and Senators Scott and Black
burn of tho opposition.
If tho npproprlatlon bills nnd tho
Wood caso do not consumo the entire
time, Senator Lodge's Philippine
bllll will bo further considered.
United States Officers May Accom
pany Army to Observe Operations.
WASHINGTON. The Russian army
formally has granted the request of
tho United States that certain officers
of tho Amorlcan army be permitted
to accompany tho Russian troops nnd
witness their operations In the war
with Japan. Ambassador McCormlck,
In a cnblcgrnm Informing Secretary
Hay of this fact, states that the offl
cers cannot Joli tho Russian army
before April 15, of tho Russian calen
dar. Tho officers who have iieqn desig
nated for this service are Colonel J. B.
Kerr of tho general staff, Captain Carl
Reichman of the Seventh Infantry,
Captain George Gatley and Captain
William Judson of the engineer corps.
All of the nhove are In Manila except
Captain Judson, who Is In this city
and who leaves at onco for St. Peters
A Large and Rare Display Is to Be
St. Louis, Mo. Francis Call, com
missioner of tho imperial mnrltlme
customs service of China nnd assist
ant commissioner with Wong Kal
Knh in chargo of tho Chinese world's
fair exhibit, urrived from the orient
.oday. Mr. Carl said that China will
havo nt tno World's fair tho largest,
rarest nnd most comprehensive ex
hibit that has ever left the Celestial
Speaking of tho Russo-Japanese
war, Mr. Carl said that tho Chinese
would undoubtedly pitch into Russlu
should sho invade neutral territory,
though Biich ullberty might be taken
though such liberty might be taken
Is Enchanted by a Voice.
NEW YORK There have been nu
merous cases of love at first sight,
but cases of lovo before sight aro
rnrc. James Delaney of 1107 Manhat
tan avenue, Jersey City, states that
he fell In lovo with Miss Emma Laur
ens of Long Island City just through
hearing her voice in a phonograph.
Ho mado this state at the bachelor
' dinner which he gavo to members of
his club. After hearing tho voice De
laney sought an introduction to Miss
Laurens, nnd now they aro to be
Eight Carloads of Exhlbltc.
commissioners for tho St. Louis ex
position will leavo in a special car
for that city. General Director Nu
nez will take with him plans for the
Mexican conservatory, which has not
yet been built, but upon which work
will begin Immediately upon the ar
rival of tho commissioners In St.
LouIb. The commissioners havo ar
ranged their business hero with a
view to passing n year in the exposi
tion city. Eight carloads of exhibits
havo been forwarded.
Marcus A. Hanna Memorial.
CLEVELAND, O. Tho Marcus A.
Hanna Memorial association was in
corporated at Columbus by several
prominent citizens of Cleveland." The
purpose of the association is to estab
lish a chair of political scienco at
Western Reserve university in mem
ory of tho lata Senator Hanna.
Aged Woman Murdered.
nie Boone, 70 years old, was found
murdered in her bed at her homo
here. Sho had been murdered by be
ing struck over tho head with a piece
of gas pipe.
Michael Cudahy Goes to Hospital.
PASADENA, Cal. Michael Cudahy,
the millionaire packer of Chicago, has
been romovod from his winter resi
dence hero to the Pasadona hospital,
suffering from an attack of mastoidi
tis. t
Japan Has Plenty of Money.
PARIS Tho -Llborto quotes Baron
Haynshi, tho Japanoso mlnistor to
Groat Britain, as saying in regard to
mo report that -tho United States
doos not favor the floating of a Jap
anoso loan In America: "Fortunate
ly wo have no need of a forolgn loan,
as our own finanolal resources aro suf
ficient." The Froncb Red Cross so
cioty has decided It has been stated,
to sond to Japan, besides two cam
palgn hospitals, a largo quantity of
linen and clothing for the Japanese
Deprecates Effect of Estranged Rela
tions Between Two Nations and In
sists Prudence Must Ultimately Sur
mount Impulse.
press halls with great satisfaction the
American dispatches or the lust few
days as indicating n change in the
disposition of tho Washington govern
ment toward Russia. Tho Bourse Ga
zette nnd the Novoo Vremyn Fridny
morning discuss In a sober-minded
fashion Rtisso. American relations and
the danger of n permnnent estrange
ment. Tho Gazette says there Is
something profoundly regrettable In
tho present relations between these
two world powers.
"They transcend the bounds or com.
mon logic. The position taken by
America sinco last June nnd tho nnll
Russian newspaper campaign In tho
United States are so Inexplicable that
they seem like a nightmare. Since
tho tieglnning of Its history America
has Inspired tho liveliest feeling of
friendship and admiration nmong Rus
sians, and diplomatic and political ex
pressions of these feelings have been
continuous nnd constant. In-Russian
social circles there has ever been a
veritable worship of tho classic land
of liberty and tho Americans have al
ways heretofore mado Russian friend
ship ti.o corner stone of their foreign
poll eg.
"Suddenly, as If an evil spirit had
broken loose, the Americans, despite
their practical turn of mind, began to
do everything to stimulate Japanese
aggressiveness and seem now to be
anxiously awaiting Japaneso victories
in Asia, where Important American
commercial Interests are centered. As
a matter of fact, hostility between the
united Stntos nnd Russia would be
as great n misfortune to civilization
In-tho twentieth century ns was the
rivalry between Franco nnd Germany
In the nineteenth. Tho duty of every
right-minded man Is to arrest the'
growth of this nnlmosity.
"Russinn diplomacy owes it to the
Americans and to the whole civilized
world to do Its utmost. We aro not
called upon to re-echo hostile sounds
coming from beyond tho Atlantic, be
cause unfriendly sentiments do not
exist nmong us. The latest advices
permit tno belief that it will bo much
easier to remove this mlsunderslnnd
Ing than the enemies of Russia may
The Novoe Vremyn says it does not
know whether the Washington cab
lnet Influenced such incidents as the
gift of $10,000 by Charles R. Crano ol
Chicago to tho Young Czarina's fund
for Russian soldiers and sailors, the
pro-Russian Irish demonstration In
New York nnd the quieter tone of the
British press, but the paper believes It
notes an Important change In Ameri
can official tactics, beginning with a
disinclination to favor tho Japaneso
cable project followed by tho report
of Secretary Hay's dissatisfaction with
tho anti-Russinn press campaign,
which disposition was further proved
by his not Insisting on dispatching
United States consuls to Antung and
Mukden at this time, which quite
agrees with President Roosevelt's deci
sion to allow Mr. Morgan, appointed
United States consul at Port Dalny, tc
remain at home for the present, and
not send tho battleship Kentucky to
the scene of the hostilities in the fat
Enlisted in the United States Navy in
Raby Tiled Tuesday in the Piscataway
poor house, of which he had been an
lnmato for tho past forty years. If
ho had lived until April 1 next, ac
cording to his own statement, he
would havo been 132 gears old. He
retnlned his memory, and would re
call many incidents of his long career
until very recently.
Ho Is said to havo 'been 'born in
Eatontown Gates county. North Caro
lina, on April 1, 1772, In 1805 ho en
listed in the navy and served on tho
ship Constitution and the frlgnto Bran
nywine, on the latter of which Farra
gut was a lieutenant.
Alarming Rumors Set at Rest by
Statement of Physicians.
MENTONE, France, Contrary to
the alarming rumors circulated In re
gard to the health of Mr. Kruger, for
mer president of the Transvaal, Dr.
HuysmanB, his physician, says that
not for somo years has tho health of
Mr. Kruger been as good as at present.
PARIS. The Mentono correspond
ent of the Associated Press says he
saw Mr. Kruger taking his usual dally
wnlk today and adds that ho appeared
in excellent health.
Senator Gamble Loses Brother.
YANKTON, S. D. Hugh S. Gamble,
brothbr of Senator Robert J. Gamble,
dlod in this city Tuosday night of
pneumonia and other complications,
following a sovoro attack of grip. Ho
Is survived by a wife, two daughters
Jennie and Edith and two sons
James and Hugh S., jr. The latter is
at tho Tomo institute, Maryland, and
is expected Friday, with his uncle,
Senator Gamble. Hugh S. Gamble
has resided hore for twenty years,
coming to this place from Fox Lake,
He In Formally Elected and Mkes
a Speech.
COLUMBUS. O. Wednesday after
noon Lieutenant Governor Harding
formally declared that General Chas.
Dick had been elected to tho United
States senato for tho short and long
terms In the place of tho lato Sen
ator Hanna, at the joint session of the
legislature. The vote stood, Dick 174
nnd John H. Clarke 25. General Dick
was introduced by Mr. Hnrdlng nnd
said In brief:
"No man can fill, as Senator Hann
did, the place mado vacant by his
death, but each and nil of us can share
tho task nnd carry forwnrd his unfin
ished work. Nor shall we fully ap
preciate our loss, or tho weight of his
burden, until we endeavor to tuko it
up where ho laid it down.
"Recent elections, state and nation
al, have registered the will of the
people unmlstaknblv. In view of this,
it becomes our duty to glvo to tho ad
ministrations of Governor Herrlck and
President Roosevelt that earnest nnd
loynl support which they merit and
which the people meant they Bhould
have, and to uphold Senator Foraker
in maintaining Ohio's splendid pres
tige, to which ho and Senator Hanna,
by their able servlco and command
ing influence ln the upper houso of
congress, have contributed so signally
and so much."
Says that He Has Five Wives and
Eleven Children. .
WASHINGTON Attorneys for tho
Protestants In the Smoot Investigation
said they intendcl to prove that tho
defendant Is nssoclated with a hierar
chy which practices polygamy and
connives at violations of tho law and
that his very vote as a senator of the
United States Is subject to the wish
and command of the Mormon church.
President Joseph F. Smith confess
ed that he himself had continued to
cohabit with his plural family since
the manifesto of 1890 and that he re
alized fully tnat he was violating
stnto laws. President Smith nlso tes
tified that Reed Smoot had to get the
consent of his associate apostles In
the church before he could become a
candidate for senator.
, The confession of President Smith
was the sensation of the proceedings
Thursday before the senato commit
tee on privileges nnd elections. Mr.
Smith said that the manifesto of 1890
had lei him and others with plural
families in the unfortunate situation
of being compelled to defy tho lnw
or desert their families. For himself
he had preferred to "take chances
with the law" rather than to disgrace
himself and degrade his family by
abandoning his wives and tho chil
dren they had borne him.
Will Not Resist Movement Regarding
Vice Presidency.
WASHINGTON Tho Star says:
"Senator Fail banks will not resist a
movement o mnke nlm the vico pres
idential nominee of tho republican
party. If the convention nominates
him, he will accept. Moro than that,
he will not attempt to discourage ef
lorts looking to his nomination.
"It is only fair to say that no ex
plicit declaration by Senator Fair
banks to that effect has been made.
The Indiana delegation In congress
was convinced today that Senator
Fairbanks had yielded to the solicita
tion of men high lr the councils out
side of Indiana to take second placo
on the national ticket.
"Almost without exception his clos
est political friends have advised
him, in his own Interests, against ac
cepting tho vice presidency. Influen
tial republicans in the senate, such as
Spooner, Allison ami Piatt, havo
urged him to tako it, on tho ground
that ho would strengthen republican
ticket, especially in financial circles,
and that his first duty is to his party,
rather than to his own political fu
Japs Will Not Begin the Land Invest
ments for a Fortnight.
WASHINGTON Tho landing In
force of tho Japanese on the Lla Tung
peninsula and the beginning of the
land Investment of Port Arthur will
not bo for a fortnight, according to
advices received here from what aro
believed to bo reliable sources. It
was expected that the attack upon the
fortress would take placo yesterday
or today, but these later advices, with
out explaining the delay, show that
thero has been a change In the original
Army officers heer think that the
Japaneso havo decided that with the
railroad connecting Port Arthur with
tho outside world cut. thus preventing
supplies from reaching the place, two
weeks privation will render final as
sault easier.
Moreover, as Port Arthur can bo
rafely left as it Is for tho time belug
the Japanese troops may be employed
Instead In Northern Korea nnd near
tho Yalue river, where they aro most
Senate Passes Shipping Bill.
WASHINGTON. The senate Tucs
day passed the bill requiring Hie uso of
American vessels in transporting gow
eminent supplies and took up the bill
prohibiting tho uso of other than
American vessels In shipping mer
chandise to the Philippines and re
Moving tho interisland trade of tho
Philippines from the exactions of th
coastwise laws Of the United States
The flrst-montionod requirement of
tho lattor bill is already in force in
effect, but this measure exacts it in
different form.
How's This ?
We ofier One Hundred Dollar neri,J0tTtr
eiie ot catarrh that ciionot bo curt J by Hn
Cat.rrh Cure. p J 4 Toledo 0.
We, the undesigned, have known F. J. tbtner
for tbelait IB yean, and belleTO blm perfectly ' hon
crble In ll boiinen transactions end flnanciaiir
able to carry out any obligation mado hr bit nrm.
Wnoleiale Drags!". Toledo. O.
nir Catarrh Cure i taken Internally.
directly upon tbe blood and mucou nrfecei of Jbe
ayitem. feitlmonlali ent free, l'rlco JJ cent per
bottle. Sold by all Drug:!". , ..
Take Hall'i family 1'JII for con"lrtioB.
Some Infants might cry loss If their
mothers wouldn't attempt to vocalize.
Faith is the hand wherewith wo tako
everlasting life. Latimer.
A woman who looks ahead of time
wonders If she will bo as nro other
old persons.
East and South.
Special rates on salo daily to all
Winter resorts of tho Soikh. Hair
fare round trip plus ?2.00 on first ami
third Tuesdays each month to many;
points South.
The only line with Its own station
at main entrance of World's Fair
grounds. The Wabash runs on its own
rails from Omaha, Kansas City, Des
Moines, St. Louis and Chicago tt
Toledo, Detroit, Niagara Falls and
Buffalo with through connections be
yond. All agents can route you via the
Wabash. For World's Fnir descrip
tive matter and all Information ad
dress, Harry E. Moorcs, G. A. P. D.,
Omaha, Nebr.
A fault which humbles a man' Is or
more uso to him than good actloa
which puffs him up with pride.
Glittering generalities aro as likely;
to hurt tho devil as tissue paper bul
lets. To tho housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with tho new
things of everyday uso in tho market
and who is reasonably satisfied with
the old, wo would suggest that a trial
or Defiance Cold Water Starch be
made at once. Not alono becauso It
Is guaranteed by tho manufacturers
to be superior to any other brand,
but becauso each 10c packago con
tains 1G ozs whllo all tho other kinds
contain but 12 ozs. It Is snfo to say
that the lady who onco uses Defiance
Starch will uso no other. Quality;
and quantity must win.
Bachelors wonder how married men
mnnage to put by any portion of their
Mutual Insurance Is the most popu
lar. Ten years ago there was about
$10,000,000 In the state. Now, over
jlCO.000,000, one-half of nil the Pire
Insurance in the state is in Mutual
Companies. It Is also the oldest In
surance in the world, and is cheapest,
cafest and best, and no company bet
ter than the STATE FARMER'S MU
Omaha, Nebr., B. R. Stouffcr, Secre
tary. In the conduct of life habit count
for more than maxim, becauso habit
is a living maxim and becomes flesk
and instinct.
Clear white clothes are a w'gn that tho
houKekeeper mes Red Cross Hall Blue.
Large 2 oz. package, 5 cents.
Truo hnppiness consists not In the
multitude of friends, but in tho worth,
and choice. Jonnson.
The conflict with self and selfish
ness must ue fought out. George
Dawson. Ak Tonr Dealer For Allen') Foot-Eer
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
B unions. Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's-Foot-Ease
makes new or tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac
cept no substitute. Sample mailed Fr2k.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
It is wltn mon as with horses: those
that ao tho most prancing make the
least progress. Baron de Stassart.
Knowledge is a treasure at once
priceless and imperishable. Glad
stone. Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because It
never sticks to the Iron, but because
each package contains 1C oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages, and the prlco is tho same. 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell yon a
12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
disposo of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "10 ozs." Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the Iron
sticKing. Defiance never sticks.
Good breeding is a lotter of credit
all over tho world.
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