M i H r v:V -V' nmnnm tumors chrftv 1 FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Iliiyo.s First Letler Ajipcnl Inr to Mrri. Plnklinm for Help: " Dkaii Mns. I'inkiiam : I havo been under Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They toll me I have a fibroid tumor. I cnu not Bit down without great pain, and the, soreness extends up ray Bplnc. I have, bearing-down pains both back nnd front. My abdomen fa swollen, and I have had flowing spcll'ifor thrco years. My appetite Ib not pood, lean not wall: or be on my feet for any length of time. " The, symptoms of Fibroid Tumor Slvcn In your llttlo book accurately escribe mv caws, bo I write to you for dvlce."-T(SlRni'd) Mns. II. P. IIavks, 253 Dudley St. (Itoxbury), Boston, Mass. Mrs. Hayes Second Lotto? : "Dkaii Mjis. Pijjkiiam: Sometime ago I wrote to you describing my symp torn and ashed your advice. You re plied, and I followed (.11 your direc tions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman. "The use of Lydta E. PlnlclmnVfl Vcfjotablo Compound entirely ex ported tho tumor and (strengthened my whole svstcin. I can walk miles now. 'Lydla E. IMnkliam'H Vcrc tnblo Compound is worth Ave dol lars a drop. I advlso all women who aro afflicted with tumors or tfemalo trouble of any kind to give It a faithful trial." (Signed) Mns. K. R HAyks, 2.VJ Dudlevat.(Ro.bury). Itoston, Mass. IfCCOD ferHt If original cf aioa letters pteilr.g tmilncncst cannot be produced ft B a. EVERY SHOOTER S 1 I is 1 u H ! S WHO SHOOTS bas a feeling of confidence in his cartridges. They don't mbfirc and always shoot where, I you a'm. Tell your dealer U. M. C. when he asks "What kind?" Scad for catalog. The Union Metafile Cartridge Co. Bridgeport, Conn. PSglHgpEJf3!P 9 I SICK WOMEN. MY CURE FREE. I will eond my marvelous remedy which I uwvuimuiuuHiiuaoiuommioiiiiuiMr rliooa, DlsplooetnenU, Valllnc or Womb, Hot iTailios.UlceraUuns. Tumors anilnll KomaliJ Troubles Free to anv I-ndv r- nulrlntrit. KnnnnAv nnP o ?i aiit wik Is to tell your frifltids. Kxjisciant motuors, It brings about childbirth without ap nurcut naln onlinpp Vrit m-nnv MRS. H. MERKLC. South Bond, lad. PORTRAIT AGENTS Del UirMtwiUl HinuUuureri tudSivoIXBney OurgooUttheboi. 1'ricrn Llm lt.wt.sr. !'ruiiiit alilti. uirnu. Dolttm of ill imrmiKimarHDtrrd. KUiuut MiiJl- huiI r 1 1 f r.-n hend f'ir t u'ur VlilriM ADAM J. UROIX-CO., Mew Zr BttHOiic. VUt! When Answering Advertisements " Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures couch3 ana co!ds. mump - " AiSaUNmCH S if THE UDY WHO IRONS I Knowj how important it b W lo use a good starch. Defiance Starch is the best starch I A made. It doesn't stick to 1 4 I the iron. It gives a bcauti- lal lul soft glossy stiffness to the j J W clothes. It ui!l not blister n mil or crack lllt S00- " st"5 b Ib for less, goes farther, does B wl mort ' le 'a K Y B ,ron, Defiance Starch at all B m grocers. 16 oz. for 10 cents. E I Tfie DEHAKCE STARCH CO.. 1 vOMAHA - -.HUij Ik "for $7- - v yamisa."' i jo., Ss 5e 303r fevSA ;J.snriiefrrmir!Tirmaaimui House Jacket. House Jackets that arc comforlablo at tho same timo that they aro Invit ing and nttractlvo aro accounted as essentials by women of tasto and dis cretion, This one is ndmlrahlo for many reasons and is adapted both to tho pretty now cot ton and llnon fab rics of tho coming season nnd to dial lies, cashmors. French flannels nnd the lllte. As Bhown, however it Is made of flow ered batlsto trim 4037 Douso Jackst, 32 to 44 bust. med with frills of the material and bands of wash ribbon and is exceed ingly dainty. Tho Jacket Is raado with fronts, backs and Bldc-baoks. Tho fronts are loose- and hang in straight linos from tho Bhoulders, but tho back Is slightly fitted, so giving graceful curved lines. At tho neck is a big sailor collar that Is slightly open at tho front and tho sleeves nro in boll stylo. Tho quantity of material required for tho medium slzo is 4 yards 27 inches wide, 3! yards 32 inches wide and 2,i ynrds 44 inches wide, with S yards of ribbon to trim as illustrated. Tho pattern 4C37 is cut In sizes for n 32, 31. 3G, 3S, 10, 42 and 44 Inch bust measure. To Remove Tea Stains. Linens that havo boon stained by tea or coffee may bo cleansed by moistening the spots with water nnd holding them over tho fumos of n small ploco of burning sulphur, or a fow sulphur matches. Wash Imme diately with water in which a llttlo ammonia of soda has been distilled. Stains Unit nothing olso will remove aro often taken out by tho vapor aris ing from burning sulphur, but the material must bo washed thoroughly at onco. MW255 (3.&sben Kettles may bo thoroughly cleaned by boiling potato poolings In them. Never put a tablG llnon thnt has fruit stains Into hot soapsuds. It bets tho stain. Don't throw or drain vegetables in tho sink. It will nccossltnto jour calling n plumber, 03 pieces will get into tho pipes. To havo a custard plo of an oven, nice brown whon bnked sprlnhlo a llt tlo sugar over tho top' Just before put ting into tho oven. When cooking green vegetables a small pnrtlclo of Boda added to tho boiling water Just before putting In ONE OF THE ITiVBR. THE HI M IBsSgglgi jl jJMm 11P ft. ?' :- rfc;vJ ISM v:4l r v a zji. , l- -r Ti i jm vw fi !';'.,. . fMwM7vWlf 'hut "-ri .'iAjrzi .su.wtjajnr s l 3 L. 1 S. KCT.'.IH ' 1. . ' J.' SK?v1r,.V.;.(, ..'.- .t .. smp.f. t 1 1 fvv m w- -?r r " I Deep.yokos cut In Van Dyck points aro to he noted among the latest nov elties of fashion and aro exceedingly effectlvo. Tho waist llliiitratod shows one inado of puffings of stilt and heavy lace co mb In oil with a blouse o cropo do Chine tho color being Uie lovely yellow known as maize. Tho blutue is tho vegetables will keep them In frcsb color. Wood alcohol rubbed on n polished table stained or marred by a hot dish will restore tho finish if followed by a polishing with ilnsecd oil. Tho odor of wood alcohol Is not plcnsing, hut It is chenpor than the medicinal alcohol. To Clean Baths. When n scum forms on tho Inside of baths or on tho marblo lavatory basins, ruf tho sldos with dry salt and It will easily bo removed. Baths should always be wiped out oftor be ing used, nnd tho cold water allowed to run in before tho hot water tap is turned on. This prevents tho enamel from cracking. Corset Cover With Ruffled Front. Every woman knows the ndvantago of a corset cover such ns tho ono Illus trated under tho fashionable blouse waists. It is smooth and absolutely without fulness at tho back but is sup plied with frills at tho front that servo to glvo tho waist Just the appearance necessary to style. Tho model Is made of nainsook, with trimming of Valen ciennes laco and heading, threaded with ribbon, but all materials and all trimmings used for garments of 4G3GCoi not Cover, tho sort aro equal 32 to 40 bust. ly correct. Tho corsot cover Is made with fronts and back and circular basque portions. Tho back Is tucked, but the fronts nro plain and gathered at tho waist line where they nro finished with circular basque portions. Over each aro arranged throe circular frills that glvft becoming fulnoss and that jnnot at tho center whore the closing 1b made. Neck and nrms-cyo edges are finished with bending threaded with ribbon. Tho quantity of mnterlnl required for the medium size Is 1 yards 3(5 Inches wide with 21(! yards of beading und 8V& yards of laco to trim as illus trated. The pattern 4636 Is cut In sizes for a 32, 31, 30, 33 and 40 Inch bust meas ure. Nature's Model for the Decorator. A good Idea for tho decorator of a room is to follow out tho color scheme of an autumn leaf. Tho faded green und tho touches of yellow, green and crimson aro charming. Any loaf or wild flower will prove an infallible guide ns to color values and relations. Laundry of Silk Hose. Urnn water, made by adding four tahlespoonfuls of bran to a quart of water, 13 tho best thing In which to v. ash flue silk stockings. Soafi Is thought by somehousowlvos to make the silk tender and rotten. LATEST DESIGNS. !L - i ,.Jf'W i i 1 full and soft at the front, after the latust tiiodelb, but is nug at the back, wuer the full length box plait give l)ccniing long lines. To inafc. It will Ua vec.ulrod & ards of material 21 cr 2& yardi 44 Inches wide. A i: Mititon pattern. No. 4CS0, 8ia T2 n 4. will be mailed tc any ad;iTJ3 r: i . i, i i i hi lnnm.m.lliniimarui-nrfm!rjt EACJFS A Model Afternoon Gown. Light colored cloths aro much liked for afternoon gowns and always are charming. Tho costume shown is ot cliampngne colored broadcloth with trimming of velvet ornnments sur rundod with heavy lnce, beneath which tho cloth is cut away, and nar row silk braid. Tho waist is both new 4S57 WouMiWnlst wlthCnpe, 32 to -10 bust. 4624 Five Uortu I'iaro 81ilrt, 22 to 3G woJst. and stylish nnd Includes a cape or yoke collar that falls well over tho sleeves, giving tho drooping effect of fashion. The skirt Is five gored and for a woman of mddium size will be required, for waist l"-i yards 21, AM yards 27 or 2 yards 14 inches wide; tor skirt 7M: yards 27, 4 yards 44 or 3A yards 52 Inches wide. A Mny Manton pattern of the waist, No. 4557, sizes 32 to 40, or of the skirt, 4C24, sizes 22 to 30. will be mailed to tny address on receipt of ten cents for each. t&BOS!B$ffr; Tho military coat Is a favorite. Tucked coats are many and effec tive. Tails and heads arc U3cd extrava gantly. lleavor-flnlshcd ribbons nro much worn on hats. Heavy white stitchlngs aro always smart on black. l'ur scarfs aro worn broader nnd longer than last year. Shirrings form girdle effects on many house frocks. White and pule colored zibcllnes aro used tor dressy gowns. Havo two or throe sets of lingerie sleeve nifties for one gown. Charming little hats are made of chinchilla and trimmed with velvet. Fringe of glittering beads are ar ranged In varying lengths to form a hcallopcd trimming. Gowns for Occasions. Duml-toiletto gowns with semi-high corsages aro those usually worn nt theaters and small dinners, these this season are made In various shades of moiiBscIino do sole, crepe de chine, or in any of the now filmy materials for evening wear. One, particularly charming, was car ried out In black chiffon over a founda tion of Ivory satin. Tho bodice was nrtistlcally draped, fichu fashion, with long ends falling down In front and at the back. Tho waist line was de fined by a jeweled girdle, which taste fully held in tho fullness there. Tho sleeves were of the variety known as angol shaped and the neck was filled In with needle point laco. The skirt, closely gathered Into the waist, flared out below into Inrge flounces. Enticing Slumber Robes. Untieing, indeed, aro tho slumber robos of raw Italian silk, which corno about a quarter of an Inch think fit the most beautiful shades nnd in all sorts of patterns. Geometrical fig ures, stripes, plaids and floral designs are popular, but the lattor take tho lead. SAAAA Reader), of this nancr ran hpcuru anv Mm Mntiuin tihttcm Illustrated aboio be tilling nut I nil blaukM 16 coupon, ami inailli.c, with 10 oeuts. toE. U. Uarrlson& Co., 65 Plj mouth Place. Chi-i-uk-o. l'utturu will bo mailed promptly. Name ..,, Town . ..,...... Male.. Patwrn ilo..... .... AVUl Mwuit U for sUlrt) Uul Meatureflf for waUt) ........ Ajp tU aalld'a or miss's pattera). ..... )L i WHte plainly, rill out all blanks. Hnolo-o l(r. Mall to li. K. Uai rUoa X Co. , CS Plymouth ! P.ov-c, Cnicugo. r tg?1! r T- M i j J Jill 11. J Wil JUUUCT ror. nrvT on path 3n Cro? Faymenti. BEVEHAL CHOICE FAItXS. Send fur 1!U J. MULllAM., fc'loux City, lowu, A Ntw Portrait of Vachlngton. Notable nnionff the February Con airy's Illustrations will bn a fullpago i )rtralt of (Senpral Washington, thu "opy of an original painting now far the first time Introduced to tho notlco of tho genoral public. Tho portrait was made from Hie by Dr. Kllsha Cul Ion Dick,' of Alexandria, Virginia, in 1797, pud Tho Century's representa tion is taken from an excellent photo graph of tho original made by Oetz of Baltimore. in size the portrait is about fourteen by sixteen Inches; it is an excellrnt state of preservation, tho colors bolng still flesh and bright, and Is surrounded by a hoveled gilt frame nbout two inches wide, which shows the 'marks of nge and Is believ ed to be tho origlnul ono in which tho picture was placed. Indst en Getting It. Snm" Rroi cr uy lliey ilon't krrp lf' fliiiup Sturrli Iipopusp tlipy linve- :i sloe's In liuuil or 12 os:. Iirmiilit. v.liloh lluy know eatinot bf hiM tn ii rusininer who Mns onro iiKcd tin- IB oz. pacluiue. De ll jnee Stntcli for .iiim ltiouej. Children aro of two kinds, ours and others. The February Everybody's. The February iJvorybody's lias an other first-class 'scoop" nothing less than a statement of what tho demo cratic pnrty now stands for, by tho new leader of tho democracy In tho house CongreKninn John Sharp Wil liams. Another competent fentnro is Emory It. Johnson's explanation of "What tho Panama dnnal will do for tho Country." The author Is a mem ber of the Isthmian Canal Commission who devoted his attention to collect ing the statistics which should demon strate the economical value of tho great waterway, and he is" the chief expert in American on his Mibject. If excellence in magazine-making con sists in combining authority with or tertalnniont, this February Every body's should find even greater faor than Its prcdoceSsore. Feet Comfortable Ever Since. "I suffered for years ith mv feet. A friend reromuumded ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE 1 used two Ikixos of the powilnr, and mv feet havo been entlroly i-om'ortublo ever shico. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE ii icrtainlv ft trod soiid to me. Win. L. Swontistodt.Washiug tou, D. C." Sold by all Diwgists, U'6c. Do not take jour freedom for li cense Innovation by Theaters. , Tho Chicago theater managers, or at least some of them, have hit on a sensible, plan which will bo put into effect as soon a"j tiic theaters opon. A plan of the house will be painted on the nfcuoztns curtain, which will be used often, and in this way patrons may become tamlliar with tne loca tions o the exits. "Abrictonm'e." In a recent novel George Ohnct call ed one of the products which bib prin cipal character placed on tho market "Ahiletoninp." He wns not aware at the time that a liquor of that name actually existed, but its-manufacturer promptly brought an action for dam ages. The civil tribuual of the Solno gave its decision against the novelist. While it exonerated M. Ohnet from malicious intent, it held that Ignor ance was no excuse, and that it was the duty of writers to satisfy them selves that products to which they in tended to refor did not exist. In this case, added tho court, M. Ohnet could easily have consulted tho register of trade marks. Consequently the court ordered the passages objected to he orased from the book, uuder a pen alty of 10 francs a copy, while thu plaintiff was awarded 500 francsdam ages, and the right to have tho judg ment Inserted In two newspapers. Gratitude Vell Expressed. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Feb. 8th. ' Mr. C. L. Smith, painter and decora tor, whoso homo is at 309 Anno street, this city, makes tho following state ment: "I was laid up with Fomc kind of pains. Some said it was Lumbago, others Sciatica, and others again Rheumatism. A few of my friends suggested that It was load poison, but whntever it wns It gave mo a great deal of pain. In fact, almost complntoly crippled me. I had to uso two canes to walk about and even then it was a vory painful task. "A friend advised mo lo try Doild's Kidney Fills and I began the treat ment. After I lind used tho first box I was able to throw away ono of tho canes and was considerably improv ed. 'I he second box straightened mo up ho that I could go about free from pain without any assistance and very soon after I was completely cured, well and hnppy, without a pain or an ucho. Dodd's Kidney Fills seemed to' go right to tho spot In my case and they will always havo my greatest praise," When a man begins to edit tho Bible to suit himself, it is tlmo to audit his accounts to protoct yourself. MEXICAN Mustang Linime?i iu a positive etire for Pile. WINTER TOURS. Tbl is tne leaton when you want lo so South Teii. Arizona, Old Mexico and Califoinu are invitinj. Tb rate are reasonable. Let us urget that you inrlude one of the tourist re 't in them States in lour trip. Tell us where ou want to to. and we'll supply oa ritli Eiiide boolts and full information, Sc Katy's Aceni or writs OEORQE MORTON, o. r. a.. u K. A T. KT., St. Louis, Mo. sntaasHmsan Maole Sugar Cookies. Shavo and roll onough maplo sugar to make threo ctipfuls; cream with a cup of butter; artd a cup of sour cream or milk nnd two beaten eggs. Mix n teaspoonrul of baking soda with a cup tit flour; add to the mixture with onough more flour to make a dough that will roll out oaaily. Keep dough as cold as possible while cutting and rolling. Bake In a quU-k oven. These Who Have Tried It will use no other Defiance Cold Water Htnrch Iihh no enunl In Quantity or CJtial lt 10 oz. for 10 tmils. Other brands con tnln only 12 oz. - Something Beyond It. - Tho lawyer had advertised for a typewriter girl, and when a very styl ish young lady presented herself in answer ho said: "My advertisement lead that I should only pay six dollars a week Tor the work." "Yes, I know," she replied. "And you will come fo that?" "It's a very small salary, of course, but as 1 shall expect to marry you before tho year Is out, I'll take it and be along tomorrow morning." Alt Ur-TO-IATK HODflKKEnrEItS Uso Itcd Cross Doll Blue. It tnnkon clothoa clean and hwoot usvhen now. All grocors. Some people hnng outsldo liko (doles from the roof of the church and then complain thnt the church is coild. Ten cents worth of holp will mnko more religion than a dollar's worth of argument. When Your Grocer Says he does not havo Defiance yturch, you mny bo mire he 'Js afraid to keep It until bin etork of 12 oz. puckngns are sold. De tlnnco Htnrch Is not o-ily better than uny other C'jIcI Water Sturch, hut contains 16 oz. to the package and sells for same money as 13 oz. brand. Maple Hard Sauce. Crush and roll as fine as possible a cup ot maple Biignr, then heat It up with a cup of butter until creamy and light. Then add the white of an egg and beat again until foamy. Add a tiny pinch of salt, a teaEpoonful of vanilla or n little brandy, or a grating of nut meg. Pile up in a small glass dish and set on ico to harden. This Is a delicious sauco to servo with Indian puddings. $30.00 rer M. Lewis' "Single Binder," straight 5c cigar, costs tho denier somo more than other Tic ciRurs, but. tho higher price enables thH factory to use higher grade tobacco. l,owiV Factory, Peoria, 111. Maple Custardt Break four eggs into a bowl or sauce pan and boat them a few minutes, then add a cup of rolled mapic sugar, ono tablespoontul of corn starch, a pinch or salt and a grating of nutmeg, beat all together until smooth and thick, then add two quarts of warmed mill; and when thoroughly mixed turn into a baking dish, set this In n pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until tho custard Is firm In the center. More Flexible and Lasting, won't hliaKo out or blow out; Dy uslns Defiance Starch you obtain better results th.tn possible with uny other brand and one-third more for samo money. Maple ourjar Cake. Boat a cup'of flno granulated sugnr to a cream with two ounces of butter, add tno beaten yolks of two eggs, and then the beaten white of one. Sift two teaspoontuls of baking powder with two scant cups of sifted flour. Add to tho other materials, alternating with half a cup cf milk. Bake in two lay ers and put together with the follow ing: Boil a cup of maple syrup until it will spin a thread and then pour gradually into tho beaten whites of two eggs, continue to beat until thick enough to spread. To Cure a Coltl in Ono tiny. Take Laxntlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All dru gg fits ref and nioneylfitf ails to euro. 25c. Frederick the Great's Snuff Boxes. Thirteen snuffboxes in agato and jnspor, ornamented with gold nnu precious stones, and formerly tho property of Frederick tho Great, havo boon presented by tho kaiser to tho Hohcnzollern museum. If iffltcted with ceVe.d.:J:!: Thompsons Eyi Watsr fora An Egg Tester Fre Toeetherwitlt an incubator and brooder ratalocue, rontainine amoou' much otheraluab!e aud inter esting information a colored plate, showinii by I'ithteen views thn development ol tUe chick la tu shell, free, by sending to GEO. W. STAHL, Quincy, 111., four cents to pay for postacu and pacVint. Looking for a Home ? Than why not keep In view the fact that tho farming lands of KF1 fflootorn m n "I Uffllullu are sufficient to support a population of $0,000,000 or oer Tho iin.nie'ation for the pat six jears bas been phenomenal. FREE Homostaad Lands easily accessible, while other -lauds may be pur rhased from Hallway and Land Coinpuiiio. Tim trsin aud era. in; lands of Weitern Canada are tho best on the continent piodurins the best erain. and cattle (fed on trass alone) ready for market. MarhcU, Schools, Itallvrujs mid ull ntlier conditions mnko Wratern Canada an envi able pot for the aetHor. Write toSuperintendentImmigratlon.Oltawa.Can ada. for a descriptive Atlas, and other information, or to the authoriied Canadian Government A gent W. V. Bennett, 801 New ork Lifo LSuildiosy umana, Nub. ii vl- J .