The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 25, 1903, Image 5

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? Scenes Surrounding the Holy Places in Nazareth K
S Cave, of the Prophets. i
Nazarktii, Palustink, March, '03.
No one fails to visit the beautiful
soring near the center of the city called
the Fountain of the Virgin. In the
evening it presents a picturesque ap
pearance. History says: "Here the
village maidens in their bright head'
dresses, assemble, and bear away their
well-filled pitchers on their heads. The
christian dress is distinguished by the
loose trousers of the women." There
can be no reasonable doubt that she
who was "blessed among women"
would often come here, perhaps carry
ing the infant savior in just the same
fashion as we may sec mothers of Naz
areth carrying their children today;
and no doubt many a time our savior,
as he came past here on his way home,
would tarry to quench his thirst at this
very stream whose waters the traveler
may drink today as a cup of blessing."
Behind Nazareth is a high hill called
the Dome of Neby Sain, from whose
summit one of the best views of the
country is obtained. It comprcnends
nearly half of Palestine. The view
here is worth more than it costs in
labor. "At a glance you seem to take
one might ho wounded and turn upon
us. forced her other half to desist from
his purpose. As 1 was thinking of
throwing a rock at them they, doubt
less fearing David-like accuracy might
be perpetrated upon them, skulked
away toward their hiding place to the
southward and the. lady in our carriage
who had been so excited quieted down
to normal temperament.
In a few minutes the Lake of Gali
leethat historic that beautiful sheet
of water spread out before us, a sight
referred to as follows by the historian
who viewed the scene trom this point:
"In the foreground arc the steeply
sloping banks leading down to the lake,
which lies as a basin a thousand feet
below. The lake, from Tiberias on the
right, away to Capernaum on the left,
is distinctly seen. Across the lako
rise the irregular hills, sloping down
more or less precipitously to the wat
ci's edge; they are bare and barren it
is true, but they are rich and varied in
tone and tint. Behind them are the
mountains of Galilee, and away to the
north Hermou rises. Thus the view
consists of grassy slopes, a deep blue
in the whole land, and the first thought lake of considerable extent, with hills
that strikes you is that this must have j rising from it, and a snow-clad nioun
been a favorite resort of the savoir, i tain. It is impossible, however, to
nnd if so, he must have had constantly separate from these details the spirit
spread out before him the great library and inspiration of the scene; for yonder
of biblical story. On the north is was the dwelling place of Christ. Upon
Hermon; on the south the mountains those waters he trod, those waters
round about Shechcm; on the east the listened to his voice, and obeyed; from
mountains of Gilead on the other side one of those plateaus above the rugged
of Jordan; and on the west the great hills the swine fell into the lake,
sea (Mediterranean): the beautiful Bay Every place the eye tests upon is holy
of Acre; the ridge running out into the ground, for it is associated with some
sea Mount Carmel, crowned-with its most sacred scenes in the life of the
convent. Southwaids are the moun- master; even-where the gospel is
tains of Samaria and the hills round written upon this divinely illuminated
Jenin, and below lies the magnificent page of nature, and the very air seems
plain of Esdraelon, and the river full of the echo of his words. The
Kishon. Northward the view culnii- descent to Tiberias is verv steep, and
nates in glory, as Hermon, like a great the traveler will be struck' with the
wall of white crystal, stands out against, i change in temperature, reminding him
the" blue sky, with the Galileean hills of the' descent into (he Jordan. The
below it, and everywhere round that . views are interesting, especially as the
legion is scenery varied and pictur- old walled town of Tiberias makes a
csque." Staifding upon this eminence ; picturesque foreground to the scenery
at the Holiday Season, but
you will feel better if you
have plenty of it in your bin.
Present a ton of good coal to
a poor neighbor and it will do
you more good than a Christ
mas present,
Phone No. 22.
Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co.
The best work
Is the cheapest
Do yoti know who does it?
The Painter, Paper Hanger and
J Decorator. Work guaranteed.
PHONH 385.
Dray and Transfer Line.
about what to do with your Household Goodt
S. A. Miller will take charge of them: store ther
in a nice, dry and cool placo and pack and shi
them wherever desired. Charger reasonable.
Phone 139.
The only spring dray line in the city
S. A. Mi He
Coffee Sc Dowd
phophietohs or THE
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands.
. . Faaaa-l-sr OTra,a.e Solicited.
floods Oeli7ered to nnv part of the city. Come nnd Us.
Phone 206
one is reminded tuai ueic jereunaii
must have stood when lie wrote about
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babvlon, who f
was to come and smite Egypt, saying:
As I live, saith the king, whose
name is the Lord of Hosts, surely as
Tadok is among the mountains and as
Carmul by the sua, so shall he come."
Jcr. 46:18.
From Nazareth to Tiberias the road
most frequented is by Cana the his
toric Cana of Galilee where Christ per
formed his first miracle at the mar
riage feast. Johns 2:1-11.
of the lake.
Tiberias has a population estimated
at from 3000 to 4000 people and an
additional population of multitudinous
millions of rlea. . The Arabs sav that
the king of fleas lives here. On awak
ing in the morning I csked my room
mate whether he was favored with any
company during the night. He re
plied: "I was disturbed during the
night by a flea." Me voulJ have bum
equally accurate if he had said that he
J had noticed sand 011 the seashore.
In 1187 both Nuzaieth and Tiberias
In the Greek church was shown jars j were t.lken ,. g.,,,,,,;,, flftcr Ue batUe
said to have been used on the occasion jof aUillt Til) waB 1)uilt n. Hcrod
wt the miracle. They were found by ; ..., ,. ,.. .i,.,.:,,,,,! , .,. ,.
. .... ..j ...... ..vtovn-vvi v lV VIIIIVIVJ1
Tiberias. A roval palace and ainpni
theatre were built together with walls
and towers, many of the ruins remain
ing. The Jews can bu easily distin
guished by their fur caps and large
block hats. It is recommended rhat
liutopeans and Americans keep out of
the old city for various reasons. Such
a recommendation would be just the
medicine to cause almost anv widi-
to a spring with large earthen jars for , avvake pereou to make ,,is way in or
Avater, we were shown the spring or j die . tl(J attemJt Consequently I,
well from which the water is said to I ; company with a En,ish Kelte.
have been, drawn which took jwit in ,I)aiIi peIletrateil to the daikest, dhti
the miraculous transformation. 1 have j cst dinK;e8tf ,nost for8akeI1 aml hlde.
long since ceased to record the events 8Cribable scctions aud returned to the
which caused me to be surprised, non-1 outsi(e worM t)) , game day wjth r
piusseu, amazcu ui ...m i u. ,.....,, 8tor(J of memork;J weU worth forget.
rn- 1 1 7frf-ilVV?TTrm" r
w n HL
'i-i si;
excavators under the old chuich which
was displaced to make room for a more
modern structuie. The j'ars shown in
this church are no less than twice as
large as I had expected to see when I
was informed that the jars were on ex
hibition. The home of Nathaniel was
pointed out, also the birthplace of
Jonah at Gath. Following a number
of voting ladies who were on their way
The Old Way
Was gqod hut the new way
is bettor. We deliver large
or small orders of high
grade coal
Forest Lumber Co.
I have on hand samples of Piano Players, both Klcctric anil Foot
Power. Also Roth & Unglehatt Electric Self-Playing Pianos. In
order to introduce them 1 would be pleased to exhibit them at a
limited number of social gathering1 such as church socials, lodge
meetings or piivato etiteitainiiieuts without charge or expense to you.
If Interested call on me nt fiOft Laramie Avenue or 'Phone 224
In The Good Old Summer Time"
Pcoph: bought their Staple nnd Fancy Groceries
at Graham's grocery store. Now winter is here
and they buy them just the same and so they will
the whole year through because he carries, the
best selected stock in the west. Prompt attention
and courteous treatment is what customers like
and what thdv always get at ....
'Phone 5O
Cor bin Building;
IF. J. Brennan & Co.... I
Drugs, Perfumes
Toilet Articles.!
Paints, Oils and WaJL Paper t
"PxcacTlvVvowa CaTfcuWv Comouudefl. !j.
Alliance, Nebraska. :;
., vm v j' 4
YHtinmchf and ..iropyjiTrflQra
s aoiftjiaiyi o&mkTuiflji
tij . irnMiiiB in miiiiim 1 1 mi i in n mi n 11 11 iilimnri' Til
. , .
S( We are prepared to make. ou wells at j
5! anv size or depth and furnis an alnnul- i
' . s
ance of water for hand or v. ind pow er. C
f Acheson & Joder!
Is One qf the Most Up-to-Date Dru
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Carefully i gg,
ComTDOiinded a
Watches and Daimonds.
Fine Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
Alliance, Nebraska.
but right here I shall state that this
well, ten feet deep, without a pump or
rope, was entered by a voting lady who,
with unwashed feot, stood in foutteon
inches of water, her tkess or skirt hav
ing been rolled about her waist. An
other lady descended about half way
where she took her station, supporting
herself by anchoring a foot on each
side of the well, thereby completing the
highway by which the jars were low
jrcd, and raised when filled to be car
ried away by the others who came in
Enroute from Cana we passed the
traditional Mount of Beatitudes whore
the Sermon on the Mount was
preached, if this is the true site. An
other tradition fixes this as the scene of
the Feeding of the Five Thousand.
Matt. 14:15-21). Hetwecd Cana and
Tiberias additional interest was added
by the appearance of three hungry
iackalls by the roadside. They came
T diamonds,
o e
I took an excursion on tho Sea of
Galilee to the south of Tiborias, visit
ing the hot springs which pour foi th a
torrent of waters heated to tho high
temperature of no less than 140 de
grees Fahrenheit, lxjing recommended
as a sure euro for iheiiniatisin. Plutfgu
your hand into that water an I did 1 tul
you will withdraw the same as quickly.
No one can visit this place and then
entertain a doubt about Palestine be
ing in close connection geologically
with a very, very hot place. Too hut
for comfort, thank you!
The Sea of Galilee is said to be alive
with fish, and if those served at the
hotel are fair sample, one must seek
elsewhere than on this earth for thoir
eouals so far as I have observed. The
shores are lined with fishing smacks.
Little boys and gills in large numbers
were scattered along the shore each
frm ihn liills. ran alone before us for . with shiners, tlie reward ot a momont s
several rods, at times being no more patience. Nets are used by men in
than thirty yards from the carriage, possession of the larger boats and it
A gentleman of no loss than sixty-nine j seems that the quantity ot fish annexed
summers, who had crossed America ! here by the Isaac Waltons ought soon
for the golden west with the forty-' to make thfs lako fishlws-btit not so.
Repairing in all its
GoId Jewelry,
Am. Kin
Hail orders promptly
attended to.
Schlitz Export and tJrau Bottled Beer
V. 11. McBrayer, Atherton, Paris
Club and Sam Clay Whiskies.
Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must
be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck
of each bottle.
Family and Mail Order Trade solicited
Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city. 'Phone 13c
AIo O. Bor-mes9
Jeweler and Optician.
ooo9oaod0oaacoo-'- ;--oooofl0 jikk oc00
2 The placing of a few V
dollars monthly in the !;
w 1W 1
g ... ALLIANCE ...
National Bank
will soon enable vou to
2 buy a comfortable home. L Bftis.flp,
t M. Ksinill, l'rt'uldont
2 W. II. Coiidin. V. I'rablilont
P. L
. 0. II. CONSETT.CWiler i'Y
Kit wr rTn man n fi trtl Pz-JJ flEU
mshl swmm.
r yjant QP iffew rp-y W
xiir witi I
Swmv ' m a
miners, drew his revolver to fire at
them but his young wife, fearing that
15. C. Horn..
(Continuedinext week.-)- -
oLLJu 0
Christmas Puzzles
May be your puzzled about your Xmas gifts don't know
just what to buy can't think of anything. May be we
can help vou make selections. We've got presents for
everyone. To) s, dolls ard games for the little folks.
Useful and elegant presents for grown folks. Toilet sets,
glovo boxes, cuff and co! Mxes, cigars, (the good ones)
cigar cases, smoker c '..-.. li'ary brushos, perfumes,
stationery, etc. . ov . : !. new novelties a( the
Alliance Pharmacy .
J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor.
306 Hox Butte Avenue. '