i i rx- NO LAUNDRIES IN CHINA. Sailor Ponders Over What to Him ! a Mystery. "It's the funniest thing to me," ealfl an old sea captain who fot tnaiiy yean was In tho China trade, as ho settled himself comfortably back In his cliult and blow a few rlrgs of smoke Into tho Air, "that nice out ot every ten Chinamen who come to this country open laundries and engage In a I url nes8 which does not exist 'n tl.e. native land. "As everyono knows, Ui3 Chlncso at homo wear soft cotton end woolen garments, according to the reason, and there Is not a pound of starch In all China Stiffly starched clothes aro unknown, and the Chlnere men do not do toe washing, as tlmy iiu in this country. Neither Is there any regular laundry In tho Tlowerj Klrrdom. Therefore it Is moro than passing strange tbnf Chinamen should all comb to America to enraef in a trade so foreign to their nome irdustries." HAD HIS LESSON LEARNED 2upll In Mr. Rockefeller'n Sunday1 School Gave Good Anuwer. John D. Rockefe Ier, Jr., as 1h well known, is an ardertSunday School wcrkoi and superintends a gathering of youngsters every Sunday. His ex periences are not unlike those of oth er religious workers and the answers to some of his queries are amusing. In fact, one answer was embarrassing lather than amusing. Ho desired to onconrago the mem bers of his class to commit tp memory certain bible verses. Sometimes the teacher would quolo a portion of the sentence, halt, a: d almost Involun tarily the student would completo It "Tho earth Is tho Lord's?" sug gested tho teacher. The boy could not continue. "And tho fullness there " en couraged Mr. Rockefeller. "Belongs to the Standard Oil com pany." added tho pupL. Kept Given Name Cccret Col. A. W. Shaffer, a. ...stmaster ot Halelgh. N. C, and a i inn of promi nence throughout the t r -?, lived for thirty-five years In Ra!ri r. ard wa3 a resident of that place a. t..o Umo of his death last week. Bit v.o one there 01 elsewhere, not even Kg wife, 'new his given namo. WLen I'ol. SI "'fer was appointed postmaster by l'.c3l dent Harrison It was supposed, ot course, that ho would give his full name when subscribing to the cnth of office, this being required by the gov ernment. Tho colonel, however, re fused to do so and It was onl-' after considerable correspondence that he was permitted to assumo tho office. No ono knows why he war so secret' Ive about the matter. Negroes Will Reign Supreme. An American paradise for the negro ts soon to be established on Long Is' land. It will be known as Beulab land, arid tho design is to populate the colony with negroes from the Vlr glnias, Pennsylvania and tho Bouthara states. The object Is to have a co operative colored colony. The colored man Is to rule everything. Threo hundred colored men and women will come from Georgia and North Carotin within a month. They will bo estnb lished In portable houses capable ol accommodating five persons and cos, lng ?125 each. Negroes will own and operate the factories, electric roads electric light, gas and water plants Rnther Ambiguous. George Seton, a London writer, has published a budget of anecdotes, one of which tells of a fashionable wom an who appeared boforo Pope Leo In a very low-necked dress. His Holl ness disapproved of the costume so Btrongly that ho sent a cardinal to re monstrate with tho wearer. The messenger made this rather ambigu ous explanation: "The Pope, my deat madam, Is rather old-fashioned, yo' know, and dislikes seeing any lady U evening dress. I, on the other hand, who have spent six years of my life as a missionary among tho cannibals, am quite used to it." Where Feathers Come From. Tho beautifully colored feathers onv sees In tho shops come from China, Japan, and the islands of the Pacific South seas. India, Africa and Soutb America snnd a great quantity ot par adise blfds. httrons, cockatoos ar.d pur rots, although most parrots skins como from China, where tho small green parrot 1b so common as to be al most a pest. Tho iridescent imploo and the little merle como from South America. White pigeons from Japan tako tho place of the gull, now p-i'ct-ed on American shores. A Good Suggestion. Beerbohm Tree, the London actor, nas a daughter, Viola, who shows strong artistic tendencies, tbo"gh she does not wish to enter the pr fesslon In which her parents have neen so long prominent. When quite a little girl she bagged her father to got her a pony. "But, my dear," raid he, "u pony costs a lot ot money " Little Viola considered a moment and then said: "Well, why don't you act better and then you would get more money." Her Words Came True. Senator Prltchard o North Caro iina, telling how healthy his section of the state Is, remarked: "A moun taineer, aged ninety-two, and his wife aged ninety, were returning from the 'uneral ot their oldest child, who had ' died at the age of seventy-one. They were both deeply grieved. Ab they ' xero discussing their loss the wife ftald. "'1 always told you. John, that w would nevfir raise that child." Yellowstone Bear Ara Tama, Numbers of hears congregat around the dump back of tho Canyon hotel In the grand ranon of tho Ye' lowatonc. Tl.oy rie (abashed at th presence of rcvp t.td aie lalrl tame, although thev '.ctrcut when any one offers to hnnd'n- t. cm. Ono Ihu carried a tin caj f.ia th dump ui his foot for uc two mo: th. Then aro probably ifcomrtnds t'i hear h Yellowstone park, as thu yovmmncnt prohibits hunting. Kaiser Is a Mighty Hunter. Tho German empoior has Just celo ornit-d the thirtieth annlvusary of his areer as a sportsman. Gonnnny being the c1r-,a!c land of st.T''cs, It Is sRr v su pricing that an react we 3.1" n.';Id Lave been knjjt or IjIk ma Jet i'd "bags." It Is nnnouiKC'l. or the basis of offlclnl figures, that lnc J started shooting and hunt ns tnlrty years ago tho emperor has n -"Otinte-d for no logs than 44,443 hen.' of game Invitation From Dead Man. A resident of Walttiamstow, Essox, England, had rather a nd shock the other evening. Ho totolved a lottor the address or vhlch was In the handwriting of a fr!nil who had been dead six worths. Upon opening thu missive he fou; d it to be an invita tion to lunch. Tho letter had been nearly a year In transit. More Arbitration. Tho world's arbitration tribunal, which has Just settled a dispute be tween the United States and Mexico, has another question to arbitrate, this time between Japan and England, Ger many and France, over tho rightB of foreigners to hold property In Japan. It's arbitration tue world over. Last Shakespeare Descendant A memorial stone, commomoratlvo of Shakespeare's granddaughter, Elizabeth Barnard, wife of Sir John Barnard, has recently been placed in tho church at Ablnguo', Berkshire, where she was burled, fihe was the last direct descendant or te poet. Her death occurred In 16'!9 Possibility of P.rra-. On one oconsi"i ., ".lro spoke hlcbly of Haller av t..c.i told he was very mngnas ..o.x . .. Id so, as Haller had spoken in i.u,t- t..o con trary way of him. "Perhaps, re marked Voltaire, reflectively, and aft er a pause, "perhaps, we are Loth mistaken." Where He Slept. Hoax Funday's such a slow day. Why, I wns In bed and asleep by 9 o'clock lfcRt Sunday night. Joax Huh! I was asleep a 7:45. "Oomo off I You never went to oed that early." "Oh, no; but 1 was In church at that time." Philadelphia Record. Much '. ampalgn Literature. Posuno'tpr Hubbard of Boston fur nleh"s good evidence that the recent political campaign aroused consider able Interest in Massachusetts. Near ly twice as much campaign literature was handled as was ever before known in his office. Ho Meant Well. "ThlB bell," said o wall-meaning sex ton whdn showing .he belfry of an In teresting village church to a party of visitors, "is only ruug .n case of a fire, a flood, a vis., from the lord bishop of the diocese, or any such calAmltles." Possibilities in Advertising. The man who thinks satisfactory ads can bo dashed off In a few min utes at any time thereby proves that bo hafi no comprehension of the im mense possibilities of good advertis ing. Advertising Experience. Taking No Chances. Clerk I'm sorry, sir, but i can not sell you morphine. Homely Customer Why, do I look like a man who would kill himself? Clerk 1 don'l know, but if I looked like you I should be tempted. Old London Bridge. Old London bridge took tho record time of thirty-three years to build. It was begun In 1176 and not completed till 12C9. The present bridge was bo gun in 1P24 and finished in 1831. It cost $2,500,000. Want Chamberlain in Australia. Mr. Barton, the premier of the Aus tralian commonwealth, will Invite Mr. Chamberlain, the colonial secretary, who Is on his way to South Africa on a visit, to extend his tour to Australia. Work of English Painter. C. Ricketts is an English paintet who Is following the lead of Bocklln md Franz Stuck In painting centaurs. He indulges in Biblical as well a classical subjects. Ancient Coin Found. A all"r penny minted at Bristol in mo reign of Edward I. has just been unearthed in that city during some ex cavations for a new water main. Remedy for Whooping Cough. Baked mouse, it is alleged, is still -onsldered a good remedy for whoop ing cough In somo parts of Yorkshire, England. j Lorg Race on Stilts. i The longest race ever run on stilts tcok place from Bordeaux to Blo.'Titv Ai 18U3. Tho distance Is 303 miles. Saloons Are Plentiful. Lynn. Norfolk, England, has one Mr taou for overy hundred inhabitant Color Was All Right. The elder Dumas once nan wearl ;he ribbon of a certain ordor, having rscantly been tunJo a commandant, and an envious friend ramnrked upon It "My 3eur fellow." ho said, "that cordon Is ti wrot'hod color. One would think it n your woolen vest that waB showir.g" "Oh. no. my dea 1E ," replied lirnias with a smile "you'ro mlstakor. It's not a bat olor; It Is exactly th snat'o of thf our grapes In the fable Mystery Clcs'ts A tcn:a trnler or. i.li Scotland, has brought o of a horse and r. earring Their recovery sxnlalCH poarance 1G years tifco of . roachmnn. Ho went to n-ot tor one wild night, and w rj In "Sv .at. ctor" t da t:ovor heard of again. At tho tlni" ho be lief was thnt ho had bo crx.i fad in the river and carried Into the Gare Loch. Export of Rabbit Skins. Not everyone knows of the enor mous trade betweet Kv gland and the United States in raV-li sklnB. Over I.OOO.OOU were dealt with by ono Blr nlrghnm dealer la-t year. Tho aklns xo .list Bent to t.;o Continent, where he long hnlrs arc extracted by hand, lie skins being subsequently pro pared for tho making of hats. Rarity Among Women. There may bo some husbands who vlll be filled with envy when they read that tho deep melancholy In which the czarina is said to ho leads her to pro swvo silence foi long periods even in the presence of guests. Certainly her alleged mania might take a more acute and objectionable form. Ireland's Scnool Census. The commissioners of National Edu cation In Irelnnd, Li their report which was Issued rorcstly state that d--lng the past year thoy liad provided places for 897,408 pupils. T number In average attendance, wa'h In 1900 was 47S.224, showed las. year an In crease of 3,807. A Bridegroom's Gift. Cameos are a"nfn crru g Into fnsh Ion, and some lct.u ful t'.iiijra '" ' lino have Just L -- eoen in u bride's "corbelllo." Tho brid'.r gave his future wife a cameo tirr - -each cameo being a lifelike p the bride's father, mother, li.tu. and sisters. Superstition About Cats. Scotch peasants believe thnt a cat scraping is a sign that somo boast horse, cow, pg or dog will bo found dead on fog farm before long. A cat washing Us face portends rain nex day; turrlig its back to tho flro por tends storms and rains. No Wonder. King Lewnnlka created some con sternation among his subjocts when he arrived at Lllalu, tho Barotseland capital, wearing a silk hat, frock coat eult, kid gloves, patent leather boots and carrying a walking stick and an umbrella. Prcf. Dolbear'e Career. Prof. A. E. Dolbear of Tufts coV lege has Juot celebrate! his slxty-flftt birthday. For ovor twenty- 'ghi years ho has been a professor at Tufts, t'e was born In the earns houso in which Benedict Arnold was born. Irving's Fondness for Tea. Sir Henry Irving haB a weakness for tea. He likes to brew It himself, and never travels any long distance with out taking a full tea equipment with him. Sir Henry's favorite brand Is an expensive China tea. A Young Biblical Student. One clay my little brother Willar , was asked how ma-- apostles there were, and ho renll , "Eleven." On being corrected, he said: "Nf there wasn't twelve, 'cause Judas reined " Llttlo Chronicle. Runs Throur Natural T'-- '. Tho railway l. urlstol, Big Stone Gap, Va., is tho c v whlch runs through a natural . This tunnel is 930 feet long, a..v. ..as been formed by a river known a? Stock Creek. Statue of 8h'rldan Completed. Augur' St. -udens has complete ed his - .Jnstr'-.'j statue of Gen. Phil Sheridan at West Lebanon, N. H. It is ready for shipment to New York, where It will be erected. Wanted It, Anyway. Gerald As it is to be a secret en gagement, it would not be wise foi mo to give you a ring a't present. Ger aldlno Oh, but I could wear It on the wronrf hand. Judge. Just Dividends. Prabably It isn't true that Plerpont Morgan wants 'he earth. It may be that he only craves the fullness there of. Philadelphia Inquirer. Has Served ''Five Yea--s. Albert von has re fessor ot an e Ui ot Wurzburg. i jr th r nvo years. Mc ilef A patent .. us est thing In 'fir the public ir asked to swa. Mlll'ons of Buttons Used. The world uses about l(!,200,0Vf worth of button- yearly. I'at Worrt in L.1trntor. There are pet words In literature words which becomo tho fashion tot a time and then tako rank again In obscurity. Thus In the elghtenth oen lury we find suoh words as "vastly," "hugely." "the quality," "gonteel," itc. "Elegant" still lingers conspicu ously In America, nnd in England at tho present time cspeclnl favor seems to bo shown to "convincing," "weird" and "strenuous." Notes nnd Queries. Noma Kinmlniitton Aliment. Examination answers; "Puritans irero a class of peoplo that camo Into xlBtence and wanted tho church's weeping done moro rapidly." "The Pilgrims were a religious sect that dM not bcllovo In tho doctrlno of tho Church of England." "Tho only means of communication tho colonists had vas by horseback, and In this way It 'cole a long Umo for u letter to go to Europe." LIU rary Digest. To Die DUabtmt Rhlp. South Shields, England, Intend turning to a novel uso tho ship that wns driven ashore during tho gale ot a tew weeks ago by converting her Inte rior Into n refreshment saloon for tho jumnirr months, while tho deck will bo utilized aB a platform for outdoor p"nrtnlnmonts. Tho ship Is water tlrht and stands on an oven keel, but her relaunching is pronounced to be Impracticable. Mfitijr itoRin "Cnrol" ricturfit. "Corot," said a Philadelphia artist, "is known to havo painted 8,000 pic tures, but thorn nre 28,000 Corots In existence, for this man was very wide ly counterfeited after his death. There was, you know, a French painter of a really exqulslto talont who got five years In Jail for counterfeiting him, and tho dealers who sold tho tako Co rots got ten years. Wit of clinrlot I.umb. In olden days strong lnnguago was not considered Impolite, oven In the presenco of Indies. It was a lady who bored Charles Lamb with her extrava gant prnlso of a friend. "I know him, for. blm!"' the ladv could not forbenr iexclclmlng, nnd Lamb could not resist tho temptation to reply, "Weil, l don i, but d n him at a hazard!" Grent IlrUain'a Nntloiml Debt. The national debt of Great Britain was reduced during tho reign ot Queen Victoria by about $750,000,000. Tho cost of fighting the Boors has bo far been about $800,000,000, so that Great Britain hnB expended In less than threo ycarB moro than was saved dur ing the entire Blxty-throo years of tho Victorian period. A Nattopat MonninonU At a recent meeting tho French pop ulation of Chicago complotcd arrange ments for tho erection of a untlonal mdnumont In tho form of a $100,000 building. Tho building will consist of a theater, lodge hall, club houso, and gymnasium, and will bo erected in the center of tho French colony. Cxar DUllkea Mnxlm QorltL t Is stated In well-informed quarter tnat the czar has refused lo sauctlor the re 'nt election as honorary mem ber of i i Belles Lettrcs section of the Imperial Academy of Science of tho well-known popular writer Alexia Peschkoff, better known by his pseudo nym of Maxim Gorki. Tlio Force of Kxntnplo. It Is well known that yavnlng Is .i a way contagious, and occasionally a practical Joker will make uso of the fact in a street car. By yawning once r twice ho is sure to set his fellow -passengers agape, much to his ow.. amusement and their embarrassmenL Bml SnmliifT. Since hu? appointment aB Commln doner of Pensions Mr. Ware of Kan ra8 has begun to pay some of, the ter rible penalties of greatness. Some o his earliest and worst poetry 19 being printed by tho newspapeM. Mllwuu Ueo Sentinel. Jew In ItvlU. According to a census taken ther are 17,180 Jews In India. Scarcely one third of them are European Jews. TN rest aro descendants of those whr claim to have omlgrated to India fil ing tho reign ot Solomon. Mutter of .Veinuroiuwnt It may be observed in passing t'.-.a the clothing-store clerk who was vec ed mayor of Hartford by n vote o '" 648 against his opponent's 6,131 ' the other man's measu: s In s luipe. Buffalo Exprosa ltnoiom Monej nt W rk. Kroin the fact that a Maoadoa'.- i rrlt 13 stepping Jauntily down : '- tne footlights. It may bo infer; e' " while tho ransom monoy was :.o- thnt could be dc.rcd it was i.... to do. French Journul t (a Amtwli-'- Buuiu Varllia, president o. Matin, ParlB, has airlvad In Uf tho object of his visit bein; from his editorial work and extended tour of tho cuiwfy M mur il io Q ) hi tnemory of w.t COO servants of Ui toria'u household hi Clewfir Conval' Iropurin Ginseng to u 000 is o&PvUit. year from ilut, c dlclne inrt t- Stock and Stockmen. Nebraska Stock (irowci'n AHsoclntlon. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modlsott, president, Itushvltlo) It. M. Iltunptnn, vico-prestdont, Alliances E. M. Benrlo Jr., scorotiiry-tiTaMirer, ORaliillu. Hxeeutlvo committee K. P. Myrrn, Lcna H. It. KltK'itld, HliiRlium: .lohu llrriiiiim, Allliinco;.T. II. Viinllortlrk, Allliincoi K. K. Lowi Hjiuinlsj .toliu M. Adams Potior; 11, M. Allen, Aiiiph! . I.Irco, LotlKepolo; Kvort r.ldml, Orliiuilo; P.. 0. ltnrrlo, (Mnulroii; I,. W. lllckull, Klmbnll: ltobort Orutiiiin, Al tlnnce; .loliu t'oinviiy. DuiiiiIiir; .1. II. I'mik, AKtoiA. S. Heed, Allliince. MOSLKIl & TOLLY, Jt'st, Nub. Htook bmndi'il ns shown on out on oltlii-r Mdo. AlvjJ-Oont'llli- er side. Township 26- ntul riino 43. SC1IILL llltUB., Kchlll, Nnb. Ciiltlo liruiKk'il nn right thigh nr XV on right slilu. Township 27 range 45,Hlicrltliin county. VM. U'MAltA. Moomuw, Ncli, Cnttlo liruiidcd Cut hoik" cross on rlulithlp. Horses briinditl sumo on rlulit ttliouMor. Ilaneh on S. V. H at section 00, 2MJ 1111(1 UllJilLTIIt runKo DILL1NU. Uo llutte. Neb. Cnttlo liruiiilcrt ns I) cut on lett hip, ulso wlili tho liar ovi i- Instead nf under litiiiid. Alsoonlett Hide U'ih-IiuwU keeiiuu ii.wm in townsnip -i, ruiiKo 40. CUItHAN IUtOS., Canton, Hloux county, Nub. (CrosN II (1rnss) on left side. Also II I on left thluli. Under n lop 11 on left ear. Horses branded KIlIUOHHCUttM on loft Jaw and U on leftkhouldcr. .IOS. NKUUI), Mallnda, Neb. On left hide. N on left Hide J. II, Norud. N on left tblKli Prnnk Nurud. Alllatico, Neb. 3 5 connected, any place 011 left bide. Ititnce 011 head of Pine Creek, Sheridan county. STOltM LAICB UANt'll, KOUEtlT OKAMAM, Cleuiitn, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; loft ear cropped. Horses branded () on left Jaw. K. .M A It IX, HemliiRford, Nei. Cuttle branded tlylnir borneslioo 011 left hip. as In rut lloiiii) ranch nee, K3-jr-'J) Horse ranch in 20-40. II. A. ALLISON. Lakeside, Neb. Oattlo tirandml X oi -jKi!t hip. llaiiK'o in Twi 2.ran(;o5, Sher- dan county. POINT-OF-KOCKS ItANOII. JOHN O'KEEl-'K & PONS. AUIaiu-e, Neb, Cuttle branded OK on loft hide: also ok and OK on left side. Rtnnkmfiii: It. will - , . Pay yOll XO advertise your brands in this rT11 TT , , paper. Hie JderalQ hoc tho lavtyoot nivnn- nas xne largest cncu lation 01 any newspa per in Western Ne braska. A Snap The undersigned has 300 tons of salt grass hay. Lease on live sections ot tine rango, good until May J. 1904. . Plenty of water, bliod and I.ousu. A'ill .sell cliuap. Twelve miles, southwtmt ,t Hay Springs. Write me or come nod soe me. J. K. Sfi.pkr, 49 Antelope, Neb. ft "" M O J 1 ' .- ... J. .... .-n I 2 xv lr J JjsBba-u .zJitf iff ISrV sst II. A. Fait r"NwBBjls,fc N l . .itj Bw.ivw. Fl ul. T. .I. DOWD, HI Yin 1 J ' f-N- jr I irririfl : Uk 1 mSK n Quy Lockwood (JItADtATr. CIIICAUO NOIIOOI. UP KMtlAt.MINO Funeral Director and Iimbalmcr Phones OfTico ai. Res 205 Iixpcrt l.ndy Atleonnnt .. AlllQnCB, Nib, I.odoc ntUKirrnwv, ItoYAti lltmil-ANDnifl-Alllanco Castlo No. 4H nicctH very necoiid nnd fourth Thursday oven up in W. O. W. Hull. Vhltlng Olnntuncn cnrdlnUv Invited. K. V. Wooim, O. W. Jarrisits, lec'-. U P. ATTOItlSKYR. Orrtcn Pnomi tw. Kksidrnoh Phone 203. k. C. NOLEMAN, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Itixmii I. 2 mill !l I'lrst Niitlnnnl Imntr ImlM 1 InK.Allliinco, Neb. Notnry In ofllco. ' ;vv7simonSoi Attory at Law.... Olllco Up-.stulrH Over Postofllco HMITIt 1'. TUTTLR. IUA E. TABIC. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANOK. NEIL WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HVV, ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTOnNEY' AT LAW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. J. E. MOORE, M. D. PMrruir.it ui.och, ai.i.ianci:, ni:h. Oiills unsweied from office day or ulitlit. 'i olephono No. Si, DR. Q. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty jriirH experience. DlacnMi of women and children and iioii-burglcal ro niovnl of kiiU stones atul t-uru of upondlcl t Is, HpoclnltleH. Oflleu first diKir w'oHt of O'Connor's bakory. I'honodayorulKlit, 111U H. H. Bellwood, PHYSIOIANand SURGEON. Moisten lltilldlnR. - ALUA? JK, NKII L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In Klrst National Hank block. All! unco Nebraska. juuavTfrey; C8TEOPATH10 PHYSICIAN. Olllco two blocks north of Times building, I'lwno S5H. Hours, bioVi 11. m 1 :30 to 5 p. m. DrTTTrTaggm Is prepnrud to trout uny nnd ull disonboK hnown to the horse nnd cow. Spoclnl attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed IJurn North of Palaci Livery. 'Pho 101 nNjTBOOTnTSjHOTS madbtcTqudeh. hepahuxo a specialty. ohdehh called kou and delivered RJJDSEN A. I). NEW, AUCTIONEER. Hales cried In this arid ndjoliilnir counties by tbo day or eoniinlshlon. .sixteen years ex perience. KntUf action Kitiiianteed. Con tract can bo Hindu ai 'l 111. HicnAi.t) ofllco whero refeiences to Alllaiico eltl.ens will also bo rIvuii. F. M. WALLACE J)IUY LINK Moving Household Purnituro and Trunks a specialty . , Phont No, i Young's grocery, Alliance ' -- - , W. M. FOSKET, -u.ctioanLeex X Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY." C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to huy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me. .... . Hemingford, Neb. a ptrtcu neDrr in contrs. I For a number of years MissisHlppl has sent a Patrick Henry to consrc ,,Jea t ciaim ns many Patn, Henrj'B do, to ho tho only and sol lineal descendant of tho Immortal pa- l"ol DUt ne comes trom that fama u hranch of the u s3ra Mr. Henry Is the nephow of Pt.-1 . Henry, who rcproEontcd th 1 r . i district In the last two u i,,ri For nearly 100 years tho oMf 01 if the Henry family has be si a 1 4 Patrick la honor of tho gi .m V .r ;i t laa. Washlrrfr.r TIroea. Proof fontli . Tho Keokuk. Iowa. De -Tho best evidence that ' a shelter and mother to tho fact that every time " to revise it Is made the tr u t their hands la holy horvor tropoBition."