The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 20, 1903, Image 1

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    State Historical Society
The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of the City
and County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
Potato Growers
Any tftilo you have good
marketable potatoes to
sell we wiH buy. We
pay the Highest Mar
ket Price at all times.
We will buy at Alliance,
Hcmingforc, Marsland
and Uerea all fall. See'
us before you sell or
contract your 'potatoes.
Raymond & Quivey
I id e zlst zc x s zn I
In Alliance 1630 of every month.
Office over The Famous . . .
'Phone 391, m
Mollring Bros, shoe sale is on.
Xmas photos Alliance Art Studio.
Newberry sells stoves from S2.50 up. 48
Those new Carving Sets at Newberry's
are beauties; 48
Childrens' underwear 10 cents a garment
at Mollring Bros.
Late novelties in hats and caps at Moll
ring Bros.
We have the latest styles in photos suit
able for Xmas gifts. Alliance Art Studio.
For Rent Four large rooms fine block
from 'postoffice, suitable for family. W.
G. Simcnson.
We have the best S3. 00 R. R. shoe on
earth Mollring Bros.
Closing Out Sale.
Ladies' and children's outing flannel
garments. Mrs. Thos. Regan,
Battenbcrg braid, 10c dozen yards. Mrs.
Thos. Regan.
Special Sale.
waists at cost. Mrs.
Ten per cent reduction on Florsheim
shoes Mollring Bros.
Now is the time for all good people to
buy framed pictures. Until November 1
we will give a discount of 25 per cent from
regular price on all framed pictures in our
store. Geo. Darling.
Fur Coats.
We are in a position to do repairing of
fur coats, guaranteeing good satisfaction
and reasonable price. Please send in your
repairing as soon as possible.
C. E. Mar,ks!
For Sale A splendid piano. Inquire at
Newberry's. N.
My residence property and business is
for sale. L. A. Surprise.
& r
Pieces of
Sheet Music
.. 10c per s.
Father Gatvin visited Hyannis Wed
nesday. Mrs. Lindqulst left Tuesday f6r New
castle to visit friends.
A son was born to Mr., and Mrs. R. C.
Strong last Saturday. '
Mrs. J. W. Broshar of Canton returned
from Omaha Tuesday. . .
Miss Grace Wheeler of Hemingford is
visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. W. A- Hampton and Miss Pease
went to Deadwood Thursday.
F. W. Irish of this city was ,a guest at
the Ureal Northern hotel in Omaha Satur
day. rwww.-L r.
The Cheese and Cracker club was en
tertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs.
Hillier. .
Mrs. Mat Brennan was called to Te
cumseh Sunday to see her brother, who is
seriously ill.
The Northwest Nebraska Teachers'
association .will be held "at Crawford No
vember 27-28.
The residence of Joseph Yanders, in the
northeast part of the city, was destroyed
by fire Wednesday night.
Frank E. Olds, who is now engaged in
the drug business at Chadron, is a new
subscriber to the official paper.
The ladies of tho First Presbyterian
church will have a Christmas sale and
supper Friday evening. Dec. 18.
E. E, Ford of Lawn precinct came in
from South Omaha Sunday morning, hav
ing marketed two cars of cattle.
Tho Ladies' Catholic society will meet
the first Wednesday after Thanksgiving at
the home of Mrs. C D. Hancock.
Miss Susie Hopkins, one of. the efficient
teachers in the Hemingford high school,
visited friends in this city Saturday,
Tuesday was B. & M. pay day and it is
said that more money was paid out to em
ployees than on any previous month.
Attorney E. H. Boyd, who recently lo
cated in Alliance and has offices in-tho
opera block, has a professional card in this
issue. www---
Conductor Odie Scofield has resigned
from the service and contemplates moving
to California. His residence is offered for
V. B. Tagg went to Spearfish. S. D.,
today to look after the interests of the Mc-Cloud-Love
company. He will return
Col. F. O. Wisner, the veteran editor of
the Bayard Transcript, was in the' city
L Saturday night and left on1 the morning
train for Sidney.
Dr. Lee Edwards has resigned the posi
tion of book-keeper for H. C. Armstrong
and is succeeded by Frank Darrah, who
comes from Denver.
Union Thanksgiving services wilj be
held in the Baptist church Thanksgiving
day at n o'clock. Rev. Jeffers will preach
the annual sermon.
J. C. Birdsell, assistant superintendent
of the B. & M. at Deadwood, came in
from Chicago Wednesday and spent a day
with friends in this city.
The Lotspeich brothers were up from
their ranch near Bingham, Wednesday.
They are now running about 200a head of
cattle and have a valuable ranch.
A special meeting of the Redfern Gold
Mining & Milling company will be held at
Deadwood on January it. A number of
Alliance citizens are stockholders in this
The Anoni club has issued invitations
for its dancing party on Thanksgiving eve.
Spacht'a full orchestra of ten pieces has
been engaged, which insures excellent mu
sic for the occasion.
Messrs. W. L Miner and C. O. Aspen
wall, accompanied by their families, have
arrived in the city and will make their
homes here. These are the gentlemen
who will manage the affairs of the Inter
national Harvester company at this place.
Clark Snedeker, an old time resident of
this county, met with' a seri ous accident in
Colorado recently, While leading a horse
the animal became unmanageable, throw
ing him down and stepping on him, break
ing three ribs and otherwise bruising Mr.
Snedeker badly.
F. S. Lamberson stopped in town Thurs
day morning on his return from Whitman.
Mr. Lamberson is residing at Gordon
again. He says that times are prosperous
there this fall, made so partly by the large
potato crop, about 130'cars being shipped
from that point.
J. B. Miller has accepted a position
with the Bankers' Life and henceforth
will devote most of his time soliciting busi
ness for this well known insurance com
pany. Ja?k possesses the requisites ne
cessary for a successful insurance man,
Mr.' Miller will retain his interest in the
postoffice news stand and has employed
William Carey as clerk.
The Low Takes Its Course1 and the
Scaffold Ends His Lire.
After every legal effort had been ex
hausted in an effort to save the life of Tom
Horn, the accused murderer of tho boy,
Willie Nickel, the death penalty was
carried into execution this morning. A
dispatch to Thk Herald from Cheyenne,
nt 1 o'clock this afternoon states that Tom
Horn was hanged nt n fa'clock this (Fri
day) forenoon. ,
Reports were rife yesterday to the effect
that the friends of Horn would attempt his
rescue by violence before tho hour for
hanging arrived. Every precaution was
taken to carry out the law, and from the
brief report received nt this office, no
trouble was encountered.
Cupid's Darts Reach the Hearts of
Several Victims.
John Caha and Miss Josie Plnnansky
were uuited in marriage at the Charters
hotel Tuesday afternoon. Both are well
known young people of the western part of
the county and havo many friends who
wish them well. They wero accompanied
to Alliance by Miss Caha and J. A. Hern
call of Hemingford.
Carmol Cheney of Sioux county and
Miss Clark of Dawes county were married
at Hemingford last evening. Carmel is a
son of Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Cheney, who
lived near Hemingford for many years.
The Crawford Tribune states that W.
C. Caven and Mrs. Millie Hague wood
were married at Rapid City, S. D., on
Sunday, November 8. Mr, Cavin is the
well known traveling agent forthe Mc-1
Cormick company and his bride 'has re
sided at Crawford for several years.
Tub Herald desires to be numbered
with the host of friends of the nqwly wed
ed couples in wishing them God's blessings
and hanpiness through life.
Declamatory Contest.
The people of Alliance will be treated to
a declamatory contest between scholars of
the city high school at the opera house
next Saturday night, at 8 o'clock sharp.
Of the fourteen contestants to participate,
nine will be in the dramatic and five in
the humorous classes. The fudges to
rmake the decision will be selected from
out of town and merit will win in the con
test. The winners in each class will go to
Crawford Nov. 27, to enter a contest com
posed ot representatives from six other
schools of this district. The price of ad
mission to Saturday night's contest will be
25 cents As the citizens of Alliance take
a deep interest in educational affairs, a
large audience will no doubt be present on
this occasion -
The boys have beeu having a great time
the past few days feasting on the fat of the
land. Abley & Wilson, the new proprie
tors of the Midway saloon, had a great
spread last Saturday night, when roast pig
figured prominently on the bill-of-fare.
Other good thngs wore served, aqd how
the hungry appetites of Alliance did appease
that long felt want created in an
ticipation of this royal feast. Tuesday
night another treat was in store, when
roast ox attracted a crowd at Coffee &
Dowd's place. Other articles of diet, pre
pared in the best art of the caterer, made
the boys leel that time tiaa supped a cog
and Thanksgiving arrived a week sooner
than scheduled.
Misses Agnes Morris, Anna Wills and
Clara Harding entertained the Anona club
last evening at the home of Miss Harding.
The boys were invited for the first time
and to the surprise of other mem'r'i of
the club. Flinch was played, refresh
ments served and dancing indulged' in.
Those present were George Darling, Ed
Reardon, Bert Hauck, Albert Martinez,
Gene Parks. Mr. McLennon, Frank Bur
riss. Paul Harding, Hal and Herbert Par
dee, John Wiker, Harry Thiele and Ray
The novel entertainment known as tho
Advertisement sociable, given by the
First Division of the Ladies' Union of the
First Presbyterian church Friday proved
an interesting and pleasant affair. Miss
Anna Reck and Master Charles Tash
proved their ability in successfully guess
ing every advertising proposition. The
ladies who conducted the sociable, feel
greatful for the assistance they received on
this occasion.
The first cold wave of the season swept
over the country Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday and not only Nebraska but al
most the entire country was affected by
Jack Frost's unrelenting rampage. Monday
night the mercury dropped to 5 degrees
below zero. But Alliance citizens had no
complaint to make when it was learned
that up around Sheridan tbe thermometer
registered 15 below,
"At Valley Forge" was played at Phel
an's opera house Tuesday night. The
weather being very cold only a fair sized
audience-was present. The cast is a good
one and meets with popular favor with an
E. T. Ienth on of Alliance was registered
at the Victoria hotel, Chicago", Inst Situr
day. "Uncle '.oW Mabin Vnd B. K. John
son returned Saturday from South Omaha,
vsjiore they marketed cattle.
Sirs, Mike Elmore arrived from Mi
souri today and i remain with her
(laughter, Mm, Ueod, duriug her HIubss.
Uonry Hier was up from Lnkosido Wed-.
nesday. Ho ordered Thk HkrAld sent a to lil-t unole, II. G(. Ilier, Bishop
Hifl. Ill '
Morning subject nt the Methodist church
next Sunday, "Burdens and Burden Bear
ers!" Evening, "Difficulties in the Way
of Becoming, a Christian."
W. W, Norton has something to say in
his advertisement on another page about
Thanksgiving that will make every reader
in Allinuce aud vicinity happy.
. .
J. B. Kniest of Tint Hkrand was made
happy yesterday by the arrival of his fam
ily from Carroll, Iowa. They will reside
in the Pearson residence oppoiito tho
school house.
Don't fail to read Lock wood & Co.'s
new advertisement in this issue. This
firm can supply you with anything you
want from kitchen to parlor and nt tho
right prices.
Editor E. E. Humphrey of Hay Springs
was in town a while Monday forenoon on.
his return from Grand Island, where ho
visited his son, who is attending college.
Bro. Humphrey made The Herald a fra
ternal call.
John Moravek, one of our stockmen
friends from Liberty precinct, was In the
city Wednesday. Mr, Moravek had cattle
on the South Omaha market Wednesday,
His steers sold for $3.70, which was as
much or more than he expected.
The "New Dominion" will net bo pre
sented this month as a cast could not be
secured. However, Mr. Martin contem
plates putting on a costume production
about Christmas and if this is done Alli
ancc play, lovers will be given a rare treat.
George Grove visited Ids brother, Art,
and oldime friends in Alliance Saturday.
He resided in the county for several years
durjqg its early settlement and was much
impressed with the progress made by Alli
ance. Mr. Grove is now traveling for a
wholesale music house.
An incipient blaze yesterday morning
het the fire whistle going liko a screech
owl and brought out the department to
gether with a crowd of half-dressed, shiv
ering citizens to Joe Thornton's grocery
store, where a defective flue vas the
cause of the trouble However, no seri
ojis damage resulted and Joe's grocery
seore is as good as ever.
"Ten Nights in a Bar Room" was an at
traction at the opera house last Friday
night that drew a large audience, but
pleased very few that attended. One of the
observing young boys of the city noticed
the bright bills announcing the show and
on arriving home he told his mother of the
"Ten Nights in a Bar Room" and insisted
on being allowed to attend one night.
The Herald job department turned out
a twenty-page brief this week for Attorney
Wm Mitchell in the case of Geo, C. Bell
vs. Frank Wiltson involving some real es
tate matters. Mr. Mitchell has lost but
one case in the supreme court this year.
His reputation for having his cases care
fully propared is not only known to the
district bench ljut to the sup-erne court as
Henry Wiuten, J. Kennedy. John Caha,
Charles Moravek, L Snow, Thomas But
ler, Thomas Katen, Schill Bros., J. Sul
zberger. E. A. McFall, J. Connelly, T.'
J. O'Keefe and B. F. Gilman were among
those who sold cattle at South Omaha this
week. Cows brought $2 to $2.50 and
feeders $3 to $3.75. The market was
strongest Wednesday of any day during
the week.
The Royal Highlanders met in secret
session at the last regular with a fair at
tendance. After opening in regular form
and attending to regular business the
castle was informed that two refugees were
in waiting to cross the drawbridge and be
come fair lady Highlanders. After castle
closed the' members enjoyed themselves
playing high five. There ws good play
ing at all tables but after the games were
over Fair Lady Burriss and Clansman
Owens were declared winners.
Something New in Type.
Several new fonts of scripts havo been
added to Tub IIkrald job department for
use in fine stationery and card printing.
They are the latest designs iu penmanship,
being graceful and artistic, and just the
thing for wedding stationery, invitations,
calling cards, etc. We invite an inspection
of the work produced by the new type, and
desire to call the attention of our readers
to a fine line of stationery just received.
The rich quality ot the goods and the new
styles will be highly appreciated,
List of Jurors.
Following is a list of jurors drawn for
the December 14th term of court, jury to
appear tho 13th:
M. F, Nolan. R.B. Hamilton.
Jo. Parkhurst. Titos. McCnndlUM.
A. Blackburn. W. II. Jewfttt.
Bert Hopkins. A. J. Dunham.
Isaac Rickcll Geo. McGinn.
John Johnson J. P. Wholan
J. C. Osborn. A. C. Hedge.
Lyndaii Pierce. Edgar Martin.
O. A. Davig. W, S. Achason.
E. 1 Gregg. Wm. Roth.
W. O Barnes. John Gordes.
Frank McCoy. Frank Gillemn,.
Xmas photos'
Alliance Art Studio.
W, G. Simonson has a
will exchange for cattle.
small house he
Photographs make good Xmas gifts
we mako good photographs. Alliance Art
For Sale I'ifty choice Ramboullot
rams. H. A. Peters, Hay Springs, Nob.
Turkeys for everybody nt A. D.
Lost A ladies' brown fur boa, either yi
Alliance or on the road to my residence,
six miles south of town. Finder please
leave at Hsrald office.' Geo. G. Gnddjs.
For Sale One finely upholstered Dav
enport couch, one rosewood chiffonior, ono
large oak rocker and ono oak hall chair.
Telephone or call at Thk Heraid office.
A few second-hand hard coil stoves very
cheap, at Newberry's. 48
Hnrold B. Miller, M, I)., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Sssatosnth stnst. Lincoln, N .
Hides Tanned.
If you havo any cow or horse hides or
furs you wish tanned, will be .pleased to
take'eare of them for yon,' Will guarantee
best results. C. E. Markr.
A Snap.
The undersigned has 300 tons of salt
grass hay. Lease on five sections of fine
range, good until May 1, 1904, Plenty of
water, sheds and house. Will sell cheap.
Twelve miles southwest of Hay Springs.
Write me or come and see me. '
. J,. & SjiLDJJB., ,v
49 Antelope, Nab,
Water Notice.
The time for sprinkling lawns expires
Nov. 1, J93. If used after the 1st, you
are liable to a fine. A. F. .Mollring,
Water Commissioner.
Taken up Ono stray red heifer about
five or six months old. Owner can find
same at the Checkered livery barn. If
not called for in time allotcd by law tho
estray will be disposed of according to
law. M. Shay, City Marshal. 41
Cnttlo Wonted to Whiter.
I am prepared to winter 400 Tiead of
cattle at my place seven miles east of
Marsland; good range, hay and water;
charges, $3.25 per head till May 1. J. C.
Wood, Marsland, Neb.
I 0. T. M. Meets overy first mid third Krr
day nt Ent-lo Hall. Vljdltiig Mnccabcus rot
illnlly Invited. Mrs. (', O. Davbnpout, h. (..
Maymk O'Donnem., It. K.
I will continue the business nt the old
stand until Nov. 17. Your patronage will
be appreciated the same as heretofore.
All bills due and must be settled on or be
fore that time. Alliance Meat Co., C. M,
Lotspeich, proprietor. , 46
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that the partner
ship lately existing between C. E. Clough
and E. L. Collins of Alliance, Nebraska,
under the firm name of Clough & Collins,
was dissolved on the 7th day of November,
1903, by mutual consent All debts owing
to the said partnership arc to be received
by said C. E. Clough and all demands on
the said partnership are to be presented ti
him for payment.
, C. Ellis Clouoii.
E. L. Collins.
The books of the above firm will be at
E. H. Boyd's office, opera house block,
with whom they are left for collection. 48
Order of llcuringon Petition for Appoint
ment of Administrator.
State of Nebraska, 1
Utix Ituite County 1
At CHimiy court, held ut tho county court
room, In mid fur ald ciiitniy, Noroiiiuer IV,
A. 1)
Present. D. K. Sixielit. connty J 11 due.
1 11 the mutter of the ctuta of .etta I'. Man
chester, deceased.
On rundliitf and illlim the jtltloiiof Willlnni
A. Manchester, iirayuiK that administration
of said estute may Lw granted to .linnet. J'
Ualloy ii.s udmlnUtrutor.
Ordered that Ikveintwr S. A. I). 1003, at 10
o'clock a. in., is usiiued for hearing mild )o
tltlon. when all pemona lutrrvaled In tild
matter muy appear Ht a county t'ourt to be
held 111 and for said comity, and show cauau
why the. pruyu. of ix-lltloner lmuld lint )
Kntiltcd: mill that notice of the pendency of
aaid petition and tlie licurliiK thereof; ImkIkii
to all nernoiu Interexted in Mild mailer liy
publUliluK a copy ot this ordrr In IukAi.i.i
ANOk IIkhaUi. u weekly nrliitxl In
said county, for three huci'csMvd weeks, prior
to huld duy of lieurliik't
(A true copy.) D. K. SI'AMUT,
IhhalI (..3t County JudKe.
Is here.
So are We
With Special Prices
on provisions of all
kinds. Call in and
see us before buying'.
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Business Local Column.
Advprtiscmonts in this column will be
charged at the rate ot 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remombor that The
Herald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Go nnd get your shoes at Mollring Bros.
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work.
Sears building. 'Phono 213.
Thornton pays six cents for hides
See F, E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. .www.
For storm windows nnd doors see Forest
Lumber Co,
Take hides where, you will gel the most
for them at Thornton's.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specinlty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
All kinds of screen doors and windows
made to order by Geo, G. Gadsby.
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing,
- Bids wanted for baling-J50 tons of hay
at once. J. R. VnnBoskirk, two miles
south of Alliance,
Picture framing, upholctenugand furni-
tture repairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf
Pattern hats, street hats, ready-to-wear
hats. Mrs. Thos. Regan.
For sale. Second-hand Singer sewing
machine fn good repair. Inquire at this
office. . j
Three new Royal ball-bearing sewing
machines at cost. A No 1 second-hand
organ for sale. A. C. Bingham.
Board and room $5 per week. New
house, everything first-class. First house
north of B. & M. freight depot. Wm.
Bachman, proprietor.
Wanted ! Potatoes 1
Highest marker price. A. D. Rodcjers.
Wanted A good girl to work at laun
dry. Call at laundry.
Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per
manently located in the Sears building,
first door west of Blackburn's store.
One second hand Kansas City hay baler
for sale. . See the old apple man, F. A.
For sale Surrey, almost good as new,
A, E. Pearson, 612 Box Butte avenue.
tfoR Sale Thoroughbred Cockrel Span
iel pups. First house north of Catholic
church or Miller Bros.
Let us frame your pictures. Our stock
is entirely new, as the mouldings in at
time of fire were damaged nnd thrown
out. Geo. Darling,
For Sole.
I have a good team, buggy and harness
for sale, also one three-fourths Mitchell
wagon and heavy harness. Come and see
them. W, James.
Cattle wanted
Lawn, Neb.
to winter. -J. S. Kaper,
I have a dozen full-blooded Buff Rock
chickens for sale. C. M. Lotspeich. 46
A steady boy, aged fifteen, desires a
place to work for his board while attend
ing school in Alliance. Inquire at The
Herald office.
J. D. Hagerty, five miles ia-t of
Bridgeport, has 50 head of yearling, and
two-year-old steers for sale. 45-4,
A residence lot and several brood mares
far sale. A. C. Bingham.
For Rent: Good six room house, close
in. Inquire at The Herald office.
High-grade pianos and organs at lowest
prices. A. C. Bingham.