The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 13, 1903, Image 2

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T2 taorieotWay
cut cf an attack c
2 Neuralgia
St. Jacobs Oil
Which sWord riot only sura relief,
but prompt cure. . It soothes,
subdues, and ends the eufferlnc.
Price, 20c. and OOc.
,, - i
T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
Jl!' rl
lll'AUJ I IfK
uw'AW ifJtl
F 7YY9lWt f I VTl
Riln ctn'l frt tt tha nta wht
vttrt HAwyar's Oiled
Clothing-. S1;ln Willi lU
WKaptiiuD.. u.ivo
a-tnmne. u
It amir
men i irrri
thtrn. wit
8m, tI!fr.
Sui CsasrMf , Ism.
1 A sub Ututo for n J superior to mustard or any
otner putter, ana win not mister ma moti
delicate skin. The pain-allaylnc and curative
qualities ot this article are wonderful. It will
atop tba toothache at once, and relieve head
ache and sciatica. We recommend it as the best
and safest ezternat counter-irritant known, alto
as an external remedy for pains in the cbett
and stomach and all rheumatic neuralgia and
gouty complaints. A trial will prove what wo
claim for It. and It will ba found to be Invalu
able In the household. Many peoplo say "it It
the best of nil your preparation!." Price la
cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by
tending this amount to us in postage stamps wo
will aend you n tuba by mail. No article should
bo accepted by the public unless tho same
carries our label, as otlierwlio it is not genuine.
ciinsmiRouoti mfcj. co
IV fttnlA Str-AAt. Mem Vn,v ?-..
. .. ..., ....V,,!,,
Mummy round In Colorado.
Tho discovery of Uio mummy of a
cliff dweller was mado last week by
Mrs. Jeannetto 11, Newcomer, wlfo of
John Nowcomor, assistant state's at
torney of Chicago, In an excavation
made by her In a burial village In
tho Grand canyon ot tho Colorado.
Tho mummy watj taken to Chicago
and Is now at "Iho Ntjwcomor homo.
It will probably bo glvon to a local
educational institution. Tho mummy
is Bald to bo tho most perfect of its
kind over found. It is that of a man
about ilvo and one-half feet tall. On
ono sldo ot tho head there Is a mass
ot soft brown hair. All of tho teeth
are perfect. The lower portion of tho
body was wrapped in a coarso sack
ing cloth. Tho right log below tho
knee had crumbled away.
Klpllng'e Destroyed Writings.
Kipling throws a good deal of his
-work into the waste basket, but It is
Boma time slnco any of it wont into
such a receptacle owned by some oth
erpcrson. Ho fools that, having won
a reputation, it is his duty to wrlto up
to it. On ono occasion, when in a
heroic mood, ho destroyed a wholo
book. Tho title of this unborn work
was "Forty-flvo Mornings." After It
.was finished ho asked Robert Barr to
read it. "As good as 'Plain Tales,'"
was Mr. Barr's vordlct. "Not bettor,"
said Kipling. "I don't think it is,"
nnswerod Barr. "Then it will novor
bo publlshod," was Kipling's unexpect
ed reply, and it was destroyed forthwith.
Tho babyless go-cart is not yet in
When Friends Say "How Well You
For two years tho oil consumption
of tho world haB exceeded tho produc
Baron Iwasakl Hlsya, tho richest
young man in Japan, is touring tho
United States.
Tho DuUo and Duchess of Manches
ter aro to pay anothor visit to tho
United States.
Kobort Goclct of Now York denies
being married to Miss Eleanor Ander
son, a telegraph oporator.
A locomotive testing laboratory will
bo a fcaturo of tho Transportation
Building of tho World's fair.
Microscopic experiments show that
tho olectrlcally mado Btccl is not tllf
foront In any way from crucible stool.
Thoro aro nearly COO caso of scarla
tina In Havana. Ilocovorles aro gen
erally rapid. Thero havo been fow
Of tho strikes in Great Britain last'
year 8C0,917 woro successful, 35,515
unsuccessful, and 41,045 accepted com
promise. Thoro havo been twenty-nlno deaths!
from tho plaguo and fifty-two freBh'
cases of tho dlseaso during tho last
wook at Rio Janolro.
Most of tho strike troubles aro con
fined to Spain and tho United Stntes.
Maybo this Is a punishment to tho two
countries for wnrring with each other.
Tho coko trade continues on tho do
cllne. Thero was some hopo last week
that November would bring an im-'
provoment, but Instead tho Indications
aro no better.
No speeches wero mado during tho
luncheon given to royal personages at
Wolfsgarton, Gormnny. In tho after
noon Emporor William and tho' czar
played tennis.
Senator Stewart of Nevada is tho
only man in tho scnato who has nover
been shaved. His beard began to
grow when ho was 1G and has boeni
growing" for Bixty years.
Tho Northern Pacific Railroad com
pnuy ha3 declared a dividend of 1
per cent and nn extra dividend of i
of 1 per conk- This makes 7 per cont
for tho present calendar year.
Tho conference betweon Count von
Buolow and Count Lnmsdorff at tho
caBtlo of Darmstadt, Germany, on
Wednesday was on tho situation in
tho Balkans and in tho far cast.
During tho ten months of tho calen
dar year ending October. 30, 121,115
Immigrants had arrived in Cannda.
Of theso 39.04G wero from tho United
States, 47,341 from tho British isles
and 34,528 from tho continent of Eur
Major C. R. Scoby, agent of tho
Fort Pock Indian reservation, has is
sued a proclamation declaring that all
non-residents who may bo found driv
ing stock within tho boundaries of tho
reservation will bo "treated as out
laws." Post! Hlrlap reports that Captain
Beaso, an American, whllo traveling
in Hungary, dropped dead at Zamobor.
Ho had Just been visiting tho gravo
of his daughter, who had died at Zam
obor flvo years ago.
General John C. Black, commander-in-chiot
of tho Q. A. R., Who has been
at tho Garfield hospital In Washing
ton suffering from a rheumatic attack,
Is reported to bo getting along as well
as can, bo oxpected.
MIbs Lollta Armour, tho daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ogdcn Armour, of
Chicago, who was operated upon by
Dr. Lorenz, will give further proof of
her recovery by taking dancing les
sons In tho near future.
Tho Chinese aro more enraged at
The Two Captains
Copyrleht, 1897, by P. F. Collier.
Copyright, IS97, by Dodd. Mead & Co.
Ho ordered tho cnbln-man to bring
his breakfast on deck, and a cloth was
laid upon tho skylight. Whllo ho was
eating Laura camo out of tho cabin
and stood opposite to him. Sho was
as palo as n dead body, and her beauty
hnd that sort of droop and lusterless
ness which you observe In tho plum
ago of glorious birds wnen they
"Havo you breakfasted?'! said he.
"I cannot eat," Hho answered. "Oh,
cousin, why did you kill him?"
Ho stared at her in sllenco with a
dark frown, chewing his food llko a
ruminating bull. Sho was afraid of
his gazo and said with a chn'ngo of
volco and oven of manner:
"Now that I am under your protec
tion you will tell mo what you mean
to do."
"Yes," ho answered, "I will toll
you. When tho brig is clear ot thoso
villains," says ho, with a sldoway
drop of his head, "I will steer you to
your father's house. Wo aro now
lying a straight course for Kingston,
Jamaica. You shall bo sent ashore
with a, communication from mo to
your father, who will como on board.
If ho refuses to help mo I shall know
how to manage single-handed. Mean
while you will bo safe, but I shan't ex
poet you to thnnk me."
Tho captain's servant camo, from
tho cabin to attend to Crystal's wants.
Ho said to him:
"Make a neat Job of tho corpse, nnd
take caro to double shot It; wo'll bury
him through tho cabin window, you
and mo alone."
By this time tho armed seamen of
como up. Their Bcowls, their deep
hoarso mutterlngs, their murderous
glances wero of no use: they needed
but to look nt Crystal to read death,
pitiless and Instant, in his face.
"Cast ofT, up sail, and away with
ye!" roared Crystal. "If you'ro not
astern of us In a mlnuto I'll flro into
you and sink you alongside."
Thoso of tho men who had their
senses hoisted tho big lug. Grlndal in
tho Bternsheets grasped tho tiller. Tho
water slopped greasily betwixt tho
two craft, and tho long-boat which,
though doeply laden, still showed a
fair height of side, glided off, blow
Blowly on to tho brig's quarter, then
astern, a number ot her peoplo shak
ing their clenched fists at Crystal, and
howling oaths and curses at him In
ecstasies of helpless wrath.
"So amen to them," said Crystal.
And after casting another look at tho
boat, and sweeping tho horizon with
his vision, he bado tho follow who
had read tho newspapor on tho cap
stan to keep a lookout, and heavily
sank down the companion-steps.
JuBt as ho entered tho cabin, Pope a
servant came out of his lato master's
"Havo you stitched him up?" says
"Ho's ready for launching, sir," was
tho man's answer.
The fellow knowing Crystal and
fearing him had worked nimbly, and
there, secreted in a hammock, on the
floor of tho berth, with a couplo of
shot secured In the clews at tho foot
of the corpso, lay all that was mortal
of tho heroic Irishman, Captain Rich
ard Pope.
fu rfej s- k
White and large-eyed with horror.
What happy days aro thoso when all
our frlonds say, "How well you look."
iir Vl II. .1 ...... t. mtn
wbu . uiiub iH u, u, ... th0 RlIB8lnn proceedings nt Mukden
mm In (lin Holpptinn nt fonrl lust Q3 1 r
this young man did. J m ""' hnvo beo at nny Gvcnt
"I linri miffprnri frnm ilvRncnsIa for slnco tho capture of Peking. Somo
threo years and last summer was so
bad I was unable to attend school," ho
says: "I was very thin and my appe
tlto at tlmea was poor, whllo again It
was craving. I was dizzy and my
food always UBed to ferment Instead
of digesting. Crossness, unhappinoss
nnd nervousness wero very prominent
"Lato in tho summer I went to visit
a sister and there I caw and used
Grape-Nuts. I had heard of this fa
mous food before, but never was In
terested enough to try It, for I novor
know how really good it was. But
when I camo home wo used Grape
Nuts in our household all tho time and
I soon began to note changes in my
health. I improved bteadlly and am
now strong and well in every way
and am back at school able to get
my lessons with caso and pleasuro
and can remember them too, for tho
improvement in my mental power is
very notlceablo and I get good marks
in my studies which always seemed
difficult before.
"I havo no more of tho bad symp
toms given above but feel flno and
strong and happy, and it is mighty
pleasant to hoar ray friends say:
'How well you look."' Name glvon
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Look in each package for a copy
of the famous little book, "The Road
to Wellvlllo."
of tho hot-headed members ot tho
council havo advised tho dowager em
press to declaro war on Russia.
Rev. Horatio Brothorton, pastor of
Trinity Baptist church, Cleveland, O.,
and prominent in tho latter denom
ination, died as tho result of paraly
sis, which attacked him on Mondny
last Deceased was 55 years of ago.
Four hundred workmen in the
bloom mill and tho iron and steel fin
ishing departments of tho Pencoyd
Iron works at Philadelphia, Pa., wero
laid off, making a total of nearly 2,000
men rendered Idlo by the gradual clos
ing of tho big plants. Tho eight-Inch
Bteel mill wl bo closed on Saturday,
which will completo tho shutdown.
Almost unaided Rov. W. A. Lewis
ot tho Cherry Valley (Pa.) Methodist
church, rebuilt the house ot worship
In which his congregation assembled.
Ho did tho painting, mason, and car
penter work, and oven carried tho
bricks and mortar us a 30-foot ladder.
It is calculated that tho number of
timber sleeps on tho railways, ot the
world does not fall short of 1,495,000,
000, and a low estimate of their, valuo
is $900,000,000. This alone constitut
ed a serious drain on the timber sup
nllna of tho world.
tho Thetis nnd the men who had Joined
them from tho body of tho pirates had
eaten their breakfast, and woro
smoking tholr pipes nbout the little
caboose. When they had made an
end and returned to thejr stations,
Crystal began to sing out. The long
boat was to bo got over and provision
ed and watered, Bho would accommo
date all that wero to go in her.
Soon tho boat was swayed out and
lowered; tho brig lying hove-to. Casks
of bread, a quantity of cheese, and
other matters along with plenty of
water were put into her; tho mast
was stepped, tho big lug made ready
for hoisting, tho rudder shipped. The
hatch cover was then lifted, tho arm
ed men stood round, and Crystal, put
ting his foot on tho coaming, shouted
"Below thero! Up with you, all
hands; but two of you at a time."
When this was said Grindal and
threo or four pirates, all of whom
were in liquor, camo and stood in tho
light under tho hatch, and the boat
swain called up, "What aro you going
to do with us?"
"Tho long-boats's ready for you
alongside," answered Crystal,
"Are wo to be sent adrift?" said tho
ugly ruffian.
"If," roared Crystal, "you glvo mo
tho least bit of troublo " and hero
again ho sworo dreadfully "I'll sweep
tho 'tween-decks with theso guns; I'll
butcher every mother's son of ye."
Then spoke tho true pirate; it was
no longer Captain Pope, but tho devil
Incarnate, and his own men stared a
little wildly at tho figure of that sav
age seamen with his Bear, and his
frown, and his faco of fury, and his
cocked and leveled pistol.
"Como along!" said Grindal, and ho
and another camo up tho ladder.
"Into tho boat with ye!" shouted
A couplo ot tho armed seamen
sprang to guard tho gangway. Grln
dal's companion dropped into tho boat;
tho boatswain turning and swinging
off on his great hairy hand, with which
ho had grasped tho bulwark rail to
say: "Ain't you going to let us havo
our share ot tho booty?"
"If you ask mo another question,
you are a dead man," answered
Crystal and ho approached him by a
stride or two and again covered him,
and all who looked expected to seo
tho weapon spout fire, and tho man
Drop ho did, but Into tho boat, verx
much alive, as might be gathored by
his curses. .
In this -way tho plratos woro got up
but of thoso 'tween-decks always in
twos, and ono pair had to disappear
beforo the next brace were alldwed to
"I want no fuss," says Crystal
prayer. Nothing of that sort."
Tho stern window was opened, that
windqw through which a former own
er of this brig of curious adventures
had thrown himself into tho sea to es
cape tho gibbet.
"Pick him up with me," continued
They lifted the body, bore it to tho
window, nnd, pointing it feet foremost,
dispatched it to tho ooze.
Thus inglorlously terminated tho ca
reer of Captain Pope. An Irishman of
a hundred crimes, of many villainous
qualities, of many generous and ro
mantic virtues.
Now it so happened that when tho
frigate that had chased the Gypsy re
turned to tho'two vessels sho was con
voying cho fell in shortly afterward
with his Majesty's ten gun brig Turk.
Tho vessels wero brought to a stand
nnd a lieutenant of tho Turk in re
sponse to signals went on board tho
frigate: he was then told that a
plrato brig named tho Gypsy was in
thoso waters and that she had been
on tho lookout for the Madre do Dlos;
having missed her, it was presumed
that sho would proceed to the pirates'
happy hunting ground In tho Spanish
Main. As tho Turk was bound for a
West Indian Station sho was re
quested to keep a sharp lookout for
the brig, to ascertain from passing
ships If anything resembling her had
been sighted by them, and to com
municate to other men-of-war tho
news of such a ship being in those
Four days later tho Turk spoko
H.M.S. corvette Saxon, To her sho
gavo tho news sho had received from
tho frigate, and from tho instant of
tho Saxon filling upon her main-topsail
a bright lookout was kept aboard
of her for any floating fnbric rigged
with two masts, and carrying square
sails oven to the height of skysail
This communication of men-of-war
was to prove Crystal's doom. Hdw
could it have been otherwise? A ten
gun brig had gone beforo tho Gypsy
and waB heralding her: to tho pres
sure ot shining heights she was scour
ing tho plain llko another Camilla,
bugling her alarms over the soa, and
Crystal ambled In hor wake without
intellect enough to suppose that tho
news and character of his brig had
passed ahead of his flying Jlbboomi
In tho onsuing days they sighted sev
eral sail, one of which was a large
full-rlggsd ship that might havo
proved tho Alnwick Castle, but she
was hull down, and showed only from
tho tacks of her coursos, and curios
ity was no longer a passion in that
brig. Then camo tho fourth morpJng,
nnd ono bell, which is half nn hour
after eight o'clock In tho forenoon
watch, found Laura and hor coualn
sitting at tho cabin tablo at breakfast,
whllo the man who could road stumped
tho planks of tho quarter-deck in
charge of tho llttlo fabric.
After breakfast, Crystal lighted his
plpo, took Pope's telescope from itP
brackets in tho cabin, and went on
deck. His oyo -was immediately taken
by tho marble brightness of tho sails
of a ship about two points on tho lco
bow. Crystal pointed his glass at the
Bhlp on tho lee-bow: ho was an old
Bailor and could not mistake; by her
hoist of topsail, by tho squareness of
her yards, by tho fit of tho clews to
the yard-arms, ho knew her at onco
In tho lenses to bo a British man-of-war.
Ho was disconcerted; he turned a
shado pale; tho glass sank with his
hand, ho turned to tho man xiho was
keeping a lookout and Bald, "Sho
looks to mo llko a British frigate or
"If that's so," answered tho man,
"hadn't wo better up helium whllo
time's allowed us?"
"If I shift my holm," said Crystal,
after pondering, "I may provoke sus
picion. Sho may bo from tho West
Indies or a South American port.
How'll sho havo got tho news to en
ablo her to guess at us? No," said ho
in a tono of decision, "hoist tho En
glish ensign. Wo'll not stir from our
course by a Bpoko. We look, and now
are, an honest English brig, and she's
got no excuse to stop us and overhaul
us. D'yo seo that now? Stand by to
dip as wo pass; that tickles 'em."
Crystal had made a fatal blunder; jj
uiil jiu mu uui miuw iu juii uuw
thero was no time to put a change of
opinion into practice, oven had his
heart misgiven him. The man-of-war
was coming along handsomely with a
frequent curtsoy that lined her glossy
black sides with tho sifted snow of
tho crushed brine, over which in a
grim line bristled her artillery, torn
plons out, as Crystal, with a' ghastly
sinking sensation of soul at this mo
ment, managed to sec.
When tho two vessels wero within
gunshot, tho. corvette shook tho wind
out of hex. canvas, her way was ar
rested. A stout, conspicuous figure
stood upon a quarter-deck gun; ho
grasped a speaking-trumpet. As tho
Gypsy went floating past, without tho
least shift of helm, tho commander of
the corvette, if indeed that figure com
manded her, raised tho trumpet to his
lips; and whllo his proud ship's helm
was acain nut down, causing the
spaces om milky softness aloft to
tremble Into a hundred hurrying fing
ers of shadow, tho trumpet spoke, in
a note of thunder:
"Ho, tho Gypsy, ahoy! Back your
maln-topsnll that I may send a boat
aboard of you!"
'Twas plain ho had tho vessol's
name pat; nor was it possible as yet
that ho could have rend it upon her
"We havo been reported," Crystal
Instantly thought, and ho knew ho was
a lost man.
"They'll be firing Into us if we don't
heave to," said the fellow who had
Crystal stood irresolute with his
hand upon the companion-hood. At
this instnnt, a shot was fired by tho
"What shall wo do, sir?" roared the
Then, finding that Crystal had dis
appeared, they sprang to tho main
topsail brace, and were in tho act of
rounding In upon It hand over hand,
when a second heavy shot, followed by
a third, struck tho maln-topsall, crash!
a foot abovo tho main-masthead. In
stantly, tho wholo fabric of yards, and
canvas, and masts, and stunsall-Dooms,
fluctuating on high as though gazed at
through tho transparency of running
water, fell aft In a roar as though a
gale of wind camo sweeping from tho
bows. Tho huge wreck missed tho
wheel, but killed tho fellow who was
standing at It. It smothered tho
quarter-deck In a vast heap of canvas
and spars. A long space of bulwarks
wa3 crushed flat.
"Back your fore-topsail!" was roared
through tho trumpet.
This was promptly done by tho
wretched and terrified remnant of tho
crew of tho pirate, and in a few min
utes a boatful or armed seamen, in
charge of a lieutenant, arrived along
side. It was of course known that tho
Gypsy was tho pirate brig that was
wanted; no need to ask any questions.
Her crow wero at once ordered over
tho sldo, and sent on board tho Saxon.
Meanwhile, a gang of naval seamen
cleared tho quarter-deck so as to pro
vide access to tho cabin, and tho lieu
tenant and two or three seamen de
scended tho steps. They found a
beautiful young woman, white and
large-eyed with horror, standing at tho
table. When tho men entered, sho
pointed dumbly to tho cabin occupied
by Crystal, and they saw a man lying
on the deck, dead, with a pistol be
side him, and a bullet wound In his
He had kept his word, and the nn
nals of tho Crystals were not to bo
disgraced by tho importation of tho
The girl told her story to tho lieu
tenant, who sent her on board tho cor
vette. And within two hours of tho
Saxon falling in with the Gypsy, both
vessels, the brig with nothing set aft
but trysail and mainsail, wero head
ing north and east on a cquise for tho
English Channel. The End.
Rev. Jacob D. Van
Doren, ot 57 Sixth at,
Fond du Lac, Wis.,
Presbyterian clergy
man, sayB: "I had at
tacks which kept mo
in tho house for days
at a time, unablo to do
anything. What I suf
fered can hardly bo
told. Complication Bet
in, tho particulars of
which I will bo pleased
to glvo In a personal
interviow to any ono
who requires informa
tion. This I can con
scientiously say, Doan's Kidney PIUb
caused a general Improvement in my
health. They brought great relief by
lessening tho pain and correcting tho
nctlon of tho kidney secretions."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all
dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mll-burn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Fourth Husband, Sixth Wife.
Mr. Jerry Bostarth, of Kcnners
Brooks, O,, has tie habit of matri
mony. At tho age of 101 ho has mar
ried, for tho sixth tlmo. His bride,
Mrs. Julia Ann Jenkins, owns up to-ninety-nine
ycare, and this is her
fourth husband. Tho curious thing
nbout Mr. Bosarth is that ho appears
to bo quite sane, Inasmuch as ho did
not proposo to somebody young
enough to bo his great-granddaughter.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reacls
the teat of tbo disease. Catarrh Is a blood or consti
tutional dteestp. and In order to euro It you muit take
Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucour
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack med
icine. It was prctcrlbed by one of tho belt phyilclani
tn this country for years and is a regulsr prescription,
It Is composed of tbo best tonics known, combined
with the lieit blood purifiers, octlnu directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the
two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful
results tn curlnu Catarrh. Bend for tettlmonlsls freei
K.J.CIIKNET & CO., Props., Toledo, 0
Bold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Rear Admiral Cook.
Rear Admiral Cook, who command
ed tho Brooklyn at Santiago, and has
Just been retired, is a Massachusetts
man, and entered tho academy at An
napolis in 18G0. Ho was an ensign
in tho West Gulf blockading squad
ron during tho last two years of tho
civil war and was commissioned a.
lieutenant in 18G7. In 1SGS ho was
mado a lieutenant commander, a com
mander in 1881, nnd a captain in 188G.
Later ho was given command of tho
cruiser Brooklyn and remained in that
post until and during tho war with
Spain. Admiral Cook has a magnifi
cent physique and a frank and manly
Plso'a Curo for Consumption la on Infallible)
medicines for coughs nnd polds. N. W. SAiluci,
Ocean Grove, N. J., Fob. 17, 1000.
Leo's Gifts In Kind.
The most remarkable feature of tho
estato of Pope Leo XIII proveB to be
the enormous gifts In kind which for,
years flowed in upon Leo XIII from tho
while civilized world. Theso, it ap
pears, wero given in charge of care
takers, whoso zeal was none of tho
most intelligent. In the result thero
iro now being unearthed for the first
tinzo sacks of coffee and sugar ren
dered useless by years of storage;
quantities of rare furs and still moro
precious collections of birds from Bra
zil and other remote parts, all ruined
through having been simply stowed
away as they arrived, without oven
being unpacked. Tho losses incurred
In this way represent a very largo sum.
Use Red Cross Boll Bluo and keep them
white 04 enow. All grocers. 6c. a package.
The most vicious dog barks least.
The delight of zero weather is to
get people by the ears.
The Court's Exceptional Tact.
Postmaster General Payno was de
scribing an old-time Milwaukee Judge
who had been noted for his kind
"I attended one day," Bald Mr.
Payne, "a session of tho court at
which this Judge presided. Tho courti
crier was a very old man; ho had
served with fidelity for many years,
but age was beginning now to tell on
him. He fell nsleep while I was In
tho court house, and in a llttlo whllo
ho was snoring.
"His snores, of course, disturbed tho
proceedings of the court:. Tho Judge
displayed great tact In interrupting
them without embarrassing the crler.
" 'Crler Jones,' ho said in a loud
voice. 'Crier Jones, somo one Is snor
ing.' "The crier awakened. Ho started
to his feet.
"'Silence!' ho exclaimed. 'Thoro
must bo no snoring In the court room,'
and he glared ferociously about him."
All's well that ends according to
your own diagram of the finish.
Thero is
no strength without
Siberian Rivers.
Exploration of the Yenisei and Obi
rlvors of Siberia, which empty Into the
Antarctic ocean near Nova Zombia,
has shown them to bo navigable to
ocean steamers .for a distance of
nearly 1,000 miles.
Has He Found' It7
Polk, Ark., Nov. 9. A remedy that
will absolutely curo Rheumatism has
been discovered by Mr. Georgo Hiland
of this place. Mr. Hiland is satisfied
that the remedy bo has used is a suro
cure, for it cured Tilm of a very seri
ous caso of Acutq Rheumatism when
he was so bad that ho could not move.
This is what he says:
"I was troubled with what Is called
Acute Rheumatism in 1900. I was in
such shapo that I could not move with
out help. I was treated by a physician,
who helped me some, but I was still in
great pain when my wlfo saw Dodd's
Kidney Pills advertised as a curo for
Rheumatism. Sho insisted on my try
ing them, and I felt better after taking
the first box. I continued and now I
am well and nble to work all tho tlmo.
I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills to bo
Just what they aro claimed to bo, a
perfect cure for Rheumatism."
Mr. inland's very positive statement
r.cems to settle all doubt as to whether
or not Rheumatism can bo cured.
Lamb with groen peas suits some
npn, but tho Wall atroet broker pro
fere lamb with greenbacks.