I THE ALLIANCE HERALD ' T J. O'Kccfe, Publisher. . ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEf. Turkey hag suspended tho demobil ization of' troops In Macedonia. Flro In tho wholcsald" quartor of Pa ducah, Ky., caused n Ibss of $300,000, Tho fifth gcnoral synod of tho Evan gollcal church at Berlin has passed a resolution to closo saloons during church hours. Tommy Hall, tho English cyclist, broko tho cycling record for ono hour by covering flftv-four miles and, G35 yards in Paris. Karl Haggonjos, city treasurer of East Qalesburg, III., was nrested at Kansas City, charged with embezzling ?1,800 of city funds. It is officially announced from Ath ens that Queen Olga Is recovering from an operation for tumor, which was performed at St. Petersburg, Tho Shah of Persia is afraid of trav eling In express trains, and on his Eu ropean trips orders aro always given that his trains must, not oxeced twenty miles an hour. At tho opening of tho convention of tho Women's Board of Missions at Winona, Minn., Mmo. Tsilka mado a touching appeal for help and sympa thy for Macedonia. Charged with misappropriation of fnnds of tho Dayton, Rock Falls & Western Electric Railroad company, Otto E. Colgrovo of Rock Falls, 111., was arrested in Jorsoy City. M. Vlgnnux, tho French billiard playor, hflB accepted tho challengo of Gcbrgo Sutton for a championship etghtcon-lnch balk lino game, two shots in, and has covered tho stakes, Tho advisory board, created at tho convention of farmers' societies Bold in Chicago in September, 1003, lias is sued a call for a meeting In that city December 1. Tho purnoso Is to in cr'easo tho membership. A consignment of $1,500,000 Incur roncy and Bllvor, sent by express from Washington to tho St. Louis sub treasury, -was safely delivered from tho union station to tho sub-treasury vaults In express wagons. At tho mooting of tho board of man agers of tho Woman's Homo Mission ary society of tho Methodist church 'at Chattanooga, Tenn., Mrs. Albright of Delaware was elected chairman of tho committee on appropriations. Miss Henrietta Adams of Cnsovllfo, Mich., was given a verdict of $30,000 against Robert Stuart Baker, n well known young society man of Grand Rapids, for breach of promlso. Tho trial was a sensational one. Patrick Macklln, business agent of tho Chicago branch, of tho Interna tional Union of Brldgo and Structural Iron Workors, stated that thero was no likelihood of a strike of tho iron wjorUers being ordered Jn,Chlcago. Jim Chambors and Lou Shaw, ne groes, wero hanged at noulsvillo, Ala., for tho murder of Williamson Cham pion, another negro, In March last. Tho hanging was public, and tho mili tary wits used to help preserve order. Tho Illinois Tunnel company of Chi cago, with a capital stock of $30,000, 000, has been Incorporated. Tho oh Joct of tho company Is to transmit sound, signals, mall matter and mer chandise. Rev. Dr. Edward Walpolo Warren, lato rector of St. Jamos' Episcopal church, Now York, who recently died In that city, left tho original manu script of Samuel Warren's novel, "Ten Thousand a Year," which ho ownod, to hl3 son, A. Kennedy Warren, as an heirloom. Another hatch of Pencoyd Iron works employes at Philadelphia were laid oft Indefinitely. TIIo number dis missed approximated 250. Tho pay roll of tho big plant, which formerly contained upwards of 4.G00 names, has been cut to almost ono-fourth Its orig inal length. Additional affidavits wore filed with Governor Ponnypacker of Pennsylva nia to provo that tho two Croatlans taken from tho steamer at Southamp ton, England, for tho murder of Con tractor Ferguson In Washington coun ty, Pennsylvania, recently, aro tho men wanted. Tho federal grand Jury at Portland, Ore., returned an Indictment against T. A. Wood, a pension attorney, and his son, Hosca Wood, a partner In the business conducted by his father. Tho men are charged with Gio procuring, making and filing of fraudulent affi davits on account bt applications for Indian war pensions. Mrs. Samuel Boswell, charged with using tho malls to defraud in an al leged attempt to blackmail Z. L. White, a prominent merchant of Co lumbus, O., waived examination and was held to tho United States grand Jury. Tho steamer City of St. Louis, which arrived from Now Orleans, her first trip in three .years, was destroyed by fire at 11 o'clock Friday night while moored at tho ways opposite Carondelet, llo., tho southern portion of t Louis. T-te XWo (By W."CLARK Copxrliht, 1897, by P, F. Collier, CHAPTER XXII Continued. . "Oh, my heart's delight, you will bo my wlfol" said Pope, taking her hand, nnd as sho did not withdraw it, to gether they walked tho dark deck with locked fingers. On a sudden It began to rain In very fine drops, Tho deep shadow of tho wet flank Into tho night, and tho soa grow so vnguo and phantasmal you would not havo known whethor tho brig floated in air or upon water but for tho flro that curled in tbo rlpplo at tho bow, and tho soft sob and harsh gurglo Under tho counter. Captain Pope, calling to Grlndal to keep a bright lookout, conducted. Miss Crys tal below. Shortly after they had bade each other good night, Pope went on deck to tako a laBt look round, and smoko a pleco of cigar, before turning in for a few hours. A flno rain continued to fall. Ho called Grlndal to him, and they stood together under tho leo of a quarter-boat, which In somo measure sheltcrod them. "I don't think," said the boatswain, after a few sentences had passed be tween tho two men, "that I shall find It as hard a Job as I reckoned It was going to provo. I mean tho carrying out of your schomo. I was a-sounding somo of tho men this ovenlng." "Well?" "Well," continued tho boatswain, "it seoms to mo thcy'ro gallus afeared of their necks, ono and all, and 'ud bo willing to dlspnrso in furron parts, every man with his share. A slavln' voyngo, with plenty of money for wages, was to tilde liking." iff Sri-" Drove his cutlass through Popo , listened breathlessly. Find ing that Grlndal paused, ho said, "Well?" again, and Grlndal replied: "Woll, I could see by tho men grow ing thoughtful that It was an Idea to 'em; and thqn, tojuako 'em look a llttlo moro deep into my meaning, I tamed to and spun 'em a yarn of a ship's company aboard a pirate. Thero was a big treosuro In tho vessel. Bays I, tho plunder of some eight or ten rlcic craft; and every man's sharo was and3omo? What did they do? I says. Thero wont forty to that crow, and twenty of 'cm, headed by the bos'un, I says, says I, ups ono black nlKht. secures t'othera under hatches, seizes tho ship' by blowing out tho brains of tho cap'en and his mate, and then, next day, they turns tho men adrift In a couple of boats, and makes off, each man by so doing a rlsin of his sharo two or thrco tlme3 moro thnn it was afore." "Good!" says Pope. "Of courso it was a fired Ho from beginning to end," sayB Grlndal, "In wonted out of your scheme. But thore's nothing llko tarulug an idea into a story to make yourself under stood by men with intellects llko theirn." Tho fine rain continued to fall. Tho weathor promlsod a Jong, black, wet night. Nearly all hands wero In tho Hween-decks, under shelter. After holding Grlndal In conversation be ing posted abreast of tho mainmast, so that tho man at tho helm could not possibly hear what was said Popo went below. It was about cloven o'clock. Tho cabin-lamp was dimly burning. Ho leaned upon tho table for a mlnuto or so, lost In reflection. A feeling of uneasiness possessed him. Had ho been wise in taking Grlndal Into his confidence? But tho thing had to bo done, nnd thero was but ono road to It: and after drinking a tum bler of brandy and water, ho went to teu. At midnight Grlndal went below and called Crystal, who Immediately turned out. It was still black as thun der and raining. Tho change of watches had created tho usual confusion In tho 'tween decks. Half turned out, and half turned In, and tho baby cried dismally, awakened by tho noise, but was pres ently silenced by no unfriendly hand. Crystal hailed tho tops, and found them untenanted. Tho men at eight bells had come down, and tho mato did not order others to replace them. At a quarter before one. It still con tinuing to rain had, dyeing, tho night to tho complexion .of ink, three men camo from tho neighborhood of tho caboose, and passing Crystal, descend ed with naked feet Into the cabin, Crystal walked lightly aft to the Captains RUSSELL. Copjrlsht, 1897, by Dodd, Mead A Co. wheel, so stepping that tho croak of his boot should not penetrato tho plank. Ho exchanged a sentence with tho helsman, who proved to ho ono of tho men of tho Thetis. In a fow minutes two of tho seamen roso through tho companion-way, sllont as ghosts, bearing tho arms chost between them. They wero fol lowed by a third man, who at once closed and secured tho companion door. By tho faint Bheen In tho sky light, CryBtal nnd tho three men arm ed themselves with cutlasses and pistols. These latter weapons wero kept loaded, and needed but the prim ing. Crystal put a second pistol Into his breast. "Send tho others aft," says ho, in a hoarse, tremulous voice. Tho threo men wont forward, and, llko shadows shaping thomsclvos out of tho wet-obscure, flvo more seamen gathered about tho arms-chest and swiftly armed themselves. While they wero dotng this, Crystal softly closed tho skylight. "Now," says he, speaking in a vio lent whisper, In tho manner of ono whoso hurry moans Hfo or death to him. "Two of you spring forward to closo tho forescuttje. On with the malnhatch-co vers ! " They rushod forward; tho com mands wero easy of execution. Two covers sufficed to closo down tho hold of that llttlo brig. One, to Bholter tho 'tween-decks from tho rain, wa3 al ready on; tho other lay atop of It In an instant this was fitted In tho coam ings', tho strong Iron bar was run through tho staples, and tho men bo- hl& shipmate's heart low wero imprisoned as securely as though they had been locked up in Nowgate. Tho forescuttlo was even an easier Job; the two men had noth ing to do but pull tho cover over and closo and bolt tho doors. "Seo If thero is any but ourselves on deck," shouted Crystal, and threo or four of them started on a hunt through tho deep shadow. Just thon they heard a loud knock ing on tho companion door; they could also hear somo mon dimly shout ing under tho mnlnhatch, followed by several mows, doojt, maybo, with a handspike. "Guard this hatch 1" shouted Crys tal, reckless of his voice now that the brig was his. And followed by two mon, ho rushed aft. Tho knocking was furious. Draw ing Ills cutlass, Crystal opened ono of tho doors and Pope's figure showed, firmly outlined against tho faint Illumination shed by tho cabin-lamp. "What In hell's this?" Popo roared. Ho held a pistol and took two steps, thrusting with his shoulder In his fury to break through. With beast-llko In humanity Crystal struck Pope's hand a terrible blow with tho flat of his cutlass; tho pistol that was cocked, exploded as It leaped down tho companion-steps. "Oh, God!" cried Pope. "The brig's ours!" Surrender, Popo, or you aro a dead man!" thundered Crystal. In sllenco Pope turned and sprang into tho cabin, and rushed Into his horth, followed by Crystal nnd two mon. Swift as Crystal was, Popo was nimbler still; his agility was that of tno haro; before Crystal had reached tho other's cabin, tho gallant Irish villain had seized his sword hanging besldo his bunk, had rounded, and was fighting a figure terrlblo with rago, pain, hate. "Is this how you reward mo, you bloody villain!" was all ho said, and tho blades clashod in horrid music to tho shrieks of Laura, who W03 now standing in her cabin door. "Tho people aro under hatches! tho brig's mine! surrender! it must como to it, for we aro ten resolved mon!" Crystal panted, as Popo, with desperato lungo and llghtnlng-llke flourish, drove tho buccaneering fiend Into tho cabin. Hero they had space; and now, being nblo to seo each other's face, each fought to kill. "Back, you coward!" screamed Laura, rushing nt one of tho men who was in the act of springing upon Pope. Too lato! The follow clipped tho Irishman by tho shirt under his long hair. Popo reeled, his sword passed tcrough. tho air In a wild, Idle Bweep of glittering blade, and in the next jnorqent Crystal-drove -his Outlaw through his shipmate's heart. h. .CHAPTER XXII H The Last. Captain Popo lay dead on hlij back. Tho shirt upon his heart gaped, and was dark with blood, and, blood lay upon tho cabin carpet closo beside him. With her - left arm thrown, over) his neck, and her black hair mingling with tho dend man's, lay Laura Crys tal In a swoon. Crystal had turned of a greenish waxen complexion, and. his faco was terrifying with tho gri maces which worked In it. "I had rather anything than this. Ho forced It upon mo. Ho should havo surrendered," ho said, trembling and shuddering, and looking at tho body and then at tho blado of his cutlass, slightly streaked with tho heart-blood of his Bhlp-mato. "Pick tho lady up, and put her into her cabin," says he, and then: "Pull, that body Into its cabin out of my sight." ; This was done, nnd tho rugged man always grasping his cutlass, ran on. deck, and tho others followed, him after stopping, each man, a minute, to; drink from tho rum bottlo on tho1 swlng-tray. Crystal went to tho malnhatch;' hero two armed 'men wero on 'guard.' "Is all quiet below?" said he. J "There's been Bomo hammering, They're quiet now." "Keep a sharp oyo for your Hvob', sake, and cut down any man who at tempts to break out," called Crystal. Crystal's volco expressed him as filled with horror and deeply agitated. In truth ho had never reckoned upon killing Popo. Tho scheme for his friend was his friond'3 scheme for him. Popo was to havo been sent ndrlft empty handed with a number of tho pirates whoso services Crystal did not require. But tho scar-blackened buccaneer, unsuspicious of Pope's treactiery, had been a llttlo too soon for him with his own desperato de sign, and Popo lay murdered on his cabin floor, regardless now of booty and of love; and sixteen or seventeen men lny roasting llko battened-down slaves In the brig's heart. Crystal walked right aft to tho wheel, and looked Into tho compass bowl. Tho quaint old illuminated disk showed a truo course for Kingston, Jamaica; thl3 courso was not to bo changed. He spoko to tho man at tho helm, and told him that Captain Popo was dead, killed by his hand, by tho hand cf his frlond, and ho bemoaned It, and his volco was broken by ono or two dry cobs. "Ho would havo killed you sir," said tho helmsman. When dawn broko It had ceased to rain for nearly an hour. Tho wind was gone, but when tho melancholy gray rolled smokeliko out of tho east over tho sea. It disclosed a number of broken clouds In tho northwest, with tho ornngo brightness of tho young morn reflected betwixt tho edgos of tho vapor, and from that quarter they might expect the wind. Crystal was now in command, and on him tho airs of tho commander sat In formidable and savago aspect. Ho ordered two of tho carronados to bo loaded with grapo and canister; theso pieces of artillery wero thon run to the malnhatch. The half-cover of tho hatch was lifted, and Instantly when this was doho tho muzzles of tho guns wero depressed. No sooner had tho light of day fallen through tho opening of tho hatch, than half a dozen men came and stood vunder, looking up. Ono of tho men was Grlndal. Ho caught caught Bight of Crystal, and sung up: "What havo you shut us men down hero for?" His faco ran with sweat, and his repulslvo .countenance was unusually hideous and swollen with tho helpless wrath and passions of his wicked soul. "Your captain's dead and the ship's mine," answered Crystal. "Bo you as lambs, or we'll savo ourselves some trouble of mercy by firing Into you." Crystal now marched on to tho fore casts with two of his men, leaving tho malnhatch well guarded and everything ready for a deadly belch of cannon, should tho men below provo troublesome. Ho opened tho scuttle and called up Pope's servant, who immediately appeared blinking at tho strong light. "Thomas," exclaimed Crsytal. "I am tho commander of this brig, and tho bulk of tho crew aro under hatches. Turn-to now and light the "galley fire, and got breakfast for mo and tho lady and my men. And wbon you've dressed a meal and served It, turn-to and stitch Captain Pope's body up In a hammock, and mind yo put two round shot in tho clows at tho feet. But beforo you stitch him up I want no sight of him overhaul his pockets. Now do you understand me?" Tho man answered "Yes." Ho was a sober-headed fellow, and perceived that ho was in luck as compared to most of tho rest, and went away tc tho galley on swift legs, to make the best of his good fortune. "You can come up," shouted Crystal into tbo scuttle. Threo flcures arrived emerging ns though they wero blind; one was the gunner, tho second tho carpenter, the third tho cook. They began to ask questions; they cursed and tke Bworo and for answer they were thrust forward with a flourish of out lass and a moro evil menace of i tol, and driven by Crystal, his two men, and tho man who had guarded tho forecastle, down into tho 'tween decks. Ho ordered tho malnhatch to bo bat tened down while his people went tc breakfast, one .sentry then sufficing. (To Be Continued.) . How to Keepnan Umbrella. 4. "Well. I carry a- cano In fair woath- jCr, janji I don't card 'If1 it's, 'proper or Rot," Bald n Philadelphia man. tho oinor uay. "uoni you Know inai uio man who carries a stick never loses nn umbrella? It's a fact I carry a cano all tho time, and as a result I get bo accustomed to having some thing in my hand that if I Btart away without it I misB it before I'vo gone a dozen stepsi- So when it rains and -I havo my umbrella the habit to carry something is so strong that I can't possibly lose tho rain procteor. Try it." . Mother dray Rweet TavrGera t or Children. Successfully Used by Mother Gray, nurso In the Children's Home In New York, cure Constipation, Feverlshncss, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, moro and regulate tbo Bowels nnd DcstroyWornis. Over 30.000 ta timonials. At all Druggists. 25c Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y. - i j i i Tho man of the ttmo Is not always tho most worthy of tho title. All tho world's a stage, hut many of tho actors aro only understudies. Some pictures ore like somo peo ple hanging Is too good for them. All creameries usa .butter color. Why not do as they do uso JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR. Tho hair dresser Coesn't succeed by having a pun. It Is generally tho people who know tho least that tell the most. Ho who believes In nobody knows that ho himself is not to be trusted Tho timo of tho losing horso Isn't monoy to tho man who bets on him. It is nn easy matter to Interest Eome lawyers in a case of champagne. "Worid'o Fair. A St Louis World's Fair Informa tion Bureau has been established at 1G01 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob., in chargo of Harry E. Moores, where all information will bo cheerfully fur nished freo of charge. Hearts aro played to draw out dia monds in tho game of love. It would bo unkind to havo all tho band-legged people banded together. Profane history is thing to Bwear by. not always a Do Your Clothe3 Look Yellow? Then use Deflnnco Rnrdi. it will Uop thorn wbito 10 oz for 10 cent;. About tho only ?tnbilshmcnt that makes money without advertising Is tho mint A tourist without money Is a tramp, and a tramp with raone-y is a tourist. YlXtOW CX.OTIIG3 A7.E UNSIGHTLY. Keep them whlto with lied Cross Ball Blue, All grocers sell largo 3 oz. package, 5 centa A woman's tongue Is a strenuous thing that no man can tamo. Censor the Wrapping Paper. Merchants In Finland havo lately experienced greater delay than usual In receiving goods sent from abroad. On Inquiry It was found that tho Rus sian press censorship had been ex tended to nil old newspapers In which merchandise Is ganorally wrapped up, and that these had first to be carefully read for any revolutionary matter that they might contain beforo delivery could bo made. Dead Stars Most Numcrouc. Tho dead stars probably outnumber tho living Btara by man it may bo jnlllions to 'one. Dark Btars, although invisible to the eye, may yet be brought within the range of human ob servation, as many of them, though no longer luminous, must omit heat and may bo phtotographed on plates sen sitized to tho infrared rays of the spectrum. Easy to Get Special Trains. At any of tho big railroad terminals in any city now a man can get a spe cial engine and car .to chaso a flier almost as easily as ho can check his trunk. Only a few minutes' notice Is required, and right of way Is ob tained for 100 or 200 miles along the lino without noticeably disturbing scheduled runs. A man who has to keep an important business engage ment, or a woman hurrying to a sick hUBband, pays $100 or double that sum for a special with as llttlo con corn as paying a oupper check In a swell hotel. LIKED HIS "NIP." Not a Whloky, but a Coffee Toper. Cive coffee half a chance and with some pcoplo It setT Its grip hard nnd fast. "Up to a couplo of years ago," says a business man of Brooklyn, N. Y., "I was as constant a coffeo drink er as it was possible to be. indeed, my craving for coffee was equal to that of a drunkard for his regular 'nip and tho effect of tho coffee drug upon my system was indeed deplorable. "My skin lacked its natural color, my features we i pinched and my nevers wero shattered to such an ex tent as to render mo very irritable. I also suffered from palpitation of the heart. "It was while In tills condition I read an article about Postum Food Coffee and concluded to try It It was not long beforo Postum had entirely de stroyed my txglng passion for coffeo and In a short time I had entirely given up coffeo for delicious Postum. "Tho change that followed was so extraordinary I am unable to describe it Suffice it to say, however, that all my troubles havo disappeared. I am my original happy self again and on tho whole tho soothing and pleas ant effects produced by ray cup of Postum make mo feel as though I havo been nded at another station.' "Not long ago I converted ono of my friends to Postum and ho Is now as loud in its praise as I am." Namo fur nished by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each package for a copy of tho famous little bock, "Tho Road to Wellville." .i ' Insist on dotting lb '.Borne grpcerssay ttaoy don't keep D Banco Starch. This is becauso tboy bare a stock on hand of otbor brands containing only 12 os. In o package, which they wonl bo nblo to sell first, becanso.Doflancaia-. tains 10 oz. for tbo same monoy. Do yoa want 10 oz. Instead of 13 oz. for satno money f Then buy Defiance Btorch. Requires no cooking. It's no credit to n man to bo good at tho point of a gun, ' Even tho "top wave of popularity" is often but a shallow depth. A great man Is tho handiwork, of many small men. The centaur never went.anywhero except on horseback. "Mrt. windows nooming; Byron. For children tectlilnir, eoftina tbo ftumn, reduce! iQ unmUon.allaj-pi!n.pnrn wind colic 2ioabotU, If every idle wotrd must bo account-, ed for, somo folks would better keen quiet The color blind man can tell when ho has a brown tasto in his mouth. A racing automobllo isn't in it with fleeting fame. I am sure Plso's Curo for Consumption saved, toy life threo years asa Mrs. Tnos. Kobucjs, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Fob. 17, 1000. : h , Whisky and water la a - good 'mixer" to tho chap who takes too many. A man rarely feels that he has been given all to which ho is entitled. Defiance Starch bonld be in every household, none so good, besides 4 oz. moro for 10 cents than any' other brand of cold water starch. A man is caught more times in his speech than a woman, becauso you can't interrupt a woman. Lewis' "Singlo Binder" straight Co cigar, made of extra quality tobacco. You Iiay 10c fdr cigars not so good. Lewis' factorr Peoria, 111. A papor dollar is said to last about five years unless It visits a church fair. A bravo man's honor and a truo woman's lovo have no docllno on tho stock exchange gof Hfo. W 0ABTRI00ES AND i mk SHOT SHELLS PS'rcpresent the experience of 35 mWfe years of ammunition making. mr U.YI.C.onlhehcadofacart- wkff ridge is a guarantee of quality. Qf Sure fire accurate reliable. W$Bfcm UKIQH METALLIC - j r v f X 1 (Vcrv y- fcfcivl nt am 'vimr at -mum' WrfKfi SOWERS Waterproof 'ffYfi KqltNl OILED w , SflrffiAf JSBfiaSP CLOTHING M V OLD AXOUW THt WOftl ?7 A A f rJ iwii"nfiM,imf MlAx3 "7 i m, Myftw fSv Xn A.!.TOWEROO,EartDa,K,U$.A. 'TV 1 CV TCWX3 CAMUUN CO, Lm4 TCNTa CAM, J .. J SS J ( THE LDYv I WHO IRONS 1 H Knows how important it & m to use agoodjtarch. Defiance f ft Starch is the best starch iA made. It doesn'tjticlMo ll the Iron. It glves""o beautl.' lftl V ful soft glossy stiOWtp the 1 m clothes. It will not, blister M A or crack the goods. t seDs I lftl for 'w,,50eJ farther, ""doo ft more. Ask the bdy who yj irons. Defiance Starch at all' m grows, i 16 oz. for 10" cents.' I M TUaDEnANCESTAJiaiCO, m I 1OMAHA - neo. , A 1 & I r s.