li ft H ll cs h i U I' i if THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. J. O'Keefe, Publlcher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Governor Tnft will bo In Washing ton, ready to nssumo his now duties as aecretary of war sorao tlmo In January. Ovor 10,000,000 plccos of mall mat ter, covering ?48,43G In money nnd H.493,000 checks and drafts, roacltod tho (load lcttor ofllco during the year. Tho National Association of Llfo Underwriters at llaltlin'jro olectod II. J I. Ward of Clovolnnd president In dianapolis wan solectod as tho noxt placo of mooting. BiBhop Murphy of Hobart, Tas mania, has tho distinction of being Iho oldest Roman Catholic prolato In (ho world now In active sorvlco, IIo was born on tho day tho bntllo of Waterloo was fought. The members of tho national nrt Jury, selected to pass upon tho pict ures for tho coming national exhibi tion at tho Carnoglo nrt galleries ar rived In Pittsburg and at onco en tered upon their work. An official ordor revoking tho quarantine against cattlo, snoop and pwlne In Massachusetts- nnd Now (lainpshlro on account, of tho foot and mouth dlGoaBO was iBsucd by tho locrotary of agriculture. Mrs. Clnronco Wnrdon, who died last week In Pnrls,twaa a Miss Payne Hf Maine, llor husband was a Uos Ionian. Sho leaves a son, W. P. Warden, who Is a promising young artist In tho Prench capital. Peter Oouloo3lan, an Armenian, treasurer of tho society to establish (in Armanlan school, was found dead at Providence, It. I., and $500 bo longing to tho society waB missing. His body boro marks of foul play. A decision handed down by tho ap pellate division of the supremo court In Brooklyn, N. Y declares In effect that tho board of education of thlc rlty had the right to enact a by-law declaring tho placo of a woman prin cipal, head department or teacher va cant In tho event of hor marriage. That Mount McKlnloy la Impossible to ascent from tho wootern sldo Is tho opinion of Dr. Ferdinand A. Cook of Now York who, with a party of ox plorers nnd sclcntUts, has just re turned to Seattle from Valdoz, Alaska. Thoy havo spent tho summer In vnln attempts to scale tho Cooks Inlet peak. At "Wilmington, Del., Mrs. Emma F. Qulgloy, aged CO yoara, committed sut rldo by hanging at her homo, Sho iad been despondent slnco tho death pf hor sister sovoral months ago. Sho was tho widow of Philip Qulgley, formerly a prominent contractor who erected machinery hall at tho Cen tennial exposition iu Philadelphia In 1870. Tho secret sorvlco announced tho discovery of a new counterfeit $10 United Stntcs note. Tho noto In hand is of tho Bcrlcs of 1901, Lyons register, Roberts treasurer, with por traits of Lewis and Clark. It is a woll executed lithographic production printed on a good quality of bond pa paper, without any attempt to imltato silk fiber. , Tho authorities on tho Blackfoot reservation, Montnna, arrested Jako Williams on a charge of having vio lated tho law In selling whiskey which lod to tho murders thore. At tho preliminary hearing before tho United States commissioner, Williams waived examination ami was held to tho United Statos grand jury In $1,000 bond, which ho socured. I Lloutonant P. II. Sharldan. Fifth cavalry, a son of the famous civil war genoral, has returned from tho Philip pines on the transport Shorhlan, just arrived, nftor a yoar's campaigning. Lloutonant R. T. Hatzard. who won famo nnd promotion to the regular army as a result of his good work with Gonoral Funston In tho capture of Agulnaldo, was also on board. F. A. Fischer of the Bureau of Standard Weights and measures at Washington has compared the Ameri can motor with tho International standard and has found It accurate. Mr. Fischer is investigating tho sys tems of wolghts and measures of European countries, with tho view of drawing up a report upon which Sec retary Cortelyou will mako recom mendations to congress. Socretary Hitchcock has before him charges of irregularities In ofllco which have been made against Isaac Stoddard, secretary of tho territory af Arizona, but when Mr. Stoddard called ho was unable to grant hint an audience. Plans have been accepted by Com missioners Wiggins nnd,Filcher for a magnificent arch to adorn the en trance of California's mining exhibit' nt tho St. Louis exposition. The structure will be entirely of materials found within tho Golden state. The Two (By W. CLARK Copytltht, 1M7, by P. F. Collier. Chapter XX Continued. On tho wholo this mall booty was .lot disappointing. Popo kept tho newspapers to road; there was no lit erature in tho little iihlp, aud ho be lloved those West Indian joumals would Interest Miss Crystal. Whon tho bngs had boon thoroughly sacked, ovory letter and parcel opened and Hung nway, Popo road out tho flguros ho had entered and told tho men how much more they woro worth In solid money slnco eight bolls had been struck. "Arc you satisfied?" ho said. Yes, thoy woro all satisfied. "Mark now, my hearts," ho ex claimed, "that thlB Is only tho begin ning; this crulso isn't up until I'm worth ton thousand pounds, nnd yo'll all bo rich men when that's boon brought nbout. You can till your cans and drink success; this Is a good day's work." Going nft. Capt Pope met Lnurn ascending tho companion way from her cabin. Ho stopped nt once, with his usual low bow and nourish. "Havo you Benrched tho malls?" sho asked. "Yes," ho answorod, loaning oppo slto to her against n bulkhead and laughing, and adoring her. "What did you And?" "Certain things propor to enrich us," ho repMed. "How can you havo tho honrt to steal, Captain Popo?" "Because, besides my hand, I must possess nn estate to lay nt your feet." This was put in a rather Irish way, and unconsciously thoro was a touch of tho broguo In his delivery. His accent nmused her and sho smiled, and then looked up at Crystal, a llt tlo piece of whom sho could just catch a Bight of as ho sat on tho edge of the skylight. "If you hud been tho owner of tho Thetis, I should not tlnd you nn nd vocato for piracy," said Miss Laura who Domed disposed to linger, as "Certain things proper to enrich us." Miough sho cr.Joved a conversation with tho heroic Irishman, while her cousin sucked his old pipe above. "I dare not nrguo with you," said Popo. "Your eyes drive tho logic out of my head. Miss Crystnl Miss laura Laura," ho cried, with a sud den passion which anybody might see ho could not control, "you will bo my wife?" Tho plcco of Crystal that was show ing In tho skylight disappeared; his newspaper fluttered and vanished like n butterfly. "It Is ridiculous!" sho answorod, with nothing but n fnrnt tremble of voice to mark loss of self-control. "Wo aro strangers wo are scarcely known to each other." "You could not bo better known to mo," ho oxclnlmed, approaching her nnd solving her hand, which sho al lowed him to retain, "had wo sailed round tho world togother." Just as ho said this Captain Crystal enmo down tho companion steps. "Aro you coming on, dock, Laura?" says ho, pausing. "Why do you object to this young lady bolng In my company?" said Popo, and ho looked at Crystal with dangerous oyos. "My wish is that my cousin should be left along by you whllo she's aboard this brig," ropllod Crystal, in a harsh nnd savago voice. Pope, without unfolding his arms, with tho snmo dangerous expression burning in his bluo eyes, oyod him critically for a moment or two, ns though hosltatlng to decldo whether ho was drunk or mad. Ho then said, pointing with a rapid, menacing ges ture to tho companion hatch: "Go on deck, sir, and look nftor the ship!" "Como you with me," called out Crystul to Laura, and tho girl, with a singlo glance of entroaty and fear at Captain Popo. at onco arose and wont up tho steps aftor her cousin. Pope stood for some moments lost In thought loaning with his hand upon the table, "I who murdered," ran his (bought, "I who, at tho risk of my lite, plundered tho old woman, not lo3 in his interests than in my own. llit" he continued to mius, then, ponrtorlng deeply, ho stepped into his cabin. "I hope you have not asked me to j come on deck to quarrel with me,' Captains RUSSELL. Copyrllht. IW, hy Dodd, Mend & Co. says Laura, fastening hor eyes, full of spirit nnd tempor, upon Crystal's rug god, ntorm-Iurrowod face. "I know my duty ns your relation," ho answered, "and I know what Pope's duty lit as a gentleman. I'll do mine, so help mo the gods; nnd he'll havo to do his," ho nnawercd, stopping so ns to oblige her to walk with him. "But ho is doing his duty ns n gon tloman!" exclaimed tho girl, with n mounting color. "Ho'a kind to mo, nnd courteous. It Is you who nro bru tal." Ho looked sternly at her. "If father and mother woro both on board this ship, they would find nothing In tho behavior of Captain Pope to ob ject to, however much they might abominate his and your trnde." In u moment Pope returned to tho -deck. Ho was smoking a cigar. Ho wont to tho wheel and looked at tho brig's course. Then with his seaward ly blue oyes ho narrowly clrclod the horizon. Crystal loaned against tho bulwark rail, and Laura a little at a loss took up tho papers upon tho sky lfght, and seemed to road thJlr ad dresses. Pope called down tho com panion hatch, and tho man who was preparing tho tabic for that last oarly meal, which at sea Is called supper, brought up a chair which tho captain placed tvgainst the skylight in the shadow of tho trjsail. Miss Laura seated herself. Captain Pope pulled out ti penknife, and cut open throe or four newspapers, one of which ho handed to tho young lady, himself retaining another. "Crystal," sings out Popo n a mid don, "what d'yo say to this?" Tho square man came leisurely for ward with his nowspapor in one hand and his pipe In tho other. "Here surely seems something In the shape of booty," said Pope, with a llttlo oxcltomout. "What's tho date of this sheet?" Ho looked at It and rend It aloud. "So! By George, Jon athan, wo ought to fall In with her!" and le read out of the body of the paper full particulars of a largo West Indlnman of seven hundred tons, which was to sail from Kingston on a date that made It four or five days after that of the issue of tho paper ho hold. She was a far richer ship than the Thetis. Sho was to carry twelve thousand pounds in specie; Eeveral valuable consignments were mentioned. Ho put down his paper, went below and returned in a few minutes with a large chnrt of the Atlantic. IIo put this chart down upon tho deck close beside Iiura and knelt upon It, and Crystal likewise knelt. "A wook's ambling should bring us abreast," said Pope rising, nnd Crys tal also roso, and tho wiry chart colled Itself up like a. thing of llfo "If wo can tako her, sho should suf fice." "Thoro will bo another fight," said Lnurn. folding and unfolding her pa per. "How dreadful! Both of you may Jose your lives, and all for n lit tle money which will not do either of you good, becnuso It will not be hon: eatly come by." "When I get my fortuno ashore." says Pope, smiling at her, "l will have it blessed, and then tho monoy will bo as sweet and chaste as though oarnod by that sort of sweat which Is as holy as prayor." CHAPTER XXI. The Slaver. The dusk glowod out of the oast and ovorwholmod tho wost; It was loaded with stars and some clouds hovered ovor tho odge of the sea. "Crystal," said Popo. spoaklng as though tho unpleasant passage be tween thorn that afternoon had clean gono out of his mind, "what d'yo pay to heaving tho brig to every nightfall for tho night? Sho's not to give us the go-by In the durk, John." "I wouldn't henvo to yot If I was you," answered Crystal, "wo han't closed her by loagues." "Wo must fall In with her at all costs," says Pope; "for 1 want to bee an ond to this jaunt. Miss Crystal, will you penult me to conduct you to tho plain supper table of a plrnto?" With some ceremony ho clapsod her hand. Crystul walked away to tho wheel and took out the binnacle lamp to light his pipe, and replaced It, but oontrlvad In no doing to throw the nhofln of tho flatno ovtr tho holm man's fade "You're ono of (lis TheUVa mon, ain't you?" sfild ho. "Yaa, sir," wns the answer. "How d'ye llko this llfo?" said CryF tnl. "Why, I ain't seon enough of It yot to mako up my mind," replied tho man. "There's a bit of tho swag bo low a-comlng to my share,' and if tho skipper was to knock off now It Un't mo an would bo the first to sing out." Crystnl sucked n moment or two at his pipo in silence. "I'm beginning to think," ho said, with an affectod yawn, "that this life's out and away to risky for a man who vnluos his neck and reputation. Aud though my frlond Captain Popo makes light of tho difficulty, cuss mo if I can understand how wo're going to dispose of the booty, nnd not get nabbod, every mothor's son of us, and strung up." "I suppose," said tho fellow at tho holm, "If nny of us mon want to go clear of this job the capt'n would bo wlllln' to transship us." "Ay, by ponding yo ndrift." "That ud bo bleeding hard," said the helmsman. "No capt'n's got n right to forco a man Into being a pirate without his consent." "Sound some of 'the mon forward, your own shipmates particularly," says Crystal, with a note of carole9 ness in his voice. "You needn't men tion this conversation of ours. Re port to me privately. If more than half tho ship's company are willing to abandon the cruise, then I may in duce tho captnln to give It up, nnd mako for sufety while our necks aro our own." Saying this ho moved away, and stood bosldo tho skylight, and, un porcelvod, looked down. Ho witnessed a lovo scone, and In voluntarily clenched his hands. Popo had murdered a blockader, ho had barbarously plundered an aunt. Ho had killed, robbed and scuttled, and Crystal qui to understood that tho hnndsomo dog, unless ho cheated the law by his own hand, or was collared by disease and walked off, must bo hanged. He was enraged and mor tified also by Iaura's indifference to hl'j views and wishes. Sho wns al lowing Pope to mako love to her, and .Jonathan ground his teeth. Laura, who clearly listened with in terest, often with a light of pleasure in her bosnttful face, and sometimes she would flash a look at her wor shiper. Doubtless she knew that her cousin was on deck, but the infrequent glance sho would shoot through tho skylight sank into tho dusk past the faco gllmorlng to tho skylight. Crystal took off his hat and wiped his biow. Tho meteoric dust was very plentiful over tho mastheads, and tho horizon opened northeast against a gentle play of violet lightning. The square man was thirsty, ho was also hungry, and Grindal being too drunk to relieve him his irritability increased because lie observed that the couplo in tho cabin made no signs of coming on deck. Quitting tho skylight ho walked slowly forward. The gloom was deep betwixt tho rails, and all about the neighborhood of tho caboose, owing to tho Inky, dyo cast into it by tho shadowing of tho sailB, and tho dusk was spangled with tho glowing bowls of smokers, who, finding the tempera ture of tho 'tween-decks oppressive, had cast themselves upon the deck nnd lay In groups (To Bo Continued.) Charles Dickens Settlement. Rov. W. H. Longsdon, vicar of St. Michael's borough, London, Is looking for a "founder" for his proposed "Charles Dickens Settlement," In that parish. Tho qualification is a gift of ?25,O00. Lant street. In which tho Church of St. Michael Is situated, Is where a back attic was taken for llttlo Charles during his "blacking" days, and whore years nfterward Bob Saw yer lodged. Mr. Longsdon has re cently, with tho aid of some friends, socured the freehold of a block o liouses and stables, with a large ware house behind. The houses havo been turned into a mission house, boys' club, vicarage, etc., and it Is the ware house which Mr. Longsdon proposoa to utilize for the "Charlos DIckon Set tlement." If the vicar could socura the $25,000 required to. start tho set tlement, he would bo able to divide tho warehouse Into rooms for class teach ing, clubs, gymnasium, entertainment hall and reading rooms, etc., lor both sexes, whllo tho top floor could be used :iv bedrooms for young students nnd others who would como down to the settlement as helpers. Esther's Experiment. Llttlo Esther, aged 1, noticed tho other day at dinner tho rest of tho tamlly helping themselves to mustard. Nobody offering her any, sho wait ed till somebody drow away the at tention of tho others, when she lifted tho mustard spoon, liberally daubed a pleco of bread with tho fiery condi ment, and took a substantial bto. Her hand Immediately went up to her mouth; but bravely suppressing an outcry, sho put the bread away from her, remarking; "I think I'll wait till that Jolly gets cold." Chicago Llttlo Chronicle. What They Do. "Do you think tho so-called manly art, as- exemplified by prize fighting, is of any roal benefit?" "Certainly. Prle fights servo to stimulate " "What?" "Retting" Strictly Nautical. "What will tho cup seekers bo that follow Shamrock III.?" "They'll bo IV.-and-afters, of course." HM-frH-W-M'-K-'-J-; 'J THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. ix Latest Quotations from South T Omaha and Kansas City. l4"HHHHrW"H-4-H-HHM SOUTH OMAHA. CATTIjIS Receipts of cattlo were not excessive, and while there wns little or no chance In ruling price the market was plow nnd no moro than steady. 'Cornfed steers sold In Just obout tho snmo notches that they did jesterday. Packers Beemod to want a few nnd ns there were only a few bunches In pieht the market held steady. Cornfetls of de ferable quality are fully steady for tho week nhd even the commoner klruVi havo shown very little change, although trad ing has been dull on that class, with prices rather uncveu. There was no Brest life to tho cow trade, ns buyers seemed to bo pretty well tilled up nnd apparently did not care whether they trot many or not. There Is little chance to note In bulls, veal cnlves and stnus, as prices have held Just nbout steady nil the week. There werje only a few Block ers unil feeders In sight, so that prlcoH on anything decent hold nbout steady. Common .stuff was extremely dull tho same ns uHunl. Tho few western Brnss beef steers that arrived sold without ma terial change In the market, or nt fully steady prices, as compared with close of last week. HOGS The upwnrd tendency oi hog values was suddenly checked, and ''In fact the bulk of the ndvnnce of tho last few days was lost. At the opening of tho market n few of tho host Huhtwelghts sold steady to n little lower, us high ns J8.80 being paid, or tho same 8 jester day's top. Aside from those few loads, however, tho market was very slow nnd 10f?20c lower than jesterday morning, or fully a dime lower than yesterdaj-'s bad close. Packers were bidding J5.26tJG.3J for heayleSjSS.SOfiCSS for mediums, while the lights sold"rrbm that up to "$5.60. ' SHKBP-Quotations for grass mock: Cholco western lambs, J4.73i5.O0; fnlr to good lambs, J4.50&'4.75; -"cholco yearlings, J3.CiOfr3.S5; fair to good yearlings, J3.40& 3.60; choice wethers, J3.33fl3.60; fair to good wethers, 53.1Ciff3.3r,: cholco ewes, J2.85Q3.10; fnlr to good owes, S2.S0't.,.M): choice 'feeder lambs. $4.104.35; fair to good feeder lambs, J3.50ff4.00; feeder year lings, J3.35fJ3.60; feeder wethers, $3.00 3.25; feeder ewes, $1.5OQ2.50. KANSAS CITY. CATTLE-Natlve nnd wetherod beeves stendy to strong; nntlvo nnd western eows steady to 10c lower; stockors and feeders slow und lower; cholco export nnd dressed beef step's. Jt,W)C.40; fair to good, 54.15ft4.iV); stotk-rs and feoderH. J2.20&4.00; Western fed 'teers. J2.25fH.30; Texns nnd Indian steers, 2.25ft3.2!i; Texas cows, $1.50. 2.23: native cowp, Sl.BOftM.OO; nntlve heifeis. J2.255I-I.1'); canners, $1.00 2.30; bulls. S1.303.:r; calves. Jl.75ff6.30. , HOGS Market 10c lower; closed weak; .top, J5.70; bulk of sales, J5.4CK05.G3; heavy, J5.3W75.G7U; mixed packers , Jo.50t?G.70; light, J5.45ff5.70; yorkors, Jo.CSQi'.'O; pIKs, J5.25'8r.G0. : SHEKI' AND LAMBS-Mnrket stonily Xo strong; native lambs. J3.2y(i5.20; west ern lambs, J2.90fJG.10; fed ewes, J2.3Mt3.75; .Toxas clipped yearlings, J2.50ii4.0O; Texas clipped sheep, $2.403.75; stockers nnd feeders, J2.00ff3.50. NEW LINE ON THE PACIFIC. Grand Trunk to Equip Three Vessels for Australian Trade. SAN FRANCISCO. Tho informa tion was made public that tho Grand Tronic road Is about to placo throe largo and modern steamprs In tho Australian trade, sailing from Ta coma, In competition with the Oceanic Steamship company, and tho Canadian Pacific's line to Australia. Involved In the new enterprise Is a traffic deal between the Grand Trunk and the Hill lines whereby the latter will share tho handling of tho traffic, tho steamers of the Puclflc Coast com pany to furnish direct connection with this port. The establishment of the new steamship line to bo kuown as the Australian and Puget Sound Steam ship company, is declared to be strictly a Grand Trunk undertaking. Ab the Grand Trunk has no tracks thus far this Bide of Chicago, tho Hill lines will handle the business be twegn Tacoma and Chicago. Mule Too Tough for Street Car. ST. LOUIS, Mo. While a team of mules drawing a wagon were crossing North Ninth street a street car came speeding along and struck one of the mules squarely on tho Hank. Tho collision stoppod the car. The car was damaged to tho extont of 510, several passengers recoived bruises from the Impact, but tho prostrated Missouri inula arose, gave ono long bray, and then proceeded quietly with tho wagon. Foul Play Feared and Negro Held. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. A nogro un known to tho police is being hold tin til an Investigation can bo made con cerning a certificate of membership In tho Scottihh Rite Masons, which he had In his possession. Tho certifi cate boro tho namo of James ChatJ field of Ossian, Ind. The police havq ascertained that Chatfleld loft fo Kansas City. Relatives foar that he met with foul play. Fortunto mny find a pot; but your own Industry must mako it boll. Protest Against Statue of Lee. DAYTON, O. One of the conclud ing acts of tho Union Veteran Legion, which closed its annual meeting here on Friday was tho adoption of a reso lution bitterly protesting ngatnst und donounolug the plan of placing a statue of Goneral Robert E. Lee In the Hall of Famo. The resolutions nssert that such an act would be an Insult to tho Union soldiers now llv ing and to tho memory of soldiers dead. Tf"V The World Rolls On. George Stuart, an Advontlst ofWol iott, Kan., is dead at tho ripe ago of lit. Mr. Stuart's chief pleasure In llfo was In predicting tho ond of tho world. tle had so much coufldcnco in his flg ares that ho aeveral times climbed a all poplar tree near hlB homo nnd mere awaited the final smash. In splto it such a succe'sBion of alarms, Mr. Stuart seems to havo lived a pretty even life. No woman is happy unless sho can get her namo nnd her front hair In :ho pnper3. Mon usually roach out for moro than thoy can oasily manage. Usually the right Bide of the market 13 tho outside. Many who formerly smoked 10c clgnrs now smoke Lowi3"SiuKlc Binder" straight Jc. Lewis' Factory, Peorin, HI. America's Champion Inventor. Frank Schaukco of Vlnconnos, Ind., holds the record of tho country as an Inventor and patentee. He has -designed no less than C.024 Instruments of various kinds, obtaining patents on all of them. None of his inventions, however, hns brought him fortune, al though ho is drawing a small incomo from some of them. To Cure a Cotrt In ono dny. Tnko Lnxativo Bromo Quinlno Tnblets. All druggists rcfundiuonoy if ltf alls to euro. "0C A Queen Stuffed Them. The queen of Italy haB presented to one of the Italian natural history mil' seums a fine collection of animals nnd birds, many of which she stuffed with her own nandti, which sho gathered curing a yachting crulso In northern waters. Mother Gray's Sweet rowdcrs f or Children, I Successfully used by Mother Gray, nursa 'In the Children's Home In Now York, cure iConstip.'ition, Feverisbncss, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, tnovo and regulate the Bowels nnd Destroy Worms. Over 1.000 tes timonials. At nil Druggists. 23c. Sample FREE. Addrc&sA.S. Olmbted, LcRoy.N. Y. Every woman enjoys telling how much she figured In her husband's sue cess. Any man who attempts to dodgo a bill collector Is npt to be found out. When a man's nose la as red as n beet It's usually safe to bet that ha is one. Clenr white clothes nro a sign tlint tho houokoeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue. Lurgo 'J oz. package, 5 cents. If there 1b anything moro pitiful tnan an effeminate man It is a mascu line woman. Denounces Skyscrapers. In a public address recently Wheeler H. Pcckham of New York took ground against skyscraper otllco buildings, which ho condemned as dangerous to health. "How considerate we are," ho exclaimed. "Wo build hospitals for tho poor consumptive nnd then wo' turn around and build sky-scraping structuro wnero consumption may, breed so that we Bhal lnot lack for1 patients." This matter is boginning to nttrnct sorious attention In Now York City, especially In tho lower part of Manhattan Island, where tho streets aro as narrow ond crooked as when the Dutch burghers laid thom out or. tholr cows traced them across tho fields. Fences at 97. Ernest Legouvo, oldest member of the French academy, has entered upon' his 07th year, but Is still well and hearty. This wonderful old man vis its a fencing hall every morning at Kit o'clock and has n fast flftcen-mlniUcJ bout with one of tho Instructors. Ho. weighs hardly sixty pounds. His daughter, Mme. Desvallleres, Is 08 years old and- is also ardently de voted to exercise, being easily able to' swim tho Seine twice without resting.' M. Legouve Bays he has a triple wish to bo able until the last to hold his fork, his razor and his sword steadily in his baud. For a Bad Dack. Sabra, Montana, Oct. 19th. A great many men In this neighborhood used to complain of pains In tho back, but now scarcely one can be found who has any such trouble. Mr. Gottlieb Mm Is largely respon sible for tho Improvement for it was he, who first of all found the remedy for this Backncho. He has recom mended It to all his friends and neigh bors, and In ovory case it has had wonderful success. Mr. Mill says: "For many years I had been trou bled with my Kidneys and pains In the small of my back. I triad many n.-;d!c!nos but did not derive uny bono fit until last fall, when I bought a dozen boxos of Dodd's Kidney Pills. After using thom a few days I began to improve, my back quit aching and I felt better and stronger all around. "I will keep thom In tho house right r.loug for In my opinion they aro tho bist medicine in the market to-day, and If my back should bother mo again, I will use nothing olse." In England a candidate stands for office. bit in thlB country ho has to hump himself and run. Whon a man ceases to bo compli mentary to a woman ho Is pronounced unstable. SWYEB2 EXCELSIOR BRAND and m&ed GBothSng Accp uut the Wet. orrarteU water proof and built to wtur. Alt rtyles lor all oor-upa-tlonr Look for triult mark. If jourtltaler dotrn't have -jtm, ttad forcatalOEje to H.M.SAWYIB&,20H, Kut Canbri Jce, Uui. owif Jiirm r s I s&ttsstP W8?v ivTm17 WoiSw JKRrZ ..u-'.ffivr'al' s tf". ttf ii i r , 4fr it