I - ft C5r r- -7 1 h a The Pope's American Cousin. Hov, Don Lulgi Sartorl, pastor of Bt. Joseph's church, Midland, Mil., a cousin of Popo Plus X, will sail for Homo next month to pay his rospects to tho new pontiff. The popo and the American parish priest are descend ants of tho samo grandfather, tho par ents of the Midland pastor having add cd tho "rl" to their name, according to tho custom of the Venetian prov ince In which they lived. There is a striking physical resemblance be tween Pope Plus X nnd Father Sar tori. They are well acquainted. It is the purest, cleanest starch made. It is free of injurious chemicals. It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any kind. That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA, NEB. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.i&s3 SHOES ffi! Yon can gavo from $3 to S5 yearly by wearing W. L, Douglas $3.60 or $3 shoes. Xncy equal tlioso that liavo been cost ing you from S4.00 to 55.00. Tho ira monso salo of W. L. Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all othor makes. Sold by retail shoo dealers everywhere. Look for nanio aud prlco on bottom. That Douglas nin Cor OnaColtprorealhtre is value In DourUh alioei. Corona la thn hlirh.if grail Pat.tatleriiiate.i uur wit t age Line cannot be equalled at any price. imiom ny mail, 85 rrnta extra. Illuatraled Catalog free, W. h. DOl'UULS, Urockton, Jla. TANKS FARM ERS! We mako all kinds of tanks. Red Cypress or White Pine. Write us (or prices and save middle man's profit. WOODEN PACKAGE MFG. CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove tho healing and cleansing power of l'axtlne Toilet Antlaeptto ire will mail n largo trial packaco with book or Instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample, but a large package, enough to con vince anyone ot its value. Women all over tho country are praising l'axtlne for what it has done in local treat ment of female Ills, curlnt? til Inflammation and discharges, wonderful a a rlcansing vagini.l douche, for soro throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to removo tartar and whiten the weth, Send today; a postal card will do. Holdbyilrujrffistaoraentpoatpnldbyas, BO dijU. lnrfffi buz. Hntlafaotloa surunt-cU. TUB 11. J'AXTON CO., ltoston, Mast. 214 Columbus Am. TO FARMERS ONLY We furnish 10 cows with every quarter section ot land bought ot us. You par for them out ot their cream. We apply the crop payment plan to stock. We are looking for men who want to own their homes, We can and WILL HELP YOU START RIGHT. If you want a farm or ranch In the "Garden of Pros perlty"send for our free list and descriptive folder. WHITNEY & WHEELOCK, 23 Broadway. Forgo, N. D. 2 91(1 ftPRF HED RIVER VALLEY NORTH ,0U nUriC DAKOTA FARM, four rullei frwn mala line of Nurthern l'aclnc. All under cultivation but 800 acres, aiu acres ffnoed. IUrlne runs through paiture. Illch black loam soil over clay subsoil Elejtantnew huuto, co.t J,lu, other buildings fair. Arulaa well. lteim fur elltng. made enouKh money outof Uiltfarm tolaet the rent of natural life, l'rfcr, peraer.$24.W. Tertnavery tasy. F. V. L1SC0LN, FARGO, MOUTH DAKOTA. CHAMPION TRUSS easy to wear. Alt' Your I'tirriclan't A4vU.e. 1IOOKLKT HlhK. Philadelphia Trusa Co., 610 Locust St., P hlla., Pa. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.., Omaha. No. 381903. H LUKtS WHLKh ALL LLSLr IAL5. Best Cough Syrup, Tutea Oood. Cm in lime, noia dt arutriritia. V' I W Tlrf gWM T Irrfta J ll Ha V MbasT&S' jBwmS t&otjMmuh&f&&?f& MMmmmm, 13 A Great Map of Prance. A complete, minute nnd "exact map tof tho twholo of 'Franco iwas com pleted over hnlf n century ago, aftor thirty-five years of Incessant labor and at an oxponso of over 10,000.000 francs, or $2,000,000. It was executed by officers of tho general staff nnd tho engineers of the army. It is tho grandest work of tho kind ever under taken by any country In tho world. Difficulty In securing a Jury Isn't al ways a sign of decreasing stupidity In a given locality. H I Mill Caterpillar Causes BIIndne6s. ' E. A. Wood of Bristol, Vt., crushed .a caterpillar on his arm about a year, ago, causing a sore that has affected his eyes and It is now feared that be will lose his sight EfJTC pTroanentiyri Krontiomerronmossattef r t J O rirt day'n ue ot Dr Kune'a (treat N'erre Reftois rr. Bond for VIUCK 03.00 trial bottle and treallroj Dtt.Il.ll Klikk. Ltd.. Ml Arch Street. Philadelphia. Aggregated Many Years. A somewhat noteworthy gathering took place recently at tho homo of! airs. Helen L. Russell in Wilton, N.'i H. Including tho three inmates of tho! home tho party numbered twelve. With no design at all as to ages a birthday! book was calculated. The dates sur-' prised us into a little calculation which revealed tho fact that tho aggregato age was 898 years. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color more goods, per package, than others. For One Flea, $5,000. Five thousand dollars Is n big prlco to offer for one flea, but this Is tho amount positively offered by tho Hon. Charles Rothschild of England for ono of those bothersome Insects. Mr.' Rothschild needs a polar flea to com plete his collection of these insects, and the $5,000 will be paid over to tho person who brings him a flea from tho back of the Arctic fox. The flea, of the Arctic fox is to flea fanciers what the egg of the grea auk Is to the collectors of birds' eggs. Mr. Roths child has fitted out a whaler, which' Is now In tho far north, to look for this flea among othor Arctic curiosl tics. DO TODlt CLOTHES COOK YEIXOWr If bo, unolted Cross Ball Blue. It will mako them white as snow. 2 oz. package 5 cents Profanity is tho Jim-jams of lan guage. When a woman mnrles a man for his pocketbook she need not hope to find his heart in it. No chromos or cheap premiums, hut a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for tho samo price of other starches. Life without hopo Is like a house without a roof. ;ifcyvfeatlaer la no hindrance to the rider who wears SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND POMMEL SLICKERS Man or saddle can not gat wet. BtCELSWR BRUNO OILED CLOTHING For oil kinds of work. Warranted waterproof. ivooic ror iraue-marK. 1 f not at dealers, write II.X.8wjfr6M,.lilirn. East taabridf., Xatt. Suul-blludcrt sufferers who have not! heard of the cillcacy of ;rfCHBt, SAI? should know that this reliable Salvo is in constant demand wherever tho com. plaint Is prevalent. mm 'Ksa m, ' I'a'A SI3M USL rfSSS J 2v u- .. VE ,r..K"X:K i General Nebraska News. i ? NEWSY STATE BRIEFS. Tho Groat Western Is now. running regular trains out of Omaha. Little flvo-yoar-old Esther, daughtor or Fred Grimm, a farmer living flvo miles east ot Norfolk, was horribly cut In a mowing machine. At St. Edward Elmer Russell was ar raigned before the county Judgo on the chnrgo of Incest nnd wns bound over to tho district court In tho sum of $2, 000. Mrs. Li. F. Dunn, wife of L. F. Dunn, mannger of the Florenco Lumber and Coal company, who was severely burn ed two weeks ago, died from her in juries. During a rain storm tho grocery storo 6f Jomes G. Stokes of McCook was struck by lightnjng and both building and contents wore practically destroyed. Ed Crossmnn, who resides near Ina vale, wns brought to Red Cloud and arraigned before tho board of Insanity. Mb condition Is very serious and ho was to Lincoln. Tho engineers and firemen of tho en tire Burlington system have been vol untarily granted an ndvance of from 5 to 10 and evqn 15 per cent in wages. Tho new schcdulo becamo effectlvo September 1. Mr. William Drusker, ono of tho leading merchants of Beemcr, broke one of his legs. Ho was out on tho farm of G. Karlen and in scuffling with a friend made n mls-Btep and in some way caused the break. At the farm of Wm. Reynolds, in Hall county, fire destroyed the thresh ing machine of J. A. Ross, a small grain crop of Mr. Reynolds, amounting to over $1,000, besides a now granary just recently erected. Mr. Reyonlds carried ?300 Insurance on the grain. Tho village of Shelton has voted $12,1500 In bonds for tho erection nnd maintenance of a waterwroks system. The bonds carried by over two to ono and as soon ns tho usual formalities are gone through with the enterpris ing town will have a water works sys- tern. Tho farm house of Morris Norrls, three miles northwest of Stella, burn ed to the ground. Tho family were awakened by tho smoke nnd at that time tho house was so far gono that they were barely able to get their clothes and woro unable to save any of tho household goods. Mrs. John Pollock of Beatrice under went an operation for the amputation of the left leg, about five Inches above the ankle. She junp?d from a buggy about a w,eck ago and broke the bones In a number of places, but walked about twenty feet before she realized how serious was the Injury. P. A. Wylle of Falls City was seri ously Injured a few days ago. He was hauling a wagonload of freight, riding on top of the load, in some manner ho lost his balance and fell to the ground, lighting on his head. He was picked up in an unconscious coudltlon and his recovery Is doubtful. Al. Peterson, a young blacksmith, has been arrested charged with the theft of a diamond ring from a call box In the postofilco at Randolph. The ring had been plnced In a small pack age and sent by mall, but Its non-delivery led to an Investigation, that lo cated the ring In a local jewelry store, where It had been left by Peterson for repair. Some ono broke Into tho general merchandise storo at Edholm, in Saun ders county, and stole goods of the value of $76 and about $10 worth ot postage stamps. Sheriff West was no tified and upon Investigation conclud ed that tho thief or thieves had gono In the direction of Schuyler, but fail ed to locate them. Alax Gibson, who was injured by the falling of a large bridge near Ne braska City the 15th ot last month, has filed a claim with the county for $2,500 damages and has given notice that unless it Is paid within twenty days that he will file suit against the county. He fell some fifty feet with the bridge and suffered three ribs brok en and other Injuries. Michael Morrl3 and Joseph Keller have filed damage cases In the district court of Nuckolls county praying for judgments against Henry Gilsdorf, A. H. Bowman. Dr. J. Barrett, I. J. Riley and others In the sum of $30,000 each. They allege that the defendants testi fied falsely in the celebrated arson cases, tho trials of which consumed over twenty days last winter. The membors of the Congregational church of York, who have beon with out a pastor for the last thirty days and who have had In view several pas tors, hud a mooting and decldod to in vite Rev. W. H. Medlar of Alexnndor, Minn., to come and look over the field. There never was a finer and better stand of corn In York county than now. Some of the corn was late, due lo the heavy rains In the spring, and If there is an early frost It will be caught. The rainfall during tho month of August was about six inches. MEN LOSING THEIR JOBS. Male Teachers In Nebraska Growing Lees, LINCOLN.Tho lncrenso In the percentage of womon who nro enter ing tho profession of teaching nnd tho decrease in tho number of men Is such ns to oxclto consldornblo com ment from Superintendent Fowler, who hns Just returned to Lincoln nfter having traveled pretty much all over tho state. Ho says tho rapidity of tho Increase of females ns teachers and tho cqunl rapidity of decrcaso In malo teachers Is becoming nstonlshlng. Last year tho ratio of men to women was about 18 per cent. This year It Is figured from returns coming Into tho office thnt It will not bo over iG per cent. At tho samo tltno thoro Is an In crease In tho number of women who arc becoming candidates for tho posi tion of county superintendent. Six teen out of tho ninety superintendents last year wero women, while this year thero will bo a much larger number. Tho snmo conditions nro found in tho Institutes and normnl schools. In some of them this year thoro word very few men, whllo in others thord were no men nt all. It appears, tho superintendent said, that teaching is becoming mora and moro tho provlnco of women. Tho reason for this is believed to bo tho fact that, men aro finding employment which pays much better elsewhere and they do not caro to compoto In tho teaching profession. CIRCUS MAN WEDS HEIRESS. Young Nebraskan Effects Rescue and Wins a Bride. BINGHAM PTON, N. Y. Arthur L. Roberts of Ilollnnd, Lancaster county, Neb., a cowboy with Main's clrcusi and Miss Ethel Gould, an heiress and society leader were married at the bride's homo In Cortland county. Tho wedding Is tho result of nn heroic rescue on tho part of tho groom. While Mnln's circus was exhibiting In this section Miss Gould, seated In n landeau, was watching tho parade, when tho horse, took fright at an ap proaching elephant, and becoming un controllable dashed madly toward a steep embankment. Roberts wna in tho parade, mounted on a mustang, with n lariat at his saddle. Quick as thought ho pursued and lassoed tho frightened steed rounding him up without any Injury to Miss Gould. It was a caso of lovo at first sight and tho wedding followed. Sarpy County Mortgages. PAPILLION. Tha following Is a list of mortgages filed and released In Sarpy county for tho month of Aug ust, 1903: Farm mortgages filed, $1G,900; released, $17,775. Town mortgages filed, $2,02.1; released, $1,025. Chattel mortgages filed, $5, 331.00; released. $2,C95. Nebraska Woman Killed by Engine. OAKLAND. Mrs. Fredorlck Hill man, a native of Germany, 72 years old, was struck by a local train and Instantly killed. Mrs. HUIman, ac companied by her husband, was on her vay from Nebraska to Southern California. Engineers' Report This Month. FREMONT. L. D. RlohardB has Just received a letter from tho Kelly Engineering company of Now York, stating that work is progressing sat isfactorily, ,but slowly, on the plans; surveys and estimates of tho survey recently completed of tho Fremont cannl route, and that it will bo com pleted and submitted to tho determin ing board tho latter part of this month or tho first of next. They will ro quire several weeks to act. Settlers Will Fight Suit. LINCOLN.Tho state will soon bo Involved In a law suit affecting the ownership of some 2,700 acres of tha best land in Boyd county and with a rontal value amounting to between $3,000 nnd $4,000. .At a meeting of the board of education, lands and funds a resolution was adopted au thorizing tho commissioner of public lands and buildings to take steps to fight an Injunction- secured August 14 by tho holders of this land pro venting the board from leaving it. Will Sue for Libel. NELSON. J. S. Machem, a farmot living about three miles from this place, haB omployod R. D. Sutherland to bring an action for criminal libel against such payors as have published a story to tho offect that he .had eloped with tho daughtor of a uolgh bor. He says that ho has not beon from homo nt all oxcopt a day here and there helping his neighbors In thrashing and hay-making. Returning Youthfulncss. The hnlr nnd heard of Wnltor Craig of Cadlr... O., who la 35 yoars of ago, nnd which has bson criawy white sev eral years, la rapidly turning blnok again. Europe's Useless Citizens. Enropo hns fourteen princes over Bovonly years old, and flvo ovor eighty. Tnlk Is snld to bo cheap; yot some peoplo lndulgo in extravagant re marks. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury. m mercury will surely dentroy tho ronie of smell and comrleteli' derange the wtiolo system whr u entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never lo used except on preti-rtptlous trom reputable physicians, as ttio damage trier will do Is ten fold to the Rood you can poiilhly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy F J, Cheney A Co., Toledo, O . contnlns tio mercury, and U taken Internally, acting directly upon the liloml and mucous surfai.es of the system. In tiuytnsc Hall's Catarrh Cure lie sure you act the genuine. Hit taken Internally and tnsdo In Tolodo, Ohio, liy Y, J. Cheney & Co. Teitlinnntnln free. Sold liy DruirRlsts. l'rlco T.Vi per botllo Hall's Faintly 1'IIH are the best. Tho Old Knox Mansion. Attorney Gencrnl Knox, the Pitts burg member of President Roosevelt's official family, virtually becomes a resident of Philadelphia by acquiring tho Mntthown mansion, nt Valley Forgo, where Lafnyotto had Ills heart? quarters with Washington during tho rovolutlon. His ancestor, General Knox, lived thoro, with his bravo wlfo during thoso troublous days, nnd It hns long been tho attorney gonornl's tleslro to got possession of tho old placo and restore it as nearly as pos sible to tho conditions of old days. Ho gave about $100,000 for tho es tate, which Includes 2CC acres. AMERICAN DANKER8' ASSOCIATION. San Francisco, October 20-23, 1903. Tho Santa Fo offers for tho nbovo named occasion rates bo low as to mako tho trip posslblo for everybody, TIckot limits aro amplo, and full pro vision has been made for Inexpensive sldo rides. Tho rates aro open to nil, whether delegates or not. For full particulars juUrcss Geo. T. NlcholBon, p- T- M- aHkFa Ry Chicago. Hcart-scfrSjfPkig Is n good euro for tho habit of censuring GREATLY REDUCED RATES Via WABASH RAILROAD. Home Visitors' Excursion to points In Indlann, Ohio and Kentucky, sold Sept. 1st, 8th, 15th nnd Oct Cth, at very low into, long limit returning. HALF FARE Baltimore, Mil., and return sold Sept! 17th, 18th and 19th. Llttlo Rock, Ark., nnd roturn sold Oct. 2nd, 3rd nnd 4th. Detroit, Mich., nnd roturn sold Oct. 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. HomCBeekeTs' Excursion to many poIntB South and Southeast, ono way and round trip tickets Bold tho first nnd third Tuesdays of each month. Tho Wabash Is tho only lino pass ing tho World's Fair Grounds, giving all a view of the buildings and grounds. Through connections. No bus transfer this route. Elegant equipment consisting of sleepers, FREE reclining chair cars and high back coaches, on all trains. Ask your ngent to routo you via tho Wabash. For rates, foldors and all Information, call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street or address HARRY E. MOORES, Goil. Agt. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb. Many a man who talks well In pub Mo goes homo and starts a rough house. A vain woman Ib to bo feared, for sho will sacrifice all to her pride. Mrs. IVlnaloir-a noothtnr; flyrop. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces to lammatlon, allays pain, cures wicd colic. 23o a bottle. Tho gods honor her who thlnketh long beforo opening her lips. Many aro called, but few llko to get up, especially It it is a cold morning. 81.00 BIG BOO-FOtTND STEEL ItANGE OFFEit. It you can use the best big 600-pound ntcel range made In the worUS. and are williutr to navo It placed in your own tiomo 00 tbroo mouths' Ireo trfal. Just cut this notice out and send to Ska us, Koeucck & Co.. Chicago, and you will rcoelvo free by return mall a big picture Of the steel range and many other cooking aud heating stoves, you will also receive the most woDder ful II. 00 steel range oiler, an otter that places tho best steel range or heating stove in the home ot any family, such on offer that no family In the land, do matter what their circumstances may be, or how small their Income, need bo without the best cooking or heating stove made. Food ana Energy. A London newspapor has published statistics to show that people with largo appetites becomo the chief na tions of tho world, and that tho nature of the food eaten has a striking rela tion to national character. Thus, comparing tho ilally expcdlturo per head on food with tho exports of a country, it Is found that tho people eating tho most work tho most. The following table shows tho result of in vestigation along this line. Tho first column of figures ropresents the ex penso of food per head per day It! cents, anil the second column tho an nual exports of tho countries named: United States 58 $1,495,000,000 Great Britain 40 1,400,000,000 Germany 42 1,105,000,000 Franco 38 830,000,000 Italy 18 270,000,000 Clear whlto clothes are a sign that the housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue. Largo 13 oz. package, 0 cents. Tq fruits of tho saloon go back to its voots in tho citizen. Kind words are novor lost unless a woman puts them In a letter nnd gives it to hor husband to mail. TUo's Cure cannot oe too highly spoken of as f. cough cure. J. W. O liKieif, 823 Third Are., N., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. S. 1WO. Doubtless tho angols smile when they seo a Dshormnn with a $25 outfit yanking a two-inch sucker from tho water. .t isn't always common sense that counts; sometimes it's the uncommon kind. King Edward'o Coffeo Maker. Wherever King Ertwnrd goes nowa days ho Is accompanied by his own coffeo mnkor, an Egyptian named Emln Abraham who servos hla ro tund majosly with the frngrnnt bov orngo In small cups. Tho attendant, of course, nppearB In all tho glory of Orlontal costumo. Favored friends hnvo been privileged to tnoto tho care fully prepared brow, but none of them haB gono Into rnpturcs ovor tho inky looking fluid of which his majesty bar becomo so fond of late. Always look on tho bright side. V To tho housowlfo who has not yot t)9o8m Koqualntod with th now things of ovoryday uso In tho raarkot and who is reasonably satisfied with, tho old, wo would suggest that a trial of Doflanco Cold Water Starch bo ruado nt once. Not alono because it Is guaranteed by tho manufacturers to bo superior to any other brand, but because each 10c packagA con tains 1C ozs., whilo all tho other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is Bnfo to Bay! that tho lady who onco uses DoflanceJ Starch will uso 1:0 other. Quality and quantity must win. It la usually tho idiot who rocks tho bont that lives to rogret It. MoBt of tho things that scorn too good to bo truo aro not. Fought With Eagle. James Ogle, n farmer nt. Nashville, Intl., had n fight with an eaglo recent ly, which enmo near proving scriousj Ho was working with his two sons' when ho heard somo of his. lambsj bicntlng. Ho wont to investigate, nnd ns ho was climbing a fonco n largo eaglo flew nt him. struck htm on tnc head and chest with its wings nndJ knocked him down. It then flow away nnd Ogle went for a gun nnd then to his Inmbs. Ho found thnt two had' been killed, nnd whllo ha v;ao looking1 at them tho cnglo came bnck nnd at tacked him tho second time. Ho fired several shots at It, and it flew away seemingly unhurt. Fortune In Old Clock. An nrtlsan of Munich has bocomo n rich man oy tno salo of nn old clock which hail bm In tho possession oC hlo family for a number of genera tions. Ono day a stranger nppenred at his house and ottered him $25 for tho clock. This sudden offer nrousod tho nrtlBan's suspicions, which wero Increased when nnother stranger turn ed up on tho following day and of forcd $250 lor tho timepiece. Ho took it, to a denlor, and nscertnlnod that It wns a genuine "Peter Henlo," worth noarly $25,000. Ho promptly sold It for that amount. Ho has hitherto beon In receipt of a weekly wago of six dollars. A Boy'a 'vlcto.y. Croasroads, Tonn., Sept. 14th. Or bra Young, tho ton-year-old oon of Les ter Young of this placo, la a bright boy, nnd ono who is very well liked by all who know him. For somo years Orbra has Buffered a great deal with a form of Kidney Trou ble which wns very annoying, nnd which mado him miscrablo all tho time. Ho had to get up threo or four times over night, almost all hid llfo. His father heard of a remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills, and bought somo for tho llttlo fellow with tho result that ho 1b now completely cured of tho old trouble Ho says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills Boon gavo mo great relief, and now I can sleep all night without having to get up. Wo will always pralco Dodd's Kidney Pills." Thero nr9 many children suffering from Kidney nnd Urinary troubles. Theso disorders should bo promptly corrected. Dodd's Kidney Pills Is a safe and sure remedy for all such de rangements. Master Orbra Young conquered his troubles and mado a well boy of him self by using Dodd's Kldnoy Pills, and any one may do tho same by tho samo moans. Parents should seo to it that thoir children aro given a fair chanco la lifo, and thero is nothing that can undormino the health of a growing Child as much as Kidney and Urinary derangements. Wise girls seo that their powder la dry before 'they go gunning for hus bands. A haughty woman stumbles, for sbo cannot see what may bo In her way. TkGn towers POMMEL SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QUABittOFAarffUEi: M s rt. I . .WAMOOF .'53T' riflTUIUf 'wmj uuiiiinu. It 11 nade of the but 'natcrtalj. in black orjBow. fully mi&rantecd. and sold by rciiuilc dealer everywhere STICK TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH. TOWEft CANADIAN eO.l-u.xti A J TOWER CO, S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER For 63 years the Dentifrice of Quality. Absolutely Noa-Acld No Wasfe. Ho Grll . New Patent Top Can 208 SMOKERS FIND LEWIS? SINGLE BINDER, 5! Cigar better Quality thin most lot Clfcars your jobber or direct from Factory. Peoria, m CJY nle i fr2n. ' nKJ A Vat it