jttmmmstmtmmSSXi. - KISSING THE HAND. in m YM Practice m IhatUnte hv Karlr Ilonuui Rnlera. Tie practice of kissing the hand -wms Instituted by the early Roman rtkrs as a mark of subjection aa much m one of respect, and under the first Cteear the custom was kept up, but wOy for a time. These worthies conceived , tho Idea that tho pnicr homnKc due to their ezaltnd station called for less familiar odes of obeisance, so the prlvllego or klsslug tho emperor's hand was re served as a special mark of condescen sion or distinction for oulcers of high Tnk. No Buch rcsfrlctlon, however, was placed on the emperors themselves, Who, If they wished to confer signal honor on auy of their subjects, kissed olilior tint mouths or tho eyca of those they wished specially to favor, tho kiss generally Intimating bouio promotion or personal satisfaction for soma achievement. Roman fathers considered tho prac tice of kissing of so delicate a nature Uat they never kissed their wives In tho presence of their daughters- tThen, too, only the nearest relatives wcro allowed to kiss their kindred of tho gentler sex on the mouth, for In those days, as now, kissing was not a tncro arbitrary sign, but It was tho spontaneous languago of tho affections, especially that of love. Under the Romans If a lover kissed tils betrothed before marrlago sho In herited half of his worldly goods in th arvcut of his death beforo tho marriage ceremony, nnd If sho died her hcrltaga descended to her nearest relatives. A PANTHER'S DEN. dean and Bright, In Decided Con trait to the Poimlnr Idea. It Tvas my good fortune to discover bc newly abandoned lair of a cougat family and further and to mo new 'evidence of that fastidious cleanliness wJdch is a marked characteristic of t the animal. This retreat was not at all tho typical "panther's den" of tradl tton, but a bush grown harborage un der tho edge of a rock wUn Just enough sf shelf to keep off tho rain. I should not have found this breeding place but for n certain well gnawed army of bones scattered over a llttlo smooth 'bench above a creek channel. From :thia boneyard there was a very tracea ble path leading through grass and brush to tho retreat where the dam had housed her young. The evidence liens told plainly of tho cougar's long Immunity from annoyauco and attack and of a thoroughly cleanly habit of life Thero wns no bono or other sign of feasting about tho lair. The dam -aad carried her kill to tho creek bench tn every instance, and the children had 'been called to the dining room. Ab tones which would have been crunch I or eaten by grown animals had been perfectly cleaned by tho kits I 'was ablo to Judgo of their Bummer's 'filet This had consisted mostly of aniaor game, rabbits, marmots, grouse wsftbo like, with an occasional small deer. At least ono wholo family of tOgcrs, old and young, had been served, pussy having probably lain for Hmm at their holo until they were nil 4tauFranklin Welles Calkins in Out la. Tfce llorae la Useful Even It Dead. Tho whale can bo put to a great arasabcr of uses when dead, as can jilao the horse, tho various parts of "wWcli are utilized as follows: Hair of mano and tall for haircloth, stuffing mattresses and making bags for crash ing seed In oil mills, etc.; tide and skin tunned for leather for covering tables, tc; tendons used for glue and gelatin; 'flesh for food for dogs, poultry and man; fat used for Inmps, etc.; lptes tines used for covering sausages, mak ing gut btrlngs, etc.; heart and tongue lor food; hoofs for gelatin, prusslate, fancy snuffboxes, etc.; bones for knife handles, phosphorus, superphosplinto of llmo and manure; blood for manure ind -shoes for rouse or for old Iron. Spare Moments. In Sunpenae. "So you don't know whether you front to go to work or not?" "Well, cub," answered Mr. Ernstus JPinfcloy, "I'd llko do refusal ob do Job a little while." "But I need somebody right away." -'In dat caso I'll have to let It. go by. Ts jes' bought a policy ticket, an' I'll iafter wait till afUih do drawliv to seo 'whether I'zo gwlue to work at all or not" -Washington Star. The Time Honored Spanker. "Once my sister Floy was sent on an oxand for some things for my mother. There was a traveling man thero who was selling carpet spankers, and he asked her: ""Has your mother got one of these spankers?" "No, air," she replied. "What does sho use?" ho asked. "Her hand," was the prompt reply. Chicago Chronicle. Stude Ilia Mark. "Hlvens, Moike, th' eyo av ye! Phafn the matther?" "I sthruck a man jlsterday an' he ravo mo u receipt for it" Ohio Stato Journal. Hli Favorite Ilemedy, "Mamma," said Tommy, "does sugar ever cure anybody of anything?" "Why do you ask, my boy?" "I thought I'd Uke to catch It," said Tommy. A 'War She no. Inquisitive Neighbor I hear that your Bister is engnged. Is that true? Small Boy I dare say. She gener ally Is. It every man's opinion that h "Ceroid have been a great mau bad be llrod fifty years ago. Atchison Glob ROLLING AN UMBRELLA. Tk Proper Why o Twlrt nitta nil Stick Toicetbcr "Why Is It," asked an inquisitive cus tomer In a downtown umbrella store, "that one can never roll up nn umbrella as compactly and neatly as it Is rolled when he buys It'" "You can if you only know how." said the salesman. "rAit if evrybody knew how It would mean less business for us. The umbrellas would last lon ger, and there would be a lot less work for the repairers. "Perhaps 1 shouldn't tell you how," the clerk continued, "but It's so Blmplo you hlionld know nnyhow. If you have noticed, nearly everybody who rolls up an umbrella takes hold of It by tho handle nnd keeps twisting the stick with one hand while he folds and rolls with the other hand. "Now, that's Just where the mistake comes in. Instead of twisting with the handle ho should tnko hold of it Just above tho points of the cover ribs. These points naturally Ho evenly around tho slick. Keep hold of these, pressing them tightly against the stick, and then roll up tho cover. ,'Ioldlng the ribs prevents them from getting twisted out of place or bending out of shape. Then tho silk Is bound to fold evenly and roll smooth and tight. "Holl your umbrella this way, and until It Is old enough to get rusty look ing It will look ns if It had Just como from tho shop." Now York Herald. The Prcvlonn Qacntlnn. Old Senator Nesmlth of Oregon, one of tho Urst settlers of the state, used to tell this story: At the time when Oregon was admitted as a stato and the first legislature of tho state mot Nesmlth, who was a member, possess ed himself of a copy of a book on par liamentary procedure. This work, which was nt tho time probably the only ono of Its sort west of tho Mis sissippi, ho studied diligently nnd by tho time of tho first session was well up lu tho rules of debate. At tho first meeting of tho new leg islature a motion was introduced and speedily carried, but on tho second mcaBuro n dispute arose, and for three dnys tho state legislators wrangled and debated. Finally, on the third day, Nesmlth, who had watcbed tho proceedings without even opening his mouth, de cided It wits time to use a piece of his parliamentary procedure, so hd rose and moved the "previous question." There was a moment of silence fol lowing this motion, nnd then umld a Bhout of dorlslou the speaker "cried: "Sit down, you fooll Wo passed the previous question three days ago!" Where UtiKllah Clalta DlfTer. A point which Btrlkes American vis itors to Loudon about our English clubs iu the social aspect of them nnd the al most complete absenco of the business side. At the Manhattan or tho Knick erbocker, ou i) other hand, the busi ness side prevails. Tho majority of members do uot drop in merely to read tho papers, hear tho latest Btory and play billiards, as over Lore. They go In most cases to meet a man about "a deal," to talk over tho business of the day and dlBcuss the business of the morrow or to read up the finance of the papers. Tho result Is that when nn American becomes a member of an Euglish club ho hardly ever uses It be cause its ways do uot appeal to him. He would say that thero was nothing going on. London Tatler. Iluutliiflr by Moonlight. "I believe that moonlight shooting is peculiar to California," said a resident of that slate. "The air there Is so dry in certain localities, tbe nlghtB so clear and the moonlight so bright that one gets u good range of vision, and every thing stands out with startling dis tinctness. Wild ducks frequently inovo In the night, and the sportsman who is alert will get tho whir of wings nnd a sight of them almost ns well at night ns In the daytime. There Is an added tinge of excitement afforded by a night hunt, and many Cnllfornln hunters go out ou clear nights and frequently with great success." New York Tribune. Cimnr IlnrKln. Cresar ilorgla has been called '-the greatest practical statesman of lus age," and in n sense the remark Is true, for at a time when practical statesmanship consisted of every deceit nnd every crime, when poison and the dagger were the usual Implements of policy, and nothing was considered wrong provided that the object were attained, no man excelled lilin In the arts of public llfe.-Wllllam Miller, "Medlmvnl Home." Part of the Dnslnesa. "And every ono of those brass band people," suid the proprietor of tho SlowvIIIe hotel, "went away owing mo a week's board." "Well," commented the shoo sales man, "you know that music is full of beats." But the landlord only gazed sadly out of tho window Baltimore Ameri can. Perfectly SatUfled. Papa Is the teacher satisfied with you? Toby Oh. quite. Papa Did he tell you bo? Toby Yes. After a close examina tion he said to me tho other day, "If all ray scholars were like you 1 would shut up my school this very dayj" That shows that I know euough. Stray Sto ries. The Ileal Trouble. Burroughs Yes, I'm deeply in debt. Goodman I gave you credit for hav log more sense. Burroughs But tho trouble Is my tailor gave me credit for having more dollars. Philadelphia Pre68. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alllauce, Neb. Notice to Defendant. To Dr. Webster, first named uot known, de fendant, You will lake notice that on tho 27th day of .Inly, litis. I commenced an notion against you before I. A. Horry, Justice of the pence. In and for Alliance second wurd precinct, llox Hutto county, Nebraska, to recover tlio mun of $18 10 Unit In suid action an order of attach ment wiih Issued tu the sheriff of llox Hutto county, Nebraska, who seled thereunder 1 set of dishes, 1 Iwi silverware, dishes and clothing, and I iraiollno store, taken ns tho property of tho said Dr. Webster, and that said citusu has heen continued to Hept. to, 1!K)3. utp o'clock a. m. when suid cause will Ikj forhcnrliiK. MiHrtH E. Mahuah, Plaintiff, l'lrst Pub. Aiices-M. Notice to Kcdccm. Stats of Nebraska I fl llov Hutto county, " To The Equitable learnt Company and W. II. ('urnahftn, receiver: You arc liereby notified that on tho iid day of January, 1KB, Mary K. Hoed purchased nt tax sale tho southeast quar ter of section Lit In township 20 of range 48 In llox Unite county. Nebraska. That unld land was taxed In tho namoof Tho Kqultablo Laud Company and that purchase of tax salo of said land was mado for tho years 18W and 1WX and that NUbvuout taxes havo hceu paid on said land by Mary K. Heed for tho years 11)01 and HXK. That tho time for redemption of the aforesaid land will expire on the 3d day of .Ian nary, 1IKH. Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August, 1M3. Mahy E. Rked. l'lrst pub AugS8-3t Notice to Kcdccm. Btnto of Nebraska I . a llox Hutto county fM To Henry C. Hoffman: You aro hereby notified that on the ad clay nt January. liKU, Miny K.lteed purchased ut tax salo southeast nuarter of section U, In township vs of raugo 4H, in Hox Hutto county, Neb. That said land wastuxcdlu tho namoof Henry C.IIolTinan, and that purchase, of tax sulo of said laud was mado for tho years 18117, 1H98, 1699 and 1P00, and that subsequent taxes have been paid on said laud by Mary K, Heed for tho years 1001 and 1KB. That tho time for redemption of tho aforesaid land will expire on tho Sd day of January, 1P01. Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August IIW3. Maiiy IS. Hkeii. Notice to Kcdccm. Stato of Nebraska I . Hox Hutto county f"' To Ira II. Hrlggln and The McKlnley-Luii-nlng Loan and Trust company, V. II. Carnahau, receiver: You aro hereby notified that ou tho 3d day of January, 1902, Mary E. Iteed purchased at tax pale tho southeast quarter of section 0. In township '7 ofrauK4S, In llox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said land was taxed in. the namoof Ira II. llrlgu'le, and that said purchase of tax salo of said land was made for the years 1897, lsiy. IHOU and 1000, ami that subsequent taxes havo been paid on said hind for tho years 1001 and 1 1. Tin t tin' i'iiiii for redemption of tho uforctilii laud wi.t w,p!ro on tho 3d day of January, lOot. Dated, Alllauce. Nebraska, this 15th day of August, 1903. Mahy l" Hkkd. Notice to Kcdccm. State of Nebraska ( k Hox Hutto county J "" To John V. Hock: You aro hereby notified that on the 3d day of January, l!w2, Mary E. HitiI purchased at tux salo tho southwest quarter of sections, in township 27 of range 47, lu Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said land was taxed in tho name of John W. Hook, and that said purchase of tux saleof said land was Hindu for tho years lt07, 189s, it, and 1000, uud that subsequent taxes havo lx-vn paid ou said land for tho years 1901 and lite. That thotlmu ror redemption of the aforesaid land will uxL'Iro ou the Sd day of January, l'JOl. Dated, Alllabcc, Nebraska, this 15th dav of August. 1903. Mahy E. Ut ei. Notice to Kcdccm. Stato of Nebraska ) Hox Hutto county S To W. II. Carahun and Tho Equitable Land Company: You tiro liereby notified that on Iho 3d day of January, 1002, Mary E. Heed pur chased ut tax sale tho nurthwest quarter of section 10. in township 2S of rungo 4S In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. Ihat Hald hind was taxed lu tho namo of W, II. Cariiahau and that said purchase of tax saleof said land was made for tho years IsOO anil 1900 and that subsequent taxes havo been pnidoimuld laud fortliu years 1001 and 1902. That tho time for redemption of tho aforesaid laud will oxplro ou thuikldiiy of January, 1004. Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August, 19(13. ' Mahy K. Kki:i. Notice to Defendant. Tn Dr. Webster, first niimo not known, de fendant: You will take notice that on tho 27tli day of July, HXO, 1 commenced nn action nKnlnst )ou before L. A. Ilerry, Justice of tlio pe.ie.'.iu nnd for Allluuco hcconil ward precinct, Ito Huttrteounty, Nehruskii, to recorer tho Mini of $18.11) t h.it lu fcnld nctlon mi order of attach ment whs Issued to tliu sheriff of llov Hutto county, Nobruska, who sUvcsl thereunder 1 set of dishes, l box silverware, dl.-lit's and clolhliiKund 1 gasoline stove, taken as the property of tho said Dr. Webster, and that said cause has been continued to Sept. ill. HHK). nt .i o'clock a. in., when said rnuxo will tw for healing. Mies H. E. Mamia.n, Plaintiff. 1'lrst Pub. Auk. Us-3t Protect Your Home! Everybody fears fire and every effort should be made to prevent them starting, even more than to extinguish them after they have started. As long as our homes are built of lumber the is a certain amount of danger front fire, both from within and without. Therelore, any chemical prepa ration that render lumber fire-proof is a thing very much to be desired. Such a preparation is now on the mar ket and the public Is invited to test its merits. It is called Plutanica. It ren ders all wood work fire-proof and at the the same time acts on the pores of the wood in such a manner as to preserve it indefi nitely. It costs very little and is easily applied to any wood work, B. V. Reeves has the agency for Plu tanica in this district. See him and have a practical demonstration of the merits of this preraration and get his figures for applying it to your home. Fitted For Politic. "What makes you think he would be a great success In politics?" "IIo can say more things that sound well nnd mean nothing than any other man I ever knew "Chicago Post. Mpprd In the Hud. "Oh. Alfred' Isn't it too bad! Just na we had everything so nicely arranged for our elopement, father has gone and sanctioned tho match." Harper's Monthly. Few thlnpra nre necessary for th wants of this life, but it takes an In finite number to satisfy tho demands of opinion. Rotlce to Redeem, Ftate of Nebraska I (ox liptte county, ss. To James Hasos and .lames Hasps. Jr. : Vnu are hercbr notified that on the 4th day of Jan uary, 1K. Mary K. Iteed purchased nt li sale wie nonuwrsi quarter or section 23, in town tnlpSSof range 48 In llox Ilutte county, Ne braska. That said land was taxed In tho name of .Tames liases and that Raid purchase of tax sale nf said land was mad for tho years 1805, lWM.ll)r7,lrPS,lS90 and 1900 and that subse quent tuxes have leii paid on ssild land by Mary E. Heed for the years 1901 and IBOi That the tlmo for redemption of the aforesaid land wlllexplreon the 4th day of January. 1904. Datrd, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August 1P03. Mahy E. Kreu. Notice to Kcdccm. .State of Nebraska I Hox Hutto county f ss. To Harney Mct'ubo uud U. 11. Italian! ! You aro hereby nottllcd that on tho 3d day of Jan uary, 1Mb, Mary E. Heed purchased fit tax nnlo tho northwest quarter of section 15, In township 88 of raiiRo 47 in Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That raid land was taxed In tho name of Harney McCabo, and that said pur chase of tax salo of sa'.d land was mado for the yenrslHG. IHWand moo and that subsequent taxes liaro been paid on said land for tho yearn 1P01 and 1PU2. that tho time for re demption uf the aforesaid land will oxplro on the 3d dav of January, 1901. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of AnRiist, 1003. Mahy E. Kkei. Notice to Kcdccm, State of Nebraska I Hox Hutto county (H To K. L. Ilrown: You are hereby notified that on tho 4th day of January, loo;, Mary B. Heed purchased at tax sale southwest quarter of section XI, In township 25 of range 51, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That, said land was taxed In tho namoof E. U. Hrown, and that pnrchaso of tax salo of said land was mado for tho lears M". J80ti. io7, 180H. 180!) and 1000, nnd that subsequent taxes havo been paid on said land by Mary E. Heed for tho years 1001 and lOftJ. That tho tlmo for redemption of tho aforesaid laud will oxplro on tho 4th day of Jantiury, 1004. Dated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August, 1003, Mary E. Hekii. Notice to Wctlcein Ptato of Nebraska I QQ llox Hutto county ('" To John Honnmlchl: You aro heiebv notified that on tho 3l day of January, 1002, MaryE. Heed purchased at tax salo tho south westquartcrof section 4, in township 27 of range 52, In Hox Hntto county, Nebraska. That said land was taxed In tho namoof John Houamlchl. and that said purchase of tax salo of said land was mado for tho years 1M7, 1S!W, 1803 and 1000, and that subsequent taxes have been paid on said laud by Mary E. Heed for the years-1001 and 1P02. That the time for re demption of tho aforesaid land will expire on tho :td day of January. lOOt. Hated, Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August, 1003. Mauv E. Heed. Notice to Kcdccm. Stato of Nebraska I a Hox Hutto county f '"' To Joseph Hartu: You aro liereby notified that on the 3d day of January, 1902, Mary E Heed purchased at tax salo southeast quarter of section 28, In township 27 of lance 52 In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said land was taxed In tho namoof Joseph Hartu and that purchase uf tax sale or said land was mado for tho years 1807. 180S isoound limo. and that subsequent taxes have been paid on said land by Mary E. Heed for tho jears 1001 and 10OJ. '1 hat tho tlmo for redemption of tho aforesaid laud will expire on tho 3d day of January, 1S'I4 Dated, Alliance. Nebraska, this 13th day of August, 1003. .Mahy E. Hkmj. Notice to Kcdccm. Plate of Nebraska i cu Hox Hutto county fh To H. McCabe. Harney McCabe, It. II, Hal lard ; You aro hereby notified that on the 3d day of January, 1002, Mary E. Heed purchased ut tax salo southwest quarter of section lo, in township 28 of range 4, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said laud was taxed in tho namoof II. McCabe, and that purchase of tax sulo of said land was mado for tho years 1805, 1899 nnd 1900, and that subsequent taxes havo been paid on said land by Mary E. Uofd for tho years nun ana 1002. That tho tlmo for re demption of the aforesaid land will oxplro on tho 3d day of January, loOl. Dated. Alliance, Nebraska, this 15th day of August. IRQ. Mahy E. Heed. Notice to Kcdccm. State of Nebraska llov Hutto eounty J fcS. To .loseph .lundu, the Unknown Heirs of .Joseph Jundn, deceit oed: You nre heroby untitled Mint on the 3d day of .Taniiury, ltxi-., Mary E. Iteed purchased nt tux salo tho north- cast-quarter of section 27, In township 27 of rniiKU as, in iui nnlto county, nenruska. That suid land was tuved In tint nmnn of Joseph Jaiidn, and that suid purchase of tax Hrtio or nam lima was muao for tlio years imi., 1MW, lKundlfl0O, and that subsequent tuxes hnvebeen imld on said land for the years li01 undKHrj. That the tlmo for redemption of tho aforesaid hind will e.xplro on tho 3d day of January, 1IKM. Oated, Alliance, Nebraska, tills i&tli day of August, 1903. Mahy E. Hekii. Notice to Kcdccm. Stato of Nebraska I a Hox Hutto county f"1 To W. II. Carnahaii: You aro liereby noti fied that on thesdduyof January, it;, Mary E. Uwd purchased uttu Mile tho northwest quarter of section 2M, in township 28 of nnuw 51, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said laud was taxed lu the name of V. II. ('nrnti han. and that Mild purchase of tax sale of said land was mado for tlio viiirn Kthl itml IMo mill thnt subsequent taxes fune been paid on said land for the year Win and lrj. That tlio tlmo for redemption of the aforesaid land will expire on tlio 3d day of January, W0. isami, alliance, .Neiirit.sKn, tins l&tn Hay or AUKUst, liHO, SlAIlV E. ItCKD. Notice to Kcdccm. Htuto of Nebraska I ,. llox Hutto county Ps To Albert Ilowlaml, tho Unknown Heirs of Allien Ilowlaml, deceased: Yon aro liereby notified that ontholth day of January, W0-J, Mary K. Iteed purchased ut tax sale southwest juarterof section 'J5, In township 2S of ruiiKo 47, in Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That said land was taxed In tliu name of Albert How land, uud that purchase of tax sale of said land was maitofur tlio years isfll, isl5, isiw, 1M7 and lsiis, and that subsequent taxes havo been paid on wild land by Mary E. Heed for the years l!Wi and HHr,. That tho tlmo for re demption of tho aforesaid hind will oxplro on the 4th day nf January, IlKM. Dated, Alllaucn, Nebraska, this 13th day of Auifiist, WuJ. Mauv E. Kkkd. Notice to Kcdccm. Stato of Nebraska I llox Hutto cyunty J "' To W. l Ilaynes and Tho Equitable Land company: You nro hereby not I tied that on tlio 3d dy of January, 10ft, Mary E. Heed pur chased ut tux salo tlio northwest quarter of section 34. In township 2; of ramie 50, iu Hox Hutto county, Nebraska. That suid land was taxed in the name of W. V. Dynes', and that said purchase of tax salo of said laud was miido for tho years lsW, 1M7, isux, ipn.ni anil UW0. and that subsequent taxes havo been paid on a!d land for tho years 1P01 and IIKG. That tho tlmo for repetnptlon of tho afore-i-ald land will expire ou the 3d day of January, Dated, Alliance. Nebraska, this 15th day of August, W03. Mahy E. Klkd. Itoad Notice to Land Owners Uoitd No. 45. Votlco to Lund Owners. To Whom it May (."o.nceun: The Commissioner appointed to lay out a road commencliiK ut tlm southwest corner of tho8K, Kec, 35, township is, north, raiiire 50 west. In WrlKlit precinct, Hox Uuto coun ty. NelNKisku. runnlUR theiicu north easterly to a uolut 13 rods south of tho northeast corner of thobK'f SE. '4 of said section 35, thenre north 13 rods und thence east on the lino between the N, H of S. H and tho S. VJ of P. 5j of section SO In slid township and ruiare, termluatlnjj ut tho oust lino of said section 3rt, has reported In favor of the opening there of, and all objections theieto or clulms for damuBcs must bo tiled In tho county clerk's office on or beforo noon of tbo 2d day of November A. D 1003 or said road will bo opened without reference thereto. .. S. M. Smyskb, n County Olerk. Notice. Under tho new revenue law all real estate 011 which any taxes nre due and unpaid will be advertised for salt October 1, Wftt Those wishing to avoid costi should pay up before tliu t date. ' Alkx Mcibukad. County Treasurer. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WIIOLE8AI.K AND ItKTAH, 1IANDI.KS THE Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PHkington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJiAAAAJiA For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries I Finest Teas Superior Flours That Can't be Real In Town.... Queensware, Tinware and Enameled ware 1 OALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. ;i Alliance Candy Co. Manufacturing Confectiona ries both wholesale and re tail. We ask the public to inspect our goods. You will find them tip top. iltmttmm OUR MOTTO: "PURITY and CLEANLINESS" am from MISSOURI But you don't have to show me where to buy my . . , Staple and Fancy j Groceries For Graham keeps the best of EVERYTHING- and I'm now ou my way to JAS. GRAHAM'S Grocery in Whitfields old stand, where he just moved. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IK. Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STREET Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD e 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. LonQF. rmtEcrowv. Kotai, IliqHLAaDBRS Alliance, Castle No. 43 meets very second and fourth Thursday cvenlnft In W. O. Vf. Hall. VlsltlnR Clansmen cordUllr Invited. . . K. I Woods, C. W. J Emms, f ee'r. h- P - ATTOHNKTS. OrriCB Phone 180. hksiukncb Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build! Inft, Alliance, Neb. Notary In ofllce. TornvioTssof Attory at Law.... Office Up-stalrs Over Postofllco SMITH P. TUTTLE. I HA E. TASn. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEI1. WILLIAfl MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA. jTETMOORETlvi FLETCHER lll.OCK, ALLIANCE, NEH. Culls answered from ofllce day or night. Telephone No. 62. QrVvTMiTCllELXr PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office lu Lockwood Uullding S ALLIANCE. NEH. Telephone No. 379. DR. G. W. COLLINS HOMEOPATH Thirty years experience. Diseases of women and children and non-surgical re moval of gall stones and core of upondlcl- tls, SXciftltlCS. Ofllco first door west of O'Connor's bakery. 'Phone day or night, 1H. 11. 11. nr.LiAVOOi. m. i). V. S. UELL.WOOD. M. D. Belhvood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, llolstcn liuildinfi, - ALLIANCE, NEB, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OHIco In First National Hank block. Alli ance Nebraska. juliavTTrey OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllce two blocks north of Times building, Phone 258. Hours, S to 12 a. m., 1 :30 to 5 p. m. Dt J. R. Taggart, D,V5. Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to tho horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Barn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 FIBOOTSdiOES- MADE TO OKDEIt. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN,- A. U. NEW, AUCTIONEER. b'.iles cried In this and adjoining counties by tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. Sntlsfuctlon guaranteed. Con tracts can be made at Tub IIkkalii office where references to Alliance citizens will also be given. F. M.. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery. Alliance HUMPHRY i: Undertaking and . :: Embalming Company. Calls snswered promptly day or night.. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 269. nnnTmi 1UUIV1 ( Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. QADSBY, r.rlck Shop West of AUJaace National lbtnV, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, Contractor and Bnilder. & 4 BJ J A 3 4