The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 14, 1903, Image 2

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Humanity Makes a Great Struggle to
Qet Through the Cathedral Doors
Ringing of Many Bells Announces
Their Opening.
HOME Popo Plus X was crowned
Sunday In the bnslllca of St. Potor's
In tho prosonco of tho princes and high
dlgnltarlcB of tho church, tho dlplo
nmt and Roman nobles and with nil
tho Rolcmnlty and splendor associated
with thin, the most magnificent rlto In
tho Roman Catholic church.
An Cardinal Macchl, the dean of tho
cardinal deacons, placed tho triple
crown on the head of tho vonernblo
pontiff, tho throng of 70,000 persons
(fathered within the cnthodral burst
into unrestrained acclamations, tho
choir Intoned a hymn of triumph and
tho bolls of Rome rang out a joyful
It Is fifty-seven years slnco tho Ro
mans and Europe assisted at such a
fuuctlon as that hold at St. Peter'B
Sunday. The great basilica, popular
ly supposed never to have been quite
full, was overflowing with humanity.
Tho patfat throne, a bewildering mix
ture of gold, red and silver1, was erect
ed In front of the high altar. As,
contrary to custom at theBO coromo-
nlalfl, thoro was no gallorlcs, tho ba
silica bore more of the normal aspect.
On the altar, which was dressed In
while, stood tho famous gilt candle-r.Uolis-
and a magnificent crucifix. All
tho available standing spaco within
tho cathodral was divided Into sec
tions by wooden barrlors, which to a
certain exlont kept the vast crowd In
During tho early hours after sun
rims a hoavy fog hung over Romo, and
ono bnnlc of the Tiber could not bo
noon from the other, while from tho
St Angclo bridge ono seemed to look
Into n futhomleas abyss. Tho effect
was ospcclally magnificent on enter
ing the .pirti'.ta of St. Peter's. At
tlmos Mlehnol Augelo's great dome
disappeared completely from view,
whilo at others It appeared through a
(lowing golden mtst.
At G a. m. the ringing of bolls an
nounced tho Imminent opening of tho
doors and-a commotlou at onco began
among the crowd. But ten minutes
elapsed heforo tho doors were open
ed and qach minute seemed a century
to tho waltlngcrowd, which for hours
hail already beoen standing before
tho closed portals. Tho pollco and
Italian soldiers had a difficult task
to 'maintain order as tho crush and
fntlguo began to toll on the patlenco
of tho people.
When tho doors woro at length
opouod the rush was terrific, many
who started from the bottom of tho
steps outside bolng lifted from their
foot and carried Into tho cathedral.
It was a great human torrent let
Iooho, thousands of peoplo rushing,
crushing and squeezing amid protests,
gesticulations and cries for help.
Strong nB Plus X Is physically, he
supported tho ordeal with perhaps less
fortitude .than did Leo XIII when he
was crowned, although Leo was
merely a shadow of a man, but pos
sessed a will nothing could break.
'At night all the churches and ro
HglaiiH Institutions aud many prlvato
houses were illuminated in honor .of
ilm occasion. Tho pontiff was bo fa
tigued by tho ceremony that the meet
ing of the consistory, which was to
bo "held Monday, was postponed.
Jvlorylanders Meet Him at the Train
by to Do Honor,
i CUMBERLAND, Md. General Nol
son A. MlleB, on route from Washing
ton to San Francisco, was given an
ovation hero Sunday upon his arrival.
Tho Union Vetorau loglon and mom
Uera of the Grand Army of tho Re
public wore at the station in largo
numbers and cheered tho veteran to
tho echo while tho South Cumberland
band playod national airs. There was
cheering and waving of handkerchiefs
by many thousands of persons, Includ
ing many ladles.
General Thomas R. Scott of Balti
more made a short speech, referring
to General Miles as "tho greatest liv
ing soldier," nnd invited the assembled
multitude to form a line and shako tho
hand of the retiring general of tho
United States army. General Miles
was perceptibly moved by tho spon
taneous ovation.
William E. Dodge Dies.
BAR HARBOR, Me. William E.
Dodge, tho Now York millionaire and
philanthropist, uted Sunday at Stan
wood, his summer home here. Mr.
Dodge had boon In poor health for sev
eral months. He was a menibor of
tho Now York metal house of Pholps,
Dodge & Co., and was 71 years of age.
Ho was one of thu founders of tho
Union Loague club aud well known as
faiemoat in charitable work for many
Retiring Lieutenant General Issues
Valedictory to Military Forces.
, WASHlNaTON-Ueutoijant Gener
al Nelson A. Miles, commanding tho
army, will retlro from active service
at noon Saturday, having reached the
ago limit of C4 years. The following
order was Issued:
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 1903.
Tho retirement from nctlve service by
tho president on August 8, 1903, of
Lloutenant General Nelson A. Miles,
U. S. A., by operation of law, under
tho provisions of the act of congress
approved June 30. 1882. Is announced.
Lloutenant Genornl Miles will proceed
to his home. Tho travel enjolnod is
nocessary for tho public service. By
order of tho secretary of war.
"Adjutant General Major General,
U. S. A."
Several other orders resulting from
tho retirement of General Miles have
be'en lashed, one assigning Lieutenant
General Young to tho command of tho
army until AugUBt 15, when ho will
assume the duties of chief of staff;
anothor assigning Major General Cor
bin as president of tho Soldiers' Homo
board; another assigning Brigadier
General tfllcsplo as president of the
Board of Ordnanco and FrtlflcatlonB,
nnd still anothor assigning General
Ypung as a member of tho Sherman
Btatuo commltteo.
U. P., Wabash, Mo. P. and Maple Leaf
Make Low Records.
NEW YORK. Two moro Stock Ex
change tallures, making a total of six
in tho laBt olevon business days, were
recorded Wodnesday, when Shnrp &
Bryan and Hurlbutt, Hatch & Co., an
nounced thoir inability to meet tholr
obligations. Neither failure occasion
ed tho slightest surprise; in fact both
had been discounted for a week or
Tho failure of Sharp & Bryan camo
during tho morning session shortly
Bhortly aftor tho market had recovered
from its demoralized opening. That
of Hurlbutt, Hatch & Co. wbb an
nounccd in tho afternoon Just ns prices
throughout tho lino woro tumbling
lower thnn at any tlmo before.
The day's business can best bo sum
marized by tho statement that almost
four score of stocks, fully twothlrdB
of tho active list, touched tho lowest
record reached during tho present
movement, which had Its inception last
"" Government Is Sustained.
WASHINGTON United States Con
buI General Gudger nt Panama has
made thq following report by cable,
under Wednesday's date, of tho termi
nation of tho dlsturbanco on the
Isthmus, caused by tho erratic action
of General Cobos: "General Castro
arrived this afternoon and took com
mand of tho troops, fully sustaining
tho government. Commander in chief
Is to leave tho department."
British Take Optimistic View.
LONDON Confidential official re
ports received at the foreign ofilco re
garding Macedonia have caused the
British government to adopt tho view
that the situation Ib not very seri
ous for the moment, although suffi
ciently so to warrant taking of pre
cautions. British officials do not be
lieve that Turkey, contemplates an at
tack on Bulgaria In view of tho known
attitude of tho powers, especially Rus
sia and Austria.
Fatal Altercation.
sult of an altorcatlon over the ques
tion of moving the town of Mountain
Park to Snyder, Hon. George S. Bai
ley shot nnd killed W. Brown. Tho
quarrel started between Bailey, who Is
a prominent politician, and R. K. Kel
ley, president of the El Paso, Moun
tain Park & Oklahoma Central rail
road, who was opposed to moving
tho town. Brown was a Kelley par
tisan. Senator Millard to Go to Europe.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y. Senator Mil
lard of Nebraska, who visited Presi
dent Roosevelt Friday, expects to
sail next Tuesday for Europe. Ho will
be accompanied by his daughter and
will be absent only a few weeks.
Buy American Machinery.
PEKING. An American firm has
contracted to furnish Russian flour
mills with $300,000 worth of machin
ery. The output of tho mills will bo
Increased within a year to 1,500 bar
rels a day, superceding tho supply of
flour from America.
Entertained on a Warship.
LISBON Admiral Cotton gave an
entertainment on the Brooklyn Tues
day night in honor of the women of
Lslbon. All officialdom was present,
and members of the diplomatic corps.
Admiral Cotton, United States Minis
ter Bryan and tho Amorlcan officers
proved themselves lavish hosts. One
o. tho features was a "cake walk,"
which was performed by two negro
.sailors at the request of Admiral Cotton.
Two Sections of Wallace Bros.' Cir
cus Train Come Together With
Fearful Results Three Iowa Men
Among the Killed.
DURAND, Mich. Ad air brake on
the second section of Wallace Bros.'
circus train refused to work in tho
Grand Trunk railway yards here Fri
day, causing a collision between tbo
two sections, In which twenty-three
peoplo were killed and thirty Injured.
Tho circus travels In two trains of
about thlrty-flvo cars each. After
Thursday night's exhibition at Char
lotto tho two trains left for La Pcrc,
over tho Grand Trunk rond, tho sec
ond Bocttlon leaving a half hour after
tho first. It was 3:45 when the first
section pulled Into tho west end of tho
Grand Trunk yards here. A red light
was hung on the rear car to stop the
second section.
Engineer Probst of Battle Creek,
who was running the englno of the
rear train, says ho saw this light and
applied tho air brakes. To his horror
thoy refused to work. Ho reversed
his engine, but the momentum of tho
train behind him was too great and
with a crash that aroused the town
tho two trains met.
Three cars of the stationary first
section wero telescoped and the en
glno and fivo cars of the moving train
wcro demolished. The rear car of tho
first section was a caboose in which
the trainmen were sleeping nnd the
next two cars were filled with sleep
ing circus employes.
The greatest loss of life was In the
caboose. Ono of tho wrecked cars of
tho second section was occupied by
fivo elephants and several camels. Ono
of the elephant and two of tho camels
wero killed outright, while the other
elephants and their trainers escaped.
With the exception of this car none
of tho menagerie was wrecked, tho
other wrecked cars containing the
As soon as thoy recovered from the
first shock tho trainers rushed among
tho cages quieting the beasts that
wero excited. Tho elephants In tho
wrecked car behaved with surprising
calmness and wero led out of the
wreck without trouble.
Tho escaping stenm nnd screams
and cries of those pinned in tho wreck
was a horrible spectacle in tho gray
of the early morning, when the train
men in the yards and the aroused
townspeople first renched tho scene.
Many feared at first that some of tho
animals had escaped, ns they could be
heard crying. The flro whistle wns
immediately sounded and tho whole
town aroused. Tho rescuers could see
tho unfortunates through tho tangled
When the wrecking train crews
ban finished pulling to pieces the
tangled and broken cars, seventeen
dead men were lying on tho grass
awaiting removal to the morgue. A
majority of them were killed while
aBleep. The circus performers wore
on the rear of the moving train and
escaped Injury. Wallace brothers say
that their loss will be very heavy,
but can give no estimate yet. This
Is tho socond wreck that tho Wallnco
shows have suffered within a month.
Engineer Propst, Fireman Colter
and Head Brakeman Benedict, who
was on tho engine of the Becond sec
tion, all agree that If the brakes had
worked as they should when tho en
gineer tried to use them there would
have beeen no collision.
Proceeds the Past Year Show
Increase of $386,919.
NEW YORK Tho report of the
Union Pacific Railroad company for
the year ending June 30 shows: Gross
earnings, Jol.075,188; increase, $3,
574,909. Operating expenses and
taxes, $28,747,215; increase, $3,187.
989. Net earnings, $22,327,972; in
crease $386,919.
To tho net earnings were added
dividends on Northern Securities
company stock of $3,888,053; and oth
er incomes to make the total income
$27,392,182, an increase of $870,527.
Tho total fixed charges were $12,071,
0C8, an increase of $80,935.
After payment of divldonds there
remained a surplus of $6,904,159, an
Increase of 1648,198.
Prelate for Privy Council.
LONDON According to the Chron
icle it Is not Impossible that the king's
Irish visit will result in the appoint
ment ot Archbishop William J. Walsh
of Dublin to tho Irish privy council.
Hitherto no Catholic prelate has
ever been on the council, but It is
said to have boon a long chor
ished dream of Lord Beaconsfiold to
appoint a prolato possessing tho
confidence of the Irish people and the
Five Hundred' Church Bells Are In,
ROME Tho attention of Rome Is
centered In tho ceremony of Satur
day, and for which great prepara
tions aro being made. The throne of
St. Peter, which Plus X will occcupy,
will bo surrounded by a canopy forty
feet high. Tbo popo has Informed
tho vatfean officials that ho wishes
to bo received on tho threshold of
tho basilica by Cardinal Rampolla,
who, as archprlest of the church, will
address tho formal greetings to him.
At tho conclusion of the ceremony
the pope will confer his blessing upon
tho people,, but It has not yet been
decided whether he will do so Inside
tho cathedral or from tho balcony
looking out upon the piazza, whero
many hoped he would bestow his ben
ediction on the day of his election.
It is said that Plus X is in favor of
tho latter plan, but tho Influence of
tho Vatican officials Ib against it, on
tho ground that It might be interpret
ed as a recognition of the present
state of affairs in Italy. Tho holding
of tho coronation ceremonies In St.
Peter's Itself represents a concession,
as In the, case of Leo It occurred In
tho SIstine chapel. Although It is es
timated that 60,000 tickets will bo is
sued for tho event, tho demand for
them Is very great.
At tho consistories to be held Mon
day nnd Thursday next, the pope will
confer the red hat on Cardinals Ajuti,
Tallanl, Katschtalcr and Herrero y
Esplnosa, who wero raised from tho
purple Juno 25, but who have not re
ceived these symbols of rank because
of the illness and death of Leo. It
is believed that tho Spanish Cardinal
Herrero will not bo able to bo pres
ent at tho coronation ceremonies.
During one full hour Thursday
morning there seemed to bo. nothing
but vibrating sounds, so penetrating
were tho strokes of tbo bells of about
500 churches, which, nil ringing to
gether, absorbed all other noises, The
ringing was In honor of tho election
of Plus X a welcome unique of Its
kind, and ordered ty Cardinal Res
phlgl, vicar of Rome, who issued spe
cial instructions therefor. All the
churches contemporaneously celebrat
ed masses for the event, the intoning
of tho Oreraus combining with tho
Tho bells involuntarily served an
other purpose, that of ringing In the
great ceremony of tho reception of
iho diplomatic body accredited to the
holy see. Rome has lately been sur
feited with Vatican functions, but
that of. Thursday morning was so
striking that it hcU,I Its own with tho
Resigns Position of President cthe
Steel Corporation.
NEW YORK Tho resignation or
Charles M. Schwab as president of
tho United States Steel corporation
was tendered and accepted at a meet
ing of the directors Tuesday. Wil
Ham E. Corey was elected as his suc
cessor. Mr. Schwab's resignation caused nc
surprise in financial circles, whero It
had for some tlmo been foreshadowed.
Tho new president wns for years on6
of Andrew Carnegie's ablest lieuten
ants and Is now president of tho Car
negie Steel company, one of tho sub
sidiary concerns of tho United States
Steel corporation. It Is scarcely more
than a month ago that Mr. Corey was
made assistant to the president be
cause of Mr. Schwab's continued ill
Regrets That the American Cannot
Remain Longer In Rome.
ROME. Cardinal GlbbonB was re
ceived by the pope Friday in prlvato
audience. In a lengthy conference
Plus X. renewed his expressions of
interest in America, already made
manifest by his reception Wednesday
to the pilgrims from the United
Cubans Claim American Soil.
SANTIAGO, Cuba Some engineers
who wero surveying a slto for a ter
minal of tho Cuban Eastern railway
on tho United States naval reserva
tion at Guantanamo were warned off
by Amorlcan officers, but refused to
go. Admiral Coghlan thereupon no
tified tho Cuban government - and
President Palma sent a revenue cut
tor, which forcibly elected tho tres
passers. Tho railway, having acquir
ed the lands, claims heavy damages
Guilty of Violating Injunction.
DENVER, Colo. Joseph Scott, a
momber of tho smoltermon's union,
was found guilty by Judgo Dixon of
violating tho injunction that prohibits
interference with the employes of the
Globo plant. Tho court sentenced
Scott to two months In tho county
jail, but as tho caso will bo takon
to tho supromo court on a writ of
error for supersedeas, he was released
on $1,000 bonds, returnable Aug
ust 15.
minmi inn tiiimi
Latest Quotations from South J
Omaha and Kansas City.
CATTLE ii.elo Wa . tight supply
of cattto In Bight. The market at this
point, however, was in rather bad
shape and as a result trading was ex
tremely dull, and It was late before a
olearanco was made. Beef steer buy
ers hit the mnrkot a bad blow, claim
ing that prices hero have been much
higher than at other points. Tho short
fed cattle suffered the most and In sev
eral Instances had to sell 1015a low
er, or 253Gc lower than at the first
of the week. Trading- was slow from
start to nnlsh and, although thero
woro only a few cattle In sight, it took
some tlmo to dispose of them. There
were not enough grass beeves here to
test the market on that class of stuff.
The cow market did not show much
change. If anything, the medium class
sold a little easier than at the best
time tho day before, but about steady
with the average. Cows, In fact, have
not fluctuated much during tho entire
week, so they are not far from steady.
There wero not enough stockera and
feeders on sale to tell anything about
the market. It Is safe to say, how
over, that not many were wanted ow
ing to tho end of the week being at
HOGS There was a small supply of
hogs on sale, but In sympathy with n
decline In prices nt other points tho
market cased 6ft n. little hero. The
genoral market could bo quoted about
2 14c lower or weak to a nickel lower.
The bulk of tho Sales went from $5.00
to $5.05. Cholco light weights sold
largely from $5.07 up to $5.20. The
top price, however, was paid for a
very fancy load, and In fact such hogs
aro moro often seen In the show ring
than on tho general market. Thoy
welghod 203 pounds. There wns not
much qhango in tho market from start
to nnlBh.
SHEEP Quotations for grass stoclc:
Good to cholco lambs, $5.0005.25; fair
to good lambs, $4.7GG.00; good to
choice yearlings, $3.503.75; fair to
good yearlings, $3.2503X0; good to
cholco wethers, $3.253.40; fair to good
wethers, $3.003.25; good to choice
ewes, 12.9003.10; fair to good ewes,
$2.5002.75; feeder lambs, $3.5004.25;
feeder yearlings, $3.2503.50; feeder
wethers, $3.0003.25; feeder ewes, $1.j0
CATTLE Beeves dull and lower:
quarantine lower: native and western
cows, lower; stockers and feeders, dull;
choice export and dressed beef steers,
$4.6005.20; fair to good, $4.0004.00;
stockers and feeders. $2.4004. 10:. west
ern fed steers, $3.0004.85: Texas and
Indian steerB, $3.25 04.00; Texas cows,
$2.0503.00; native cows, $1.5004.00;
native heifers, $2.2504.50; cannors,
$1.0002.30; bulls, $2.t53.00; calves,
HOGS Market steady to 10c lower;
top. $3.40. bulk of sales. $3.07 05.25:
henvy, $4.3505.20; mixed pnclcers, $5.10
CiC.27; light, $5.2505.40; yorkers,
SHEEP MarSet steady; lambs, 10c
higher; native lambs, $3.0006.75; west
torn lambs, $2.9005.40; fed ewes, $2.S0
(fi 4.75; Texas clipped yeurllngs, $2,000
4.70; Texas clipped sheep, $2.0504.00;
stockers and feeders, $2.5003.25.
But Will Be Fair in Nebraska and All
Other Crops Are Good.
OMAHA Secretary Utt ot the Com
mercial club returned Thursday night
from a two days' trip to Denver, on
which he inspected tho crops of the
state by daylight.
While thero will not bo a "bumper"
corn crop this year. Secretary Utt
states that Nebraska as a whole will
have a fair crop and that tho higher
prices which will rule, due to tho
short crops In eastern Iowa, Illinois
and other corn producing states, will
more than make up for the lack of
quantity, A number of "bad places"
were noticed and the second planting
of corn, In places whero the first ono
was washed out by tho early rains,
will be good only for fodder. But this
Is all tho farmers and ranchmen ex
pected of It, the corn not being regu
larly planted, but spwn, and It will
be cut with a reaper. Aside from
these places, however, corn makes an
excellent showing for this tlmo of tho
Of other, crops Secretary Utt's re
port is that thoy are all good as a rulo
and that taken as a whole the farm
ers of the state never were in better
condition than at present.
Cape Withdraws from Fair.
CAPETOWN Tho assombly, by 46
to 28, adopted a motion which ex
punges from the estimates the provi
sion of $50,000 towards tho representa
tlon of Cape Colony at the St. Louis
Mrs. Conger Visits Dowager Empress.
PEKIN Mrs. Conger visited the
dowager empress at tho summer pal
ace to Introduce Miss Kate Augusta
Carl, an American artist from Paris,
who Is to paint the empress' portralL
Gambling Declared Felony.
OLYMPIA, Wash. Tho supreme
court upheld the constitutionality of
the' law passed by the last legislature
making the conducting of a gambling
resort or gamo a felony. For the pur
pose of testing the law, Fritz Diet
rich, a Spokane gambler, pleaded
guilty to a charge of conducting a
gambling gamo and was sentenced to
one year's imprisonment in the peni
tentiary. The supromo court Friday
confirmed tho sentence.
Prefer Mormonlsm to Divorce.
Rev. R. F. Coylo of the Central Pros
bytorinn church of Denver declared In
a scromn recently that Mormonlsm
was much to be preferred to divorce.
"As between a system," he said,
which allows a man to have his pin
or four ox-wlves or a woman threo
or four ox-husbands and a system
which alolws a man to have his plu
ral wives all at once, thoro is Httlo
to choose. I am not suro but tho odds
aro on the sldo of the Mormon."
Happiness Is a ray of sunshine be
tween two clouds.
English Pronunciation of "Schedule."
It will be a surprise to most porsons
to learn that tho English do not pro
nounce "schedule" as Americans do.
The lato Dr. Tanner onco moved tho
house of commons to uproarious
laughter by his uncertainty with re
gard to the word. First ho made the
"ch" haYd, in tho American manner,
and when that waB received with n
laugh ho paused and floundered over
It like a startled schoolboy. As he
plunged from ono pronunciation to an
other tho houso shouted with merri
ment. As a matter of fact, the best
English dictionaries glvo a choice be
tween "Bedule," "skedulo" and "shed
ule." Rib Fractured by Sneeze.
Hugh B. Stultz, a Louisville carpen
ter, is suffering from a fractured rib,
as a result of a peculiar accident Sun
day afternoon. Ho was sitting on his
porch, and sneezed violently. Ho folt
a Btrango pain in his left sldo, and
tho rib seemed to yield to the touch,
so ho became alarmed. Upon exam
ination It was found that tho rib was
There Is still hope for the old bach
elor who can interest himself In a love
Big Fire In 1907.
Lee J. Spangler of York, Pa., who
has been a close studont of the Biblo
for many years, making deductions
from tho prophecies found therein,
has como to the conclusion that "tho
world will be destroyed by fire in tho
year 1907." He gives his fellow men
fair warnlnc. 'Mr. Spangler is a suc
cessful merchant, but he has not be
gun to close up his business affairs.
Had a Very Facetious Cold.
Dean Farrnr has related this Btory:
"At one small public dinner at which
I met Charles Dlcklns I was struck
with his chivalry to an absent friend.
Mr. Sims Reeves had been announced
to sing at the dinner, and, as happened
not infrequently, Mr. Sims Reeves had
spmethlng the matter with his throat
and was unable to be present. Dickens
announced this and tho statement was
-eccnved with a general laugh of In
credulity. This mado Dickens, who
was In the chair, very angry, and ho
manfully upheld his friend. "My
friend, Mr. Sims Reeves," he said, "re
grets his Inability to fulfill his engage
ment, owing," he added with great se
verity, "to nn unfortunately amusing'
and highly facetious cold!"
Squelched the "Living Lyre." -The
death of Mrs. Harriet Lano
Johnson, who for many years wa3
prominent in social life in Washing
ton, recalls the crushing rebuke which
she administered to an over-forward
Englishman. When living in London
with her uncle, James Buchanan, then
United States minister to tho court of
St. James, she wns seated at dinner
ono evening when the lordllng compli
mented her upon the beauty of her
hands, which were really remarkable.
Miss Lane wns rather bored by the
man's attentions. Finally he quoted
rGay'a line, "Hands that the rod ot
cmplro might have swayed," and
leaned back in his chair complacently,
thinking he had said, a clever thing.
Miss Lane promptly repeatod the line
immediately following. "Or waked to
ecstacy tho living lyre," much to tho
nobleman's discomfiture, for the fair
American took care that her voice pen
etrated as far as his.
The Wily Little Jap.
Wo have been spouting these ten
years about the cleverness of the Jap
anese. Our merchants have gone tc
extremes In soliciting Japanese trade
and our great insurance companies
havo sent agents broadenst over the
islands of Ihe Land of the Rising Sun
to write policies. In no other country
on the globe is the wbrk of the Insur
ance solicitors so easy. In one month
$10,000,000 of life insurance has been
placed by one New York company.
Every measly little dwarf of a Jap
wants to Insure. An agent has just
discovered that In medical examina
tions he has been badly duped, one
healthy Jap standing tho test for many
hundreds of his fellow countrymen.
As all Japs look alike, the doctors did
not detect the fraud until about $5,
000,000 in policies had been written.
New York Insurance men are exercised
about it.
A rroject of the State or Idaho.
On tho west side of tho Snake river
in Idaho, between Blackfoot and Ameri
can Falls, thero Is bolng constructed by
tho American Falls Canal & Power com
pany, under a contract with tho state of
Idaho, an irrigating: canal 85 foet wide
and GO miles long. When finished, this
canal will be ono of tho largest and
most perfect Irrigating systems In tho
world. By Ita means a valley of 100,000
acres of tho most fertile and productive
fruit and farm land In America will bo
Tho climate of this valley Is Ideal.
Cyclones, hot winds, floods or destruc
tive storms havo nover been known.
Grain, grass, vegetables and all varie
ties of fruit grow In abundance. A
healthful climate, a suro crop, a heavy
yield, high pricos and a ready market,
aro features of this country.
ivu wiuuauuu wrea ui villa nun luuu
aro now ready for Irrigation and settle
ment. Purchaso tickets to Blackfoot
via Oregon Short Lino Railway Co.
For full information concerning land,
water rights, low prlces.and easy terms,
Evans, Ctrims & swekt Co.,
Salt Lako City, Utah.
"'- '- h . tL.