Zhc Deralb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. By T. J. O'KEEFE. Entered at the postoiTico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the wails, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month .50 Business locals, per line first insertiou .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates, tST The Herald is the Ollicial Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance. Democratic Judicial Convention for the Fifteenth Judicial District. ThoolerloJsof tliti Democratic party of the llfteeiith Judicial district of Nebraska, are hereby notl lied tlint on Tuesday, the 1Mb of August, A 1).. ittM, at tun o'clock a. m. n 110111 iimtlng convent lonof suiidpitrty will be held in tlio city of Valentine, Ncltrnska, for the tiurpose of nomliintlUK candidates for the fol lowing otlices to bo toted for at tlio general election of 1003. Two candidates for Judges of tlio Fifteenth Judicial district. sinld convention Is also called for tin? pur pose of selecting a committee of said party for the fifteenth JihIIcIhI district and for tlio tran.suetlon of such other business as may properly coinu before It. The basin of repre sentation is as follows: One delegate for each one hundred votes or major fraction cast for the Honorable V. II. Thompson for Governor at me general election or nut;. Tlio reunion tatlon of the Vhrlous counties is as Jtox llutte Iloyrt Hrown , Cherry Dawes Dolt -. i... Uock .... Kay a t'aha Sheridan ; Sioux ollows: .. .. 4 Total It Is recommended that no nroxles be al lowed. That the delegates present east the full vote of lite county. VM. TALLON, Chalrmuu of the Democratic Party of the I'fteentli Judicial District of Ncbrnskn. II. M. SULLIVAN, -Secretary. HEMINGFORD. Ill V I alt subscriptions mid lob 'work and collect and receipt for same, and transact nil other business in connection with his position as nu accredited rciireentntlvo of this paper. Democratic Stntc Convention. The democrats of Nebraska are hereby called to meet In convention at Columbus. Neb.' Tuesday, August ', 11X13, at 8 o'clock p. m. for tlio uurnoscuf placing In Humiliation candidates for the following oflices, to be voted for at the general election, to bo held in thustatoot Nebraska, November 3, 1103. Ono Judgu of the Supremo court. Two regents of the state unlvoiBlty: and to -transact such otlter business as may come be fore said convention. The several counties will be entitled to rep resentation in said convention based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. II. Thompson for governor, at the general election in lPOi, giv ing one delegate to caclitou votes, or major fraction thereof, so cist; no county to havu less than one delegate, as follows: Ilox llutte 4 Dawes 4 Sheridan 5 Sioux 2 The state committee suggests that all coun ty tickets bu nominated previous to the hold ing of the state convention in order that the state and county organizations may bo early perfected lly order of thu statu central committee. 1 Li. HAM., Chairman, Lincoln. It. II. W.w.yuiST, Sec, Hastings. Democratic I'urty Convention. 4 The ejectors of tlio Democratic party are hereby called tt. meet tit the court iiouso In Alllanco on Tuesday, August II, JP03 n't 2 -o'clock p.m. for tho purpose of electing dele gates to attend thu statu and Judicial conven tlons and to transact such other business us may come before tlio convention. W.m, Mitchell, chairman. Peoples Independent Judicial Convention for the fifteenth Judicial District. Tlio electors of tlio Peoples Independent Party of tho Fifteenth Judicial Dlntrict Jf tto braska, are hereby untitled that on Tuesday, thu Ibth, day of August, A. D., 1IU3, at ten o'clock a. 111, h nominating convention of said party will bo held in tho city of Valentine, Nebraska, for the purpose of nominating can didates for tho following otllces to bo voted for at thu general election of IIHXL Two candidates for Judges of the fifteenth Judicial district. Said convention is also called for thu pur pose of selecting a committee of said party for the llfteenth Judicial district and for thu trans action of such othor business as niuy properly come beforu it. The basis of representation la as follows: Ono delegate for each one hun dred votes or major fraction c'ast furthu Hon orable W. II. Thompson for Governor at tlio general election of 1002. The representation of the various counties Is as follows: Hosllutto 4 lioyd 7 Ill-own 3 Cherry 5 Dawes 4 Holt ltl ltock Keva I'a'ia 3 Sheridan , 5 Sioux I Total 50 It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed. That tlio delegates present cast thu the full vote of the county. SAM 6. HOWARD, Chairman of thu Peoples Independent Party of tho 1'lfteetitli Judicial District of Nebraska. w. it. hutli:r. Secretary. People's Independent I'urty Convention. Tho electors of the People's Independent par ty are hereby called to mcotht the court Iiouso In Alliance on Tuesday, August II, 1903, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing dele gates to attend thu state und Judicial conven tions nnd to transact such other business as may com liefore the convention, In ltCEP, Chairman, Republican Judlclul Convention. A dulegato convention will be hold at tnu county court house at ten o'clock a. tn. on Tuesday. August 25th, 1903, at Valentine, Ne braska, for thu purposo of placing In nomina tion two candidutus of tlio ltiMiubllcan party for tho olllco of District Judge of thu 15th Judicial District of Nebraska. ' ltotiresentatlon of thu respective counties will be tho same us contained in the ollicial call for thu Republican Htatu Convention, which convenes at Lincoln, Nebraska, 011 Aug ust lUth, liOL ('. II. Coumcli.. Chairman Republican Judicial Committee 15th Judicial District of Nebraska. For Rent. Fine blacksmith proposition. Big grow ing trade. No opposition. Eyes have failed and must quit immediately. Some money required to buy part of tools and stock or will sell all if renter desires. M. C. French, Owner, Bridgeport, Neb. For screen doors and windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf Will llroich spent Sunday in lletnlntr ford. E. S. Wildy cume Up from the ranch Monday. Victor Uerncall is homo on a bhort vacation'. Mrs. Rust in was up from Alliance Inst Tuesday. Charley LoeUwood was lit from Cau ton TucMlny. Alex Wjldy went to Illinois Monday with n car load of horsed. Sheriff Reed was buying horses lu this vicinity lust week. Wlldy is gcttlmg In a beautiful line of new dry goods at low prices. If you wuut 11 pair of shoes' free, Wlldy will supply you as advertised. Mr. Morrison, principal of schools at Harrison next year was iu town Tues day. A. At. .Miller of Ilcinliigfoid Is paying the highest mnrkct price for nil kinds of grain. k New clothiui, suits -for boys, men nnd children. Conic and price. C. .T. Wildy. New car of Michigan barrel salt and a car of lump and crushed salt at Wil dy's. Mrs. Harris and Miss Edith Smith visited Mrs. Hunter for a couple of weeks recently. The ladies Presbyterian club will meet with Miss Mary llushnell Atic. 15, Mrs. Mattic Olds, leader. C. J. Wildy has just returned from St. Louis where he purchased a full line of fall and winter goods. Before you buy your machine oil call at Funk's pharmacy. He has some thing that will surprise you in the way of trices. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Jacksonville, Illinois, are visiting at the Enyeart ranch. Mr. Martin is a brother of Mrs. Enyeart. W. L. Ashbrook came in from the ranch Wednesday and met his wife and children who hnvo been in Kansas City for some time. CD Mrs. Stewart, wife of our station agent, returned Thursday from a three months' visit at Galesburg, 111., where her parents live. Mrs. Iverson came In Monday and remained over night, the guest of Mrs. C. J. Wildy, meeting some friends from the east who came in on the passenger. Adelaide and Willie Davis, cousins of the Katen girls, and Miss Josie Ka tun went to Louisville, Neb.. Monday evening. Miss Josie will go from there to Omiiha. Mr. Lenvittanci wife celebrated the wedding anniversary known as the china anniversary, July 2!. About u dozen friends were present and a most pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Marley from Chicago are visiting with Fredolln Abley and family. They were formerly residents of Berrien county, Michigan and are well known to many of the Michigan people here. J. A. Hunter was called to Broken Bow Saturday by the Illness of his mother. She died Saturday evening and Mr. Hunter accompanied the re mains to Walshvllle, 111., where inter ment took place. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheldon went over to Box Butte Saturday for a "few days visit. From there they will go to Bel vldere, Neb., to visit Dr. C. A. Hoi brook and wife before returning to their home at St. Paul, At the republican primary Saturday the following delegates were elected to attend the republican county con vention at Alliance: M. C. Beaumont, C. E. Connell, H. B. Slater, W. M. Fos ket, C. J. Wildy and J. W. Christy. Quito a number of tho young people made a picnicking trip to Pine Ridge the first of tho week. The regulation number of wrangles and get-mad cases are reported but on the whole the trip was pronounced by nearly all as very enjoyable. Owing to tlio fall in price of live stock, meats are greatly reduced In price. I quote the following prices: Beef steak,- sirloin and porterhouse, 15c; choice roast 10c; boiling meats zyt to 7c; dry salt pork lSJc; home rendered lard 13c, all other meats in proportion. II. L. Bushnell, Palace Meat Market. J, II. Shirk returned from Illinois where ho has been visiting and receiv ing medical treatment for several months. Bo spent the time with his son who lives at Normal and doctored with a physician tit Blcomington. The two towns are connected by electric car lines. Mr. Shirk's daughter died in April, tho interment taking place In, the cemetery where his wife is buried. He is much Improved by his visit and tho medical attention he received. A train load of cattle was shipped to Omaha Saturday by the ranchmen along the river, Among those ship ping were Tom, Bert and T. L. Hop kins, sr., J. P. Whelan, Wm. Delsing, Peter Anderson, John. and Henry (Jas stling, M. P. Solberg, B. L. Fenner, 11. Brus, P. O. Wollesou, A. C. Iversou, P. A. Neelnnd, Thos. Katen, W. Bame, Hugo Llchte, Theo. Rous, M. Tsehnch cr, John Kovnruik and Anna Hopkins. The fourth quarterly meeting for Hemlngfortl chnrge will bo held nt Hemingford Sunday and Monday. Aug. rj-10. Quarterly conference at. 10 a. in. Monday morning. Rev. J. A. Scaina horn, presiding elder, Is expected to be present. The Rev. hns been presiding elder for the past six years. lie Is now closing up his full term and expeots to retire at the close o( this conference year. As this Is the last time ho will visit our charge as presiding elder lot every member of the church make an effort to bo present nt the services. C. E. Connell, pastor. Robert Garrett and on are prepared lo do housemoving and well drilling and re pairing; first-class outfit. Sntisfnction guaranteed. 'Phone 74. Proposal, tor Mils, Sealed bldt will be received ill! August IB. for the construction of n frame scl mil build ing, Mi HUSt fct, In dUtrlrt No. 51. Itox Dime county. Ilullding to b completed by October IS lPtt. The s.ihool hoard will pro vltlo for hauling of liuuot lnl from any rtitl roRd .station In tlio county. Hpeotlleiiilotis my bo had upon application ot can l mkmi at Tin: lIr.iiAl.li 0III0?. Itlils should he filed with the dlri'ctor. whose post office iiddrew Is Hem Ingfcird II. ItnVAN, Director. ('. Ilii.NNlNiis. Moderator. 1). A. Paul, Ttoasurer. CANTON. Chns. Loekwotnl was in Hcntlngf'jrd Monday. 0. 11. Clayton was taking In tho sights nt Allinnce .Saturday. J, S. Hood lost a very fine calf Satur dny, by lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Zimmerman were trading in Marsland Tuesday. Mrs. W. A. Randall was in Heming ford Monday disposing of butter and eggs. Miss Mary Mickey spent Saturday and Sunday In Marsland, the guest of Mrs. A. E. Myers, Mrs. J. W. Broshar nnd Mrs. Curtis were nmonjr friends iu Hemingford Friday and Saturday. Goo. P. Jones nnd family of Alliance were visitors at tho home of John Hiekcy this week. Roy lllckeycame up from Gretna 11 few clays ngo anij will nsslst his brother John through the haying season. Will Cora, a representative of Geo. Darling's furniture house of Alliance was a visitor In Cinto't tho first of tho week. Clark Olds of Hemingford was In this vicinity Monday to set up anew binder which he had sold to John Moravek nnd sons. Otis Bass was up from his ranch on Running-Water this week to finish stacking his rye. crop which has been of good qualitj and quantity. Misses Orah Clayton and Myrtle Broshar left Saturday morning for Al liance where they will assist the other good looking school inarms finish up the junior normnl at that place. -Again misery has been added to Lew is Hood's misfortupes., A few weeks ago the old gray pony threw him off; he had scarcely got over tha.t when Saturday as he was running a coyote from among his calves the same old erav pony fell eatchlncr Mr. Hood's hand under the horn of the saddle nnd badly crushed it. Good sized 7-foot fence posts for sale at my place at Dunlap at :o' cents each. B. Fenurich. Strayed or Stolen From the ranch of Geo, W. Nation, 17 miles north of Minatare, Neb., about May 1, 1903, a bay gelding pony with yearling colt by side, weight about 800 pounds, branded G P on left hip. Colt not branded, Any information leading to the whereabouts of this property will receive prompt re ward by Clark Andress, Alliance, Neb. Mares and Colts for Sale I offer for sale twenty-four good mares, twelve with colts sucking. -These mares weigh from 105c to 1200 pounds each and range in age from 3 to 6 years. Will sell at a bargain. Will also sell sjventeen colts, past two years old, if purchaser de sires, Mares can be seen at my ranch 20 miles northeast of Alliance, or address me at Rnshville, Neb. Walter R. Kent. Protect Your Home! Everybody fears fire and every effort should be made to prevent them starting, even more than to extinguish them after they have started. A long as our homes are built of lumber the is a certain amount of danger from fire, both from within and without. Therefore, any chemical prepa ration that render lumber fire-proof is a thing very much to be desired. Such a preparation is now on the mar ket and the public is invited to test its merits. It is called Plutanica. It ren ders all wood work fire-proof and at the the same time acts on the pores of the wood in such a manner as to preserve it indefi nitely. It costs very little and is easily applied to any wood work. B. V. Reeves has the agency for Plu tanica in this district. See him and have a practical demonstration of the merits of this preraration and get his figures for applying it to your home. Strayed or Stolen. One brown yearling horse colt, slim built with white spot lu forehead, wire cut on throat, no brands. Ample re ward will be paid. Clayton Wohi.kv. D. T, Taylor, the Hay Springs banker and stockman, was in the city yesterday to receive a shipment of wool which he purchased of Nels Worley. Preaching at Carpenter church next Lord's Day, August 22, at 11 a. m. by A. W. Post of Lincoln. Cattle taken to run by the season or year. Correspondence solicited. Refer ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb. '.Jno. M. Delatoup, Hutchinson, Neb, I.OHGi: tiTHrr-ronv, UoT.u. IlimtitANitims Alliance Castlu No. 43 meets very Avow! nnd fourth Thursday uvcnltnr In V. O. W. Hall. Visiting Uliuistnuii eorflmllv invited. It. P. Vinous. c, W. ,1i:mms, Pee'y. L. P. F. AT. WALLACE DRAY LINK Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phono No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. I.cgnl Notice. II. S. Tyler, llrst inline unknown, wilt take notice Unit on the aith day of .Inly. 1P03, L. A. llerry, n Justice of the peace of the second ward iirocitict, ilox llutte county. NebrasUa. Issued 1111 order of attachment for the sum of fllT.'JD In an act pctidltn: before hlln, wherein Walter MoNe.V: Co. Is plaintiff and H. H. T ler Is defendant, that property of tho defend nnt consisting ot malt 11ml Mptrlttio" liquors noil li.lv IKtiirt s has been attached iiiii1t snld older. Said cause was continued to the '27th day of AiiKtist, liHV), atn o'clock n. 111. l)'ed Auk. 4. Una Walter Molso .V Co. by I'lt-Ht pub Au. " W. (I. Simoiison, Its ally I.cruI Notice. II. P. Tyler, first hnmu unknown, will take notice that on the'JOth day of July, UK)'!, I.. A, ItMirv, a Justice of tlio puitce of tlw second Wnrilniecliiet, llov Iliitt o count v, Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment for tho sum of I5 C) in nn action pciidllur bnfnrohtin w hero in The Western liar and llotllorsSuiipl.v Com pany Is plaintiff and II. 8. Tyler Is defendant, that nronertv of defendant (insisting r-f limit and spirituous llipiors mid bar ll.Mures has been attached under said order. Hald cause was continued to tliP27thday of August, HH)3 at Ho'olock a. m. Tlio extern liar and Holders Supply Co., by W. G. Slinonson. lis utty. Dnted Auk, 4, 1(VV1. I'lrst pub Auk. 7. : . Am. King; Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer V. H. Mcl3rayer, Atherton, Paris Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must be tfood for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. i Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods delivered on short notice to any part of the city, 'Phono 136. - - -. - .,i... .. 11 .in ....... p..n T,i k, m, I 11., I have purchased the paint shop of Albert Johnson and am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you have furni ture you want fixed I will call and get it. I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrung. Legal Notice. II, S. Tyler, riitit iiiitno unknown will take notice that on the '.'Otli day of July. HsXl, I.. A. Herrv, a Jilstlceof the pcaeo of the mm'oiuI ward precinct, Ilox Hut to county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for thu sum of ls.lo iu 1111 action pendliiK before) him where in Walter Jlolsois plalntlil and II. H. Tyler defendant, that property of defendant eon slstinj; of iniill mid .spirituous liquors and bar fixtures litis been ntlached under Mild order. Said cause was contliiutHl 10 the 27th day (if AUKUSl, iiui at u O'CIOCk a. in. Walter Molse, by W. tJ. Slinons'tn. his titty. Dated Auk 4, 1PK5. I'lrst pub Auk. 7. Uond Notice to I.iinU Owners. Hoad No. 14 Notice to Land Owners. To Whom tr May Ccinckun: Tho Commissioner nnnoluted to examine n road cnmincneliiKiit northeast corner of Seo liiili l-l.Townslilp'JT north, l(niii;e is weslBth 1. M In llox llutte precinct, Hex llutto County, Nebraska, ruuniiiK thence south on section lines for fifteen miles termination at the northeast corner of Section ;r, Townslilp LL', north. Itancti 43. west Utli I'. M. In said county lias resrted in favor of tho lay Inn out tlicreor. ntiu an oojections inereio or eiaimx for tIiimiiKtTs must 1k Hied in tlio County (UerkVoilIeoon or In-fore noon of the ad day ofOctoIwr, A. I).. 100,1 or said road will bo lulil out and orduied opened without leforciice thereto. 4t 8. M. Smvsf.ii, County Clerk. 1 diamonds, Watches, 7T. V. . .H Vi Gold Jewelry, m m Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches.- 9 flail orders promptly attended to. A O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. Notice for Application Licenses. for Liquor Notice Is lieieby ulven tluitrUirovt- & Curiam, u (Irm composed of J. V. Shrove and J. C. Car son have Hied their petition with the vlllacf clerk of rionilnuford, NVbraska, asking that they be urahtcu a license to sell malt, splrlt iicu unii vinous lliuor on lot 111 in block IP In the villuueoT llemlliKfoid. Nebraska, for the municipal year eudliiK May, 1 Hu4. Ami that .snld matter w 111 be presented to the board of trustees of said village on Monday eveiilin;, August 24, IPtfi, or as soon thereafter as the Ixwrd of trustccH inny be In session. SlIIIKVK "fc t'AItSON. A firm composed of J. l Slirere and J. ('. Can.on. kXl 1 fff ffl 1 VTffjsff XJ VlAIx HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . :t Embalming Company. Calls answered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. rirs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. Residence phone 2G9. ;..:..:..:..:.k.v::'-:'':':-':5':-:'h: F. J. Brennan & Co...v ; DEALERS IN" "3H Drugs, P eft manes and Toilet Articles. ! X Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. Alliance, Nebraska. ::: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. !:!:; .::w!. 4 sr J I V Ivwt3vi '-ft ' V1 Pi ICE CREAM SODA with: Fresh Crushed Strawberries Every day at the Alliance Pharmacy J. S. riEKINEY, Proprietor. l0OOIe99l I Forest Lumber Co. FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties of BREAD. Each kind is different in shape, differ ent in method of making and different in flavor. Hardly necessary to say that all are excellent. We make noth ing that we cannot recommend. FRESH ROLLS Parker House, milk and bread rolls. If you have not tried them, do so. The PARDEE Bakery. Xumber anb I Smiting flfcaterial! Estimates Cheerfully Given.- ( WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... AND A SPECIAL TY OF DIPPING VATS.