ftbe .Iberalo PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. Hv T. J. O'KKEFK. Entered at the postoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through the inatis, as secona-ciAM matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display, per single column Inch per month.... ,..,, .50 Dullness locals, per line first Insertion .10 Each subsequent Insertion, per lino o$ Legal notices at statute rates ; ST The IIbralu is the Official Publica tion of Box Hutto county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance. HEM1NGFORD. IKelth Ij. I'lcrco N fully riuttiurlrcd to m ilcltut)erI)tloiis nun joti work mid ml lee t and receipt for same, uml transact all other business in Connection with hW position us an accredited repiCMintull vo of tlilx paper. Carried over from last wcoW, Uecrlnjr thowcra at Wll,lY. lJcforeyou buy your machine oil cull it Funk's phnrmacy. Ho has some thing tlmt will fiurprtso you In the way of prices. A little girl of James IiucUoy's is quite ill with measles. Eggs'nnd butter wanted at Wildy. Mr. Ilroshar and daughters Myrtle and Edith en rue. 1 11 to attend the lect ure Tuesday. Too lllg Double Store Is the rlpht place to buy the right goods at the right price. II. h. KuBhnell is constructing an ad dition to his store. A new Metzow orgnn for s.ile or trade. Vir,m Mary HcrncnU closed her school iu the Cnnton district Friday. hlio is be coming one of tho county' most suc cessful tcadhcrs nml'ia always wanted to teach iu tho .best districts nt good wages. Remember the best sack of Hour In Nebraska for SI. 05. Ask for prices in larger quantities'. Wildy. Allun Co 11 n ell fell out of a haymow Thursday and bruised tho side of his head and broko 0110 of tho bonos In his hand. Ho Is getting along nicely. All kind of hats at reduced prices at Wlldy. Rev. Horn of Alliance delivered his Illustrated lecture at tho Congregation al church Tuesdny evening to a crowd od house. It was quite good partaking of the nature of inngio entertainment. We would, personally, much prefer to hear Mr. Horn deliver a lecture with out the views feeling sure that word painting would bo much better than tho illustrations used, It is cvideut, however, that Mr. Horn had a splendid time and that ho profited greatly by his trip. Possessing a somewhat ven turesome disposition ho was several times involyed In halrraislng situations. We hope that Rov. Horn will give sev eral lectures on special sections of his trip at this place in tho future. Wo are sure that a crowded house will al ways greet him. Don't forget to get that pair of shoes for tho asking of it. Wildy. Mr. E, M. Snldor's father has arrived from Iowa to visit hero for some, time. It was a surprise, Mr, Snider not know ing that his father contemplated visit ing him. Mrs. Rosa Schilling nnd babo aro visiting with Patrick Kinsley and fum ily this week. See us if you ueed lumber or posts at Wlldy. Willio Walker was painfully injured on the Fourth while playing with a toy pistol with unother boy by aeci dently fulllug into Dr. Elkuer's barb wireieuce. a severe gash wns cut on his face which his pareuts fear will scar him for life. Martin Logan's team rati away Wednesday while ho was loading a barrel of salt. They wore stopped by running into Hurlow's store porch, ilie wagon was broken to some extent but otherwise no iujuries were sus tained to horses or Mr. Logan, $100 Notzow Piano for sale or trade for stock at Wlldy. I'ete Watson was in town Monday re turning by way of Mnrple from cele brating at Alliance. Quito a few from here celebrated at Alliance this year and most of them re port a very good time. Charley Schlndler and Mr. and Mrs. Rreckman visised in tho city Sunday. Mrs, Ureckman wns formerly Mrs Kate Green. The soldiers returning from Alliance camped here again Sunday. Hinder twine headquarters at Wii.uv. Mrs. A. II. Pierce was ill tho first of the week from blood poisoning in her hand. Dr. Eikner laneed it and she is now improving rapidly. W, L. Ashbrook aud Thos. Katen were the purchasers of two fino new steel ranges from H. It. Green this week. II. M. Miller, our night agent has been transferred to Ardmore and his place is filled by a young lady. Lee Rustin is visiting her mother iu Alliance. Miss Lula Dunean and Percy' Cogs well of Alliance spent Sunday In Hem Inpford tre gnrs cf M's Orncc V heeler. sCZPer J cent FOR 15 Days WTOHnnnrgaci Sale Commences July 11 and continues till Saturday night, July 25, 1903 ONE FOURTH OF on the entire line of shoes for Gents, Ladies, Boys, Misses and Childrens shoes and slipper? 25 per cent cash the Regular all the season prices and out shoes are all marked in nlnin firmrc TU.iV- is no old, out of style or past decades to of fer, but all new and up-to-date goods. MEN'S SHOES high and low cut, in the best American makes and a clean saving of 25 per cent on every dollar. LADIES' SHOES Stylish and right at every point, finest Kids and patent Leath ers, all shapes of heels and toes and one fourth off the plain marked prices on every lady's shoe in our stock. BOYS' SHOES of the reliable sort pricing from $1.50 to $3.00, one fourth off on the entire line. Girls Shoes handsome stvles in all the each and every pair. You wiil find this a genuine alliance Cash Shoe Store 1). T. Taylor, banker and stockman of Hay Springs, was here buying wool Monday aud Tuesday. C. J. Wlldy, Vol Wright, C. .lohnson, D. A. Paul and II. II. Rensvold scld to him. Wo will buy your potatoes at Wildy. Mrs. Sam Hucke has returned to Hoi grade, Mont., after spending over a month with friends and relatives here. Mrs. E. M. Itean has laid a now side walk in front of tho bank and drug storo. N. C. A. fiiirnrK! hns rntiirnml trnm southern Iowa where ho had been at tending tho half century jubilee of the SVnod of tho X'nrtfonlnn r.iilliornn commemorating the end of its first fifty years iu America. lie participated ih a corner store laying, celebrated the Fourth and olllciated at. a marriage ceremony and had altogether a most busy and delightful time. E. D. Piper returned from his eastern trip Wcdnosdnr. Ollltc a lnrrrn nnn. course of citizens met tho remnins iif his father and had it not been so rainy there would have beon a great number of people to the funeral. As it was tho turnout was large. Mr. Piper's father was a Mason, a fact which we did not know tit tho time of our item noting his demise. Hen Curtis nnd mother was In town Tuesday. E. D. Piper has purchased the farm known as tho Daniel Oerber place one mllueastnnd one-half mile north of town. There worn kuvcmiI ti!ohIe 1 tlm country on the Fourth afwhlcha large part 01 1 no people celebrated. A. F. Miller of Dawes county was In town Saturday. H. L. Fenncr was in Ilomlngford Wednesday. Fred Neelnnd spent Monday night in town. Geo. Fendrick was in town Wednes day. A, S. Enyeart had the misfortune to break the wire in his telephone receiv er and consequently being out of com munication with his neighbors has been compelled to make several trips to his neighbors, four trips to town and to lose about two and one-half days good time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Rurk visited In uau 101 d this week. Omer Roland and ltessie Keane were married in Alliance Tuesday. These are two very deserving young people and no doubt excellently suited to each other. They have both grown up in tho country and in this vicinity and are too well known to need introduction to our readers. They will niako their home near here. Thk Herald extends Its heartiest congratulations and trusts the matrimonial ship thus auspiciously launched will have a most successful cruise, C. Klemke has been to Scribner, Neb. , to attend the funeral of his father who was almost 77 years old. He was gone about ten days. For Sale nj sec. 20 and se)4 sec. 20-27-49, 320 acres fenced, very good frame house, wind mill and frame granary, (rood sod barn nnd slirwlR nnn inUUc..i. of Hemingford to land; buildings one raue south and one-half east. Also sma.i rrnmo iiniiso on the sV- '" Discount SALE j rr'."i3y ?rstST v. "-wrvsai '- discount off and Slippers new shapes, one fourth off on money-saving shoe sale. MARSLAND. The Joralemon family are spending the week at Highland Centre, their old home. Misses Rertha and Ruby McCoy went down to Alliance Friday evening. Mrs. Ed Mason of Old 33 nnd her-.sis-ter Mrs. Simons of Grand Island, who is hero for a visit were trading in town Friday. S. P. Trussell is hauling his seasons wool clip to town for shipment. Kendrio ISros. shipped two cars of sheep to Omaha Saturday. Uruco & Holllbrough drove in two hundred head of horses from liny Creek which they will put out on the range. Miss Attio Snow returned home on Sunday from Alliance having spent two weeks in that city visiting Miss Edna Hyors is spending tho week with May Moore at the .Moore ranch True Miller nnd family and Mrs. L. Snow and children, Misses Hertha aud Ruby McCoy, Dave Miller and wife ail returned from Alliance the first of the week whither they had gone to cele brate. Roy Rlchoy and Carl Thomas took iu tho sights at Alliance July 4. Luther Glavk and sister nnd Miss Hertha and Carmel Chenev drove out to the oicnfu in thn Hnn-u. ,?.:i.i... hood on the Fourth. Ther runort line time. Havimr linfi liomm In ul .. .ii.. .i. yield being good. Those, wlin rnt ilnu'ii fn a in- the Lourth of July excursion, which consisted of a caboose and passenger ear hitched to a long freight train, say the excursion wns von. ..,m!,...-,i.i.. the absence of passeugers. The troops from Fort Robluson went into camp near this place Mondav noon on their return trip from Alliance. They remained till Tuesday morning seemingly enjoying tho recreation our valley afforded. They aro a very civil lot of soldiers and were very courteous to tho many people who visited their camp during the evening. Rev. Hnmmntifl la cnurwlt.... n few Me- days at the pleasant home of the -oy s, P. L. Wilson linK inst i-.mot ..! ,. n.x lot of hew wairons and nil h-imU t farm machiuerv. For the most part oar people re mained at home on the Fourth, and we've heard heve'ral say they didn't ltnow one could have such a good time at home. There were several dinner parties and landlord and Mrs. Ulchey entertained in their usual hospitable way. The children had a parade and free ice cream and cako were served in the afternoon at the Commercial. Tho display of fireworks in the evening was very good and fire crackers and babv canons knt. ,1 n n .!. ..r.ir.r. -.... all day. Cattle to summer I will take cattle to pasture for the summer at my ranch three miles west of Malinda. Plenty of good range and water and cattle will be salted regularly. Terms, $1,25 per head m m H LOnr tmiirTriii. lEOTAt.. llfmif.Al.firtd 1 -......- . 'l meet very Kejioiid nd fourth TliiirMliiv K. I Wo'ltiv . C. V. JtrrmiR. Seo'y. I 'I .ITTJH5EV.. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LS.W. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Orncc l'nosB lMt. Hesiiih.ncb I'mosh 203. R. C NOLEA1AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .UK, Alllunce, Neb. .otmy In onk'o. W. Q. SIMONSON... Attory at Law,... Ollleo tTp-stiilrs Over I'ostolnVe SMITH 1 TUTTI.E. ika i:. TASI1. TUTTLE & TASH, , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEB. I'HYSICIANS. II. II. BFLLWOOD. M. n. Bellwood & Bellvvood, PHYSICIANS and ' SURGEONS, jlolstcn IIulldinR, - ALLIANCE, NEB. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Oflli!n In !'trr. Vutfnn J n..mi. .i,...t. mc, Nelinuikn. Alll- J. E. MOORE, M. D. n.i:T:iir:usiii.ocH, ALLIANCL, NED. Calls nnswuicd from Telephone No. K. olllce day oc night. G. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlto In LoclcwoodJ Ilulldlns.. .. f ALLIANCE, NEB. Telephone No. 370. JULIA V. FREY, rSTIOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllee two blocks noiili of Times bulldlmr. I'hone Sis. Hours, & to 12 u. ui.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... Oftlco and reMdciico tiirte doors north of Idaho street on Big Horn avenue. ToluponeNo.20. Alllunce Neb. A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and udjolulng eonntfes hy tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex porience. Sntlsfuctlon itunrntiteed. Con tracts can be made ut The IImiau office where references to Alliance citizens will also bo Klven (pPiTime Table iMfe'j Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LA KI2 CITY I'Ol TLAND, OMAHA, "HICAGO, S. IOSEPH, KA "SCITY. ST. t 'S. SAN FRANCISCO. and all p south. east and points west anil Tiiains Leave.. Sa 41 !'.l,1st',1Ki;r dally. Deudw od, umnifis, nil uolllts north nl No. 12 rassencer 'daiYiV'T.l7wv,Yn' Ul.t 10:35 a.m. Oninliii, CIiIciiko and all nolnts east No.3011'asseiisertliiliy'.'f(')r''l)'.'riVer l:J0a.m, UKden.Salt Ijiko. San rran- elseo and all intermediate v .4l.u",ls"C).irts at Ao. 303 r.isseiiL'er dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, 1 :40 a.m. . V", lib., a..,.., 20. 13 Local im.SSeilL'(!r ! 1 1 v frnni 10:I0,i.m, Omaha. Lincoln nnd Intur .. .1 medliite points arrives ut.... 5:5h a.m. o. U Local passeiiBcr dally, for Omaha.Llncoln and interme- no. 30oI).illy, e.cep Minday. for points south and west, de parts, .... t.Yl ,r No. 30U Dally, except Sunday." from south am west, arrive 4:55 11. m. Sleepliis, Ulnlns and lecilnliiK chair cur (scuts free) on throuKh trains-. Tickets sold and bujjcugo cheeked to any point In tho United States or Canada. Tor information, time tubles und tickets call on or write to J, KuciIlEI.UAUOII.Aiieiit.ur J. KntN'i'ia r..,r.. oral I'assener Ak'eut. Omaha. Nebraska. frTeslantX The Imported German Coach Stallion Will stand for the season of 1903 at Smith & Heeler's livery barn in Alii ancer Friesland is a beautiful, imported bay horse of a gentle and kind disposi tion. Any lady or child can drive him. Weight, 1450 pounds; i6 hands high; good style and splendid action. Tl'IIMS. tiAf... ui.. ..,. ... ... . colt is foaled. If not paid wliun due, JO per 1 -, ;".-v wm ifv i:iiurKiii, 11 owner should dispose, of marc she will bo coneidored in foal and fee due at once, euro will be - W. S. UELLWOOD. M. D lu iircvuntBcciuenis out owner will not I bo resposslblu should uny occur. IRA REED, Owner. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WilOLKSALK ASI1 ItKTAIt. HANDLES TUB Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PPkington's stand, 'phono No. 7 old TRY the mm BON TON TAILOR'S ikfcu-M LKtia'icnaivofsatidntaKSiBnaajji They'll clean and press that old suit and make it look like a new one. BasKassaa Suits and pants made to your measure. Ilats eleanec and re paired; made good as new by Uetts,,the hat- . ter. Gilbert & Co., Opposite Hotel Charters. a Fire " 0 t Insurance. Hemingford, - " Nebraska. A cent for tho Caledonian, of . Scotland, which Insures town X property only, and the Culum- v llii, which Insures town and r farm property and live stock. O Both are reliable old lino com- i pilules jr woiarial Work.- T W. M. FOSKET, -A-"ULotiora.eex Will Crv Snlf in TIiIq nri Adjoining Counties. . . , On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. v tST Satisfaction guaranteed.. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb. The Imported SHIRE HORSE, "Weston Tom" HI (8580) Bred bv William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Creston, Iowa, Will make the season of 1P03 ai my ranch five miles yet and one-half mllo north of lleiu- Ingford. Terms-fiototnsuteltvlnKColt. All mares bred at ownei risk. I reserve rlitht to reject liny mure. If owner n.irts with nmru she will he considered in foal and fees duo at once. I'lirtll' HWllfT fit fl .flltfllir... n.... I. ....... -- fiwd forfl, cash, extra. ' LUKE PHILLIPS. WOODRUFF'S" 5URC CURE. GIVES IKSTANT RELIEF. DlSCOVCRCO IN 1000 First cold inneot After Uiirty-threa years' of ouflering with Hay Fever in its season, Mr. Wood ruff discovered this valuable remedy, and Is rnow entirely free from Hay Fever. Others have tried it with the same re sult. Outward appli cation and Inhaling oniy. Price 50c by taail, rOSTACB TAin. THE WOODRUFF For sale by D. W. Butler Pharmacy, Alliance, Neb. CO. at Eagle . Contactor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, Brick Shop West of Alliance Natlo. IUnlc, Alliance, Neb. al PHONE 400, FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADETcToRDEK. 4tEPAIItI.NO A SPECIALTY. ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Staple ana Fancy Groceries Ranch Supplies. THE REST OF EVERYTHING- Our Prices are Right. Slop. Ms a 5na 0x&ix J as. GTaham. PHONE SO. :i For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries m ii icrior t That Can't he Real In Town.,,. Queensware, Tinware atld Enameled ware CALL "" DeaVuvq, A. D. RODGERS. rrwvvTWT ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. "Home -k Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It... PHONE 105. WKST 8I1JE MAIN STREET Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in . COAL & WOOD 'Phone Alliance, Nebraska. ISo. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress EEEL22 Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms aasmaEi Oppo-ite Depot, Alliance, Neb. Plrk OLD RYE made of careuflly selected cram ; Q distillery where every detail of tlm making is watched by those jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath. It is a WHISKEY that can be used safelv in tl, i.r,m in thesick 160m or at the club. Ut fine quality when made acquired an exquisite flavor, it has while Best Coles Teas Ms 5. SI 'lours Flour i Feed. 1 V 11 h L. ft j4 tv I'rtue S3.4U0 Treo N.igeUw.Uiv '.r. ...... .... .. ,w ..uituiuct J. -JOS. AKRUD, Malinda, Neb. growing old. THE RED LIGHT R. MADSEN, 7.i t V