AROUND THE WORLD, Bombay, India, Jan. 31, 1903, My Indian tour as fust planned em braced 3,000 itillbB, but I llAVe kept adding to it until llio nctunl distance covorcd by train nRRrogtite1,348o uillos, a distance if applied to America would reach not only front New York to Sun Francisco but would also extend to a point farther out in tlio Pacific ocann than the fastest ocean greyhound could reach in a day's travel. I entered India thrao waek ago at its southermosl port, droMad according to the ciiRloinequtttorinl citios and traveled so far northward that I was compelled to do ft-hat I had ncvar douo beforc-'-drafl into use tVo suits of heavy underclothing and a "Forst King" chamois vest besides a light suit of underwear and the heaviest suit of clhtlrcs that I had' ever worn togethor with n heavy overcoat and three pairs of stockings', and still I shivered with the biting cold that seemed to sweep down from the eternal snows of the Himalayas, One can scarcely im agine the extent of this country, sup porting a q'uarter of a billion people, without giving it a personal encoun tcr as I have done. A country that re quires Great Britain to maintain 225,- 000 soldiers, (nearly a quaitcr of a million) in order to control it is no small concern on the back alley of na tions. If some chieftain should come forth with sufficient organizing power tc unify India and China, with their more than half a billion people, against the world, the kingdoms of earth would be reduced to a scrap heap. Ho who asserts that the Indians cannot fight is talking against time. The British ofli. ccrs say.and I have interviewed a dozen of them, that the natives as they are now trained fight like demons. Among the many surprises that have come to my notice is that of the Ameri can commercial invasion of Asia. As 1 wrote the last sentence, the afternoon tea, served at 4 o'clock thrpughout Asia, was hroiiRht to my desk, and with it were cruokcrs bearing the American stamp in large letters. Every conceiv able kind of American goods is on sale almost everywhere. The American trading company, the North American trading company, and the Chinese Amcucan trading company aie the largest concerns, supplying the local dealers in Asia, with offices and store rooms in tho larger cities. Thev are so firmly entrenched in Shanghai and Hong Kous that tho British firms are wondering what tho result of the in vasion will bo. I havu interviewed and been interviewed bwinany a subject of His Mnjoaty, King Udward, and every one is absolutely amazed at the almoht limitless lesourcea of Amorica and all prophesy tremendous development in the future if wo keep level headed men in power. I have been in company with a Btitish major who was in the campaign against Pekin. He spent his leisure time among the American soldiers and is verbose in his compli ments upon tho American government because ho says it pays its soldiers better aud also gives them a much more liberal allowance and greater variety of food than the British govern ment allows its warriors. The more I see ourselyes as others see us, the prouder I become that I am an Ameri can. Great Britain deserves oommeuda- tion for the interest she manifests in providing for the famine suffers, hav ing at present lGoo,ooo toward a per manent fund for their relief, aud at present only 22,500 people needing help from the fund on account of famine. I saw several ot the rescued who had been eating mud aud roots and leayes. I have shed tears over India and, I confess, it was difficult for me to break away from those, in authoity who offered me good positions to induce me to return to India. Last night as I was preparing to retire, a special messcnfier came to the Great Western hotel with another communi cation soliciting my-services for a term of years. How can I resist the temp tation? I can consider the matter for a year or two and if it becomes quite probable that I would be more useful in India than in America the question of continent swapping will solve itself. And besides all this the "Mistress of the Manse" may have something to Anchor Lino is almost ready to sail for Liverpool, and I am randy to loaya India: but I loave with tho argosy of inomorv ladon deck docp with Sconos that can nbvof bo tofad'catoxl, arid I in sist upon leaving Aft a parting gflllitc the testimony that if I had all tho gold of all the world at my Command 1 could gladly offer it as a- imcrifice for tho emancipation of India's millions, 15. C. Horn. ' Institute Notes. Prof Martin lelurnod Monday morn hfg from a bU8ine trip to Grand Is land. .Prof. McCoy gae an interesting talk Friday morning, his subject bojng "Nature's Weather Bureau," showing how much may be gained by keeping our eyos open and observing the little things around us. Miss Hall of Crawford spent the Fourth at her home. Misses Jessie dishing and Grace Daugherty came up from Sidney to spend tho Fourth and remained over Monday to visit the normal. Miss Inice McCorklo, one of the suc cessful teachers of the Alliance school, was a visitor in the model school last Monday. Senator Brown of this district, spent chapel hour with us aud gave an en couraging talk upon tho "Advantages of tho Junior Normal" arousing the en thusiasm of all present. Senator Blown was one of the principal work ers in behalf of the normal; realizing the need of such a school in the west ern part of tho state, and tho disad vantages under which we labored. The success of the school repays him for his trouble and time givon for our bene fit. The advanced class in arithmetic, under the instruction of Prof. McCoy, is making great headway. The work, mensuration, is made interesting by the use of paper cuttings; bringing the students in contact with real materials, thus making it practical. Little Lee Kustin of Hcniingford spent Monday and Tuesday taking in the delightful work of the model school. Miss Lulu Duncan, one of the up-to-date teachers in the primary depart ment of the Alliance school, registered Tuesday andvlll take the work in tho model school. Miss Nellie Berry returned Tuesday from Reno, where she was called by the illness of her mother. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing lw twesn H. H. and W. 5. Bsllwodd is this day mutually dissolved. W. S. Helluood retiring. All accounts not rtd by July 2ot 1903, will be placed in the hands of our cdleciir, prior to that mar l p"id at our office ovar Hoi ten 'yd rug store. . . II. H. BBLt-woon. V. S. Ukllwooi), Alliance, July 1, jgej. KaMciI for RHNr Call over ttsglt drug stero, Hc-om t. Good siiied 7-fpot- fence posts for sale at my place at Dunlap at io,4 cents each. B. Pendricii. To Breeders: .My well known llmuhlctonliin stallion, Itvcntlme, will tnnku the weiihon ut tl.u Checkered Profit livery bnm. Terms: $10 to insure. In font. Owners disposing of. marcs before foaliiiR Mill be hilillng for fees. H'. i:. OLK Protect Your Home! Everybody fears fire and every -effort should be made to prevent them starting, j oven more than to extinguish tlwrn aftor they hare started. As long as oar homos arc built of lumber thr U certain amount of danger from fire, botn from within and without. Therefore, any chemical prepa ration dim render lum'jer fire-proof is a ihlng vorr much to be 6.tlru Such a ptapa ration t now on the urar Let and the public U invited to fast its ifirrits, it is ontlod Plutakica. It ren ders all wood work 'flre-'proof and at the the seme timu acts on tle paras of the wood id "iiieh a manner as to pretrve It indefi nitely. It con very llttltf aod is easily ai'ilied to any wood work. U. V. Kedvs has the nfteocy for I'i.u tasica in thin district. See him and have a practical demonstration of tho merits of this preraration and get his figures for applying it to your home. 0 ooeo&efiooococ.ce(joaoaoooeec"i9ooaeoorrei94j o o The placing- of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... I National Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. L BANK BOOK Hi WT m o e o 0 s U V. M. ICnioiit, PrrslilL-iil ..... W. II. CouitiN. V. I'ri'hldunt y C. II. (.''ashli'r. O oooCQOU9oaQGCOoeadO3eoGCOO99eee0ec)33eaoooQO9e & LUMRCR.rRIM PdlPisS, i? V'faraa'ssanri nisr 11 tji rr -rr 1 r in" ii-sj" re uui-. ""-sefr urn .r ni iv.i 1 w m'' Ml M& rpWi?- To Fill an Order' f.;.-:r-,.-y.'r?7yc.-.L-.rt For any kind of Lumber is an easy matter for us. We carry a full supply of all kinds required for ex terior and interior work. See us before buying. Oierks' Lumber i Coal Co. say. At Agra I addressed tho students of the Fenolo Medical college wliere the same course is pursued as in America, using the same English text books. As men are not allowed to enter the homes of the high cast Hindus, lady physicians are an absolute necessity, though they are a modern God-send to those hermit women. One glimpse at my audiemce at Agra would knock all objections to tho mission problem high er than Gilroy's kite. The steamship Britannia, of the Kov. Iluwic led devotional service last Wednesday morning. The exceedingly warm days of the past week have not effected the atten dance or iutetest m the school work. New pupils are entetiug every day, and under the wiso management of Prof. Battz overy thing moves along smooth- ly. m - The new students enrolled this week are, Kvu Bhiuchurd, Chndron; Mary Hcrncn.1!, Honiitigford; Pearl Broshar, Canton; Mac and Lillie TaylorPctors; LLaie Wadum, Lulu Duncan, Alliance; Lillian Hymas, York. The literary society held their regu lar meeting Tuesday night. An inter esting program had been prepared con sisting of tho following: Vocal solo, Mrs. Frit; chronicles, Mable Phillips; recitation, Miss Houpe: society paper, edited by Pearl Howard and Hattie Trior; violin duct, Anna nnd Mario Anthony; music, Miss Kramer; recita tion, Mr. Ufford; dialogue, Lulu Hard ing, Inez Beck, Leah Kramer, Genei vieve Dewy and Blanch McDonald. The next meeting of tho society will be held next Tuesday night. All are in vited. The number of students taking ad vantage of the dining hall is steadily increasing and find board of the best at the low rate of S2.75 per week. Naturally each class in school im agine that they are doing the best work aud have the ablest instructors, but tho class in geometry and physic under the direction of Prof. Philpott are quite sure that none can bo more interest ing, and no teacher more enthusiastic. Wednesday night Dean Fordyco of the Weslcyan university lectured in the opera house, his subject being "The Peculiar Physical Growth of Youth." Taking up the life of children between the ages of twelve and eighteen, he gave many truths that parents as well as teachera might carry away with them and use for tho good of the boys and girls. Tho lecturer is a specialist in tho study of human nature and un derstands the inclinations, ambitions and need of watchful helping carb as the yputh approaches the age of ma turity. News has reached the normal this week of tho unanimous election of Miss Nellie Schlee, our popular primary in structor, to a most desirable position as first grade teacher ' in the Lincoln schools. Miss Schlee has made many warm friends in Alliance who are a unit in saying that she well deserves this promotion and know that the Lin coin board of education has made a wise choice. Miss Schlee will resign her position in the Hastings school to accept the place' given her in Lincoln. Nothing is gained by one place or in dividual, but there is a loss to some other place, hence Lincolu's gain is Hastings loss. Si L iMMvk fll I IB I 1 fWJ Somcthlng'to Mow About But never blow awuy Our windmills run in the lightest wind but stand their ground in the fiercest btorm. s5tfV-' Ticse Windmills Arc of the most approved pat tern, have many Improvements over those of older deMgn. Strong, serviceable uml lnst ing. Made of carefully select ed nrituriul. Not liable to g-et out of lepair. Oct our prices on windndlls. four post nnjflo steel towers, tanks, etc. Acheson $J oiler. 5 P I g ? is f to ! , TO'rSoTi-TrBTrrryxs" -ro o-sir3Yo"SoV3 reVsroYS'So'Yir&'a'a IIamiton, President A. S. Rued, Vice President R. M. Hampton, Cashie Hampton. Ass't Cashier. 4226 First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Directors: W. A. Hampton. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. Jfoe Thornton, Alliance Cash Meat Market. C. M. LOTSPEICH, Proprietor. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF OPERA HOUSE. Fresh and Salt Meats, - FISH AND OYSTERS Cash Paid for Hides. Phone 28 Harvey's Bowling Alleys Notice for Application of Liquor License Notice Is heVebjr given Unit on tlio Ulli day of July, 1W3, Julius Si Sandy, u llrui couipo-cd ofK H. Jougsatul V. D. Sandy, fllixl thlr pe tition with (1 o city elurk of Alliance, Ni'liriis. ku. ubklng Unit they bo granted u ltconsu to bull mult, spirituous and vinous liquors u lot 15 block Hi, in thw Second ward In tho rlty ot Alliance, II01 Itutte county, Nebraska, for the munlcliial year eiidlnn May. (X)i. And t hat said matter will lie presented to the council of bald city on 'f oefcduy evening, July 21,1903, or as boon threufterus the council may lie In Mission Johns & sandy. A arm composed ofE. S Johus, and F. D. Sandy. Heathful exercise and amusement ladies and gentlemen . : for THREE FIRSTCLAS5 ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York, Continental of New York City, Niagara Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co, of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In surance Co. German American Insurance Co., Now York. Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., of Lincoln. j VUlUIIlUIil I'UU IHSUI.UIUU vu, Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. J Office L'p-Stnlrs, Hotelier lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. j LAAMAitttMttMtlU 0 OJfOK0OK0000 fiOVOOfOOJfOfOOO 0 0 0 0 34- 0 0 0 0 x- 0 0 x- 0 X- 0 0 x- 0 x- 0 x- Mrs. Tho's. Regan., Has a Large and Complete Assortment "f 1 AD1ES' TAILOR MADE Suits, 'r J Shirt Waists, Huslin Under wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headvvear, Battenberg riaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linings, Hair Goods, etc. tu Opera Mouse Block... 0 X- 0 0 0 0 0 000000JfO000 oooooooooo 0 Dray and Transfer Line. W Phone 139. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charee of them; snr thir gig in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sblr "PJ them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city S. A. Miller. miZZlXJUZSJUtJULJZ3JLZJ I The Central Nebraska Real Estate Comp'y -v." LOCATED AT i ' ' . Lincoln, Omaha an d Th edford AUK NOW Iir.Al)Y TO SELL YOU Ranch, Farm or City Popertj Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. , If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDMIS EN, President of the Company Thedford, Nebraska. rrsrrTrrirrrr3TrrrTrrrri rrrrTiTiTrrTrrwTrr vi 1 1 The best work Is. the cheapest Do yu know who does it? R V RRRVRR The Painter, Paper Hanger, and D. 1. UULlXUO, Decorator. Work guaranteed. PHONB 38B. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully ic, Gonrpoiinded. " Watches and Diamonds. A SELECT STOCK OF Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . P. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. 7f Alliance, Nebraska. c i i T