: It Zhc Deralb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. By T, J. O'KEEFE. Entered at the postoffico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission llnougu the mails, a second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month jo Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each tuLi!eijui.at iu-crtic, p-i iiuu .u3 Legal notices at statute rates. lr Tiik Herald is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al lianco paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. CANTON. D. 0. Curtis was n visitor in his old neighborhood in Nonpareil precinct Friday. George Zimmerman was in Alliance Friday nnd Saturday. We learn that James Novotncy has hud u position offered him at (Jrctna, to take charge of his father-in-law, Mr. Ilickey's, farm. Holla Shetler raised a windmill on the ranch ho 1ms taken in Sioux coun ty Monday. C. A. Lockwood received a five dollar bill as a birthday present from his old est sister at Syracuse, N. Y., a few days ago. Ho says he enjoys such presents, if ho was eighty yeuib old June 15. Mrs. Ilustin of llemingford was en tertained by Miss Pearl llroshar Mon day when attending the cattle sale ut II. J. Winten's. Mrs. C. A. Lockwood received a crate of fine strawberries this week from her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Wright, of Love land, Colo. Mrs. W. A. Hood has been rushing things this week finishing up the house on her claim, working six hands and two cooks Saturday. Mr. Claytbn, jr., was in llemingford Saturday and on his wuy home so journed over night with Arthur Jtass. J. Scott Hood enlarged his herd a few days ago by the addition of seven heifers to his already well selected herd. We noticed among the crowd at the sale Monday, James Harry, Win. Kos ket, 11. F, Johnson, K. L." Pierce and Mrs. Lora Hustin of Hcmincrford: C. E. Hull und wife, Lou Hoinrighouscu and wife, Mr. Mehrkitis ana wife, Henry Shimek and Joe Wauek of Lawn. MARSLAND. The collection token at the Presby terian Sunday school on Children's day amounted to SI. 19. Will Nicholson of Whistle Creek spent a few days in town the latter part of tno vrcaic. D. II. Miller of Hazlcton, Iowa, ar rived here Thursday and will spend a few days on his ranch north of town. M,rs. Kate Stanard came down from Belmont Friday to superintend the erection of a monument at her hus band's grave in Marsland cemetery. Morris Reed of Hough transacted business in town Saturday. diet liritton has purchased a head ing and binding machine, which when it arrives will be set to work in John Sullcnberger's ryo field north of town for experimental work. Ityers & Zimmerman shipped a car of wood to Allianeu Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tollman arrived home Friday und were treated to an old fashioned charivari that evening. Mrs. L. T. Poole anu children of Alli ance, who had been hero a fortnight visiting friends, returned to their home Monday. . Brakeman H. L. Richardson of Edge- mont spent a few hours in town I nduy Bert likes the work first-rate und looks none the worse from the hard lubor and loss of sleep. C. O. Hollibaugh spent last week in Omaha. The Misses Lena and Letha Richard son left Friday night for their home in Missouri. Rev. Hammond went out to his Wil low Creek appointment Saturday. Thisyouug man is proving himself to be no tenderfoot, having walked be tween fifty und sixty miles one week, visiting thirty families Pine Ridge. This valley was visited by a fine rain Saturday nud Sunday which was not very badly needed. A. E. Byers has been adjusting wire screens to the sehoolhoubo windows to protect the large glass from hail. A small detachment of troops from Fort Robinson passed through here Thursday on their way to Alliance, re turning Saturday. They were looking up camping place, foi tl.e soldiers who expect to go to Alliance to assist iu tno Fourth of July celebration. They se lected u camping place just cast of the depot and engaged Landlord Richey to have on the ground two and one-half tons of hay for the large number of horse" ri:1rirr ly u . vrlry. Linn Snow is quite ill with whoop ing cough. Edward and Edna, twin children of A. E. Byers, are down with measles. Mrs. Will Richardson und baby daughter arrived Monduy from Omaha for a short visit with J. T. Richard son's family. C. IT. Richey is having the Commer cial hotel puiuted. Mrs. Cheney of Crawford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Kendrlck. Liverymun Slyter of Crawford made a ilrlv to tliN Iti" Monday. Ii '. :i V i 1 r il 1 s'.t'f .- c '. . .11.1., Commissioners Prococdlnrjs. Alliance, Nnn., Juno 9, 1903. Board of county commissioners of Box Butto county, met as a board of equalization as required by law. Mem bers present, Frank Caha, chairman, George V. Duncan and Gcorgo -V. Loer, S. M. Smyser, county clerk, by D. K. Spaclil, deputy. The following proceedings were had entered on records: Upon complaint of Elisa S. Bell, alleging that lot 10, block 5, .original town of Alliance, was assessed too high; upon due consideration the board uiiiciiu lli.it said lot be 1 educed fioin $300 to $250. Upon complaint of George V. Kogan that his stock and personal property was assessed twice, that is in Lake precinct and in Wright precinct; it is ordered by the board that his assess ments as taken by the assessor of Wright precinct be stricken off and re main on the books as assessed in Lako precinct. Upon the examination of the books of the commissioners it was found that G. F. Gerber was not assessed; it was ordered by the board that twenty head of horses of G. F. Gcrbcr be assessed in Liberty precinct at a valuation of S141. The balance of the day was spent by the board iu examining the books of the different precincts and comparing the valuation of property. Board adjourned until tomorrow at g o'clock a. in. Fkank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smysek, Clerk By D. K. Spacht, Deputy. Alliance, Nuh., June 10, 1903. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same officers as on first day. Upon complaint of F. F.. Reddish that he was assessed in Boyd precinct for one horse and three head of cattle more than he has or owns; it is ordered by the board that his assessment be reduced fiom S27 to 30. Upon complaint of B. Cavin alleging that lot 4, block 4, second addition to Alliance, was assessed too high; upon consideration whereof, the board or dered that assessment on said lot be reduced from S225 to $175. Balance oi day spent iu examining different assessors books and compar ing valuatiou oT property Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9. a. m. Fkank Caiia, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. ':.' D. K. S-.-v-, Pearly. Alliance, Nhh., June 11, 1903. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Same officers and membeis us on pre vious day. Upon complaint of B. F. Gilman alleging that lot 18, block 4, original town, was assessed too high; it is or dered by the board that said assess ment be reduced from $250 to $225. Upon complaint of W. G. Simonson alleging that lot 4, block C, lot 6 and block 6, both in second county addi tion, was assessed too high; it is or dered by the board that said assess ment be reduced on each lot from S175 to 5150. Upon complaint of J. R. Johnson al !ng:r.2 that the prr"?.ai property cf j. R. Johnson & Co. was assessed too high. It was found by the board that said stock was assessed its full value: it is therefore ordered by the board that said assessment be reduced from 52,500 to S625. Upon complaint of D. W. Butler al leging that lot 3, block 10, second ad dition to Alliance, was assessed too low; also upon complaint of D. W. Butler that'lot 8, block 1, original town of Al liance, was assessed too low: also up on complaint of W. C. Phillips alleging that lot 17, block 3, second county ad dition, was assessed too low; also that the personal property, stock of mer chandise of J. F. Fleming was assessed too low; also upon complaint of Geo. E. Zimmerman alleging that the fol lowing were assessed too low: Thos. Beck, household goods; lot iG, county addition, Charles A. Anderson, owner; lot 15, county addition, F. E. Holsten, otwief. It is oideieil by the bouid that notice of these complaints be given to these several parties, citing them to ap pear before the board June 16, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. in,, and show cause why same should stand as originally assesed by the several assessors. Upon complaint of Cora Bayse alleg ing that the lot 13, county addition, was assessed too high; it is ordered by the board that said assessment bo re duced from S350 to S200. Whereupon board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Fkank Caha, Chainnan. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. By D. K. Si'aciit, Deputy. Alliance, Neh., June 12, 1903. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Same officers and members present as on previous day. By ttie agreement of the owner, Ira Reed, lot 4, block 10, second addition to Alliance, it is ordered by the board that said lot be raised from S275 to 300. Upon complaint of John J, Phillips that lot'17, block 28, original town of '.Van'e, :i p.s::a5,.vi luu lIg!., -i i ordered by the board that assessment on said lot be reduced from 450 to ?200. Upon complaint of John A. Lore that lot 2, block 19, was assessed too high; it is ordered by the board that assessment on said lot be reduced from S200 to F150. By agreement of the severpl parties and ownors of the lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 iu block 16, original town of Alliance; it is ordered by the board that each of the sevurallots be raised from $900 to ?iooo each. By agreement of the parties and o-vnrs of the lots 1, block 28, original town Alliance, an;1 'o?s 3 and 4, block aB, ought al town, it is ordered by the board th at lot 1, block 28, origi nnl town, be ra iscd from $800 to goo, and lots 3 and 4, block a8, original town, bo raised from $900 to Jtooo. Upon complaint of Intce L. McCorkle alleging that lot 8, block 1, first addi tion to Alliance, was assessed too high; it ia ordered by the board that said as sessment en lot be reduced from 200 to $175. .Board adjourned to Tuesday June XG, 1903, as a board of equalization. Fkank Caha, Chairman, S. M. Smyser,. Clerk. By D. K. Spaciit, Deputy. i.ohqk nmr.rTiujv. KOYAI. IIllllir.ANDKIW-AIIIUIIL'U CllHtltl No. moots very second mid fourth Thursday evenlnc In W. o. Y. Hall. Visiting Clansmen cordliillr Invited. K. 1. Woods, 0. ',., Jr.rrKiw, Sec'y. Ij. V. W. M. FOSKET, -A."uuotIoia.e e:c Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or I BY THE DAY. 8T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me HnMiNGroKD, Ned. I X TRY THE BONTON TAILORS iaJBiUaiauien.tiwmjim They'll clean and press that old suit and make it look like a new one. Suits and pants made to your measure. Hats eleancc and re paired; made good as new by Betts, the hat ter. Gilbert k. Co., , Opposite Hotel Charters. J. Kowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLKSALK AND HKTA1L 1IANDLK8 TIIK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pl'.kimrton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. To Breeders: .My well known Hainblctonlnii stnlllon, Evcntimc, Milt make the season ut the Checkered Front livery burn. Terms: $10 to insure In fonl. Owners disposing of mares before foaling will be holding for fees. W. K. COLVI.V. FRIESLAND, The Imported Will stand for the season of 1903 at Smith & Keeler's livery barn in Alii ancer Friesland is a beautiful, imported bay horse of a gentle and kind disposi tion. Any lady or child can drivo him. Weight,' 1450 pounds; 16 hands high; good style and splendid action. TKRMfi: f 10 for living colt, nnyiiblo when colt Is foaled. If not paid whim duo, 10 per cent I ut ores t will ho charged. If owner should dlsposo of mure fho will ho considered Iu foul and fees due at once, Care will his taken to pi uvi'iit accidents hut owner will not ho resitovdblo should nny occur. IRA REISD, Owner. The Imported SHIRE 1 itrCoj 6 'Weston Tom9' III (8580) Bred bv William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Creston, Iowa, Will miiko tho mmikmi of lima ut my ranch flvo miles went and ouu-hulf mill) north of Hum In 1; ford. Toruik 110 lo Injure H1I1. h colt. All niuia hrwl ut owiwr's rink. 1 roMirvo rlidil to rnjeci any muro. If owmir part with inaro hho will do I'onMiiun-u in loai anu iuo uuu at once. 1'urtlot, living ut a distance can leave marcs il rod fortl, cash, oxtru. LUKE PHILLIPS. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Ilrlck Shop West of Alliance National Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, June ftnrgnln. Tho Burlington offers round trip tickets tin follows: Indianapolis and return, 830.85, Juno 7 too nnd Juno 13 to 14. St. Louis and return, 833.60, Juno In and 10. Ask ticket ngent for particulars. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE ARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. Time Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, b JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KA -HSCITY, POITLAND, ST.n. TS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all ik. east nnd points west and south, Tiiains Leave.. ... . No. 41 l'assi-nger dally. DoiuIwikmI. Hilling', nil points north and ,, yrwit 10:33a.m. No. 12 I'ussoiigor dally, Lincoln, wuiana, ijiiicuro uuu an .. . .Points oust , 1:40a.m. rto.u riissi'iiirer uiiiiv. tor uonvci 301 rusoriiKur dally, for fynnvcr UK(ICII,ail 1.UKO, Mill I'Tllll- Cisco und all lnturmedluto . points, duparts at i:I0a.m, No. 302 l'nssencor dally from Denvor and all lutvrmudlutu points, ., , arrives at , 10:10a.m. ISO. 43 lioi'al lmswiiKor dally from Omaha, Lincoln and tutor- uit'dliito points arrives ut.... r:M a.m. No. 41 1,0011! passcnu'iT dally, for Omaha, Lincoln and luturmo- dlato points, departs ut 4i00am No. SOSDally. exeon Sunday, for points south and west, dc- No. J00 Dally, except .Sunday, from south and went, arrive 4:Kp. m. Sleeping, dlnliiB and reclinliiK chair cars tbcats freo) on through train). Tickets sold and hiiggajjo checked to any point In tho United Stntesor Canada. Kor information, tlmo tahlos and tickets call on or wrlto to J, KiiKiiwMiAunn, ARunt, or .1. Kiupcis, Oon oral PassenRur Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. OKdcn.Halt l.iiko, Han Fran AXTOIINKYR. WILLIAH MITCHELL. Al TOHNtY AT LftW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORt4CY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. OFricn Phone 180. Uksidknce rnoNF.203. R. C. NOLEMAN, '" ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itoomx 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build" Intf, Alliance, N'eb. Notary In olllce. W. G. SIMONSON... Altui'y ui Law.... , Olllco Up-htulrs Over Postolllco 8MITII 1. TUTTLK. I HA K. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, REAL ESTATE. North Main St., ALLIANCE. NEH. lHY8ICIAN. 11. u. iiki.i.wood. m. i). -- w. b. iiKMArrmn. m. i. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holsten HuIldiiiB. - ALLIANCE, NEH, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Qlllco In I'lnsL National Hunk block. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. 1'i.irrciir.it ih.ocu, allianui:, ni:i. Calls iiiiswored from olllco day or night. Tulophouu No. 02. G. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In lockwood H11IIUI11K ( ALLIANCE. NEH. Tolephono No. 370. JULIA V. FREY, ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Olllco two blocks north of Times building, i'liono &, Hours, 8 to 12 a. in.. 1 UK) to 5 p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., .PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... Olllce, und residence, three doors north of Idaho street on llltf Horn uvunue. T-lrrr.rrV ,.n..-r wh. A. I). NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining counties by the duy or couiinUston. SUtoun jwtrs ox jierluuge, BatUfuetlon Kuarunteed. Con tracts can ho made at Tun 1Ieiui.ii olllce where reference to Alliance citizens will aiMbo given. FINE BOOTS and SHOES JBSi MADKTO OHDEK. llEl'AllUNG A SPECIALTY. OKDEItS CALLED FPU AND DELIVEUED R. MADSEN, The Central Nebraska LOCATED AT Lincoln, Omaha andThcdford AllK NOW HKAPY IV SlAA. YOU Ranch, Farm or City Property. Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking foru J.hu.wh. If joulistyOur property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. ED Ml ST EN, President of tho Company TllKDKOHl), NKIIRASKA. nraT-rr?? vriTrrea-rra-n v Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebr.vika. 3 . 5Vi"- lta vrrrTyrrrr-i 4 r o 'JT'&ffiflJEBgM lOMBCH,TRIM MfttDINO. Sf Dier ks' Lumber Coal Co eeo0coo3te4ncioopc)ecD The placing1 of a few o dollars monthly in the 0 ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank m 2 will soon enable you to J buy a comfortable home. F. M. Kniihit, 1're.sldent W. II. Coiiiiin, V, I'ni-ldunt ..... . . . . O. II. CONNETT,C'U!lllr. woiooooeoeeooouooeeocoeooccooeoooooooooosoo W. A. Hampton, Proaidont A. S. Kked, Vice Prebidont First National Bank, ALLIANCC. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors; V. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. iorre Palace Saloon Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KUUG 1MEWINO CO , SELECT CAHINET, EXTRA PALE nnd Other Popular Drawls. . . :Er,a,:nnj.il37" "nTxad-e Solicited. Goods Peli7ered to anj' part of the city. Come and Us. Phone 206 Real Estate Comi j- "V- ttt;rrvs'aTT5'oS'a,i-&T&'a"r& and Leather Co. Always Reliable. . ounii-ru;ig 1 1 ow luuui But nuvur blow uwuy. Our .vludinills run In tho lightest wind but, stund their ground iu the fiercest storm. TJtcse In l n Ills Are of the most npproved pat tern, htivo ninny iiiiprnvctnunts iiver those of older design. .Strong. Hervloeiible nnd last- 1 r , eil itmtvrlal. Not lluble to get out of repulr. Oet our prlees on wIiiiIiiiIUb, four post nnglu Kteel towers, ttmUs, it.. Aclteson S Joder. cvs xrsrsvs 'a'&ij5"'yra5 ts To Fill an Order aoe For any kind of Lumber is an easy matter for us. We cairy a full supply of all kinds required for ex terior and interior work. See us before buying'. H. M. Hamitom, Cashie G. Hamiton, Asn't Ciisliier. 4326 BANK BOOkIIi m PROPRIETORS OP THE 0 inu..