IK -. AT-' St." VI" 1 r J v?t- fc,v. ttf " 7- - "$ - ,? - . ,ft - ' if. HP' AROUND THE WORLD. Gorgeous East in Review-Durbar City's $30, 000,000 Throne and 600 Elephants. THE FAMOUS DESERTED CITY OF AMBER Indian Prince Possesses 4005 Wives Where Vultures Consume the Dead, Leprosy AQounds Hod Carriers Arc Women'-Largest, Finest Depot In the World The Hunter's Paradise, India. Romiiay, India, Jan. 31, 1903. i In the mfitiny of 1S57 more British soldiers were killed at Delhi than in the campaigns about Lucknow, Cawn pore and Agra. One mile, northwest of the Mori gate is the historic ridge where the most severe fighting oc curred. It was a case of 9,000 Brit ons against 40,000 armed Sepoys, who had 114 heavy cannon besides an abundance of stores. No other sol diers under the union jack ever fought against greater odds or achieved for England a greater victory. Within the fort are the palace halls and Pearl mosque. Referring to this scene in her book, "On the Face of the Waters," Mrs. Steele speaks of "four rose-red fortress walls hemming in a few acres of earth where the last of the Mogul emperors, in 1857 still dreamt a dream of power among the golden domes, marbla eolonades and green gardens with which his ancestors had crowned the eastern wall." Fur ther mention is made of "a cool breezy world of white and gold and blue clasping a garden set with flowers and fruit, with blue sky, white marble eol onades and golden domes vaulting and zoning the burnished leaves of the orange trees where the green fruit hung like emeralds above a tangle of rosas And marigolds, chrysanthemums and orimson amaranth." A noted poet visiting this scene could command only eleven words in describing it: "If on eartli be an Eden of bliss It is this, its this, it is this." The peacock throne which once .graced this building was removed to Persia by its king wluen he invaded India in 1739 and captured Delhi. That throne is said fo have cost 530,000,000. The stand upon which it , rested is still in its old place and was used as a tea table during the festivi ties attending the Durbar. I ascended the throne where the ancient' kings were accustomed to hold court and re ceive the diplomats of foreign powers. The throne is of marble, having birds, animals and flowers inlaid with pre cious jewels, rate and costly. Milton had in mind a scene less gorgeous than this when he wrote: "High on a throne of royalty which far Outshone the wealth of Ormuzaud of Ind Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand -Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold." It was at Delhi that thi Durbar was held formally proclaiming Edward VII. emperor of India. Lord Curzon and the colonial secretary planned the big ..fair and are now receiving the plaudits of the world for the success of the un dertaking. Arriving after the Durbar was over I had a better opportunity to see many of the exhibits than if I had been present while the unwieldy crowd was in the city. Rents soared beyond all reason. A cottage .that formerly rented at 30 rupees a month brought i,Coo rupees per month during the Durbar season. Some were forced to pay from 30 to Go rupees per day to ' stay in a trnt. The places of interest were so far apart that many wore tin- ' .able to get about on account of the scarcity of carriagos, which when ' available cost 5 rupees per hour. At 'least 45,000 British troops wore pres ent, some having marched from such a distance that they were almost five .months in coming and will require the .'same time to return, utilizing neatly a year to make a show at the evfcnt of a century. In the parade were Goo ele phants, besides camels and horses by ,the thousand. The Indian museum and art exhibit remains and is visited . by thousauds who were unable to see it durins the rush. To catalogue or de scribe it would require a volume. I saw one elephant tusk carved through out with Indian history scones that sold for i, 000 rupees (S320). Having spent two days at Delhi, I next visited Jeyporc, 191 miles to the, southwest. This city, often spoiled Jaipur or Jeypur, is mentioned by the railway guide as "the most intoraatinK city in India," hut it did not appear thus to me. Immediately after arriv ing I sent application to the resident requesting the privilege of visiting the palace of the rajah and the old dosqrt 1 city of Amber, seven mile away, which was granted, the rajah, or native prince, providing an olephant from his stable for the trip up the hill to the old city gate. The resident is a British ap pointed official who acts conjointly with the rajah. Amber was the capital up to 1728 but was then abandoned for the new city, Jeyporc, which now boasts of 150,000 people, surrounded by a wall of red sandstone, entered by seven gates. On the streets a motley crowd is everywhere to be seen. The visitor is shown the school of art, carpet weavers, brass workers and the palace of the rajah, where his five wives keep each other company and keep his but tons firmly sewed by calling the assist ance of as many of his 4,000 extra wives or women slaves as occasion may demand. How slighted tho ordi nary bachelor must feel when he Icarus that one man in India can boast of four thousand and five" wives 1 The Wind palace at Jeypore, over which many visitors go wild with de light, was rather tame to my notion after seeing the beauties of Delhi and Agra. A glimpse at the crnbattlcments of the old, ruined, descried city of Amber was sufficient for me, but the large collection of tigers in that city interested me. My passing" the bars in front of the largest one, which is said to have killed ten men, caused him as well as others to leap against the large iron bars with screams that reminded me of the north Pacific storm and my thousand wildcats in a fight to the finish as they were molest ed by a dozen rattling runaway freight trains accompanied by as many cy clones in collision. Street life in Jeypore as well as in any other Indian city finds a counter part in these words of Sir Edwin Arnold: Forth fared they by the common way afoot Seeing the glad and sad things of the town: The painted streets alive with hum of noon, Tho traders cross-legged mid their spice and grain, The buyers with their money in their cloth The war of words to cheapen this or that The shout to clear the roads, the huge stone wheels, The strong slo.v oxen and their rus tling loads, The singing bearers with their palan quins, Tho broad-necked hamals sweating in the sun, The house-wives bearing water from the well With balanced chatties, and athwart , their hips The black-eyed babes; the fly-swarmed sweetmeat sliop, The weaver at his loom, the cotton bow Twanging, the mill stones grinding meal, the dogs Prowling for orts. "Here a throng Gathered to watch some chattering snake-tamer Wind round his wrist the living jewelry Of asp and nag, or charm the hooded death To angry dance to . drone of beaded gourd; Therca long time of drums and gourds which went With steeds gay painted and silk can opies To bring the young bride home; and here a wife Stealing with cakes and garlands to the god To pray her husband's safe return from trade Or beg a boy next birth; hard by the booths Where the swart potters beat the noisy brass For lamps and lotas'; then by temple walls And gateways, to the river." I was glad to leave Joypore and be gin the 700 mile trip to Bombay where I could rest and do as I liked until the day of sailing for Port Said. Bombay is a great city of aboutone million souls. Its "depot is built like a palace and my friends say that it is the 'finest depot in the world. Why men will stack yp so much cash in such a structure is another wonder of the world. I will not say the greatest won der in the world because I am trying to bo careful in the use of superla tives. Calcutta is ahoad of Bombay in having oloetric cars while horse cars are the beet this city affords. I'ourtli of July Rata. On July 3 uml I this Burlington will hell round trip tickets bctwuun stations, distant not more than 300 miles ut very low rates. Minimum rate, fifty eunt. Tiohete oort to return until July 0. Ka;tcrn Kxcursions. On June 30 and July 1 the Burling tou btarts tourUt curs from Lincoln at 0 p. in., running through Buffalo via Niugara Falls, arriving at Buffalo for breakfast the second morning. Ask me for particulars. Very low rates to Boston and return on these dates. J. KltlDKLllAVOII, Agt. B. &. M. It. R. FOURTH OF JULY," 1 903, at Alliance, Nebraska OFFICIAL PROGRAM ? Sunrise salute of forty-eight guns. 9:30 a. m. Parade forms. Alliance brass band will play during forming of parade. r ' fY ' 10:00 a m. Parade starts on line of inarch. PROGRAM OF EXERCISES AT HOWERV AT I I :QQ A. M. ' 1 Overture by Tenth cavalry band h 2 Address Welcoming visitors, Mayor Bucchsenstein. : 3 Response, J. E Porter of Crawford. 4 "Star Spangled Banner" Chorus of fifty trained voices under leadership of James H. H. Hewitt and udge Spacht. 5 Address of Hon. M. F. Harrington, Orator of theday. 6 "America" Chorus. 7 Finale, Tenth cavalry band. PROGRAM AT THE RACE TRACK AT I XO V. M. Base ball game. 100-yard foot race J-mile foot race Running high jump Throwing heavy weight and other sports. MOUNTED EVENTS Tent Pegging Mounted Hippodrome' Race Broncho Riding Balloon A prize will be given for best broncho rider. F O F PS0AJ 1 1WHWW vx F1 Hand Cream Separators A good sqparator will earn sufficient extra profits to pay for itself in a short time, to say nothing of the work it saves you. A good separator is one which turns easily, which skims clean, which is easily cared for, which is simple in construction so as not to get out of order, and which is durable so as to last without endless repairs. Such a machine is the Empire, Easy-Running Cream Separator. Yen may test it in your own dairy before paying for it. The highest market price paid for hand separated cream delivered to your nearest U. R. Station bv HYGEIA CREAMERY CO., Omaha, Neb. W. E. SPENCER, Agt., Alliance, Neb. The mower you read this advertisement the mower you will realize that this is a OWER adver tisement, and the mower you will realize that you need a new mower. Last winter you saw the need of mower hav. Don't be caught that way any mow er. The McCormick Mower has mower good points than any other mower made. Newberry has mo.wer mowers than he wants, also stackers and sweeprakes. Call and see, Yours for Hay, C A. Newberry. Public Sale. "" I will sell at public auction Tuesday, June 30, 1903, at my ranch two miles south and eight miles east of Hem'yigford J and fourteen miles north of Alliance, the ' follow inc described property to-wif. i Eighty-five head of grade cattle, consist ing of cows, heifers, steers and calves. Cows with calf by side. Six calves to be sold separately. Sale begins at 9:30 a. m. Free lunch at noon. Come early. Terms: Any time up to six months al- j lowed with interest at 10 per cent. Paper1 must be bankable. No discount for cash. All sums under $10, cash. Mrs. Matilua Hoou. Wm. Foskkt, Auctioneer. K. L. Pierce, Clark. Sheriffs Sale. My virtuont 1111 order of MiUidlroatiHl to mo from tliu county court of Ho Jtutta county, NuIikinWei, on 11 Judgment olitulnod Injure I). K. Surhtt county Juduo of Hox llulto county, Nebraska, on tfiu 15th diiy of .luuo, liMS. In favor of Donald & I'ortw Co. u lduiutlir uiul ii;iliist Win. M. Whitfield as dri!iulaut for liiuMitnor rour numireii nuo nniBiy-iivo dollars and Sil cents-, and coU tiixwl ut flSMuml ut'cruIiiK costs. I liuo InvliMl upon thu followliiK Roods and cliiitU'ls taken as tho )iroK'rty of wild defendant to satisfy wild udnumt, towiti Tho entire stock of urooor os, (iiieensware, Kluhtwiirc, furniture and fixtures of WIllliiniM. Whitfield of AUiHiico, Nebrnska, located on It 18 in Mock 21 ordi nal town of Alliance. Hox Ilutte county, e liraskn. A wimpletc Inventory of article to be Mild nlll 1m- found In Inventory tiled In county court of Bov Jluttu county, Nebraska, In case of Donald .x. I'orter t'n. vs. Win. M. Whittled. And will otler the sitinu fur sale to the hlxheta bidder for cash on tho 1st day of July, A. I). ISMS, In Italic. in located on Ixit 1H Iii ltlockjl, uilKlnnl town of Alliance, Hox Unite county, Nebnikka, according to remind ed plat thereof at the hour of 10 o'clock u. m, of uitd day, when and wh-te dun atten dance will he given by tins uiili-rlgiiwd. 1ICA RIXD. DaWd.Iuix) 16. '03. MieritrofSttid County. Notice to Nou-iosldunt Defendant. Id the District Court of Hox Unite C'ouuty, Nebraska ( hurlo J. Henjiiujiu, riulatlff vs. Wrelle IjijMrt. IVfendant. MarzelU Iiimn will Uie notice that (lmr ! ,1 Itenjftmiu bus nlul lilt twtitlon lu th (list rl.-t court Of Hox Ilutte county, .Nebraska, UKHiuktyou tliu object and ltrajer of which are to obtain Judgment a lust you for the sum of $fc0.:s nad to procure an oKW from t he said court to ell the south el uunrtw of Mo tion 10, tuwiuddp it), rangots fu Hoi llutte count), Ntbrasku. to satisfy mid hum ami costs ami which ioleUte hu Uwu attaelid in thlb lU'ilon. Von uro taiiutroil to answer tho Mid potltton 011 or bufor the fltli day of July, iPOl OlIUIl.UH J. Hb.jmi.s. Hy . Q.Simoxbon, his attorney, fp 3-20-4W ljTi" ' Open to all. 1 ' i' , i "Wfc BV TENTH CAVALRY. Wrestling" Polo Game Rescue Race Ascension Fire Works the best bucking broncho and 3 J I ED Did you see Spwanholm's big ad? Ranch ior kknt Call over Eagle drug store, Room 1. Good sized 7-foot fence posts for sale at my place at Dttnlap at 10J2 cents each. B. Fendrich. Coming Again DR. SIAftTZ THK NOTED ! Will bo at the CHARMERS HO TEL for TWO DAYS, JULY : and 2. Dr. Swartz is tho ONLY Eye Specialist vipiting Alliance every third month, thorefore he can give his patrons the best results poebi ble to he had. His 1 inferences are his patrons your neighbors and friends. "Good Work, -Good Goods and Entire Satisfaction is his motto. Upon this he has built his large practice. DON'T FAIL TO CONSULT HIM Eye Specialist OF DKNVER Am. Schlitz Export and Brau Bottled Beer V. H. McHrayer, Atherton, Paris ( Club and Sam Clay Whiskies. Try our Bottled in Bond Whiskies. They must , be good for Uncle Sam's guarantee is on the neck of each bottle. Family and Mail Order Trade solicited Goods dolivcrcd on abort notice to any part of the city. 'Phono 136. yMPjf yiamonds, Watches, Ui Souvenirs Repairing in all its flail orders promptly $ Branches.-ai J attended to. - AI. O Barnes, j Jeweler and Optician. v P. J. Brennan & Co..,. DEALERS IN Pints, Oils and Wall Paper. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. aoosossoaecooooeeociaosoeocaoeeeocoasiaeooassoseoo ooco ICE CREAM SODA EBS9BHmKli!fiimEr WW WIM MSaMIBIIWIWWWIIWIWIDWII IHHIIIUBII1WIW SMWMW Fresh Crushed Strawberries Every day at the Alliance Pharmacy J. S. HEKINEY, Proprietor. oooe900ooooooooocos9oeoe90oeeoooQOoeoo9oo9ees9e Forest Lumber Co. Builbing ifoaterial Estimates Cheerfully Given. rr WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... ! STOCK TANKS, . Kin I have purchased the paint , shop of Albert Johnson and am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you have furni ture you want fixed I will call and get it. I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zehrung. Gold Jewelry, l i X Drugs, Perfumes and Toilet Articles, i I s Alliance, Nebraska. ? 9 e a o o e o e s it nnb 9 e DIPPING VATS, j