:&frv&-:- &:& ryfr&.vAr-.& i-ifesa YOU KNOW SfiSSSSoSSa DO - That the successf ill man M M O That, the successful his expenditures? 1A A -V More satisfied customers have left this store during the past week than any previous week of its existence. Our sales are increasing every day. "We are constantly adding to our force of employees and new goods are arriving every day in the week rLioEr?o0,v,ANQCTANBS,NucN!fEL Don't Forget that SWAMHOLSVP Sells it for Less;' is5 ScJ K?J. fy x. 03V QOOO00OOOOO4S0AKO0OO0YO0 I Mrs. Thos. Regan.... Has a Large Assortment of. TVVILLINEFY, L ADIES' Shirt riaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linings, Hair Goods, etc. I Opera House O0OO0OOOOY0 Dray W fe them The only spring Phone 139. The Imported SHIRE HORSE, "Weston Tom" III (8580) Bred bv William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Creston, Iowa, Wll make thf season of 1P0S at my ruurli llvo mllus ut aurt unt-)ml mllti north of 11 om- lu!.rforti. ... ... ,, Torms-ilO to ln-nro llvlnj? colt. All mures brwl ut owner's rlU. 1 rooorvo right to rujuet nuy lmiio. If owner iwrtrt with loaru shu will bo considorwl In fofil unl fuoo duo ut onuo. I'urtltH HvliiB ut a lUstanco win I wive iimi qrod forfl, chkIi, uxtrit. LUKE PHILLIPS. To Dreedcrs: .My well known Hamblctonian stallion, I'.vcnttme, will mukc tho season ut the Checkered I'ront livery barn. Terms: $10 to insure In foal. Owners disposing of mores before f online will be holding tor fees. XV. V.. COI.VIN. YOU K man of today is the man who is judicious in n HYP READ THESE PRICES. They G-rocery Department 17 lbs. sugar for .... $1 00 Canned Corn gc 15c Tomatoes per can nc 15c Hulled corn 3 for 25c 15c Pumpkin 3 for 25c 25c Strawberries per can 19c 20c Apricots per can 15c 17c Pears per can i24c 12J3C String Beans per can gc Oil sardines 5c Mustard sardines 10c Salmon per can i3-i5-aoc 15 Sauer Kraut per can 10c 4 packages Soda 25c Search Light Matches 3 for 100 Quaker Oat Meal per package.. 10c 10c Gloss Starch 4 for 25c ioc Corn Starch 4 for... 25c 15c Cold Water Starch ioc 5c Yeast Foam 3 for ioc 5c Pearl'me 7 packages for 25c All Best laundry soap 7 for 25c Coc Jelly per pail 4SC 15c dried silver prunes ioc 15c dried peaches i24c 12 'ic dried peaches ioc 1 zYz c dried prunes Sc 15c evaporated apples ioc Crackers, box lot 7c lb 40c gal. apples 30c Goc gal. pears 4SC Goc gal. gooseberries 50c Goc gal grapes 45c FLOUR. Patent ?i 00 Straight Grade goc tt P-SSKICTS MTra VO V X- 0 0 0 0 0 S and Complete mmaaJSt e m 0 TAILOR MADE Suits. 6 Waists, fluslin Under- a wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headwear, Battenberg Block... 0000000000 0 and Transfer Line. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Good: S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbtr wherever desired. Charges "easonable, dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Win. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE HARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. of today is the n . . 1 Dry G-oods PgPJ Pemnant Silk Sale Vi yd lengths to 10 yd lengths lot fancy waist silks worth T.V, sale price UW 1 lot fancy moire, nil Hlinilus. worth $1.U0, snlo price 37e. I bit? lot moire, taffeta and corded waist silks out 100 different pattern, regular price SI. 00, .2S, S1.S0 Hint tl.n. all ko ut Mo Ill assort tnunt of suttuoiis worth $1.25 to 51.75 pur pnrd, sale prico 5iv. Maku ybur nclm'tlnns lit on?o. These sllki? will not luxtloiiK at thoso prices. . WHAIUM'.lt SAI.K ?l 00 wrapper "PiS $1.25 wrapper , UM $1.75 wrapper $1.3 $2.00 wrapper $1.44 7Se ladles union Milts 40c 25c ladles piuzo vest 18c 20c " 14c 10c " 50 20c chlldrens Biitii-o vest 14C 15c " PC S 1.25 Ladies' basket weave, duck and pique waists 85c J? 2.50 Ladies' fine silk waists $ 1.75 5 5.00 Ladies' fine silk waists elegantly trimmed J 3.75 25CC1U Boys' leather stockings 15c Standard prints at 3J4' cents per yard, fancy prints Vz to 6 cents per yard. L. L. muslin 4 cents per yard, Bleached muslin 5 and G cents per yard, Hope muslin 7 cents per yard. Lonsdale 7 cents per yard, nine quarter unbleached sheeting 17 cents per yard, nine quarter bleached sheeting 20 cents per yard. " ' ?V V S45.75 toCnllfornln und Hack, ln liur liiiRlon Route. For the general assembly of the Pres byterian church in the U. S. A. at Los Angeles May v'lst to Juno 2nd. Tickets on hale May 12 to ISinclusivo limited for return to July 15, 1003. Stopovers allowed at many points of Interest. . Ask the ticket agent for particulars. FRIESLAND, The Imported German oacli Stallion Will stand for the season of 1903 at' Smith & Keeler's livery barn in Alii ancer Friesland is a beautiful, imported bay horse of a gentle and kind disposi tion. Any lady or child can drive him. Weight, 1450 pounds; iG hands high; good style and splendid action. TKKM3: $10 for HvhiR colt, payables when colt Is fouled. If not nalfl when duo, 10 pur cent Intortst will bo charged, if owner should dispose of mitro she will bo coimldured In foul unci fuos duo ut once. Curo will bo taken to prevent accidents but owner will not lie respossiblo should uny occur. IRA REED, Owner. W. M. FOSKET, -A.in.ctiori.eeE Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, BY THE DAY. or C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If yon want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, iiit it with me Hemingfoku, Ne. ------- 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 3.Tke.W 2, T?.e,YCfc. Fire Insurance. Hemingfokd, Nebraska. Ainmt for thu Culedonlun, of hcotmiHl, winch Insure town ropurty only, und tho Colum- V ilu. which Itlsurus town unit X- 1 A furni property and llvo stock. O Itoth uro rultubluold line com panies Notarial "Work. 00000000OYO man who realizes the value of - " I I 1 1 I 1 1 II tl I I I " T - III I I II I . 8$ f That Swan holm Co's methods of doing business are the methods that appeal to the man who appreciates the value of a dollar? Clothing Department. We are .showing sumo splendid hnrtfatun In men's hniid tailored, stylish sprint; mid Hum mer stills. An endless variety of choice pal turns made. by modern methods ami by tailors wliolconiliino Intellect with skill. These suits are made uner 11 thorough sanltury oy.stem aud not In sweat shops as Is customary with the majority ot ready-to-wear clothliiK manu facturers. The result Is Permanent Satisfaction to the lluycr. $12.50 I)Ir lot 0foddsl7.es, toclosfl., $0.75 $10 cheviots In all the different patterns J7.50 15 lilnck, jrrny ami blno worsteds $11.00 $3.50 mens' extra pants all gles $1.00 II A T S $2.50 to $1.00 your choice 'till Sat. night $1.05 $5 HtetMm hats, all shades $3.00 fl ................ f-.OU Towers Fish brand slicker S2.90 ?4.oo Stetsou hats S3. 20 S5.00 Utctson hats $3.90 St. 25 Black sateen shuts goc Si. 25 Ideal, Lion brand and Wilson Bros, dress shirts Si. 00 15c Linen collars, all brands ioc 15c Black and brown sox, gc 50c Overalls 39c 50c Jackets 3gc Si. 00 Union made overall and jackets 75c Si. 50 Brotherhood gnuntlet gloves Si. 10 Si. 25 Brotherhood medium gloves goc St' Brotherhood short wrist gloves 75c Si. 50 Busby gloves goc ioc Rochford sox 5c Boys' clothing, the largust lino in the city. Comploto assortment of little linen suits lor little men. s3S :z&z: -' tuiy OLD RYE made of careuflly selected grain in a distillery where every detail of the leaking is watched by those jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath. It is a WHISKEY that can be used safely in the home, in the sick room or at the club. Of fine quality when made acquired an exquisite flavor, it has while growing old. THE RED LIGHT. Staple and Fancy Groceries Ranch "Supplies. THE HEST OE EVERYTHING- Our Prices are Right. &VY3B lis a naV Qx&tx. J as. Graham. PHONE eo. FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADKTO01tI)Elt. KEPAIRINO A SI'KOIALTV. OKDEBS CALLED 1-OK AM) DKLIVRItBD R. MADSEN, & fi$L Iji flj O 5' w fMmt I"' SiiirIBi O YOU KNOW will answer the question. Shoe Department. Keith's Celebrated Patent Vici guaranteed not to crack . .. Men's Velour and Calf the regu lar S5.00 kind, our price Men's extra heavy Calf worth S4.00, our price .". Men's Victs and Colts in several different Btylcs, regular credit price S3. 50, our price Men's Box Calf welts for 3 75 4 00 3 25 A complete line of Ladies', Men's and Children's shoes at 25 to 35 per cent cheaper than any credit store can sell them. Ladies' Patent Leathers Si Ladies' Oxfords, new styles in endless vairety at 1 Ladies' Undressed Kid Top, silk lined, made of selected stock $2 Misses and Babies shoes and Oxford shoes a spccilty. VJ5?V. JJ? rx.2TX 119 Bs3 , XSf'cSi (1T& -Of For a Full ..... . 09, r 1 1 ine or... Sta'pIeANp Fancy Groceries Best Coles, UUl O iei HAH ii i ' That Can't be Real In Town,... Queensware, Tinware mui Enameled ware CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. ZBINDEN BROS,, DL'ALKUS IN... "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE 10s. WftST SIDI5 MAIN STURBT Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, Rrlck Shop West of Alliance' NuUoutil Rank. Alliance, Nob. PHONE 400. sill Flour 1 Feed. economy? I 75 25 -flir' 95 25 25 .'. s 4i &tWQmxm&tim Cattle tnkon to run by ihc Vea'son or 1 year. Corrospondonco solicited. wr.r. once Commercial Hank. Chappell, Neb. Jno. M. Delatouk, Hutchinson. Neb. Eor Sale or Lease The J. Ilagerty ranch four miles east of Dridfieport; over 400 acres under irrigation and plenty of good range. Would also sell hordes, mules and cattle and farm implements. 3-12-8W Acheson St. Jodcr, Tho hardware men, sell the only cattle dip, Car-Sul. for lice, Itch and mange. See them if you want to clean up your cattle. Notice of Snle rmlcrCirnttcI AtortRnRe. isntlco Is lieroby kIvi-ii that. 1y vlrtn.. of u. r.jimiiiN hi iivuri- 11.0 l.:iniflit nf tUSCOiin. 'i-iuuiL iiiiyinir mill inane In tli ui meninf Mihl hum, ..:ul n,i M,if. iirit!il. KS'i'.'Ei 'A1 '! w '"" ",fc '" '" "''luti'u 1., foie 1 will bull I hu iionrt) il.ttrvin .IumtiIic ,. vl (Jno Mirrul mure, w.-lclit cj iKMindJ f yuurs iihi. two white hiiuf f.-ot .,,';. ii.i: bttliio In faff, lin.i.iletl 1, on .ift lionhter. n--o!-".y. "'K ,l umI ru.tr.-. unnmnrt- '...ii. nuui Kniiiiff, III puo if ituci on ut t onorthfust fonn.r of Inturctloi of Box Vmf.f.'""'. Wy,or"1!'' "vi'tuitw In tho eltyof ?J.l,JLni-0- 1,1..'t0 1 t i-ouut v. state of Ke hri sku, on tho 30th day of .Muy, 1103, at o'clock . in. uf Mtld luy. ' 'l'-J-t William JIorSTS, MortjMffue, Petition to Soil Uvul Rstutu. I'utcioii. J' nniij llogd, Agii 1 fiJii 'i. V""1"' M001'- D)tors, children ' UiN i-iiuau came mi to hi- hi-urd thKJUh d.is of April, JlWI. unoii tl... putlilon ofr. SI. l"iv,lii Buardliiii of Tho.xloroIVtfrM.ri, I'rwiJt lloou Akiius IIoihI, Kiidio Hood and Mlunlo I ood minor heirs, to soil tho bonthoast and south' WfKKiiiiirtorsof htvtlon is In townshlnSSot ruuKM, In Jiox ljutto fonity. Nobrasta. In wlilcli kiild minor hulrs eauh have 11 ono-Uftl. Interest and thoeourt havln fully coiisldurwl t luwtiuomidlt nnpearlng to thoeourt from tho petition tlmt It would lo beneficial to sulci wards that their Interest In said jt'iil estate bo sold, now therefore it Is hereby ordered and directed that the nnxt of kin and all ti.oriHrbons Interested, hlmll nppenr Itefore ho dlbtrU-i court of Ko.x Jlutto county. No bruska ut the dlbtrlet court room In tho court house ut Al lam-f, IJox Ilutto county, .Nebrus KSj.nt,1,i,o,'k " '" ouUieotliduyof June, lliin, and show cuusu why 11 license should not Ut panted for the sale of said estate It U ordered that this uotlco bo published In Tin alliance IIkijalu. it newspupor of Kfiiernl clrouluilon publlsliod in Alflaiice. Hox llutte county. Nebraska, at least three sutoesslvt weeks lieforo day of heurlinr. fl-5-S .1. J. II.UIKINOTON, Judge Shcrlfrs Sale, is 1 Iy virtue of an order of sale Issued by tbu clerk of tho district court of Uox Ilutto coun- )i iv.jiit'.Kii. upou 11 uecreu renuurou by bald court In favor ; of .lwiios N. Clark, receiver uudau'iilnst i'eter B. Shonquest, Mrs. Khon- quest, his wife. It. M. llituiptun, Mrs. Ilamn- ton. t. U. t'onnor and Mrs. Connor, ins wife uiiniinuw, i nut. ou ine .'Din ily r A.I). HKU. Ill 10 o'clock a. m. nil iJ,l,, Muy wiwt front door of thecourt liouse In Allianoo ia ay at tlio omiu luumj, boh ura luuoiviun luscnix-u rei etato. to-wit: the boutlieust U ot socttou 4 of townblilp 20. uojthof range 48 west of tho fith jirinclpal raorldlan In Uox Uutto county. Ne braeka. at public auction to tbe highest blddor . .9.1. ii btl,sf; "W rilir of Bala In tho Bum ofPI5.30, and Interest, costs and accruing costs also subject to taxes umounllne to thw sum of J3T.73. 1 ha HfiED. fchorlff of Said County. Smith V. Tuttlk, Attorney for Plaintiff: First publication, April 4. ('.,:ilo,)or; mF un" 'nly Illcil u,r r .-..hi In tl", fIIIe of thu .-oiinty .i)rk of lllx Hutu' V2 '.ty' ;N!,'-l!,l, ""thf i-.Ui tly ui (. ,i,Jr IW02. and fxccntiwl iiv .1 11 11...1.T-... 11 .;.. ... ,tu iui 11, irjiiiHi.i in tho d Utr et court of Nov Jtutto rounfu .oliraskii, In the nmttur of tho npolleatlo !'uteioii.l:nini(iJogd, Agnes Hood. Lddu