Rev. John Calhoun Sloan. We regret exceedingly to chrohlclo the death of Kov. John C. Sloan, whoso seri ous illness at Mitchell was montionftd in these columns last week, then with the hope of hisaecoverr. He grew no better there and was brought to his home In this city Saturday where tho following morn ing about 7:30 o'clock he peacefully breathed his last. Rev. Sloan was well known throughout this scctlbn and was quite as generally esteemed and loved. His kind heart and generous spirit consid ered all Mankind his friouds and ireth ernn, and they In turn recognised in him that relationship. . John Calhoun Sloan was born in Now York state August 25, 1841. but most of his boyhood days were spent in Missouri, his parents boing southerners and,' beforo tho war, slave holders. He served as a scout during tho war of the rebellion and at its closo began freighting.on tho wagon route from Omaha to Denver and Salt Lake City. During those eight or ten years ho was iwicc sent to Washington as commissioner for tho Indians at times when lands were apportioned them He was converted in 1873 and united with the Presbyterian church and in tho spring of 187! was ordained a minister of that church since which time he has cheerfully and ceaselessly labored in its service, his efforts being chiefly to home missionary work. Through him twenty-three church es have been built in western Nebraska and it is stated that he has preached in every home mission church from Decatur, where he first settled in this state, to the Black Hills. Increasing ill health, how ever, forced him to decide to relinquish his active labors in the work ho loved and about a month ago he was retired from the ministry. A church building at Mitchell that had been his charge was not yet completed and he went down there about two weeks ago to superintend the re mainder of tho construction and was there seized with his fatal illness. He had been a delegate to the Presbyterian general as sembly several times and in 1B9G was chosen moderator of tho synod. Rev. Sloan had made his residence in this city for the last eight years. Seven years ago ho married Mrs. Jano Hills of this city who survives him, he having been married twice before. He leaves six children, Mrs. E. M. Young and Mrs. J. J. Daley of this city; John Sloan of La Mar, Colo.; William Sloan of Wheatland. Wyoming; George Sloan, now a student at Bellvuc college, and Mabel Sloan of . Tekamah, Neb. The funeral hurvlcos were held in the Methodist church Tuesdny morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. II. P. V. Uogue of the Pirt Prwbyteriap -luirch having charge of them and bo'iritf atsistod by the other ministers of the city, while the sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Robert L. Wheeler, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of South Omaha. Dr. Wheeler and Rev. Sloau hud been fast friends for more than 'twenty-eight years and it had been agreed between them years ago that the one of them who survived the other should preach tho funeral sermon for the deceased. The sermon was one of tender and loving tribute to the life of him whom all were assembled there to honor. Rev. Sloan was a member of the Masonic fraternity and also of tho A. O. U. W., tho M. W. A. and I. O. O. F. Tho funeral services were conducted with the rites of the first named order and mauy membors attended in a body. The funer al was attended by many people from various places in this part of the state where he has labored and a very large number of friends followed the remains to their last resting place jn Greenwood cemetery. Watnall Wedgcr. Watnall Wcilger, the imported shire stallion, will btnnd for tho season of of 1003 at my ranch twelve miles south west of Alliance, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and at John Phillips' livery in Alliance Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Watnall Wcdger Is a beautiful buy, weight 1,700 pounds, good bono aud Bplcndld action. Ho was imported by Watson, Woods Rros, & Kelly Co., of Lincoln, Nebraska, and is six years old. Terms: Twelve dollars for living colt, payable when colt is fouled. Cure will bo taken to prevent accidents but owner will not be responsible should any occur. E. I. GitKc.o, Manager. Notice to Non-rcsldcnt Defendant. Iutho District Court of Uox llutto County, Nebraska. Charles J. HonJnmln, Plaintiff VS. Marallo Luppuit. Defendant. Marulle Leppert will take notice Hint Char- in. 1 jiumawiii tint, men 111 iKitition In the district court of liox llutte. t Of HoX illlttO fill lit V. V.llil-llwl.'. against you the object uiufnrmur of uhlel! tiro to olitaln JiulKiuunt against you for the muiu of $o.25 aud to procure au order from t hu Mild court to soli tlio southwest quarter of sta tion Jo, township 2d, rung4s In lo llutte county, Nebraska, to satisfy soul sum nnd costs ami vrhicli reiilontato lias been uttachvd in tins notion. You are required to answer the said petition on or iwforo the titli day of Julj.lUOJ ClIMtLKSj. HenJ.UIIN. 11 . u, Simonsu.v, ids attorney. f p. 5-S0-tw Notice to Non-resident Defendant. Ir 1 the District Court of liox Uutte county Nebraska. A. J . Shurrgt Cigar Company, a Nebraska Cor poration, ulalntiu VS. Prank. C. Ilroekett, defendant. C. Hrockatt will take notlco that A. .1. Sherret Cigar Company of Omaha, Nebruska. has Med its petition In the district court of Uox Dutte county. Nebraska, against you tho object and tliH prayer of which ur to obtain judgment ugaiustyou for thu sum of 07.50 nud to procure tin order for the sale of lots U3 and Wof the County Addition to tho city of Alll auce, Nebraska, to satisfy said sum and tho costs of this action. You are required to ans wer said uutitlon on or before the 0th day of July, lOUl A.J. Shkbuet Cuun Compant. Uy W. O, biMONson, its attorney, f p5-2-5t HEMINGFORD. IKeltli I I'lnrcn Is fully authorized to bo llult suliscrlptlon and Job work and collect and receipt for same, and transact all other Unit iiiw In connection with hi position ni an accredited representative of tills pucr. James Frlol has moved to the Miss farm two miles south of town where he will put up a house. Ho inputting In quite nn extensive crop. Rev. Uurnom, returned Monday from a long trip visiting his various charges and preaching to vnrluus congrega tions. And the wedding bells will be jing ling two or three times a months all summer. 13. Mtibin is getting along nicely, which everyone will bo glnd to hear. Don't forget to attend Albert Nel son's sale Monday. Go early there's a free lunch. Foil sai.k A full-blooded (Jailowny bull, four years old, price S?3 and a high grude Oaloway bull fifteen months old, price $10. One, not both for sale. My range is 011 and near 35-27-50. O. U. Rouhi:. 5-2D-.H E. C. Stewart has made the purchase of un Oliver typewriter. Alex Wildy returned from tho Ma linda ranch Monday. James Novotnoy was in from Canton thu first of thu week. Charles W. Lock wood was transact ing business hero Friday. Frank Eevan was In town Saturduy. Peter G. Anderson and George Nord ness wore doing business hero Tues day. Rev. C. E. Connell spent Saturday ami Sunday in Alliance. Mrs. Fred Necland was in Homing- ford several days this week. Reed brothers were up from Alliance Wednesday buying horses. 1J. L. Feuner and wife were in from Dttnlup Monduy. V. E. Olds and Miss Almeda Foskct were the guests of J. C. Osborn Mon duy evening. K. L. Pierce and wife spent Sunday with R, L. Fenner. Weucel JJamo and Vin Fendricb wore In town Monday. P. 11. Fitch departed for tho west Thursday and gave us his destination Portland and Seattle. Later, be ex pects to go to Alberta, where his folks now live. Mr. Fitch has lived hero over a year and 1ms made a host of friends. Lust Thursday evening the pupils of tho high sobool gave their ontortuiii tnent consisting of a play entitled "Hans Von Smush," suvoral tnbleutix, songs and pantomimes. Tho play Was a comedy and well acted, each part be ing thoroughly committed und natur ally rendered. There was not a poor number on tho program. Tho past year has been tin excellent one in the schools. Thu teachers nil deserve es pecial credit for their bard, pains taking work. 11. II. Funk has his soda water fountain iu full blast again. C. J. Wildy's barns burned Thursday evening about 10:30 o'clock. For some time it looked like the stores would nave to go, but heroic work on the part of tho citizens saved them. Thu crowd who had attended the entertain ment had not all gone home, so there were plenty to carry water. It is thought that tho flro originated from a match or cigar carelessly thrown down by some one who attended tho entertainment and who had a saddle horsu hitched to tho south of tho barn. E. G. Rowland is clerking for II. L. Uushuell. John Rentier was In from Lawn Wednesday. Ren Johnson shipped a car of pota toes to Denver Monday. A. M. Miller shipped n car of Hour east Tuesday, Misses Georgia Miller and Nellie Goodenough went to Alliance Thurs day. Henry Shimek was In town Thurs day. Clyde Rhodes rode the goat (M.W.A.) Saturday evenlug. Mrs. II. A. Peters is visiting with Mrs. II. II. Pierce this week. Harry Piereo put up a hand sepa rator for Herman ScluiHulberfc Friday. W. R. Akers of Alliance filled the M. E. pulpit at this place Sunday, both morning nnd evening. Services were well attended and the addresses were very good. Mrs. Ford moved back homo this week. Tho Ladles' Progressive club was en tertained by Mrs. M. II. Goodenough Saturday. Mrs. Ratten went to Alliance Mon day. Principal II. II, Funk and wife en tertained tho pupils of the Eighth grade at supper at the Commercial ho tel Friday evening and afterward gave a reception for them at his home. Mrs. Orun Fosket spent this week in Iletningford. Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Rerry were delegate's from Reno to the association held here this week. The Junior League will give an egg social Friday evening, June 5, every one to bring nil the eggs that can be spared, proceeds to bo donated to the M. E. hospital. Ice creom will bo servod, also n program rendered. Everyone be sure to come. Dr. E. C. ICoons dentist, of Alliance will meet those desiring dental work done at the Commercial hotel In llcu'i ngford, Friday and Saturday, June 5 mid 0. Dr. Koons, dentist, will be In Iletn ingford Friday nnd Saturday, Suite 6 and fl. The fifteenth annual meeting 6"f the Northwestern Assoolatlou of Congrc gnlional Churches was held In Homing ford during the past week nnd from the spirit of the meeting those who attended wuro doubtless wonderfully helped, ns tho meeting was character ized by a spirit of Christian fellowship and devotion to religious work. The program was prepared with reference to tho especial needs of this field, Tho sermon Tuesdny eveulng by Rev. J. II. Andress of Chudron was upon tho power of thu love of God in contrast to the love of man, a fitting theme to pre cede the sacramental service which followed. Tho paper by Rev, J. II, llrown of Reno upon "Pulpit Power" showed much thought and deep rever ence for the presentation of the Word of God from the sacred desk. The normal lesson conducted by Rev. J. I). Stewart of Aurora and address upon "Our Greatest nceed wero both instruc tive and helpful. In all, the convention was a decided success. Ooldcn West SI. 00 Gold Leaf $1.00 Gem 0!) cents Every sack warranted. Wildy's Is tho proper place to do your trading. One hundred pairs of shoes given away. With the purchase of one pair of men's or ladies' shoes wo will give free one pair of children's, misses', boys' or small size ladies' shoes. C. J. Wlt.DV. For lumber, posts, lime and shingles hee Wildy. C. J. Wildy lias just received another car of flour the best and cbeapest this side of the Missouri and quotes: Snowllako Si. 05 . CANTON. Crowded ovur from hist week. Albert Hull is in Wyoming and will remain there for some time. Arthur Rass was iu Alliance Monday mil treated himself to a new $.15 Middle. G. 11. Clayton wat. in Scottsbluff Tuesday for a load of lumber. C. W. Loukwood is decorutinir bis dining room nnd kitchen by putting on new paper. Rolln Shetlcr brought his cattle down from Lawn preeinet to his Sioux ebttnty ratcli Tuesday. Fred, youngest son of George E. Zimmerman, has been on tbe sick list several days. Arthur Rass has charge of George Lemon's cattle for tho summer sea son. IJ. C. Curtis bad quite a lot of bad luck befall him during the storm Fri day night, u horse nnd a cow killed by lightning. Rev. Post was up from Carpunter Sunday and delivered two sermons, morning aud evening. Misses Cora Reese and Jessie Clay ton wero out calling Saturday morning and madu a short cull on, the Misses Rroshar. Quito a number of the elite of Canton, botli ladles and gentlemen, took a pleasure trip Sunday ahorseback ride out into the hills of Sioux county. All enjoj'ed the ride very much and were much pleased witli the beautiful scenery. Misses Ressie aud Mabel Shctler wero highly ente'rtained by tho Misses Rroshar a few days this week. Early last Saturday morning, May 10, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs, James Moravek three miles east of Canton, a llttlo stranger, a boj', made his advent, thus adding a link to their unbroken chuiu of huppiuess. There have been a great mauy differ ent kinds of ranches started in Ne braska, but tho latest fad iu that direc tion now is a rabbit ranch, known ns the louomau ranen. uur post master is solo proprietor and enjoys looking after his little herd. (I. A. It. Reunion. The Rurlington will sell round trip tickets to Fremout May 13, 13, 14 at one fare for the round trip from Ne braska points. Attention! Horsemen! The imported Shire colt, Ivy Dray man, owneil by C. E. WilUuy uud my self, and tho imported French Coach horse, (lulnault, ure making the season of 1003 at my ranch six milos west and two miles north of Iletningford. Terms: Ivy Drayman, $1.1.00 to in sure colt to teat. Qulnuult, $10.00 to insure colt the same. Mares bred at owner's risk. If owner parts with mare after breeding and before foaling insurance is forfeited and fees are due. Right reserved to reject any mare. Parties at a distance can leave mares for $1.00 cash extra and I will breed them. A. S. Exvkaiit. To tub Tbaciiuks or Hcvx Bvtte County, Nbhraska: , The term of the Alliance Junior Normal for iqo3 boglns Juno S, continuing in session ton weeks. Tho oslablislnnont of this school pro xvldos an unusual appot Utility in this part of Nebraska for touchers and those contemplating that work to make special preparation. Wc are confident that tho ten wseks' normal training which is thus plarjdd within roach of our teachers will justify you nil in boa ring-the axpundittlrc of tho necessary time and money with profit to yourselves and imprcyoinent in the education of our hoys and girls. A Pi unary- School conducted in connection with the normal will af ford nn occasion to obsorvc methods nVpliod in actual instruction. Courses of study will bo arranged largely from those regularly pres cribed for students at tho State Normal at Peru and will include both the Elementary and Advanced courses with Principles of Agriculture,' and Ihbsc doing tho wot k and completing tiio studies in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate to that effect signed by the Principal nnd countersigned by the State Superintendent which will entitle the holders to the same credit at the State Normal as though they attended at Peru, Tho Alliance School Board has tendered the "free use of its build ing and apparatus and such text-books as may be on hand, but those having texts on subjects they wish to study are requested to bring them. 'The school will be absolutely free so far as matriculation or insti tute fees arc concerned. A course of lectures and evening entertainments will be given which will also be free for those enrolled at the normal. These will be in structive as well as entertaining and the different numbers will be an nounced later. The expense for these lectures as well as the other inci dental expenses of tho normal will be paid out of the institute funds of the' various counties represented in the attendance. ji However the usual certificate and examination fee of Si. 00 will be charged. Examinations will beheld at the close of the normal. Entrance requirements arc the same as for applicants for admis sion at the State Normal. TEACHERS and others who are fourteen ' 'years of age, of good moral character, of good physical health, and who have a fair knowledge of the common branches such as can be gained , in the common schools and the Eighth grade of city schools. To simplify the organization of classes it is desired that all who .contemplate attending will write and give list of studies they arc most "desirous of pursuing. Instructors for each of the subjects will be an 'nouncedat the opening session. The school will be under the management, and supervision of the State Superintendent who with the county superintendents of counties ""'tributary have united for a union teachers' institute which wijl be held during tho latter part of the term and will comprise the institute for j these counties none being held in any of the counties united for the Al liance Junior Normal. The Institute will be professional consisting of methods and instructive and inspiring lectures the best that tho State Superintendent can furnish with the funds at his command. The last two weeks, from August 3 to August 14, will constitute the 'time for tho Box Butte County Teachers' Institute when all teachers and those intending to teach in this county the coming year, not already in attendance, must attend in accordance with Section 6, Subdivision 10, of the School Laws of Nebraska: " The county superintendent liuay, at his discretion, revoke the certificate, or refuse to grant a certif- jicate to any teacher who refuses to attend the county institute. " J We urge ALL teachers, but especially young teachers -and those 'who intend to teach, to attend the full ten weeks and as an inducement 1 for you to do so, we will giant the following privileges: All teachers who hold complete first or second grade certificates in this county, who attend the full ten weeks and work satisfactorily may, if you desire, be relieved of writing an examination for a certificate for next year, except in "Principles of Agricultuie." Those wholuve not icceived two third grade certificates, who comply with above conditions may have grades above 85 per .rent, transferred without examination on these subjects. Those who attend for a less period than ten weeks will be required to .' write on subjects in which their grade is 90 or less. Those teaching at time of opening will be considered as attending normal if entrance is made immediately upon the close of their school. Those who have not taught will be given due credit for the work they do during the normal; all others who teach in this county next year are required to take full examination. TftoarA. awA. "Room. -H-J-' There will be a dining hall conducted here during the normal at which board may be secured for S2.75 per week. Well furnished rooms may be had at from 50 cents to 75 cents a week for each teacher, two or more occupying the room together, making total cost for board and room per student S3. 00 to S3. 50 per week. Board and lodging may be had iu private families for S3. 50 to S4.00 per week. Rooms for light housekeeping can be secured for from two to eight clubbing together at 30 cents to 50 cents per week for each person. Also places arc offered where teachers, cither lady or gentleman, may work for their board while attending the normal. All who intend to come to the normal should secure accommoda tions as soon as possible and get the best you can with the funds at your command. Please report immediately as to your plans and I will do my best to carry out your wishes so that you may obtain the greatest profit and highest possible good from yutir attendance. While I believe you have all done your best in the past, we cannot do our best in the future if we let such opportunities slip, for the OPPORTUNITY itself requires better work in our schools next year. Respectfully, J. V. BAUMGAUDNER, County Superintendent. W. M. WHITFIELD Farley am! GROCERIES Rueensware, Victor Flour Palace Car Canned Goods ! House Furnishings ALLIANCE, .x--hh--:H":h Corbin Block NEBRASKA Summer PnsturnRC. I will take cattle to pasture for the sum mer, beginning May 1 till November 1, 1903- Plenty of fresh water, good range aud salt every week. Nine miles east of Homingford, Neb., on Sec. 14, Tp. 27 H. 48. Clayton Worlbv. - 13ox Butte, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. 1474 lly virtue of an nrdurofwilo Issuedby qlurk of tlw district court of liox Jluttoounty. Ne braska, mion a (iwreo rundcied by wild court tu fnvor of Mluprva K. Kennedy, plaintiff, and njtnlnst Jumps Peter Kt'iuieriy. Iti-miIii Tattle, Kliunoor Kennedy, Kdlth Wolts, William Walter Kennedy. John Albert Kennedy. Cora llolejnck, Mary J.llen StaulTer, Jesse Warren Kennedy and JVarly Viola Ellison, de fendants, 1 will, on tlio 'JSd day of June, A. I). 1U03, nt 10 o'clock 11. m. on. said day, at the west front door of tho courthouse, fn Alliance In Mild county, sell the following doMjrlbod real estate, to-wlt: tho soutlrwest H of seetlon..H, township '.'3 north, ninpo M, wu.stof (1th principal meridian In liox llutto county, Nebraska, at public auetlon to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy satir ordttr of sale In the sum of j73.74 and Inturust, costs and accrulni; cots, sulitpct to taxes. . 1KA Itl.KI), Sheriff of suld county. Smith P. Tuttto. Atfy for plaintiff. 1'lrst publication May 23. Notice 10 licdccm. State of Nebraska I K llox llutte county f "" To Mary.). Howard: You are hereby notified that on the L'flth day of Novemlicr, 1W1, C. O. Stevens purchases! at tux luilu tho northeast quarter of section tuenty-onoiii township twenty-seven of runce forty-seven In Jlox Uutte county, Nebraska: that said land was taxed In namuof Mary J. Howard aud said purchase of tax sale of snldlaud was made for tho jenrs 1895, 1S111. ls!)7. 1SW, lt!9 nnd 1P0O and that nubseiiuent taxe.s have been paid on said liinil by said U. O. Stevens for tho years 1001, NWJ : that tho time for redemption of tho aforesaid land will uxplro on tho 20th day of November, 1W3. C. C. Stevkns. Dated Alliance, Nebraska. May l(t, 1W3. fp-5-22 Notice of Attachment. In the justice court of Ii. A. Herry, one of tho Justices of tho peace in and for Ut llutto county, Nebraska. ,4 Georso A. Kcld I " ' vs. ThcronW.llatten) Tlioron W. Hattcn will take notlco that on tho 4th day of May, 1003, .L. A. Horry, a Justice of tlm peaco In and for liox llutto county, Ne braska, Issued un ordor of attuehinunt for thu sum of J75.U.') in an action pcndlni; before him wherein Ueorjie A. Iteid Is plnlntlll' and The ron W. Ituttou, defendant, that property of defendant conslstlni? of household Roods has been attached tindor said order. Said cause was continued to tlio s2nd day of Juno, MW1, at 0 o'clock a. m. GEonoE A. Itnii), Plaintirr. Hv V. Mitchell, his attorney. fp-j-23 Sheriffs Sale. No. US7, lly virtue of an order of sale Issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Jlox llutto county, Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said court In favorer Nebraska Central Ilulld Inxnnd Iiau association, plaintiff, ami against Hannah 1' Oiveu, William U. I'.ivln, Henja luln S. Cnveii, Thomas Howard, Sarah Ashton, Dora Slmpkins, Kdward Hlmpklns and l'rank Howard, heirs of Jennie Cuvon, deceased, defendants, I will, on Juno 'J.', l!KO, at 0 o'clock a. in. on said day, at tho wot front door of the court house In Alliance. In said county, sell the following described real estate, to wlt: I.ot4, block 1, Second Addition to Alliance in Ito. Unite county. 'Nebraska, at bublle auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to sat isfy said order of sule. In the sum of Sl7'.l.o. anil iiitiuvsui, costs nnd nccruliiK costs, sub ject to taxes duo thereon In the sum of $14.07. IitA Itkii, She! Iff of ald County. If, V. Noloman. Attorney for plaintiff, l'lrst publication May Si. Sheriff's Sale. No. 14sS. IJy virtuo of an order of sale Issued by tho clerk of the district court of Ilov llutto county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered liy s.ilrtcouit lu favor of Jl. F. Ullmau aud K. C. Nnlomau, plaintiffs, and against Dallas Slrck, Soli.islhin rflrck, Victoria Hlrol: and Kresliula Slrck. heirs of Melck Slrck. deceased, defendants, I will, on tho 2-.M cay of June, ltias, at 10 o'clock a. 111. on snld day, at the w est front floor of the court hou-o In Alliance. In said county, sell thu following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho northwest quar ter of Isectlon 5, township 23 north, range 4!l west of tlth, I'. M , in liox llutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, In the sum of &bc!.H0. and Interest, costs and ac cruing costs, subject to $4.10 taxes. 1 11 a Kekii, Sheriff of said county. U.O. Nnlemau and U.K. Oilman, attorneys for plaintiffs. Kfrst publication May 2i Notice to Hcdccm. Ptate of Nebraska I liox llutto county f To Alexander II. Ross: You aro hereby notified that on thu 20th day of November, 1001,0. 0. Stevens purchased at tax salo tho northeast quarter of section ulno In township twuuty-seven of rango forty seven Iu Jlox llutto county, Nebraska: that said land was taxed In tho name of Alexander H. itossitnd said purchase of tax salo of said land was made for the years 1S97, isw, ls'.9 and ipoo and that subsequent taxe.s have been paid on said land by wild O. V. Stevens for tho years jpoi and 1002 ; that tho tlrno for re demption of tho aforesaid laud will explro on tho sutli day of November, 1003. C. C. Stkvkss. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, May 18, 1003. fp-3-'.'2 Notice to Itcdccra. State of Nebraska ) llo llutto county 5 To George Snedekor: ' You aro lioruby notified that on the 27th day Of November. UH)i, O. (J. Stevens purchased at tax salo tho northwest quarti r of section twenty-seven In township twenty-seven of range forty-seven In Uox Jlnttu county, Ne braska: that suld land was taxed in tho mono of George Snedeker and said purchase of tax salo of said land was niado for tho jears 1S05. Ib'M, 1W. 1SW, ibW and ii0 and that subse quent tuxes havo been paid on said land by saldO.C. Stovons for the years idol and irui .. . : that tlio tine for redemption of tho aforesaid land will expire on tho 27th day of November, ioo3. C C S T E IT f fl ated Alliance. Nebraska, MayiMiKO, " ' Notice to Redeem. State of Nebrasku I liox Hutto county f To Kufus M. .Null: You aro hereby notified that on the Stith day of November. 1W1, C. C. Stevens, purchased at tux sue tho northeast quarter of section tweuty-threo in township twenty-seven of raiicoforty-seioii In liox Jlutto county, No- Pi if I l vinlv! ' ,uVa v,.,s taxt''' ' tlio uaiiiu or Hufus M. Neil and said pnichnsoof tax salo of Mild land was made for tlio yours isiw, 1M7. MMMX) and 1000 and that snbe uent tux have boon paid on said land by 0. O. Stevens for the years lWi d 1002 that Vbo time for mleinpt on of the aforesaid land will ex sire on the 20lli day of Xovomlter. l. ,,!til. .Alliance, Nebraska, May'isVllWL '' Notice to Hcdccm. State of Nebraska I Dox llutto county f To liable Hunes: ou aro hereby notified that on tho 23rd d'av ? , M,r' ' K"V- '' Worun Purebred at tax sale the northeast quarter of section twenty-elght in township twenty-seven of range forty-seven iu Uox llutto county No- of Hall o Danes and said purchase of tax salo of said land was made for tho yours 1804 ieas U. 1BU7. lslte. imki aud 10O0 aiul subse 2u1dO cXm i'SJ? itlW on said' land by "!?. 5$ nptm'i'o lti a,K'K Dfp?5.22Ul!im'0' Nobrasl11. lny l?;1mVE8r' .