X , J f MARSLAND. Miss nicks of Allianca visited Mrs. Wirtt and attended tlio picnic Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. Grcpff drove to Crawford Friday. John Irion and wife nro visiting their son Charles and family at tho ranch forty-five miles southwest of here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shipley ver down from tho rarich Saturday. Ned Crigler nnd wife were trading In town Friday. II. F. Moore and wifo were in town Saturday. Mrs. Eugene ICendrlck Is visiting in tho eastern part of the state. Miss Flora Maika returned to her homo near Chadron Saturday. Mrs. Anna Wlrtz has resigned her position us night oporutor at this place, which is much rcgri-tteil by the citi zens of thin village. Master Edwin Hycrs accompanied Miss Malha to Chadron and will remain for a few days' visit. Mrs. L. Snow, deputy postmaster, is assisted by her daughter, Miss Pearl, as clerk, In Mr. Snow's absence. Miss Kato Kichoy is on tho sick list. A new minister has been assigned to tho work embracing the Presbyter ian churches' at Marsland, liclmont nnd Willow Creek, .lust when ho will take charge of the work hns not yet been announced. Fritz Ilpffman, one of our most thoroughgoing farmers, has his corn planted. Charles Evans is putting in about PJfi acres of grain this season. Charley McUogy lost a lino horse recently. The many friends of Kov. Sloan were bad Indeed to hear of his death. He will loug bo remembered by old and young of this place ns a good man nnd an excellent preacher of thu gospel. Word is received that J. T. Richard son is very sick nt tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. Slniltz, in Mitchell, where he and Ills family lind gone to visit. Concluded from lust week. C. E. McOoiry has purchased J. T. Illehuidnon'R homestead west of town. John Shultz, who with his brother Will is farming near Mitchell, came up hist weeV and pent a couple of duyu. Mr. Sliult. 1ms gone to work for his sons, which seems much better than baching alone. Mr. and Mrs. Tollman left Monday for ilio Pacific ijoiiht, where thoy will spend the greater part of the summer. Young David has taken tho pump and coal sheds at thiR place, (leorgo Wnlbrldge having reigned. Thero was a little excitement in town Sunday over a wolf chase, l'otu Wat son brought a tame gray uolf to town recently, expecting to have it shipped to Lincoln but received word not to send it from the pat ties thero who had agreed to take it. Mr. Watson sent wcrd down to kill it or dispose of it otherwise; but parties hero conceived tho idea of turning a pack of hounds after it. Consequently, Kundny even ing tho wolf was led out south of town und Oregg's pack of hounds turned loose upon it. Tho poor animul looked nil mound nt the crowd in a pitiful way but saw no friend all were foes. The hounds gave u bay and rushed upon the frightened animal, which, when forced to fight for dear life, was soon snapping rignt nud left aiul so strongly did its animal instincts rush over it that the hounds were soon scuttered. When the wolf was about to gain his freedom, a gun or two were leveled and tho animal was killed, which would have been tho merciful way to have done in tho start. The Ilcmlngford correspondent an nounces the candidacy of Mrs. Ford of I.awn and Mis. Itustin of Ilemlngford, both teachers in tho Hemingford schools, for tho oillce of county super intendent of Ilox llutto county, lloth Indies have good educational and ex ecutive ability, wo are told, and either would give good satisfaction no doubt, if nominated and elected to the olllco All tilings being equal, however, some favor the nomination of Mrs.Hustiu, ns she is a widow with a family to sup port. Speaking from tho light of experience, thero is no better way to help a person than to help them help that helps tliemsehes. It is a matter, however, to be decided by delegates to the republican convention which one, or whether either, will make the run lor tho oillce. faSEview. Crowded over from lust wi'oK. S. A. Millor and wife, Mrs. Kinery and Ada Simpson of Alliance spent Sunday at the home of John Law rence, sr. Mr. Howard will deliver the Memor ial address at the Fairview school house May 30. J. V. Fiuzior and Doll Jay visited with T. .1. Lawronco anil wife Sun day. Leonard Dm roughs' team ran away while plowing Tuesday, breaking the p'"" ant i'Bg o'l'fr "PV t'lmsp' 11 Jt. (Jillespie and I ,m 1 l , mudi'ii tiip to tin. ii h - it. ' it tui Uig,Mnl.i J J R V I J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WIIOLKSAt.K AJ5I ItKTAIti IIAXM.KS T1IK Celebrated Ravenna Flour One door south of Rogers' Grocery. TRY THE BOSTON TAILORS They'll clean and press that old suit and make it look like a new one. Suits and pants made to your measure. Gilbert & Co., Opposite Hotel Charters. Low ItntCH West. $25.00 to Portland, Tucoma and Se attle. $27,30 to San Francisco nnd Los An geles. S22.r0 to Spokane. S22 2f to Salt Lake, Hutte and Helena. Proportionately low ilites to hun dreds of other points, Including Big Horn lJusin, Wyo , Montana, Idnho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, California, etc. Every day February 15 to April 30. Tourist cars dally to California. Per onally conducted excursions three times u week, Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Burllngtoii Route Agent. M.AWWX4tWlS5ASAlT'rirSTSr The Central Nebraska LOCATED AT Lincoln, Omaha AHU NOW IiHADY 2 Ranch, Farm or M Ml I II i Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, vc will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDMISTEN, rrr vTY'STyrrrryrrrrT5 Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 , C. BURNETT. M'gr. t.t,r isk.i I ll S 1 87 7 i.onar miirirrnuv, ltovAh Hinm.ANnKiiB-Alllariro Cmtlo No. 4.'l meets very second nnd fourth Thursday ovpnlnn In W. O. W. Hull. VlMtlng Ulnnsmcn eordltiilv Invited. K V, Woon, C. f. JrrrEita, Sec'y. U'V. rss M flbarbee HBafcerg Largest and best equipped bakery in Western Nebraska. Our work is done in a clean shop, with clean tools by clean workmen. High grade materials alone are used. Yours for NOTCH TO P pastry. Zbe HflSPiTDffi ifeal Alliance Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, "HICAGO, BUTTE, h lOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY Kh S CITY, PORTLAND, ST. l 'S, SAN FRANCISCO, and all p oast and ixilnls vest and south. TllAirS TjHWH.. . ...." No 41 Passenger dally. I)endiV!od, lllllliiK's, all iKilnts north and v , west.. . 10:33 a.m. .No 1 IVoeiiger dally. Lincoln, Omaha, UIiIc.iro and all points cast No. an Passeinier dally, for Deliver Ok'ik'ii,!-alt Lake, Nin I'ran- It 40 a.m. eisco linn ail liuuriULiliate I'WIM1 UUI l .,... No. tt rasscnuiT dully from Denver nouns, departs at. I :I0 a.m. 111111 an intermediate ixjltus, .. , arrives at ... MMO.i.ni. No. 43 loc.il ii.isiiiKir dally from Omaha, Lincoln ami Inter mediate points arrives at .5:5b a. m. No 44 Ixx-al passenger dally, for . uuiaiia.uncolunndliiteruie- l dhito points, departs nt 4:00.t m No. 305J)ally, excep Sunday, for I points soutli and west, de- . ..'. lrl? ll'C" a. 111' . No. 0O1I D.illi, except .Sunday, fiotn J suutli and west, arrives' 4:55p.m. , Sleeping, dliilnjr and leuilnlnj? chair cars beats fn e) on tliroimli trains, 'ilul.ets sold and 1,ij;k.iku cheeked to any point In the I'nltid Mates or Canada Tor Information, time tallies and tickets call on or write to J. ICiiEiiiKi.iiAUOU, Agent, or .1. 1'iiancis, Gen eral l.issciiKcr Agent. Omaha. N'obraska. 5 Real Estate Comp'y andThedford TO SP.LL YOU City Property. President of the Company TiiEDFORn, Nebraska tvr.svsTrrs'ST Trravs. r , and Leather Co. Always Reliable. 1 risU.i iparbee n n tyt r I tfM Tib n r.i'-iirm . B R AN D Y 4HfMr4r 3 ilillJ;'iiiil.iTii'i.iviiiisiiiieii.iii'i.iiifii' i' -t- if Profcsson Cnrds. ATTOIlMiVB. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LCVW, ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA. OrflCK I'llONK ISO. Kr.dlDCNCK IMIONE203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms J,:.' and 3, first National hank hulldS lnu, Alliance, Neh. Notary lu oillce. W. Q. SIMONSON... Attory at Law.... Olllco Up-stalrs Oor l'ostollleo 6MITII 1. TUTTI.K. IUV K. TASU. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North .Main St., ALLIANCE. NKIl. rinstciANS. ir. 11. iiFLiANOOn. m. n. -- w. s. ueli.moou. m. ii. Belhvood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and - - SURGEONS. Moisten llalldliiR. - ALLIANCE, NEH. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco lii first National Hani; block. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.irrcur.it m.ocu, ALUANCi:, NHll. Calls unsKured from olllco day or night. Telephono No. aS. Q. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Onieo lu Lookwoodl UuIIUIiik . S ALLIANCE. NEIL Telephone No. 379. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Oillce two blocks north of 'I linos, bulldlnj?, I'hone 2jS, Hours, 6 to 1.' a. in.. 1 -.80 to 5 p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... OIHeo and residence three doors north of Idaho streut on lllg Hnrn annue, TeleiKmoNo.9e. Alliance Nrth A. 1). NEW, AUCTIONEER. Pale cried In thU und adjoining counties by the day or coramUhloa. felxteun iwm u iwrniiu Sntlhfai'tltm KUHranleed. ("011 iraeir. . an lx luiuk ai Thi Hhiai i tJUi" whin. le(eren.s- 10 AT int tlUi 11. will ilvjbt j;ln SOLD IN 4 I P A3 M 3 i In Business are almost as disastrous as Constitutional Straight legitimate business, best goods at right, courteous treatment and a large and varied stock of Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Gasoline Stoves, Oil Stoves, Lawn Mowers, Refrigerators, and everything usually kept in a first class hardware store is what makes business go at SfCTtgfRmmKwa ASAMAS5iLA!Lf.5ASiLS5ASA5AS 3 Dierks' Hum saocoooija(Booo-;ccoccaoaeeoceeoeoooooc0e The placing- of a few dollars monthlv in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank 0 0 will soon enable you to J buy a comfortable home. 0 I 0 l .M. KMOIir, rretldeut . ... W II. CoituiN. V.l'iooldeut .. . 0 O. II. Co.NMTT.Cishler, 0 o eeoooooeoooooooooo9oo3oooosoooeoeeoeooooooooae0OO0S00 W. A. Hamiton, President A. S. Rkkd, Vice President First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors V. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C, Hampton. R. M Hampton. Coffee AKE PKOrKIETORS Of rE- a Palace Saloon Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Afrunt for rUIM) KUUO UKI2W1NU CO . SKLUCTCA1JINUT, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Urunds. . . r,.nro.i3.77' r3?xa,a.e Solicited. i ,.m('s Hel.7i,-wt t' in !' i' " ' iiHt'iv Lonii rid ITr i'tionc 206 ALL BEST PLACES. Spasms t prices that are l t i. v ll tt . .It H lt ii.ijs.X v -v - -- -- -T- -- -- -j- -f- ,,- .,, .,- Tv SAtASAAXSASASAft AAaSA5A ff Something to Blow About f iHit never blow away. Our windmills run in the lightest wind but stand their ground in the fiercest storm. These Wlndml'ls Are of the most approved pat tern, have many improvements over those of older design. f Strong, serviceable and last ing. Mnda of carefully select ed material. 2Jot liable to get out of repair. (Jet our piiees on windmills, four post angle steel towers, tanks, etc. Achcson J oiler. To Fill an Order U' -nji".mnH.iiiiiijn-1 trjrEgrrr-ii lamnniw For any kind of Lumber is an easy matter for us. We carry a full supply of all kinds required for ex terior and interior work. See us before buying. ber s Coal Co 1, ff R. M. Hamiton, Casliie C5. Hamiton, Ass't Cashier. 4226 Sc DoacJ W 111 If ?iir 1"' n 'i Mum vi m. i vr J&U -V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y-