PROMINENT PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE PE-RU-NA. ;M-H IH .-M-.-HM I 1 C I II C I M W THE LIVE STOCK MARKET.:: . J-. tea i v. IjYf I n 52U ROBERTS .Jflffi I Robert R. Roberts. M. D., Wash- mlWml. ; ington, D. C, writes : ! C-SgjJf- vfA) """? M ! " Through my own experience as ssISSkL )JkJ4 Llm ' i well as that of many of my friends ', '$rZ&M mwfo ItttrrrtC I and acquaintances who have been ! "j rrT3wW' (if Wl , cured or relieved of catarrh bythc J PJIgn -rTjlff " Ml j use of Hartman' s Peruna, I can con- ', WrtWwT (III ill fldently recommend It to those suf- ! yLfitfr .dvI oy$Z JM (m terlng from such disorders, and ! a tf vfc fll Jsf ', have no hesitation In prescribing it ! &!sy 'zsj'jI I to my patients." RobsrtR. Roberts. 'w'Muiiwn A tubTANTW increasing number f- of physicians prescribe Peruna in x their regular practice. It has proven Its merits so thoroughly that even the doctors have overcome their prejudice against so-called patent rnedicines and recommend it to their patients. Peruna occupies a uniquo position Id medical science. It is tho only internal eystemic catarrh, remedy known to the medical profession to-day. Catarrh, as every one will admit, is the cause of one half the diseases which afflict mankind. Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict one bali of the people of the United States. F. H. Brand, M. D of Mokena, 111., uses Peruna in his practice. The following case is an example of the success he has through the use of Peruna for catarrh. Dr. Brand says: "Mrs. C.,' age 2S had been a sufferer from catarrh for the past seven years; could not hear plain and had watery eyes. She came to me almost a physical wreck. She had tried the Cope land cures and various other so-called specialists, and had derived no benefit . Doualea makea and aalla mora man'm Ooodyeaf Walt Hants Sowed Proceaa) shoes than any other tnanuraoturor in ina worm. $25,000 REWARD will bo paid to anyone who can disprove this statement. Becauso W. L. Douglas isthelargcst manufacturer lie can uuy cheaper nnd Jiroduco his shoes at a ower cost than other con cerns, which enables him to sell shoes for 53.60 and fco.uw equal in every way to tnoso sold olse wliero for S4 and S5.00. The Souirlas secret tiro- cent of tannins- the bottom soles produces abso lutely pure leather; more flexible and will wear longer than any other tannaue In the world. The sales have more than doubled tho past four years, which proves Its superiority, why not Klvo W. I Douglas shoes atrial and save money, Xutlrn Inrrruto 1S99 Sales: ftS.ttO.'I.MMll.ttl lu Itioliiei iwufitlrsi S.'.,oai,:l40,oo A fain of S3, 82O,4.10.7l In Four Yean. W. L. DOUGLAS S4.00 GILT EDGE LINE, Worth SG.00 Compared with Other Makes. The best Imported and American leathers. Heyl't Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vkl Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo, Fait Color Eyelets. PjllHnn Th eenulne have W. I DOTJOLAfl UBU IIUIIs name and price stamped on bottom. Shots Iv tnail.tte. tztra. lllui. Catalog frie, ,XY. a.. UOUOI.AN, IIUOUKTO.V, MASS, HomeseeKers Excursions. April 21st TUESDAYS May 5th &19th. June 2nd &16th To certain points In Southwest Mis souri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Ar kansas, etc., at very low rates. Tick ets limited to 21 days for the round trip. Stop-overs allowed on tho go ing Journey within transit limit of 15 days. For further Information call on or address any agent of tho company, or Thomas F. Godfrey, Pass. & Ticket Agt. CITY TICKET OFFICE Southeast Corner of 14th end Doutflrxs Street. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 181003. ft CURl WUKI a mm ail tuE riiLj. va Syrup. Tastes Good. Use RJ e. fold by dmsndltl. HI Kelt couch In lime, EvswTXiii " 1lM llrl o J riisVi If Ji'. UNION MADE VI W.L. yLrV w "isMr gTll' fajmS Dr0 M. C, Gee, of Pe-ni-na is of Especial Bene fit to Women' from them. She told mo she did not want to spend any more money on medicines unless I could assure her relief. "I put her on Pcruna and told het- to come back in two weeks. The effects were won derful. The cast- down look she had when I first saw her had left hor and a smile adorn ed her face. She told me she felt a different woman, her hearing was improved and her eyes did not trou ble her any more. "This is only one case of the many I have treated with your valuable mediciue." F. H. Brand, M. D. Catarrh may invade any organ of the body; may destroy any function of the body. It most commonly attacks the head, Superior quality and extra quantity must In. This Is why Defiance Starch Is taking tho place of all others. Procrastination Is worso than a serpent's tooth. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS. Upirards of 100.000 American! bate trttled In Weitern Csosds during tbe lat J yesn. Taer re CONTKNTEO. If Al'I'V, AM) ritO.SI'KItOUH. and ttiere In room itlll for MILLIONS. Wonderful Tleldiof wheat and other irralnt. The 'jett KrailuK lands on the continent. Magnificent climate; Mcnty of water and fuel; kookI cellcnt ctiuriliea; splendid railway facilities HOMESTEAD LANDS Of 160 ACRES FREE, the only charge for which It t!0 for entry. Send to tbe following for an Atlaa and other literature, at wellas for certificate kUIiirjou reduced railway ratet.etc.: buperlntcndent ot numeration, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. Pennett, Ml New York Life HldR., Omaha, Neb., tbe authorized Canadian Uoi ernment Aecnt. HERRICK REFRIGER1T0RS K more room, H lets Ice. Whits Spruce, Enamel, or Opal Olut linings. Aelc your dealer for them or write for cataloguo and prices. HERRICK REFRIGERATOR CO., WATERLOO, IOWA. WAHTED-TRAVEUHB SALESMAN I la tills county. Our men ore making from tit to f 10 , a month selling uur Uouiehold and Stock Itemedlcs ana ruYonng extracts direct to contumen. x dull ve territory. Uooda are furnlibed on credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. I'leuant, prootsble, lifelong poetttont. No expcrlonce uetetiary; we teach you. Write for Information. Don't delay. Incorporated. THE8.D. CONFER MEDICAL COMPANY, ORANGEVILLE, ILL. ESCAPED ! Wben I bought my last FAHM WAGON it was painted nicely with paint that soon washed off nnd the Maple axles and boltters, the Cottonwood box and Elm bubs ESCAPED my notice. I WILL PAY $.00 REWARD lo any man who can fool me nzaln. My next Tarm Wason will bo the "NLW TIFFIN." for It Is an HONEST wacon in every particular. Is made o Hickory, Oak and Poplar, and "in material, con itruction nnd finiih Is not excelled by any other traeon on earth." If your dealer does not handle It. make him do to. or write to THIS TIFFIN WAGON CO. at TIFFIN. OHIO, and they will let lou know where the nearest stent is. Ycurs trnly. SUUSCRIBEB. 17 T.T H...J it n '. SslJ S3 WJKCHtRlC0-7 San Francisco, Says : noso ami tnroat, out tiioutauils upon thousands of cases of catarrh of the lungs, stomach, kidney?, Madder and other pelvic organs have lcen cured by I'cruna. 1'crun.i is alilo to euro catarrh wherever it may be located by its direct action upon the mucous membranes. Catarrh means inflamed mucous membranes. I'cruna acts at ouco to cleause and invigorate the c.v tarrhal condition of the mucous membrane no matter where it may occur in the Ixxly. Its action is the samo on tho mucous lining of tho noso ns on tho mucous lining of tho bowels. It cures the catarrhal intlamma tion wherever it may occur. Dr. R. Robbins, Muskogco, I. T. , writes: "Pcruna is the best medicino I knowof for a cough and to strengthen a. weak stomach and to give appetite. Hoside prescribing it for catarrh, I have ordered it for weak and debilitated people, and have not had a patient but said it helped him. It is an ex cellent medicine nnd it fits so many cases. "I have a largo practice, and have a chance to prescribe jour Peruna. I hopo you may live long to do good to tho sick and suffering." Wo say Pcruna curescatarrh. The peoplo say Peruna cures catarrh. Prominent men and women all over the United States from Maine to California do not hesitate to coma out in public print to say that Peruna is what it is recommended to be, an internal, systemic catarrh remedy that cures catarrh wherever it may be located. Dr. M. C. Gee's Experience. Dr. M. C Geo is one of tho physicians who endorso Peruna. In a letter written from 513 Jones street, San Francisco, Cal., ho says : There Is a general objection on th6 part of the practicing physician to ad -ocate patent medicines. But wheti any one medicine cures hundreds o people, It demonstrates Its own value and does not need the endorsement ot the profession. "Peruna has performed so many wonderful cures In San Francisco that I am convinced that It Is a valuable remedy. J have frequently advised Its use for women, as I find It Insures regular and painless menstruation, cures leucorrhoea- and ovarian troubles, and builds up the entire system. I also consider It one of the finest catarrh remedies I know of. J heartily endorse your medicine." At. C. (lie, At. D. Women are especially liable to pelvic ca tarrh, female weakness as it is commonly called. Especially in the first few weeks of warm weather do tho disagreeable symp toms of female weakness make themselves apparent. In crisp, cold weather chronic sufferers with pelvic catarrh do not feel so persistently the debilitating effects of tho drain upon the system, but at the approach1 of summer with its lassitude and tired feel' ings, tho sufferer with pelvic catarrh feels (fee peed of a stregsthjjning tonic. Peruna is not only the best spring tonic for such cases but if persisted in will effect a complete cure. Write for a copy of "Health and Beauty," written especially for women by Dr. Hartman. If you want to read of some cures also, write for a copy of "Pacts and Faces." That will surely convince you that our claims arc valid. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory lesults from the use of Peruna, writo at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho" Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. The man of vivid imagination looks upon facts as a bore. No chromos or cheap premiums, hut a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same prlco of other starches. Excessive politeness Is little remov ed from absolute rudeness. "The Klcan, Kool. Kitchen Kind" Is tho trade mark on stoves which enable yon to cook iu comfort in n cool kitchen. Women like to be considered tho most serious part of man's thoughts. PIso's Cure cannot do too highly spoken of u a cough cure. J. W. O'Hriex, S22 Third Ate., N., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 0. 1D0Q. Women figure to advantage when administering to a man who is ill. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot tho kettle, ex cept green and purple. No girl wants to be spoken of as one who never had a beau. RED CROSS RALT. ULUE Should be in every home. Akk your grocer for it. Large 2 or. packugo only 5 coute. A happy homo is lnrgely promoted by a few extra dollars. Stops tho Cough nntl Work orr tho Cold Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. Trice 25a It is a long lane that dreads tho fire. E ITQ permanently corru. No flti or oerrousneu attei r 1 1 3 tint day' ute of Dr. Kline's Oreot Jirrte Uettor it. End for 1'ltKK H2.UO trial bottle and treat Ire. Dk. It. 11 Hums, Ltd , 31 arch Street. 1'blladcli.liU.r Haste is between the cup and the lip. To tho housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things of everyday uso in the market and who Is reasonably satisfied with the old, wo would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch bo made at once. Not alono becauso it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to bo superior to any other brand, but becaiibo each 10c packagn con tains 1C ozs., while all tho other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It Is safo to say that tho lady who onco uses Defiance Starch will uso no other. Quality and quantity must win. Watered stock the fish seller's. Latest Quotations from South ; ; Omaha and Kansas City. II H-M-9-M H-III 6 H 1-t-M-H-H StH'TII Oil Ml V. CATTLK -There twin not a houvj run of out lt. but vmt'kcrs wetiml to ho pretty well IIIIokI up for the week, ntul n n result they did not tnko hold with inurh life and dtartoil lit from tho bcKln-nliiK- to pound tho nmrkot. A llbcrnl pro portion of the receipts oonnlled of boeC HteetH, nnd tln liujfrH ntnrted In WdtllnK Renernlty a dime lower. Sellara wanttnl Kte.nly prlooF. so it wft some lime heforo many cattle crossed tho ro1p. l'aokcra refused to mine their bids, co that tlio bulk of tho cnttlt had to Kell at the (le clllie. Tlio raw limikct ulo nuffeieil. lltijers Hiild that If thoy could not Ket the cows a dime lower they 1M not wan. them, so the most of the offorliiKS sold that way. Tlio same as wns the way with steers, tho handy welKiits of Rood quality sold to tho best nclviuitiiKo, and In some liistuttces were not us much us a dime lower. Hulla, veal calves nnd stags did not show much cIiuuko from yesterday. About tho usual conditions prevailed on tho stocker and feeder market. AnythlnK utrlctly choice sold about steady, but nil others were slow nnd weak. Tlio demand from tho country has been In Rood shape all tho week, so that speculators huvo carried over very few kooiI cattle from day to day. HOGS There was not n heavy run of I'-ogs and under the lnllueiico of a nood local demand the mnrltet Improved a lit tle. Trudlnic wns fnlrly uctlvo nnd tho market could safely bo quoted stroiiK to 5c higher. The bulk of tho decent welKltt boss sold from J7.02U to S7.074, with the choicer loads from S7.TV4 to $7.15. The llKhter loads sold from $7.00 down. There was not much chaniro in the market from start to finish, thoiiKh there ws considerable unevenness In tho prices paid. SHEI3P Quotations for clipped stock: Cholco western lambs, JCOOIiCto; fair to Rood Inmbs. J3.5f?0.0O: cholco western cooled lambs, 4C.7r.G7.00; fair to Rood wooled lambs, jr..2.ViTri.50; fair to good yeurlliiBS. Sr..0OflO.2S; clioico wethers, S5.0) f5.23; fair to Rood wethers, St.'G'SG.OO; cholco ewes, Jl.f,0f?4.C5; fair to Rood ewes, ?4.25ffl.M; feeder lambs, feeder yearlliiRs, J10OR4.7G; feeder wethers, J3.73 Qt.SS; feeder owcb, J2.25fi3.D0. KANSAS PITV. CATTLI3-Hcoves steady to strong; quarantine cows and Blockers and feed ers steady; bulls and calves quiet; cholco export and dressed beef steers, Sl.'Oft 5.25; fair to Rood. $3.60 1.70 ; stockers nnd feed ers. J2.Wf?5.00; western fed steers, J2.00W fi.(i5; Texas nnd Indian steers, J3.00f?.7G: Texas cows, H.OOfM.OO; native cows, J3.C0U 4.40; native heifers. iJ.S5ti4.C0; canners, HS-CO; bulls, W.SOQ4.50; calves, $2.00fi' HOaS Market nctlvo nnd stronR; top, I'.WA; bulk of sales,; heavy, J7.10U 7.171.4; mISetl packers, $7.00G7.124; "ijgcd .paclters, 75fl7.05; yorkers, ICSOtT 7.03; pips, JC.55f1C.S5. . SJIREP AND LAMnS-Market nctlve and stronp; natlvo lambs, J4.r.OQ7.BO; west ern lambs, J4.0Oy7.4O; fetl ewes, JI.OOft5.40; nntlvo wethers, $1.201 fi.2rt; Texas clipped sheep, JI.15iJC.lj; stockers and feeders, J3.&OS4.SO. FAVORITE RATES FORBIDDEN. The Railroads Are Enjoined from Dis criminating. CHICAGO. III. Judge Grossctip on Friday entered an order in the United States circuit court of appeals enjoin ing six railroad companies from tils crimination against small shippers in tho western territory. Tho decision Is especially important as being the first under the new El kins law. Tho government, according to tho decision, Is entitled to the Injunction agalnBt tho offending railroads under tho Interstate commerce act, as well as the Elklns law. Tho ruling applies to fourteen rail roads which wero covered by proceed ings instituted In the federal court. Six of theso companies wero defend ant in the local court. The others aro under tho Jurisdiction of the Kansas City federal court. MRS. BEEMER IS THE MATRON. Governor Mickey Names Woman for Penitentiary. LINCOLN, Neb. Governor Mickey on Friday appointed Mrs. Belle E. Beemer as matron of the penitentiary. Mrs. Beemer Is Uie first official mat ron of tho Institution, the position hav ing been created at tho last session of the legislature. Mrs. Beemer Is the wife of Warden Beemer and has an In timate knowledge of the work that will bo required of her In her new po sition. The salary of the office, which Is fixed by tho board of public lands and buildings, has not yet been de termined. Richards Growc No Better. CHEYENNE. Wyo. Governor Do ForeBt Richards is little Improved and a specialist has beon called Into con sultation by the attending physicians. Fire Alarms Thousands. PEOIUA, III. An Incipient blaze In tho Tabornacle, a large frame build ing at Main and Globe streets, Friday night three 5,000 people Into a panic. Tho building is used a-s a roller skat ing rink and was crowdod when the blaze was discovered. In an instant there was a mad rush for the exits and many of tho skatore were knock ed down and trampled on. Twenty persons were painfully Injured. KSiHpPJbwW&SsssssP Jmmwliawwwl9amwwWmmwwwBlmm lWaW.wKm BWMiMBBmammmmWi aaaHKJ 4v '&swSmauavmKawttBKLMBkr' ' maWWWw HfVP T mmmaWrrtm mm Y rJHKCr JSm HaaaaawX ll n kv-X V. tiV-J y jfl TRWkaaaaam "" . iiW"Ii!)Lj: c'-3 ""i)ssl ' Tho real heroines of every tiny nro in our homes. Frequently, how over, it is i mistaken mid useless heroism. Women seam to listen to every call of duty except tho supremo one that tolls thein to guard their health. How much harder tho daily tasks becomo when omo dorangement of tho femalo organs makes every movement painful and kcops tho nervous system unstrung? Irritability takes tno plnco of happiness and amiability : and weaknosa and suffering takes tlio place of health and strength. Aa long as thoy can drag themselves around, women continuo to woik and porform their household duties. Thoy have been led to bcliovo that suffering is necessary Ikmmulso they aro women. What a mistako! Tlio uso of Lydia 12. Plnlclinm's Vegetable Compound will banish -pain nnd Vestoro happiness. )on't resort to strong stimulants or nar cotics when this great strengthening, healing remedy for womon ia always within reach. FllEIS lUKDICAIi AIVICE TO WOMEN. Tf thero is nnythln in your case about whicli you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Plnkbnin. No man will hoo your letter. SI10 enn surely help you, for no person lu America iius such a wido experience, in treating female ills an sbo lias bad. Hho has helped buudreds of tbouRiiiids of women buck to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., nntl Iter advice is free. You aro very foolish if you do uot accept her kind invitation. For proof read the symptoms, suffering and cure recited in the following letters: "Deab Mns. Pikkiiam: I wish to express to you tho preat benefit I have derived from voitr advice and tho ;iso of Ijydia 12. PinKlmm's VcgO tablo Compound. My trouble was femalo weakness in its worst form and I was in a very bad condition. I could not perform my household duties, my back ached, I was extremely nervous, and 1 could not cat or sleep, and tho bcarlnff-down pains wore terrible. My husbaml spent hundreds of dollars to get mo well, untl all the medicino that the doctors prescribed failed to do mo any good ; I resorted to an operation which the physician said was nccossary to rcstoro mo to health, but I Buffered mora after it than I did before; I had hemorrhages of tho womb that nothing could seem to ntop. "I noticed one of your advertisements and wrote you for advice, I re ceived your reply and carefully followed all Instructions. I immediately began to get stronger, and In two weeks was about tho lioupo. I took eight bottles of Lydia 12. Piulcliam's Vegetable Compound and continued following your advice, and to-day I am a well woman. Your remedies and help aro a Godsend to Buffering women, and I cannot find wonU to thank you for what you havo dono for me." Mns. Lottie V. Naylou, 1328 N. J. Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. .- . - ''Dkaii Mns. rmstiAM: I write to tell you what Lydia 12. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound hns dono for me. " 1 was suffering with falling of tho womb nnd could hardly drag abont, but after taking five bottles of Ijydia E. Piukbnm'il Vegetable Com poiuvj J was completely cured. I am now a well voman nnd able to do all tny work. "I think your medicino ono of tho best remedies in tho world." Mbs, J. M. Lki:, 141 Lyndal St., Newcastle, Pa. "Dear Tins. Pixkkam : Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vcgetablo Com pound has done a great deal for mc. I differed ho much irom falling of tho womb and all tho troubles connected with it. I doctored for years with doctors'and other remedies but received only temporary relief. " I began taking your medicine, and had not taken it long before I was feeling better. My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as long, as it gave mo relief from my suffering, anl could not expect to "bo -cured by one or two bottles. I did go and am now able to bo on my feet and work hard all dav. and uo to bed and rest at nicht. Thanks to your Vegetable Com pound I am certainly grateful for the great friend. I would not bo without it in my house, for when 1 feel tired or out of sorts 1 takca few doses and feel all right, o ' " I would recommend your medicine to all tired mothers, and especially to those suffering as I was." Mns. It. P. Cn ambers, IJcnnot, Neb. $5000 FORFEIT If wo cannot forthwith aboro testimonial!, which Trill nrnra LjiIU DEAFNE6S CANNOT BE CURED by loral Application! bs tliey cannot reach the flit eased portion oi the car. There is only one war to curs drafnckB, end that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Ku-tacbtan Tube. When this tube is inflamed yott have a rumbline tonnil or Imperfect hearinc, nnd when It Is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing- will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are can-ed br ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will civ One Hundred Dollars for nny case of Deafness (cousid by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. V. J. CHUNbY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Drucgists. Sc. Hall's Family l'ills are the beet. Tho burnt child dreads the short cut. DO YOUK OLOTITB3 LOOK VEtXOWT If so, use Hod Cross UnliDlue. Itwlllmako thorn white as snow. 'J oz. package & cents. Marry In haste Is penny wise. Iowa Farms S4 Per Acre Cosh, balance H crop till paid. MtH.II ALL. Sioux City, la. D0NT (SSSL GET'WEnSRS? ASK YOUft DEAIEB FOB THt 5LICStrP MADfc FAMOUS BY A DEPUTATION EMENDING OVED MODE THAN HALF A CENTUDY. TOWER'S s&rmentj end h&U &re made of the test matt rieJa in black or yellow for all kinds of wet work. JATUFACTION IS CUJLPAKTEED If YOU STICK TO tOAwfBfefe.AftcKl7VoMM. 4VL7 7 MJhmmr Roblni ore hero AJrWi JtiM drink WlSmm. im Hires Wk m mk Kootbeer hmmm IS lcl Tb crtamt sprlnjc tonic, filmaan HilS'sm Ar(.kaceinskrsUveal' vJlHH 12' HL '0l1'- txld everywhere, phmWMawQ KflMBfc, or by mall for cents. ill'wjK amSIHHHai CU1KICS. IlllltSCO. I'iisKsHR B'aMBw Bl'rm. rtaMmmmmmmW La? K'BBjHLjGHslHsSSBuaViLv ft SBSSW relief it nave me. It, is the mother's prodncs the original lettors and sltnftturoa of their absolute cenutnxness. K. I'lnlshaui Medloltis Co,, Lynn, Has. iM BINDER SmiffllCIGAR ALWAYS RELIABLE' FREE TO WOMEN! To iirovo tbe beallng and clcnnslnK power of 1'asstlna TolIt Antlswptla vro will mull n, largo trral pueksxo with bcoU of iaitruolltuvi absolutely f ne. Thli In Dot a tiny sample, but a largo package, enough to con vlnco nnyouo of its value Women nil over tho country are praising I'aztlno for what It Iiuh dono in local trout ment of frmuln Ills, curlni? all Inflammation nnd discharges, wonderful 0.1 n cleansing vaglnul douche, for soro throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth vcsish and to rcmova tartar and whiten tbo teeth, Send today, a postal card will do. Kola by drairRtst or sent postpaid by n, 00 ceuta, larico box. Nutlsfnctloit Ruitrantncd TUB It. I'AXTON CO., Uostoa, Must. 314 Columbuc Am, LITTLE JOURNEYS -f to lake resorts and mountain homes will be more popular this summer than ever. Many have already arranged their summer tours via the Chicago, Milwaukee & Sf. Pan Railway and many more are goinf to do likewise. Booklets that will help you to plan your vacation trip have just been published, and will be sent on receipt of postage, as follows : "Colorado-California," six cents. "In Lakeland" and "Summer Homes," six cents. Lakes Okoboji and Spirit Lake," four cents. F. A. MILLER, General Paasenser Agent,. CHICAGO.