t '. k if- for rv, If " 1 1 -. HEMINGFORD. Victor Johnson left for I'nrk City, Montnlia, where his father nnd two brothers Hve, Tuesday. He expect to be gone until fall. Mrs. McCnndlcss and Mrs. 11. K. Johnson have had .severe attacks oft ho grip this week. Quite a crowd of people congregated at the depot Saturday evening In the hope of gaining a gllnipwj of President Hoosevelt. Tlio train ran very slowly und the president of all the United States stood on the rear platform, t laughing and bowing to the people. He seemed to be hi the best of spirits and not at all weighted down with of ficial or any other troubles. Long live Theodore Hoosevelt, president of the United States. Mayjhe complete his 'present olllcial term and another on top of it If ho docs in the next ten months what lw will have opportunity to do. Amos Abley came up from Denver Monday to visit with his parents and brothcr.for a few days. Miss Grace Wheeler and Mrs. Anna 1'ierce drove to Alliance Saturday. , Miss Nellie Goodenough nud Mrs. llusthi went to Alliance Friday even ing. Klnier Holand is improving rapidly. II. K. Green, II. II. Kunk, W. II. Ward, K. L. Pierce und "10!) others'' have had the grip this week. Walter Osgood left for the west Fri day. Art Osgood departed for the Hlack Hills Thursday. II. R. Green has been laid up for a day or two with an inllamed foot. Grip has cut this column short. Miss Grace wheeler went to Alliance Monday evening to attend the play given there on that date. Miss Alwilda Church taught Mrs. Ford's room while the latter was ab sent in Alliance on business Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Church is very ill with a bad -cold. Almeda Fosket has spent a few days -on the ranch this week. Some covetous or (jther wise person has purloined to his own individual use and benefit, tho worthy editor's saw buck. We went to much trouble to construct it and when done admired our work saying, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." It was our only in centive to labor. MARSLAND. . Dr. Hartwell of Crawford, physician on the county board of health, had business in town Friday. A. McLaughlin and niece, Miss Myr tle Noel, were Alliance visitors from Monday night till Thursday. A, IJyers was transacting business in Pine Ridge Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Owens of Belmont visited her sister, Mrs. Wlrtz, at this place recent- iy. McConnell & Imel are shipping hay. Roadmaster Mclutyre was looking after the 15. & M. interests in this place this week. N. G. Poole is attending to the duties of the assessorship. . J. II. Walker went down to Alliance to hear the president speak and from thtre went to Sidney, his old home, to spend a few days with old friends. Charles Posvar of Lawn came down and brought the children to eo the president. II. (5. Furman recently had three head of cattle killed by lightning. .T. C. Wood is shipping hay to the Hills. Mr. and Mrs Henry Clark were pas sengers on the west bound passengers Sunday, going to Crawford. The rhetorical exercises by the pupils of the day bdiool on Friday were good. Word is received from V. L. Harvey, a former resident of this place but now of Spokane, Wash., that Mrs. Har vey is very ill and for some time has been under the care of a physician und trained nurse, her trouble being ap pendicitis. Their many friends here wish for Mrs. Harvey's speedy recovery. She is one of the good women of earth - and holds a warm place in the hearts of Marsland people. The little six-year-old daughter of David Hunsaker has been quite sick with scarlet fever. The house is under quarantine and it is hardly expected thut there will bo any spread of the 'disease. At this writing we hear she is better. " v Mrs. IS. T. Gregg and little daughter ;'Fay have both been quite sick but are better now. Mr. nnd Mrs. Metcalf and little son, who have for some time been employed at the cook ranch, came down on the hack Saturday, taking the passenger .Stiudny for Hillings, Montana. If the other characteristic of these poo 'plo equal thuir personal appearance wo should think they would be very ,d'osirablo people to have around. Dr. Cross of Crawford was here on professional business Wednesday, Miss Pearle Snow came in from her school and in company with others went to Alllarco Friday night. Thu crowd that went to Allluncu Fri day nlghtall came home happy Sunda noon. The little folks happy because they saw tho president, the old onus happy over the hospitality of the city and thb gtrls happy ovir (or rather under) their new huts. Wo heard thorn talklngubnut It and they said that Alli ance is a way up place to go to. The rain of .Monday turned hi to u snow storm ami this (Tnvsriny) even ing the ground is eowrud with a while blanket of (mow and thu'slorm Is still raging. Miss Ltllie Dickey on m down from llelmout Friday night and wont to Al liance. Miss Attlu Snow has unrolled us a pupil in the Marsland school. Capt. V. M. Kvans nnd John Snlleu bergor, two old soldiers, went down to the hub to size up with. Hoosevelt. Miss Lillie Dickey's school near ltel moot very appropriately observed Ar bor day tiy pluming trees around thb school prjinibcs. also u skctoli of the life of the originutor of the day was read, and other appropriate uxuici.se were held, i Miss Pearle Snow will close u live months' trm of school In the Kurmati district Friday of this week, with a picnic on Wilson creek. Roy Richey, our hustling hackdriver, took the chance of his life to see the president and went down to Alliance with the crowd Friday night. A. IJyers, treasurer of the Marsland school board, informs us that the dis trict is now entirely out of debt und has money ahead. To reach this has been a long, hard pull. Starting with a bonded indebtedness of Sl-00, which with other expenses later on reached $1700, with nine months bdiool each year and first-class teachers at Slu per month, we think the record is good. Who says the people of Marsland dis trict don't pay their tuxes, eh? It may be of some interest to Messrs. T. J. Poole, Henry Shimek, Matt Diehl and other stock raisers in this vicinity who sold sixteen head of horses to Ed Wilson of Alliance, to know that on Mr. Wilson's arrival in Boston the bunch was immediately sold und ship ped to England. Just think of it, horses ruised on Box lluttc and Dawes county ranges, are tramping the turf in nristocrutiu old England. Through the politeness of the editor of the Alliance Times, this family is in possession of a very, nice picture of President Roosevelt. Mr. Slyter, a former Mursland citizen but now the leading liverymau of Crawford, made a drive to this place Friday. Edgar Lane of Miller's ranch came down Friday and accompanied thu crowd to Alliuuce. Mrs. Stewai t and daughter of Cutitou came up Saturday to see thu president. Henry Shimek and others trom South Table came in Saturday to see the man whom they expect to vote for next election. There was u little excitement in town Friduy out of the usual order. Just after the passenger pulled out u very old man who appeared to be hope lessly insane wus found wandering ubout the streets, tulUiug incoherently und perfectly unable to give any ac count of himself. The town proceeded immediately to g,j Into hysterics. Later telephone coiiiiniiiiic.itiou with thu county officials was instituted, und by the order of Shetill: IlinloUlI, Messrs, P. L. Wilson an. I l,'. (i. Hollibaugh started for Cuudrou with the patient. Soon after their arrival, htwuver, at tliCiCounty scat a inc-ujjo was received from tho agent at CiawtWd to the cfi'eet that a .Mr. Grccu, alio was tnk- ing the old man lluouli to Oregon, they will bo dandies. Nearly four full was searching for him. inc .nsinc man days wore occupied in laying the foun having gh en him thu slip ami got oil' Nation of 1,500 brick. Oh, but it wiio at this place The Injs In ought him ' swift work (?). 5-sjA., ... M3SX3XE&ZiS3?ZBBS23aiJa3BmMEM!l w f For Sale By baolc to Crawford nnd he was again put aboard tho cars and started on his westwnrd journey. He came he wont our preldcnt, our Hoosevelt. When tho prosldontlnl train pulled intoourtown at ubout 5:15 Saturday, thu pi esldent stood on the platform of the roar coach, smiling, and with head bared completely cap tured Iho hearts of our people by his hearty recognition. The people uhoeri'd, children waved their llaffs, nnd the president bowed nnd bowed and bowed, till the tilrn In the road completely hid lihn from view. Then us the train, h bright and shining thing bedecked with Hags and bunting, the great engine bearing on Its front tho picture of our I national executive, wound Its wny through tho breuks south of thu river, tho people still watched until distance hid it from view. It wus estimated that lfi'J people wore on the depot plat form, some coining from quite a dis tance. Tho day opened blustery, the wind blew a gale; but as the time ap proached for tho urrivul, tho sun camo from behind the western clouds, the wind ceased blowing und there was a feeling as though a groat voiue had spoken, "Be stilly our chieftain eoiuoth." lakeside" John Hunsaker went up the road Tuesday morning to visit rolutlves for awhile. It Is too lonesome , keeping house all to one's self. Mrs. Marie Ross is tho cook at tho hotel theso days. She Is u "good fit" in such a situation. The 'phono poles nru nearly nil hi plucu between Lakeside nnd the Tully ranch. Soon the wlro will be in and then all ready for the extension of tho high Hue on to Luc la. Luclla folks aro planning on n big timu at the spring social to be held at the church near W. C. Barber's. Every body invited, so they say up hero. Mrs. T. J. Thompson, accompanied by her mother-in-law, went to Alliance Wednesday morning for a few weeks' stay. T. J. will try "baching" for awhile, and Miss Pearl will bu her father's stand-by, so he will not miss mother too much. J. II. Luusford's children have a mild attack of searleti.ua, coming on them before they have fully recovered from the whooping cough. Alva Ash is home for a week or two to help break some horses to be used on tho homo place. Miss Hattie Ash is helping Mrs. Luusford during the sickness of the children. Miss Lona Thompson is teaching down In the neighborhood of the Sand Beach ranclr. Master Charles Heaton severed his connection with the Spade ranch this week, Weduesday, passing through Lakeside to Alliance. Ho "bucked" at "wrangling" horses for the second sea sou. The following represented Lakeside at Allianeo last Saturday, shopping, und to assist in welcoming the presi dent to northwest Nebraska: Messrs, and Mesdames, Tully, Sklles, Gillespie, Burleigh, and Messrs. Harris, Hancock, .1. A. and Charles Crowthor. Landlord Stoudt is a now clurk at tho stock exchange. Ho looks very natural behind the counter. The closing days of April are giving us a taste anew of winterif Tuosdny and Wednesday can be by any means called spring days. The new Fuirbanlcs scales are hi place in tho front of tho postofllco building. If they last proportionately witli tho time they worn being put in, . . erect rorm THE NEW LONG HIP CORSET Style S. 899-906 $1.00 m Mollriiig Bros, The jack that II. J. Thompson pur chased over In tho South river country is expected to arrive tho middle of the week. The anluinl lt mid to be an ex ceptionally line one. John Huusakor. with his jr.mg of Italians, ears an 1 all have been niuved oast as fur us KINworth. "Ills lordship," Home. ounii In from the much and boarded the train for the west Wednesday uirtrulug Mlw Nellie Sharp Is recororln nleu ly from a slight uttuutt of aeurlciiuii. The busiest man hereabouts set ins to be Hurry Illy, thu tmvvlhif engineer of tlio 'phone Hue north, and also general freight agent, for the Mouth ranch uountry. lie sttyji he 1ms work enough for two or three men nnd teams. There Is Btr,ong talk of u ranch 'phono lino south down to the Sand Buaeh ranch, connecting tho Interven ing runchos. Well, hurry up. and m.iy bo some of these Minus, some one will think to ptnh for a lino from hero to Alliance. Wu noticed tho parson on top of a load of cuds of broken ties, driving n borrowed team. It looked as though he had been "rustling" cast away scraps along the B. t M. right of way. Evidently ho wns not afraid ot hard work. Mr. Crowthor and Charles had a nar row escape from serious injury On their ruturn drive from Alliance, Inst Satur day evening. The team rnri away, throwing them both out of the spring wagon nnd rendering them temporuri I3' unconscious, but Mr. Crowthor seems to have received the most serious injury. Wo aro glad, however, that no bones were broken, and that both men aro recovering. They hnd to walk the almost five miles home from tho mishap, securing the team after about a mile and a half, It having gone through one wlro fence, cutting one of the horses somewhat. HrenoT Most all the men are hunting up overcoats nnd mittens thinking spring has not come. The foreman of the carpenter gang returned from Deadwood Tuesday morning. He reports that the work on the new depot will bo completed this week. Fred Brown returned Wednesday morning from Iowa where he spent the winter with his parents. Ho says there Is still lots of mud in Iowa. M. E. Smith returned from Cheyenne and Denver Friday evening. Frank Snyder weut to Alliance Sat urday to stay over Sunday with his parents. Miss Fanuio Wilson cf Alliance came down Sunday morning to visit bur cou sins for a few days. It is reported that all of Mr, Stur geon's family is down with the mumps with thu exception of Mrs. Sturgeon. Roy Switzer went to Alliance Wednes day morning on No. 15 and returned Thursday morning on No. 44. W. G. Wilson and sister, Mrs. Hooker, weut to Alliance Saturduy to hear President Hoosevelt speak, also J. C. Berry, wife and (fuughter. None of tho party returned until Sunday morn ing. Mr. Ilarfluud is baling liny for "J. C. Berry on ;thenoith ranch. He has sold two curs to the B. t M. company at Alliuuce. Notice to tho Public. We wish you to tot' nptica that wo, the undersigned, me the only parlies author ized to collect inscriptions to the Ger man Lutheran church fudd. C, V. FlNbKK, (jSO. Snyiibk Prenidont Koocv ell's picture., twenty five cunts each at l."orxe Darling's. ) viscl MErUwyn3tEuaiJj miiwi 1 iii Alliance, Neb. i SHORT KyfjS CORSET &vTO 'ill AMI! rvm -""W' "r"5? A ( W'&'S? - s ,MwitJ REMO 3IUCS:?UTOraunA3CT'!!3 From now until Hay 1st I will conduct a removal .sale and will sell goods regard less of cost. 1 expect to move into my new store May 1st, and until then will offer the greatest bargains in Clothing and Furnishings ever placed before the Alliance People. J. J!) iamonds, Watches, Souvenirs . . Repairing in all its Hail orders promptly , RrnnrhM m. " attended to.- 1 . A. O. Beurnes Jeweler and Optician, F. J. Brennan & Co..,. , - DEALERS IN' j and . - t?J3 I Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. - ARr?KT uNLAoTiAL ' Alliance, Nebraska. : oa)eojcooooooTiooaooooffioafl)ooeaoc9(joeoeoe' o o it CI o o o o e Forest Lumber Co, EE3fcgf,5flgffl Lumber anb Estimates Cheerfully Given. - WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... AND A SPECIAL TV OF irn rn ot In the Springtime When you feel tired, listless, lazy, worn out, that's when you need a good blood purifier, tonic, bracer. What you need is a bottle of our Sarsaparilla. Braces you up, makes you feel good and purifies the blood. Get a bottle of us. If you're not satisfied let us know and we'll re fund the money; that's a fair roosition isn't it? We wouldn't make it if we were not sure of our preparation. Now's the time don't delay. Alliance Pharmacy J. S. flEKlNEY, Proprietor. 0 e o a o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0001 I hnve purchased the paint shop of Albert Johnson and am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. People, if you have furni ture you want fixed I will call and get it. I also do painting and paper hanging, graining and first class sign work. All work of the best and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone 194. W. H. Zeliruner. VAL SALE F. Fleming Gold Jewelry, 9 I 1 Diws, Perfumes I f ., Toilet Articles. -; r 9 a v Butlbing tffoaterial? DIPPING VATS. 1 000