TOc IDeralfc. PUIJLISIIHD FRIDAYS. s SOLD IN ALL BEST PLACES, JAR VIS 187 7 BRANDY Dv T. J. CKIMIMS. i I Kntored at the pontoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through the mail, at Mcomltlasft itwttur. ADVERTISING R ATI'S Diitlar pr ulngle column inch per month 5 Huine local, per line ftmt iomrtioa . to Each snbtoquttnt inwrtion, per lino .05 Legal notice at statute ratas. g- T IIsam in tho Official Publica tion of Ho Duttt county and It circula tion is nearly twice that ot any other Al liance paper Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. Intellectual llcnniiium'a. Prof. Martin lljaYtmaiin. uf Btrlln, 1 ,s written a book in which ho points 1 nit r notkanblo intellectual ronnis i,iPio in fi Mohammedan world, as indicted in tho InctoftHlntr number nnd . ci'hitlon of Arabic newspapers. Importing Canadian 5lielllili. Lob iters aro bo Bcnrco along tho Now England toast that tho imports of tho live fcheltrtsh from tho Canadian mar Itlmo provinces promise to bo larger Minn ever for this fiscal year. SnuiT Fireplaces In Alaska, Sixty dcgrcei below zero is tt frightfully cold atmosphere In which Alaska gold hunters must often work They make fireplaces of snow In that desolate region, Tho snow is pressed Into blocks ltko bricks, and a fireplace two or three foot square is built with them. When tho flro 1b lighted, the snow, of course, molts on the surface, but when the Are Is out this freezes so hard that the next flro causes it to be come only damp. A snow fireplace used only for cooking purposes will last for an entire winter. Qurer Mngllsli ( uitoin. Since 1377 the aldermen of London have annually presented to the high officers of tho state, such as lord chan cellor, the lord chief Justice, the homo secretary, and the foreign secretary, as well as certain officials of tho city, pieces of cloth, which, in tho caso of tho town clerk, reaches the mnximuix of twelve yards. This custom of guilds and corporations clothing their mem bers led, It Ih said, to the origin oi the liveries of the various companies. Women Kjeut Women. Women teachers in France elect wo men members on ull boards of educa tion. In Sweden women voto for all elective ofllcors except representatives; also, Indirectly, for members of tho upper house. In Ireland women vot for tho harbor boards and poor law guardians, and In Belfast for munici pal officers. In Russia women house holders voto for all elective officers and on all local matters. Jailor Wide Tronnen. A writer In the New York Sun offers this sartorial' information: A sailor's trousers uro cut wide ut tho bottom so that In holystoning and washing the deck, also in wading ashoro from a mnnll boat, he can pull them up to tho knee, th'i full part fitting tho thick, and n small cloth strap buttons to the waistband, holding them up. They Just fold back or up. llolu Sorlcc lit I'm- C'upe. According to I'oultiie Ulgelow, thu gaudy omnlbufets ".".Co piled up and down Fifth avoni!" re now In hen Ire at the Cape, tal . j pcoplo to and from the docks. It v; s odd to see painted on the sldeg of tb 10 buses the old familiar plcturos rep: renting In dians chnsiug buffaloofi, pr a scono on the Hudson rlvr. Art us t.tBlitiitni; fonduolor. The wit a ropes fattened to some of tho moet dangerous places in tho Alps, whllo thoy form an Important safe guard, have been found to prosont a new danger as well. Thoy act as lightning conductors and several tour ists were stunned during me past sum mer, but none of the, casualties proved fatal. l'lionoineuon lu 1'arlH. Owing to tho exceptional mildness or tho weather early In this month, buds are forming on many of the handsomo chestnut trees both In tho Champs Elysees and in ho Avenue Kleber. Such a phenomenon at this time ot tho year has not been seen in Tarls for more than a century. FRIESLAND, The Imported German Coach Stallion Will stand for the season of 1003 at Smith & Keolor's livery barn in Alii ancer FriesUnd is a beautiful, imported bay hoise of n gentle and kind disposi tion. Any lady or child can drive him. Weight, 1450 pounds; 16J hande high; good style and splendid action. TDllMS: $10 for ltvlni: colt, payable when coll Is foaled. If not paid when due, 10ir cent Interest will bo chanted. If owner should dlsposo uf mare she will be corwldured In foal and foes ilUo at once fare will lie taken to prevent accidents but owner will not lv respossible should any occur IKA HELD, Oiincr. ! I 1 Ml m I IIIIIIMMMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMWMMIMM1MMW-M MMMI-M""""""" -- - - - -' The Central Nebraska LOCATED L 1 11 c 0 1 11 , Omaha andThcdford AltU NOW URAUY TO SltLL YOU Ran chy Farm or City Property, Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list yo.ur property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We ,make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further j information, correspond with J. H. EDMISTEN, ) President of the Company S TllEDFOHl), NlJHRASKA 3'i i?i fcmiv r.rsriTo'ara'ovri Application for Liquor License. The compiled statutes of Nebraska (page 778 3592 Scc 2) says. "No action shall be taken upon an application until at least two weeks' notico of filing of the same has been given by publication in a newspaper published in said county, having tiik LARGEST CIRCULATION THEREIN. TlIB Herald's actual bona fide circulation is nearly twice that of any other Alliance paper. Application for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby itlven tlmt.l. I), Hurry imrt r..i. Harry, eoinnoslni: the firm of Harrv llros.. Iiuvollk'il their petition as mitilrcd oy law with tho city clork to obtain n lliiuor license to suit mult, snlrltuiiux ami vinous liquors In tlm bulUlhik' Mutated 011 lolll. block::!, front- Iiik on Ho Hutto avenue In the I'lrst nurd of uticlliiK Mny. Uh)I. ittiit that tltoy will nsk iluit wild license I hi Issued to Ilium on the 5th day of May ll3, bclnit the rt'Kuliir meetliiK of tho city council uf tin,-city of Alliance, Nebraska. .1. 1). liAiiur, K. J. IlAUUV. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April !M. livci. uii hi in nil iiT, (lourawii, iiir uiw year , !(. . Application for DriiKgNt's Permit. Notice Is hereby Klven to all whom It may concern that 011 AprllZl. 1IHU, Harry II. Funk tili'd bis application with tho boutd of trus tees of tho vllhufc of llemluK'oril. Nebraska, for a (IiukuM'h permit to. hull malt, Kplrlt 011 ami vlninw llnintr. fr uu'ilU'lnnl, mo- clmulcal and chpnilctil purposes, In the build- mi! siiuiimmi 011 101 lv, iiiock: In the vHlnKnot lli'inliiKford, Nob., from the HrKt Uiiy of May, llKa.Uithotinttdayor May. 1IK)I. All ulijut- tl.ias to KnintiliK the said poimlt shitll be mailA In writing and tiled with Mild bi.ird as required by law, llAiinv II. Funk. 4--J1 -w Annllcant. .Sheriffs Sole. Wis lly lrtuoof an order of Mile Ihsiied by thu clerk of tho district court of Hox Hut to coun ty, Nebraska, uion a decree rendered by said court In favor of .1 .mes N. (.'lark, receiver, and uiriilnst l'utur U. Hliomiin-st. Mrs. rilion- (inost. his wlfi, K. M. lliunptou. Mrs. 1 1 amp ton. T. U. ('minor and Mrs. Connor, his wire, defoialnuts, I will. 011 thu -'Olli ilyj of May A.l). II10.I, ul 10 o'clock 11. in. on enlil day nt tho wnsl rior.l door ot tlitirourt liou-u 111 Aillnncu 111 said county. ell Hie followimr dvsorllwsl rial CHtiito. to-wit: thn southeast K of nectlnn 4, of tDwnshlp (, iiintli nt rtuik'n IS Wivtt ot tliu (itn iriiH' ineildiHii lu Hox lliilteronnty, Nu lirnNka, nt publlr aui'l mil to llu hlgho! hlddur for casli tosnllsf) wild unlir of miIo in tliOHiiiu of St', ami IntiTCHt. costH and accruing costs also subject to tuxes amounting to tho mini or t:i;73. ika uki:i). Shuitir of Said County. Smith I. Tlttijs, Attorney for l'lalntttl. First publication, April "Jl. Notice. STATU OK NKHILVSKA.T Il0. 1IHTTM Ol VTl l At HMiuuty court, held ut Him eoquty court riHjm, in huiI f r said fOHlnij, Apill W, A. I. 1P03. 1'iesent, I). K Spuobt. county Jud(i. In tliemntlor ot lb- estate of Muiy fireiinau, diM'iiiMMl. on rviiditiit and tlllinr the petition of .lolin Ilrennau. prniliiK that iidinllilstraUou of tiald ustulo mny In; rantPd to l.'lienl.i A. Men he rr) . as administrator. tlnlProd, that May U A. 1). 1!KW, at o'clock u. 111.. in avslem-d for heurluK said putitlou. whun all persdUH Interested in said matter j may appear ai acouui) conn 10 00 nviu 111 aim for said county, and show cause why tho prujer ot lH-'lltlonerslionld not lieumnto'l; and that notice of the pendency of said potitiou and thu huariuu thereof, lie Klven to all persons inter ested in mild matter bv rjublislilnir a com- of this ordor in Tiik Alliance IIeiialu.u weekly nouspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, piior to said day ot bearing. (A true copi ) I). K. Si-acht, Mtvi.. county juiuto. The Imported SHIRE HORSE, ii Weston Tom" III (8580) Bred by William Watd, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Hanks Wilson of Creston, Iowa, Will make the season of iftftat iy ranch ftu mile west and ouo-half mile nuilli of llem bmford Tormt, flu to Insure living colt. All mare brod at on nor's rnk. 1 rur e ilht to rtjoei any ma n. 1 f owner liarU wlilj njuro the will lw conkldertMl lu foul and foe due at once, l'urtiiw IhliiR ut a dlntMiico can leave inuit INil for SI. ckli, oxtru. LUKK PHILLIPS. To Breeders: My ) ell known ll.imhlctouliiii stulllon, 1. cnt line, Mill make the bcason at the ('heckcriii Front Hi cry harn. Terms: 10 to insure In foul. On iters disposing or marcs before foaltiiR nlll be lioldluc for fees. w. v. romv Real Estate Gomp'y g AT is irryrowrairr5vv n e Lou Kates to St. Louis and Kcturii. From April 25 to 30, inclusive, tho lturlington will sell round trip tickets to St. Louis at one fare plus $2. Tick ets limited for return to May 4. A good time to uiuUo a cheap trip to tli0 exposition city. Ask tho ticket agent for details. Low Kates West. Portland, Tacoraa nnd Se- $25.00 to attic. $27.30 to San Francisco and Los An geles. "" 822.50 to Spokane. $-j2 25 to Suit Lakc.llutte and Helena. ,, , ' Proportionately low rates to hun- ,i.i. nt t,,. !,,. nn1,ltnn, Ii! . W V.V.I.. ,'U.JVU, IIIVIUUIIIK lt Horn Itasiu, Wyo., Montana, Idaho, Wuslilngton, Oregon, Hritlsh Columbia, California, etc. Every day February IS to April 30. Tourist cars dally to California. Per onally conducted excursions three timet) a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest liurlington Route Agent A. D. NEW, AUCTIONEER. Sales cried In this and adjoining conntlos by tho day or commission. Sixteen years ex perience. Satisfaction gunrauteed. Con tracts can bo made at Tnr. Hfiiai.d olllce whore references to Alliance cltlens will also tin Riven. FINE BOOTS and SHOES maieto"okm:k. kf.faimnci a sitolaltv. OltOKUS CALT.KD l'OIt AND DHLlVnUEl) R. MADSEN, BARRY HOUSE tS5ESS2SSBlS3ZSESE3I& MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress 1 HHtEHO j Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms EZSSKffifl Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leather and Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska A -HARROW I SELL 64 102 Cultivate my acquaintance. I SELL Walking, Riding and Disc Cultivators I SELL Listers, Breaking Plows Stirring Plows, While my Let me show vou wwvia C. A. Profs slnal Cards. ATTOHNEYB. WILLIAH MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT LhW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. OrricE I'honk 160. Uksidkncr 1'hone203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ltooms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build! lng, Alliance, Neb. Notary In olllce. W. Q. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... Ofllco Up-Mnlrs Over Fostolllco SMITH P. TDTTI.E. IKA K. TAS1I. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANOH. NF.H. PHYSICIANS. II. H. IIFLIAlOOn, M.I). -- W, b. 1IKI.I.WOOO, M. O. Bellwood & Belhvood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Ilolstcu ItulldliiK, - ALLIANCE, NKU, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllce lu Flr-t National Hunk blocU. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. hi.ock, ai.lianci:, xiai. Calls answered from Telephone No. tt.'. olllce day or night. Q. W. MITCHELL. M. L),t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllr Hull l ALLIANCE. NCH. dint,'. Telephone No. 3T0. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllco two blocks north of Times building, Phono S58, Hours, 8 to 12 a. ni 1:30 to 5 p.m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... Olllco anil residence three dmirs north of Idaho street on UIk Horn avenue. releiHine No. 20. Alliance Nob, and Leather Co. Always Reliable. City. Nebraska. SNG tooth Steel Harrows, 96 tooth tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows Seeder Attachments. tongue is waggiir FARM WAGONS, TRUCK WAGONS, ROAD' WAGONS, BUGGIES ETC. NEWBERRY AA35AJSA?.RAA-8 5V' iiirnrsiirerrnrtrirnrrirnrsir I ''gL m 1 '''"n 'i u --J3M JCv I " " ' A.y f nl I mr- "kkJCaj Harvey's Bowling Alleys Heathful exercise and amusement for ladies and gentlemen .... THREE FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS. EB33EfliHNBH9HN F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. 0ese4)oeeaoeoco3e$o4)3j;eooGao3eec The placing- of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank will soon enable ou to buy a comfortable home. M. Kmhut, President W. II. Coiiuin, v. PieMdent O. II. CosNKTT.Cashior. asA09eco8eoasseooso3oea9ooa9esosoeaaae896esaeasaas W. A. Hampton, President. A. S. Rked, Vice President .'46 First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. LAMBEflSON ARE PROPR1F.TOUS Of TUE Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FUED KUUO MUJWINU CO., SELECT CAHINET, EXTRA PALE anil Other Popular Uranus. , . . 1a,rr.Il37- I'reia.e Solicited. Gd I)oU7CrcHl to a.v part of tin? city. Come ami See Uh. Phone 206 TALE, Steel Harrows, aAJ8AljR4.&SAA 5 Something to Blow About But never blow away. Our windmills run in the lightest wind but stand their ground in the fiercest storm. Th:s: Windmills Are of the most approved pat tern, have many improvements over those of older design. Strong, serviceable and last ing. Made of carefully select ed material. Not liable to get out of repair. Get our prices on windmills, four post angle steel towers, tanks, etc. Acheson J Oder. 6 Z R. M. Hamiton, Cashie G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. & STETTE? n S !W fill i k i A t T? V j