The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
nu unlt DEMOCRATIC !
-w $:-$' ':-::5:.:..;.
iV V.
From us. One car of
Northern Minnesota, Ear
ly Ohio pure seed pota
toes are now here.
For they are going fast
Grocery Co.
Races When Stockmen Meet.
The Business men of Alliance met
Wednesday night, April 22, 1903, at
the council chamber and decided on the
program for the entertainment of
the visiting stockmen on May 11, 12 and
13. 1903. when the Nebraska Stock Grow
ers' association hold their annual meeting
On the afternoon of May 13 they will
have the following races and and riding a
the race track, commencing at 2 p. m.,
Halt mile Dash First prize, $25; sec
ond prize, $10.
Quarter mile dash First prize, $15;
second prize, $10.
None but regular cow horses can com
pete in these two races and no horse can
be entered in both races.
Two mile relay race, free for all, each
rider to change horses every half mile.
First prize, S50.
Rough riding contest, open to all; first
prize, S25; second prize, Sio.
All riders to ride clean, hackamore and
spurs, and riders to furnish their own
Judges of races will be picked race day
and will be out of town men.
All entries will be free.
In the evening a grand ball will be given
in the Phelan opera house, music by
Moore's orchestra.
Reduced rates from all railroad points
within 100 miles have been applied for.
The following committtee was appointed
to have full charge of all arrangements:
Louis Buechsenstien, Fred Mollring, W.
B. Tagg.
The committee requests any citizen of
Alliance they haven't seen to come and
donate to any member.
The First Presbyterian church holds
services in Bell's hall on Sundays at n a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. meets
at 6:45 p. m.
Strayed or Stolen.
From my pasture, section 14-2G-48, one
buckskin filly, two years old, white hind
eet and white face. Suitable reward for
nformation or return of property.
W. F. Patterson,
Alliance, Neb.
Lace Curtains
At bargain prices
for two clays,
Fine lace curtains of
this season's patterns
will be sold at only a
little above whole
sale prices, viz:
$1.00 curtains, 79c
$1.50 curtains, $1.19
$2,00 curtains, $1.58
$5.00 curtains, $3.92
Governor Richards Dead.
DcForcst Richards, governor of Wyom
ing, died Tuesday morning at his home in
Cheyenne of Bright's disease. Mr. Rich
ards was serving his second term as gover
nor. He is well known in northwest Ne
braska, having been engaged in the bank
ing business at Chadron and served a term
as treasurer of Dawes county. He is a
brother of Bartlctt Richards, the "cattle
king" of the sand hills.
New Law for Counties.
A law was passed by the last legislature
that county commissioners shall be voted
for by all the electors in the county.
Heretofore they were elected only by the
voters of the district in which they resided.
They must reside in the district, however.
A law was also passed legalizing sheriffs'
deeds for lands on which the county had
Maypole Party.
The younger pupils of Miss Minnie
Morris will give a Maypole dance in the
open, house tonight, commencing at 8:30.
The little folks will please you. Don't
fail to attend.
District Court.
The spring term of district court ad
journed sine die Thursday forenoon.
In the case of Shrincr vs. Shriner,
divorce granted and Mrs. Shriner was
awarded custody of tho children. She was
given the home, property and money which
amounted to about $4,000.
In the habeas corpus case brought by
Norman Leishman against A. T. Long to
secure posession of his two children which
had been kept by their grandparents for
about four years the court ruled that the
children should remain with Mr. Long
but that their father shall have the privi
lege to visit them at least three times a
week during the day time.
Mrs. Susan J. Holdridgo was granted a
divorce from Ira A. Holdridge and Viola
Francis from Henry Francis. No alimony
was asked for in cither case.
In the case brought by W. R. Akers
against M. F. Nolan to restrain the latter
from filling up his yard, the temporary in
junction was dissolved, permanent injunc
tion denied and case dismissed at cost of
Jos. A. Kime secured a judgment against
R. Fenner for $534. This was a civil case
which has been in the courts for several
Universal satisfaction has been expressed
both by members of" the legal fraternity
and the litigants at the expeditious and
equitable manner in which Judge Harring
ton disposed of the cases brought before
him. The law's delay has oecome pro
verbial but if judges of the type of Judge
Harrington were selected elsewhere there
would be no opportunity for forming this
proverb. Judge Harrington is still a
young man and we hope and expect that
he will have a career of ever increasing
honor till the highest post in His profession
be tendered to him by a grateful public in
recognition of his sterling worth and un
swerving honesty.
For the Stock Meeting and Races.
The general committee has appointed
the following committees to help entertain
the crowd of visitors and it is requested
that all committeemen report to the chair
man as soon as convenient.
Louis Buechsenstein J Kridlebaugh
Capt W R Akers R M Hampton
C A Newberry W W Norton
II J Steen S M Smyser
G L Turner Geo Clark
F E Holsten H H Bogue
B F Lockwood Ed Mollring
M Frankle Fred Raymond
T J O'Keefe H J Ellis
Wm James J E Jodsr
Thos Olsen D V Butler
J Zbinden A D Rogers
L F Smith
Fred Mollring, Chairman
W O Barnes. E A Hall
J S Mekiney Ira Reed
Chas Brennan F V Lester
A Blackburn
W B Tagg, Chairman
E C McClure Geo Burke
C E Marks W D Rumer
Geo Darling F M Knight
Stanley Ray F M Brown
J R Johnson
general committee.
Loo Bukchsenstkin, Chairman.
Fred Mollring, Treasurer.
W B Tagg, Secretary.
W. R. Kent, superintendent of schools
of Sheridan county, visited his sisters in
this city Sunday.
Oscar Gilbert tells us that he will open
up a first-class suitatorium in the building
north of the Pardee bakery next week.
Levi Rubottom was in from his ranch at
Point-of-Rocks Monday and called to ex
tend his subscription to the official paper.
The Zbinden store building was moved
onto the adjoining lots yesterday to make
room for Mr. Zbinden's new brick block
on which work will be commenced at once.
Messrs. Carey & Desch moved the building.
Alliance Greets the President
With Hearty Cheer.
President Makes Happy Speech and
Leaves With Hearty God
speed From All.
Saturday last was Roosevelt day in
Alliance. In train and buggy, buckboard
and farm wagon, crowds thronged, to
town to greet the nation's chief magistrate.
The day was perfect and everybody and
his wife entered into the spirit of the occa
sion. Great preparations were made by
tho citizens. Bunting and banners wcro
lavishly displayed and the picture of tho
president was a prominent feature in the
windows of the business houses.
Some patriots cut a shine by their prom
inence and assumption. Others equally
patriotic were In total eclipse. Where
were they and why did they not appear?
The former party monopolized so much of
the patriotism that there was not enough
left to go round to tho latter. And hence
tears of disapointment.
The special train bearing the president
arrived amidst a salvo of steam whistles,
cannon music, cheers and general enthu
siasm shortly after 6 o'clock. A plat
form was erected north of the depot facing
the square and to this the president was
escorted and introduced to tho people by
Capt. Ackers. "Teddy" looked as usual,
glasses, teeth, smile and all. He certainly
showed the benefit of his outing in the
He spoke very interestingly on the topic
of "Good Citzenship," praising the pio
neers of the west for their hardihood and
strenuous endeavor.
He urged kindliness towards one's fellow
citizens and that we should be willing to
always help those who endeavor to help
He gave sage advice to the "promising"
politician. He bade his hearers beware
of promising more than could be fulfilled!
and from accepting promises that are im
possible of fulfillment.
He strongly urged honesty in public
life and decency in private life, especially
the latter in relation to one's own family.
Some sitting near the president cast
anxious glances around, fearful lest the
president might express himself more
clearly on such dangerous topics. Con
science makes cowards of us alll
The president greeted the school chil
dren very heartily and congratulated
Alliance both on the quality and the quan
tity of her noblest product.
Thetrain pulled out for Grand Island
amidst the enthusiastic Godspeed of the
large crowd, and Theodore Roosevelt de
parted, bowing and smiling his farewell to
Alliance, leaving a most favorable impres
sion ou all who were present at his recep
tion. Marshal Reese received inquiries from
the undertaking firm of Yost & Son of
Hiawatha, Kansas, this week from which
it is thought a former resident of this town
was killed by the cars there a few days
ago. They say the man was about sixty
years of age and that he told the policemen
who picked him up that he was a tailor
and had formerly lived at Alliance, Neb.
His name was thought to be Colby or
Cody. This description is so meager that
no definite opinion could be formed from
it, but a good many think he is Frank
Krajicek, who wrote from Omaha to rela
tives here over a year ago that he was go
ing south, since which time nothing has
been heard concerning him. He was well
liked here and those who know him earnest
ly hope it was not he who was the victim
of this accident.
The vagaries of the weather in this
section of the country reminds us of Sam
uel L. Clemens' famous discourse on New
England weather and ours runs it a close
second both as to quality and quantity.
We certainly have had a grand review of it
duringthe past week summer heat Sunday
and since then it has been cold, snowy, rainy
and blustery with variations; but at pres
ent there are indications of the approach
of warmer weather.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G. U. Jef
fers, pastor. Subject of morning sermon,
"What God is to His People." The Lord's
supper follows. Evening discourse, "Lit
tle Sins." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Ju
niors meet at 3. C.E.meeting at 7:15, one
half hour later than usual, Alice Ryck
man leader. Preaching service also one
half hour later than usual. Midweek prayer
service Thursday evening. A welcome to
all services.
O, A. It. Reunion.
Tho Burlington will bell round trip
tickets to Fremont May 12, 13, 14 at
one fare for the round trip from Ne
braska points.
Mike Elmore spent Monday in the city.
J F. Fleming moved his clothing slock
into his new building yesterday
D. J. Burke is a visitor in tho city, slink
ing hands with his numerous friends.
"Grandma" Sweeney has returned from
a visit of several weeks at Kansas City.
Watch for further notice pf tho sale
and supper of tho "Union" about tho
middlo of May,
Tho Union of the First Presbyterian
church will meet with Mrs. Nelson
Wednesday, May 6.
James Daugherty has purchased the
dairy business of B. I. Joder and is now
operating the milk route.
E. S. Wildy left Monday rooming for
New Athens, 111., and may bo gone the
greater part of tho summer.
James Bcllwood called Monday and re
newed for five yearly subscriptions to Tub
Herald which are being sent to relatives.
Otis Bass called Saturday to renew his
subscription and have the address of his
paper changed from Canton to Marsland.
Walter Langford called on The Herald
Saturday to renew his subscription and
have his address changed from Lawn to
Berea. ---,----J.
A. J. Abley came, in from Denver Tues
day, having been summoned home by the
serious illness of his father who resides
near Hemingford.
W, O. Barnes will leave Monday morn
ing for South Omaha to represent this
county at the state convention of the
Modern Woodmen.
A. M. Miller was in the city Tuesday
evening on his return from the Platte
valley where he went to buy wheat for his
mill at Hemingford.
One of our Marsland subscribers in
renewing his subscription says that the
Marsland correspondence alone is worth
the price, of the paper.
County Clerk Smyser will leave tomor
row for Los Angeles, Cali. He will be
gone about six weeks and will be accom
panied home by Mrs. Smyser.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellis Clough returned
to their home at Mitchell the first of the
week after a visit of several days with
relative,!; and friends in- Allianca.
J. B. Walker came down from Furman's
ranch on the Niobrara to see "Teddy"
last Saturday and called at this office to
renew Mr. Furman's subscription.
Mrs. J C. McCorkle returned Saturday
from her visit with relatives at Pacific
Grove. Cal. She had a delightful time
and is much impressed with California.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Gilbert came down
from Hay Springs this week and spent a
few days looking after their property in
terests. They will start on their return
The Burlington has granted a rate of
one and a third fare for the stock meeting
and races for the round trip from all points
within 100 miles of Alliance, good to start
May 11 and zjindjturn till May 14. .
W. W. Hamilton, district deputy
of the Modern Woodmen, was in the city
Saturday and Sunday while on his way to
Chadron where he expects to spend a
month working in the interest of the
James Bellwood received word this
morning that his son, E. S. Bellwood, who
is bookkeeper for the Avery brick works
near Omaha, is in a at the latter
place ill with pneumonia. He expects to
go to him directly.
Clarence Snedeker was in the city Mon
day and Tuesday visiting relatives and
friends. He was on his way to Terraville,
S. D., to resume his position in a store.
which he had left some time ago to travel
for the National Biscuit Co. His terri
tory lay in Texas and adjoining states.
M. P. Solberg, a substantial stockman
from near Dunlap, came down to see
Roosevelt Saturday and incidentally pur
chased a large bill of goods from our mer
chants. Mr. Solberg says he is a life long
republican but that The Herald is a good
newspaper and he wants it for another
year, paying in advance therefor.
H. O. Martin of Sheridan, .advance
agent for the Sheridan company playing
The New Dominion," was in the city
Monday, making arrangements for the
presentation of the play here on May 11.
He contracted for a full page ad to appear
in our issue of May 8. The plav is said
to be first-class and the company a good
If you want something that is a good
thing for cold weather and dust get Hill's
patent automatic door strip, on exhibition
at Newberry's Hardware. County agent,
W. E. Gillett, 'phone 23G. 12-12-tf
Cattle to summer I will take cattle
to pasture for the summer at my ranch
three miles west of Malinda. Plenty of
good ranga and water and cattle will be
salted regularly. Terms. S1.2S per head
from May 1, to November 1. Jos. Nerud,
Malinda, Neb.
Reception for Rev. Dr. Horn.
At tho M. E. church Wednesday even
ing will bo given a reception to Rev, Dr.
Horn. All members and friends of tho
church are cordially invited. There will
bo a committee meeting at the home of W.
W. Norton Monday evening to arrange
tor mo reception, aii interested arc re
quested to be present.
Too many people from all parts of the
county and towns all nlong tho railroads
into the city, were here Saturday to see
the president, for us to obtain anything
like a complete list of them. Wo noticed
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Paul, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Sherwood, Mrs. E. E. Ford, Mrs.
Rustin, Mrs. Anna Pierce, Miss Nellie
Gooucnough, Miss Grace Wheeler, Miss
Regina Burlew, Mr. Armstrong, Chris
Hansen, Luke Phillips, Isaac Rockey,
A, D, Millctt, Miss Forsstrom, John
Barnstcad, Ed Mabin. from Hemingford,'
Miss Pearl Snow, Miss Lillian Dickey,
John C. Hcrline and John Sullenbcrger,
from Marsland: Mr. and Mrs. Constan
tino Klemke, Joseph Planansky, Joseph
Wansk, Lnvn; T. L. and Bert Hopkins,
Henry A. Homan, United States deputy
marshal, is here from Omaha today on busi
ness, -Mr. Homan is an old time Nebrns
kan and a very genial gentleman.
O. C. King will start .1 trunk and parcel
delivery wagon tho first of the week.
Leave orders at Rodgers' grocery or 'phone
One more vtcck of stamp I'liotosnt Alli
ance Art Sudlo.
Omaha's Mayoralty Contest.
The interviews published in the World
Herald relating to the democratic candi
date for mayor, coming as they do from
voters of all political parties, are convinc
ing proof of his ability, if elected, to rid
that city of the disgrace and disaster that
has been brought about by tho present ad
ministration. The democratic platform is
the only one worthy of consideration by
the tax payersof Omaha. The democratic
candidate stands squarely upon it. His
past record both in a business and politi
cal way prove that his word is as good as a
goverment bond and his record as coun
cilman and as state senator prove that he
is honest and fearless in the discharge of
his duties.
Whether Omaha-fa to have Mr. Howell
for its next mayor depends entirely on
democratic voters. If they do their duty
by giving him their loyal support he is
sure of election. Those familiar with the
situation regardless of politics admit this.
Therefore there is p. great responsibility
resting upon every democrat in Omaha at
this time. On the success of Mr. Howell
depends largely the future success of the
party in Douglas county and Nebraska.
Democrats of northwest Nebraska are
with you in spirit, as well as all loyal citi
zens regardless of party, who wish to see
Omaha throw into the deep blue sea the
whole quarreling republican gang nnd for
once give the tax payers a business ad
ministration. It will not only do this but
inject new hope into the party in the state.
Summer I'listuniKC.
I will take cattle to pasture for the sum
mer, beginning May j till November 1,
1903. Plenty of fresh water, good range
and salt every week. Nine miles east of
Hemingford, Neb., on Sec. 14, Tp. 27
R. 48- Clayton Woklev,
Box Butte, Neb.
A dies oil it Jodcr,
The hardware men, sell the only cattle
dip, Car-Sul, for lice, itch and mange.
See them if yon want to clean up your
Card of Thanks.
We wish in this public manner to extend
to the friends who so -kindly assisted us
during the sickness and death of our darl
ing babe, our most sincere "and heartfelt
Mrs. and Mrs. J. W. Miller,
Mother Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jekfers.
Estravkd About April 20, six head of
steers branded Z on left hip; there is one
big blue steer among them. I will pay a
liberal reward for information leading to
their recovery. Z. Goodwin, Alliance.
For Sale or Lease The J. Hagerty
ranch four miles east of Bridgeport; over
400 acres under irrigation and plenty of
good range. Would also sell horses, mules
and cattle and farm implements. 3-i2-8w
Tor Sale.
Empire hand cream separator, never
been used, 460 pouuds capacity, at my
residence, three blocks west of court house.
W. E. Spencer.
J. R. TaggRrt. D. V. S. I am prepared
to treat any and all diseases known to the
horse or cow. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Leave orders at Weitz's or Spry's livery
WANTED-'Stock to summer. Plenty of
good range, water and salt. For particu-
I ,ars address J. A
Herncall, Hecla,
' Neb.
Is here and it usually
brings good results
to all
Will also follow if
purchase your Easter
fruits and vegetables
for Sunday of . .
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column will bo
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per lino each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Herald's circulation is much larger than
nnv Other AHinnrn nnnrr nnrl hm ili In..
gest circulation in the city nnd county.
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. For storm windows nnd doors see Forest
Lumber Co.
Wanted A girl for general house work.
Inquire at The Herald office.
President Hooscvct's pictures, twenty
five cents nt Ocnrco Hurling',
For screen doors and windows call on
Geo. G, Gadsby,
Buy your groceries at Whitfield's and
get tickets on piano.
Stamp photographs for one week, bc
rIiuiIiic Itooscvclt dny.. -Alliance Art
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
All kinds of screen doors and windows
madejo, order by Geo. G. Gadsby.
A large bottle of sewing machine oil and
a pocketbook for 15c at Geo. Darling's.
Stnmp photographs for one week, be
ginning Roosevelt Idny.-Alllnncc (Art
Spring rye for sale at forty cents per
bushel. Three miles north and one and a
half mlies east of Lawn. Henry Siiimek.
Wanted Cattle to herd for the summer.
Plenty of good range and water. Four
miles southwest of Lawn. Jos. Kapkr.
Tor Sale
Empire hand separator, been used two
months, at my residence three blocks
west of court house. W, E. Spencer.
When you want a good rig call up the
Checkered Front livery. Try their new
closed carriage. Make a specialty of turn
outs for wedding parties.
Five hundred bushels of seed corn for
sale. Samples seen and orders taken at
Alliance Grocery. C. W. Lammon, 1 mile
south and 5 miles west of Alliance.
Cattle taken to run by the season or
year. Correspondence solicited. Refer
ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb.
Jno. M. Delatoup, Hutchinson, Neb.
Considering the advanced price of pro
visions and the extra expense for help I
find it impossible to continue to furnish a
twenty-five cent meal. On and after May
1 meal tickets will be $7. Table board,
$25. Single meals, 50 cents. H.J. Steen.
For Sale at a Bargain.
A Sharpies cream separator, 300 pounds
capacity per hour; a Daisy power, never
been used; 20-gallon barrel churn and a
butter worker. All in first class condition,
practically good as new.
M. A. Shay, Alliance.
For Sale.
. Eight hundred acres deeded range land,
and 336 acres of hay land. The range is
one of the best on the North Platte Valley,
and tho hay land land will cut 500 tons of
fine hay annually. Sufficient water goes
with the hay land to water it. The range
is watered with running water, springs
and windmill. A corral 10x190 feet
stable 18x34, and house 16x24 with kitchen
12x16. Fine school and church privileges.
If the purchaser desires. 250 head of cattle
and sixty head of horses can be bought on
tho place.
This is one of the best ranches on the
Valley. In addition to the Soo acres
range about as much more can be utilized
being adjacent to hills and mountain range.
The range and hay land can be bought
separately. Terms: range $3500, hay
land, $21.50 per acre, half cash, balance to
suit purchaser. Address Plattb Valley
Investment Co., Bayard, Neb. Postoflice
box, 95.