The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 03, 1903, Image 3

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"Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I am as Well as Ever."
Hon. Pan A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for tlio War Department, in a letter
witten from Washington, D. C, savs:
"Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived
from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best
spring tonics it is an excellent catarrh remedy."
In a recent letter he says :
" consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote
you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
country asking me if my certificate is genuine. 1 Invariably answer
yes." Dan A. Grosvenor.
A County Commissioner's Lutter.
Hon. John Williams, County Commis
sioner, of 517 West Second street, Duluth,
Minn., sajs the following in regard to
Feruna :
"As a remedy for catarrh I can cheer
fully recommend Peruna. I know what
it is to buffer from that terrible disease
and I feel that it is nn duty to speak a
Write us.
Paradox Machinery Co.,
" l i K
H more) room, '$ le; Ice. Whlto
Gpiuu.', J-nauiei or opil 0'as.i
limns. Ask j our dealer for them i
"' v.niu ur catalogues ana price.
CITO rrmanciiiT our No ntnor nerronsnem arter
I I O lrtnay .useof I)r Mint- ilriat Nerro lliatur
r f-wl for I'KKi: Wl 00 trial buttle ami treatlnj. II kl im, Ltd., KM Jrcii. Street. i'blUilelnhla.i"
r ,xa
ILi ,1 ,
mr bi r. i j" awacnic faaaKbJaa aaBMaHkMjiH . . .A- . ntp-1 - Ttu... - .-. -.-. m. zm. t. - .ivruj. w
r C-iK.k1BL aUBBlBa."BTagBMa3Lfc H Kl M J&.1 . Fi.a H H ftagS-'"lt3 i
m;vJV .C7X.U US "T, -lfA-'.'AjLJV.5aV" JH . m raaK-'tw.- "M" Tw.nrn. r. il..a5i -'. I .-" IS
.vdfctr ... .. .z'ruexvr'f - -tfi) v'l-vv-Tfna
.riii-' -..-- -.. l"-...t- ri'r - .-
Sd -V- -iftsp' A
Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find.
In all the seasons of their lives, as maidens. wives, or moth
ers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy which acts
gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be
used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions,
when the system needs a laxative, is Syrup of Figs. It
is well known to be a simple combination of the laxative
and carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aro
matic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired.
Many of the Ills from which women suffer are of a tran
sient nature and do not come from any organic trouble
and It is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to
the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, but when anything
more than a laxative is needed it Is best to consult the
family physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and
loudly advertised nostrums of the present day. When
one needs only to remove the strain, the torpor, the con
gestion, or similar Ills, which attend upon a constipated
condition of the system, use the true and gentle remedy
Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the depression,
the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which are due
to inactivity of the bowels.
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hope
to get Its beneficial effects and as a guarantee of the ex
cellence of the remedy the full name of the company
California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every
package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup
of Figs Is fraudulent and should be declined. To those
who know the quality of this excellent laxative, the
offer of any substitute, when Syrup of Figs Is called
for, is always resented by a transfer of patronage to
some first-class drug establishment, where they do
not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation
remedies. The genuine article may be bought of all
reliable druggists everywhere at SO cents per bottle.
M I Al
20PZZ,'i' 52"sfc :JrfWjx's.2u5JSl3:
good word for the tonic that brought me
immediate relief. Peruna cured me of a
bad ca-e of catarrh and I know it will
cure any other sufferer from that dis
ease." John Williams.
A CoiiKreiariinn'8 Letter.
Hon. H. W. Ogden, Congressman from
Louisiana, in a letter written at Washing
ton, D. C , sas the following of Peruna,
the national catarrh remedy :
In your town eDiail capital required unit
bin returns on tlie Investment amirert Wo
make all klndi of Laundry Machinery.
181 E. Division St., Chicago.
nPiUDQV NEW DiscaviRY- cIvps
EJ?B.aVr"0 B quick relief anil i.ures worn
tii-ei. Hook of tcrtlmonlaUanu 10 DAYS' treatmenf
?BKS. Dr.H.H.aRELN'SSOMB.BoxK. Atlanta. Ga
i POTATOES $2:50f
!J1 WQflfl EaVfcP a Bbl. 2
t Laret crowfmoi'Sfod I'otatnealn America, J
I 0 I lift" l( ural .NcwVnrtpr" vlt eahulaer' lar
Jk Mrt hrnp. Mammoth aceil honkunjontnpleof 15
"l lieotlBte, bpeltz, Macaroni heal, 110 bu. per J
4? .. l.laiit Cioirr. ct ufm rrcl. or lOe itUff. tf
T JOHN A. HAI.ZF.ItKKKItro. !. ... . I. 1
.. -,. "' 'U "
ZZ-r-,5 AF"." -,.. . ' "-. .. .. .
W'iWiWU'rO.J!5,.i.V.ii'-,-,, -... --. .. . . .MfftV-r--, . l
w3 i2ap -m ym
'01 A jfmh ... ..ilfl.rt?5i5s!v-W5J2iJPTS1vr-VJi" & J V I'll
MIA HfOTI7Pl- --
El - l f ." ... v-- '" ! " J " - .
turn cnn&clcntlnu&Iv reenmmend 1
your Peruna as a fine tonic and all
around good medicine to those who
are In need of a catarrh remedy. It
has been commended to me by people
who have used It, as a remedy par
tlcularly cltectlvc In the cure ot cs
tarrh. For those who need a good
catarrh medicine I know ot nothing
better." II. W. Ogden.
W. K. Griffith, Concan, Texas, writes:
"1 suffered with chronic catarrh for many
years. 1 took Peruna and it completely
cured me, I think Peruna is the best
medicine in the world for catarrh. My
general health is much improved bv its
use, as I am much stronger than I havo
been for "ears." W. li. Grillith.
A Congrraniuiiirs Letter.
Congressman H. Howrn, Huskin, Taze
well county, a,, writes:
' can cheertully recommend your
valuable remedy, Peruna, to any one
who Is suffering with catarrh, and who
Is In need ot a permanent and ettcctlve
cure.". Bowen.
Mr. Fred 1). Scott, Laure. Ohio, Right
Guard of Hiram loot Ball Team, write:
"As a specific for lung trouble 1 place Pe
runa at the head. I have used it myself
for colds and catarrh of the towels and it is
a splendid remedy. It restores vitality,
increases bodily strength and makes a sick
person well in a. short time. I give Peruna
my hearty indorsement " Fred D. Scott.
Gen. Ira C. Abbott, 906 M street N. W.,
Washington, D. C, writes:
" I am fully convinced that your remedy
is an excellent tonic. Many of mv friends
have used it with the most beneficial results
for coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble."
Ira C. Abbott.
Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of Reservoir
Council No. 168, Northwestern Legion of
Honor, of Minneapolis. Minn., writes from
2535 folk street, N.E
"I have been;
troubled all m
life with catarrh
in my head. 1
took Peruna for
about three
months, and now
think 1 am per
manently cured.
I believe that for
catarrh in all its
forms Peruna is
the medicine of
the age. It cures
when all other
remedies fail. 1
can heartily recommend Peruna as a
catarrh remedy." Mrs. Elmer Fleming.
Trent Catarrh In Spring.
The spring is the time to treat catarrh.
Cold, wet winter weather often retards a
cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna is
taken during the early spring months tho
cure will be prompt and permanent. There
can be no failures if Peruna is taken intel
ligently during the favorable weather of
As a systemic catarrh remedy Peruna
eradicates catarrh from the sj stem wher
ever it may be located. It cures catarrh
of the stomach or bowels with the same
certainty as catarrh of the head.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna, write
at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hart man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Since we are sot here bo fast In the
midst of duty that we cannot escape If
we would, wo tniiBt find a way, even
if wo ennnot find beauty In duty, to
bring beauty out of It. Henry Wilder
A Boy's Remarkable Curiosity.
Mavar Artllpp, the C-yenr-old son
of Seymour Aitlipp, a canal boat cap
tain surprised the surgeons at Uelle
vue hospital, New York City, last week
by watching them amputate his right
leg below the knee. He refused to
tako an anesthetic, because, lie said,
"It can't hurt worse than it does now,
and I want to see you when you cut
it off."
ij jJ jj
i! -l -r '
i ', Mrs. Elmer Fleming, i
Minneapolis, Minn.
,xirt ,s &? i jjfixxxjSk. t W - V ,
r.'- ..,... -ififlp ,-j; u
T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
Senator Teller denounces Cloveland
and Buys the west will hao nothing
to do with him.
Three pillars In tho rotunda or tho
Montana slate house were jarred loose
by tho Into earthquake.
Former Congressman Charles .1.
Hontner died at New Orleans after
twenty-four hours Illness.
Secretary of tho Treasury Shaw wns
tho prltulpal guest at the llrst annual
bnnnuet of the board of trade nt New
The dowaRcr empress has ordered an
appropriation of fiOO.000 taels to bo
made for tho Chinese representation
at tho St. Ix)iiis exposition.
There was a shut p earthquake Bhoclt
accompanied by subterranean noises at
la Union, Mexico. An earthquake
shock also was felt at Zlhuatiuiejo.
Admiral Dewey Is to review and In
spect tho Noith Atlantic squadron,
which is off the Virglna capes, on Its
return north from southern waters.
Mr. Pepper, tho St. lx)iils fair repre
sentative, hB been authoritatively as
sured that Cuba will appropriate ?100,
000 for its exhibit nt tho St. Louis
It Is reported thnt Franco has
threatened to move French troops from
Indo-Chlna Into tho Kwangsl province
unless the Chinese government sup
presses tho disturbances there.
Michael Egan of Jersey City, who
claims tho title of hand bat champion
of tho woild, defeated Ievvls Keagan
of Chicago In seven straight games
at tho Jersey hand bat court.
Marcus Mraun, editor of tho Austria-Hungarian
Gazette of New York,
has been nppolnted a special Immi
gration Inspector, to go abroad to ex
amine Into immigration conditions.
"Whitney" Sullivan was electrocuted
nt Danncmora prison, Plattsburg, N.
Y., for the murder ot Matthew Wilson,
night wntchniun of tho First National
bank ot Coblesklll, ou November 20,
Ex-Senntor Mnson of Illinois an
nounces that he will bo on tho Illinois
delegation to the next Republican na
tional convention and will Btipport for
vice prehident ex-Senator Wolcott of
The Maine house of representatives
has refused, by n vote of 01 to 4G, to
resubmit to tho vote of the people tho
coustltuttonal amendment prohibiting
the sale of Intoxicating liquors within
the state.
Tho friends of ex-Scnntor Jones or
Arkansas are anxious to find a desir
able berth for him since his forced
retirement from the senate, and are
urging him for one of the canal com
commissioners. Tho registration in Chicago the first
day was G7.48C, which is O.OOIt greater
than In 1901, and more than 20,000
greater than In 1899, which indicates
un unusual interest in the pending
municipal election.
The cremation of the remains of
Charles O. Iceland ("Hans lireit
innnn"), tho American author nnd poet,
who died nt Florence, Italy, Friday
labt, took place at the Tresplano cre
matory near Flesole.
Tho Pacific and Dominion Express
company Issued a circular offering a
reward of $12,000 for tho recovery of
the $25,000 bar of gold that disap
peared from tho union depot at De
troit Wednesday night
Agent Jordan of the Indian supply
depot, Omaha, has received blanks for
a largo number of lines of goods to bo
supplied Indians. IJlds will be re
ceived up to April 21, and most nro
for delivery at Omaha.
Dissensions within the Spanish cab
inet over the budget still threaten to
cause a ministerial crisis. The war
minister demands un Increase of ?o,
000.000 in the next budget, of which
$1,000,000 is for the nrmy.
Dr. H. H. McCauley. a prominent
Chicago physician, who served in tho
Boer war with the rank of major, nnd
at ono time wna taken prisoner by tho
British, died nt Jollet. 111., following
an operation for appendicitis.
Announcement was mado of the se
cret marriage at Rockvllle. Md., on
March 1C, of Ernest II. Coolldgo or
Washington and Miss Jean M. Thurs
ton, daughter of Former I'nlted States
Senator Thurston of Nebraska.
Tho War department has received
a cablegram from Governor Taft, stat
ing that there was a temporary delay
In getting tho hemp crop of the prov
ince of Albay to the seaport on ac
count of the bad condition of the roads
Senator Tillman has not patience
with Democratic political talk that
does not Include Mr. Bryan. Ho says
Bryan will dictate tho Democratic
presidential nominee and that Hill
and Clevoland are not entitled to any
consideration from Democrats.
Thomas Rankin, a member of the
board of port w anions, is dead at Phil
adelphia, following complication front
an operation. He was -15 years old.
At ono time ho lived in St. Louis and
waa a momber of tho Miagouri state
Attention Is called to the advertise
ment of the Lincoln Importing Horso
company. They havo a largo number
of Imported hlnck Perrherons. Eng
Huh Shires nnd Herman Conch stal
lions which they nie offering a special
inducement to buyers In the way of n
discount oi in per cent i ins com
pany has been In business In Lincoln
for sixteen years with tho largest
and most convenient bnriiH In tho Uni
ted States: ono barn costing oer $10,
000. They own their own plant and
their guninnteeK and statements nro
well fortified, both financially and
morally. Thin Is n rare olmnco to buy
a flrst-clnss stallion at a low price.
Visit their burns or write them nt
Tho world loves nn optimist. Even
a poker player likes to hear his oppo
nent suy, "That's good."
$100 REWARD $100.
Tho render cf thl fapr-r will lip rlmil to learn
that tlirre I at leait onn rlioudnl illpn that
rcienrc ha been nlile to cure in all lit Mace, nml
that 1 Catatth. lull a Cntarih Ctur Ik tli- nnly
pnaitivs cntn now known to t tit- innln al fraternity.
Catarrh lieinc n rnnMilutional lrmr tciitiliea n
icnMimtional trratment llnll (. atAtih Chip N
taken Internally nrtlni illtrctlr npnn the Mnmt nml
mnrotia auiiitrrn tf llin MMem, thrrrlijr ilrMrnjinir
the foundation of the dlkrme, nnd giving tha
patient Mrrtictli hs Imilding up the rouMitution
and nstiatmv nutmn in duinR in vvarV. The l'io
prietnrt hnvp so mtirh fjltli in In rmatitn powers
that Iher offer Ono II nnd red I)ollnri for any eiito
that it fails to cute Send for hM of TcMlnimilnlc
Addresa I'. J Cltr.NKY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
hold br drtiguiMr, 75r.
Hall's 1'nmilj I'ills are the lest.
No one can add to the general fund
of enjoyment by simply decrying tho
efforts of his fellow men.
I do not believe rino's Cure for Contraption
nan an oqnal for cough, nnd rolda. John F
Uoxkr. Trinity Sprlnjri. Ind., Feb. 16. 100.
All chemical nfllnlty is traced to ng
gregutlons of electronB. or atoms,
with odd or unbalanced electrons
cither posltlvo or negative.
Insist on Getting It.
Bomo grocer ijr they don't keep De
flanco Htaroh becoiuo they hayo n stock In
band of 12 ct. brand", which thoy know
cannot bo sold to u customer who has onro
rued the 10 or. tikir. Defiance Starch for
Muna money.
A great lie Ib like a great fish on
dry Innd; It may fret and fling, nnd
make a frightful bother, but It ennnot
.hurt you. You have only to keep btlll
and It will dio of Itself. Crabbe.
Tho botanical papers report that De
Vrles, tho great Dutch experimental
evolutionist, hns, by long continued se
lection, produced n variety of clover
which has notmnlly four leaves.
Insurance Man's Fast Ride.
James H. Hyde of New York, first
vlco president of a life assurance so
ciety, is credited with having broken
all Southern railroad recoids the other
tiny, when ho traveled on a speclnl
'train between Jacksonville and Savan
nah. 172 miles, in 152 minutes, with
a stretch of seven miles In four min
utes. It cost him $1,000 to do It.
An Equivocal Acknowledgment.
Ono of tho many congressional
friends of William H. Crane, the at toi,
sent him a box of cigars. In a few
days ho received this somewhnt enulv
ocal acknowledgment: "My Dear Son
ntor Your cigars received. We open
ed tho week to bad business, ho I took
to smoking tho cigars to console my
self. Now I am turning them away "
"Major Bridges."
Hero Is a story told of Uing Edward
of Great Hrltaln. One time the King,
in a crowd, was defeientinlly saluted
by nn eldeily gentleman whose face
Beomed familiar. With his customary
urbanity, his majesty said: "I believe
I havo met you before, but for the
moment your name escapes me." The
little old gentleman mntlo an old fash
ioned bow. "Made your breeches,
'sire," ho replied, In confusion. "Ah,
of course," snltl tho king; "how d'yo
do, Major Urldges."
Suffer From Coffee Drinking.
Coffeo does not set up discaso with
all people using it, on the other hnnd
it absolutely does cieato disease In
thousands and thousands of cubes
perfectly well authenticated nnd
traceable directly to coffeo and noth
ing else.
This statement may hurt the feel
ings of some coffeo drinkers but tho
facts are exnetly what they are
Make Inquiry of some or your cof
feo drinking friends, and you may be
certain of ono thing, one half of
them, yes more than half, suffer from
some sort of incipient or chronic dis
ease If you want to prove It's tho
coffee, or would prefer to prove It Is
not tho coffee In these cases, tako
coffee away from those persons for
from ten dnyB to a month, don't
change tho food In any other way but
give them Postum Food Coffeo, and
tho proof of whether coffee has been
the trouble or not will be placed be
fore you in unmistakable terms.
A young lady In the St. Mary's
Academy, Winnipeg, Can., says,
"One of our teachers suffered a long
while from Indigestion. Sho was a
coffeo drinker. She became worse
steadily and finally was reduced to
a point where the stomach did not
retain any food, then electricity was
tried but without avail. She, of
course, grew weak ery fast and the
doctor said the caso was practically
"About that tlmo I was attracted to
a statement In ono of tho papers re
garding the poisonous effect of cof
feo and the alue of Postum Food
Coffee. The statement was not ex
travagant but couched In terms that
won my confidence and aroused mo
to tho bf tef that It was true. I per
Euaded our teacher to lene off tho
morning cup of coffee altogether nut!
uso Postum Food Coffee.
"A change took place. Sho began
to eH hotter. She has now regained
her strength ami i able to eat almost
ovary kind of food and has taken her
position as teacher again." Name
given by Postum Co., Uattlo Creek,
JaattracUnirtnoro attention than any othar dlltrlct
In tho world.
"Tha Granary ef tha World " Tha Land of Bnn
bine. ' Tfc natural Feadlag OrounJi for Blot.
Arannder erop Id 1003 , . , 1,97,810 aero.
Yield 1B03 U7,fit2,7M buiMla.
Ahundancs of 'Water i Knel
Plentiful. Ilnlldtng Malarial
t'hean, tlood (lrM for pailnrn
and hay a ferine eolli n entl
rtent rainfall and a dtinatn Rl?ln
an ftamired and adequata
teaton of growth.
thn only lharito for wlilrh la (l tor inaklnit entry,
('Into to Churchea, HrhnoK etr Kollwayr tap all
lettlril dlitrlrta. Send fur Atlai anil other lltnratnrn
In Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Ranada,
or low. V Dennett Ml VnwYnrk I.lfc Hid., Omaha,
Srh, tho auth"rt;nd Canadian 41o?crnmnnt Agent,
who will rnppiy yoti with eertlCrala giving you re
duced raUnay latea, etc.
G. A. Kusscirmn, a reliable farmer of
Crestline, Ohio, says' "My 'NEW
TIFFIN' Wagon runi lika a buggy."
Put he might huvo added that "in material,
construction and finish this now famous
wagon is not excelled by any other Farm
Wagon in the world." Insist on your dealer
handling it. If ho will not do so write to
TIFFIN WAGON CO..Tlf fin, Ohio,
and thry will tell youwhero you can got ono.
trtoro man'm Gootymur Watt ttlnnU
Smwad Procoaa) ahooo than any allien
manufacturer In tho world.
$25,000 REWARD
will be. paid to anyono who
can ill jprovo l hla atAtement.
Ilocauto W. li. Dniighut
iHtholnrKCNt manufacturer
ho enn Imy chrnuur anil
nrodtico his nhoes nt n
lower cost than other con
corn, which enables him
to mil (dim's for 9M.C0 nnd
JM.OD equal In overy
way to timso Mild nlnt
whoro for 84 and J5.00.
The Douvlan secret pro-
ceaa or tnnninir tne bottom aoioa prouuc nbao-
lutejy pure learner t morn fleilhlo nil will wear
lonirer than nnr other tnnnoire la the worhi
Tne salee rmve worn than doublet! tho rnat four
year, which prove 1U superiority. 'Why not
irtre W. I Dual" shoes atrial end savo money.
JViitlr n lurrrnaei flf9 Nalea: ajtiS,Oll,MMII,Ul
lu IIiiIiiiii tlfonaleit fS,MU4,U40,eo
A Kftln of 2. MBO.4RO.70 In I'our Yroni.
Worth SO.OOOompnrod with Other Makes.
The best Imported and American leather. IlttI'a
Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kill, Corona
Colt, and national Kangaroo, rati Color y elite.
flailllnn Tne rcnulne have "W. T TJOTjaTJVa
WUUIIulla nurnn and pilce stamped on bottom.
Short t-v Html, SV. ejttra. Jllut. Calaloarte.
0 VXA reput&tiotvextonding ovoi-
i oiAW-sixtyeura ora our
e . - -" m- .. t .
irju&r&rvt-oojorejocxciv or
v wvvijr fciaiiiicriiiLicfaiiirfcj utv
" VJVJI1V-'l j II., i iii i.
i nere ore many imiiaiiotu.
5o surelof the name ,
VTOWERon tho button
r.. .. k - . ,
a. j Towru cu. rxjiurj. n33.u s. j.
Lincoln, m:iiicahka
DJacK Pcrchcrons,
German Coacliers
20 Per Cont On for
tho Next Thirty Days
A hnvluRof $200lo S300 on i-ncli Htnlllon.
Thosoorocold-bloodod facta. Wupny
bltyi-r'n rnJIrourl fru to TJncoln and return.
Coitio und mmim nt onro nml Kt q wlnnor
Barm and Oilier, 33d and Holdrego Street.
Long Dl. Tel, B75. A. L. SULLIVAN, Mgn.
"What Luck!"
few momrtita. The Wafer Hiked Smoked
llmf. I'nrk and lleaaa. Veal I -oaf, lcltl
Chicken, and lots of mud tblni to eat.
Are U. S. Cevernnient Inspected
Keep In the tUHiao for e.ierseocies) lor
tupper. nr aandwkhea tat auy tlmo
wbeu you wnnt aomethlnv Bond and want
It riulck. You fciroply turn a hey and
the tan la open. An appetUing- lunch U
ledy In an Inatant.
Llbby, McNeill & Lib by
Chicago. Ill . V. S. A.
Write for our fre hklrt "Iliiw to Make
Uood Tbintm to Eat,"
A hulne openlDR. County Kent for Family Med.
Iclne., hxtracu, bphea. Block Food and Ad If al
Ueniedlea. 1'ermant-nt, Ki-owlng bualaeas. Team andt
i waxon only Inveatment requ'ml. We furolsh Ibo)
t KouUa.joiinell them, ourprufatliaaroall part of tbo
retail price. You vet th rest, hor lull particulars.
udHrees I. OLIVER CO., v '
; 03 Botes Ot., Detroit, Mloru
C9n PRTHOUSANDcoprnrthortlettoriencloa
I suu (tamp for Inatru. tlona. cupyof letter, oto. AOit.
I EAOLL aOLiLSAUl CO., Sept, , Obloa(0, Hi.
V. N. I!. Omaha.
NO. 141003
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
.YrttHt ,
c "m,n Djru'. Ta..rt.kXl.
In time. soM br druirilata.
ft- S LIKE
$ & g TfJ MIL A
MaI-P shoes 32?
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