-JT!rfl3!' IJ"HBP bi j . ujmmngvwvwpnimai lT r'warsKuw"' .-vcas ftbe Derate PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. K JARVIS 1877 BRANDY SOLD IN ALL BEST PLACES. Hv T. J. O'KKEI'E. Entered nt the postofTicc at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as Becondclass matter. ADVERTISING HATES: Display! per single column inch per month,.. 50 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. r The Hkralij is the Official Publica tion of Hox Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. CANTON. Scott Hood was In Hemingfont Mon day. Otis llass was a Ilcinhigforri visitor Wednesday. Misses Antoinette and Sophia Calm arc on the sick list at this writing. It. C. Curtis and his mother wore visitors at W. A. Randall's Tuesday. Mrs.G. H.Clnytoniiml daughter Jessie were guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hroshar Tuesday. Mesdames Curtis and W. A. Randall visited with friends in and around Hcmlnjfford this week. The corning of bprlng is the time for the breaking of young horses and (ieo. Zimmerman and Otis Uass are in the business, (5. II. Clayton was In Hcuttngford over l'Yiday and Saturday laying in a supply of coal, salt nnd provisions for his ranch. Miss Mary Moravulc has started a new industry. She has a nice pet in the shapo of a pig which slits is taising on a bottle. 'dune Hall, one of Alliances commis sion men, was In these purts this week looking after tho Interests of his cattle at Kinmett Johnson's. Tlii'io will be quite a number of the boys leave Huh neighborhood soon to work In other fluids, and wo regret it for It will greatly diminish the number at our Sunday school. llert Stuwart left Monday morning for Marbland to resume work where he left olf some two weeks ago on the Hughes' ranch. Itorl had been home looking after the interests of his ranch on Snake creek. V. A. Randall, our genial and up-to-date ranchman, returned home from Alliance this week where he had been to look after some urgent business. Mr. Randall informs us be has a nice bunch of young calves twelve in num ber all In nice shape. The social given at J. W. llroshar'o Friday evening, the S7lh lust., In the way of a tutl'y pulling was about as nice a gathering as has been together for some time. All enjoyed themselves by being there nnd departed for their homes in the wee hour. of tho morn ing. Tin Sunday school elected new oil! eers Sunday for the summer. While some of the old oillcers were re-elected home new ones took others places. C. V. Loekwood, Supt.; Mrs. J. W. Itroshar, assistant Supt.; V. C. Phillips, secretary; Arthur Itass, treasurer; Mrs. G. II. Clayton, librarian. FAIRVIEW. Ciowdod ouiivfrwii lust weeU. John Lawrence, Jr., is reported to be on tho sick lint. Harry Smith of Alliance has com menced a summer's work with Herbert Nil son. Tho snow is all gone and armors are reminded that It is time to start the plough. The dance at Charlie Benjamin's Wednesday night was well attended und everyone enjoyed a good time. The school in the Ole Oavig district reopened last Monday after & vacation of several weeks, Miss Mao Heath, teacher. The Misses May and Nellie Huuth re tin ned home last Saturday from their two weeks' visit with rolutlvi'S at Bayard. Hauling potatoes to market seems to be the order of the day. It is a pretty hard job as the condition of the roads is such us to require two teams to haul one team's loud on good roads. Herbert Gillespie, a foriuor resident of Hox Itutte count but who has been in the eastern part of the state for tho lust few ymus, bus returned to this place and has hired for tho summer to John Law ronoe, jr. Mrs. S. It. Llbby of Yankton, S. D., after performing the sad mission of accompanying tho remains of her little granddaughter to Alliance for inter ment, visited bar sister, Mrs. M- 1'. Nason, before returning home. Judging by the appearance of one of our oeteemod bachelors making rog n . n nlar fr'ps H n ecrtnln rtlrpft'on nml 1IUIIIV (lllinl ilililiiu.lyn.,. u l,i,.li . .hi lil'l-.llllU,LMM.Mk Vlhii.ll nil rht IUCUIIMUtlli4k Wtltell UlUtit I, w (irmjkjt. ilmt an MVtai untloH will haapvu In llio f .. .. be UMUtiunutl uiuij- tit Hivniiuit win uuppu in Hid Hear IHtHro. M A WLWAMAAJMAAAAS,t The Central Nebraska a-TT-rs LOCATED Lincoln, Omaha A HE NOW ItRADV Ranch, Farm or Our means of securing1 purchasers arc extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving- their entire time to looking- for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have . FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. ED M ST EN, President of the Company TlIKRPORD, NkHRASKA. 1 3-vvrrTr3V4'r4TST''Yrr7svirrsv2v'3'0 Notice to Creditors. In County Court, wlthlii and for Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, Fuliruary 14, HkU, In the mutter of the oitulo of Hlvlr.i Hiss.dccoased. To the Creditors of said Kstnto You are. hereby nntlllcd tluil I will sit lit the county court room lit Alliance In said county, on tho I ;lli day of Aumist, lim.1, at It o'clock a. m to lccclve and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against wild estate Is sU months from the lltb day of IYhriiaiy, A. II. WW, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said llth day of l'cbiuuri, HUM. Witness inv hand and the seal of said county coin t this llth day of February, 1WJ. I). K. SPAOHT, (A tine copy.) Inbw, 1 County .Indue. 1177 Sheriffs s;tilc. Hy ltttie of an execution lued on timis dipt bv the cleik of the district mutt of Ilex lluttKcouiil), Nebraska, upon a decree leudiMed h thedlilrlct court of Lancaster counts, Ne braska, w lift em Hludi-ou "-ii1iik-. Hank was plaintiff, ami itifiiltiKL Kiniim .1 Cornell, de fendant, I will, 011 the Till da f April, A. I) I !i! I. at la o'clock a in oa salil daj nt llio west front door of the courthouse In Alliance in nii id eountx, m-II tin. fiilluuliin docilhctt real estate, lo-wlt- the noitliwcHt 14 of wclioli I, touiiMhlpt'il, north of runice I!', west of thi'l'ith principal meridian in Hox Untie count), Ne braska, al public auulioii to tliehluhost htddei' for cash, to KHtisfy eald Judgment in llio cum of?j77.(W and intero.t. cts and iiccruliu; costs subject to ta.xes In the sum of SmT.'.i-, and 11 laortKHKO for thu sum of $mvi im. 'I'll" aboo meiittoned Judgement was duly assigned to Henry A. Cllllord who l now the owner thereof. lltA HICKI), Shurllf of S.1I1I Couutv K'lllKlMTUlei; Ss 11 M.m, Atty for l'l.iititllf First ptihllcatloii. Match il Notice. In the County Couitof Ilo Hutte Couuij .HMIIIthh.l. VlOI.A I'll M IN, IMllllltlll is. IIkmivH. I'iiw li. Defendant. To Henry F. Fiaucls, liuti-roolilcut ill -fendaut: Yon are heiebv notilled llinf on the 3rd day of March, met Viola i'raui Is filed a petition against jou in tbedlsttlct court of Hox Hutte couutv, Nebi'iinUa, the object and prayer of which ate to obtain adlioivofiunooii on the ground that) oil wilfully abandoned the plain -1 1 If, without uood cause, for the term of tn jcars last past. You aie reiiiired to iiiiibit said petition on or oefore Monday, the l.lib day of April. UKU Vioi.t Pimm-is I'Uliiiin H) Win. Mitchell, her attorney. Fit st publication, March (I 1 1 VI Afterf's Sate. Hj irtun of an order of sale litsutid by the clerk of the district couitof Hox Hutte county. NebrHt.ka, upon a derruo rendeied by hhIiI court tn favor of Virgil Young. ))alntHT. am) iiKulnst .lob hathuway & ( ompany, a firm orco-iwrtiierwhlp, uuuicoi poruted.coniiKM.Ml of .lob llatliawax. and F.mma C .1. Austin, V.m- tun 1 I Anrtii II It Atiktlh Kmin'iic. .1. Austin, a nu niber 'of defendant InisliiUiil or li.iml of Finnia ('. ,1 AiiMln defendant. W H 111 nt ,11 .11111 uiiioHnuv noil 1 nu i 111 . 111111 11 111, l.aunlug, trustee. 'I'liomas Fralnii, licuenclary of W II. l,aiiuluK, trustee, defemlnnt. the I'.iiiltnlle I.11111I Comptto Wllil'im I'anott. and .lanet I'urrott or Mrs. l'arrolt first mime, unknown, wife of defendant William l'arrolt, .lama l'arrolt and William I'urrott or Mr. I'anott. first iruiieuiikiiowu. or Mr Doe real name unknown, Im-ibuud of Janet I'm roll, defendant-, 1 will, on the llth da) of April, A. 1) , llUI, Rt in o'clock it 111. on said dnj.at tli'i went ft out door of I he coiirtlioue in AUI- ........ t., kU,.l .X. I. ...11 ,1... f..l... I.... .I.IU- crlhed mil ehtate, tiwlt. northeast '( of Mvtlon30. township M, north nme 17 wet of the iHhprliiciiMtl nieiidiiiu lu lkx Hutte toon- -J, ... ...... ...... ... ,..'.......'...,.. ...... ...M"., bidder for chkIi to t-Misfv hkIiI older of sale In' ' the Mini of Uiiaund interest, costs and atom- I Itw cosut WP.KH. W. II, Launliig on his cross petition ns'o erisl ns u seeoiut leln on suld prenitbCs the sum of SfV.KfO. i-ubjei't to tuxes ' IRA IIKr.I), I Shot Iff of SnW Cknmty , iMlilani Mlicneii, ,it'y ror l'litlutlir. , First imblk'Htlim, Mareli 13. ; 1 15-1 I hhciHTh Mile. Hy virtue of 1111 order of sttlti issued by the, elerk of the district court 'of Hox iiutto 1 eoutity, upon a ileoree ivndeied by said couit In favor of Wllllain U Hldwell, pliilntlll', audi agHiiist Hiidolpinik li. AllxiKatit and Itouta ArUigitst, defeiidHilts, I will, on tlie'JOthdij of 1 April A. D lW3.Kt hi o'chx-k n. 111. on said ilay. at the west front door of the courthouse, m AlllHiue In s.ild couutv. sell thu following described real estate, tu-wtl the iiorthenst ' Xi of section 111, towiioldp ; north, ramie 41, west of tub principal merldiuii In Hox llittt count, Nci.i.uka, at public auction to tin hlgliekt Itlttder for chIi, to satisfy said order of sHlo in the miiu of ;7J1. and lnterst, Mtits ami accruing costs, subject to tuxes on said land to the itwouiit of Vi6.ru. IKA ltht:i). Mierlff of ild eouiity Y. II. l'uniiliia. Alt y for plaintiff. I'lis-t piibltcuiUui Jlarcli u. Mieiirr.s suic. Hy virtue of an orkruf sale IshuisI bj the olui k of the district court of Hox Hutte couu tv. XHlirusLa. tlluvn u iIiutam f4.nl.,ril lav ulil court III faMU-of the lIcKlnlev-ljininu-' I.ii.iti ttml I'rust I'omiMtu.v, plalntllf, and ttxHtnat Ira H. Ilrl.-trlc.i:il A. Hrlairleaud W.ll ('amalum dcfwulaiits, I will.im tlin jth Uy of April, A. ', lIHif, at Ido'cliH'k . in. on wild day at tli Wfbt front door oftbeeourt Iioum iu Alliams- in said count), will thr follow iui; dirilw.1 imil extate. to-wit: th i-mitlieusl U of kti'tlmi it, uf towusbip 27, noithuf ruuxe Is nt of the Htli nriuelMil mWldiivii in Hox itutte county. N- . . . . . ... ---.,... .i. .,...,.-. -,,.,,- ' for "' iU !-f -ii ! rd-r. ' 1 i " n ..,. UUit .lU'Ilrl ! iilld a O, (rf.,. Utlit ilUTIrl l illld HKII'IIiH .tH,,,wwljm., u u;kl ue.ou.i.liu lu I jvumtif tali. I -Iwriifof $UUttmiy. -iH'riffof Mtld t ouKly i. W H. SlMtlMW.' AW liDJT tvr 1'llOMUtr. inrsi uiiumuuii, iiait m1T1i1)'m'i1 V"VV s Real Estate Gomp'y AT andThcdford TO SUM, YOU City Property. No. 11 17. Miuiiff's sale. Hy vliluoof an ordi r of sale Issued by the clerk of tbedlsttlct court of Hox Hutte coun ty, Nebraska, tiiou aileciee rendered by said court In favor of lril Yimmt, plnlntlir, and iiKiilnst .lob llatliawas and Coiupany, a linn or co-part ucrshlp uulacorporated, coiiixiscl of .lob Hatlinwnv and l.inni.iC. .1 Austin. Hniina C .1. Austin. H. H. Au.lin, husband of Kiiiinii C . I. Austin, a member of defendant ilim of .lob Hatliui.i ami t'ompinv and hus band of 1. :11111a C. .) Austin, defendant, V II. I.nuiilii).'. trustee. Thomas I mum. benellelar) of W.ll Lannliii' iruslce. defenilnnt, Dinke llaliwaiul 1 oiiip.iuv, William l'arrolt and Ja net I'ii in it t or Mi. I'ariot, llrit name un known, w Ifo of defendant William l'arrolt, .lain t I'anott ami Mi. I'anott or William I'nrrott, first name unknown, 01 Mr. Doe, real mum unknown, husband of .liinel l'ltrroit defendatils. 1 will, on the 11th day of April, . 1) JiX'.l at Id o'clock 11 m 011 said d-u. at the we-i f mat disir .if t'n court Iiiiiim- in Alliance, In Mild county. m1I the fol low ini: iici-rllied real estate, to-wlt,: Norih wt'Bt 'i of ms Hen 31 town'JO, north of ratine IT, wes. oi the Bib prliii-ipal meridian In .se brHskn In Hox Hutie county, Nfbtaska, at piilii iiuctloi, in ihe huhest hlddi r for cash, tosutls'y said order tifsale lit tho sum of 47U iW a hrt lel'i and Inn n tt imis and ae crulnjf c ts. HUflnud MSI" ill rcsjvpred by W.ll I alililuir, cliis, petltloiiei. iish n'fond leln on ild premlM". s,,, j, , ) to taxes Mis ,1. lu Kl I II, -.i 1 1 i.f s ilii 1 ounty. e. 1 it. Mil, In 1 ,t f,u 'l liutlll 1 1 -1 Mil,, 11 aimii X Hi .1 I 1 III. .II M INI 1 -. Tlti' im ill .1 'iiilintt j ii.iii it x ti! out olil. nielki.v anil line WHISK IKS will improve the mental and physical condition. IIipv have been uiaturutl before holtiing, and have that rich, ripo llnx'or ko highly appreciated by epicures. Tho following brands we consider excellent: Wadding Boquet Whiskey. California Wines . . . Our wines for table use are worthy of more than a trial. Thoy ate good for n&e all the tl me. ,, . . .., . The f?FD T TCtHT .Sfllonn ONI.V l MON liAK IN TUT. t ITV. Wm. James.. Exclusive Healer in COAL & "Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Nebraska Hide Dealers in hides, Tallow, Furs, J Established 1878 Cow and Horse ueatnerandbaddlerv Hardware iteiiabic t V 1 r F ' L A HARROWING I SELL 64 102 Cultivate my acquaintance I SELL Walking, Riding and Disc Cultivators . I SELL Listers, Breaking Plows, Stirring Plows, Seeder Attachments While my Let me show you Mv Profsslnal Cards. ATTOKNEYd. WILLIAH MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Omen PitONK l;o. Hksiiiijnch I'miM-'.Oat. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. liooms 1. i and 3, l'ltst National bank biilld Ins, Alliance, Neb. Notmy In olllee. W. Q. SIMONSON . . . mirroricy at Law.... OHlco tjp-st.ilrs Over l'ostolllco MIT1I 1'. TUTTI.r. flt.V K. TAbll. TUTTLE & TA5H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Mulu St.. - Ai.MANCi:. NP:H. t'HYSICI .NS. II 11 111 I.I.MllOI), M. I. -- W. S. IlCLIAMlon. M. f). Bell wood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and - - - SURGEONS. IIoIMlmi ItuildliiK. - AHI.IANCi:, N'i:il, L. VV. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In I'list National Hank block. Alll ntico, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.ii Clll.lt HI.OCK, At.l.lANt.l-, M'.H. falls' answered fiom olllt'o day or nljjht. Telephone No. UJ. G. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllee In Loekwood I Huildinx. V AixiANcn, ni:h. 'i'elephone No. 370. JULIA V. FREY, "STCOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Otllcc two block's north of Times Imlldlntr, I'hone af. Hours, s to Vi a. m., 1 M to 5 p m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... tllhVe and leldciice three doors north of Idaho sins t on lllvf Horn avenue. Telepone No. Jo. Alliance, Neb and Leather Co. Hide Robes, M P'JPNETT, M'gr. Nebraska lit) Nebraska. tooth Steel Harrows, 96 tooth tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows tongue is waggin' FARM WAGONS, TRUCK WAGONS, ROAD WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC NEWBERRY. 9JZJLZ. ?J&<&tJULJMJLtS SAVE !! FUEL! 1 oaf HARDWARE. inrsrsmrtrsn 5o o ei6ToT Harvey's Bowling Alleys Heathful exercise and amusement for ladies and jrentlemen .... fy.ypgH?g3tyriywi THREE FIRSTCLASS ALLEYS. HEZSSXS&SSFSUS F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. CQ000U300Q03e00300U00tSCC0eS0G30e e The placing of a few g dollars monthh in the ... ALLIANCE ... I National Bank o o o o fa o a o o will soon enable on to bin a comfortable home. M. ICmi.ut, President W. H. t'oitniN, V. President V. II. CO.NNITT.I'uslllvr. oco500ooot90ooosesaoooaoooooooaeoocooecooaooooS W. A. Hampton, President A. S. Rkkd, Vice President First National Bank, AUUIANCC. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors. W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed K. C. Hampton. Ii. M Hampton. LAMBE?SON AKK PKOrHHTOHS Of Tills ie Finest Wines, Liciuors and Cigars. Apent f.r Vlilll) KUTti URKWINU CO . SsELKCTCAIHNKT, RXTUA TALK and Otlier Popular Jiramls. . . Fs.sriS.1 orrsa Solicited. TALE Steel Harrows, SJtJJt!t9JLL9JSJtiJt9JULAJtSJlJUI is And be more comfortable by using GOSPER'S METALIC WEATHER STRIPS. ON DOIIRS AM) WINDOWS. c.T on Tin a TDTr-cnr DEO You can find it with a lot of other Rood things in Stoves, Iinameled ware, etc. , at I r 3f sts Yorr vrv rrsvrryve ooooooeo9c e a e o o o a e o o K. M. Hampton, Cashier i. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. U6 & 5TETTE? 0.10(0n m K 4 ww mMmSmM 3ankb,ook1 W iH P Ji "I M r - 4 t f J