The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 02, 1903, Image 1

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    WHIr i iiwiiyniTtrir
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SWrarw- ;rnrv""r- gp vwf-?VEnqpP$'" jf
The Alliance Herald
'p ' .-
the Gerald has the &
' LARGEST oiroulation :
iff -n i
$&f1 V f
v j:mmL
m sW&Sm$
$ t
li I
V "a . . .
Prices onoos
while they last
Hulk Oatmeal, pound 3c
Shroded What Biscuit, pk 10c
EarlvJuncPJcas& Corn, can toe
Standard Tjomatoes, can 12,'ic
Fxcsh Eggs; dozen 25c
Best Buttof, pound 25c
3lb. Can Table Peachcs.can 15c
Sliced Peaches, can nJ4c
Salmon, can 12 c
Prunes, pound 5c
Fancy Ev. Peaches, pound 10c
Sorted Apples, bushel 650
Yours for fair
dealing ....
Alliance Grocery Co.
Clothing at cost, at the Fair Store,
bee Mrs. Kegan's new line of cloaks.
Call and see Norton's new clothing
Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's
For Sale Two small ranches, L. A.
Fior storm windows and doors see Forest
Lumber Co.
A ticket with every S purchase or paid
on account at Norton's.
Sheridan coal, Canon
ker's coal W. James.
lump, nut and
Ocean Foam at $1.10 per sack. Pilk
ington keeps it. Phone 71.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Pilkington's Best at $1.10 per sack.
The best in town. Every sack warranted.
If you are not using the Best Flour in
town it is because you don't get A 1 at
John Pilkington's.
A One Flour beat "Minnesota Patent 5
-points according to one of Chicago's best
.analytical chemists recently.
Get your Christmas apples and pure
home made cider at the Apple Cellar.
Don't fail to see Mrs. Zehrung's beauti
ful sofa, pillows on exhibition and for sale
atMcClure's. i2-t2-tf
If you want something that is a good
thing for cold weather and dust get Hill's
patent automatic door strip, on exhibition
at Newberry's Hardware. County agent,
W. E. Gillett. 'phone 236. 12-12-tf
Mrs. Zehrnng does fancy painting on
any sort of clotb, suitable for holiday gifts,
etc 'Phone 194. 12-I2tf
jFojt. .gAifKT-Mrs. Brsnnan property.
Nine room house, two lots and barn. Price
reasonable. W, G. Simonson.
I used Sheridan coal in the furnace and
Vange during the last winter with perfect
satisfaction. Mrs. C. A. Bentley, 1220
M Street, Lincoln. Neb.
For Sale On account of leaving city,
I will sell a splendid milk cow; part Jer
sey? kind and gentle. Mrs. W. C. Lam
bert. , r
Don't forget to supply yourself with a
crate of those fine Jonathan apples and
some of that pure home-made :ider. You
get it at the Apple Cellar in the Corbin
building entrance rear of building.
For Sale Four hundred acres school
land, 20-year lea 15c per acre cut 120
tons hay last yearns under Alliance canal
and 300 tons of of hay can be cut annually
$1,500 cash; 160 acres under proposed
Farmers' canal, deeded, no improvements,
five miles from Bayard $1,500 cash.
These lands must be sold February 1. Ad-
dress Dr. J. H. Loso, Bayard, Neb.
l-2-3t .w
I wish to announce to the public that I
have bought the undertaking stock of B.
F. Lockwood & Co., and have added to
this so that I have now one of the bast
equipped establishments in this part of the
state Calls answered promptly from the
Undertaking rooms opposite Keeler's
livery barn. Will furnish haarsc" and car
riage when desired Residence "phone
No 269. C. Humphry & Co.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Alliance, Neb., Dec. 31, '02.
This is to certify that A. Blackburn and
C L. Snedeker have this day dissolved
partnership by mutual consent. A. Black
burn will assume all liabilities of the
above firm and all bills due the firm will
be collected by him. All those knowing
themselves indebted will please call and
A. Blackburn,
C. L. Snedeker.
U. S. B. rLLL.1. '
1 V M1 erv am' &on Ieon are
with f -JL,..
. arcus Frankle of the Famous is spend
,.g a few days in Denver.
Father Galvin was quite ill this week
but is able to be out again.
Mrs. B. Mewhirtcr went to Dcndwood
today for a couple of days visit.
T. J. Harvey spent a few days this week
at Fullerton, his former home.
Mrs. E. A. Williams is spending the
holidays with relatives in Hebron.
Miss Pearl Benedict spent the holiday
vacation with her parents in Alliance
Rev. G. B. Clark was in Bayard a por
tion of this week conducting1 services,
J. S. Clark of Ravenna was a guest
Christmas at the homo of Miss Pearl Bartz.
Miss Virgil Cavin returned Monday
from a visit with young friends at Craw
ford. The ladies' aid of the M, E. church will
meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
W. E. Hall.
1 S. Lamberbon spent the Clirist
mas holidays with his family at Gordon,
returning the first of he week.
J. P. Andrews of Pine Ridge was in
town Monday and purchased a forty acre
tract of land at the land office paying $250'
Our Canton and Fairview correspon
dences are crowded over to next week on
account of lack of space.
Amalie W. Rehder. sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Rehder, aged two years and four
months, died from scarlet fever last Satur
day. H. K. Schars was born lucky as well as
good looking. He held ticket No. 5780
which drew the cash prize of $50.00 at
the Famous New Years. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lounsbury's little
daughter, Iona, returned Monday from
Crawford where she visited her aunt, Mrs,
Ed Henderson, a few days.
Rev. G. C. Jeffers went to Crawford
Tuesday to attend the Annual Roll Call
of the pastors of Baptist churches. He
delivered an address at the meeting.
Rev. Schulz held German Lutheran ser
vices in Alliance last Friday and Rev.
Garness, minister of the Norwegian Lu
theran church held services here Tuesday.
Five of Alliance's best bowlers Gilrcaa,
Ridgell, Thomas, Rensvold and Waples
went to Crawford yesterday with the in
tention of carrying home new laurels. But
they didn't. Five games. Score 3700 to
Some one fired a shot through a window
in Spencer Griffith's residence Tuesday
morning. Such deeds as that, whether
accidental or deliberate, merit severe pun
ishment for the danger liable to occur from
such recklessness.
Miss Olive-Montgomery left for Pueblo,
Colorado, yesterday to enter a ,traioigJ
school for nurses. Another Alilance girl,
.Miss Lina Colvin, entered this school sev
eral months ago and is very well pleased
with the work,
J. H.Biery, Lewis Mackey, C. E. Ben
nett, H. McClellan, G. E. Leidy. R. J.
Boon, E. J. Swanson, and Ernst Lembke
are some who have made a good start on
the New Year by subscribing for the
official paper.
The Forest Lumber Company manufac
tured and sold eighty-four dipping vats at
Alliance during the last year. The com
pany now contemplates starting factories at
Fort Worth, Texas, Wichita, Kans., and
possibly at Denver.
Sheriff Campbell of Scotts Bluff coun
ty passed through Alliance Monday en
route from Lincoln, whence he accompa
nied two prisoners to Scotts Bluff for trial,
one being the noted Dr. J. S. Romine, the
other a lad who killed a man near Gering
two or three months ago.
hditor L. C. Edwards of the Humbolt
Standard was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Haverstodt the latter part of last
week and made Tiik Hkkald a pleasant
call while in the city. He spoke of Alli
ance and this section of the state in high
ly complimentary terms.
Dr. Allen, A. Triplett and C, E. Pierce
were up in the Black Hills the latter part
of last week making investigations con
cerning the Radfern gold mhie regarding
which an article recently ' appeared in
these columns. They were highly pleased
with the company's outlook for a paying
mine and as evidence of the same invested
in a good many shares of the stock.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C.
Jeffers, pastor. Subjecr of morning dis
course, "Christ Our Sacrifice." The
Lord's Supper follows.'. Evening sermon,
"Little Dogs." Svjtaay scftlol at 10
o'clock, Juniors meet at 3, C. E. meeting
at 6-45. Midweek prayer service Thurs
day evening. Cottagti prayer meeting this
evening at Harry Sm h's in Duncan's ad
dition. A welcome tj all services.
Wanted Three Hundred More.
During the last two months about three bandied new
names have been enrolled on Tint Hi:kau list, which pushes its
ciiculntion up to the 1,200 matk newly as much as nil other
Alliance papois combined. But we'ie not satisfied. We want
to make it 1,500 and if people only knew what they'io missing we
would have 300 more new subscriptions inside thii ty days.
The following letters show what hueicsling loading matter,
outside of local and state news, they're missing. Besides this,
we desire to tomind you that Tun Hnvi.n is the official paper
of the county and the one in which alljofficial notices ate pub
lished. It is also generally known thai Tint IIkkald nlways
gets the "cieani of the news prints ttycrything that's worth
printing and whenever anything speeffd is in sight no other
papor in the county can overreach TTlr. IIiikAi.u. Thorefore
Hkkald readers can always depend on gotting the boat.
Captain W. R. Akers of this city slays; ,
" I have read the lettor of Dr. HJrn dated November 24,
fiom Tokyo, Japan, and I am free to say that this lettor contains
more of interest, to me at least, and I believe to the general pub
lic, than any letter I have ever read written by n foreign
traveler. Most of these foreign letters arc filled with generalities
while Dr. Horn gives the details 'of life and habits of the people
and at the same time gives enough goneialities to make his sub
ject instructive and attractive."
Attorney J. E. Porter of Crnwfoid, speaking of R(v. Dr.
Horn's letters, says:.
"I am very much interested in those letters. I heard n
course of "lectures delivered by General Bailey on China and I
consider Dr. Horn able to tell more of the habits and customs of
the orient in one letter than General Bailey imparted in his
whole course of interesting lectures. His descriptions arc the
most concise, condensed and interesting I have ever read. Dr.
Horn's perceptive faculties and descriptive powers are certainly
Swear Off Now.
If you've guilty been of "knocking',"
Swear off now.
If of idle gossip talking,
Swear off now.
If old red eye you've been drinking;
If at evil you've been winking;
If vile thoughts you have been thinking.
Swear off now.
If your neighbors you've been wronging,
Swear off now.
If for (fold you're only longing,
Swear off now.
If you're selfish, cold and haughty;
If your temper's quick and naughty;
And your evil lusts ted hot-ty.
Swear off now.
It you've spent the year back capping,
Swear off now.
If you take delight in scrappiog.
Swear off now.
If at home you have been growling;
If at wife and babies scowling; .
i nlhanUudf afcrayahowling,
Swear off now. w. M. M.
Glad to Get The Herald.
Under date of December 29th Hon. C.
F. Coffee, the Chadron banker, and one
of the best known stockmen in the west,
writes The Herald in regard to his sub
scription. He says;
"The Herald is all right and am glad
to get it every week. I like the stand you
have taken in rdgard to the stock interests.
If this was a farming country you would
be justified in taking the opposite course:
souie of our papers are hurting themselves
by their idiotic ideas. Hope you will con
tinue to publish as good a paper,"
Christmas Wedding IJclls.
At the residence of the bride at 919 W.
ihh Street, Miss Lou Tharp, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Judge Tharp was united in
marriage to Mr. William W. Gray of Oma
ha, Neb., Rev. W. W. Carr, pastor of the
First M. E. church officiating. The wed
ding occurred at 3 p. m. on December 25.
The guests present were Mr. M. E. John
son and family. Mr. B. Mewhirtcr and
family and Mr. L. P. Craig of Alliance,
Nebraska A S. Tharp and family of
Leon, Iowa, Miss Lena Hermdon of Grand
Island. There were many valuable pres
ents. A splendid dinner was served. The
bride is a lady well known and highly re
spected in our city. Mr. Gray is a stock
buyer for a large Chicago company, The
good wishes of many friends will follow
the happy couple to their new home in
Omaha. Grand Island Daily Press.
A Grand Success.
The ball givon by Hard Struggle lodge
No. 642, Brotherhood of Railway Train
men in the opera house New Year's eve
was one of the most enjoyable affairs ever
given in Alliance It was largely attended,
nearly four hundred tickets being sold.
The opera house was handsomely decorat
ed by E. C. McClure and Clem Mollring
antj presented a very attractive appearance.
This was the first ball given by the B. R.
T. j 1 Alliance but it is very probable that
thf order will give an annual ball in the
A. Triplett and Other Alllnnce Men Visit
Kcdfcrn Mine Arc Pleased With
the rintterlnR. Prospects.
On December 27, ioo2,.in company with
Dr. Allen, C.E. Pierce and A.G. Stevens I
madea trip to the Black Hills to inspect the
group of mines belonging to the Redfern
Gold Mining and Milling company. Mr.
Stevens, the principal promoter, has been
at work here Is Alliance for some time,
has laid his plans before a number of our
citizens and his representations are fully the appearance of the property
and, by a test in panning: also by an assay
made by Henry Schnitzel at Lead on ore I
took, to.hijn on December 29, showing the
gold to run 10.80 to a ton of. ore.
We found the "property was well tim
bered and the water supply iljr sufficient
to operate a mill of much greater capacity
than will be needed; We also found that
there has been enough work done on the
property, to -satisfy almost anyone that
there is plenty of ore near the surface to
last for many years, as a clearly defined
ledge is. in sight. The machinery at present
consists of a -jo-horse power engine and
boiler and five stamps with pump fixtures
sufficient to run the water about 150 feet
from the stream to the mill. We were
satisfied that Mr. Stevens had not over
estimated it in any particular.
After the day had been spent at the
mines, Dr. Allen and Mr, Pierce returned
and I went to Lead and Deadwood to
make the acquaintance of the officers atd
incorporators. I found them to be inter
esting gentlemen to meet, three of them
being in the employ of the Homestake Co.
at the big cyanide plant. They are men
of ability, judging by the positions they
hold, and have earned their reputations by
giving from nine to eleven years' service
with the company.
I do not mean to convey the idea that I
am a judge of mines, ores or their treat
ment and development, but from general
observation and the tests I made I am
satisfied there is a good opportunity to in
vest safely, as there are thoroughly com
petent men among the stockholders to
place the mine on a paying basis as soon
as they liao reasonable time to do so. I
will not attempt to descrioe many things
that might be of importance that came un
der our observation but hope this article
will give a fair idea of the most important
I have been asked by a number of citi
zens about samplus. I will say I have
not made any display of them as I do not
wish to excite any one or have them get
the impression that there is a big fortune
in sight in a short time.
Curd of Thanks.
We extend our thanks to the kind
neighbors and friends who so kindly assist
ed us during the serious illness and death
of our beloved husband and father, also
those who contributed the lovely flowers.
Mrs. C. A. Mackey and children.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Miss Georgia Miller is assisting in the
county treasurer's office again,
11, C. Armstrong and Dr. Leo Udwards
made a trip to Crawford Tuesday.
A. L. Shipley has ordered Tiik Hkralu
scut to his father at Grand Island,
W. T. Schlupp has severed his'connec
tion with Newberry's establishment.
C J. WildyatuTlT S. Wildy will ship a
car of horsos to Nokomis, Illinois, today.
Mrs. J. W Christy came down from
Hemingford Friday, returning Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Britton of Belmont
spent Sunday with J H. Diary and fam
ily. The hnppinoM of the Now Year depeiulR
upon yourself, not upon what others do for
you. ,w ..
W. D. Rumor rammed Wednesday from
Fairfield, Iowa, where he spent Christmas
with his family.
Mrs. Chas, Triplett came up from Mitch
ell New Years day and Is visiting Mr. and
Mrs, A. Triplett.
G. Lockwood went 10 Crawford Wednes
day but ho didn't toll nriy of the boys
hi1) business thotu.
Misses Blanche and Almeda Foskot of
Hemingford were tho guests of Miss Delia
Reed last Friday.
W. M. Alden, a leading morel ant of
Hyannis, was in the city Wednesday, the
guest of Dr. Knight.
Prof. Bartz went down to Lincoln Tues
day morning to attend the meeting of tho
State Teachers' association,
Fred Shonquestof Scottsbluff came in
from Omaha yesterday, While there he
purchased a car of thoroughbred stock
cattle. w.
Up to date nothing has been discovered
that gives quite so much happiness as the
merry chants of children on Christmas
morning. rwww,i,,
Jred Williams, was in town yesterday.
Tuesday he disposed of a quarter of Box
Butte land, Charlie McKinney being the
Ora Dickinson and Miss Julia Hatch,
young people residing east of Marsland,
were married at the court house Wednes
day by County Judge Spacht.
Ed Gregg was down from Marsland Sat
urday and called to renew his subscrip
tion. Mr. Gregg has the contract for
furnishing the B. & M. with ice this winter.
Dr. W, S Bellwood was down town on
crutches yesterday. It will be but a short
time until he will be able to resume his
practice, which is good news to his friends
and patients.
Francis McCoy, a well known stockman
residing southwest of Alliance, orders Tib
Herald sent to Thomas Lonergan, Gret
na, Neb., for a year, Mr. McCoy is great
ly interested la Dr. Horn'a letters.
Jos. Kaper was ddwn from Lawn pre
cinct Wednesday after a stock tank. His
sister T Emma returned, this week from
Greeley, Colorado, and in company with
Charles and Katie Marush drove up to the
ranch New Years day to visit.
W. C. Lambert who resigned his posi
tion as foreman at the shops here left
Monday morning for Salt Lake to accept
the general foremanship in the shops of
the D. & R. G. R. R. Mr. Lambert's
family will join him there soon.
Friends of Messrs. Joe and Ed Reardon,
Percy Cogswell, George Darling, John Wi
ker and Eugene Parks received veiy unique
New Year's cards from those young gentle
men yesterday, when in making the round
of their New Year's calls they presented
them to their hostesses.
Misses Lucile Hull and Arvilla Snow
departed Friday for Atlanta, Ga,, expect
ing to be gone two or three weeks. Miss
Hull was one of the instructors in music
in the Sncllman academy in that city for
seeral years and has many friends there
whose guests she and Miss Snow will be
while there.
. -
The firm of Blackburn & Snedeker dis-1
solved partnership on December 31, Mr. '
Snedeker retiring and Mr. Blackburn con
tinuing the business. Mr. Snedeker has
not yet decided what his future plans shall
be. The Hkkald hope that he will re
main in Alliance and wishes continued
success to Mr, Blackburn.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Watson gave a
watch party at their home New Year's
eve, about twenty enjoying their hospi
pitality and the plans for a good time that
liad been made by their amiable hostess
All report a very good time and say they
werc more than wide enough awake
give the New Year a hearty welcome.
Misses Mabel Duncan and Alma Hamil
ton entertained about forty of their friends
at the home of the latter at a watch party I
New Year's eve. Games and diversions!
of various sorts made the evening pass very
pleasantly. Foliage decorations were used
quite extensively and mistletoe hidden
among the branches caused many exclama
tions. It was a jolly party and the New
Year was given a merry greeting.
I'nmllv Groceries.
New Year
to all
Lee Acheson,
Among those who received New Year's
wort', Misses Sweeney and Smith, Bnrt,
Frew, Morris, Phetan, Mosdamos Krae
mer, Broome, Reardon, Mollring and
Did you ever stop to consider that out
siders usually judge a town by its newspa
pers? For instance Alliance is one of
tho best known towns In the state and one
does not have to go far to discover tho
cause. A recent issue of one of her pa
pers contained 28 columns ,pf advertising.
Compare that with the papers of her nat
ural rival, Chadron, and you will under
stand why people know a great deal of Al
liance who never heard of Chadron,
"Uncle Zekc" Mabin came down from
Nonpareil Wednesday and returned Thurs
day. Mr, Mabin has been indisposed for
a couple of weeks and his usually ruddy
countenance is somewhat paler than its
wont, "Uncle Zeke" is about as "dyed
in the wool" old soldier republican as you
can find anywhere but that does not deter
him from being one of The Herald's best
friends. He renews his subscription say
ing, ''the folk are always anxious lo get
The Herald" and he says he likes it him
self but he never reads our "crazy politi
cal ideas " ,1
Attorney J. E. Porter of Crawford was
in the city Tuesday attending to some busi
ness before the United States land office.
He was accompanied by Mrs, Porter who
was the guest of the Misses Regan. Tues
day evening Landlord Steen of the Char
ters gave a sumptuous dinner complimen
tary to Mr. and Mrs. Porter, which was
also enjoyed by a lew other friends. After
dinner Mr. Steen took the party to Rid
gell's bowliog'alley where the evening was
pleasantly spent. This was Mrs. Porter's
first visit to Alliance for several years and
she was quite surprised by its growth, ap
pearance And improvements. Mr. and Mrs.
Porter returned to Crawford Wednesday.
J. PrHazard, whc-was agent' for the
Chauuqua desk and drawing chart and
sold a large number of them here last
summer, inaugurated a contest for' the
greatest improvement In any lines demon
strated by the chart and offered many
premiums therefor. The contest closed
Saturday, Rev. Jeffers having been chosen
as judge of the work. The first prize for
free hand drawing was won by Neva
Brennaman and the first prize for portrai
ture by Frank Ritter. Excellent work was
shown by other contestants and a number
of other prizes were awarded.
United States Senator Millard returned
from Washington Tuesday. He says:
"The fence question is settled for this win
ter at least, and, in a way, for the future
as well. It is understood that the matter"
will be allowed to rest until a land-leasing
I ,aw can be passed, which will very likely
!,?.,. .
be in the near future. Such a law will
restrict the cattlemen to a certain extent
while not imposing any unnecessary hard
ships, such as tearing down their fences
would do. Besides, this is a bad time of
the year to begin tearing down fences, any
way." Colonel Mosby is in Washington
now and Senator Millard thinks that he
will be eliminated from the question by
an appointment elsewhere. 1
What's Your Number.'
At Norton's big drawing
New Year's
eve. the following were the
lucky num-
1. No. 1791 Town lot; 2 4916
Shetland pony, bridle and saddle: 3122
44 sowing machine; 4 9379 gold watch
and chain, 5 438O arm chair; 68481
pair wool blankets- 7 14082 dress pat
tern; 8 16142 pair shoes; 9 4559
pair gloves; 10 4103 fiold cuff buttons;
I. H. Huston held No. 2, which drew the
pony, C. H. McKinney secured the watch
with No. 9379; F. M. Donovan drew the
dress pattern and E. V. Martin the pair of
gloves. The oterh winning numbers
have not yet been presented and aredpubt
less held by people living some distance
from Alliance. There were 20,000 tickets
j E
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