as GETTING AWAY FROM HOME The the Batrlt of ftetlenea end Destra far Cfcaasre. Judging by a good deal of tbe con versation of the present day, there are a large number of people who have a positive horror of hbme. This curious revulsion of feeling Is taken by many persons as a sign of eoclnl deteriora tion. For our own part tvo find H dlffl cult to take It quite seriously or to sea In It anything mora than a naming whim. Nobody nowadays likes monotony Change Is what people dcBlro not per haps any great change, but lots of mall change; not necessarily for the better, but for Its own sake. Now, there Is a great sameness about one's own four walls, bo they ever so hand aomo. Wo all feel at times an overpow ering desire to look at somelhlag else. Wo cannot change tho patterns r the pictures on them every ay,,and aetther thoy nor tho home furniture ever Beems to alter in expression. Again, there Is a terrible sameness About one's own cook. Experience ena bles us to foretell the taste of every thing at home, from the soup to tho sa vory if we are rich and from tho mut ton to the cheese If wo aro poor; whereas If we dine at a restaurant everything down to the salt la differ ent) and tho restaurant Is refurnished dally with new faces. Then, again, tbe music and stir going e-n around one avoid tho noceselty far much conversation, and conversation In tho homo circle Is sometimes diffi cult and sometimes dull. It does not do always just to say what one thinks?' it Is such bad practice for dining out, and, this being the case, it is not easy sometimes to think what to say. Nowadays we get, socially Bpeaking, tired of our friends and eveu of our ac quaintances. We want them to pass continually before us like a street pro cession. Instead Of that they rather resemble a stage, crowd and keep com lag up again. There is a limit to those we know, a limit even to those we should like or should be likely to know even by sight, and at a restaurant this latter Umlt Is disregarded. The barrier t good manners which forbids that those who are acquainted with one. an ether should speak la sufficient to pro tect our station or our dignity, but it te not a very high fence, and It Is one which It is amusing to look over. Lon don Spectator. Jndffn Dnvl Wit." The late Noah Davis, justice of tho supremo court of New York, was ona of many Judges and lawyers who make tho courtroom, tho Scene pf some; of our best wit niid humor. Tho New Xrk Commercial Advertiser gives s6mo illustrations). jOnco a lawyer objected to n witness, but Judge Dnvls refused to sustain him. Tho lawyer rrlcd, "But, your honor, I Bubmtt" And hero ho broke of- , "That's right," said tho Judge quick jM "always submit. Crier, adjourn CoTrt!" In ono caso over which ho presided there wero flfty-flvo dlatfjtfct2 flfTonses and four counts on each offense! 220 In all. "Woll," said Judge Davls'thcra aro more counts than In a German' princi pality." - it i ii 1 1 i 4 ' i ,7 4( Pitted For Polttlca. "sWhat makes you think he would be a great success In politics ' "lie can say more things thnt sound well nnd menu nothing thnu ny other, man I ever know ''-ChlcuKO Post. Sheriffs Snlc No. IST5. By virtue of im order of alo iniucd hy tho clerk of tho dlnttlct court or llox Iluttu comity, isehruakar upon a decree rendered by Nitut court In favprnf tho Dunk of Atodalo an Iowa Corporation Is plaintiff, mid mtnlnit Amirat Olson, defendant, i will. outliniSnd day of Deoemixjr, A- D. iftt!, nt 10 o'clock iu in. nil -mid day, ntthu wct front door of the court house In Alliance. In said county, (sell tin) 'following dewrllied real etitnte. to-wlt: The uortlieait quarter of portion XI, town ship 25 north, range 48 west of fltli P. Mi, In llox Iluttu county, Neliriwkii, at puli-lli- auction to the hluhcHt lildder for rash, to satisfy wild order of sale, in the sum of ft 1V17, nnd Intercut, coats and, accruing twts, iHilileet NMW.M?, tiixe and Interest. In A itnrn, Hherirrof wild Countv. V, U. rjlmonwni. AU'v for Plaintiff. 11-21-Rt shcii rr.H snic, Mv virtue of an order of ftalc Issued by tho clerk of-tho district court of llox.nutlo u I county, upon u decree rendered In favor of .lames N. Clarke, receiver, of tho it uumtr.t iv. n K. VutturMin, Jennie by said court 1110 uln- ile of Nipped la tho Hit, f "Ob, Alfredl Isn't It too badl Jnst ns we bad everything so nicely arranged for our elopement; father: Una gone and sanctioned tho match." Hnrper's Monthly, , Few things aro necessary for the wants of this life," but It takes an In finite number to satisfy the demands ei opinion, " SOMfe PUZZLERS. Hew many teeth have you . How high (in Inches) la a ellk hat? Which way does the crescent moon turn, to the right or left? How many toes has a cat en each fore foot? On each hind foot? What color are your employer's eyes? The eyea of the man at the next desk? In which direction is the face turned n a cent? On a quarter. ? On dime? How many steps' lead from the street to tho front door of your houeo or flat? What are the exact words on a two cent stamp, and in which direction is tho face on it turned? Wrlto down, offhand, the figures on tho faco of your watch. The odds are that you will make at least two mis takes In doing this. What is the name, signed in facsim ile, on any dollar, two dollar, five dol lar or ten dollar bill you ever saw? Tou'vo read jJosens of those names. Can you remember one? Your watch has some words writtca. or printed on Its face You have seea these words a thousand tiroes. Write them out correctly. Few can do this. Also what is the number In the case et your watch? Washington Times. AiirI-Ih. She After nil, what is the difference between illusion nnd delusion? He Illusion Is tho lovely fancies we have about ourselves, and dclusionls the foolish funcles other pcoplo have about themselves. Life. NeliruHku Loan and Tnut Company, tiir.iino iiffnirm w nttr r. I'liiterson, l'nMiTTuin. IiIk wife, mid tho Countv Hnx Itutlt. NehriiKkii are defendant). I will, on I lie 13th day of .January, A.D 1903 hi JO o'clock a.m. on wild day. at the west front door of the courthouse. In Alliance In sulci county, kcII the following described real exiute, to-wlt: tho southwest U or ftectlon 14, of township a north, run ire 48. west of eth principal meridian in llox uutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho hluhest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of fcnlo In the sum of $1,(X5.07 and Interest, costs nnd accruing costs. , IKA HEED, Sheriff, of Said County. Umitu PTBTrtB, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Docembcr 12. R m F I"' HANSON jwt Dry Goods Trimmings and T 'W UncertalH Kootlnw. Tho fellow who stands on his dignity may discover that dignity Is just'as slippery as n banana skin. St. Louie Republic. In Turkey red hair is countc keauty, and tho women JrJ that tint The Bar &4 tfc Farm. How often we hear parents discour age the boyB who wish to stay on the farm I They refer to farm work as drudgery and that which tends to make them Blares to work rather than Inde pendent min. The biggest boys are educated for professional men and In many Instances excel, but the vast ma jority of these, with a good practical education such as can bo gained in our schools of agriculture, would become wealthy, progressive farmers, with fine farms and beautiful homes, If they had been encouraged nnd advised to stay by tho old farm and make it a Buccesa, Maxwell's Talisman. That Now Hook on tho li)d Is off tho press and ready fq It Is a little bit tho best script vooo this wonderful omlng yet issued, It Rives? ot its farms, cardens, cattlil gating canals, oil fields and tho golden opportunities thirty-one splendid half-toi. graphs. Free to any add 1 . Francis, G P, A.. Bin Omaha, Nebraska. fiburlofli Mtoa de- 5 Finds It Vcrv Satl r Lincoln, Neb., Mr. Landvf Clark Agent, Dear Sir In reply v- your. how I regard Sheridan coal, having tried it during the furnace, kitchen range and ilfil have found it satisfactory inj&Tl Being almost smokelcsi aadii property of holding fire for a fact, until every vestige of Tew aumed, I have found it vcrfgi for use-in a furnace desicned far . .. . . . 1TTO1 Its cleanliness together with Has of holding fire makes it desirfoji in kitchen range and in grate RespectCully.SSSfif' , E. T. Hartley. 'Hs t. . . , dry as to say after Anise in lace, I e. kvlng th kime-ii is con- sfactory IcoaL fopctly- WH Amplication For PcrrnlsHlon to Sell .Min ora' Kent Kstntc. In the District (tourt of Hox, Hutti county in thurniuttor.otthe appllciitlon of AllaGloo- ktn, KuarUlun, toholl roal estate. Tills causo coming on for hearing upon the application of AlluGookln, puardlan-of ltay mond flookln, Merret Oookln, Ethel Qookln and Hnth Qookln to bell thewest half of Sec tion a-j, Township 28, noith of Itaimo 40, tho northwest quarter of Section 4 and tho north east quarter of Bcctlon 5 in Township 27 north of Uango 49 all In tho County ot Uox Hutto and Htato of Nebraska, real estate of said wards, for tno nuruoso or maiuiaininc anu i-uiiuumiK her said wards, and It appearing from the ie tltlon of said Kuardlau that tho personal property und the IncOme ot said real estate is not sufficient to maintain and educate said minors and that it will lift beneficial to said wards to sell said real estate. It N therefore, ordered that all persons Interested lnsald real property appear lieforo tho undersigned t Unshvlfle, Nobraaka,on tho 8th day of Dccom bcr, lUetJ. at 10 o'clock a, ta. of said day to show causo why ii license should not bo grant ed to said guardian to sell said real estate for the purpose of mrdptalnlng and educating said minors. s It Is further ordered, that notice of said hearing bo given to ull persons interested In 111 tho III I Hill fc)IBHM II Bllll lllipMII I tH JHpitisWiMMyvrVT MfwT WwS Hot su ' i Judge District Court, J)eUila8a day of October, lBOfl. 'H-H-9 ortWnuarjorat km ef tk MottrlHa- RAM Live Stertt mtmpmr. viaar. glvon ot th lRCOrponttWH im r.inw riiiirh rn nr! i & i? "c -. ttMMa. t -ri -' bfnBttenc13r -w tat) MimW 01 oorpontMon :, rpiu tMluVfl n't fch'3itf in be tnuuuotod by eorpoUon hU,'b to buy. aetl mjim iYenocKr tv pwrcnas ana xw ! w fntikMirinv tho nurnnMl AMdmMMMlt the Mf BuraUoa ttii loan woiY'l staekMl;wch)Jja M to wfomjwrii eTwe.uinrwwr 9HJ b j wm b 1 IHh MuriMLl atank Ht HkM. sjUm. sr ewtt. to bsoerwdi Yfcmfcwiioxxs SacnYvce The handsomest and most complete stock of Silk, Dress j G-oods Trimmings and Waistings to he sold just exactly as quoted here. No shameful exaggeration, ho maddening dis appointment. Call and he convinced. Beginning Monday, DecJ Li. yfZ, Aft f9 J 4 ...u-w-fSSK k Bt. u. a. jsc nmap7r:ia,F ra-'fc mmyrvw- )ii 5Vb w Sms axv oVvrts. . . WOBPMMMi ieejMsnjMMaa ma kj wii" UinyaMirte prorootfe ut l4fcr- iife Hi.eoittnMlK of bmriay rr ,(. k ; -i,r. tlwl TiMHyiirr va tw pw we rvqtttH utmrnzwra. . v fiuitlmnnf rr.mmenc.lnW buslneaa No'fwii' her, 1st. 1S9B. W eoijiowtk' to cetrthiwi aarliat the iwrtf ft m years, f . TSohlghest amount of ludobtednfcssw. any time HaTt not bo auw thn f 5,eeo. affairs of said corporation snail bo con- u l rectors ot ho more dm- thaa Are and fro CllOMl H Bated Xllhwice, Ntbraska, Dccotobe 4th, MotutiNQ-ioViC ttv Stock Oohpant. 12-4t wua iMroctoMSHiui ue VresViwjt. treasurer nnd General . KJ., 35 yards ofalf'-Wool Clievtetjf Me, pUck.:ahdjfl) Vthjfi.oo'andjii.25 ' .kWtiifi Sktrice - i 4L ' -5nf"3sFi' 2$ yards Basket 'Cloth or Ekrntne browned .. r wkf worth fhpa , . ,. fiJf 36 yards Scotch Plaids. btifttl, mvkHttWe effects, abaolutdy tbf newet, worth -T fi? 3 j yard Covert Cloth; ,blu, wfrje, red v'ntl 'gray, Worth' 1,50 " '7 '07Vjm IOr 4ii'34Ajk ,J-aTV t- -w 1 fenT-fcl ue, Sllr V$jmc&:FimKWlMSn& CHenoT - - ver gray attdaYk?r, wsrth is t t and 2,00 perard now" .lTfti , t -...v. V 25 yarda'Brd4otrij. black and rad, , .-.,, , , s m MM jw aWQ fOt- J2C worth J 1.507 Salo price.. 100 yard CaHcfo: Sale price..., t5l' lil,) ,4- " t Alert For a AbkcL. Mr. Stormlngton Barnes and his lead lag man were passing a village church. "Listen I" exclaimed the eminent tra gedian. "Does the music of tho choir carry you back to your boyhood daysT' "No; but you know how long we have been looking for some ono with money Who was willing to back the show." "Yes." "Well, I think I bear some ono inside thero singing 'X Want to Bo an An gel.' " Washington Star. Alarm Tht Worked. First Office Boy What's Johnny hur ryln' fer? Looks like ho heard a fire alarm. Second Office Boy lie did. De boss aid If ho wasn't back from dat er rand in ten minutes he'd lose his Job! Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. She Spoke Too Early. , Lady (with awfully painted cheeks) My portrait Is very good, but don't you think that tho a cheeks are a trifle pale? Artist Yes, thoy aro not done yet X leavo that to the last Pllegende Blatter, Aa Interesting Boelc. "I've had great pleasure today In re viewing a book that Is entirely new to me." said tho literary editor. "What's that," Inquired the snake altor, "a bankbook?" -Philadelphia Record. Legal Advertisements. i Guurdlnn's Sale. In tho matter of tho application of Alia Oookln, Kuardlau, for license to sell tho real estate ot her wards: 'Jlstlco Is hereby given that In pursuance of an Order of W. II. Westover, JihIko of tho Dis trict Court ot Bos Iluttu county, Nebraska, made on tho nth day of December, liKJJ, for tho sale of the real estate heielnafter de scribed, thero will bd sold at the west front door.of tho court honso In the city of Alliance lit nox Ilitttitciiuntv lino stivtii of XolmisKu. on tho rith day of January, Wi at 10 o'clock 1. in. in puouc veiiuuo 10 1110 iiikiicsi oiuuer aorcash tho following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho west half ot section SJ In town ship ZH north of raiiiro 49, tho northwest quifr ier of section 4 und tho northeast quarter ot section A In township 27 north, or raiiKQ 40 west of the sixth principal meridian In Ne braska. Hald sain will remain open one hour. ALU uooKin, Uuardlan. rHSSSMS MADETO OltDKIt. RKPAIUINO A SPF.OlAITY. OltnKns'cALLED FOR ANI? DF.LIVKnED R. MADSEN, Notice to Defendant. A, K. Hartnmu will take iintlcu that on the 10th day ot Octolier, IPOS, an notion was com menced by Wm. V. Norton, plaintiff, against A. K, Hartman,, ( uaino not known) de fendant, to recover of defendant tho umof f 10.40 beforo U A. Kerry, Justice of tho pence In and for Alliance Second wurd product, Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, uud that an or der ot attachment was Issued In said action, and property consisting of money in the hands of tho Chicago, Uurllmrton &. Quliicy Hallway Co. has lKsen attached In &.Udactiou. Bald causo was continued to December 15th, lQOi. at tho hour of 0 o'clock a. in. Dated November SI, lOOd. It-Sl-Hw Wm. W Nohton Plaintiff. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Pop rtetrcss Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms sr iff,m ,?. . A-m3ki-f 'luh ?m.. uiSk : MfcSI . .. "ggje2F' I I . CT u Ladies' Flannel Waists at one half price. Ladies' and Children's Cloaks one-third off. Shoes at Costja? rf "BeauUuV Titess .. ramrus. o yards Brocades, vvc-rTh'fj'.oo and fjkl i XvXTlt lOT . U . , ,, -. k-ftt - " m " stjo yard Hwrettav;jm a4t colors,, selHnf; at 1 j "- ' . awipf a 1 - m. F7m'"VJ"W!l?ii' f J 0W JJfl,,r3)H?i.4..V'f'(!,r 'fr-r mm 300 yards NoVeMBratW' God, J 'T'l worth 65c and c,- sakf pr k' f .. ,J,jf 2' 50 yards Drees Gbods,j, -" ' . i 1 W,orUi 40c. forn, 2 .. "..-,'. ,.. ,.,., --i 00 yard4 Drtws GoxHk.u t JE i 'worth a;c for .-,.iJ .liE, iJ' T ., ' . -' S V vV - - - - : :r.- s c Albatross, foi gown8,in"trijitcst shades, wbrti 6$c j4 Qt -now . ., . .- -, -TJ Hn vfl'rdsiTrieott Plnnnnl (nr vnstiojm. ManTr? hlnn t " mMI - ... .,. r. ....... -,,.. .....n-rHK . ...wp., ... ... t-l I A 1 A , ... g mi'WUU IJItl SllllIO UIIU IIII1K Willi whiteTVIn striDoi.. Wool t-repe, evening shades, worth 51.25, for 25 Silk Waist Patterns, Persian, Jap te. -...-V'fsj-- nJJ5.. i -jiuo jraiua fiwa uuuus, worth, 15c, for ., ..-. ja 400 yards Henrietta and V. l&- 79c and Plaids, latest out, worth S3.25 Sale price 4 heavy French Flannel Waist Patterns, embroid eted band for collars and cuffs, 4 EEL worth 53.90, now. . . ... -"w mlKJ 50 yards M,arie Silk in black, 36-inch width, worth $1.65, sale price .. 2.65. 99c All Trimmings one-half price. ffflfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fiffV .j TIMETABLE Alliance, Neb. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND, OAK. CDAVMCPn orvn 1 viiiAjw, points west and Opposite Depot. All'.mnce. Nebr ray.- t x: F- TMBCr ' j-v-w t r 1 k - 1 , -j, J, 5 - ' i, S' l! I "M And lie more comfortable by using SAVE YOUR GOSPER'S METALIC WEATHER STRIPS. ON DOORS AND WINDOWS. BEST ON MARKET. FUEL! You can find it with a lot of other good things in Stoves, Enameled ware, etc., at Hcbeson Si -jober's, HARDWARE.. "S- LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS. and all points cast and soutn. Tkains Leave as Follows. Mountain Tim No. l Passenger dally. Dcadwood, Hillings, ull points north and . west..... ...10:35o.m. No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago and all points east 1:40a.m. No, 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogdeu.Salt Lake, Ban Kran- clsco and all Intermediate points, doparts ut.,....,'-?- l:Ma.m. Na 303 Passenger dally from Denver and alt Intermediate pplnts. arrives at.... ..? 10:10.i.m. No. 43 Local passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln and inter mediate points urrlves at..,, &:fA u.m. Na4 Local passenger dally," for omana, Lincoln ana interm dlato points, departs at... .& so. SXJDaliy, excop sunaay. 101 points south and west, de 4;00a.m. wirts. No. 306 Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives dally, Deadwooi. ana iniermeuiuvu 8:30 R. W 3:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. No. 17 Freight dally.except 8unday, for Dead wood and Billings. 10; 50 a. m No. 45 Freight, Billings stations. No. 49 Freight dally, for eui and interme Lincoln late stations. for Lincoln dally Intermediate stations. 8:05 a.m. 1:00 a. m, 12 n. m. 9:15 am. Na48 Freight anu No. 49 Freight, for northwest No, 50 Freight from northwest, ar rive Denver freight, dally except Mnndnv. arrives at Nil not itanver frelcht. dally excout Saturday, leaves at 5 SO a.m. Bleeping, dining and. reclining chair curs (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold und baggage checked to any polut in the United States or Canada. For information time table and tickets call on or write to J, KitEjDixuAcaii.Agtont.oj: J- FaAjJC,. .Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nehraska. Alliance Bowling Alley, W. S. RIDGELL, Proprietor. "frUxM frxst ew i Te,Be,sft. eeaxves sitvit Bet. Appointed Amusement Place in the West, and Invite All to Call. Ladies -Especially Invited. Bowling, Billiards and Pool. t- CIGARS, .TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS. AND ONE DOOR NORTH OF Young's Grocery. Two of Our Churches. I JSnpttst HUsUkM First Gbitrcb t One Block West and Two ' Blocks North ot TIMES BUILDING. Georob CoiUns Jbitbrs, Pastor. Sunday School 10.00 a. u. I Preaching , 11.00 a.m. Junior Meeting.......... 3.00 P.M. f C. E. Meeting 7.15 r.. Preaching. ... 8.00 p. m. Prayer Service,Thurs3ay, 8.00 p.m. & A Hearty Welcome cfi t TO ALL SERVICES. T&etiiQ&sft - S)seopaV ...Church.., AITAXCE, - NKBRASICA. REV. E. O. HORN, PH. D.. PA8TOW SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School ..10.00 a.m. Preaching t 11.00 a.m. Class Meeting. 12.00 i, Junior Epworth League., 3.00 p, w. Epworth League........ 7.00P.M. Preaching 8.oop.m. Prayer Service,Thursd8y. 8.00 p.m. Everyone Is Welcomed to au services. e o a u o o tt m m 5 44e)t)9(ttt)SCaVMa