i,f - ' . f- & f 6' A f 1 " 'v r fI-T'- IPv' i.' CURES FOR TOOTHACHE. Xlemedlca Thnt Do Not Ajipenl to tba flN . Ordinary M" TOdny. . Tho man In dental anguish some times curscfl with BurnB "tho venotnod stang that shoots his tortured gums' slang." Sometimes, on tho other hand, ho prays, fcjc Augustlno In his "Con Xcaslons" relates how ho oneo Buffered from "dolor dcntlum" (toothache), ap parently In an aggravated form, for ho could not speak. Thcroupon bo jflrroto on vrax a prayer to God for the other brethren to repeat, and as soon -as all were on their fences tho pain went "But what a pain!" ho says. ""Never Blnco my tendorago had I ex perienced the like." Southey In his "Llfo of John AVceloy" tells of that 'eminent preacher that when his own "tooth ached ho prayed and the pain left him. Unfortunately ordinary men do not Becm to havo such cfllcaclons faith. When the excruciation begins, they must bear It philosophically, and on Shakespeare's authority toothache Unds out just tho weak place in tho philosopher's armor of patience. In tho middlo agea the devout who were racked with pain had a Bpcclal patron to whom they could call for dellver ance. St Apollonia, a martyr under tho emperor Philip, among other cruel indignities had her teeth pulled out In consequence she became tooth acho'B tutelary saint as her emblems one of which Is "holding a tooth In pinchers" sufficiently testify. And thcro would seem to hnvo been .yet another martyr, St Blaizc, who took cognizance of the disease. Ho was honored in tho llttlo town of St Bla ey, in Cornwall, where candles of fered upon his altar wero supposed to be an infallible cure for toothache. Chambers' Journal. GOUGH'S QUICK WIT. A Retort That Silenced nn Interrnp tlon In the Audience. An effort of one of John B. Cough's tours of tho west waB to nrouse hia converts to a political movement in fa vor of prohibition, and In several states tho politicians began to give considera tion to tho cry. The distillers and liq uor dealers arc said to havo been so frightened that they employed men to follow the lecturer, Bit nmong tho audi ence and endeayor to confound him with questions. Hp had worked a Topeka (Kau.) audience up to n flue pitch of excitement and in bis effective manner cried: "Temperance! Temperance 1 Tem pcrancel It will mean money in your .pocket clothes on your back, happiness in your homo and God In your heartl" Up leaped ono of tho paid interrupt ers nnd shouted to the audience: "Money In your pockets 1 "Why, fel low citizens, follow this man's ideas -and we'll bo all in the poorhouscl Think of tho fields of tasselcd corn that stretch on every side! Whisky Is made from corn. We sell millions of dollars' worth of corn to tho whisky makers. Stop tho manufacture of "Whisky, and what'H,w-do?" - Then, turning to Gough, ho went on: "You, Mr. Smarty wbat'll wo do? "Tell us, if prohibition comes, what'll Cvo do with ourcorn?" "Rolso more hogs, my friend," re plied Gough without a second's hesi tation "raise more hogs!" Philadel phia Times. Sympathy. Ted's mamma had a birthday recent ly and received as a present from ono of her friends, a ten dollar bill. Accom panying tho money was a note to which the -writer, after explaining that she couldn't think of anything tasteful to buy and had therefore sent the cash, made some tender references to by gone days and dear old scenes. Whllo the recipient was sitting with tho bill in one hand and the letter In the other and permitting tears to drip down up on both Ted went up to her and, put ting his arms around her neck, ten derly asked: "What's tho matter, mamma? Isn't tho money good?" Now York Com mercial Advertiser. I'roctor'a Finest Speech. Senator Proctor of Vermont once said tho flncst speech he ever made consisted of only four words. It was In retort to Senator Hoar's sarcastic little thrust in a speech directed at tho Green Mountain senator. lie said, "No man in Vermont Is allowed to vote un less he has made 5,0P0 trading with Massachusetts people." Whereat Proctor suld, "And wo all vote." Chicago Inter Ocean. Merely a Joke. Gusher You may not believe it, hut I've never had an unkind word from my wifo in all my Ufe Henpeck Oh, don't try to spring that old chestnut on me. Gusher What old chestnut? Ilenpeck You want me, to say, "How did you manago that?" and then you'll say, "I never got married." De troit Freo PresB. , How It Happened. Mrs. Nexdore My daughter was practicing her now concert piece last night Did you hear her? Mrs. Pepprey Oh, yes. Mrs. Nexdoro How was it?. Mrs. Pepprey I simply couldn't get -away; that's bow it was, Philadelphia Press. Not Ready to Arbltrato. "Stop! Don't fight boys! Can't we -arbitrate this thing?" asked ono of the bystanders. "Yes, sir," panted the fellow who waB en top. "Just as soon as I've blacked his other eye!" Chicago Tribune. Fruit tarts and cakes are served out iive times a week to the crews on board steamers trading between Aus--tralla and New Zealand. Tarts are opleespIes. Additional Local. .. , -,Antl.jInnR Social. , ,..,.. Clkman, Neb., Nov. n, 190a. Dear Editor: Tho Cleman Anti-Slang society requests the pleasure of your pres ence at an entertainment and sociable to be given in tho Cleman schoolhouso No vember 27. Program at 7 p.m., box socia ble following. Each lady is requested, to bring a box containing lunch for two. Committee. Rev. Noyce haa just returned from tho eastern part of the state where ho was called some six weeks ago to tho bedside of hii wife. She has been suffering from typhoid fever but is slowly regaining her health. Tho ladies of tho Presbyterian church will hold an experience social at tho homo of Dr. Boguo Tuesday evening, November 25. Each lady has earned a dollar to ap ply on the $500 pledge for the new church and will tell how it was done at that time. All aro cordially invited. ThatNcwllookonthelllg Horn Jlnsln Is off the press and ready for distribution. It is a little bit tho best publication de scriptive of this wonderful section of Wy oming yet issued. It gives brief glimpses of its farms, gardens, cattlo ranches, irri gating canals, oil fields and a word about the golden opportunities, Illustrated by thirty-one splendid half-tones from photo graphs. Free to any address on reauest. J. Francis, G. P. A.. Burlincton Route. Omaha, Nebraska. n-2i-3t See Mrs. Regan's new line of cloaks. Call and seo Norton's new clothing. Cash paid for hides. Clougii & Col lins. Wanted By a colored lady, a place to work out of city. Reference. 10-7-31. For Sale or Rent My residence nron- erty; will give possession December 1, W. D. Rumer. Just received another carload of "Per fection" flour. The best in town at $1.20 per sack.1 A. D. Rodoers. Notice Hereafter no goods aro lo h charged to tho Brockett saloon except o myoraer. ti. c.Armstong. Dated October 18, 1902. We'are pioneers in the picture busini- our stock is up to date and nobby. Our sales last week demonstrated that we are leaders and not to be lead. Geo. Darling. For Sale. Meat market in lively town. Two rail. roads, Union Pacific round honsn -nH shop. A good opening for rieht nartv. Address Box iG, Sidney, Neb. Cattle Wanted to Winter. I desire to take in about 150 head of cat- tfe-to winter at my place, four miles south- east of Lawn. tiood range, plenty of hay and water. Jos. Kapsr, Lawn, Neb. Cattle to Winter. Wanted, cattle or horses to winter at my ranch twenty miles northeast of Alli ance. Plenty of hay, range and water. Address me at Rushville, or A. J. Gilbert, Moomaw, Neb. Walter R. Kent. )m$BhimM$mmim Pabst Beer SHIPPED OVER THE BUR. LINGTON BY H. C. Who came here to stay, And will neVer bo driven away, And Sold to His Customers ......IN ALLIANCE This is the Beer that Waked Up Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... i Best m the Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue" for family use. We'll deliver the same at any hour, day or night; for we're out for business and lose no time H. C. ARMSTRONG. "I- ),&'$,mr m;m?m,&m?'?& immtmt Alliance Bowling Alley W. S. JUDGELL, Proprietor. w fr Qwm 0 'K.pAMP.g CVeawes awiiT&es Appointed Amusement Place in the West, and Invite All to Call. Ladies Especially Invited. Bowling, Billiards and Pool. CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS. Sheep For Sale. Thrcd tliftusahd oho, two-, thrco rind four-year-old owes for sale. Largo sheep and will shear from 10 to ia poundsyThe band averaged "ftpX pounds this year. Two hundred Ram baulett bucks that will shear from 20 to 3d pounds. Address H. A. Peters, Moomaw, Neb. Sheriffs Snlc. No. 1385, lly virtue of nn order of sale Issued by thoclurkof tlio district court of llox Ilutto county, Nobruskn, upon n decrco rendered by tafu court In favor of tho Dunk of Modalo nil Iowu Coriairuitoii 1st philutllT, and URiilntL Andrew Olson, defendant, I will, on IhoSaid day of December, A. 1). 1902, nt 10 o'clock a. tn. on snld day, nt tho west front door of tho court houso In Alllnnce, In snld county, soil tho following described real cstnle, to-wit t Tho northeast qunrtcr of section 33, town ship 55 north, rniiRo 48 west of flth V. M., In Box Ilutto county, Nebraska, nt pub lic miction to the hlchest bidder for cash, to satisfy snld order of sale, In tho sum of M15.17, and Interest, costs nnd accruing costa, subject to $30.f3, taxes nnd interest. Ira Hr-Y.u, .Sheriff of wild County. V. O, Blmonson. Att'y for Plaintiff. ll-2t-5t ( Notice to Defendant. A. K. Hftrtman will take notice thnt on tho loth day of October. 1002. nn action was com menced by Win, W.Norton, plaintiff, against a. r.. nariinnn,, tursi name not Known) de fendant, to recover of defendant tho sum of 111). -10 before li. A. Ilerry, Justice of tho peace In and for Altlnnco Second ward precinct, Itox Ilutto county, Nebraska, nnd that nn or der df attachment was Issued In said action, and property consisting of inonoy In tho hands of tho Chicago, llurlliiKlon & Qnlncy Kallway Co. has been attached In said notion. Bald cause wns continued to December 15th, 1P02, nt tho hour of B o'clock a, m. Dated November 21, 1902. U-21-3W Wm. Y. Noiiton rialntlff. teSbes 5i& "Svme o Bw$ is when tho price is right. This is the way wc keep our prices all tho time. But at present it is House Cleaning Time ! and wo aro offering odds and ends at greatly reduced fig ures, regardless of their cost. It will pay you to take time and como and sec hesc bargains. . . Mark'3 Studio FINE BOOTS and SHOES " ( MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING A SPEOrAITY. ORDERS OAIXED FOR AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN, rUW Armstrong, World! ONE DOOR NORTH OF Young's Grocery, , '' fc S i" Cattle Wanted to Winter. I am prepared to winter about forty head of cattlo on my ranch near Dunlap. Plenty of feed and water and best of care. W. Bamb, Dunlap, Neb. TIME TABLE Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO. BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY, KANSAS CITY. PUI llYNU, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and nil points east nnd . points west nnd bOUtll. TllAINSLlUVKAsFOLLOWS.M.inNTAINTlME No. 41 Passenger dally. Dcadwtwl. mumes, aiipoiuisiiurtii mm n.f .. .. ln'ili ii. m. No. 4S Passenger dally, Lincoln. niJnlu itnttt. v.......t... 1 140 fl.tn. No. 301 Passengor doily, for Denver Uk'Uen.SIUl imhv, dub rnui- Cisco und nil intermediate .mint. rlnnnild lit 1 ?ifl II. Til. No. 303 Passon'sor dally from Denver ana an inionncuinvu iwium, nlna n lUMIIfl.Tn. No. 43 Local passonRor dally from mediate points arrives ut.... 5:5! a.m. No. 44 Local passenger dally, for Omaha, Lincoln and Interme diate points, departs at, 4:00 u.m. No.305Dally, except Sunday, for l points south and west, dp- , parts ; 8:20 a. m No. 308 Dally, excopt Sunday, from south and west, arrives 3:B0p. m. No. 45 FrolRht, dally, Deadwooi. I Hillings iinu juiurmuuiuvv Rtntlons 7)30 P.m. No. 46 Freight dally, for Lincoln ana imormouiaia biuwuus.. mmjy. m. No. 47 FrclRhtdally.oxcept-Sunday, ' for Doadwood and Hillings.. 10: 50 ft. tn No. 48 Freight dally for" Lincoln and intermediate stations., 8:05a.m. Nn'ia thwlnltt. tnr northwest uu.. liOOa. m. No. 50 Freight from northwest, ar- rivo.... " v " Denver freight, dally except Mi.Mlnv nvrlvfftt fit. . Q'15 flTTI. No. 304 Denver freight, dally oxcopt eaiuruay, leuvua ut ......... w.-v .u 8lpininir. dlnlncr and rocllnltilt chair cars (scats free) on through trains. -Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in tlio rTnitri stritfnr fl.inada. For Information. tlmo tahlc and tickets call on or wrlto to J. KiiEiDEMiAuan, Agent, or J, FnANOis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. The Best of EVERYTHING Our Prices are Right. J as. Graham. PHONE 00. Staple and I Fancy I MIS RANCH SUPPLIES. Nom berry's Hardware Establishment. The largest line of Steel and Cast Ranges ever shown in Western Nebraska. Ranges from $25.00 to $62.50 Largest Stock of G-lass in Alliance. Two of -- First Baptist Cfourcb Ono Block West ana Tho Mocks North 0 TIMES BUILDING. Gkoroe Collins Jbpkbrs, Pastoh. Svuv&avi ScyyAcs. Sunday School , , . , 10.00 a.m. Preaching ; u.oo a.m. Junior Meeting. 3.00 p.m. C. E. Meeting 7,15 p.m. Preaching 8.00 r.M. Prayer Sorvice,Thursday. 8.00 p.m. a A Hearty Welcome TO ALL SERVICES. Miscellaneous TtTVTtTTfTVf1lTTTyTVTlTTVTTT?TTVtVTTfll NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agent Hartford Fire Insurance Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara Firo Insurance Co. New York Underwriters, NeW York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In Offlco Up-Stalrs, Fletcher Jilock. tfiAf...,..... ..i..iitAliittAtllttttlt' 0 Vftlt fAjAAttfttnAAj .AtAjtAAAil ti.tAl.t.t JOHN PILKING-TON. I (Stain, jflour an& $z&. The Aurora Milling Oompaiiy. A 0n6 Flour, 5MouNDs.''cAs'.!"!"'.;'.r.io"S I.covo Your Orders for Atfalfo. Mrs. Thos. Has a Large Assortment MILLINERY, I ADIES' T -& Ilaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stampd Linings, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block... I Try Hie Herald r Our Churches. & ) - ...Church... AJLVLXiVNCB. NMUliASICA. REV. E. O, HORN, PH.D.. PASTOR,., SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School ...10. 00 a.m. Preaching .11.00 a.m. Class Meeting. .,.,..,.. 12.00 M. Junior Epworth League.. 3.00 P.M. Ep worth League.. ...... 7.00P.M. Preaching 8.00 v, m. Prayer Servlco,Thursd8y. 8.00 P.M. Ercryone ts Welcomed to All Services. Advertisements. V REPRESENTS THE rOLLOWINS - INSURANOE COMPANIES. n(. 1 suranco Co, Gorman American Iqsaranco" Co.j f NqwYork.? I J f . Farmers and .Merchants Insurance ? Co.ioFLjncalni i j Columbia Fire Insurance Co, 5 s ,' Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. Regan.., t.Tt and Complete of-i TAILOR MADE Suits, Shirt Waists, Huslin Under wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Batte.nberg for Job fori. V r