rrr- I w 1 V r Li s- ' "3PV L' 13W-" 5?'- t. FC iV M k ' W.W.Norton's Large Department Store. Aoith of Merchandise In Thirty Days Means an EXTRA EFFORT on my part. This I will do by making such low prices on these goods that it will move them. In October I did the biggest business I ever had since I came to Alliance. I want to make this the best month of' the year. You always get good goods and the best values at this store, but during this sale I am going to sell you good goods at such low prices that you will always appreciate it. lemember that on Dec. 31, at 8D,m.. I WILL GIVE AWAY $251 worth OF Gifts TO MY PATRONS. A ticket will be given for every dollar in cash that you pay into our store, whether on purchases or paid on account, entitling the holder to a chance on prizes worth from $1 to $100. LADIES', MISSES and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. 5.65 buys Ladies' X Coat worth 8.00 $9.95 " Ladies' H Coat worth 12.00 $2.95 " Ladies' Jacket, worth 5.00 4.50 " Ladies' Jacket, worth $6.50 $8.95. " Ladies' Tan Jacket, worth 12.00 .4.95 buys Misses' Coat, worth 5.50 $2,48. " Misses' Jacket, worth $5.00 J2.48 buys Children's Coat with Muffler and Hood to Match and worth 5.00. 95 cents buys Children's Coats that are worth $2. 50. SHOES. Ladie's Shoes worth $1.75 to 2.25 at S1.25. Mens' Shoes worth, Si. 50 to Si. 95 at 98 cents, Childrens Shoes worth 75 cents to Si. 25 at 68 cents. Ladies' Felt Slipper, worth 1.50 to 1.75 at 98 cents. Men's Felt Slipper, worth $1.00 at 59 cents. NIGHT ROBES. Ladies' Night Robes worth Si. 25 at 75 cents. Misses' Night Robes, worth 75 cents at 48 cents. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. Gray Mimed Wool Blankets 124, worth S4.00 at 12.48. Gray all Wool at $3.0,8 White all Wool at 3.98 Cotton Blankets, 4Jc,5oc, 65c and 75c. Quiltb, .... .. 78c. W. W. NORTON'S Large Department Store TO SELL $10,000 LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS. $10 buys Elegant Suit, worth $16.50 gi2 " Elegant Black Suit, worth S18 $6.75 " Black Golf Suit, worth $12.50 $2.50 " Ladies' Walking Skirt, worth 23.25 Ladies' Walking Skirt, worth S5.00 at $3.00. Ladies' Golf Skirt, worth- $6. 50 at $4.20. MISCELLANEOUS. Two thousand yards of Prints that go at, per yard - 3 l-2c One thousands yards of gingham that go at. 4c Eight hundred yards of outing that will sell at - - 5c Five hundred yards dress goods worth 30 to 40 cents con sisting of brocades, stripes, plaids and plain at - 20c Twenty-five pieces of all wool dress goods worth 60, 65 and 75 cents at - 48c Remnants of all wool dress goods go at cost and less. Five hundred boys' j j SVo Z - ssl W.W Norton's Large Department Store. OVERCOATS. . $7.79 buys Men's Overcoats worth $20. during this sale. 50c buys Bays' Overcoats to new to be closed out that soldfor $2.75 and $3.50. One hundred pairs of Men's shoes worth $2 to $2.50 will be sold at - $1.49 Seventy-five pairs of worth $J 50 to $J 75 go at - $J 25 One lot of boys' and men's underwear worth from 50c to 60c goes at - 25c 100 men's suits worth $J5 go at - $4 48 YTT TTT ITAnmAtrifl H, fl. HUKTOH S LargeDepartment Storel Lgftl Advert Uernsnts. Sheriffs Sat. 13.1H tlv vktue of n order of aU Ittued by Uit clork of th district oonrt of I5ox Unite countjr. Nebrmka, upon a decree rendorod by mild court la furor of Ilox Bntto county. pUlntUT, ami nminu I'ronoricic v. itrug Mr. Krutr, nm two, first namo unknown, Hargaillno SfcKtt trlck Dry Goods convpany, nnd Unyii Mond ft Itlcu ro defendants, f will on tho 15th dny of Ioirtmlinl A.1Y 1WVV il. 10 iVtrv.V A m nn nnlrl iltty, nt tho west front door of tho courthouse in Alliance In until llox Hutto county of No hrnskii, soil tho following described real es tate to-wlts tho northwest uuurtor of Boctlon HI, township 30 north of rniiRO 411 vrust of tho Oth principal meridian In Hox Uutto count, Nebraska, nt public miction to tho lilKho.st Milder for cash, to ttntlsfy said or der of salo In tho sum ot4H00nud Interest, costH und accruing costs taxed nt CU.!V3. 111A mail), Hherlft of ttalii t'ounty. Wsi. MlTCHKU.. Attorney for l'ittlntlir. rirt publication, Nov. 14. Sheriffs Sale 130(1 Hy vlrtuo of nn order of sain Issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Hox Jlutto couii" ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rvitdered by said court In favor of Jlox Hutto county, phithlilf, und apalnst Frederick V. Krutt, Mrs.KrtiR, bin wife, llnrcmllno McKlttrlck Dry tloodrf com pany.nnd llnys.Mead & ItloonrodofendantA, I will, on tho 15th day of December, A.D lWJ.ut 10 o'clock n, in. on snld day at tho west front (looroflhu courthouse In Alllnuco In Mnhl Hox Hutto county of Nebraska, Sell tho following desorllied real estate, to-wit t tho uorthenst auartor of section seventeen (17), township sfo north of ranjto 49 west of tho 0th principal meridian In Nebraska, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salu iuthoHUtnof S4H..T0 and interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at i9.S3. IHA HEED. Sheriff of Hald County. Wm. Mitciikm., Attorney for l'lalnlllT, First publication, Nov. 14. Sheriffs Snle. 1308 Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered hy said court In favor of Hox Hutto county, tho county of Hox Hullo is plalutltf and against. Frederick V. Knur, Mrs Krtiir, his wife, Ilar uadlnu McKlttrlck Dry Hoods couiiinny.and Hiiyd, Mead ft KIro are defendants, 1 will, on the 15th day of December, A. D. lOui, at 10 o'clock a. in. on said day, at the west front door of the courthouse In Alliance In said county, sell the following described real es tate, to-wlt: the southwest H of section 7, township 27, north rnueoltt, west of nth prin cipal meridian In Hox Hntto county, Nebras ka, at public auction to the hlu'liest bidder for cash to satisfy snld order of sale in the sum ot S3SX, nnd Interest, costs nnd nccmlni; costs taxed at J-ll.SX IKA KEi:i, Sheriff of tfulcl County. Wm Mitciikm., Attomey Tor L'lalntlfi. Klrst l'ubllcation, Nov It. Shcrlffn Sale. 1370 Hy vlrtuo of an order of salo lsstlod by tho clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutto county, upon decree rendered by said court In favor of Hox lint to county, plaintiff, and timiltibi Kredorlck V Krtiir, Mrs Krutf, his wife. Ilnrmidlnii McKlttrlck Urv (looil.s com pany und Hays. Mead A. Hlce are defendants. i win, on mo i jin nay or iiecemiter.A. u imc, at ten o'clock a. in. on said day, at tho west frontdoor of the courthouse, In Alliance In said county, sell tho following described real estate, to-wlt! tho northeast H of section 3o of township itf north, raiiRO 51, westot flth principal meridian lu Hox Hutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho hijjbcst bidder for cash, losatUfy said order of salo In the sum of 3(1.05 and Interest, costs nnd ac cruing costs and taxed at ?31.53. IKA HEED, Sheriff of Hald County. Wm. Mitciikm., Attorney for I'lnlntlir. First publication, Nov. 14. Sheriff's Sale. 1373 By vlrtnoof an order of salo Issued by tho cieric or mo uisinct court or itox nuuo coun ty Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said court In favor ot Hox Hutto county, plaintiff, and against Frederick V. Krug, Airs. Krug, bis wife, ilrst name unknown, ilogudlno Mc Klttrlck Dry Qoods company, and Ilayc, Mead A Htco are uefcndunU.X will, on the IS day of December, A. D. 1002, at 10 o.clock a. m. on said day, ut tho wast front door of tho court house fn ASMHtcniasald county, sell tho fol lowing described real estato, to-wlt I south east iiuurtor ot section 19. township 27, ranco SI in Box Hutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to sat isfy said order of suio, in tho su&) Of 32S.13 and Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at !9.53. IRA ItEKD, Sheriff of Bald County. Wm, MiTCiiBLt Attornoy for Plalnlrr. First publication, Nov. 10. Application Tor Permission to Sell Attn ors' Real Eatato. In tho District Court of Hox Hutto countjr in tho matter of tho application of AllaOoo- kln, guardian, to sell real estate. This cause coming on for hearing upon tho application of Alia Qookln. guardian of Ray mond Qookln, Mcrrcl (iooKln, Ethel Qookln nnd Ruth Qookln to sell tho west half of flec tion 32, Township 2H, north of Range 49, tho northwest quarter of Section 4 and tho north oast quarter of Section 5 In Township 27 north of Range 49 all In the County of Hox Hutto and Stato of Nebraska, real estato ot said wards, for tho purpose ot maintaining and educating her said wards, and it appearing from tho pe tition ot said guardian that tho personal property und tho lncomo of said real estato is not&ufliclent to maintain and cducato said minors and that it will bo beneficial U) said wards to sell said real estate. It is therefore, ordered that all persons Interested In said real property appear boforo the undersigned at Rushvllle, Nebraska, on tho Oth day of Decem ber, 1D02, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day to show cause why a license should not bo grant ed to said guardian to sell said real cstute for tho purpeso of maintaining und educutlng said minors. It Is further ordered, thut notice of said hearing bo given to all persons Interested in said real estate by publication ot this ordor in tho ALUANCK Hkhali), a weekly uowspaper published in said county, for four weeks im mediately preceding said hearing. W. II. Westovek, Judge District Court. Dated this 23d day of October, 1002. 11-14-5 Notice of Sale. In the District Court ot Box Butto County. Nebraska. A. M, Miller vs. E. S. Wildy. This causoenmo on for hearing upon tho application of T. J. O'Keefo, receiver herein for an orJcr to sell all tho property, both real and personal, ot tho co-partnership of Miller & Wildy and it appearing to me that it is to the best interest of all parties concerned that said property should be sold.lt Is therefore, ordered that tho said T. J.O'Keefo. receiver, proceed forthwith to sell all of tho property, both real and persona), belonging to said co partnership und now in his lianas and under his control as such receiver. That such salo be to rcasu in hand and boforo selliug such property notice of suid sale to bo published for four consecutive weeks In soma news paper of goneral circulation In Hox Hutto county. That tho various pieces and parcels of real estate belonging to suld co-partnership be offered for salo separately and that the personal property bo advertised and offered for sale In lots or parcels which will sell to tho best advantage to said co-partnership. It Is further ordered that after the completion ot tho salo of said property, the receiver herein make u full, conpleto und final report ot all ot his doings as such receiver and that ho file the samo with the Clerk of the District U our of said Box Hutto County. Done at chambers! In cftvof Allluni-n. In snld Box Uutto County this 23d day ot October, 1902. W. II. Westover, Jadgo of the District Court. Notice. Order of Hearing on Petition for Settlement of Account of uuardlan. State of Nebraska ( . Hox Hutto Couuty f M At a county court, held ut Hut i-ouuty court room In und for suld county. Nov . 13, D. 1992. Present. D K. Sii.icht, County Judgo In tho Mutter of the Guardianship of Phillip Pullman. On reading and filing tho petition of Kllin l;lh I'ulliuuu praying n final settlement and allowance of her uccouut, filed on thelSlh day ot November, UU.' and for her dls,clmn:o Ordered, That November 2U. A I) liu. at 1 o'clock p. m , is unsigned for hearing said pe tition, when all ixroim luloroxtcd in said matter may appear utu county court to be held In and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be cranlodiuiin that notlco if thn dih1imcv r.f said petition, and tho hearing thereof, bo giv en to nl I person interested lu said matter by publishing atopy of this order In the Mllunco tlLUAlJ). u weekly newsuuiHir nrlutori in snld county, for two successive wetlts. prior to said day of hearing l K HPAl HT. (Atruouopy.) beat County Judge. "NtoYVvui Red Letter Sale On all lines of DRESS FABRICS Includes ' LATEST All customers 20 per ccnt Discount from Oct. 23rd to Nov. 1st. TRIMMING AND LINING INCLUDED. - zi-1 i!u i :uo;.m "i1 ' -r vn it i" jit ,;i". rm '..,,.. ',.i':,.M "' ,r-.TT..rT7. Yours truly. "WtoWv VUQi UY 0 vWW- B. dc M. HOTEL. G. A.. WHITE, Proprietor. Good Board and Clean Comfortable Rooms. - Lunch Counter WE AIM TO PLEASE. , Opp. XXile. Grand, Alliance Cash ONK DOOM SOUTH Fresh and Salt Meats, F.SH AND OYSTERS Cash Paid for Hides- LAMBERSON& STETTER ilKe PROPRIETORS OP THE Finest "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUG BREWING CO., SELECT CABINET, EXTRA) PALE and Other Popular Brands. . . :Ea.:na.Il,37 Txad Solicited. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Come and See Us. Phone 136 Dray and Transfer Line. W Phone 139. Q. 'ri7i' V T&vos. all the... STYLES will be given a WSP in Connection., . , YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. A.lll.nol 3SreV3rk.B.. Meat Market, OP OPERA HOUSE. mm ALLIANCE HEAT CO., Prop. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't ynrry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them: store tba if? in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir K, them wherever desired.' Charges reasonable The only spring dray line in the city, , , . AHlleiT.