PUOLIBHKO EVERY FRIDAY. Official Publication of Box Butte CountUt- J. J. O'KEEFK. TAMES WILCOX. . EDITORS. IKntcred nt tlio IVwtoftlco nt Alliance, Nebrnskn, ns Sevond-UliiKH Mull Mnttor. mn of subscription. Per year (In nclvnnco).........fl.!'fl Throo month...... 40r-enM 81x month MM 73 1 Hiimplo copies ftvo to tiny acltln-w tT" AdvcrtNIt (rra'es mndo known on application. The City or Alliance. Atllnnco Id a thriving, pushing, growing little city of IVM souls, wltli n future full of promise- Indeed, no bright N tlio outlook, It Is freely predicted Hint wlthtn llvo yonrilt will liuveii popula tion of from 5000 to HOOO. In nil of Northwest Nobriiskn there U no town, In point of iopulatlon iiiul volume of business, tlintcnn npprouch It. Its nillroiid facilities nro tho lies!, llng locutcd on tlio mull) llnoof the great Burlington and Missouri Hlvor railroad system j and It kcIiouIh unci churches aro not surpassed any where. Its people nro hospitable, enterprising and Intelligent. Hs climate. Is healthful, Invigorating and Inspiring, In short, no town In Nebraska presents superior Inducements for men of capi tal, enterprise and push to locato within her Ijortlera. Letters of Iniulry addressed t tho Alliancb IIf.hami will bo answered promptly unil Jn detail Fusion State Ticket. For Governor W. H. THOMPSON, Of Hall County. Lieutenant-Governor E. A. GILBERT, Of York County. Secretary of Slate JOHN II. POWERS, Of Hitchcock County. Auditor C. Q. DeFRANCE, Of Jefferson County. State Treasurer J. N. LYMAN. Of Adams County. Superintendent Public Instruction CLAUDE SMITH, Of Dawson County. Attorney-Gcneral-J. H. UROADY, Of Lancaster County. Land Commissioner J. C. HRENNAN. Of Douglas County. A Plain Statement. In tlio face of the statement by democratic and populist newspapers that Mr. Thompson is not and never has been a railroad attorney, republican newspapers continue to as sert that Mr. Thompson is a railroad attorney. The following letter printed in the Crete Democrat is self explanatory: Grand Island, Neb., July 3. Mr. C. J. Howlby, Crete Neb. Dear Sir and Friend: I received yours of the 2d inst. with the clipping from the Sterling Sun of July 1. Do you know I never could under stand why some men will deliberately state a thing as a fact, which is derogatory to another man's char acter, without knowing anything about it. Men do this who would not for the world steal a penny from him, and yet without hesitancy, they attempt to steal from him that which is worth more than all the pen nies that could be accumulated. 1 am not now, and never have been at any time engaged by any rail road corporation, either directly or indirectly, as at torney or otherwise, and never rccicvcd one cent of fees. I noticed a squib of the same kind, purport ing to have been clipped from some Sioux City, la., paper, printed in ycstcrday'B Lincoln Journal. A lawyer's life, in a professional way, is an open book, hence, 110 one need go misinformed in regard to it. Thanking you for calling my attention to the same, I am, your's truly, W. H. Thompson. Mr. Thompson's statement is plain and emphatic and the republican editor who, in the face of this statement, insists upon charging Mr. Thompson with being, a railroad lawyer, simply goes upon record as being wholly indiffcrnt concerning his reputation for veracity. World-Herald. George Darling the I'urnlturo Dcnlcr. Ae Know That Host People afe Out for a Proposition to Save Honey. 3? Briefly Stated-? OUR PROPOSITION IS TO FUR- FURNITURE, That monkey entertained the other day at dinner by the New York smart set is not the only monkey in society. We can find 'em nearer homo. Frank Lt Coomiis, who represents tho first congression al district of California, is the only man in congress born on the Pacific coast. He was Lorn in the Napa valley in 1853. . . President Roosevelt has fled from tho cares of state at Washington and is enjoying peaco and quiet at his sum mer home at Oyster Bay, New York. There, undisturbed, he can plan and dream of a second term. Hut it will be but a dream. ' General Kitchener is the present hero of the hour. How they come and how they gol It seems only yesterday that it was Wolsclcy. Then it was Roberts. Now it is Kithcncr. And if Kitchener goes into the war office it will soon be somebody else. Chicaga Inter Ocean. BETTER and PRETTIER, at a LESSER PRICE than you can buy elsewhere. All we ask Is for you to visit cur store and alloW us to demonstrate what we have said . . . Professional Cards. ATToitNKvs. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. After ten days of strife and turmoil, and cutaling an estimated loss 0 $10,000,000 upon the business men of Chicago, the freight handlers of that city have surrendered and returned to work. There wore Judascs in their camp and no other alternative was left the strikers. The Fremont Tribuno takes the pains to say that "There is a Corkish flavor about tho name of Patrick H. Barry, tho fusion nominee for congress in tho Sixth dis trict." Wo presume the Tribune would say that there is a Parisian flavor about tho name of ''Mickey," tho republican nominee for governor of tho state of Nebraska. World Herald. ,-lri.u.l--l The. Maine clenlocrats propound a question that must ho interesting to Chairman Babcock. They want to know why tho "'steel trust" should be charging Maine shipbuild ers S1.G5 for material which it is selling to British builders for 95 cents. Our republican contempory, the Hartford Courant, referring to that inquiry from the democracy of Maine, says: "It is a pertinent question and a homo ques tion. A wiser republican congiess, a more piudeut repub lican congress would not have given tho Maine dcmociats a rh.tnce to ask it." Wo aro confident that Mr. Babcock agrees with the Courant as to the unwisdom and impru dence of congiess in this matter. Washington Post. Tins is tho way the Lincoln Daily Post puts it and it sounds like we ourselves had written it: "Of one tiling the Post is proud. Nebraska has a supremo court which is not afraid to do business. When tho railway attorneys weic urging a leferec in tho railway mandamus suit and when "one side was afraid and tho other da's't," that court took all strings off everybody and said: "Put in all the evidence you have, or think you have. This court knows what is competent and relates to the case, and such as is incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial and all balled up we will not consider, but hurry up. This is no time for tech nicalities, when we are taking original jurisdiction." Even the railway attorney took a tumble and the trial of the most important case ever before the supreme court was concluded in three days. Let us thank God for a court which has horse sense." Uncle Sam, Engineer. Before many months the cartoonist will be putting Uncle Sam into an engine cab, hands on the throttle and long coat tails flying out over the tender. Your undo is going to nm a railrsad all his own. As soon as the title of the French Panama company to its ditch and railroad at the isthmus is cleared up and Colombia consents to a treaty, the president is authorized to buy the whole outfit. And then Uncle Sam will make his original experiment in government ownership and operation of a railroad. It is not a long raihoad, this Panama line. It is forty-sevqn and a half miles in length. It couldn't be any longer with out sticking out oer the ocean at one or both ends. But this railroad makes up for its lack of length by its width. Its gauge is five feet. Your Uncle Samuel proposes to run tins railroad without the aid or consent of anv other nation. Omaha Daily News. Brvan is dead and Bryanism a thing of the pait, say the whoopers-up of the g. o. p. Yet the president of the United States has been appealed to and has accepted the appeal to tour through Nebraska this fall and make speeches in order to prevent the state from deserting the false colors to which it pinned its faith two years ago. Doesn't look like these apologists for kingly rule, for caste, for blue blood, for a titled aristocracy, beleive in the truth of their asser tions. If Bryan is dead, why urge the president to prosti tute his high office by stooping to stump the state? Bryan isn't dead, nor is Bryanism a thing of the past. Wait until after the Ides of next November, and then tell us that Bryan is dead; that railroad dictators, masquerading in the guisb of legitimate suffragists, have become masters of the situa tion; that the common people have surrendered their birth right; that corporation rule is supreme; that never again shall the fair name of Nebraska be redeemed. Yes, tell us all this when the votes are counted next November, if the result justifies it; but don't tell it to us now. Railroad managers are complaining that their new fast trains are not paring out, except in advertising the road's enterprise. This ought to bcfollowed by a plea from the tax bureau for exempting from taxation all the high speed locomotives, palatial trains and improvements of roadbed to facilitate fast time, on the ground that they are an ex pense to the road rather than property which increases its value. Omaha Bee. Gr.N. Jacoh II. Smith, author of the kill and burn" order in the Philippines, has been found guilty and sen tenced to be "admonished by the reviewing authority." Roosevelt has "admonished" the gentleman and retired him from active service. , The unequaled gainencbs and daring of the outlaw, Tiacy, who for the past ten days has battled the efforts of a thous and bloodhounds in Oiegon and Washington to captuio him, ccitainly entitles him to consideration if he should bo appre hended later on. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Omen Pno.ir. 180. residence Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTOflNEY AT LAW. Booms 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build ing, Alliance, Nob. Notary In oBlce. W. Q. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... Ofllcu Up-stalrs Over Postomco L. A. BERRY, Druggists nnd Pharmacists. THE PERFUME SENSATION, "Madam Butterfly9 iim Hen jaj.uiuai; uuui, vriii; ui liiu . Most Delightful and Fragrant wr Perfumes Ever Produced. TTsTEJ HiiVB XT i Also the New Odors.... Violet of India, Rose of India, English Violet, Juliet and Others. Give Them a Trial. They're Sure to We Guarantee Their Quality.... attorney AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. smith p. totti.b. ika k. TAsn. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE, NEB. The Alliance Pharmacy, J. S. HEKINNEY, Proprietor. PHYSICIANS. W. 8. I1EI.LWOOU. M. D. II. II Iin.LWOOI), M. I). Bellwood &BelIwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Moisten HiilldiiiR, - ALLIANCE. NEB, Sonic 51iort Sermons. When a woman begins to flatter you, run. Don't let your mirror do all the reflecting. Beauty does not disdain to borrow the homely woman's hair. fit No dressmaker has ever succeeded in making velvet vulgarity. Where the saloon is the poor man's club, it the poor woman's hell. Woman has more faith than man, and the Lord knows she needs it. How many old maids, think you, would seek a divorce celibacy? Many a weak woman'has the strength to support a stag gering husband. First love feeds on ice cream soda, and, like it, ia too delicious to last long. Never Icjt art delude you into believing that Cupid repre sents the naked truth. Philadelphia Bulletin. L: W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Otllco In 1'lrst Nntlonal Hunk block. Alli ance, Nebraska. ! v T I t ? V T V V c T Y ? t t T 'HWHH-HHH-H-WHHWMWHH F. J. Brennan & Co.... I - j DEALERS IN. life Drug s, Perfumes and lUrllVl rl iivlWD Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. "?t6sc,t,Vvotvs CaxevAVQ CoTwpoHclfcc. ARNSrT bnlaotck?al Alliance, Nebraska. .i....i.i-.....i..I """" 1 E. MOORE, M. D. ri.ETClIEIt BLOCK, ALLIANCB, NEB. Culls answered from olllco day or night. Telephone No. U!. Shcilrf'h Snlc. By virtue of unorder of sale Issued by tho clerk of the district court of Box Buttu coun ty, Nebruska, 1111011 11 decree rendered by suld court In fuvorof T. M. Luwler, plaintiff, unci ngulnst Lena Wegener unci Mr. Wegener, first numo unknown, husband of Lena Weg ener, defendant, William Winansund Ann O. Wlnims. defendants. 1 will on thu 12th day of August, A D. Hti, at in a. in. on said clay, at the west front door of tho court house In Alliance In said county, sell tlio following deserlled real estate, to-wlt: tho southwest quarter of section 20 In township ' of range 47 west of tho 6th princi pal meridian In Box Huttu county, Nebraska, ut public auction to thu highest ibldder for cash to satisfy said order of sale lu tho sum of $70.58 und Interest, costs and uccrulng IKA. BEEI). Sheriff of Said County. (By Frank Martin, Deputy.) Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY..".. Is One of the Most Up-to-Date Drug Stores in Nebrafaka Prescriptions Carefully i g, Watches and Diamonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . . A SELECT STOCK OF Industrlul America. While America's population has increased abont five fold during the last century, the productive power of that population hr.s increased forty-fold. Man for man, indus trially coneidered, the American is twenty-five years ahead of tho Englishman, who in turn is far ahead of his European neighbor. At this rate in 1920 there will be 110,000,000 Aimticans, with a working power equal to all tho 350,000, oor, people which Europe will thon piobably contain. Cnicago Inter-Ocean. In about five years, whon foreign nations want to fight, i they'll have tq borrow battleships from Mr, Morgan, with a guarantee that they will be returued in as good order as when loaned. Nom'imox mrn coinoand nonunion inen go, but th I Union I'acjnc strikers aro Mdiug the fort manfully. Notice to Creditors. In county court, within und for Box Butto county, Nebr.isku.Junu 18, lOO.'. In tho mat ter of the estate of Murguret Hurrold.clpcoascd To tho creditor of suld estate: You uro hereby notified, that I will bit at tho county court room In Alliance In said county, on thu 20th day of December, A. U , 1002. ut 1 o'clock, n. m., to receive ftnd examine all claims against said estate, with u view to their ad justment and ullowance. Tho time limited furtlin nresentutlon of claims uirulnst said estate Is six months from tho Mil day of June, A. I)., 1002, and tho tlmo limited for p:imcnt of debts Is one year from said 18th day of June. 1(H. Witness my hand and the seal of suld county court, this 18th day of June, lVttl. heal I). K. SI'ACHT. County Judge Notice for Publication. Lakh OrriCEAT A1.1.111KCZ. Neb. I Juno 18, 190-i. f Notice Is hnrebv L-Iven thut thu following. name t settler has tiled not Ice of his Intention to make Dual proof In support of his claim, und that suld proof will lie made U'foro lleg Istcrnud Itueelverat Alllauce, Neb . on July M, 10OT, vl: John Keefe.of Hemliigford.Neb , who made houieue.id cntr 15U3 for the lots 1,3 und 3 and tho southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter of section I, towiuhlp ' north, range 50 west. He nauies thp followlug witnesses- ro prore his continuous rusldruce upon und cultlva ml, iz: Blc F. E. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Ladies' 1'uniIshlnR Goods. liuu of s unoi I1 L'Uard Bevan of liuuilitcford. Neb. ; Kitwt Curry, of lleiiilng- ford, Ni'U.i l'.lniur Vaughn, of Alllttacw, Wj-i uirmv uurjotuiin, or auudco. . ii. LHjuuinutox, Rikikir. Mrs. Thos. Regan... Has a Large and Complete Assortment of - MILLINERY, 9 i T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, J Shirt Waists. Muslin Under wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Battenberg materials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linens, Hair Goods, etc. L Opera House Block... j 4. t T T T T V r r V V Y v r V