The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 11, 1902, Image 7

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Tlie Spirit of IlrntlcnniicNN nml tlio
Dcalrn Knr CliniiKC
JuUkIhk by n pood dotil of llio con
volution of tlio present dny, there arc
a Ini'Ro iiiunber of people who have n
positive horror of home. This curious
revulsion of fooling Is tnlton by many
persons as a sign of social detorlorti
tlon. Tor our own part we find It cltlll
cult to take It ciulto seriously or to seo
In It nnythliiR more than a passing
Nobody nowadays likes monotony.
Change Is what people desire -not per
haps any great change, but lots of
small change; not necessarily for the
better, but for Its own sake. Now,
there Is a great sameness about oiio'b
own four walls, be tlivy ever so hand
Borne. We all feel at times an overpow
ering desire to look at something else.
Wo enunot cuuuge the patterno or tho
pictures on them every day, and neither
they nor the home furniture over seems
to alter In expression.
Again, there Is a terrible sameness
about one's own cook. Experience ena
bles us to foretell the taste of every
thing at home, from the soup to tho sa
vory If wo are ilch and .from the mut
ton to tho cheese If we arc poor;
whereas If we dine at a restaurant
everything down to tho salt Is differ
ent, mul tho restaurant Is refurnished
dally with new faces.
Then, again, tho music nnd stir going
on around one avoid tho necessity for
much conversation, and conversation
In tho homo circle Is sometimes dllll
cult and sometimes dull. It does not do
always Just to say what one thinks, It
Is such bad practice for dining out,
and, this being tho case, It Is not easy
sometimes to think what to say.
Nowadays we got, socially speaking,
tired of our friends and even of our ac
quaintances. We want them to pass
continually before us like a street pro
cession. Instead of that they rather
resemble a stngo crowd and keep com
ing up again. There is a limit to those
wo know, a limit oven to those Ave
should like or should bo likely to know
even by sight, and at a restaurant this
latter limit is disregarded. Tho barrier
of good manners which forbids that
those who are acquainted with one an
other bhould speak Is sulllclent to pro
tect our station or our dignity, but it
is not a very high fence, and it is one
which it is amusing to look over. Lon
don Spectator.
How many tooth have you?
How high (In inches) is a silk hat?
"Which way does tho crescent moon
turn, to the right or loft?
IIow many toes has n cat on each
foro foot? On each hind foot?
"What color are your employer's eyes?
Tho eyes of the man at tho next desk?
In which direction is tho fnco turned
on a cent? On a quarter? On n dime?
IIow many steps lead from tho street
to the front aoor of your house or Hat?
What are the exact words on a two
cent stamp, and in which direction is
tho face on it turned?
Write down, offhand, theiigures on
tho face of your watch. The odds are
that you will make at least two mis
takes In doing this.
What is tlie name, signed in facsim
ile, on any dollar, two dollar, five dol
lnr or ton dollar bill you over saw?
You've road dozens of those names.
Can you remember one?
Your watclt has some words written
or printed on its face. You have seen
those words a thousand times. Write
them out correctly. Tow can do this.
Also what Is tho number in the case
of your watch? Washington Times.
The Hoy nnil tlio Farm.
IIow often wo hear parents discour
age the boys who wish to stay on tho
farm! They refer to farm work ns
drudgery and that which tends to make
them slaves to work rather than inde
pendent men. Tho biggest boys are
educated for professional men and in
many instances excel, but tho vast ma
jority of these, with a good practical
education such as can be gained in our
schools of agriculture, would become
wealthy, progressive farmers, with fine
farms and beautiful homes, if they had
boon encouraged and advised to stay
by the old farm and make it a success.
Maxwell's Talisman.
Alert For un AiikcI.
Mr. Stormlngton Barnes and his lead
ing man were passing a village church.
"Listen!" exclaimed tho eminent tra
gedian. "Does the music of tho choir carry
you back to your boyhood days?"
"No; but you know how long wo have
been looking for some one with money
who was willing to back tho show."
"Well, I think I hear some one iusldo
there singing 'I Want to Bo nn An
gel.' "Washington Star.
Alarm Tlint Worked.
First Office Boy What's Johnny litir
rylu' for? Looks like he heard a fire
Second Office Boy IIo did. De boss
raid if ho wasn't back from dat er
rand in ten minutes he'd lose his Job!
Cincinnati Commercial Tribuno.
She Spoke Too Early.
Lady (with awfully painted cheeks)
My portrait is very good, but don't you
think that the a checks aro n trifle
Artist Yes, they are not done yet
I leave that to the last Fllegende
An IntcrratliiK Hook,
"I've had great pleasure today In re
viewing a book that Is entirely new to
me," said the literary editor.
"What's that," Inquired the snake
editor, "n bankbook?" Philadelphia
Knoimh Arariile In tlie 'Wirsiloxvir of
mi Ortllnnry House to Kill u HokI
iii i-lit of Men I'rot'i'im of the TiuiU
liotixr mul (hv l'olliousc.
People who have glass windows In
their homes do not know that tho glass
contains enough arsenic to mako it a
deadly poison. Qlassmakers say that
the windows of an ordinary home con
tain enough of this poison to kill a reg
iment of men. The popular supposition
that glass Is mado of sand is a correct
one, but n quantity of other articles en
ters Into Its composition.
Window glass factories are divided
Into two departments, a tankhouso and
a pothouse. The process of glassmak
lng In one of these departments Is prac
tically the same as In the other. In tho
taukhou&o the glass Is all melted In im
mense tanks which will hold thou
sands of tons. In the pothouse the
glass Is made In pots.
After the tires aro lighted and a tank
Is heated the glass mixture Is shoveled
In. It Includes glass left over from the
former season, glass refuse, sand and
salt cake. Arsenic Is not used In the
tankhouso for the reason that the heat
Is so Intense that the drug is volatilized
and escapes Into tho nlr without enter
ing the mixture. As one mixture melts
nnd tlows to one end of a tank fresh
supplies are shoveled In nt the other
Tho molten mass seethes and
"works" in a manner similar to that of
a mash In u distillery. From the salt
cake conies a salt water that has to be
separated from the mas, and the easi
est way to remove it is to burn it out.
This is done by throwing stove wood
into the tank on top of the molten
glass. The water Is converted Into
steam, which Is destroyed by the in
tense heat from tho glass. The molted
glass Is then skimmed by an automatic
skimmer, and it is ready for tho gath
erer. A gatherer thrusts a long bteel blow
pipe into one of tho rings at the lower
end of the tank. IIo twists and turns
it until a snn-.ll ball of glass gathers on
tho end. This ball Is partially cooled,
polished by being turned in a box of
sawdust and then passed on to the
blower, who heats it again until it be
comes like taffy. 'Vha blower swings
the ball over a pit that is twelve feet
deep and rapidly blows It into an elon
gated pear shape. When a blower Is
through, tlio melted glass becomes a
perfect cylinder about 5 feet long nnd
2 foot across. It then passes to a "snap
per," who takes it to a rack and breaks
the roller loose from tho blowpipe.
The snapper gathers a small lump
of melted glass on the end of a rod
and dexterously runs a narrow ribbon
of the stuff around the ends of the
roller, both at the blowpipe cud and
tho closed end. The little ribbons of
melted glass cool in a few seconds,
when they aro removed, leaving a nar
row zone of almost redhot glass
around tho rollers at each end. Then,
taking a tool that resembles a soldering
iron, the snapper rubs it for a moment
on his forehead, and when the point of
It Is moistened with perspiration he
runs the Iron around the rollers nt the
heated spot. The glass cracks aud
separates as cleanly as If cut with n
diamond, the blowpipe is removed, and
tlio closed cylinder has become a roller
and Is then ready to go to tho Hat
tenor. The llattencr works in nnothcr part
of tho building, where are looatdd tho
flattening ovens. These ovens are heat
ed to a temperature sulllclent to softcu
the glass so that It may be rolled out
into sheets. A series of fireclay tables
placed In a circle like the spokes of u
wheel revolve in the ovens, and on
theso tables tho rollers are flattened.
They are placed inside, allowed to be
come hot, and then a cold iron Is run
along tho inside from end to end. The
contact of tho Iron cuts tho glass,
which Is then straightened out upon
the tabic.
Tho tlattener has a number of billets
of green wood attached to long Iron
handles, and with these billets, which
nre shaped in such n manner as to do
tho work expected of them, ho "irons"
tho softened sheet of glass until It Is
perfectly fiat and smooth. Tlio tables
Inside the oven revolve, the flattened
sheet Is carried away, and another roll
er Is brought Into position before the
tlattener. As the flattened sheets cool
they aro lifted to a place on a long
traveling rack, on which they nre by
stages removed from the ovens, being
allowed to cool as they go. This Is done
in order that the glass may not bo
shattered by too quick an exposure to
the air.
When tho sheets aro taken from the
flattening ovens, they nre covered with
a greasy, dirty looking coat of chem
icalssoda, potash, silicates of the dif
ferent salts, etc. which must bo re
moved, and for this purpose the rough
sheets are placed in nn ncld bath com
posed of hydrochloric nnd sulphuric
nclds more or less diluted. After their
Immersion In this bnth the sheets are
taken to the cutting room, where work
men cut them Into sizes and make
them ready for the packers. Hardly a
scrap of tho glass except the rough
edges Is wasted. In fact, none Is wast
ed, as all refuse goes back to bo melt
ed. After the cutters have finished
their work the glass Is packed in boxes
and Is then ready for the market In
dianapolis News.
Sloietl III Admiration.
Undergraduate (to cIuiud That Miss
Slick is the ilucst conversationalist I
over met. She knows nil the track rec
ords for three years back. Chicago
Life is only a brief lesson, nnd
school's out 'foro wo know it. Atlanta
Legal Advertisements.
shcilff .s suits.
Hy virtue of nit order of snlc Issued liy tlio
clerk of Ihe district i-ourl tf Hox Initio
county, Noht-Hskii, upon h decree lenrteuil
I iv until court In favor of Hox Untie county,
tlie county of lio Hutte It plntntltl mill
ttftttlust (loonro Lincoln, Mrs Lincoln, lilt
wife, llrst immo unknown, mid tho McMnlev
lUiinlng I.IMIU mill Trust To. nre difend
utits. 1 will, on tlie 2Mb ilny of 1uly, A. 1.
IPOS, nt in o'clock ii. in on suld ilny, nt the
west front tloorntthooniirt house In iilliimv
county of llox Unite, Vcbtiisku, soil the fol
lowing ilescilheil iciil estiile, to-wll t the
west H of the southeast M of section US.
township 20. range 4H, In llo Hutte county,
Nebraska, ut public unction to the highest
lihlilcr for etish. to . satisfy sulil order of sale
n the sum of &!.'.EI mul luteiest, costs mul ac
cruing costs mul taxed in $S!.tw mid Interest
ul leu per,,',,.. ,A ,;,..
SheillT of Hiild County.
Wm. MlTt'iiri.U Attorney for IMuluttir.
I'lrsl publication, June 27.
Sheitfi's Sule.
lly virtue of nn order of side Issued by the
clerk of the district couit of llo Hutto
count v, Nehriiskn, upon n decree rendeied
by suld com I lu fuvor of llox Hutte county,
the count) of Ho Hutte Is philuttll mul
against W. M. Pillion nnd Mrs. Pulton, tlrsi
mime unknown, wtroof M. l'utton. lit
ft'iitliuit. niinUofCoiuiiicicc, lletschel A. l.d
wnids, receiver Hunk of Commerce, defend
ants, 1 will on tlut&sllnlio of .lulj.A 1)
1UC, nt 10 o'clock ii. m. on suld day, ut the
wot front door of the court house In Allliinceln
suld Ho Hutto county of Nebraska sell the
follow lint descrlhcd ical ostnto. to-wlt : the
southeast i4 of section '2 of township 2.),
range 4, In llox Hutte county. Ncliiuska. HI
public miction to the highest bidder tin cash,
to sal Nfv suld order of snle In the sum of
W.VHI mid Inloicst, costs mid accruing costs
mid taxed iilfW and Interest at ten per
m,t' ika Hixi.
. Sbcrlir of Suld County.
Wm. Mnt'lU'.l.i.. Attorney for l'laliitlll.
Klist publication, Juno 27.
Shciifr'.s Sale.
Hv vlrtueof unotderof sale Issued by the
clui'l. of the district court of llox Unite
eountv. Nebraska, upon a decree rendeied
by said couit In fuvor of llox Hutte county,
t fie county of Hox Hutte Is philntlll and
ngulnst l.tmmi tl. .ook, foimerly Kmiiia tl.
Sharp. Mr. Zook, Hist name unknown, hus
band of Kmiiiii (!. Zook. formerly KmintiU.
Sharp, defendants. 1 will, on the twenn
clKlitli ilny of of July. A. 1). IWtt.ut in o'clock
n. m. on saltl day, at the west ftonl door of
the coin lliousc 111 A lltiuco in sum llox ituiir
county of Nchtiisku, sell tlio follow lus
scribed icat estate to wit: the south '4 of the
southeast 4 of section '.'ft, township 'J?. riiiiBO
IS In llox Hutte county, enrasi.a, hi pi uui
iiuctlon to the blithest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said order of Mile In the sunn of J2s..u
mitt Interest, costs mul accruluK costs nnd
taxed ul s'-'l I- and Interest at ten per cent.
Sherlll of Said Count y.
Wm. MtriilH.f., Altenui for l'laliitlll.
l'lrst publication, June:!?
Sheiiff's Sale.
Hy li tue of nn order of sale 'ssued by the
cleik of the ilMtlct couit of Hox Hullo
count v, Nebrnskii, ukiii a dceiic rcmleitd
by -mul court In favor of Hox Hutte county,
the countj of llox llullc Is iilnllltltl mill
aga' Viiitple A ltli-li or .Mnyrittc I'oe,
n,,l linmii I lil.llil.'.ll. 1111(1 Ml'. ltlisll.
liiist.mid of Mamie A. Hush or Mim
Kle line, lenl niiiiiu Unknown, defendants, I
wllloiithf'Mlitlavof.lulj, A. 1). !!.'. at 10
o'clock a. m. on said day, at the west tloor or
the court house in Alliance In said Hox Hutte
county of Nebraska, sell the following tie
scilbed real estate to-wlt: the northeast H u
section 33, township, iimge 17 in Hox Hutte
eountv, Nebraska, ut public auction to Ihe
highest bidder foi cash, to satisfy , said
order or Mile In thesum of SKHJ nnd Inter
est, costs mid iicciuliiK costs niitl taxed nt
cSV.M nnd luteiest ut ten percent. .
Sheriff of said County.
m. Mitciiui.u Attorney for l'laliitlll'.
I'lrsl ruhllcatlon. .Juno '-'7.
Sheiiff's Salt;.
Hy vlitue of mi older of sale tssuetl by tbu
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutlo.
count , Nebraska, tiimn n dierce roudciid
by said couit In fnor of Hox Hutte county,
the county of Hox Hutte Is pliilnttll mid
agulnst Annul', llnrris or Anna C. Doe, iwil
iiume unknown, mul Mr. llnirls or Mr. Doe,
i enl name unknown, husb.ind of Anna
C Harris or Anna C. Doe real
imine unknown, the Showalter Mm Ignite
company, John Doe, receier or uie
Showuller Moitgnge Co.. leal name un
known, ilcfcndants, 1 will on tlio 2tlli day of
July. A. 1). IM.- at 10 o'clock a. in. or Mild day
at tho west front tloor of tho couithouse In
Alliance In suld county or Hox Hutte of Ne
brnskii, sell the following descilhetl real es
tate to-wlt: the southwest '4 of section -'.,
township 2tl. range 11) lu llox Hutte county.
Nebiiisku. nt public miction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy saltl order of Mile,
in the sum of 557.10 mul Interest, cots nnd ac
cruing costs nnd taxed utSKi 1:1 mid Interest
t ten per cent.
1 ika im:i:d.
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. MiTi'fKl.l., Attorney for l'lalntlff.
I'lrsl Publication, June "7.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue or an order or sale Issued by the
clerk or the district court or Hox Hutte
county, Nebmskn, upon n decree rendered by
said court In riiMir or Hox Hutle county, tho
county or Hox Hutte is plaintiff and against
William D. Johnson nnd Mrs. Johnson, llrst
Ilium) unknown, wife or Wllllani 1). Johnson,
derendant, K. H. Ormsby, trustee of W. U.
Telford, lienellclary of B. S. Ormsby. trustee,
defendant, Kleunor It Telford executrix of
W. I. Telford, deceased, benellciury of h. S
Ormsby, trustee, defendant W. J. llowdcn,
tlefentfantK. I will, tin tliuSMh day of July, A.
D. I'.irj, at in o'clock 11. in. or saltl thiy nt the
west front doorof thecourlhouso In Alltmice
In said Hox lluti. county of Nebrnskii sell the
following described real estate, to-wlt: the
norlhwist U of section ICI of township -Jf1,
range 47, Hox Hutte county. Nebrnskii ut
tiublle unction 10 tlie highest bidder forcash.
to satisfy suld ortler of sale in tho sum of
its s4 and Interest, costs and accruing costs
mul taxetl ,it 40iiJ mul luteiest ul ten per
'sheriff of said Comity.
Wm. Mitciiem . Attorney for l'lalntlff.
l'lrst publication, June -'".
Sheriff's Sule.
Hy vlrtueof an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Hox ltulte
county, Nebmskn, upon 11 decree rendered by
suld court In f.n or of Hox Hutte county, the
county or Hox Hutte Is plaintiff and against
I.aura A. Tracy and Ktlwartl M Tracy hus
band or l.uura A. Tracy, defendant. Ameri
can Ioan and Ti 11st Co. and John MeKeule,
defendants, 1 w ill, on the 2Mh day of July. A.
I), lint!, nt to o'clock 11 in of sahf day. at the
west front doorof thecourthoustt In Alllnnce
lu said Hox Hutte county of Nebraska, sell
the following described reul estate, to-wlt:
the northeast M of section 31 of township JW,
range 47. In llox Hutte county, Nebraska, at
public miction 10 ihe highest bidder for cash
lt satisfy saltl ortler or sale In tho sum or
fs.5'J mill luteiest. costs and accruing costs
mul taxetl ut 34 M mid Interest at ten per
C''"t IKA ItKKI).
Sheriff of Saltl County.
Wm. Mitcum.i., Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Juno 27.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrtueof un order of sale Issued by the
cleric of tho district court of Hox Hutto
county. Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by
saltl court In fin or of Hox Hutto county, the
county of Hox Hutto U plaintiff and against
UtlwartlM. Trucy und i.uur.i A. Trucy, wlfo
of Kdwurtl M. Tracy, defendant, American
lxi.111 and Trust Co nnd John McKeiilo, tlo
fendants, I will, on tho 2Mb flay of July, A.
1) luo2, ul lOo'elock 11. in the
west front door of the courthouse lu Alliance
In said Hox Hutto county of Nebraska, sell
the following described real estate, to-wlt:
the northwest ',4 of section 31. township '2c,
range 47, lu Hox Hutto county, Nebras
ka, nt public auction to tlie high
est bidder for cash to satisfy said or
tler for stilo In Ihesuin of ?3.i."7 mid Interest
cost mul accruing costs ami taxed ut 31.Gs
ami (utmost lit tun port-out.
Sheriff of sulil County.
Wm. Mitoiihi.i,. Attornuy for rialntlff.
llrst publluiitluu, ,Iunu2T.
Shot iff sale
Kv vlrluu of nn order iff wile lasuod by the
cleik or the district couit of llox Hutte
county, Nobmskn, upon u divreo remit red by
Mild court In fuvor oi llox Hutte county, the
comity of llox Hutte Is phtlntltr nnd against
It. C. lilmirlllonml Mrs (llutivllle, llrst iiume
unknown, wife of It f (llumlllo. deremlmit,
Hunk of Commerce, Ilcrsohol A. Kdwttrds, re
roller of Hunk of Commerce, defendants, I
will, on tlie-jstlidiiyof July. A. 1). iivi, mill
o'clock it in. tut Mdil tiny, nt the west front
doorof the courthouse In Alliance In Mild
llox Hutte county of Nebiiisku, sell the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt i the
southisist i of section 2rt of township ,
rungo in, lu llox Hutte county. Nebraska, nt
pi'lillc miction to the blithest bidder for cash
to satisfy suld order of snlo In the sum of
HI. 70 itiid Interest, costs unit uccrulng costs
mid nixed ut ('.Mss unit Interest tit ten per
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitchhm Attorney for l'luliittlT.
l'lrst publication, .Inno '.'7.
Sbciirf's Sulo.
lly vlrtueof unorder of sale Is
by the
cleik of tlie district court of
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered hv
suld court lu favor of llox Hut le county, the
county of Hox Hutte Is philullir mul against
Amtiist Sorgo, Mrs. Sorgo, his wife, W. , I
llowileumid the liiw'stmcnt Trust
company, limited, or Kdliihurgh, Scotlntul,
uioilcfciitlmit, 1 will on tlii'V-Uh davof .Inly,
A 1). tivi'j. ut 10 o'clock n. m on .suld tiny, at
the west front tloor of the courthouse In Alli
unco lu sulci llox Unite county of Nobrtirikii,
sell the following described reul cstnte. to
wlt; the northeast of seel lou :u of township
-7 north of rmiKoM west ol the tttli principal
mcildliiu lu Nebrnskii, In Hex Hutte comity,
Nebraska, ut nubile miction to tho highest
bidder forcash to satisfy said order of sale lu
thesum of fXi.inaud luteiest, costs mul uc
etuliiif costs nnd tnxed nt iSOM mul Interest
nt ten percent.
. ii;, ui:i:i),
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitch km., Atlornej for I'luliiilil.
I'lrsl pubildutlon, .lumiUT.
Sheiiff's Sale.
Hy vlttueof un order of sale Issued by the
cleik of the tllsttlct court of llox ltulte
county, Nebraskn, upon a decree rendered by
saltl court In fin or of llox Hutte county,
the county of Hox Hutte Is plaintiff and
against Peter HrugU'r. Mrs llrugler. his wife,
first name unknown, Hank of Comiuci-co nnd
llerschel A. Ktlwards, iccclverof llio Hank of
Coiiuneice, defendants, 1 will. 011 tlioSMUi day
of July, A. 1). mc, ut 10 o'clock 11. in of suld
day, at the west front door or tho courthouse
lu Alllnnce In saltl Hox Hutto county or No
htiisku, sell tlie following described reul cs
tnte, to-wlt: the northwest if of section 31 of
towushlpS.t, range M, lu llox Hutte county,
Nebiiisku, ut public miction to tho hluhest
bidder foreush towitlsfy said order or sale In
the suiiof $:i.'.lHuud Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs nnd tuxed at f.K.lf mul Interest
ut ten per cent.
ika i:i:i:d.
Sheriff or Mild County,
WM. MlTCili-.l.t Attorney for l'lalntlff.
I'lrsl publication, June T.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly vlilue of an order of into issued by the
clerk of the district court or llox Hutte coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a ihs'iee leuderetl by said
court lu fuMU'of Hox Unite count), the coilli
t of llox Hutto is plaintiff, and against I'mtl
I Isher, Mrs. I'lsher, his wife, llisl name un
known, mul the American I, nan nnd Trust
compuny uie tlereiidauts. I will, on tho&tlh
d.i of .Tut, .1. 11.. IIHU, nt 10 o'clock a. 111. on
suld tlu, ul tlie west fitmt door of the com 1
house In Alllnnce, In said Hox Hutte county,
statt of Nchiusku, sell the following describ
ed real cstnte, to-wlt- The southwest tpimler
of section 27, township 27notth, range M) west
of the itlli principal meridian lu Nebraskn, lu
Hox Hutte county, Nehi.tskii, ul public mic
tion to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said ortler of sule. In 1 he stun of syu. 12, mid In
tereHt, CimtH mid iicuruilig'costH nnil taxed nt
iiV.KM mid interest at 10 per cent.
Sherlll of Said County,
Wm. Mitciiiii.u Attorney for 1'luliittff.
l'lrst publication, .luuc 27.
Sheriri's Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an oitler or sule Isstietl by tlio
cleik of the tllstilct court of Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska, uiniii 11 decreo rendered by
suld court lu fin or of Hox Hutte county, the
coiinlyof Hox Hutle Is plaintiff and against
.1. U. Moore, trustee, John Doe. real liauio un
known, benellciury of .1. I,. Moon', trustee,
Mis. Doe, real name unknown, wife of John
Doe, real name unknown, nml Mrs. .Moure,
wlfeof .1. 1.. Mooie, trustee, her llrst umno
unknown, defendants, I will, on tho 2Mb tlav
of July. A I). IWtt, ut 1U o'clock 11. in on said
tlay, at the west front tloor or the courthouse
lu Alliance In saltl Hox Hutto county of Ne-
nrasKii. sell tlm rollowlng tlesci Hied real es
tate, to-wll: the southeast ' of section 21,
lownsnip .:., range ai. in nox 1111110 county,
Nebraskn at public auction to tho highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In
tin, sum of fSl.iei mul Interest, costs mid ac
cruing costs mitt taxed ut &JI.63 and Interest
ut ten percent.
ika ki:i:d,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciiem,, Attorney ror l'lalntlff.
l'lrst publication, June 27.
Sheriff's Sale
lly vlrtueof 1111 order of miIo Issued by
clerk of the district court of llox Hutto
county, Nebmskn, noon a decreo tendered by
said court lu favor of Hox Hutto county, llio
county of Hox Hutto Is plaintiff mid against
fieorgo I'. Konowcr anil Mrs. Kenower, ids
wife, llrst name unknown, defendants, I will,
on the 28th tlay of July, A. D. 10 o'clock
n. 111. of suld day, nt thu west front doorof tbu
court bouse lu Alliance In said Hox Hutto
county of Nebraska, sell tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt: tho southeast ( of
section II of township 28. range fiO, in llox
Hutto county, Nebraska, nt public auction lo
tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy saltl or
der of sale In the sum of tf (U.rl ami Interest,
costs anil accruing costs and taxetl at $211. 7 J
nml Interest ut ten per cent.
Sheriff of Saltl County.
Wji. MnciiKi.l,, Attorney for I'lulntlff.
l'lrst piimicaitou, June...
Sheriffs Sale.
lly virtue of an order of sale Issued by thu
the clerk of llio district court of Hox HiiUh
county, Nebraska, upon 11 decreo rendered by
saltl court In favor or Hox liutto county, tho
comity or Hox Hutte Is plaintiff mul against
Henry W Norton, Mrs. Norton, his wife,
llrst name unknown K. S Ormsby trustee
of W. K. Telfoid. Kleauorll. Telford wlfo of
W. I Telfonl, Kluanor 11. Telford,
exectitilx of W. I Telford, de
ceased, henollclury of K. S. Orinsby, trustee,
mid W. .1. llowdcn, defendants, 1 will, 011 liiu
2th tiny of July A. I). 1U02. at 10 o'clock 11 111
on said tlay ut tho west front door of tho
courthouse lu Alliance In saltl Hox Hutto
county or Nebraska, sell tho following de
scribed reul estate, to-wlt: thu northwest Hut
section 20, townshlp27, runuo 51, Hox Hutto
county, Nebraskn, at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash to satisfy saltl ortler
of sale lu tho sum of t37.3it mul Interest, costs
tinil accruing costs and taxed at 32.33 and
Interest at ton per coin.
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Miti-iieix, Attorney for I'lutntlff.
l'lrst publication, June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly vlrtueof un ortler of sale Issued by thu
clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon n decreo rendered by wild
court In fuvorof llox Hutto county, tho coun
ty of Hox Hutto Is plaintiff, midugntustlluiu
pliroy P. Kendrlck, .Mrs. Keudrick. his wife,
llrst name unknown. Kuircno C. Kendrlck and
his wife, llrst name unknown, defendants, I
will, on theUSIhiluy of July, A. D., Ilt at 10
o'clock a, in. on said tlay, ut tlio west front
doorof the court house lu Alliance, In saltl
Hox Hutto county, statu of Nebraskn, soil tho
following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho
SW'i of section 2, township 2fl north, range
51 west, nth principal meridian In Nebraska,
In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska, ut public
miction to the highest bidder foreush, to sat
isfy suld ortler ot sale lu thu sum or, ami
interest, costs anil accruing coats, and taxed
at fgti,7s, mill Interest at 10 per cent.
Sheriff of Sultl County.
Wm, Mitciim,!., Attorney for I'lulntlff.
at publication, j 11 no 27.
sheriff snlc
Hv i It tun of mi on er or sii e sstiet
tl by tl
'J tin
clt rk of the dlslrh I court of Hot
county, Ni'liraskn, tijmu 11 t'e ree letulereil 1
Miiiiicourt 111 inxoroi lie, until' count). 1 lie
county of llox Untie 1 plaintiff mid uknliist
iiiiiim ituuiii's. Mrs. iinuiii-s, iiih wire, tlrsi
imtiii' iinktiinvii.aiiil Josephine H llmmnoiiil,
tlefeiiilmits, 1 will. 011 the th tiny of July,
A. D. IIKU, nl 10 o'clock n. in on suld day. m
the west front tloor of the couithouse lu Alli
ance In mild llox Until' county of Nebmskn,
sell the following tlesctlbcd real estate, tow-tit
the southwest ( of the northeast (. the
southeast t of thniioitbwest 4, tlieuiirthensl
( of the southwest ( mid the uoithwosi H of
the Nouthi'ust 'i, section !!. township Sri, Hinge
W) In llox Unite county, Nebraska, ut public
auction to the highest bidder forcash to sat
isfy suld order or sale lu the mini of ?As.oj mid
Interest, costs aud accruing costs mid tnxed
iil?ll t:i and Interest ut tun percent.
Ill A ItKI'.l),
Sheriff of Suld County.
Wm. Mitciiiim,, Attorney for Plaintiff.
first publication, .liiue'J",
Sheriff's Snlc.
lly vtrluo of an order of wile Issued by tho
clerk of the district court or llox Hutte
county. iiMin 11 decree rendered by said court
lu fmoroMlox Hutte county, the county of
llox Hutte Is plaintiff mid against Heujatnlu
!'. I'lesier mul Mrs, l'lester, llrst mime un
known, wife of llenjmnlu 1' l'lester. defend
ant, mul Lewis Ituy, defendants, I will, on tlm
XMhtlay or duly, A. I) HUM, nt ten o'clock on the west front duorof the court
house. In Alllnnce In said llox Hutte county of
Nebraskn. .sell thu following described real
cstnte, to-wlt: tho southeast ',( of section .'11
or townships, rnugufto, In Hox Hutte county,
Nebraska, ul public auction to the highest
bidder for ensh, to satisfy wild order of Mile
In the sum of &IJ.IS and Interest, costs mid no
crulug costs mid taxed ul mul Interest
ut ten percent.
IKA KKi:i,
Sheriff or Suld County.
Wm. Mnt'tiri.i,. Attorney ror I'lnlntlff.
l'lrst Publication, .1 urn-87
Shctlfr'N Sale.
Hy virtue of un ortler of sulo Issued by tho
clerk of the district eottit of Hox Hullo
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court In favor of llox Hutto county. Mm
fnunlYiif Hoxlltiltclsplnliitlrtmidngnlust 1 ,1.
Nichols. Mrs, Nichols. Ids wife, llrst name un
known, nml American lian mul Trust Co., de
fendants, I will, on the 2-thdav of July, A. D.
liny, nt lu o'clock n. in on saltl tiny, at the
west front doorot the courthouse lu Alliance
In said llox Hutto county of Nebraska, sell
tho following tlescrllietl real cstnte, to-wlt:
the north 4 of tho northeast of section
30, township 25, range IS, lu HnvHuttocouuty,
Nebraska, ut public auction to Hie highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy suld tinier of sule
lu the stun of &EI 10 mid Interest, costs ami ac
cruing costs uiul taxed nt SH.UH nnd Interest
ut ten per cent.
Sheriff of Snltl County.
Wm. Mi inn i.t.. Attorney for l'laliitlll,
l'lrst publication, June 27.
Sheriffs So.le.
Hy virtue of nn order of sale Issued by the
clerk- of ihe district couit iff Hox Hutlo
county, Nebraska, upon u decree tendered by
said court in fuvor tff Hox liutto county, Ihe
county of Hox Hutle Is plaintiff and against
Nenl Wyne mul Mr. Wyne, his wire, llrst
nuine unknown, aredefcnilants, I will, 011 the
Jsih day iff July, A. D. W112, at 10 o'clock 11. 111.
on said du.s ut the we.t front tloor iff the
courthouse lu Alliance In saltl Hox ltulte
county tff Nebrnskii, sell the following tle
sctlhetl iciil estnle. to-vltj the wist ' of the
northeast i of section l.'uif township 27 north
of lunge 17. west or the Dth pi-lliclpal meridian
lu Nebraska, In Hox Hutto county, Nebraska,
at nubile, auction to Die highest bidder lor
ensh I o satisfy said ortler of sale fn the sum iff
1,10.110 and luteiest, costs and accruing costs
nml laxotl ut JJI.73 anil luteiest at ten per
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mnt'llKM,, Attorney for I'lulntlff.
l'lrst publication, Juno 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy vlrtueof 1111 order of sale Issued by tho
clerk of tho district court or llox Hutto
county, Nebraska, upon a decree leutleieil by
said couit In favor of llox Hutte ccitnt), thu
county of Hox Unite In plaintiff mid against
1'. W. Robinson and Mrs. Kohlnsou. Ids wife,
llistuamo unknown, mid I'ledetlck W.ltohlii
son, defendants, I will on the 'Jhth tiny of
July, A. D. 11)02, tit II) o'clock a. m. on said day,
at the west frontdoor of the courthouse In
Alliance lu suld Hox Untie county tff Ne
biiisku, sell the rollowlng described reul es
tute, lo-wll : tho southeast j iff section 17 iff
township 25 north iff ruiigoW) west or the tilh
priiifspui meridian In Nebrnskii, In Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska, at public a let Ion to the
highest bhldur for cash, to satisfy suld tinier
of sain :i b" sum or 31.00 mid Interest, costs
ami at ci iiingcostsnnd tnxed til2lU.'llllitl lu
teiest ut ten percent.
sheriff of Suld County.
Wm. Mnrin:i,i, Attorney for I'lulntlff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue tff mi ortler iff sale Issued by tho
clerk iff the district court or Hox Hutto coun
ty. Nebraskn, uikiii a tlecreo rendered by
said court In favor of llox liutto county, tho
county iff Hox Hutto Is plaintiff and against
Levi Dovore, Mrs. Devore, Ids wire, llrst name
unknown, and Harriet. M. Iluntlngtoci. defend
ants, I wilt, on tho 2Hth tiny iff July, A. D.
IW, ut 10 o'clock 11. tu. on saltl tlay at thu
west front door of tho court limine lu Alliance
In wild Hox Hutto county.Nobrnsku.M-H tho fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt: thesouth
14 of tho northwest ',( and tlio northwest Ji of
llio southwest U.sts-tlon 2, township 2.1 north
of ran go 52 west of tholHli principal meridian
in Nebmskn. In Hox Hutto couutv. Nebrnskii,
at public auction to thu highest bidder for
cash to satisfy saltl ortler iff sale In the sum of
$30.27 mul Interest, costs and uccrulng costs,
tuxetl ut i2'J.a3ainl Interest nt ten per cent.
Sheriff of Mild County.
Wm. mitciikm., Attorney for I'lulntlff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy lrtuiiof nu ortler of sale Issuoil by the
clerk of the district court iff lli.x Hutto county,
Nehrnska, iiihiii atlis.'ri'0 rendered by said court
in fnwir of Hox Hutte county, tlio county tff
Hox Hull') Is inlntilf and ugalnst Samuel J'.
Hn)er nnd Mrs iiuyer. Ids wile, first liauio un
known, defundauts, I will, 011 tho 2Hlh day ot
July, A D 11102, at 10 o'clock n tu. on said day,
at the west front of the court house in Alliunco
in said Hex Hutlo county iff N-hrnskn, sell tho
following described rent estate, tiewit: tlio
southwest !( ot section 32 of township 23 north
tff range W) west tff tho nth principal mtTliliun
lu Nebraska In Hox Buttn county, Nebraskn,
nt public miction to tho highest bidder for cash
to satisfy suld enter of sale in tho sum or
M II uud Interest, costs nml accruing costs
and taxetl at (2s.t-H nml interest nl ten percent.
Sheriff of Kattl County.
Wm. Mitciikm., Attorney for I'laititlff.
First publication, June 27.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly vlrtueof mi ortler of salo Issued by tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutto couu
tv. Nebraska. iiiHuitidis-reo rendered bv saltl
court In favor of Koberl Haxtor, plaintiff, mid
IlirolltL, e.ll. fltnfmiwt
'Jslhduy or July, 1002, ut 10 o'clock 11, in. 011
.. ,l ...,1 w.lf.l... .;, 1, it,.,, b.a nil, 1,11 liiu
defendant, I will on thu
saltl day, at tho west front tltxirof tho court
house In Alliance, in saltl llox liutto county,
statu ot Nebraskn. soil tho following describ
ed reul estate, to-wlt: It 0 tff block 28 of tho
c-lty of Alliance, it thu said Hoz Hutto
county iff Nobraskn, at public miction
to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy snltl
order tff sale, lu thu sum tff fcO.77, mid Inter
est, costs and uccrulng costs, mitt taxetl ut
M.23, mul Interest ut 10 percent.
Sheriff of Said County.
W. O. SlMONhO.v. Attorney for l'lalntlff,
-Sheriff's Sule.
Hy vlrtueof mi oitler of salo Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of llox Hutte
county, Nebraska, ttjiou a decree rundoml by
saltl court In fuvorof Hox Hutlo comity, thu
county of llox Hutto Is plaintiff mill against
I'rank'l'amka, and Mrs Tamku, Ids wife, her
llrst uaino unknown, defendants, 1 will, on the
2ttn tlay or July, A. 1), 11)02, ut lu o'clock u. in.
on saltl da), at thu west front tloor of tho
courthouse lu Alliance In saltl Hov Hutto
county of Nebraska, sell the following tle
scrlUst real estate to-wlt: tho southwest t of
section 31 of township :, range 47. In Hox
Hutto county, Nebraska, ut public auction to
tho highest bidder for cash' to satisfy saltl
order of sule In the sum tff SkLMand Interest,
costs ami accruing costs uutl taxed at ).33
and Interest at ton pur com.
.Sheriff tff Said County
Wm. Mitciium., Attorney for Huliitlff.
Sheriffs Sale
virtue tif an ortler of mile Imnnl hv I hi.
cleik or tlit-dlMrlct ciHirl ut Ho HutUi i-numy
Ni'liinnltn. upon tWr" rHiitvrnit by md
court 111 finer of l! Hutte cn'inly. the tM'i UV
id Hox Hutte I iilnlntllf mul iwiBt n imis
Wfl, Mrs. Wnst his wife, flrwt liiitrm n
hiiownnml llfiiryw. Mfrrlmfl.ilBrniHliiiii- I will
tmihi"tliihiriir July, A I) HD3, m 10 vi,Mk
n. tit. tm snlil d) hi tins went front door of ihe
utlioiiMt In Alliance in stlri llox lliitinrniin-
Iv or Nebrntikft tll lli follow ln drscrtlied
renl estate, to-wlt: the iiiirllntwt t( of kitIIiiii
ill of IowiihIiIiiM nnrlhiif rmigelS wwt of tlm
nth principal mtirldlnn lu Ni'hriukh, lu llox
Hutte county. Nebrnskii. nt pnhllc nurtlun
to tlm highest fililtler fur ch ih to
sntUfy wild order of sale In tlm mini
of $Slft.l:i nnd Interest, citn ..nil lirerulag
fonts ntul tnxed nt S' :i mul Interest nt ten
per cent.
Wm. Mncilfl.l,. AHoriitv .or I'lnlulllT.
I'll si publication. Inne.',.
Sheriffs Sale.
I w
ll virtue of nn nrtln-of sale Imuthl h tho
olerk of llindtsirlctcoiitt of llox Hutto tsinnty.
N'ehinsltH. npui n t let reo rendered by i.,iM
coilitlu fuvor ot llox II ittne.iil itr. tin. ;i inty
ot llox nutlo Is idnlnlln mid .-.gnlutt II niiird
Monnlc'i mid Mrs Motiulch. his wife, h r llrst
iinmi' uukiinwn. tli'feniliints I will o-i tlie JS1I1
tiny id Jul). A, I) lint.', nt 10 o'clix k n in. tin
said ilny. nt lb west fiont dour of the court
house in Alliutice lu snld rox Hutte rtiuiiH of
Nebrnskn Ht'll the follnwlug tluscribed real
estate, to-wlt: Inn southwest M of siH'ttou .'I ot
towiislilicifi uoitli nr iniie Ul west of he flth
ii liiclp.i) incrl, II1111 In Nehriiskn. In llox HuMu
t utv. Nc'iittsku, at publte ntii-titui to tho
highest bidder for cash tosntlstv snltl order of
sale lu tlie Hiitu or $:l) iH mid interest, ri,'M mul
ae -ruliiK costs nud taxed ut V.IKI nnd .nterest
nt ten percent.
HherllTot Suld County
m. Mitciiikm,, Atlnrney fur PliilntllT
l'lrst publication, Julie 27.
A'ftcrlff's Snlc.
Hy virtue nf nn order of sale Issued hy llio
clerk of the district, com tiff Hex Hutte count)-,
Nebmskn, upon 11 decreo rendered hy wild court
lu fnior of llox Buttn county, Ihe comity of
Hox HuIIoIh pUlnltlf and ngnlnst I' M Dn
Mile. .Mrs Dewire. Ids wife, llrst nnmii nn.
known, Leopold l.ukentid Helen A.
frmlnuts, 1 will, on tho2th tUy of July A
IW!. at 10 o'clock n. m. on said tiny nt the went
front door ot llio coiirthousn lu Alliance lu
wild count), sell tho following ilvscrlli-d real
cstnte. to-wlt! tlio south ' ot tlm iinrthetst i
and the south H of the northwest U tff vecllon
II iff township 21 1101 th iff rmigo fit west of the
Ctli principal meridian In Nebraska, In Hex
lluttc cniinly, Nebraska, at public auction lo
the highest bidder tor cash to satisfy said onl'ir
iff enlt In tho sunt of $11. iri and interest costs
ami accruing costs nml taxetl $2H.g:i and Inter
est at ten per ci'iit.
Sheriff of Hnld County.
Wm. Mtri'iliiM.. Allorny for Plaintiff.
I'lrsl publication,. lime 27.
Sheiirrt Snlc.
Hy virtue of mi order tff sale Issued bv tho
clerk of the district court of Hox Hutte eoun
tv, Nebraska, iitou udoereo rendered by saltl
court In favor of K. K. Kcdillsh, pluliitlu, mul
against I'liinl. I'ctorsoit nml Mr. I'ttersnn,
his wife, defendants, I will on the 111 tl.iv or
August, A D, IIHU. nt 10 o'clock 11. m. on s.iid
day, at tho west fniul door tff the t-ourthoiiso
lu Alliance In said Hox Hutto count) of Nt
lirnsku, sell the rollowlng described real es
Into, to-wll: the norlheast iuailertff wet mil
12. township 'J5 north of range 10 west tff tin
lit b principal uieiltllnu lu Nehruska lu Hox
Hutle county. Nebraska, at public auction to
the highest hlihlur forcash, to satisfy said or
der tff sale In Ihe sum of fills IK) and Interest,
cosU mul Accruing costs taxed ut Sr.Ms aiiil
ItitereNt at leu percent, suhJisH to taxes tu the
sum tff sll.txi.
SheillT of Said Couilly
Smith I'.Tiittm', Attorney ror I'lulntlff
SbctlffH Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an order of snlo Issued by the
clei k of tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty. Nobraskn, uimii a dts-reo reudored by said
eoiitt In fuvorof John S. Cm-iiimi. plaintiff,
mul against I'retl K. Harris, iidiuliilslrator of
Nathan S. Ilnrwood. deceased, deremlmit, I
will, on the lib day of August A. D IIKU. at
10 o'clock-on said tlay at 1 ho west front door
of 1 ho courthouse In Alliunco In said Hox
Hutte county of Nebraska, soil tho following
described real estate, to-wlli tlio west half of
tho northeast tiutirter of section 33, township
25 unit h of range IS west tff the tit li principal
meridian In Nebraska, In Itnx Hull,- county,
Nobraskn, nl public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash to satisfy suld order of rfale
in tho sum of $t.3l2.70mid InWi-iM cost? nnd
nccrulngciists. $112,10, subject to taxes" 10 tho
amount of $?o.:k!.
Sheriff tff Said Count v
TtiTTbK&Oil.M.tN, Attorneys Tor IMulntlff.
.Mlsccllaiicnus A J vert Iseincnts.
Handsome Dapple Bay,
Well Proportioned, Good
Hone. Weight 1O00
Will stand the season at my place one
half mile west ot Hemingford. Six dol
lars ($6.00) to insure living colt. M.ires
from n distance may be left at the place,
and will receive careful attention, for $1.00
extra. For further information call at
Dushnell's meat market, or at the place.
Hciningford, Neb.
Call fou a
No. 5
Manukactuheii in
To A. II .Thompson, non-rosldent tlofendant
von will tuko notlcothat on thofllliday May
11)02. r.. A Horry, a Justice of tho peace, of
Alliance, Second wunl precinct, Box Hutto
county, Issued 1111 attachment for tlio sum of
J7.45 In miiiction pending before liltn, where
in O. llrockott is iilaintltr, und A II.
Ihoinpson, dofendaut. thut proporty of the
tlufeiidiiiit consisting of uionoy In tho jKtososs
hm of tho Chicago, Hurlliigton mul Qulncv
railway comntiny has btsm attached under
said ortler. SJld&uiso was continued to tho
2sth tlay of .lime. 1P02, at & o'clock 11. in
30-3 FitANK O, ItBOCKErr. riulntltr,