The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 21, 1902, Image 3

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Properly Rebuked the "YoungBter."
When tho great chemist, ihcvmul,
who-" statue was rerontly unveiled In
Franco, attained his 100th birthday, ho
was entertained at a public dinner at
which his son, a high ofllclal in tho
department of justice, 67 years of age,
was also present. Tiro old man mado
a speech, and In telling an hnccdoto
made a slight slip, which his son sop
rocted. Old Chevreul turned around
quickly and said In a sharp voice:
"Hush, young3tor, when I am talking,"
nnd the "youngster" held his tongue
The 8hah is "It."
One of tho most absolute of tho
world's monarch Is tho shah of Per
sia, who is master of the lives and
goods of all his subjects. Tho wholo
revenue of tho country being at his
disposal, recent ehaha havo been able
to amass largo private fortunes. That
of the present occupant of the throno
Is reported to amount to $25,000,000 or
$30,000,000, most of it represented by
Vlrchow an Octogenarian.
Prof. Rudolph Vlrchow's 80th birth
day will be eclobrated in Berlin on
Saturday, October 12, when he will
personally recclvo delegates with con
gratulatory addresses from various
scientific bodies, foreign as well as
German. Prof. Vlrchow is not with
out a certain youthful vigor, especially
In thought
Je&se Haney Is Dead.
Jesso Haney, one of tho pioneer
comic paper publishers of America, is
doad. The New York Plcayuno was
Btartcd by him away back in tho '50s.
It was succeeded by other comic pub
lications which led up to those wo havo
After His Own Heart.
Miss Anne Tracy Morgan, daughter
of J. Pierpont Morgan, Is a systemat
ic business woman, keeping books of
hor expense and income and overlook
ing all her investments herself.
Capable Young Colored Man.
Tho chief train dispatcher of tho
Colorado &. Northwestern railroad, at
Boulder, Colo., is Spencer B. Mackey,
a young colored man of 24.
Supreme Judge Turned Down.
The days of whispered conferences
In tho White House are past, says a
'correspondent. Tiho president Bees
most of his visitors in the big recep
tion room. He goes from one to nu
othcr and says what ho has to say in
a voice that reaches to every part of
,tho room. A day or two ago, Bays tho
Baltimore News, a justice of the su
preme court camo in with his snn.
Then ho leaned over and whispered a
ffow words to the president's ear. "I
am eorry," said tho president and
llfty people heard him rasp It out "I
am sorry, but it cannot be done. All
promotions must bo on merit." A very
much abased justice of the supremo
court, with his Bon in tow, left tha
Wlilto House hurriedly.
Letter Carrier's Clerer Invention.
a letter carrier of Morrlstown, N. J.,
nas been aiimrcd "eighteen claims by
tho patent office at Washington for a
collectors' recording mechanism for
letter boxes. Tho devlco locks tha
boxes preventing them being tapped
during the night, and, by an olectrical
mechanism connected with the post
olllce, much the samo as a time lock,
permits tho carrier to open them at
the schedule hours in the morning, ac
the same time recording tho tlmo in
tho office.
There Is nothing on earth to bo
compared with a virtuous and lovely
woman. Arabian.
After you have learned to unlearn
you are In a fair way of learning to
Tho key to happiness opens
treasure houso of tho mind.
It sometimes happens that lovo la
tho only wisdom of a fool.
Two bores never get any amuse
ment out of each other.
Many a game leg 13 the result of a
foot ball game.
Has marked characteristics tho ta
tooed man.
St. Jacobs Oil I
Neuralgia, wolatloa,
Lumbago, Mpralns,
Bruises, Soreness,
25o xnd 30o
Our urlcei wero neTcr io lav r th.
grment time. New pltnoi in beautiful 11
oeaoy. Walnut Oak aud Ulrd'i Lie Jlaplo
catee at aig. nu hot n,i n 1.1. .
tue above w0 re maklax apcdal prloea en
our matcjilwu.tockof Mteliiwn), Hirstr.
rCiurreon an11ae IManot M rite for rat'
alOKuet, pilcea and tcraa, or par ui a tftlt of
Schmoller & Mueller
1313 Farnrxm Street, Omtvha
Know by. tho sign
Tho tombs of England's honored dead
Are, Ilka her annals, prand;
Leaning o'er Chatham's buried head,
Drooping by Kelson's trophlcd bed, i
As if their hearts of marble bled.
Art's silent mourners stand.
But how, my country, hnst thou shrined
Thy patriot-heroes' dust?
Hath he, in whoso majestic mind
All human virtues were combined
Hath lie tho champion of mankind
Carved urn or laurel bust?
No from his tomb th unsculpturcd stone?.
Mildewed, and broken, fall;
No marble warders guard his bones,
Ills grave nor stato nor nation owns,
And he who startled Europe's thrones
Neglected lies of all.
Tho monuments that Naturo gavo
Arc melting fast away:
Tho branches that wcro wont to wavo
I-tko banners, o'er tho good and bravo.
Torn rudely from his hallowed grave.
Aro speculation's prey.
Conquered Cornwallls rests In state,
So Howe and Clinton He;
For Britain bars not glory's gate
' Against e'en her defeated great,
Wlillo wo to him, whoso cwoid was fate,
A fitting tomb deny.
Sons of tho soil! heirs of tho famo
Earth's purest patriot won,
Lret not his memory be your shame.
The sordid ransom give, and claim
The. dust of Washington! '
Early Selected
for High Honors
Although Col. Washington retired to
a private station at Mount Vernon at
tho closo of tho frontier warfare, he
did not neglect his duties to the public.
Still holding tho office of adjutant-general
of tho militia, no circulated orders
for them to assemblo at certain times
and places to bo exercised and, re
viewed. So much were the Inhabitants
alarmed at the recent successes of tho
enemy, that their martial spirit re
ceived a new Impulse, and volunteer
companies began to bo organized.
Their ardor was stimulated from tho
pulpit and it was in a sermon to one
of these companies that the accom
plished and eloquent Samuel Davles
pronounced the celebrated encomium
in a single sentence, which has often
been quoted as prophetic. After prais
ing the zeal and courage which has
been shown by tho Virginia troops,
tho preacher added: "As a remark
able Instance of this, I may point out
to tho public that heroic youth, Col.
Washington, whom I cannot but hope
Providence has hitherto preserved in
so signal a manner for some important
service to his country." This was but
tho echo of the general voice, and it
is a proof of tho high estimation in
which tho character of Washington
was at that time held by his country
men, and of the hopes It had raised.
Patrick Henry's
Worthy Tribute
Mr. Wirt relates an anecdote of
Washington which shows lu what esti
mation ho was held by tho members of
the first Congress. Soon after Patrick
Henty returned home, being asked
"whom ho thought the groatest man
in Congress," ho replied, "If you speak
of eloquence, Mr. Rutledge of South
Carolina is by far tho greatest orator;
but, if you speak of solid information
and sound Judgment, Colonel Washing
ton is unquestionably tho greatest
man on that floor." This opinion was
verified by every act of his life. His
knowledge, on the subjects to which
ho gave his attention, was most thor
ough and exact; and all tho world
has agreed that no other man has
given such proofs of the soundness of
his Judgment.
Absolute Stranger
to Physical Fear
An anecdote is related by an his
torian illustrative of Washington's
resolution and courage. A person of
lawless habits and reckless character
had frequently entered upon the
grounds near Mount Vernon, and shot
ducks and other game. More than
once ho had been warned to desist, and
not to return. It was his custom to
cross the Potomac In a canoe, and
ascend tho creeks to some obscuro
placo, whore he could be concealed
from obsonatlon. Ono day, hearing
tho dlschargo of a musket, Washing
ton mounted his horse, and rodo In
tho direction of the sound. The in
truder discovered his approach, and
had just tlmo to gain the canoe and
push it from the shore, when Washing-
- tflftllir jsi
ton emerged from the bushes at tho
distance of a few yards. The man
raised his gun, cocked it, pointed it at
him, and took deliberate aim; but,
without a moment's hesitation, Wash
ington rodo into tho water, seised tho
prow of tho cacoc, drew it to land,
disarmed his antagonist, and inflicted
Cn him a chastisement, which ho novor
again chose to run tho hazard of on
countering. at x. 3$. 3fi
Mrs. Washington's
Noble Character
In tho course of tho year following
the French and Indian war, Col.
Washington had paid his addresses
successfully to Mrs. Martha Custls, io
whom ho was married on tho Gth of
January, 1769. ThiB lady was three
months younger than himself, widow
of John Parko Custis, and distinguish
ed allko for her beauty, accomplish
ments and wealth. Sho was the daugh
ter of John Dandrldge. At the time of
her second marriage she had two
children, a son and a daughter, tho
former six years old, tho latter four.
Mr. Custls had left large landed estates
in New Kent County, and forty-flvo
thousands pounds sterling In money.
One-third part of this property sho
held in her own right, tho other two
thirds being equally divided between
her children.
By this marriage an accession of
more than one hundred thousand dol
lars was made to Col. Washington's
fortune, which was already consider
able in tho estate at Mount Vernon,
and other lands which ho had select
ed during bis surveying expeditions
and obtained at different times. To
tho management of his extensive prl
vato affairs his thoughts now turned.
He alsd took upon himself the guard
ianship of Mrs. Washington's two
children, and tho caro of their proper-
ty, which trust ho discharged with all
the faithfulness and assiduity of a
father, till tho son became of age, and
till tho daughter died In her nineteenth
year. This union was In every respect
felicitous. It continued forty years.
To her Intimate acquaintances and to
tho nation, tho character of Mrs.
Washington was ever a themo of
praise. Affablo and courteous, exem
plary In her doportmont, remarkable
for her deeds of charity and piety, un
ostentatious and without vanity, sho
adorned by her domestic virtuos tho
sphere of prlvato life, and filled with
dignity every station in which sho
was placed.
r " ' ' '
ftor Atmaur ST jmurtrr
Miss Lcnoro Allen, 407 Dowoll Street, San Francisco, Co-., writes:
consider Peru no an Infalliblo remedy for catarrhal diseases. For several years 1 havo beta
troubled with Influenza, especially during our rainy season. I used to catch cold so easily that i
was afraid to be out when the ycather was tho least bit Inclement, or to tho evening air. Bst
since I have used Pcruna I have nothing whatever tho matter with me.
"1 am In perfect health, and find that Pcruna acts as a tonic, and seems to throw all sickness
and disease out of the body. I go anywhere now and In all kinds of weather, seem to havo an Iron
constitution and enjoy life because I enjoy perfect health." LENORB ALLEN.
Miss Mattio Douglass, 133 Thomas Ave.,
Memphis, Term., writes:
"From my early womanhood I havo
been troubled with occasional headaches.
I took different powders and drugs, at
times getting temporary relief. Ono of
mv friends advised mo to try Peruna,
which I did. I soon found that my general
health improved, and my cntiro system was
toned up.
"I felt a buoyancy of body and lightness of
mind I bad not known beforo, and my
headaches baa entirely disappeared, and I
havo onjoyod perfect hoalth for ovor a
year. I gladly endorso Peruna."
Womon from all parts of the United
States and Canada aro testifying dally
to tho virtuo of Perunn. Only a few of
tneso lottors can over bo published. Write
A quarrel is not supposed to bo as
good as new when it's patched up.
CJTCp,rn,'"'n"TCU'Td "e"rnrrrtmtBf titer
r 1 1 it tint dar'a ue of Dr. ttllne'a Great Ncrre lteator
T. Band for FUKK O3.0O trial bottle and treatlte.
Da. It. U. Klivx, Ltd , Kl Arch Street, Philadelphia, l'a.
There aro times when even
bright young "blade" feels dull.
spot, streak or give your gooda an un
evenly dyed appearance. Sold by drug
gists, 10c per package.
Should tho trombone player's salary
bo on a sliding scale?
can be obtained only by using1 Defiance
Starch, bcsldos Retting' 4 oz. moro for
Mine money no cooking required.
: .Xft
VY1 -
Delicately formed and gently reared, women will
And, In all tho seasons of their lives, as maids or wives
or mothers, that tho ono simple, wholesome remedy
which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and
which may ho used with truly beneficial effects, under
any conditions, when tho system needs a laxative Is
Syrup of Figs. It is well known to be a simple com
bination of tho laxative and carminative principles of
plantB with pleasant, aromatic liquids, which aro
agreeable and refreshing to tho taste nnd acceptable
to tho system when its gcntlo cleansing is desired.
Many of tho Ills from which women suffor aro of
a transient naturo and do not como from any organic
trouble and it Is pleasant to know that they yiold so
promptly to tho beneficial effects of Syrnp of Figs,
hut when anything moro than a laxativo is needed It
is best to consult tho family physician and to avoid
tho old-tlmo cathartics and loudly advertised nos
trums of tho present day. When ono needs only to
removo tho strain, tho torpor, tho congestion, or
Blmilar Ills, which attend upon a constipated condi
tion of tho syBteni, uso tho true and gentlo remedy
Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from tho depres
sion, tho aches and pains, colds nnd headaches, which
aro duo to Inactivity of tlio bowels. .
Only thoso who buy tho genuino Syrup of Figs
can hope to get its beneficial effects and as a guar
antee of tho excellcnco of tho remedy tho full namo
of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is
printed on tho front of every packngo and without
it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs Is fraud
ulent nnd should bo declined. To thoso who know tho
quality of this excellent laxative, the offer of any
substitute, when Syrup of Figs is called for, Is
always resented by a transfer of patronngo to somo
flrst-ehiBS drug establishment, whero tlioy do not
recommend, nor sell false brands, nor imitation
remedies. The genuine nrticlo may bo bought of all
reliable druggists every whero ut 60 ceuts per bottle.
I A-
for a book of testimonials, of tbs enros
1'oruna has made.
Pcruna Makes Clean. Healthy
Mucous Membranes Ca
tarrhal Diseases Disappear
Permanently. .
Tho mucous mombrano is to tho inside
of tho body what tho skin It to tbo out
stdo of tbo body. It Hues every organ,
((TV. and cavity. Catarrhal Inflammation
attacking ono part is liablo to spread
to othor parts. A noglocted cold or slight
catarrh is of ton the couso of lingering and
dangerous catarrh.
is because mado by an entirely different
process. Dctlance Starch Is uullko any
other, botter and one-third moro for 10
Lota of worry and trouble Is brought
on by advlco that Is supposed to pro
vent It.
money refunded. At all Rood Druggists or direct from us. Write for free booklet.
EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., - La Crosse, Wis.
Womon'ara naturally moro susceptible to
inclemencies of tho weathor than men.
With them a cold U often tbo starting point
of sorao sevoro polvio dorangomont, cans
Inp much pain nnd suffering.
Every woman uoods a remedy upon
which sho can rely to koep hor system
fortlflod against tbo trying weather ot
winter and oarly spring. If Poruna ta
tnkon at tbo first symptom of a cold 16
will euro it beforo it dovelops Into soma
annoying catarrhal derangement.
If you do not dorive prompt and satis
factory results from tho uso ot Peruna,
writo nt once to Dr. Unrtman, giving
full statemont ot your case and he will
bo plosBod to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. TTaxtnian. President at Tha
Hart man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Cu lUUMk, ChwSmU, Ul4 rw, aaa aH Mb
hwUnsblata. All Draff. rU. tl M.I a In.
ajiHi aajw Via. JUT HSMBBjaHaaaasa
Suddenly. It Injures the nervous system to do so. Use BACO-CURO
and It will toll you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco.
You havo no right to ruin your hoalth, spoil your digestion and poison
your breath by using tho filthy weed. A guarantee In each box. Pries
$1.00 nor box. or throe boxes fo S2.SO. with truarantoo to cura or
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