Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 09, 1922, Image 7

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CHAPTER XI Continued.
"He's some fox," snld Lund. "Miss
PepRy, l"u bnttcr superintend tho
Uieatrlcnls. It's got to bo done right
Itnlney, not to Interrupt you, what do
you know nbout enteric fever?'
"Well, It's tin Bnmo ns typhoid.
There'll be n surgeon nbonrd thnt gun
fcoat. You got to bluff him. Sny little
an look wise ns un' owl. Don't let
film mix In' with yoro patient."
"My patient r
"Tnmnda I Kt-'s got enteric fever. If
there's time he'll give you nil the dope."
"Hut I don't see how that"
'Ton will see when you see Tnmada,"
litind grinned. "How about them
logs? Can you fix 'em?"
"I think so."
"Then hop to It. I'm goln' to wise up
the men and arrange n reception com
mittee. Don't forglt yoro nnme's Carl.
cn, an' mine's Slmms."
Rnlney wrote - rapidly In his log,
erasing, ellmlnntlng pnges without
trace, Imltntlng the sklppor's phrasing.
'Fortunately Slmms hnd made scant
lentrles at first and, Inter on, ns the
drug held him, none nt nil. Cnrlsen
lind kept no record thnt he could find.
The girl had gone forward to aid with
Tamnda's plan which Lund hnd
(evidently accepted.
Before he had quite finished he
heard the tramp of men on deck nnd
the blnst of a steam whistle. He ended
his task and went up to see the gun
fooar, gray and menacing, Its brasses
glistening, men on her decks at their
tasks, obllvlou3 of the schponer, nnd
officers on her bridge wntchlng the
progress of n launch toward the floe.
It mndo landing smnrtly, and n
'lieutenant, diminutive but highly
"effective In appearance, led six men
toward the Knrluk. He wore a sword
and revolver; the men carried carbines.
Their- disciplined rank and smartness,
the waiting launch, the gunboat In the
nfllng, were ominous with the sugges
tion of power, the will to administer
flt. The officer In command carried his
chln at an arrogant tilt. Lund hnd
rigged a gangwny nnd stood nt the
'hend of It, saluting the lieutenant as
the latter snapplly nnswered the greet
ing. Rnlncy found the girl and put a
hurried question.
"What about Tnmada? Whore Is he?
"What's tho plan?"
She turned to him with eyes thnt
danced with excitement.
"He's In tho galley, Doctor Cnrlsen.
Tint ho Isn't Tnmndn nny more. He's
Jim Cuffeo, nigger cook, sick with
entorIc fever, not to be disturbed."
Ttnlncy stared. It was a clever de--vlce,
If Tamnda could enrry It out. and
lie bear his own part In the mnsquer--nde.
The willingness of Tnmada to
Tlsk the disguise was assurance of his
"Lund should have told me." he said.
"I've got to change his nnme on the
pnncrs. It won'f take a minute
though : he doesn't appear In tho log."
The Japanese officer waited no time
on deck. For precaution, Ralney mndo
Ills nltcrntlnn In the skipper's cabin,
leaving tho log thero on the built-in
"This Is Lieutenant Ito. Doctor
Cnrlsen," said Lund. "You want to see
our papers. Lieutenant?"
"My orders are to examine tho
schooner," said Ito, In English even
more perfect thnn Tnninda's. Ills
face was officially severo, though his
f-lnnt eyes shifted constantly toward
the girl. Evidently sho wns an un
expected fenturo of the visit.
"I'll get tho papers first," said Lund.
"Doctor, you an' Peggy entertufn the
lieutennnt." Ralney sot out some
whisky, which the .Tnpaneso refused,
some clgnrs that ho passed over with
n motion of his hand. He sat down
stiffly and ran through the papors.
, "We're pelagic, you know," said
T.und. "Wo ain't trespassln' on pur
pose. Didn't even know you owned
the Island."
"It Is on our charts," said Ito crisp
ly, as If thnt settled tho right of do
minion. "How did you como here nt
nil V"
- "Wo was brought," said Lund, "dot
froze in north o' Wrangell. Gale set
lis west as wo come out o' the strait.
W'o'ie bound for Corwln. Itotliln'
Forceful Evidence.
A lawyer was once, at short notice,
called upon to defend a horsf- thief.
Ho did not know that tho thief had
pleaded guilty and made un Impas
sioned speech In tho man's defense.
Ho belloved ho had made nn Impres
sion and tho man would be acquitted.
But tho Judgo's summing up disil
lusioned him. "Gentlemen," said tho
judgo, "you have heard his counsel.
Only, remember tlilr the prisoner
was thero when the horso was stolen
and tho learned counsel was not,"
contraband. All rcg'lnr. Six hunters,
two damaged In tho gnle, though the
doc's fixed 'era up. Twelve seamen,
one boy, an n nigger cook who's pois
oned himself with his own cookln'.
Doc's brlngln' him round, too, though
he don't deserve It. Want to make
yoro Inspection? We're In no hurry
to git away until the Ico molts. Take
yoro time."
Tho little, dnpper officer with his
keen, high-cheeked face, and his shoe
brush hair, got up and bowed, with a
side glnnco nt Peggy Slmms.
"It Is not usual for young Indies
to bo so far north." His endeavor at
galluntry wns obvious.
"I niu with my father," said tho girl,
looking nt Ralney, enjoying tho. situ
ation. ;
"Where I go she goes," said I. und.
And looked In turn at her with relish
In his double suggestion. He, too,
wns playing tho game, gambling, be
lieving In his luck, reckless, now he
had set tho board.
They passed through the corridor.
Lund opened up the strong room, nnd
then tho galley. It wns orderly, and
there was a moaning figure In Tn
ninda's bunk, a tossing figure with a
head bound In n red bandanna above
tho black face and neck thnt showed
above the blankets. The eyes were
closed. Tho black hands, showing
lighter pnlms, plucked nt tho cover
ings. "Delirious," said Lund. "Serves him
right, no's a rotten cook."
"Have you all tho medicines you
need?" nsked Ito. "I can send our
"I can manage," returned Rnlney.
alias Carlson. "It's entprlc. I've re
duced the fever.'' "
They passed on through the hunters'
quarters. The girl fell behind with
"A good makeup and a good actor,"
she Whispered. "I helped him to be
sure he covered everything that would
sliow. It wns my Idea about the ban
danna. Just what a sick negro might
wenr, nnd It hid his straight hnlr."
The lieutennnt nppeared fairly sat
isfied, but requested that Lund go on
board his ship. Ho stayed there until
sundown, returning in hllnrlous mood.
"We've slipped It over on 'cm this
time," he snld. "I left 'em aswlm .with
sake, an' bubblln' over with polite re
grets. But they'll be bnck In threo
weeks, they said, If the Ice Is open.
An', If the luck holds, we'll bo out of
It. 1 don't want them searchln' the
ship ng'In'." no slapped Tnmada on
tho back as ho came to serve supper
after Sandy had laid the table.
"A reg'lnr vodevillc skit," he ex
claimed. "You're somo actor, Tn
mnda I But why didn't you say the
Island wns down on their charts?
They'vo even got n name for It.
"It means hot mountnln," sold
Tnmada. "The government nnmea
many Islands."
"You cun bet yore life they do,"
said Lund. "They're smart, but they
overlooked that beach an' they've giv
en us three weeks to cash In."
Lund himself 'had Imbibed enough
of the sake to mako him loose of
tongue, added to his elation at the
success he had achieved. Tho gun
boat was gone on Its pntrol, and he
had a free hand. He half fllhul a
glass with whisky. "Hero's to luck,"
ho cried. And spilled a part of the
liquor on the floor before ho set the
glass to his lips.
"Here's to you, Doc," ho added.
"An to Peggy 1" ne rolled eyes that
wero a trifle bloodshot at tho girl.
"Our relations hnvo gone bnck as
usual, Mr. Lund," sho said quietly.
Lund glnred at her half truculently.
"I'm agreeable," ho" said. "As a
daughter, I disown you from now on,
Miss Peggy. Here's to ye, Jest the
same I"
My Mate.
From tho day following tho arrival
and departure of tho Japanese gun
boat, they attacked tho little U-shnpod
bench thnt lay between two buttresses
of the volcano and sloped sharply
down to the ben. Twenty-one men, a
Ind und n woman, they went nt the
despoiling of it with a sort of obses-
Circumstances Over Which Ho Had No
Control Certainly Had Mado
Life Hard for Boy.
Tho youngster was sitting on n pllo
of bricks nt the edgo of a vacant lot.
At tho other end of tho lot was a
group of boyi ploying as only a lot of
healthy boys can.
"What's tho matter, sonny?" a pass
erby asked tho lad who was sitting
slon, led, lather than driven) by Lund,
who worked nmotig the rest of them
like n Hercules.
The men's fancy estimate of a, mil
lion dollars began speedily to seem
smnll ns tho Work progressed, system
atically stripping tho rocky floor of all
Its shingle, foot by foot, nnd cubic
yard by cubic yard, cradling It In
crudo rockers, flumlng It, vaporizing
the amalgam of gold nnd mercury,
and adding pound nftcr pound of
vlrglu gold to tho sacks In. the schoon
er's strong room.
They worked nt first in alternating
shifts of four hours, by day mid night,
under the sun, tho moon, tho, stars nnd
tho flaming aurora. Tho crust was
drifted hero ami thero where it hnd
frozen Into conglomerate, nnd explod
ed by dynnmlte, carefully placed so as
not to dlslodgo the masses of Ice that
overhung tho Bchooncr. Fires to
thaw out the ground wero unnvnllnble
for sheer lack of fuel ; there was no
driftwood between these forcstless
shores. Whnt fuel could bo spared
was conserved for use under tho boil
ers that melted Ico to provide water
for the cradles and flumes, nnd help
to cook tho meals that Tamada pre
pared out-of-doors for the workers.
Buckets of coffee, stews, nnd thick
soups of pens and lentils, masses of
beans with plenty of fnt pork, these
were whnt they craved after hours of
tremendous endeavor. Desplto tho
cold, they sweated profusely at their
tasks stripping off over-garments as
they picked and shoveled or crow
barred out tho rich gravel.
Through nil of It" Lund was supremo
ns working superintendent. Thero wns
no job that ho could not, did not, handle
better than any two of them, and
though Ralney could see a shrinkage,
or u compression, of his bulk, ns day
by dtry he called upon It for heroic
service, ho never seemed to tire. "Got
to keep 'em nt It," he would say In .the
cabin. "No time to lose, an tho odds
all against us, In n way. Barring
Luck. Thnt's what wo got to count
on, but we don't wnnt them thlnkln'
thnt. If the weather don't break an
break Jest right as soon ns we've
cleaned up, we're stung. Though I'll
blast a way out of this shore Ice, If
It comes to tho worst. I saved out
some dynamite on purpose."
With Lund handling all of the
men as a unit, It was not long before
the shovels began to scrape on tile
bare rock that underlny the gravel at
tido edge, nnd work swiftly back to
tho end of tho U. Tho outdoors
"Delirious," said Lund. "Serves Him
Right. He's a Rotten Cook."
kitchen had been established on top of
the promontory between tho schooner
and the bench, a prlmltlvo arrange
ment of big pots slung from tripods
over fires kindled on n flat area that
was partly sheltered from tho sea and
tho prevailing winds by outcrops of
weathered Inva.
At dawn the men trooped from the
schooner to bo fed and warmed, and
then they flung themselves nt their
task. The more they got out tho
moro there wns In It for them. But
Lund was their overlord, their better,
und they knew It Only Doming
worked with one hand tho handle of
the force bellows, or fed tho fires, and
On tho fifteenth day, with tho work
better than half done, with more thnn
a ton of actunl gold In colors, that
ranged from flour dust to nuggets, In
the strong-room, the weather began to
change. It-misted contlnunlly, and
Lund, rejoicing, prophesied tho break
ing up of the cold snap.
By tho eighteenth day a regular
Chinook was blowing, melting the
sharper outlines of tho Icy crags nnd
pinnacles, and providing streams of
moisture thnt, In the. nights now grad
ually growing longer, glazed every yard
of rock with peril.
nil alone. "Why don't you play with
tho rest of tho bovs?"
"Thoy don't want mo to ploy with
cm," ho replied bitterly.
"Aro you sure of that?" ho was asked.
Ho nodded his head despairingly.
"What's tho trouble that tho other
boys don't want to play with you?" tho
stranger persisted.
"They found out tumpthln bout
Tho men worked In a muck with
their rubber sen-boots worn out-by
constant chafing, sweaters torn, tho
blades of their shovels reduced by tho
work demanded of them, the drills,
shortened by steady sharpening, gono
llko tho spare flesh of the laborers,
who, nt last, began to show Blgns of
quicker nnd quicker exhaustion with
occasional muttcrliigs of discontent,
while Lund, Intent upon denning olt
the rock ns a dentist cleans a
crumbling tooth, coaxed and cursed,
blamed and praised and bullied, and
did tho actual work of three of them.
Dead with fatigue, filled with food,
drowsy from tho liberal grog allow
ance at tho end of tho day, tho men
slept In n torpor every night and
showed less Inclination to respond,
though tho end of their labors was al
most In sight.
"Whnt's tho use, wo got enough,"
wiiSj tho 'comment beginning to bo
heard moro nnd moro frequently.
"Lund, he's got more'n ho can spend
In a lifetime 1"
Rnlney could not trace these mut
tcrliigs to Demlng's Instlgntlon. but
ho suspected tho hunter. Thero wns
no poker; nil hands wero too tired for
As for Peggy Slmms, alio did not loso
the polish of her culture, she wns al
ways feminine, oven dainty nt times,
despite her work, thnt could not help
but be conrso to n certain extent. Sho
wns full of vigor, sho showed unex
pected strength, sho was n source of
encouragement to tho men us sho
waited on them. And also a sourco
of undisguised admiration, all of which
she shed us a duck sheds water.
Ralney gnlned nn Increasing respect
In her prowess, and a swift conversion
to the equality of the sexes. Thero
were times when ho doubted his own
equality. Had sho met him on his
own ground, In his own realm of What
he considered vaguely ns culture, he
would hnve known n mastery' that he
now Incked. As It. wns, sho averaged
higher, ami she had an attraction of
sex that was compelling.
Hero wns a girl who Would demand
certain standards In the man with
Whom she would mate, not merely Uc
company through life. There wero
times when Rnlncy felt Irresistibly
the charm of her as n woman, longed
for her In tho powerful sex reactions
thnt Inevltnbly follow hard labor. Tlu-ro
were times when ho felt thnt she d!d
not consider that he measured up to
her gunges, nnd he would strive to
chnngo the ntmospherc, to dominate
the situation In which Lund was tho
greater fltfuro of tho two men.
Lund wns centered on one achieve
ment, tho gold harvest. Ho ordered
tho girl with the rest ; there wove even
times when he reprimanded her, while
Ralney burned with tho resentment
she apparently did not share.
A little neforo dawn on the eight
eenth dny of tho work up tho
bench, Lund was out upon tho floe ex
amining tho condition of tho Ice. Ho
hnd declared Hint two days moro of
hard endeavor would complete their
labors. What dirt remained nt tho
end of thnt time they would transship.
Rnlney had Joined the girl nnd Tnmadn
at tho cook fires.
The sky was bright with the aurora
borealls that would pule beforo tho
sun. The men were not yet out of
their bunks. They wero bono and
muscle tired, nnd Rnlney doubted
whether Lund, gaunt nnd lean himself,
could get two days of top work out
of them. Nenr tho fires for tho cook,
lug, the melting of water and the forge,
that wero kept glowing nil night, the
tools wero stacked to help preserve
their temper.
Tho aurora quivered In varying In.
candescence ns Ralney watched Lund
prodding at tho floo Ico with a steel
bar. The girl was busy with the
coffee, and Tumntln wns compounding
two pots of stew and bubbling pens
pudding for tho breakfast, food for
heat and muscle making.
Sandy appeared on deck nnd enme
swiftly over tho sldo of the vessel nnd
up tho worn trail to the fires. He
showed excitement, Rnlney fancied,
sure of It ii3 tho lad got within speak
ing distance.
"Where is Mr. Lund?" ho panted.
Ralney pointed to Lund, now ex
amining a crack that hnd opened up
In the floo, n possible lino of exit for
tho Knrluk, later on. The men wore
beginning to show on tho schooner.
They, too, ho noted somewhiit Idly,
noted differently this morning. Usually
they wero sluggish until they had
eaten, sleepy and Indifferent until tho
coffee stimulated them, and Lund took
up this stimulus nnd fanned It to u
flnino of work. This morning they
walked differently, abnormally active.
"They're drunk, an' thoy'ro goln on
strike," said Snndy. "You 'know tho
big demijohn In the Inzerctto?"
Rnlney nodded. It wns n two
hnndled affair holding Hvo gnllons, n
reserve supply of strong rum from
which Lund dispensed tho grog nllow
iinccs nnd stimulations for extra work
townrd the end of the shift, the night
cups nnd occasional rewards.
' That'?-'Human Nature.
.Tud Tunklns says nobody does any
thing so well Hint somebody doesn't
think ho could do It better If ho was
to tune the trouble to try.
me," tho Ind nnswered, trying htird to
keep- bnck tlio tears.
"Was It something hnd?"
"They think so. But hut I can't
help it!" tho boy defended hlmaolf.
"Como on, tell mc nil nbout It," li
wo8 urged. "Mnybo I can help you.1
"Naw, you can't help mo nono." '
"Well, tell mo about II, unyway.l
Tlio boy hesitated for a moment, bit
decided to confldo.
"Well, mister, theso fellows say. I'm
a sissy 'cnuso I'm," and ho gulped
hard, 'Tin twins with a girl!"
Compilod by the Nebraska Stato
Lambs Decline 75c to $1. Hogs Ad
vance 75c; Beef Steers Gain 2540c;
Cows and Heifers, 4050cJ Veals,
Cattle: Receipts of cattle nt Om
nha Insi week wero Included several
loads of well-finished beeves but 'Jie
bulk of tho supply consisted of steers
In varying degrees of finish. Trices
advanced tho first of tho week, but part
of the gains were lost later. For tho
week, beef steers gained 25SH0c: cows
nnd heifers, BOe; veals, 7rc to $1, nnd
stackers 'nnd feeders, 25(0)500. On
Tuesday, beef steers reached $8,50, top
for tho week and for tho year to date.
On Thursday, beeves, carrying wight
old up to ?8.15 and a few choice year
lings renched $5), tho bulk of the beef
steer supply moving nt $7!?8. Beef
cnvn reached $0.50, tho huik selling nt
(500. Light stockers nnd good steers
on tho nenr-beef order wero In demand
up to $7.50005. Stocker cows, ?i.25
4.75 and stock calves, ?07.50.
Hoos: Receipts of hogs nt seven
market wore lighter thnn tlio previous
week or the corresponding week n year
ago. At Omnha the supply was llherat
and trading ncllve nt ndvnnclng prices.
Fort the week, gains of approxlmntely
75c were mndo on all classes. Light
weights sold Thursdny up to $10,00 and
medium weight butchers nt $10.75
10.85. Heavier weights moved nt
$10.00010.75. The hulk of good hogs
ranged from 10 00(Q10.SO.
Sheep: The trend of sheep was
lower and trade showed unewncss.
Tor the week, lambs wero 75c to $1
lower. Kwes nnd feeding Inmbs were
down 25c. The hulk of fed lnmhg sold
Thursday nl. $1-1 .50 14 .75. Ewe top,
The vlslhlo supply wns 41.278 000
bushels, a decrease of 814,000 bushels
for tho week. The market wns firm
with whent selling nt new high points.
Reports of heavy snow storm bene-'
fitting crops In Knnsas and Oklnhomn
was a factor in n slight wenkness on
March 1st. For tho week, Chlengo
May wheat advanced 2c ; Kansas City,
Corn: The vlslbllp supply of corn
was 40.807.000 bushels, nn Increase of
n.07!l,0Q0 bushels for the week. Cash
market, wns strong nnd prices nd
vaneed. For tho weok, Chicago May
corn wns up 2iic. Farmers In Cen
tral Iowa wero receiving 48V-lQ14c.
Cnrlot movement wns lighter. Prices
In consuming centers advanced slightly
tho middle of tho week. In somo producing-sections
they wero up 5 tolOe.
MInnesotn Round Whites, $1.0031.70,
t. o, b. Shipping points Western Ne
braska, Irrenated District: Markot
wenk. Carlots 1. o. b. sacked No. 1
Whlto vnrlctles, $i.iq1.15.
Receipts of eggs wero heavy and
prices declined 2c to He on easterm
mnrkets. Callfofnln whlto extra firsts'
wero offered In N, Y. City nt 41c. Locnl'
prices to farmers, 20c n dozen.
Poultry movement continued henvy,
for tho season nnd markets remnlned
firm. Local prices to farmers, Springs,
20c;'ncns, (light) 18c, (heavy) 20c;
Stags, 17c; Old roosters, 12c,
Eastern butter inarketa wero firm
with prices showing advances nverag-1
Ing about 2c over n week ago. Tho
demand tho latter part of tho week
was active. Butter scoring 02 sold In
Chicago Thursday nt 87'. Local
prices for country butter, 33c.
Nothing Unusual About This.
"I mako up my mind about tho mat
ter first, but I always ask my hus
bnnd's ndvlco on It," snld n woman at1
Morylebono County court. London'
Dally Mall.
Fillmore's Widow.
Wnstcrn I'npor "Sho was tho
widow of Flllmoro who wns struck by
a car a year ago and died eighteen
months afterward." Boston Trans
cript. Avoid Him,
Our Idea of a cynic Is a man with n
grouch who loves to muko others feel
as mean as ho does. Boston Tran
script. Personality.
It Is personality that niukes for our
success or our falluro among men, and
this personality does not como by
chance. Tastes and dispositions wu
may Inherit, and natural talents may
hnve been given us, but out of these
wo nrc to shape that strange and won
dcrfully cffectlvo tool personality.
A Case In Point.
From n literary article "Nothing Is
bo suggcstlvo of a faulty education
than lack of grammur." Boston Tran
script, English Titles of Nobility.
Tho rank of earl was Introduced in
to Englnnd nt tho time of tho Con
tinent nnd succeeded tho Snxon earl
dom. It continued tho highest rank
In Kngland until Kdwnrd III created
dukes In 1IJ37 and Itlchard II created
marquesses lu 1U85, both being super
ior to rarls.
Mothers in a Like Situ&tum
Should Read This Letter
from Mr. Enrico J
Chicacro. Illinois. "I took Lvdttt'lL
?lnkham,a Vegetable Compound for
serious troubio. I
had tried doctors and
all said tho same an
operation. At first X
only felt tho pain oa
I seemed to feel it on
both sides. I am a
power sowing-ma-chino
operator and
have a little girl to
support. 1 work in
tailor shon and that
lino of work has been
;ery alack this year and I am home part
sf the time. I do not like to take an
chances, so I consulted my friends, and
one lady Baid, Take Lydia Pinkham's
medicine,' bo I did. I havo felt better
rightalong and am in goodenoughhealth
to go to work. I recommend your Veg
etable Compound and Sanative Wash to
all." Mrs. Maky Enrico, 463 N. Car
penter St, Chicago, Illinois.
Often the mother is obliged to support
her children and good health is noccs
sary. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is just tlio medicino you can
depend upon. It is a medicino for wo
men's ailments and tho reliof it brought
Mrs. Enrico it may bring to you. Keep
well by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
ftJtaw Without :
l aj Laxative
Nujol is a lubricant not
a medicine or laxative
so cannot gripe.
When you are constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubricant produced by
your system to keep the
food waste soft. Doctors
prescribe Nujol because
its action la so close to
this natural lubricant.
Try it today.
Stomach-Kidney a-Hcart -Liver
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world's stand
ard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
Tho National Remedy of Holland for
centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhol
mlna. At all druggists, threo sizes.
Look for tho name Gold Modal oa every box
anil accept no imitation
What Is Needed.
When Farmer Bnssett decided to
send his son to college, and selected
ono exploiting tho ndvnntnces of Its
physical training system, ho had a
plain talk with tho president;
"John don't need no setting-up ex
ercises. Ho sets up too luto already,
bo I'd rather you'd cut them out. But
suy, If you've got any good getting up
exercises that are a sure thing, go to
It with John !" Wayside Tales.
Muny a mnrrled couplo could save
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