-" " " ' -Bakota County Herald. r ALL THE NEWS WHEN IT IS NEWS DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921 ESTABLISHED AUGUST 28, 1S0I. VUIi. XXV 111. NO. IS ZjL r . I.! c lalln al5lalSllllgIol(glllliaag NEWSY ITK31S FKOIH OUR EXCHANGES 0 ID lalln lal a aMa nrgiral mrarara Ponca Advocate: Louise Fackelmnn afternoon. Tills occuricl immedi vas an over Sunduy visitor in the ntely after the boxing contest be Pomeroy home in South Sioux City. Iwccn Hob Slovens of uongpino and ....Mr. and Mrs. George Carter left Peterson of Homer. State Agent Ponca by auto Sunday afternoon for Hart officiated as referee of this con their new home in Omahn. test. One of the spectators, M. A. 0 fAtehin, who sat near Hart, asked the Emerson Enterprise and Mary McDonough friends and relatives wn mm- fr, 'iir.iV,',.,. inut Wminns. ' nnr Kinliv f'ltw "W..n.iv . V.' '"' . . ,... .- , day attcrnoon Ho played a few in-iTV nings for the Emeison boys on orjd base. o Sioux City Journal, I: The second best price for cattle paid on this market this year was made by Will Heeney, a prosperous farmer and ex tensive feeder near Nacora, Neb. He received $10 a hundred pounds for his load of thirty-seven steers av eraging 1,034 pounds. Ponca Journal.' Rev. Draise of Dakota City, is assisting in the coun ty treasurer's office during the ab sence of 0. A. Butler. .. .Mr. J. A. Harding and granddaughter, Mary Frances,- returned Tuesday evening from South Sioux City, after visiting with the former's son, Ray. o Allen News: Harold Twamleyand father, Richard Twamley, drove to Sioux City la.c Thursday taking Her bert Livers down to see his father, who has, been ill in the Lutheran hospital there. The Twain ley's re mained over until the following day, visiting relatives in Dakota county. o Lyons Mirror: We sent to our nephew. M. Warner Bauer, of Colome, ri. D., a historic sword which wa first i nsed by Col. J. F. Warner 60 years' ago in the Civil war. It was used by him in many a march and dress parade. It was carried down Penn sylvania avenue, in the "Grand Re view" at Washington, D. C, by the victorious Union army, one of the grandest demonstrations ever known in the history of the world Wakefield Republican: Mr. ana 7tlrs. Fred Hdghai'l aritl 'vSophus"An-' derson returned the first of the week fiom an extended outinc in Wiscon sin. .. .ftrnest Barto of Wakefield was united in marriage a week ago Tues day to Cynthia Brenner, of Kansas City. The ceremony was performed at Florence, at the home of the ('room's sister, Mrs. Kassler, the, ?,Iethodist minister of that place of ficiating. Mne groom lias many, friends in Wakefield who extend con giatulations. They will make their home in Wakefield at the home of Mr. Barto's mother. Mrs. Barto re turned to Kansas City for a few days to attend to some business affairs be fore coming here to start housekeep ing. Winnebago Chieftain: Mr. and Mrs. John Ashford, sr., departed last Friday on an auto trip to Estes Purk, voio...,ine pow-wow norm oi town concerning which the nromotors have been very desirous of maintaining1 Rood older and decorum, was the' scene of a disgraceful assault Sunday. Attention! Your. $ Spring Supplies Interior Wall Finish Outside and Inside Paints and Varnishes Barn Paint Poultry Fence and Netting Garden Tools Lawn Mowers Screen Wire Screen Doors x Window Screens Carpet Beaters Perfection Oil Stoves, and other makes " Full Line of Enamel and Aluminum Ware Full Line of Galvanized Ware Horse Collar Pads Baskets Hog Troughs Hog Oilers . Garden Gates Iowa Farm Gates Posts Steel and tiihi:i: tons SEE- US FOR ANYTHING IN BIG STOCK G,FHxigHes'aCo If. It. GREEK, Manager. Dakota City, Nob. BSefSEBmmSJfSmSEm SWSl 0 ' 1 J"k n Ms s iltn 4rrt4-ln r.lnlii 4- 1 n a fc another cowardly blow in the face rpi. i,i ,, !..., il... I. .1 : Misses Ann ,..,. ...v.. ,,' ...,.,.. . ,. ,... t:,i., ".at wiiuii nun ouuueiiiy sirutu nun are ViSlUng , ,. - Atrhin wlm wna sit. Ill Dakota UtV ,. ,1WI, trlorl in i-kf. Imt. ,.riivpl Smith. " ' ' .' 7 " , "T V" f"i ',""", .' scc-l11"'1 i( ,!l "0,e ' Atohins cheek and cut his mouth badly. After striking the second blow Hr-rt beat a hasty retreat toward a tent where he probably had his park ol artillery cached. Under the protection of the Indian police he was escoited out of the hands of an angry mob to a place of safety This unprovoked and cow aidly assault was not expected from a law enforcement officer. There was, it is reported, an old grudge be tween the men. A charge of felonious assault has been filed against Hart. Winnebago people unanimously de mand immediate punishment for Hart and will lequcst his removal from oflice. The Indians were in no way to blame for Hart's outbreak and they regret the occurrence. Deserved Its Name. The "Fish Train" which inns dally from New South Wales to the Blue mountains, Australia, Is u passenger express und never carried any fish freight. This name was given the express because ut one time the en gineer was named Salmon, the fire man Herring and the conductor Mul len, tbree well-known flsh. Feat of Skill and Industry. An unusual boring has been per formed by a watchmaker at Cam bridge, Mass. He bored a hole through u pin lengthwise, and now lias the pin with a wire running through the hole, as a proof of his skill. He claims to have worked on the principle of the telephone about the same time as Alex ander G. Bell. Hat Has Claim to Distinction. One of the oddest straw hats In the world Is that possessed by a Mnrlen bud (Australia) cafe keeper. Every straw In It has been touched by the lips of royalty, for the hat Is woven from the straws put In the drinks of the crowned heads of Europe- who have frequented his cafe. Record Seldom Equaled. In 1915 Mrs. Colbert, un aged woman living In Dennelcook, N. S., saw five generations of her family living and boasted that she could suy: "Arise daughter and go unto thy daughter, for thy daughter's daughter both a son." Fright Bleached Hair. While crossing the strait between Prince Edward Island und Nova Sco tia ut 'night a woman's hair changed from bluck to white. She was In a small bout, and a terrible storm arose that terrified her. We have tkem 1? ' . Wood or slack coal BUILDERS HARDWARE LINE OF I.i;.M!!i:it w?a T BEAUTY AND BEAST BOTH AT SHOW Only by raising more dairy cat tle through the use of pure-bred sires can wo over hope to rxcel at dairying, according to specialists. Farm ltureau Field NntoM C. R. Young, County Agent Farmers intending to buy Kanred seed wheat from our growers for fall seeding, should do so at once. We are getting each week an increased number of calls from outside the county for this seed, and while these1 men prefer to sell to their neighj bors, 'still they are soon going-td'U-C it go to anyone anywhere. Mr, J'Teu Nelson has already sold his supply. Others have sold a largo part of their crop. This wheat has this year out yielded other winter wheat in this county, six to ten bushels per acre. We call attention to this ajj-ain, not merely to help sell the seed, but to help more men get a start of this valuable strain. Those having seed for sale are Fred Kipper, Dakota City; Chas. Bliven, Dakota City; Frank Uffing, Hubbard; C. II. Maxwell, Dakota City; Dan Hartnctt, Hubbard, and Mike Hurley, Hubbarti. The fields of all these men were npproved for coitilication by the state extension office, but that of Mr. Hurley, which had been threshed before the inspector reach ed it. However, the seed was pur chased from the same man as that for the other fields. o The Dakota precinct community meeting will bo held at the Salem church Wednesday evening, August 17th. An illustrated talk on hog diseases, sanitation, feeding and housing will be given. Miss Rankin will outline the program of work for the women. A woman director to the county Farm Bureau will bo chosen for the precinct at this meet ing. Three precincts will take poultry topics for their community meetings this month. Breeding, housing, feed ing, selection, incubation, brooding and general care will be discussed . These topics will be illustrated by 51 lantern slides secured from the U. S. department of agricultuie. These meetings will be held as follows: Elk Valley church, Tuesday, Aug ust 9th. Hubbard school, Wednesday, Aug ust 10th. Halo school, Thursday, August 11th. All meetings begin at 8:15 p. in. At the Farm Bureau board meet ing last Friday it was voted to hold a county picnic. The place, date and program will appear soon. iioan: DKPAimiKNT or tin: FARM BUREAU. By Geneva Rankin. Possibilities or U-sliig Your Wool Clip The wool season of 1921 has open ed up and receipts of new wool are increasing daily. Prices of raw wool is low and finished wool products are tremendously high. Why not have some of the raw wool made up into garments, wool bats for comlorterfa, blankets, etc., and know that you have on an all wool garment? The Sewing club leaders met this last week to make plans for select ing demonstration teams from their clubs for achievement day. Most of the Sewing clubs were organized late in the season fo that the leaders do not think it advisable to try to send a team to the State Fair this year but concentrate their ellorts on get ting demonstrations ready for achieve ment day and finishing up their work. The team from tho Boosters 1021 Poultry Club practiced demonstrating To stimulate dairying big prlzea for dairy cattle are offered by th Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Sept. K to 9. in tl e court ror m before the Sewing Club LpHders Wednesday. The "Busy Helpers" Sewing club of pakota City are going to have their 'tiy out" next Thursday afternoon nt the home of Miss Gretchon Clnpp, their leader They will demonstrate Hie making and decorating a towel with Nellamara emluoidery. Lorraine Biormanu, Beulah Morris nd Francis Lowe us one team will uiuputo ugaiiitti Dqiothy.Doolittlo, Mario Hansen ami vernn btriiui in. another team. The three girls hav-' ing the highest score will represent the club at the county contest. The ,uuges will score the contestants on the iollowing points: i Subject mattt-r, (completeness, ac curacy of statement and clearness) (ir,- wU L . Preparation, (ability to talk Und originality) !15. Skill and manipulation (arrange ment of material, neatness and speed, ease) 35. The Wide Awake Sewing club girls' club of South Sioux City have chosen Lucille Mnthwig, Thelma James and Olive Blacketer to represent their club as a demonstration team. It was necessary to chunge tho place of the cunning demonstration on Tuesday from the home of Mrs. Sum Heikcs, to Mrs. C. Crego's in Dakota City. It is hoped that this change did not inconvenience those wishing to attend the demonstration. The women of Walker's Island in terested in learning to make the pa per dress forms, should meet with their project leader, Mrs. John Bo bier Friday afternoon at 1:30. Preparing for the School Year Rural women's clubs looking for something of real value to do can well afford to turn their attention to prepaiing for tho coming school year, according to a new circular of tho State CollegQ of Agriculture. There are many little things which can be done for the average country school at small expense, and which will be of much value and comfort to the children. Many country schools are deplorably lacking in drinking foun tain facilities, and physicians are unanimous in the opinion that people do not drink enough water. Do you remember the old water pail which you were compelled to patronizo when you attended tho country school? The toucher would delegate two youngsters to trump a hulf a mil down the country road and lug back , a three-gallon pail of warm water,' which thirty or forty thirsty boys and girls soon drained to the last' drop, and then endured the rest of the day with almost parched throats. Many schools still have ramshackle toilet facilities which are a disgrace to any community. A little time and a little money would relieve this situation There are things about many .schools which would soon bo remedied if the women of the com munity would band together and arouse a little latent piide. Parents Interested In their children having better schools should obtain a copy of this circular, Ask for women's club outline No. 2. Miiii'inioiiiul Ventures Tho following marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Mc kinley during tho past week: Nnme und Address. Age. Armour Cooper, Moville, la 21 Muxino K. Karick, Correctlonville.,21 Bert W. Klauson, Sioux Fulls, S. D..21 Mne Muir, Sioux City, la 21 -$ -Scrap Book PAPA OUT OF THE RUNNING Bashful Lover's WelQhty "Remarks" Had Straluhtcncd Out the Course of True Love. I A prehistoric young man fell In 1oi with the boautltul daughter of a great chieftain. But as lie was bashful, and her fa ther's stone nx was not bashful, he feared to tell his love. So he procured a brick that be Iiil' the fashion in & Miitlniioiy Just then mid carved there ou his message of devotion. As tho gentle Iclith) ostiums croaked the witching hour of midnight, he stole ft en It Idly unto the chieftain's cave. Then with one mighty heave he cast . I ilk. 1'ittirlktt wiitwtil..t lti-k 1 1 in I ik unit ii7 in iiii,) I VllltllU' IIIIW llll IIIIIUI blackness, trusting that his lady-love would mm tlicui on the morrow. And It eanie to pass that when he awoke next morning the blushing dam sel wmis seated on his doorstep. "Reggie of the Knotted Knee," shu cried, "I am thine 1 The forcible na ture of your proposal removed the only ob,tacle. The brick caught poor papa a lovely whack on the cranium, and he wits so struck with your remarks that he's past objecting to anything now I" EVER-BEARING ORANGE TREE Pocslbtllty That Diccovery In Florida Will Revolutionize Condltlono in Growth of Fruit. An ever-bearing orange tree, which citrus fruit growers believe Is destined to revolutionize the orange Industry of the state, If not of the entire country, has been discovered by horticulturists In a small grove nt Avon Park, near Tampa, Flu. To protect thu specimen, Its purchaser bus placed around It a heavy wire fencu 20 feet In height und Mentioned guards ilay and night?- f The tree has been In bonHlig con tinuously eight years, but until re cently Its existence wmis known only to thu owner und several neighbors who, according to citrus experts, did not leallze Its value, but regarded It mere ly as a fieuk of nature. Several of south Florida's lurgest citrus growers have organized u syndicate, purchased the tree, leased the ground upon which It stands, und already are taking steps to develop Us possibilities by propa gating it through budwood, with the expectation of having L'50,000 tree reudy for setting out hi groves by 11)23. The tree is about fifteen years old. Its origin Is it mystery. Its owners believe It will bring forth stock true to the parent tree and be worth mil lions to the men who had the fore sight to grasp Its possibilities. Thj ill Ever Seen a Range Built as of Solid Gold? We invite you to admire this new, practically everlasting col nnd wood range: wit'j ia outer valls nr.d high doict butlt of o golden mctcl tliar r-.akes it the counterpart in apoearancoofa range built of solid gold I Its beauty is indescribable it must bo seen. Nothing like it have you ever witnessed. And the new metal heavy, thick "copper oid" retains its go!d:n color, is not decolored by near, deans easily, difies rust, docs not duo, crack or break. See it and inarvdl ROUND OAK COPPEROID CHIEF RANGE , Great production has priccu ihl-. new lieauty surprisingly low. And the price is guaranteed. Terms arranged, a ' FRED SCHRIEVER & CO. DAKOTA CITY, NEHltASKA Mystery In Small Lake. What seems to ho a natural phenom enon Is observed In the Fort Steele East Kootenny (British Columbia) dls I riot. A small lake or pond which has been used for some tltno by a logging company for ti mill-pond, Is sit uated on the high bench land on the north side of Kootenay river and with M altitude or slightly over .'1.000 feet Mbovo sea level, In a small, deep hol low surrounded by high wooded banks unaffected by winds and without any Mi earns running In or out of It, or my circulation In It. The water la thirl: and brackish, yet when logs nro put In the east end of this hike, If left unfastened will, of their own ac cord, thmt to the west end within n few hours. Tho mystery Is, do tho logs move or does the earth move the logs In Its dally rotation from west to east? New Paneling Valuable. The now wood-nictnl sheet or pan eling, consisting of thin boards be tween two layers of metal, has given astonishing results. The material, adapted for a multitude of uses, enn be made In sections of any size, Is un affected by moisture, resists nbraslon and warping, and combines strength with lightness. In tests made a panel G-lOtliB of nn 'mil thick proved five times ns strony, as a solid wood panel of eipial thickness, and 80 times as strong as a sheet steel panel of equal weight. Piscatorial "Trips." An ex.corporal of the Twenty eighth Canadian battalion tells of Ibdilug trips his company used to make on the Arras front In 1018. Each period hi the trenches was known as a "trip." In April, 1018, ihe company commander wmis dipt. Snlmon and tl)3 Lieutenant was named Wales; his batman was also named Wales. Every day the countersign was the nnme of a fish, such as Haddock, Herring, etc. Thereforu these periods became known to the company as thu fishy trip. Remarkable Recovery of Sight. Blind for ten years a Noriltfleld, Mass., man awoke one Sunduy morn ing to 11 1 id that ho had regained his, Mghti.durlnB.tue.jAlgK.Uand could rp.e $2i ns well" ns when a boy. There Vas tl no explanation as to how It happened. Colorful. A love of colors must have led a Miss White of Hants county, Nova Scotln, to marry a Mr. White. For after his death Bhe married a Mr. Brown. She is now engaged to marry a Mr. Green. M. E. Clmrcli Notes Rev. S. A. Dratso, Pastor Tho Fourth Quarterly Conferouce will meet at tho parsonage, Dr. Fur mun presiding, August 13th, at S:00 o'clock. Every member is recjuodted to bo present lor this tlosing confer ence of tho yenr. Some important mutters will be decided. The pastor will remain over and hold services on Sunday morning, August 14th. ,f - -