Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 16, 1921, Image 2

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Tanks at Salt Lake City Which Had
Been Burnlno All Night Bursts
with Fearful Results. .
A r
Salt I,ako City, Utah. Two known
doail, the probability of at least six
others dead in the debris, moro than
twenty-five injured, many others un
accounted for and a property loss of
nearly ,000,000 was the toll of the
iro -which started at tho plant of tho
Utah Oil Refining company, when i
bolt of lightning struck a tank con
taining 1,500,000 gallons of gasollno
dlstlllato. Tho total loss of lifo will
not bo known until tho rolls of city A decree granting the restoration of
firemen and company employes aro , conjugnl rights tho first step In
checked. British law toward nn nbsoluto dl-
Tho known dead aro: Walter Rom- vorcc lins been granted Kathleen,
noy, Jr., 19 years old, and Goorgo H. ' Countess Droghoda. Lady Drogheda,
Larrabeo, 10, employes at tho plant, who Is popularly known ns "tho fly
Tho death of Romnoy was caused by Ing countess" because of her interest
scalding In tho trench of hot water In nvlntlon, testified that tho Earl
and oil surrounding ono of tho tanks. ! her ast September ard had slnco
Tho body of Larrabeo was burned to refused to livo with her. Tho suit was
a crisp and Identification by tho father not contested,
was posslblo only by tho cap which he
had worn. In tho samo trench aro
bollovod to ho bodies of several othor
men "who wero caught In tho flow of
burning oil when it was thrown from
tho collapsing tank.
Tho loss of lifo came when tho tank,
Tttlch had boon burning fiercely all
night, burst scattering its contonts
with deadly results. Romnoy mado av.
attomnt to reach safety, but was !
thrown back into tho tronch by tho
scalding water.
Of tho twenty-flvo Injured, sovoral
woro seriously burned and will dlo.
Sims Called Home.
Washington, D. C Rear Admiral
Sims was ordered homo from London
ay secretary uunuy as urnuii. ui. u by csccltors n( ,ll0 All, n. Woodward
speech attacking Sinn Fein sympathlz- cstaU) , AIlll)um, wi,ch held thnt tho
ora in. tho United States. Tho secretary , government erred In refusing to up
said ho had received messages tmml. I)r0T0 8Uch (iU(,lc;ton froin th
lug if press dispatches had quoted I cstnto's Income for 1018. -correctly
oxcorpta from tho spoecb oti motion of Solicitor General Frier
and had decided to rovoko tho romaiiv ,JOn tho court dismissed tho govern
ier of tho admiral's leave Tho order, i ment's appeal from lower court de
howovor, was not expected to expo crocs, holding that tho American Can
dllo Admiral Sims return, as ho had i company did not constitute n monopo
plannod to return on tho Olympic, ly under tho Sherman antitrust law.
which sails Wednosday and is the The government's action wns based
first available Bhlp. ' on the decision of the Supremo court
in tho United States Steel corporation
Search for Escaped Men. case. In view of that decision, Sollc-
Portland, Ore. Posses directed by ' Itor General Frlerson said, it was con
federal, county and railroad officers ' sldcred useless to contlnuo tho case
woro Boarchlng for Ray Gardner and against tho American Can company.
Norris Pyron, fodoral prisoners whe I Contention of tho Western Union
escaped from a train at Castlo Rock, , Telegraph company that It cannot bo
Wash., after, transferring shackles ' "'! " for damages caused
! from themselves to two fodoral offl through errors in transmitting mes
rs In whoso custody thoy wero bo W w"n Us linos were under gov
iag taken to McNoIl Island ponlton
Immltjrants Released.
Now,York. A haggard army of 6
s U) Immigrants, from Europo released
ahoorod wildly in Uiolr natlvo tongues
i for it mysterious bonofactor "Tho
" Congress of tho United States." Tho
iost of tho 5,000 woro hold up for
'-weeks At Ellis Island or pn ships,
Stunt Filer Killed.
, Calgary, Alberta. Alf Maboo, a
fltunt fllor, was killed, and A. Fleming,
pilot, was probably fatally Injured,
when tho latter's nlrnlano crushed
from a liolcht of 100 foot, whllo flvintr.
Flood Toll 106.
Denver. Colo. Ono .hundred and six
person:, tvoro known to bo dond In
floods which Bwopt through Colorado
laat week, according to coni'dlntloim
from 'throughout tho stato nuuio liure
Arkansas River Hlnh.
TuIhii, Okln. Tho Arkansas river
showod a rlso of Hlx feot flvo Inches
and is still rising steadily, accordtug
to announcement by tho local weather
Father Slays Son.
Dob MoIiiob, la. R. M. Wast shot
and killed his son, Myron West, aged
18, while ho was Bleeping at thnlr
homo horo. Tho father was arrested.
Urges Purchase of Canal.
Washington, 1). C. Purchase by the
govornment of tho Capo Cod canal
for $11,500,000 has boon recommondod
to congress by Secretary Weeks,
, Bull Fighter's Injuries Fatal.
Madrid. Krnoslo Pastor, Mexican
toreador, dlod as a result of tho In
juries Buffered In 0i6 bull rlnc
Negro Held for Murder.
Dob MoIiicb, la. A huna negro who
gavo his nnmo as Pormau, has boon
arrested hern on suspicion of being
'ono of thu parties wanted in connec
tion with tho murder and ustmult of
6arn Thorudnlo, a nchool teacher, near
Valley Junction, moro than a wook go.
Fourteen Killed 'n Wreck.
Madrid. Fourtoef. persons aro
known to have been killed and many
injured when an expieus train from
Madrid collided with a train from To
ledo, near VIHavordo.
"Allowable Deduction" in Com
puting Net Income.
6upreme Court Rules That the Amount
Paid on Estate Should Be
Washington, Juno 7. An estate tux
Is nn "allowablu deduction" from the
Income of an estutc In computing net
Income, tho Supremo court ruled.
Tho court alllrmed a decision of tho
Co)Jrt of c,flins ,n t)l(j cn8o br0UB,lt
eriiiiieiii cumroi wero upuciu oy me
court. Tho court adjourned until Oc
tober 10.
Garrison at Deuthen, Silesia, Near
Polish Front, Attacked
by Teutons.
Oppoln, Juno -l. -French soldiers
forming tho garrison of Rout hen, a
,clty ln southeastern Silesia near tho
old'Pollsh frontier, huvo been attacked
by forces organized by tho German In
habitants of tho town.
Reports stato tho Germans In tho
! fighting numbered .1,000,
Tho French -used tanks In charging
tll Germans, and are said to havo
! p.,nod thu 'PW T'loro imv0
boe" n,,u,y ai,rI"" casualties, It Is
, reported, but tho Freuch havo not suf-
"od losses.
Michigan Central Train No. 43
railed Two Miles West of
Chicago, Juno 7. Klghtoen porsrtna'
wero Injured, two perhaps mortally,
when train -K5 of tho Michigan Central
railroad was derailed two miles west
of Hammond.
Four coaches left tho track. Two
Train -111 Is one ofuho road's crack
llyurs. It was returning to Chicago
from tho Ktist.
Upholds Detroit In Street Car Fight
Lansing, Mich., Juno 8. Tho Su
preme court ufilrmed the Wuyno coun
ty Circuit court decree dismissing tho
Detroit United railway suit to enjoin
tho city of Detroit from proceeding
with tho construction of n municipally
owned street railway system,
Obregon Takes Railroads.
San Antonio, Tex., June 0. President
Obregon has taken tho direction of
tho ratlroads of Mexico out of the
hands of the minister of finance and
will havo personal charge, aided by
Ramon P. DoNogrl.
Named Chief of Mllltla,
Washington, Juno P. Tho appoint
ment of Colonel George R. Richards
of the Pennsylvania 'National Guard
uh chief of tlje mllltla bureau, War
department, was announced by Secre
tury of War Weeks.
Secretary Hughes Insists on
Recognition of All Property
Declares Mexicans Are Free to Adopt
Any Policy Which Pleases Them,
but Must Respect Titles of
American Citizens.
Washington, June 0. The United
States government proposes as a
solution of the Mexican problem a
trenty of commerco and' amity with
Mexico. This announcement was
mnde officially by Secretary of Statu
Hughes. If Mexico agrees to the I
treaty, recognition will follow. I
rpi . . , .i j. . i . .,.
The text of the Stato department's
announcement follows:
"Tho fundamental question which ;
confronts the government of the ,
United States in considering Its rela-
tlons with Mexico Is tho safeguard-1
ing of property rights against conns- i
cation. Mexico is free to adopt any
policy which sho pleases with respect
to her public lands, but she is not i
free to destroy without compensation
valid titles which have bean obtained ,
by American citizens under Mexican
,UW8- !
"A confiscatory policy strikes not
only at the Interests of particular In- !
divldunls, but at tho foundations of
i.., ...I.,.,.., i. ...,..,. ....,.,. rn i. i.. r...i
iii.iuiiiii,iiui iim-iwuioi, x,(1 .i ,a "...j JunQ 3.anAIN-Tradlnf- In July wheat
on the basis of tho security of prop- restricted during nrot half o week ac-,
ertv vnlldlv nossessed under -tho laws ' rount nervous and erratic fluctuations ln
city vaimiy possessed unutr uio awn May future M wheat coscd tll0 31flt
existing at the time of Its acquisition at J1.87, tho highest point of the season,
that commercial transactions between Gd ,ePrt, demand developed during
., .mi. ., i ii latter half of week; with bullish crop ra
the peoples of two countries and the ports and estimates by private experts,
Conduct of activities in helpful CO- J and removal of uncertainty In May fu
.. ... I ture, July prices upturned sharply. On
operation nro possible. , tho 3rd prices reached a new high, but
"This fitimttlnn nhniilil not h ron- i markot later became unsettled. Export
mis question suouiu not Dt con demanj now 8low Receipts cash corn
fused with nny matter of personalities liberal; country offerings continue small
or of the recognition of nny particu
lar administration. Whenever Mexico
Is ready to give assurances that sho
will perform her fundamental obliga
tions in tho protection both of per
sons and of rights of property validly
acquired there will be no obstacles to
tho most advantageous relations be
tween tho two peoples.
"Tills question Is vltnl because of
the provisions inserted In the Mexl-
can constitution promulgated in 101i.
If these provisions are to bo put into
effect retroactively, the properties of
Amerilcan citizens Will be confiscated
on n groat scale.
"Thln wnnlil pinmtltnto nn Intertill-
j.nis would constitute nn lniimn
tlonal wrong of tho gravest character
mwl tlila fFnvornniPiit innlil nnf Hiihinlt
...... ,
to Its accomplishment. If it be said
that this wrong Is not Intended, and
that the constitution of Mexico of
1017 will not be construed to permit,
or enforced so as to effect, confisca
tion, then It is important that this
should bo mado clear by guarantees
In proper form. The provisions of
tho constitution nnd the executive de
crees which have been formulated
with confiscatory purposes make It
obviously necessary that tho purposes
of Mexico should be definitely set
"Accordingly, this government has tha wook ending May 27 wero. Cattle and
proposed a treaty of amity and com- t a'ves 32.737; hogs. 8.074; sheep-, 18.4H.
merco with Mexico, In which Mexico '
will agree to safeguard the rights of COALITION WINS IN CHICAGO
property which attached boforq tho
constitution of 1017 was promulgated. Mayor Thompson's City Hall Machine
The question, It will bo observed, Is Is Overwhelmed In the Judl-
not ono of a particular administration, J clal Election. ,
hut of tho agreement of the nation on .
tho' proper form which has become , Chicago, June 7. Every coalition
necessary ns an International matter 1 candidate was swept Into otllco In tho
beenuso of Iho provisions of Its do-' Judicial election by pluralities ranging
mestic legislation. If Mexico does ' from 00,000 to 100,000.
not contemplate a confiscatory policy, I Tho coalition candidates eleven
tho government of thd United States Democrats nnd ten Republicans run
enn concelvo of no posslblo objection nlng In tho Democratic column not
to tho treaty." only swamped the Republican ticket
Hoover Says Two-Thlrds of Popul
tlon Now Eating Regularly
Food for All.
Washington, Juno 8. Kuropo Is no
longer going hungry.
Authoritative advices to thu Depart
ment of Commerco t.how that ration
ing has boon abandoned In two-thirds
of thu total population and that It
lina ltnm fill f 1 vitil mi tnn t nAmitniil.
ittej uvu x.i.vi mi imiiiij .IMU 111UI.I I
Itles among tho remaining third, Sec
rotary Hoover announced.
"With tho forthcoming harvest,"
said Mr. Hoover, "It Is expected that
tho economic recovery will have pro
seeded so fnr, both In local production
nnd tho ability to provide full amount
of needed imports, thnt rationing can
bo abandoned In all countries, except
possibly Austria."
In this event, ho pointed out, Eu
ropo will havo accomplished tho first
great fundamental step in recupera
tion. District Attorney Ousted.
Washington. Juno 8. Hugh It. Rob
ortson, United Stntes district attorney
for tho western district of Texas, has
been removed from ottlco by Presi
dent Harding, It was announced ut
tho Department of Justice.
Reds Kill 100 Prisoners.
Tokyo, Juno 8. Tho Hochl Shlmbl
Harbin correspondent says tho Rolshe
vlkl, who aro preparing to ovneuato
KhahnrovskVtcnpltuI of tho maritime
provlnco of Slberln, shot 100 political
offenders In tho Jail there.
u is reported tl,nt operations by
bandits around Constantinople nro
a9sumI fcerloU8 1JPolinrtlonS nn(1 tho
American embassy Is under guard of
nnncd sailors. Maj. Gen. Charles
Harrington, commander of tho allied
forccg ln thIs lf,cnljtyi jmg gono to
Lon(i to lay the military situation
before British authorities,
May wheat Reaches $187i Highest
Po(nt of the season Live
Stock Prices Up.
weekly MARKnTGliAM.
(By u. s. bureau of markets.)
Washlncton- Juno 6. For week ending
unu expecieu to ran on greatly witnin
next ten days. In Chicago cash market
No. 2 red winter wheat J1.C0: No. 2 hard
H.C4; No. 3 mixed corn Ko; No. 3 yelow
corn C5c: No. 3 white oats 40c. For 4ha
week Chicago July wheat up 9s4s at
H.iWtt; Juiy corn lc at two; Minneapolis
July wheat up lie at $1.30; Kansas City
July Sc at $1.30.
DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter markets
steady during the week under fairly ac
tive storing demand with prices about
half to ono cent higher than week ago.
PlnRlni? nrlrnQ n vnnm "Mnw V.-.r!r 9Qln-
Chicago 29c; Philadelphia and Boston
i0co.e mnrkets nro ot nctlve but fce,.
Ing Is better and tono of markets firmer.
up. Pastures in good shape and quality
Improved. Wisconsin primary markets
prices now average almost one cent
higher than a week ago. Twins 14c. Dal-
Bles 15WC- Doublo Dalbles 15c, Longhorns
an( young Americas 15M;C.
fruits and vegetables Sacked
round white potatoes slightly lower at
Sllnnosota shipping points, closing ai
60c per 100 lbs. Chicago carlot market
up 20-2T!c from season's low point, closing
at 76-85c. Texas yellow Bermuda onions
slightly lower ln consuming markets at
U-1.75 per standard crato.
LIVE STOCK-The trend of Chicago
live stock prices was upward tho past
week. Hogs ranged 15-25c higher: beef
steers gained 10 to 25c per 100 lbs.
Butcher cows and heifers steady to 2ao
higher; veal calves up 75c to $1; feeder
steers down 25-60c. Fat lambs up 75c to
U; yearlings and fat ewes 25-G0c. Juno
3d Chicago prices: Hogs, bulk of rales,
J7.C5-8; medium and good beet steers,
17.60-8.C5: butcher cows and heifers. J4.B0-
6.75; feeder steers J6.0O-8; light and me
dium weight eal calves $1.76-10.00: fat
lambs $3.76-12.50; yearlings, JG.75-10.50; fat
ewes 53.1:5-4.73. Stocker and feeder ship-
mania tnn 11 mnirlnnf mnrtf.ta ilurtnr
nnd tho city hall organization in Chi-
cago, but carried practically every
country town of Look county. '
Population of Stato Practically
Born In United States of Na
tive Parents
Wnshlngton, Juno 7. Arkansas'
whlto population of 1,270,757 "consist
almost entirely of natlvo American
born of natlvo American parents," tho
census bureau announced.
Arkansas' leturns showed only 13,i
075 foreign-born whites.
Ship Burns Off Florida; Crew Saved.
Miami, Fin., Juno 0. Thirteen offy
cers and men comprising the crew ot
tho Norwegian schooner Mount Hamil
ton wero landed hero after fighting
for two hours a fire which finally
burned their ship to tho water's edgo.
off Capo Florida. Tanks of benzlno
exploded. Several of the mcu suffered
severo burns.
China In Disarmament Move.
London, June 8. Dr. Wellington
Koo, China's representative In tho'
League of Nations, has notified the'
league of his country's Intention to
give effect to the league's recommen
dation for restriction of armament.
Spaniards Clash With Natives.
London, June 0. Fighting has again
broken out between Spanish troops
and natives In Morocco, Heavy losses
wero Indicted upon tho Spanish forces
near Abarnn during an attack by
tribesmen, said a dispatch.
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of the State, Reduced
for the Busy.
An average wheat crop with good
prospects for oats, rye and
evident since the recent rains are pre
dicted for Nebraska by A. K. Amlo'son
of tho bureau of crop estimates. Ho
reports that potatoes have begun to
bloom rind the first crop of alfalfa Is
being harvested. The only crop ap
parently damaged by the rain Is corn,
where some plants were either wushed
out or covered un.
Lewis E. Smith of Long Pine wns
elected grand master of the grand
lodge, A. F. and A. M. at the annual
communication at Omaha. He wns
formerly deputy grand master. A i
committee appointed to conduct an In
vestigation Into the future establish
ment of a Nebraska Masonic hospital,
will report at the ,1021 session of the
grand lodge.
A fer-delance, the deadly serpent of
tho tropics, was killed at Auburn
when run over by an nutomoblle. It Is,
supposed that the reptile was brought
to the city In a shipment cf bananas, his speech. "When an American nc
It Is repotted that tho first time in . cep,ts citlzonshl be glvo an Implied
years, rattles'nakes nro numerous on .promise that lie will exercise that
the Missouri river bottoms. Farmers ;
and fishermen report that hardly a day
passes without killing one.
As a result of the tuberculosis In
spection work carried on among live
stock by the state and federal bureaus
of anlmnl Industry, there are now
ninety accredited herds In Nebraska.
Tests have been made of 1S.001 an
imals since the first of the year, only
4 per cent of which were found to re
act to the tubercular test.
Four thousand additional feet of the
Valentine Sparks state-aid road Is to
be hard surfaced. The road Is 20
miles long, extending from Valentino
to the Cherry-Keya Paha county line.
Over 15 miles aro covered with hard
clay surfacing.
It Is estimated that 10,S00 pounds
of Paris green and otlier poisons will
bo used on the .I.I'.OO acres planted ln
potatoes In the vicinity of Kearney.
The growers aro considering pooling
their crop and contracting for Its sale.
A well-known poultry raiser near
Wymore hns discovered that the
refuse oil from tho crank case of a
motor or tractor engine makes an ef
fecllve spray for mites and vermin in
nnd around poultry yards and houses.
The Hessian fiv and loose smut are
seriously Injuring wheat crops, east of
P.lealr. County Agent OH-on estimates
Hie pest will cost Washington county
fMi.i.r nnt 1p.o tbnii Sir.fMIO llils vonr.
p.nii.iin nn.l fnrm p,.in,pnt were
completely destroyed and members of
the family Injured by a small cyclone
whlch swept over the home of William
Iluchholz, nenr West Point.
Payment of bounties on tho scalps
of wolves nnd coyotes has ceased ln
Cass countv. following an opinion
handed down by the county attorney
that the matter must first be submitted
to tho voters, at a regular election.
The total actual valuation of Box
Butte county real estate and personal
property Is $1.",003,S7-1, nccordlng to
nn estimate "submitted by County As
sessor Pllklngtnn.
The American Legion of North
Platte Is planning a series of enter
tainments with a view of starting a
fund to build an auditorium and post
Scottshluff has asked the govern
ment for a grant of land on the shores
of Lake Mlnatnre to make a perman
ent camping ground and picnic place.
Wheat conditions in Nebraska drop
ped fropi 02 to 75 per cent of a nor
mal crop between May 1 and June 1,
according to n federal crop report
A srles oft motion pictures .
farms of the county, at the expense of
the Saunders County Fi'Mi bureau,
will be tart't .Tune 17, at Wnlioo.
Work Is progressing rapidly on Mc
Cook's new $800,000 hotel. Last week
pouring of cement for the sixth story
was started.
P. C.'Rnlrd sold his "0-acre tract of opening it has fed 1,000 men.
land adjoining Superior on the smith j In (l lloty contosted election nt Sut
to R. C. Mendell for a consideration of j (on w,,cll nImost hvI(.(. t)l0 n,.,i
$.100 an acre. ; vote wns cast, Sunday base ball cur-
Fanners In tho Fnlrhury district e.s- ! rled by a majority of 70.
thnntp that wheat will yield but ten I liability ,to realize on loans Is
bushel? an acre. given as the reason for the dosing of
The work of paving streets of Clarks .the Pioneer State bnnk nt Omaha,
will be finl-hed ln about three weeks. I a volunteer lire department vItli
Fire of unknown orgin dpstroyed the two companies has heun organized nt
opera house building nt Whislde. I ohknsl..
A committee of the Nebraska dis
trict of the Evangelical Synod of
North America has authorized im
mediate construction of a $100,000 de
nominational hospital at Lincoln.
'liurty-one cnurcnes in ine suite are
supporting the hospital. ,
Nebraska, with a total population of
1,20fl,;i72. lias i.2iH,21'.i whites. i;,'-r-negroes,
2SS Indians, 1S0 Chinese, SOI
Japanese and HO Filipinos Hindus and
Koreans, tlie census mireau announced.
Foreign-horn whites constituted H-f'
per cent of the total population, com-
pared with 14.S per cent In IplO
Tho members of the Nebraska
Shorthorn Cattle Rreeders' association
will hold a hlg.plcnlc on the state farm
campus, Lincoln, on June 2,".
Shorthorns are the most popular
breed of pure bred cattle on Nebraska I wuck "'' u wns OVi'It'd uiuinlmotiMy
farms, aceoidlng to the stato depart- jt0 Prtts hoIr demands for 11 depot
ment of agriculture. There are 112.777 ' To have n carload of stock wei lk
Shorthorns on 0,017 farms In the state, .more In Kansas City than It did whoif
Hereford? ore next with 27, IIS on first weighed In Chester was the ex
M'.M) farms. Others follow : Polled perlence of O. It. Miller on it recent
Shorthorns, 11,420 on l.-Ufi forms; , shlpmunt of fat steers that brought
1,010 Angus on 022 farms; 111 Giillo- $S.3!. Ills carload weighed 105
way on ninety-two farms; all other (pounds more nt Kaunas City than nt
breeds, r.r0? on l.Uffl farms. , i Cluster
County Judge Harrow of Thomas
county hns given his version of the
recent seizure of county records at
Thedford, when' county officials him
been engaged In n fnetlonnl flirlit for
some ,tlme. Judge Harrow's statoment
If similar to one made by County
Clerk lilven, who wild thnt County At
torney Relstier demnnded a meetln
of (he county, board in his olllce In
stead of tin court house and that,
when the county clerk declined,
i,,,, ,. , - . , , .
'-i"'-i wiuiTcii me i evuni seized in
hpiii" ot jirruests. 't no occurrence is
the culmination of nn effort on the part
of the taxpnyors of the county to clean
up "lrregulnrltles."
A ca designed to test the con
tutlonally of the law enncted by tho
la"t legislature, forbidding the teach
ing of nny subject in a 'orelgn lang
uage In any school In Nebraska In
srades b:low the ninth, Ins beuu filo.l
In district cent t of Platte county. Tin
Nebraska dhlrlcts of Evangelical
Luthern.i f..u;i.ds of Missouri, Ohto anil
otlier states t're the pH'.VUrs, nuit
Governor McLflvie, Attorney General
Davis 'Hid county attorney nre the de
fendant.'?. General John J. Pershing delivered
the commencement oration to fi 10 grad
uates of the University of Nebraska
the largest class ln the history of tho
school at Lincoln. General Pershing;
stressed the duties of citizenship In
privilege Intelligently. Society also
Ives an Implied promise that it will
assist him in attaining this aim." -
All tests to determine the weight
resisting capacity of different strata
below the surface of Capitol square,
at Lincoln, disclosed that the sand
stone formation starting at a depth of
twenty-three feet nnd continuing
thence downward thirty or forty feet
Is capable of holding up any loal
which could be placed upon it Tests
wero mado preliminary to the erection,
of Nebraska's new state house. v
After n delay of nearly seven jenrs
the state bank guaranty fund of Ne
braska will get back a part of the
$35,000 drawn from It in 1011 to pay
depositors ln the Tirst Savings bank
at Superior. Prospects nro that about
!?:i5,000 will be returned. The otlier
$20,000 will be the net loss of tho
guaranty fund. This was the first
stato bank to fail after the guaranty
law bccAinc effective in 1011.
The state depositors guarantee fund
will be replenished to the amount of
of $n3,000 within a short time as tho
I "? f uf ''"I1' (,,t-;" P oC nf
Tf;lirs of the Superior, First State
Bniifc. Ilis was the first bank to "go
under" nnd make n draft on the guar
anty fund
Photos of the municipal trash burn'
,- ,u ":ueniHirg, KUHl to "O nil only
.. rt..M 1 -. i 1 - .. -- ."
affairs of the kind In Nebraska, were
j tn,on byu" Flr Inspector. Butcher
!nml 'iu..be scnt to evr-v flr (,t,l1ilrt-
ment in the stnte.
An order by tho Brown county dis
trict court was served on the depart
ment of trade and commerce, to pay
$232,000 to depositors In the llrownA
! County bank at Long Pine, which
, closed Its doors some time ago.
I Extension of tho lighting plant at
; Stratton and the erction of a four-
ton Ice plant recently authorized by
voting bonds of $12,000, will -be flu.
Ished nnd In operation by August 1.
Only nine votes. were cast against a
$5,000 bond proposition to give the
City of Ncligh additional wells for the
water plant. Tho proposition carried
by 101 majority.
Tho Seward Amusement association
Is making extensive preparations to
entertain tourists, picnickers, campers,
ln fact, any who are seeking n summer
Tho North Platte city council Is ask
ing bids for two pumps for the water
plant which will have a combined ca
pacity of nearly 15,000,000 gallons a
Citizens of PnpiUion recently cel
ebrated the completion of u mllo of
new paving In the city.
The Grand Island municipal kitchen
recently instituted by Mayor J. T.
Ellsberry Is proving a success. Slnca
The state supreii) court sustained
the findings of the district court in
Morrill county on which formor Sheriff
Wlllllun I. Dyson was pronounced
, guilty of receiving and giving away
, ntoxiPating liquors
; frnn otuCCi
and removed
, ' T(l0 nonrtj 0f
regents of the rjnl-
versity of Nebraska, declined to de
prive tho editor, business manager a.id
, art editor of the 1021 Cornhusker of
lt,h. ,,,., WWi oh recommended bv tin
, committee appointed to Invpsilsmtn-
',,'ieged objectionable features In tluX.
The people In the vicinity of Wnre-
ham, a small place five miles east of
Randolph, nre asking the railway coir
ir.Is.slon for 11 depot at that pl.ire. A
meeting of the fanners wns held lost
1 p
'I T